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 427         "Nerozl\u00ed\u0161en\u00e9 roz\u0161\u00edrenie XSLTC ''{0}''."},
 429         /*
 430          * Note to translators:  The XML document given to XSLTC as a stylesheet
 431          * was not, in fact, a stylesheet.  XSLTC is able to detect that in this
 432          * case because the outermost element in the stylesheet has to be
 433          * declared with respect to the XSL namespace URI, but no declaration
 434          * for that namespace was seen.
 435          */
 436         {ErrorMsg.MISSING_XSLT_URI_ERR,
 437         "Vstupn\u00fd dokument nie je \u0161t\u00fdlom dokumentu (n\u00e1zvov\u00fd priestor XSL nie je deklarovan\u00fd v kore\u0148ovom elemente)."},
 439         /*
 440          * Note to translators:  XSLTC could not find the stylesheet document
 441          * with the name specified by the substitution text.
 442          */
 443         {ErrorMsg.MISSING_XSLT_TARGET_ERR,
 444         "Nebolo mo\u017en\u00e9 n\u00e1js\u0165 cie\u013e \u0161t\u00fdlu dokumentu ''{0}''."},
 446         /*

 447          * Note to translators:  This message represents an internal error in
 448          * condition in XSLTC.  The substitution text is the class name in XSLTC
 449          * that is missing some functionality.
 450          */
 451         {ErrorMsg.NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR,
 452         "Nie je implementovan\u00e9: ''{0}''."},
 454         /*
 455          * Note to translators:  The XML document given to XSLTC as a stylesheet
 456          * was not, in fact, a stylesheet.
 457          */
 458         {ErrorMsg.NOT_STYLESHEET_ERR,
 459         "Vstupn\u00fd dokument neobsahuje \u0161t\u00fdl dokumentu XSL."},
 461         /*
 462          * Note to translators:  The element named in the substitution text was
 463          * encountered in the stylesheet but is not recognized.
 464          */
 465         {ErrorMsg.ELEMENT_PARSE_ERR,
 466         "Nebolo mo\u017en\u00e9 analyzova\u0165 element ''{0}''"},

 427         "Nerozl\u00ed\u0161en\u00e9 roz\u0161\u00edrenie XSLTC ''{0}''."},
 429         /*
 430          * Note to translators:  The XML document given to XSLTC as a stylesheet
 431          * was not, in fact, a stylesheet.  XSLTC is able to detect that in this
 432          * case because the outermost element in the stylesheet has to be
 433          * declared with respect to the XSL namespace URI, but no declaration
 434          * for that namespace was seen.
 435          */
 436         {ErrorMsg.MISSING_XSLT_URI_ERR,
 437         "Vstupn\u00fd dokument nie je \u0161t\u00fdlom dokumentu (n\u00e1zvov\u00fd priestor XSL nie je deklarovan\u00fd v kore\u0148ovom elemente)."},
 439         /*
 440          * Note to translators:  XSLTC could not find the stylesheet document
 441          * with the name specified by the substitution text.
 442          */
 443         {ErrorMsg.MISSING_XSLT_TARGET_ERR,
 444         "Nebolo mo\u017en\u00e9 n\u00e1js\u0165 cie\u013e \u0161t\u00fdlu dokumentu ''{0}''."},
 446         /*
 447          * Note to translators:  access to the stylesheet target is denied
 448          */
 449         {ErrorMsg.ACCESSING_XSLT_TARGET_ERR,
 450         "Could not read stylesheet target ''{0}'', because ''{1}'' access is not allowed."},
 452         /*
 453          * Note to translators:  This message represents an internal error in
 454          * condition in XSLTC.  The substitution text is the class name in XSLTC
 455          * that is missing some functionality.
 456          */
 457         {ErrorMsg.NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR,
 458         "Nie je implementovan\u00e9: ''{0}''."},
 460         /*
 461          * Note to translators:  The XML document given to XSLTC as a stylesheet
 462          * was not, in fact, a stylesheet.
 463          */
 464         {ErrorMsg.NOT_STYLESHEET_ERR,
 465         "Vstupn\u00fd dokument neobsahuje \u0161t\u00fdl dokumentu XSL."},
 467         /*
 468          * Note to translators:  The element named in the substitution text was
 469          * encountered in the stylesheet but is not recognized.
 470          */
 471         {ErrorMsg.ELEMENT_PARSE_ERR,
 472         "Nebolo mo\u017en\u00e9 analyzova\u0165 element ''{0}''"},