1 # This file contains error and warning messages related to XML
   2 # The messages are arranged in key and value tuples in a ListResourceBundle.
   3 #
   4 # @version
   6         BadMessageKey = The error message corresponding to the message key can not be found.
   7         FormatFailed = An internal error occurred while formatting the following message:\n  
   9 # Document messages
  10         PrematureEOF=Premature end of file.
  11 # 2.1 Well-Formed XML Documents
  12         RootElementRequired = The root element is required in a well-formed document.
  13 # 2.2 Characters
  15         InvalidCharInCDSect = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{0}) was found in the CDATA section.
  16         InvalidCharInContent = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{0}) was found in the element content of the document.
  17         TwoColonsInQName = An invalid second ':' was found in the element type or attribute name.
  18         ColonNotLegalWithNS = A colon is not allowed in the name ''{0}'' when namespaces are enabled.
  19         InvalidCharInMisc = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{0}) was found in markup after the end of the element content.
  20         InvalidCharInProlog = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{0}) was found in the prolog of the document.
  21         InvalidCharInXMLDecl = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{0}) was found in the XML declaration.
  22 # 2.4 Character Data and Markup
  23         CDEndInContent = The character sequence \"]]>\" must not appear in content unless used to mark the end of a CDATA section.
  24 # 2.7 CDATA Sections
  25         CDSectUnterminated = The CDATA section must end with \"]]>\".
  26 # 2.8 Prolog and Document Type Declaration
  27         XMLDeclMustBeFirst = The XML declaration may only appear at the very beginning of the document.
  28         EqRequiredInXMLDecl = The '' = '' character must follow \"{0}\" in the XML declaration.
  29         QuoteRequiredInXMLDecl = The value following \"{0}\" in the XML declaration must be a quoted string.
  30         XMLDeclUnterminated = The XML declaration must end with \"?>\".
  31         VersionInfoRequired = The version is required in the XML declaration.
  32         SpaceRequiredBeforeVersionInXMLDecl = White space is required before the version pseudo attribute in the XML declaration.
  33         SpaceRequiredBeforeEncodingInXMLDecl = White space is required before the encoding pseudo attribute in the XML declaration.
  34         SpaceRequiredBeforeStandalone = White space is required before the encoding pseudo attribute in the XML declaration.
  35         MarkupNotRecognizedInProlog = The markup in the document preceding the root element must be well-formed.
  36         MarkupNotRecognizedInMisc = The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed.
  37         AlreadySeenDoctype = Already seen doctype.
  38         DoctypeNotAllowed = DOCTYPE is disallowed when the feature "http://apache.org/xml/features/disallow-doctype-decl" set to true.
  39         ContentIllegalInProlog = Content is not allowed in prolog.
  40         ReferenceIllegalInProlog = Reference is not allowed in prolog.
  41 # Trailing Misc
  42         ContentIllegalInTrailingMisc=Content is not allowed in trailing section.
  43         ReferenceIllegalInTrailingMisc=Reference is not allowed in trailing section.
  45 # 2.9 Standalone Document Declaration
  46         SDDeclInvalid = The standalone document declaration value must be \"yes\" or \"no\", not \"{0}\".
  47 # 2.12 Language Identification
  48         XMLLangInvalid = The xml:lang attribute value \"{0}\" is an invalid language identifier.
  49 # 3. Logical Structures
  50         ETagRequired = The element type \"{0}\" must be terminated by the matching end-tag \"</{0}>\".
  51 # 3.1 Start-Tags, End-Tags, and Empty-Element Tags
  52         ElementUnterminated = Element type \"{0}\" must be followed by either attribute specifications, \">\" or \"/>\".
  53         EqRequiredInAttribute = Attribute name \"{1}\" associated with an element type \"{0}\" must be followed by the '' = '' character.
  54         OpenQuoteExpected = Open quote is expected for attribute \"{1}\" associated with an  element type  \"{0}\".
  55         CloseQuoteExpected = Close quote is expected for attribute \"{1}\" associated with an element type \"{0}\".
  56         AttributeNotUnique = Attribute \"{1}\" was already specified for element \"{0}\".
  57         AttributeNSNotUnique = Attribute \"{1}\" bound to namespace \"{2}\" was already specified for element \"{0}\".
  58         ETagUnterminated = The end-tag for element type \"{0}\" must end with a ''>'' delimiter.
  59         MarkupNotRecognizedInContent = The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.
  60         DoctypeIllegalInContent = A DOCTYPE is not allowed in content.
  61 # 4.1 Character and Entity References
  62         ReferenceUnterminated = The reference must be terminated by a ';' delimiter.
  63 # 4.3.2 Well-Formed Parsed Entities
  64         ReferenceNotInOneEntity = The reference must be entirely contained within the same parsed entity.
  65         ElementEntityMismatch = The element \"{0}\" must start and end within the same entity.
  66         MarkupEntityMismatch=XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
  68 # Messages common to Document and DTD
  69 # 2.2 Characters
  70         InvalidCharInAttValue = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{2}) was found in the value of attribute \"{1}\" and element is \"{0}\".
  71         InvalidCharInComment = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{0}) was found in the comment.
  72         InvalidCharInPI = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{0}) was found in the processing instruction.
  73         InvalidCharInInternalSubset = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{0}) was found in the internal subset of the DTD.
  74         InvalidCharInTextDecl = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{0}) was found in the text declaration.
  75 # 2.3 Common Syntactic Constructs
  76         QuoteRequiredInAttValue = The value of attribute \"{1}\" must begin with either a single or double quote character.
  77         LessthanInAttValue = The value of attribute \"{1}\" associated with an element type \"{0}\" must not contain the ''<'' character.
  78         AttributeValueUnterminated = The value for attribute \"{1}\" must end with the matching quote character.
  79 # 2.5 Comments
  80         InvalidCommentStart = Comment must start with \"<!--\".
  81         DashDashInComment = The string \"--\" is not permitted within comments.
  82         CommentUnterminated = The comment must end with \"-->\".
  83         COMMENT_NOT_IN_ONE_ENTITY = The comment is not enclosed xin the same entity.
  84 # 2.6 Processing Instructions
  85         PITargetRequired = The processing instruction must begin with the name of the target.
  86         SpaceRequiredInPI = White space is required between the processing instruction target and data.
  87         PIUnterminated = The processing instruction must end with \"?>\".
  88         ReservedPITarget = The processing instruction target matching \"[xX][mM][lL]\" is not allowed.
  89         PI_NOT_IN_ONE_ENTITY = The processing instruction is not enclosed in the same entity.
  90 # 2.8 Prolog and Document Type Declaration
  91         VersionInfoInvalid = Invalid version \"{0}\".
  92         VersionNotSupported = XML version \"{0}\" is not supported, only XML 1.0 is supported.
  93         VersionNotSupported11 = XML version \"{0}\" is not supported, only XML 1.0 and XML 1.1 are supported.
  94         VersionMismatch= An entity cannot include another entity of a later version.
  95 # 4.1 Character and Entity References
  96         DigitRequiredInCharRef = A decimal representation must immediately follow the \"&#\" in a character reference.
  97         HexdigitRequiredInCharRef = A hexadecimal representation must immediately follow the \"&#x\" in a character reference.
  98         SemicolonRequiredInCharRef = The character reference must end with the ';' delimiter.
  99         InvalidCharRef = Character reference \"&#{0}\" is an invalid XML character.
 100         NameRequiredInReference = The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.
 101         SemicolonRequiredInReference = The reference to entity \"{0}\" must end with the '';'' delimiter.
 102 # 4.3.1 The Text Declaration
 103         TextDeclMustBeFirst = The text declaration may only appear at the very beginning of the external parsed entity.
 104         EqRequiredInTextDecl = The '' = '' character must follow \"{0}\" in the text declaration.
 105         QuoteRequiredInTextDecl = The value following \"{0}\" in the text declaration must be a quoted string.
 106         CloseQuoteMissingInTextDecl = closing quote in the value following \"{0}\" in the text declaration is missing.
 107         SpaceRequiredBeforeVersionInTextDecl = White space is required before the version pseudo attribute in the text declaration.
 108         SpaceRequiredBeforeEncodingInTextDecl = White space is required before the encoding pseudo attribute in the text declaration.
 109         TextDeclUnterminated = The text declaration must end with \"?>\".
 110         EncodingDeclRequired = The encoding declaration is required in the text declaration.
 111         NoMorePseudoAttributes = No more pseudo attributes are allowed.
 112         MorePseudoAttributes = More pseudo attributes are expected.
 113         PseudoAttrNameExpected = A pseudo attribute name is expected. 
 114 # 4.3.2 Well-Formed Parsed Entities
 115         CommentNotInOneEntity = The comment must be entirely contained within the same parsed entity.
 116         PINotInOneEntity = The processing instruction must be entirely contained within the same parsed entity.
 117 # 4.3.3 Character Encoding in Entities
 118         EncodingDeclInvalid = Invalid encoding name \"{0}\".
 119         EncodingByteOrderUnsupported = Given byte order for encoding \"{0}\" is not supported.
 120         InvalidByte = Invalid byte {0} of {1}-byte UTF-8 sequence.
 121         ExpectedByte = Expected byte {0} of {1}-byte UTF-8 sequence.  
 122         InvalidHighSurrogate = High surrogate bits in UTF-8 sequence must not exceed 0x10 but found 0x{0}.
 123         OperationNotSupported = Operation \"{0}\" not supported by {1} reader.
 124         InvalidASCII = Byte \"{0}\" is not a member of the (7-bit) ASCII character set.
 125         CharConversionFailure = An entity determined to be in a certain encoding must not contain sequences illegal in that encoding.
 127 # DTD Messages
 128 # 2.2 Characters
 129         InvalidCharInEntityValue = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{0}) was found in the literal entity value.
 130         InvalidCharInExternalSubset = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{0}) was found in the external subset of the DTD.
 131         InvalidCharInIgnoreSect = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{0}) was found in the excluded conditional section.
 132         InvalidCharInPublicID = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{0}) was found in the public identifier.
 133         InvalidCharInSystemID = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{0}) was found in the system identifier.
 134 # 2.3 Common Syntactic Constructs
 135         SpaceRequiredAfterSYSTEM = White space is required after keyword SYSTEM in DOCTYPE decl.
 136         QuoteRequiredInSystemID = The system identifier must begin with either a single or double quote character.
 137         SystemIDUnterminated = The system identifier must end with the matching quote character.
 138         SpaceRequiredAfterPUBLIC = White spaces are required after keyword PUBLIC in DOCTYPE decl.
 139         QuoteRequiredInPublicID = The public identifier must begin with either a single or double quote character.
 140         PublicIDUnterminated = The public identifier must end with the matching quote character.
 141         PubidCharIllegal = The character (Unicode: 0x{0}) is not permitted in the public identifier.
 142         SpaceRequiredBetweenPublicAndSystem = White spaces are required between publicId and systemId.
 143 # 2.8 Prolog and Document Type Declaration
 144         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_BEFORE_ROOT_ELEMENT_TYPE_IN_DOCTYPEDECL = White space is required after \"<!DOCTYPE\" in the document type declaration.
 145         MSG_ROOT_ELEMENT_TYPE_REQUIRED = The root element type must appear after \"<!DOCTYPE\" in the document type declaration.
 146         DoctypedeclUnterminated = The document type declaration for root element type \"{0}\" must end with ''>''.
 147         PEReferenceWithinMarkup = The parameter entity reference \"%{0};\" cannot occur within markup in the internal subset of the DTD.
 148         MSG_MARKUP_NOT_RECOGNIZED_IN_DTD = The markup declarations contained or pointed to by the document type declaration must be well-formed.
 149 # 2.10 White Space Handling
 150         MSG_XML_SPACE_DECLARATION_ILLEGAL = The attribute declaration for \"xml:space\" must be given as an enumerated type whose only possible values are \"default\" and \"preserve\".
 151 # 3.2 Element Type Declarations
 152         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_BEFORE_ELEMENT_TYPE_IN_ELEMENTDECL = White space is required after \"<!ELEMENT\" in the element type declaration.
 153         MSG_ELEMENT_TYPE_REQUIRED_IN_ELEMENTDECL = The element type is required in the element type declaration.
 154         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_BEFORE_CONTENTSPEC_IN_ELEMENTDECL = White space is required after the element type \"{0}\" in the element type declaration.
 155         MSG_CONTENTSPEC_REQUIRED_IN_ELEMENTDECL = The constraint is required after the element type \"{0}\" in the element type declaration.
 156         ElementDeclUnterminated = The declaration for element type \"{0}\" must end with ''>''.
 157 # 3.2.1 Element Content
 158         MSG_OPEN_PAREN_OR_ELEMENT_TYPE_REQUIRED_IN_CHILDREN = A ''('' character or an element type is required in the declaration of element type \"{0}\".
 159         MSG_CLOSE_PAREN_REQUIRED_IN_CHILDREN = A '')'' is required in the declaration of element type \"{0}\".
 160 # 3.2.2 Mixed Content
 161         MSG_ELEMENT_TYPE_REQUIRED_IN_MIXED_CONTENT = An element type is required in the declaration of element type \"{0}\".
 162         MSG_CLOSE_PAREN_REQUIRED_IN_MIXED = A '')'' is required in the declaration of element type \"{0}\".
 163         MixedContentUnterminated = The mixed content model \"{0}\" must end with \")*\" when the types of child elements are constrained.
 164 # 3.3 Attribute-List Declarations
 165         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_BEFORE_ELEMENT_TYPE_IN_ATTLISTDECL = White space is required after \"<!ATTLIST\" in the attribute-list declaration.
 166         MSG_ELEMENT_TYPE_REQUIRED_IN_ATTLISTDECL = The element type is required in the attribute-list declaration.
 167         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_IN_ATTDEF = White space is required before the attribute name in the attribute-list declaration for element \"{0}\".
 168         AttNameRequiredInAttDef = The attribute name must be specified in the attribute-list declaration for element \"{0}\".
 169         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_BEFORE_ATTTYPE_IN_ATTDEF = White space is required before the attribute type in the declaration of attribute \"{1}\" for element \"{0}\".
 170         AttTypeRequiredInAttDef = The attribute type is required in the declaration of attribute \"{1}\" for element \"{0}\".
 171         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_BEFORE_DEFAULTDECL_IN_ATTDEF = White space is required before the attribute default in the declaration of attribute \"{1}\" for element \"{0}\".
 172         MSG_DUPLICATE_ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION = More than one attribute definition is provided for the same attribute \"{1}\" of a given element \"{0}\".
 173 # 3.3.1 Attribute Types
 174         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_AFTER_NOTATION_IN_NOTATIONTYPE = White space must appear after \"NOTATION\" in the \"{1}\" attribute declaration.
 175         MSG_OPEN_PAREN_REQUIRED_IN_NOTATIONTYPE = The ''('' character must follow \"NOTATION\" in the \"{1}\" attribute declaration.
 176         MSG_NAME_REQUIRED_IN_NOTATIONTYPE = The notation name is required in the notation type list for the \"{1}\" attribute declaration.
 177         NotationTypeUnterminated = The notation type list must end with '')'' in the \"{1}\" attribute declaration.
 178         MSG_NMTOKEN_REQUIRED_IN_ENUMERATION = The name token is required in the enumerated type list for the \"{1}\" attribute declaration.
 179         EnumerationUnterminated = The enumerated type list must end with '')'' in the \"{1}\" attribute declaration.
 180         MSG_DISTINCT_TOKENS_IN_ENUMERATION = The enumeration value \"{1}\" was specified more than once in the declaration of attribute \"{2}\" for element \"{0}\". The NMTOKENS in a single Enumeration attribute declaration must all be distinct.
 181         MSG_DISTINCT_NOTATION_IN_ENUMERATION = The enumeration value \"{1}\" was specified more than once in the declaration of attribute \"{2}\" for element \"{0}\". The NOTATION names in a single NotationType attribute declaration must all be distinct.
 182 # 3.3.2 Attribute Defaults
 183         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_AFTER_FIXED_IN_DEFAULTDECL = White space must appear after \"FIXED\" in the \"{1}\" attribute declaration.
 184 # 3.4 Conditional Sections
 185         IncludeSectUnterminated = The included conditional section must end with \"]]>\".
 186         IgnoreSectUnterminated = The excluded conditional section must end with \"]]>\".
 187 # 4.1 Character and Entity References
 188         NameRequiredInPEReference = The entity name must immediately follow the '%' in the parameter entity reference.
 189         SemicolonRequiredInPEReference = The parameter entity reference \"%{0};\" must end with the '';'' delimiter.
 190 # 4.2 Entity Declarations
 191         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_BEFORE_ENTITY_NAME_IN_ENTITYDECL = White space is required after \"<!ENTITY\" in the entity declaration.
 192         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_BEFORE_PERCENT_IN_PEDECL = White space is required between \"<!ENTITY\" and the '%' character in the parameter entity declaration.
 193         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_BEFORE_ENTITY_NAME_IN_PEDECL = White space is required between the '%' and the entity name in the parameter entity declaration.
 194         MSG_ENTITY_NAME_REQUIRED_IN_ENTITYDECL = The name of the entity is required in the entity declaration.
 195         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_AFTER_ENTITY_NAME_IN_ENTITYDECL = White space is required between the entity name \"{0}\" and the definition in the entity declaration.
 196         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_BEFORE_NOTATION_NAME_IN_UNPARSED_ENTITYDECL = White space is required between \"NDATA\" and the notation name in the declaration for the entity \"{0}\".
 197         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_BEFORE_NDATA_IN_UNPARSED_ENTITYDECL = White space is required before \"NDATA\" in the declaration for the entity \"{0}\".
 198         MSG_NOTATION_NAME_REQUIRED_FOR_UNPARSED_ENTITYDECL = The notation name is required after \"NDATA\" in the declaration for the entity \"{0}\".
 199         EntityDeclUnterminated = The declaration for the entity \"{0}\" must end with ''>''.
 200         MSG_DUPLICATE_ENTITY_DEFINITION = Entity \"{0}\" is declared more than once.        
 201 # 4.2.2 External Entities
 202         ExternalIDRequired = The external entity declaration must begin with either \"SYSTEM\" or \"PUBLIC\".
 203         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_BEFORE_PUBIDLITERAL_IN_EXTERNALID = White space is required between \"PUBLIC\" and the public identifier.
 204         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_AFTER_PUBIDLITERAL_IN_EXTERNALID = White space is required between the public identifier and the system identifier.
 205         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_BEFORE_SYSTEMLITERAL_IN_EXTERNALID = White space is required between \"SYSTEM\" and the system identifier.
 206         MSG_URI_FRAGMENT_IN_SYSTEMID = The fragment identifier should not be specified as part of the system identifier \"{0}\".
 207 # 4.7 Notation Declarations
 208         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_BEFORE_NOTATION_NAME_IN_NOTATIONDECL = White space is required after \"<!NOTATION\" in the notation declaration.
 209         MSG_NOTATION_NAME_REQUIRED_IN_NOTATIONDECL = The name of the notation is required in the notation declaration.
 210         MSG_SPACE_REQUIRED_AFTER_NOTATION_NAME_IN_NOTATIONDECL = White space is required after the notation name \"{0}\" in the notation declaration.
 211         ExternalIDorPublicIDRequired = The declaration for the notation \"{0}\" must include a system or public identifier.
 212         NotationDeclUnterminated = The declaration for the notation \"{0}\" must end with ''>''.
 214 # Validation messages
 215         DuplicateTypeInMixedContent = The element type \"{1}\" was already specified in the content model of the element decl \"{0}\".
 216         ENTITIESInvalid = Attribute value \"{1}\" of type ENTITIES must be the names of one or more unparsed entities.
 217         ENTITYInvalid = Attribute value \"{1}\" of type ENTITY must be the name of an unparsed entity.
 218         IDDefaultTypeInvalid = The ID attribute \"{0}\" must have a declared default of \"#IMPLIED\" or \"#REQUIRED\".
 219         IDInvalid = Attribute value \"{0}\" of type ID must be a name.
 220         IDInvalidWithNamespaces = Attribute value \"{0}\" of type ID must be an NCName when namespaces are enabled.
 221         IDNotUnique = Attribute value \"{0}\" of type ID must be unique within the document.
 222         IDREFInvalid = Attribute value \"{0}\" of type IDREF must be a name.
 223         IDREFInvalidWithNamespaces = Attribute value \"{0}\" of type IDREF must be an NCName when namespaces are enabled.
 224         IDREFSInvalid = Attribute value \"{0}\" of type IDREFS must be one or more names.
 225         ILL_FORMED_PARAMETER_ENTITY_WHEN_USED_IN_DECL = The replacement text of parameter entity \"{0}\" must include properly nested declarations when the entity reference is used as a complete declaration.
 226         ImproperDeclarationNesting = The replacement text of parameter entity \"{0}\" must include properly nested declarations.
 227         ImproperGroupNesting = The replacement text of parameter entity \"{0}\" must include properly nested pairs of parentheses.
 228         INVALID_PE_IN_CONDITIONAL = The replacement text of parameter entity \"{0}\" must include the entire conditional section or just INCLUDE or IGNORE.
 229         MSG_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_DECLARED = Attribute \"{1}\" must be declared for element type \"{0}\".
 230         MSG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NOT_IN_LIST = Attribute \"{0}\" with value \"{1}\" must have a value from the list \"{2}\".
 231         MSG_ATTVALUE_CHANGED_DURING_NORMALIZATION_WHEN_STANDALONE = The value \"{1}\" of attribute \"{0}\" must not be changed by normalization (to \"{2}\") in a standalone document.
 232         MSG_CONTENT_INCOMPLETE = The content of element type \"{0}\" is incomplete, it must match \"{1}\".
 233         MSG_CONTENT_INVALID = The content of element type \"{0}\" must match \"{1}\".
 234         MSG_CONTENT_INVALID_SPECIFIED = The content of element type \"{0}\" must match \"{1}\".  Children of type \"{2}\" are not allowed.
 235         MSG_DEFAULTED_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_SPECIFIED = Attribute \"{1}\" for element type \"{0}\" has a default value and must be specified in a standalone document.
 236         MSG_DUPLICATE_ATTDEF = Attribute \"{1}\" is already declared for element type \"{0}\".
 237         MSG_ELEMENT_ALREADY_DECLARED = Element type \"{0}\" must not be declared more than once.
 238         MSG_ELEMENT_NOT_DECLARED = Element type \"{0}\" must be declared.
 239         MSG_GRAMMAR_NOT_FOUND = Document is invalid: no grammar found.
 240         MSG_ELEMENT_WITH_ID_REQUIRED = An element with the identifier \"{0}\" must appear in the document.
 241         MSG_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_NOT_PERMITTED = The reference to external entity \"{0}\" is not permitted in a standalone document.
 242         MSG_FIXED_ATTVALUE_INVALID = Attribute \"{1}\" with value \"{2}\" must have a value of \"{3}\".
 243         MSG_MORE_THAN_ONE_ID_ATTRIBUTE = Element type \"{0}\" already has attribute \"{1}\" of type ID, a second attribute \"{2}\" of type ID is not permitted.
 244         MSG_MORE_THAN_ONE_NOTATION_ATTRIBUTE = Element type \"{0}\" already has attribute \"{1}\" of type NOTATION, a second attribute \"{2}\" of type NOTATION is not permitted.
 245         MSG_NOTATION_NOT_DECLARED_FOR_NOTATIONTYPE_ATTRIBUTE = The notation \"{1}\" must be declared when referenced in the notation type list for attribute \"{0}\".
 246         MSG_NOTATION_NOT_DECLARED_FOR_UNPARSED_ENTITYDECL = The notation \"{1}\" must be declared when referenced in the unparsed entity declaration for \"{0}\".
 247         MSG_REFERENCE_TO_EXTERNALLY_DECLARED_ENTITY_WHEN_STANDALONE = The reference to entity \"{0}\" declared in an external parsed entity is not permitted in a standalone document.
 248         MSG_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_SPECIFIED = Attribute \"{1}\" is required and must be specified for element type \"{0}\".
 249         MSG_WHITE_SPACE_IN_ELEMENT_CONTENT_WHEN_STANDALONE = White space must not occur between elements declared in an external parsed entity with element content in a standalone document.
 250         NMTOKENInvalid = Attribute value \"{0}\" of type NMTOKEN must be a name token.
 251         NMTOKENSInvalid = Attribute value \"{0}\" of type NMTOKENS must be one or more name tokens.
 252         NoNotationOnEmptyElement = Element type \"{0}\" which was declared EMPTY cannot declare attribute \"{1}\" of type NOTATION.
 253         RootElementTypeMustMatchDoctypedecl = Document root element \"{1}\", must match DOCTYPE root \"{0}\".
 254         UndeclaredElementInContentSpec = The content model of element \"{0}\" refers to the undeclared element \"{1}\".
 255         UniqueNotationName = The declaration for the notation \"{0}\" is not unique. A given Name must not be declared in more than one notation declaration.
 256         ENTITYFailedInitializeGrammar =  ENTITYDatatype Validator: Failed Need to call initialize method with a valid Grammar reference.        
 257         ENTITYNotUnparsed = ENTITY \"{0}\" is not unparsed.
 258         ENTITYNotValid = ENTITY \"{0}\" is not valid.
 259         EmptyList = Value of type ENTITIES, IDREFS, and NMTOKENS cannot be empty list.
 261 # Entity related messages
 262 # 3.1 Start-Tags, End-Tags, and Empty-Element Tags
 263         ReferenceToExternalEntity = The external entity reference \"&{0};\" is not permitted in an attribute value.
 264         AccessExternalDTD = External DTD: Failed to read external DTD ''{0}'', because ''{1}'' access is not allowed due to restriction set by the accessExternalDTD property.
 265         AccessExternalEntity = External Entity: Failed to read external document ''{0}'', because ''{1}'' access is not allowed due to restriction set by the accessExternalDTD property.
 267 # 4.1 Character and Entity References
 268         EntityNotDeclared = The entity \"{0}\" was referenced, but not declared.
 269         ReferenceToUnparsedEntity = The unparsed entity reference \"&{0};\" is not permitted.
 270         RecursiveReference = Recursive entity reference \"{0}\". (Reference path: {1}),
 271         RecursiveGeneralReference = Recursive general entity reference \"&{0};\". (Reference path: {1}),
 272         RecursivePEReference = Recursive parameter entity reference \"%{0};\". (Reference path: {1}),
 273 # 4.3.3 Character Encoding in Entities
 274         EncodingNotSupported = The encoding \"{0}\" is not supported.
 275         EncodingRequired = A parsed entity not encoded in either UTF-8 or UTF-16 must contain an encoding declaration.
 277 # Namespaces support
 278 # 4. Using Qualified Names
 279         IllegalQName = Element or attribute do not match QName production: QName::=(NCName':')?NCName. 
 280         ElementXMLNSPrefix = Element \"{0}\" cannot have \"xmlns\" as its prefix.
 281         ElementPrefixUnbound = The prefix \"{0}\" for element \"{1}\" is not bound.
 282         AttributePrefixUnbound = The prefix \"{2}\" for attribute \"{1}\" associated with an element type \"{0}\" is not bound.
 283         EmptyPrefixedAttName = The value of the attribute \"{0}\" is invalid. Prefixed namespace bindings may not be empty.
 284         PrefixDeclared = The namespace prefix \"{0}\" was not declared.
 285         CantBindXMLNS = The prefix "xmlns" cannot be bound to any namespace explicitly; neither can the namespace for "xmlns" be bound to any prefix explicitly.
 286         CantBindXML = The prefix "xml" cannot be bound to any namespace other than its usual namespace; neither can the namespace for "xml" be bound to any prefix other than "xml".
 287         MSG_ATT_DEFAULT_INVALID = The defaultValue \"{1}\" of attribute \"{0}\" is not legal as for the lexical constraints of this attribute type.
 289 # REVISIT: These need messages
 291         OpenQuoteMissingInDecl=OpenQuoteMissingInDecl
 292         InvalidCharInLiteral=InvalidCharInLiteral
 295 #Application can set the limit of number of entities that should be expanded by the parser.
 296 EntityExpansionLimitExceeded=The parser has encountered more than \"{0}\" entity expansions in this document; this is the limit imposed by the application.
 298 # Application can set the limit of number of attributes of entity that should be expanded by the parser.
 299 ElementAttributeLimit= Element \"{0}\" has more than \"{1}\" attributes, \"{1}\" is the limit imposed by the application.