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  69         cvc-fractionDigits-valid = cvc-fractionDigits-valid: Value ''{0}'' has {1} fraction digits, but the number of fraction digits has been limited to {2}.
  70         cvc-id.1 = cvc-id.1: There is no ID/IDREF binding for IDREF ''{0}''.
  71         cvc-id.2 = cvc-id.2: There are multiple occurrences of ID value ''{0}''.
  72         cvc-id.3 = cvc-id.3: A field of identity constraint ''{0}'' matched element ''{1}'', but this element does not have a simple type.
  73         cvc-length-valid = cvc-length-valid: Value ''{0}'' with length = ''{1}'' is not facet-valid with respect to length ''{2}'' for type ''{3}''.
  74         cvc-maxExclusive-valid = cvc-maxExclusive-valid: Value ''{0}'' is not facet-valid with respect to maxExclusive ''{1}'' for type ''{2}''.
  75         cvc-maxInclusive-valid = cvc-maxInclusive-valid: Value ''{0}'' is not facet-valid with respect to maxInclusive ''{1}'' for type ''{2}''.
  76         cvc-maxLength-valid = cvc-maxLength-valid: Value ''{0}'' with length = ''{1}'' is not facet-valid with respect to maxLength ''{2}'' for type ''{3}''.
  77         cvc-minExclusive-valid = cvc-minExclusive-valid: Value ''{0}'' is not facet-valid with respect to minExclusive ''{1}'' for type ''{2}''.
  78         cvc-minInclusive-valid = cvc-minInclusive-valid: Value ''{0}'' is not facet-valid with respect to minInclusive ''{1}'' for type ''{2}''.
  79         cvc-minLength-valid = cvc-minLength-valid: Value ''{0}'' with length = ''{1}'' is not facet-valid with respect to minLength ''{2}'' for type ''{3}''.
  80         cvc-pattern-valid = cvc-pattern-valid: Value ''{0}'' is not facet-valid with respect to pattern ''{1}'' for type ''{2}''.
  81         cvc-totalDigits-valid = cvc-totalDigits-valid: Value ''{0}'' has {1} total digits, but the number of total digits has been limited to {2}.
  82         cvc-type.2 = cvc-type.2: The type definition cannot be abstract for element {0}.
  83         cvc-type.3.1.1 = cvc-type.3.1.1: Element ''{0}'' is a simple type, so it cannot have attributes, excepting those whose namespace name is identical to '''' and whose [local name] is one of ''type'', ''nil'', ''schemaLocation'' or ''noNamespaceSchemaLocation''. However, the attribute, ''{1}'' was found.
  84         cvc-type.3.1.2 = cvc-type.3.1.2: Element ''{0}'' is a simple type, so it must have no element information item [children].
  85         cvc-type.3.1.3 = cvc-type.3.1.3: The value ''{1}'' of element ''{0}'' is not valid.
  87 #schema valid (3.X.3)
  89         schema_reference.access = schema_reference: Failed to read schema document ''{0}'', because ''{1}'' access is not allowed.
  90         schema_reference.4 = schema_reference.4: Failed to read schema document ''{0}'', because 1) could not find the document; 2) the document could not be read; 3) the root element of the document is not <xsd:schema>.
  91         src-annotation = src-annotation: <annotation> elements can only contain <appinfo> and <documentation> elements, but ''{0}'' was found.
  92         src-attribute.1 = src-attribute.1: The properties ''default'' and ''fixed'' cannot both be present in attribute declaration ''{0}''. Use only one of them.
  93         src-attribute.2 = src-attribute.2: : The property ''default'' is present in attribute ''{0}'', so the value of ''use'' must be ''optional''.
  94         src-attribute.3.1 = src-attribute.3.1: One of 'ref' or 'name' must be present in a local attribute declaration.
  95         src-attribute.3.2 = src-attribute.3.2: The content must match (annotation?) for the attribute reference ''{0}''.
  96         src-attribute.4 = src-attribute.4: Attribute ''{0}'' has both a ''type'' attribute and an anonymous ''simpleType'' child. Only one of these is allowed for an attribute.
  97         src-attribute_group.2 = src-attribute_group.2: The intersection of wildcards is not expressible for attribute group ''{0}''.
  98         src-attribute_group.3 = src-attribute_group.3: Circular definitions detected for attribute group ''{0}''. Recursively following attribute group references eventually leads back to itself.
  99         src-ct.1 = src-ct.1: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''.  When <complexContent> is used, the base type must be a complexType. ''{1}'' is a simpleType.
 100         src-ct.2.1 = src-ct.2.1: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''.  When <simpleContent> is used, the base type must be a complexType whose content type is simple, or, only if restriction is specified, a complex type with mixed content and emptiable particle, or, only if extension is specified, a simple type. ''{1}'' satisfies none of these conditions.
 101         src-ct.2.2 = src-ct.2.2: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''.  When a complexType with simpleContent restricts a complexType with mixed content and emptiable particle, then there must be a <simpleType> among the children of <restriction>.
 102         src-ct.4 = src-ct.4: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''.  The intersection of wildcards is not expressible.
 103         src-ct.5 = src-ct.5: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''. The union of wildcards is not expressible.
 104         src-element.1 = src-element.1: The properties ''default'' and ''fixed'' cannot both be present in element declaration ''{0}''. Use only one of them.
 105         src-element.2.1 = src-element.2.1: : One of 'ref' or 'name' must be present in a local element declaration.
 106         src-element.2.2 = src-element.2.2: Since ''{0}'' contains the ''ref'' attribute, its content must match (annotation?). However, ''{1}'' was found.
 107         src-element.3 = src-element.3: Element ''{0}'' has both a ''type'' attribute and a ''anonymous type'' child. Only one of these is allowed for an element.
 108         src-import.1.1 = src-import.1.1: The namespace attribute ''{0}'' of an <import> element information item must not be the same as the targetNamespace of the schema it exists in.
 109         src-import.1.2 = src-import.1.2: If the namespace attribute is not present on an <import> element information item then the enclosing schema must have a targetNamespace.

  69         cvc-fractionDigits-valid = cvc-fractionDigits-valid: Value ''{0}'' has {1} fraction digits, but the number of fraction digits has been limited to {2}.
  70         cvc-id.1 = cvc-id.1: There is no ID/IDREF binding for IDREF ''{0}''.
  71         cvc-id.2 = cvc-id.2: There are multiple occurrences of ID value ''{0}''.
  72         cvc-id.3 = cvc-id.3: A field of identity constraint ''{0}'' matched element ''{1}'', but this element does not have a simple type.
  73         cvc-length-valid = cvc-length-valid: Value ''{0}'' with length = ''{1}'' is not facet-valid with respect to length ''{2}'' for type ''{3}''.
  74         cvc-maxExclusive-valid = cvc-maxExclusive-valid: Value ''{0}'' is not facet-valid with respect to maxExclusive ''{1}'' for type ''{2}''.
  75         cvc-maxInclusive-valid = cvc-maxInclusive-valid: Value ''{0}'' is not facet-valid with respect to maxInclusive ''{1}'' for type ''{2}''.
  76         cvc-maxLength-valid = cvc-maxLength-valid: Value ''{0}'' with length = ''{1}'' is not facet-valid with respect to maxLength ''{2}'' for type ''{3}''.
  77         cvc-minExclusive-valid = cvc-minExclusive-valid: Value ''{0}'' is not facet-valid with respect to minExclusive ''{1}'' for type ''{2}''.
  78         cvc-minInclusive-valid = cvc-minInclusive-valid: Value ''{0}'' is not facet-valid with respect to minInclusive ''{1}'' for type ''{2}''.
  79         cvc-minLength-valid = cvc-minLength-valid: Value ''{0}'' with length = ''{1}'' is not facet-valid with respect to minLength ''{2}'' for type ''{3}''.
  80         cvc-pattern-valid = cvc-pattern-valid: Value ''{0}'' is not facet-valid with respect to pattern ''{1}'' for type ''{2}''.
  81         cvc-totalDigits-valid = cvc-totalDigits-valid: Value ''{0}'' has {1} total digits, but the number of total digits has been limited to {2}.
  82         cvc-type.2 = cvc-type.2: The type definition cannot be abstract for element {0}.
  83         cvc-type.3.1.1 = cvc-type.3.1.1: Element ''{0}'' is a simple type, so it cannot have attributes, excepting those whose namespace name is identical to '''' and whose [local name] is one of ''type'', ''nil'', ''schemaLocation'' or ''noNamespaceSchemaLocation''. However, the attribute, ''{1}'' was found.
  84         cvc-type.3.1.2 = cvc-type.3.1.2: Element ''{0}'' is a simple type, so it must have no element information item [children].
  85         cvc-type.3.1.3 = cvc-type.3.1.3: The value ''{1}'' of element ''{0}'' is not valid.
  87 #schema valid (3.X.3)
  89         schema_reference.access = schema_reference: Failed to read schema document ''{0}'', because ''{1}'' access is not allowed due to restriction set by the accessExternalSchema property. 
  90         schema_reference.4 = schema_reference.4: Failed to read schema document ''{0}'', because 1) could not find the document; 2) the document could not be read; 3) the root element of the document is not <xsd:schema>.
  91         src-annotation = src-annotation: <annotation> elements can only contain <appinfo> and <documentation> elements, but ''{0}'' was found.
  92         src-attribute.1 = src-attribute.1: The properties ''default'' and ''fixed'' cannot both be present in attribute declaration ''{0}''. Use only one of them.
  93         src-attribute.2 = src-attribute.2: : The property ''default'' is present in attribute ''{0}'', so the value of ''use'' must be ''optional''.
  94         src-attribute.3.1 = src-attribute.3.1: One of 'ref' or 'name' must be present in a local attribute declaration.
  95         src-attribute.3.2 = src-attribute.3.2: The content must match (annotation?) for the attribute reference ''{0}''.
  96         src-attribute.4 = src-attribute.4: Attribute ''{0}'' has both a ''type'' attribute and an anonymous ''simpleType'' child. Only one of these is allowed for an attribute.
  97         src-attribute_group.2 = src-attribute_group.2: The intersection of wildcards is not expressible for attribute group ''{0}''.
  98         src-attribute_group.3 = src-attribute_group.3: Circular definitions detected for attribute group ''{0}''. Recursively following attribute group references eventually leads back to itself.
  99         src-ct.1 = src-ct.1: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''.  When <complexContent> is used, the base type must be a complexType. ''{1}'' is a simpleType.
 100         src-ct.2.1 = src-ct.2.1: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''.  When <simpleContent> is used, the base type must be a complexType whose content type is simple, or, only if restriction is specified, a complex type with mixed content and emptiable particle, or, only if extension is specified, a simple type. ''{1}'' satisfies none of these conditions.
 101         src-ct.2.2 = src-ct.2.2: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''.  When a complexType with simpleContent restricts a complexType with mixed content and emptiable particle, then there must be a <simpleType> among the children of <restriction>.
 102         src-ct.4 = src-ct.4: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''.  The intersection of wildcards is not expressible.
 103         src-ct.5 = src-ct.5: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''. The union of wildcards is not expressible.
 104         src-element.1 = src-element.1: The properties ''default'' and ''fixed'' cannot both be present in element declaration ''{0}''. Use only one of them.
 105         src-element.2.1 = src-element.2.1: : One of 'ref' or 'name' must be present in a local element declaration.
 106         src-element.2.2 = src-element.2.2: Since ''{0}'' contains the ''ref'' attribute, its content must match (annotation?). However, ''{1}'' was found.
 107         src-element.3 = src-element.3: Element ''{0}'' has both a ''type'' attribute and a ''anonymous type'' child. Only one of these is allowed for an element.
 108         src-import.1.1 = src-import.1.1: The namespace attribute ''{0}'' of an <import> element information item must not be the same as the targetNamespace of the schema it exists in.
 109         src-import.1.2 = src-import.1.2: If the namespace attribute is not present on an <import> element information item then the enclosing schema must have a targetNamespace.