Iterators vs. Cursors: A Case Study in Objects vs. Values

John Rose, 2018-0310 (light edits 2020-0923)

There is a clear parallelism between immutable object types (notably value-based classes) and value types, which are immutable and have similar qualities to value-based classes. One might reasonably say that all value classes are value-based classes. In any case, we are shaping up a story for migrating value-based object classes to full value types.

There is another parallelism between stateful object types and value types, but it is more subtle. In many (not all) cases a stateful object can be transformed into a value, as long as the value which models the current state of the object is made available to all code that may need to read that state. This means that updating a state must involve discarding the previous value and using the new value which models the updated object state.

This all sounds complicated, but it feels simple in practice. “Codes like a class but works like an int” means that the current state value is always assigned to whatever variable(s) are looking at it. In fact, just like an int:

int x = 0;
Value v = Value(0);
x + 1;  // bad code
x = x + 1;  // good code
v.bump();  // bad code
v = v.bump();  // good code

(Hmmm… It might be time to support a __NoDiscard modifier to return values in APIs. The bad code with x is a syntax error, but the bad code with v is silently accepted. To track this I filed JDK-8199429 and threw some ideas in to deal with later.)

Let’s do an example, where a stateful Iterator object is transformed into a stateless Cursor value. This code is taken verbatim from the JDK:

class CharIterator implements PrimitiveIterator.OfInt {
  int cur = 0;

  public boolean hasNext() {
    return cur < length();

  public int nextInt() {
    if (hasNext()) {
      return charAt(cur++);
    } else {
      throw new NoSuchElementException();

  // omitted forEachRemaining

It is an inner class, used to construct a stream over an enclosing object (a CharSequence) which has length() and charAt(i) operations. It could also be used as a normal Iterator (and would return boxed Integers, for what that’s worth).

(To peek under the covers at this, try javap on the local class sometimes known as java.lang.CharSequence$1CharIterator.)

An instance of this class has two fields: A pointer to the outer CharSequence, plus the varying index cur. It is often the case that iterators have one fixed field and one varying; sometimes there are additional fixed fields, such as a limit to the varying field.

Sometimes there are additional varying fields, such as a prefetched current value. These fixed and varying fields correspond to loop variables, which are (respectively) loop-invariant and loop-varying, but they are neatly packaged inside of the iterator.

The public interface of this object is very simple, a variation of java.util.Iterator:

public interface PrimitiveIterator.OfInt
                 extends … Iterator<Integer> {
  @Override boolean hasNext();
  int nextInt();

A for-loop over this iterator looks like this:

for (final var t = myIntIterator(); t.hasNext(); ) {
  var x = t.nextInt();

This for-loop appears to use just one iteration variable t, and it is loop-invariant. But under the hood there is a loop-invariant pointer to a CharSequence and a loop-varying index.

A recurring problem with iterators is that they require a heap allocation to hold the iteration variables. This is necessary in order to make t be loop-invariant, but to encapsulate the loop-varying field cur. A recurring fix to the problem is to use something called “escape analysis” to determine that t is local to the for-loop, and expand its fields directly into the same stack frame as the for-loop.

Here’s the same loop as above, but with the fields of the iterator inlined (as source code) into the for-loop:

final var t = myIntIterator();
final var tcs = t.this$0;  // CharSequence.this
for (var tcur = t.cur; tcur < tcs.length(); ) {
  var x = tcs.charAt(tcur++);

(Note how the hasNext() method simplifies down to what you would write in a hand-crafted loop, something like a[i++]. We’ll want to preserve this effect, which comes from correct usage of hasNext and next.)

While wonderful in theory, the escape analysis fix is fragile in practice. Value types, besides supplying flattened data structures, also supply (as a necessary component) an inherent property that they never “escape” in the sense of escape analysis, and therefore do not require any analysis in order to enjoy their optimization into groups of local variables.

The catch is that values have different characteristics, in order to avoid escape analysis and allow flattening. Specifically, they must be identity-free and immutable. That in turn requires different patterns in source code to use them correctly. If a value models the same state variables as the CharIterator above, it must appear in the for-loop as a loop-varying value, not a loop-invariant iterator object. In a values-rich world, this loop-varying replacement for iterator will allow loops to be coded generically, as with iterators, but with no heap allocations to hold the state. It seems possible that such loop-varying loop control values could become as common as iterators, so they deserve their own name; we can call them cursors.

Let’s work again through the iterator example to see how a value-type cursor might replace the iterator. First, we’ll regroup the tcs and tcur variables into a value class:

inline class CharCursor extends … {
  //CharSequence this$0;  // make it a nested class
  int cur = 0;

Now let’s rename the expanded loop to see how to fill in the value class:

var c = myIntCursor();
final var ccs = c.this$0;  // CharSequence.this
for (var ccur = c.cur; ccur < ccs.length(); ) {
  var x = tcs.charAt(ccur++);

And then regroup ccs/ccur back into c:

for (var c = myIntCursor(); c.hasNext(); c = c.afterNext()) {
  var x = c.nextInt();

(I chose the names more or less arbitrarily, but tried to maximize conceptual overlap with the existing iterator API. The name “hasNext” could also be “hasCurrent” or “notAtEnd”, while the name “next” could be “current” or just “get”. The name “afterNext” could have been “advance”, “bump”, “increment”, etc. Here’s a cheap rationale for “afterNext”: It keeps the term “next” to give the API some unity, and advances to what comes after the thing we just visited; since that thing was called “next”, the thing after that is called “afterNext”.)

More importantly, the value version of the loop requires three methods where the object version requires two. Is this evidence of a mistake somewhere? Not really; it is evidence that we are succeeding in the core principle of value types: “codes like a class, works like an int”. Compare the previous loop with a simple array/int loop and you will see why:

final var a = myArray();
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i = i + 1) {
  var x = a[i];

The same pattern of two iteration variables occurs (a and i), and the same pattern of loop control operations occurs. Instead of c.hasNext() we have i<a.length. Instead of c.nextInt() we have a[i], which is the next value to iterate over. The third method call (which wasn’t present in the iterator version) is simply the update to it.

As the example with arrays and ints makes clear, the iterator’s t.nextInt() operation was actually producing two results: First, it handed out the next value in the iteration series, and second it quietly updated the iterator object to point at the value after the t.nextInt() value just returned. Integers can’t do this trick; they must be updated separately, and value types must follow along. So instead of c=c.afterNext() we have i=i+1.

Note that if you were to repeatedly ask for c.nextInt(), you’d get the same value (if c were properly coded). In order to get a different value you have to call c.afterNext(). This works like an int and an array: If you ask repeatedly for a[i] you get the same value every time (in a well-behaved program). To get a different array element you must update i.


The Java language (following C) gives an abbreviated way to get the effect of t.nextInt() in a single expression, the famous a[i++]. If you look carefully at a[i++], you’ll notice that it returns a pair of values: First, the value of the expression is the next element of that array you are scanning. Second, the iteration state quietly updates itself to point at the array element afterwards. Given the widespread use of this deceptively simple expression, it seems worth considering whether value types could benefit from such a syntax also; it would call a method on a value stored in a variable, update the variable, and then call another method on the previous value of the variable. Maybe something like:

for (var c = myIntCursor(); c.hasNext(); ) {
  var x = c{.=afterNext()}.nextInt();

Sadly, there don’t seem to be any obviously good answers here. And to be honest i++, though indispensible, is quite ugly; we’re just used to it. So I’ll back away from that set of ideas. See JDK-8199429 for a bit more.


Now we can fill in our cursor class more fully:

inline class CharCursor extends … Cursor<Integer> {
  //CharSequence this$0;  // make it a nested class
  int cur = 0;

  public boolean hasNext() {
    return cur < length();

  public int nextInt() {
    if (hasNext()) {
      return charAt(cur);
    } else {
      throw new NoSuchElementException();

  public CharCursor afterNext() {
    return this __With { i = i + 1; };

(The __With token sweeps under the rug the details of how a new value instance is obtained from an old value instance of the same class by updating one of its fields. This is a separate and complicated conversation, involving concepts like factory methods, primary constructors, reconstructors, deconstructors, and “wither” methods. __With in this case is simply a punch-through to the current JVM-level bytecode which handles such things, “withfield”.)

The details of the class are not deeply important, although the above is probably close to a working example in current Valhalla prototypes. The code is almost identical to the original CharIterator example. (And I didn’t have to cherry-pick an example, or work hard on the iterator-to-cursor transition.) Notice that the double effect of the t.nextInt() method derives from a tiny “++” token embedded in the heart of the method. We can derive the value type semantics by dropping the “++”. Of course it is not always this easy to make a cursor from an iterator, but it probably not much harder in most cases.

If we change “i++” to “i” in nextInt to drop the second effect, we had to put it somewhere. In fact, it went into the third method, as one would expect. In some proposals for the language support for values, you can write “i++” as the complete body of a reconstructor method:

public __Reconstructor afterNext() {

As a sanity check, let’s inline the cursor into our new loop and see how it optimizes:

for (var c = myIntCursor();
     c.cur < c.this$0.length();
     c = __WithField(c.cur, c.cur + 1)) {
  var x = c.this$0.charAt(c.cur);

This is more complicated than the inlining of the CharIterator; is it harder to optimize? For starters, there are no heap objects or object identities, and thus no aliasing. The compiler can accurately track c and its components, c.cur and c.this$0 as if they were all plain variables. In fact, the above loop quickly folds to the previous version of the inlined loop, including operations like ccur++. The compiler can easily and reliably note that c.this$0 is in fact a loop invariant, and can be hoisted into a final like ccs was above. There’s no need to exhibit this loop because its behavior is indistinguishable from the nice loop with ccs, above.

A key part of optimizing the cursor-based loop is recognizing the loop invariants. This recognition is slightly at risk since when the cursor value is updated, it apparently updates all components of the cursor (including this$0), not just the part that changed (which is cur only). If the compiler could not inline the crucial call to c.afterNext(), it would be unable to deduce that c.this$0 is a loop invariant. Of course it also wouldn’t see that the thing changing was a nice little int variable.

To make sure the loop optimizes fully, all three methods of CharCursor must be inlined, and their bodies must be easy for the compiler to analyze. Of course, the same is already true with the CharIterator, and we have seen that the code of the two classes is almost identical, except that the CharCursor splits out two methods from a single CharIterator method.

Nearly-identical code is a problem of course. If we move away from iterators and toward cursors, will there be a general duplication of loop iteration code, one copy for cursors and one for iterators? After all, iterators aren’t going anywhere, and sometimes you need one.

What’s necessary in order to adopt cursors widely is to have a story for interconverting them with iterators, without always duplicating code. (Sometimes we duplicate code if it helps performance but we try not to indulge too often.) Given the similarity in structure, can cursors be automatically derived from iterators? The answer seems to be no (in general) since deriving the three methods of a cursor from the two methods of an iterator requires somehow splitting the next method of the iterator into its two effects, and assigning the bits of code to the next and afterNext methods of the cursor.

But it seems that iterators can be derived from cursors. Here is a proof, specialized to the current example of CharCursor and CharIterator:

class CharIterator implements PrimitiveIterator.OfInt {
  CharCursor c;

  public boolean hasNext() {
    return c.hasNext();

  public int nextInt() {
    int x =;  // (where is my ++)
    c = c.afterNext();
    return x;

More generically:

abstract class IteratorFromCursor<T> implements Iterator<T> {
  protected Cursor<T> c;
  protected IteratorFromCursor<T>(Cursor<T> initialState) {
    c = initialState;

  public boolean hasNext() {
    return c.hasNext();

  public T next() {
    T x =;  // (where is my ++)
    c = c.afterNext();
    return x;

  public void forEachRemaining(Consumer<T> block) {

(In order to fully flatten this class, it will need to be a template class. This is a planned follow-on to value types. Before template classes, the generic iterator will have a slightly more complex heap structure. Where escape analysis succeeds with bespoke iterators, it is likely also to succeed with such generic iterators built on top of cursors.)

Given that derivation, it will be reasonable, over time, to refactor some existing iterators as cursors, splitting the two effects of the next method by hand, and supplying backward-compatible iterators automatically using generics like the above.

What have we learned?

Since moving to cursors requires recoding for both loops and iterators, it’s fair to wonder whether we are actually stuck with iterators, despite their issues. Of course, most code will stay as it is, but performance sensitive code may benefit from recoding loops. In that case, having a basic supply of cursors on hand makes sense.

In any case, simply as a thought experiment, cursors have taught us more about how value types will work.