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  37 import;
  39 import javax.crypto.Cipher;
  40 import javax.crypto.CipherSpi;
  41 import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException;
  42 import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException;
  43 import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException;
  45 import;
  46 import*;
  47 import;
  49 /**
  50  * The Signature class is used to provide applications the functionality
  51  * of a digital signature algorithm. Digital signatures are used for
  52  * authentication and integrity assurance of digital data.
  53  *
  54  * <p> The signature algorithm can be, among others, the NIST standard
  55  * DSA, using DSA and SHA-1. The DSA algorithm using the
  56  * SHA-1 message digest algorithm can be specified as <tt>SHA1withDSA</tt>.
  57  * In the case of RSA, there are multiple choices for the message digest
  58  * algorithm, so the signing algorithm could be specified as, for example,
  59  * <tt>MD2withRSA</tt>, <tt>MD5withRSA</tt>, or <tt>SHA1withRSA</tt>.
  60  * The algorithm name must be specified, as there is no default.
  61  *
  62  * <p> A Signature object can be used to generate and verify digital
  63  * signatures.
  64  *
  65  * <p> There are three phases to the use of a Signature object for
  66  * either signing data or verifying a signature:<ol>
  67  *
  68  * <li>Initialization, with either
  69  *
  70  *     <ul>
  71  *
  72  *     <li>a public key, which initializes the signature for
  73  *     verification (see {@link #initVerify(PublicKey) initVerify}), or
  74  *
  75  *     <li>a private key (and optionally a Secure Random Number Generator),
  76  *     which initializes the signature for signing
  77  *     (see {@link #initSign(PrivateKey)}
  78  *     and {@link #initSign(PrivateKey, SecureRandom)}).
  79  *
  80  *     </ul><p>
  81  *
  82  * <li>Updating<p>
  83  *
  84  * <p>Depending on the type of initialization, this will update the
  85  * bytes to be signed or verified. See the
  86  * {@link #update(byte) update} methods.<p>
  87  *
  88  * <li>Signing or Verifying a signature on all updated bytes. See the
  89  * {@link #sign() sign} methods and the {@link #verify(byte[]) verify}
  90  * method.
  91  *
  92  * </ol>
  93  *
  94  * <p>Note that this class is abstract and extends from
  95  * <code>SignatureSpi</code> for historical reasons.
  96  * Application developers should only take notice of the methods defined in
  97  * this <code>Signature</code> class; all the methods in
  98  * the superclass are intended for cryptographic service providers who wish to
  99  * supply their own implementations of digital signature algorithms.
 100  *
 101  * <p> Every implementation of the Java platform is required to support the
 102  * following standard <code>Signature</code> algorithms:
 103  * <ul>
 104  * <li><tt>SHA1withDSA</tt></li>
 105  * <li><tt>SHA1withRSA</tt></li>
 106  * <li><tt>SHA256withRSA</tt></li>
 107  * </ul>
 108  * These algorithms are described in the <a href=
 109  * "{@docRoot}/../technotes/guides/security/StandardNames.html#Signature">
 110  * Signature section</a> of the
 111  * Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation.
 112  * Consult the release documentation for your implementation to see if any
 113  * other algorithms are supported.
 114  *
 115  * @author Benjamin Renaud
 116  *
 117  */
 119 public abstract class Signature extends SignatureSpi {
 121     private static final Debug debug =
 122                         Debug.getInstance("jca", "Signature");
 124     /*
 125      * The algorithm for this signature object.
 126      * This value is used to map an OID to the particular algorithm.

 444      *
 445      * @param publicKey the public key of the identity whose signature is
 446      * going to be verified.
 447      *
 448      * @exception InvalidKeyException if the key is invalid.
 449      */
 450     public final void initVerify(PublicKey publicKey)
 451             throws InvalidKeyException {
 452         engineInitVerify(publicKey);
 453         state = VERIFY;
 454     }
 456     /**
 457      * Initializes this object for verification, using the public key from
 458      * the given certificate.
 459      * <p>If the certificate is of type X.509 and has a <i>key usage</i>
 460      * extension field marked as critical, and the value of the <i>key usage</i>
 461      * extension field implies that the public key in
 462      * the certificate and its corresponding private key are not
 463      * supposed to be used for digital signatures, an
 464      * <code>InvalidKeyException</code> is thrown.
 465      *
 466      * @param certificate the certificate of the identity whose signature is
 467      * going to be verified.
 468      *
 469      * @exception InvalidKeyException  if the public key in the certificate
 470      * is not encoded properly or does not include required  parameter
 471      * information or cannot be used for digital signature purposes.
 472      * @since 1.3
 473      */
 474     public final void initVerify(Certificate certificate)
 475             throws InvalidKeyException {
 476         // If the certificate is of type X509Certificate,
 477         // we should check whether it has a Key Usage
 478         // extension marked as critical.
 479         if (certificate instanceof {
 480             // Check whether the cert has a key usage extension
 481             // marked as a critical extension.
 482             // The OID for KeyUsage extension is
 483             X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate)certificate;
 484             Set<String> critSet = cert.getCriticalExtensionOIDs();

 521      * @param privateKey the private key of the identity whose signature
 522      * is going to be generated.
 523      *
 524      * @param random the source of randomness for this signature.
 525      *
 526      * @exception InvalidKeyException if the key is invalid.
 527      */
 528     public final void initSign(PrivateKey privateKey, SecureRandom random)
 529             throws InvalidKeyException {
 530         engineInitSign(privateKey, random);
 531         state = SIGN;
 532     }
 534     /**
 535      * Returns the signature bytes of all the data updated.
 536      * The format of the signature depends on the underlying
 537      * signature scheme.
 538      *
 539      * <p>A call to this method resets this signature object to the state
 540      * it was in when previously initialized for signing via a
 541      * call to <code>initSign(PrivateKey)</code>. That is, the object is
 542      * reset and available to generate another signature from the same
 543      * signer, if desired, via new calls to <code>update</code> and
 544      * <code>sign</code>.
 545      *
 546      * @return the signature bytes of the signing operation's result.
 547      *
 548      * @exception SignatureException if this signature object is not
 549      * initialized properly or if this signature algorithm is unable to
 550      * process the input data provided.
 551      */
 552     public final byte[] sign() throws SignatureException {
 553         if (state == SIGN) {
 554             return engineSign();
 555         }
 556         throw new SignatureException("object not initialized for " +
 557                                      "signing");
 558     }
 560     /**
 561      * Finishes the signature operation and stores the resulting signature
 562      * bytes in the provided buffer <code>outbuf</code>, starting at
 563      * <code>offset</code>.
 564      * The format of the signature depends on the underlying
 565      * signature scheme.
 566      *
 567      * <p>This signature object is reset to its initial state (the state it
 568      * was in after a call to one of the <code>initSign</code> methods) and
 569      * can be reused to generate further signatures with the same private key.
 570      *
 571      * @param outbuf buffer for the signature result.
 572      *
 573      * @param offset offset into <code>outbuf</code> where the signature is
 574      * stored.
 575      *
 576      * @param len number of bytes within <code>outbuf</code> allotted for the
 577      * signature.
 578      *
 579      * @return the number of bytes placed into <code>outbuf</code>.
 580      *
 581      * @exception SignatureException if this signature object is not
 582      * initialized properly, if this signature algorithm is unable to
 583      * process the input data provided, or if <code>len</code> is less
 584      * than the actual signature length.
 585      *
 586      * @since 1.2
 587      */
 588     public final int sign(byte[] outbuf, int offset, int len)
 589         throws SignatureException {
 590         if (outbuf == null) {
 591             throw new IllegalArgumentException("No output buffer given");
 592         }
 593         if (outbuf.length - offset < len) {
 594             throw new IllegalArgumentException
 595                 ("Output buffer too small for specified offset and length");
 596         }
 597         if (state != SIGN) {
 598             throw new SignatureException("object not initialized for " +
 599                                          "signing");
 600         }
 601         return engineSign(outbuf, offset, len);
 602     }
 604     /**
 605      * Verifies the passed-in signature.
 606      *
 607      * <p>A call to this method resets this signature object to the state
 608      * it was in when previously initialized for verification via a
 609      * call to <code>initVerify(PublicKey)</code>. That is, the object is
 610      * reset and available to verify another signature from the identity
 611      * whose public key was specified in the call to <code>initVerify</code>.
 612      *
 613      * @param signature the signature bytes to be verified.
 614      *
 615      * @return true if the signature was verified, false if not.
 616      *
 617      * @exception SignatureException if this signature object is not
 618      * initialized properly, the passed-in signature is improperly
 619      * encoded or of the wrong type, if this signature algorithm is unable to
 620      * process the input data provided, etc.
 621      */
 622     public final boolean verify(byte[] signature) throws SignatureException {
 623         if (state == VERIFY) {
 624             return engineVerify(signature);
 625         }
 626         throw new SignatureException("object not initialized for " +
 627                                      "verification");
 628     }
 630     /**
 631      * Verifies the passed-in signature in the specified array
 632      * of bytes, starting at the specified offset.
 633      *
 634      * <p>A call to this method resets this signature object to the state
 635      * it was in when previously initialized for verification via a
 636      * call to <code>initVerify(PublicKey)</code>. That is, the object is
 637      * reset and available to verify another signature from the identity
 638      * whose public key was specified in the call to <code>initVerify</code>.
 639      *
 640      *
 641      * @param signature the signature bytes to be verified.
 642      * @param offset the offset to start from in the array of bytes.
 643      * @param length the number of bytes to use, starting at offset.
 644      *
 645      * @return true if the signature was verified, false if not.
 646      *
 647      * @exception SignatureException if this signature object is not
 648      * initialized properly, the passed-in signature is improperly
 649      * encoded or of the wrong type, if this signature algorithm is unable to
 650      * process the input data provided, etc.
 651      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the <code>signature</code>
 652      * byte array is null, or the <code>offset</code> or <code>length</code>
 653      * is less than 0, or the sum of the <code>offset</code> and
 654      * <code>length</code> is greater than the length of the
 655      * <code>signature</code> byte array.
 656      * @since 1.4
 657      */
 658     public final boolean verify(byte[] signature, int offset, int length)
 659         throws SignatureException {
 660         if (state == VERIFY) {
 661             if ((signature == null) || (offset < 0) || (length < 0) ||
 662                 (length > signature.length - offset)) {
 663                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad arguments");
 664             }
 666             return engineVerify(signature, offset, length);
 667         }
 668         throw new SignatureException("object not initialized for " +
 669                                      "verification");
 670     }
 672     /**
 673      * Updates the data to be signed or verified by a byte.
 674      *
 675      * @param b the byte to use for the update.

 705      *
 706      * @param data the array of bytes.
 707      * @param off the offset to start from in the array of bytes.
 708      * @param len the number of bytes to use, starting at offset.
 709      *
 710      * @exception SignatureException if this signature object is not
 711      * initialized properly.
 712      */
 713     public final void update(byte[] data, int off, int len)
 714             throws SignatureException {
 715         if (state == SIGN || state == VERIFY) {
 716             engineUpdate(data, off, len);
 717         } else {
 718             throw new SignatureException("object not initialized for "
 719                                          + "signature or verification");
 720         }
 721     }
 723     /**
 724      * Updates the data to be signed or verified using the specified
 725      * ByteBuffer. Processes the <code>data.remaining()</code> bytes
 726      * starting at at <code>data.position()</code>.
 727      * Upon return, the buffer's position will be equal to its limit;
 728      * its limit will not have changed.
 729      *
 730      * @param data the ByteBuffer
 731      *
 732      * @exception SignatureException if this signature object is not
 733      * initialized properly.
 734      * @since 1.5
 735      */
 736     public final void update(ByteBuffer data) throws SignatureException {
 737         if ((state != SIGN) && (state != VERIFY)) {
 738             throw new SignatureException("object not initialized for "
 739                                          + "signature or verification");
 740         }
 741         if (data == null) {
 742             throw new NullPointerException();
 743         }
 744         engineUpdate(data);
 745     }

 773             initState = "<initialized for signing>";
 774             break;
 775         }
 776         return "Signature object: " + getAlgorithm() + initState;
 777     }
 779     /**
 780      * Sets the specified algorithm parameter to the specified value.
 781      * This method supplies a general-purpose mechanism through
 782      * which it is possible to set the various parameters of this object.
 783      * A parameter may be any settable parameter for the algorithm, such as
 784      * a parameter size, or a source of random bits for signature generation
 785      * (if appropriate), or an indication of whether or not to perform
 786      * a specific but optional computation. A uniform algorithm-specific
 787      * naming scheme for each parameter is desirable but left unspecified
 788      * at this time.
 789      *
 790      * @param param the string identifier of the parameter.
 791      * @param value the parameter value.
 792      *
 793      * @exception InvalidParameterException if <code>param</code> is an
 794      * invalid parameter for this signature algorithm engine,
 795      * the parameter is already set
 796      * and cannot be set again, a security exception occurs, and so on.
 797      *
 798      * @see #getParameter
 799      *
 800      * @deprecated Use
 801      * {@link #setParameter(
 802      * setParameter}.
 803      */
 804     @Deprecated
 805     public final void setParameter(String param, Object value)
 806             throws InvalidParameterException {
 807         engineSetParameter(param, value);
 808     }
 810     /**
 811      * Initializes this signature engine with the specified parameter set.
 812      *
 813      * @param params the parameters

 839      */
 840     public final AlgorithmParameters getParameters() {
 841         return engineGetParameters();
 842     }
 844     /**
 845      * Gets the value of the specified algorithm parameter. This method
 846      * supplies a general-purpose mechanism through which it is possible to
 847      * get the various parameters of this object. A parameter may be any
 848      * settable parameter for the algorithm, such as a parameter size, or
 849      * a source of random bits for signature generation (if appropriate),
 850      * or an indication of whether or not to perform a specific but optional
 851      * computation. A uniform algorithm-specific naming scheme for each
 852      * parameter is desirable but left unspecified at this time.
 853      *
 854      * @param param the string name of the parameter.
 855      *
 856      * @return the object that represents the parameter value, or null if
 857      * there is none.
 858      *
 859      * @exception InvalidParameterException if <code>param</code> is an invalid
 860      * parameter for this engine, or another exception occurs while
 861      * trying to get this parameter.
 862      *
 863      * @see #setParameter(String, Object)
 864      *
 865      * @deprecated
 866      */
 867     @Deprecated
 868     public final Object getParameter(String param)
 869             throws InvalidParameterException {
 870         return engineGetParameter(param);
 871     }
 873     /**
 874      * Returns a clone if the implementation is cloneable.
 875      *
 876      * @return a clone if the implementation is cloneable.
 877      *
 878      * @exception CloneNotSupportedException if this is called
 879      * on an implementation that does not support <code>Cloneable</code>.
 880      */
 881     public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
 882         if (this instanceof Cloneable) {
 883             return super.clone();
 884         } else {
 885             throw new CloneNotSupportedException();
 886         }
 887     }
 889     /*
 890      * The following class allows providers to extend from SignatureSpi
 891      * rather than from Signature. It represents a Signature with an
 892      * encapsulated, provider-supplied SPI object (of type SignatureSpi).
 893      * If the provider implementation is an instance of SignatureSpi, the
 894      * getInstance() methods above return an instance of this class, with
 895      * the SPI object encapsulated.
 896      *
 897      * Note: All SPI methods from the original Signature class have been
 898      * moved up the hierarchy into a new class (SignatureSpi), which has
 899      * been interposed in the hierarchy between the API (Signature)

 923             super(algorithm);
 924             this.sigSpi = sigSpi;
 925             this.lock = null; // no lock needed
 926         }
 928         // used with delayed provider selection
 929         Delegate(Service service,
 930                         Iterator<Service> iterator, String algorithm) {
 931             super(algorithm);
 932             this.firstService = service;
 933             this.serviceIterator = iterator;
 934             this.lock = new Object();
 935         }
 937         /**
 938          * Returns a clone if the delegate is cloneable.
 939          *
 940          * @return a clone if the delegate is cloneable.
 941          *
 942          * @exception CloneNotSupportedException if this is called on a
 943          * delegate that does not support <code>Cloneable</code>.
 944          */
 945         public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
 946             chooseFirstProvider();
 947             if (sigSpi instanceof Cloneable) {
 948                 SignatureSpi sigSpiClone = (SignatureSpi)sigSpi.clone();
 949                 // Because 'algorithm' and 'provider' are private
 950                 // members of our supertype, we must perform a cast to
 951                 // access them.
 952                 Signature that =
 953                     new Delegate(sigSpiClone, ((Signature)this).algorithm);
 954                 that.provider = ((Signature)this).provider;
 955                 return that;
 956             } else {
 957                 throw new CloneNotSupportedException();
 958             }
 959         }
 961         private static SignatureSpi newInstance(Service s)
 962                 throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
 963             if (s.getType().equals("Cipher")) {

  37 import;
  39 import javax.crypto.Cipher;
  40 import javax.crypto.CipherSpi;
  41 import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException;
  42 import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException;
  43 import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException;
  45 import;
  46 import*;
  47 import;
  49 /**
  50  * The Signature class is used to provide applications the functionality
  51  * of a digital signature algorithm. Digital signatures are used for
  52  * authentication and integrity assurance of digital data.
  53  *
  54  * <p> The signature algorithm can be, among others, the NIST standard
  55  * DSA, using DSA and SHA-1. The DSA algorithm using the
  56  * SHA-1 message digest algorithm can be specified as {@code SHA1withDSA}.
  57  * In the case of RSA, there are multiple choices for the message digest
  58  * algorithm, so the signing algorithm could be specified as, for example,
  59  * {@code MD2withRSA}, {@code MD5withRSA}, or {@code SHA1withRSA}.
  60  * The algorithm name must be specified, as there is no default.
  61  *
  62  * <p> A Signature object can be used to generate and verify digital
  63  * signatures.
  64  *
  65  * <p> There are three phases to the use of a Signature object for
  66  * either signing data or verifying a signature:<ol>
  67  *
  68  * <li>Initialization, with either
  69  *
  70  *     <ul>
  71  *
  72  *     <li>a public key, which initializes the signature for
  73  *     verification (see {@link #initVerify(PublicKey) initVerify}), or
  74  *
  75  *     <li>a private key (and optionally a Secure Random Number Generator),
  76  *     which initializes the signature for signing
  77  *     (see {@link #initSign(PrivateKey)}
  78  *     and {@link #initSign(PrivateKey, SecureRandom)}).
  79  *
  80  *     </ul><p>
  81  *
  82  * <li>Updating<p>
  83  *
  84  * <p>Depending on the type of initialization, this will update the
  85  * bytes to be signed or verified. See the
  86  * {@link #update(byte) update} methods.<p>
  87  *
  88  * <li>Signing or Verifying a signature on all updated bytes. See the
  89  * {@link #sign() sign} methods and the {@link #verify(byte[]) verify}
  90  * method.
  91  *
  92  * </ol>
  93  *
  94  * <p>Note that this class is abstract and extends from
  95  * {@code SignatureSpi} for historical reasons.
  96  * Application developers should only take notice of the methods defined in
  97  * this {@code Signature} class; all the methods in
  98  * the superclass are intended for cryptographic service providers who wish to
  99  * supply their own implementations of digital signature algorithms.
 100  *
 101  * <p> Every implementation of the Java platform is required to support the
 102  * following standard {@code Signature} algorithms:
 103  * <ul>
 104  * <li>{@code SHA1withDSA}</li>
 105  * <li>{@code SHA1withRSA}</li>
 106  * <li>{@code SHA256withRSA}</li>
 107  * </ul>
 108  * These algorithms are described in the <a href=
 109  * "{@docRoot}/../technotes/guides/security/StandardNames.html#Signature">
 110  * Signature section</a> of the
 111  * Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation.
 112  * Consult the release documentation for your implementation to see if any
 113  * other algorithms are supported.
 114  *
 115  * @author Benjamin Renaud
 116  *
 117  */
 119 public abstract class Signature extends SignatureSpi {
 121     private static final Debug debug =
 122                         Debug.getInstance("jca", "Signature");
 124     /*
 125      * The algorithm for this signature object.
 126      * This value is used to map an OID to the particular algorithm.

 444      *
 445      * @param publicKey the public key of the identity whose signature is
 446      * going to be verified.
 447      *
 448      * @exception InvalidKeyException if the key is invalid.
 449      */
 450     public final void initVerify(PublicKey publicKey)
 451             throws InvalidKeyException {
 452         engineInitVerify(publicKey);
 453         state = VERIFY;
 454     }
 456     /**
 457      * Initializes this object for verification, using the public key from
 458      * the given certificate.
 459      * <p>If the certificate is of type X.509 and has a <i>key usage</i>
 460      * extension field marked as critical, and the value of the <i>key usage</i>
 461      * extension field implies that the public key in
 462      * the certificate and its corresponding private key are not
 463      * supposed to be used for digital signatures, an
 464      * {@code InvalidKeyException} is thrown.
 465      *
 466      * @param certificate the certificate of the identity whose signature is
 467      * going to be verified.
 468      *
 469      * @exception InvalidKeyException  if the public key in the certificate
 470      * is not encoded properly or does not include required  parameter
 471      * information or cannot be used for digital signature purposes.
 472      * @since 1.3
 473      */
 474     public final void initVerify(Certificate certificate)
 475             throws InvalidKeyException {
 476         // If the certificate is of type X509Certificate,
 477         // we should check whether it has a Key Usage
 478         // extension marked as critical.
 479         if (certificate instanceof {
 480             // Check whether the cert has a key usage extension
 481             // marked as a critical extension.
 482             // The OID for KeyUsage extension is
 483             X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate)certificate;
 484             Set<String> critSet = cert.getCriticalExtensionOIDs();

 521      * @param privateKey the private key of the identity whose signature
 522      * is going to be generated.
 523      *
 524      * @param random the source of randomness for this signature.
 525      *
 526      * @exception InvalidKeyException if the key is invalid.
 527      */
 528     public final void initSign(PrivateKey privateKey, SecureRandom random)
 529             throws InvalidKeyException {
 530         engineInitSign(privateKey, random);
 531         state = SIGN;
 532     }
 534     /**
 535      * Returns the signature bytes of all the data updated.
 536      * The format of the signature depends on the underlying
 537      * signature scheme.
 538      *
 539      * <p>A call to this method resets this signature object to the state
 540      * it was in when previously initialized for signing via a
 541      * call to {@code initSign(PrivateKey)}. That is, the object is
 542      * reset and available to generate another signature from the same
 543      * signer, if desired, via new calls to {@code update} and
 544      * {@code sign}.
 545      *
 546      * @return the signature bytes of the signing operation's result.
 547      *
 548      * @exception SignatureException if this signature object is not
 549      * initialized properly or if this signature algorithm is unable to
 550      * process the input data provided.
 551      */
 552     public final byte[] sign() throws SignatureException {
 553         if (state == SIGN) {
 554             return engineSign();
 555         }
 556         throw new SignatureException("object not initialized for " +
 557                                      "signing");
 558     }
 560     /**
 561      * Finishes the signature operation and stores the resulting signature
 562      * bytes in the provided buffer {@code outbuf}, starting at
 563      * {@code offset}.
 564      * The format of the signature depends on the underlying
 565      * signature scheme.
 566      *
 567      * <p>This signature object is reset to its initial state (the state it
 568      * was in after a call to one of the {@code initSign} methods) and
 569      * can be reused to generate further signatures with the same private key.
 570      *
 571      * @param outbuf buffer for the signature result.
 572      *
 573      * @param offset offset into {@code outbuf} where the signature is
 574      * stored.
 575      *
 576      * @param len number of bytes within {@code outbuf} allotted for the
 577      * signature.
 578      *
 579      * @return the number of bytes placed into {@code outbuf}.
 580      *
 581      * @exception SignatureException if this signature object is not
 582      * initialized properly, if this signature algorithm is unable to
 583      * process the input data provided, or if {@code len} is less
 584      * than the actual signature length.
 585      *
 586      * @since 1.2
 587      */
 588     public final int sign(byte[] outbuf, int offset, int len)
 589         throws SignatureException {
 590         if (outbuf == null) {
 591             throw new IllegalArgumentException("No output buffer given");
 592         }
 593         if (outbuf.length - offset < len) {
 594             throw new IllegalArgumentException
 595                 ("Output buffer too small for specified offset and length");
 596         }
 597         if (state != SIGN) {
 598             throw new SignatureException("object not initialized for " +
 599                                          "signing");
 600         }
 601         return engineSign(outbuf, offset, len);
 602     }
 604     /**
 605      * Verifies the passed-in signature.
 606      *
 607      * <p>A call to this method resets this signature object to the state
 608      * it was in when previously initialized for verification via a
 609      * call to {@code initVerify(PublicKey)}. That is, the object is
 610      * reset and available to verify another signature from the identity
 611      * whose public key was specified in the call to {@code initVerify}.
 612      *
 613      * @param signature the signature bytes to be verified.
 614      *
 615      * @return true if the signature was verified, false if not.
 616      *
 617      * @exception SignatureException if this signature object is not
 618      * initialized properly, the passed-in signature is improperly
 619      * encoded or of the wrong type, if this signature algorithm is unable to
 620      * process the input data provided, etc.
 621      */
 622     public final boolean verify(byte[] signature) throws SignatureException {
 623         if (state == VERIFY) {
 624             return engineVerify(signature);
 625         }
 626         throw new SignatureException("object not initialized for " +
 627                                      "verification");
 628     }
 630     /**
 631      * Verifies the passed-in signature in the specified array
 632      * of bytes, starting at the specified offset.
 633      *
 634      * <p>A call to this method resets this signature object to the state
 635      * it was in when previously initialized for verification via a
 636      * call to {@code initVerify(PublicKey)}. That is, the object is
 637      * reset and available to verify another signature from the identity
 638      * whose public key was specified in the call to {@code initVerify}.
 639      *
 640      *
 641      * @param signature the signature bytes to be verified.
 642      * @param offset the offset to start from in the array of bytes.
 643      * @param length the number of bytes to use, starting at offset.
 644      *
 645      * @return true if the signature was verified, false if not.
 646      *
 647      * @exception SignatureException if this signature object is not
 648      * initialized properly, the passed-in signature is improperly
 649      * encoded or of the wrong type, if this signature algorithm is unable to
 650      * process the input data provided, etc.
 651      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the {@code signature}
 652      * byte array is null, or the {@code offset} or {@code length}
 653      * is less than 0, or the sum of the {@code offset} and
 654      * {@code length} is greater than the length of the
 655      * {@code signature} byte array.
 656      * @since 1.4
 657      */
 658     public final boolean verify(byte[] signature, int offset, int length)
 659         throws SignatureException {
 660         if (state == VERIFY) {
 661             if ((signature == null) || (offset < 0) || (length < 0) ||
 662                 (length > signature.length - offset)) {
 663                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad arguments");
 664             }
 666             return engineVerify(signature, offset, length);
 667         }
 668         throw new SignatureException("object not initialized for " +
 669                                      "verification");
 670     }
 672     /**
 673      * Updates the data to be signed or verified by a byte.
 674      *
 675      * @param b the byte to use for the update.

 705      *
 706      * @param data the array of bytes.
 707      * @param off the offset to start from in the array of bytes.
 708      * @param len the number of bytes to use, starting at offset.
 709      *
 710      * @exception SignatureException if this signature object is not
 711      * initialized properly.
 712      */
 713     public final void update(byte[] data, int off, int len)
 714             throws SignatureException {
 715         if (state == SIGN || state == VERIFY) {
 716             engineUpdate(data, off, len);
 717         } else {
 718             throw new SignatureException("object not initialized for "
 719                                          + "signature or verification");
 720         }
 721     }
 723     /**
 724      * Updates the data to be signed or verified using the specified
 725      * ByteBuffer. Processes the {@code data.remaining()} bytes
 726      * starting at at {@code data.position()}.
 727      * Upon return, the buffer's position will be equal to its limit;
 728      * its limit will not have changed.
 729      *
 730      * @param data the ByteBuffer
 731      *
 732      * @exception SignatureException if this signature object is not
 733      * initialized properly.
 734      * @since 1.5
 735      */
 736     public final void update(ByteBuffer data) throws SignatureException {
 737         if ((state != SIGN) && (state != VERIFY)) {
 738             throw new SignatureException("object not initialized for "
 739                                          + "signature or verification");
 740         }
 741         if (data == null) {
 742             throw new NullPointerException();
 743         }
 744         engineUpdate(data);
 745     }

 773             initState = "<initialized for signing>";
 774             break;
 775         }
 776         return "Signature object: " + getAlgorithm() + initState;
 777     }
 779     /**
 780      * Sets the specified algorithm parameter to the specified value.
 781      * This method supplies a general-purpose mechanism through
 782      * which it is possible to set the various parameters of this object.
 783      * A parameter may be any settable parameter for the algorithm, such as
 784      * a parameter size, or a source of random bits for signature generation
 785      * (if appropriate), or an indication of whether or not to perform
 786      * a specific but optional computation. A uniform algorithm-specific
 787      * naming scheme for each parameter is desirable but left unspecified
 788      * at this time.
 789      *
 790      * @param param the string identifier of the parameter.
 791      * @param value the parameter value.
 792      *
 793      * @exception InvalidParameterException if {@code param} is an
 794      * invalid parameter for this signature algorithm engine,
 795      * the parameter is already set
 796      * and cannot be set again, a security exception occurs, and so on.
 797      *
 798      * @see #getParameter
 799      *
 800      * @deprecated Use
 801      * {@link #setParameter(
 802      * setParameter}.
 803      */
 804     @Deprecated
 805     public final void setParameter(String param, Object value)
 806             throws InvalidParameterException {
 807         engineSetParameter(param, value);
 808     }
 810     /**
 811      * Initializes this signature engine with the specified parameter set.
 812      *
 813      * @param params the parameters

 839      */
 840     public final AlgorithmParameters getParameters() {
 841         return engineGetParameters();
 842     }
 844     /**
 845      * Gets the value of the specified algorithm parameter. This method
 846      * supplies a general-purpose mechanism through which it is possible to
 847      * get the various parameters of this object. A parameter may be any
 848      * settable parameter for the algorithm, such as a parameter size, or
 849      * a source of random bits for signature generation (if appropriate),
 850      * or an indication of whether or not to perform a specific but optional
 851      * computation. A uniform algorithm-specific naming scheme for each
 852      * parameter is desirable but left unspecified at this time.
 853      *
 854      * @param param the string name of the parameter.
 855      *
 856      * @return the object that represents the parameter value, or null if
 857      * there is none.
 858      *
 859      * @exception InvalidParameterException if {@code param} is an invalid
 860      * parameter for this engine, or another exception occurs while
 861      * trying to get this parameter.
 862      *
 863      * @see #setParameter(String, Object)
 864      *
 865      * @deprecated
 866      */
 867     @Deprecated
 868     public final Object getParameter(String param)
 869             throws InvalidParameterException {
 870         return engineGetParameter(param);
 871     }
 873     /**
 874      * Returns a clone if the implementation is cloneable.
 875      *
 876      * @return a clone if the implementation is cloneable.
 877      *
 878      * @exception CloneNotSupportedException if this is called
 879      * on an implementation that does not support {@code Cloneable}.
 880      */
 881     public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
 882         if (this instanceof Cloneable) {
 883             return super.clone();
 884         } else {
 885             throw new CloneNotSupportedException();
 886         }
 887     }
 889     /*
 890      * The following class allows providers to extend from SignatureSpi
 891      * rather than from Signature. It represents a Signature with an
 892      * encapsulated, provider-supplied SPI object (of type SignatureSpi).
 893      * If the provider implementation is an instance of SignatureSpi, the
 894      * getInstance() methods above return an instance of this class, with
 895      * the SPI object encapsulated.
 896      *
 897      * Note: All SPI methods from the original Signature class have been
 898      * moved up the hierarchy into a new class (SignatureSpi), which has
 899      * been interposed in the hierarchy between the API (Signature)

 923             super(algorithm);
 924             this.sigSpi = sigSpi;
 925             this.lock = null; // no lock needed
 926         }
 928         // used with delayed provider selection
 929         Delegate(Service service,
 930                         Iterator<Service> iterator, String algorithm) {
 931             super(algorithm);
 932             this.firstService = service;
 933             this.serviceIterator = iterator;
 934             this.lock = new Object();
 935         }
 937         /**
 938          * Returns a clone if the delegate is cloneable.
 939          *
 940          * @return a clone if the delegate is cloneable.
 941          *
 942          * @exception CloneNotSupportedException if this is called on a
 943          * delegate that does not support {@code Cloneable}.
 944          */
 945         public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
 946             chooseFirstProvider();
 947             if (sigSpi instanceof Cloneable) {
 948                 SignatureSpi sigSpiClone = (SignatureSpi)sigSpi.clone();
 949                 // Because 'algorithm' and 'provider' are private
 950                 // members of our supertype, we must perform a cast to
 951                 // access them.
 952                 Signature that =
 953                     new Delegate(sigSpiClone, ((Signature)this).algorithm);
 954                 that.provider = ((Signature)this).provider;
 955                 return that;
 956             } else {
 957                 throw new CloneNotSupportedException();
 958             }
 959         }
 961         private static SignatureSpi newInstance(Service s)
 962                 throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
 963             if (s.getType().equals("Cipher")) {