# Messages for message reporting BadMessageKey = The error message corresponding to the message key can not be found. FormatFailed = An internal error occurred while formatting the following message:\n # Messages for erroneous input NoFallback = An 'include' with href ''{0}''failed, and no 'fallback' element was found. MultipleFallbacks = The [children] of an 'include' element cannot contain more than one 'fallback' element. FallbackParent = A 'fallback' element was found that did not have 'include' as the parent. IncludeChild = Elements from namespace ''http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude'', other than ''fallback'', are not allowed to be children of ''include'' elements. However, ''{0}'' was found. FallbackChild = Elements from namespace ''http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude'', other than ''include'', are not allowed to be children of ''fallback'' elements. However, ''{0}'' was found. HrefMissing = The 'href' attribute of an 'include' element is missing. RecursiveInclude = Recursive include detected. Document ''{0}'' was already processed. InvalidParseValue = Invalid value for ''parse'' attribute on ''include'' element: ''{0}''. XMLParseError = Error attempting to parse XML file (href=''{0}''). Reason: {1} XMLResourceError = Include operation failed, reverting to fallback. Resource error reading file as XML (href=''{0}''). Reason: {1} TextResourceError = Include operation failed, reverting to fallback. Resource error reading file as text (href=''{0}''). Reason: {1} NO_XPointerSchema = Schema for \"{0}\" is not supported by default. Define your own schema for {0}.See http://apache.org/xml/properties/xpointer-schema NO_SubResourceIdentified = No Subresource is identified by the XPointer Processor for Pointer {0}. NonDuplicateNotation = Multiple notations were used which had the name ''{0}'', but which were not determined to be duplicates. NonDuplicateUnparsedEntity = Multiple unparsed entities were used which had the name ''{0}'', but which were not determined to be duplicates. XpointerMissing = xpointer attribute must be present when href attribute is absent. AcceptMalformed = Characters outside the range #x20 through #x7E are not allowed in the value of the 'accept' attribute of an 'include' element. AcceptLanguageMalformed = Characters outside the range #x20 through #x7E are not allowed in the value of the 'accept-language' attribute of an 'include' element. RootElementRequired = A well-formed document requires a root element. MultipleRootElements = A well-formed document must not contain multiple root elements. ContentIllegalAtTopLevel = The replacement of an 'include' element appearing as the document element in the top-level source infoset cannot contain characters. UnexpandedEntityReferenceIllegal = The replacement of an 'include' element appearing as the document element in the top-level source infoset cannot contain unexpanded entity references. HrefFragmentIdentifierIllegal = Fragment identifiers must not be used. The ''href'' attribute value ''{0}'' is not permitted. HrefSyntacticallyInvalid = ''href'' attribute value ''{0}'' is syntactically invalid. After applying escaping rules the value is neither a syntactically correct URI or IRI. XPointerStreamability = An xpointer was specified that points to a location in the source infoset. This location cannot be accessed due to the streaming nature of the processor. XPointerResolutionUnsuccessful = XPointer resolution unsuccessful. # Messages from erroneous set-up IncompatibleNamespaceContext = The type of the NamespaceContext is incompatible with using XInclude; it must be an instance of XIncludeNamespaceSupport ExpandedSystemId = Could not expand system id of included resource