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rev 52749 : Bootstrap method consolidation
* clean up and simplify JDK support code for BSM invocation
* simplify JVM bootstrap handshake: use BootstrapCallInfo only
* remove unused JVM paths and data fields
* move bootstrap argument processing from MethodHandleNatives to ConstantPool
* remove ConstantGroup; merge argument access into BootstrapCallInfo
* adjust BSM argument access: remove copyArguments, add argumentRef API
* add metadata-free BSM modes, including symbolic arguments from CP

*** 22,32 **** */ package jdk/internal/reflect/constantPool; super public #2; //class ConstantPoolTestDummy ! version 52:0 { // Actually, only first 13 constant pool entries are actually used by the class // and its methods. All the rest are added just for the testing of getTagAt method // and getNameAndTypeRefIndexAt method. --- 22,32 ---- */ package jdk/internal/reflect/constantPool; super public #2; //class ConstantPoolTestDummy ! version 55:0 { // Actually, only first 13 constant pool entries are actually used by the class // and its methods. All the rest are added just for the testing of getTagAt method // and getNameAndTypeRefIndexAt method.
*** 79,88 **** --- 79,92 ---- const #48 = Field #2.#49; // jdk/internal/reflect/constantPool/ConstantPoolTestDummy.myField:"I" const #49 = NameAndType #50:#51; // myField:"I" const #50 = Asciz "myField"; const #51 = Asciz "I"; const #52 = float 1.34f; + const #53 = Dynamic 0:#54; // REF_invokeStatic:java/lang/invoke/LambdaMetafactory.metafactory:"(Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandle;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;":toString:"Ljava/lang/Object;" MethodType "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V", MethodHandle REF_invokeVirtual:java/lang/Object.toString:"()Ljava/lang/String;", MethodType "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V" + const #54 = NameAndType #55:#56; // toString:"Ljava/lang/Object;" + const #55 = Asciz "toString"; + const #56 = Asciz "Ljava/lang/Object;"; public Method #4:#5 // "<init>":"()V" stack 1 locals 1 {
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