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rev 5732 : [mq]: comments2

 559 // new or delete (allocation_type is unknown).  If new is used to allocate,
 560 // use delete to deallocate.
 561 class ResourceObj ALLOCATION_SUPER_CLASS_SPEC {
 562  public:
 563   enum allocation_type { STACK_OR_EMBEDDED = 0, RESOURCE_AREA, C_HEAP, ARENA, allocation_mask = 0x3 };
 564   static void set_allocation_type(address res, allocation_type type) NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
 565 #ifdef ASSERT
 566  private:
 567   // When this object is allocated on stack the new() operator is not
 568   // called but garbage on stack may look like a valid allocation_type.
 569   // Store negated 'this' pointer when new() is called to distinguish cases.
 570   // Use second array's element for verification value to distinguish garbage.
 571   uintptr_t _allocation_t[2];
 572   bool is_type_set() const;
 573  public:
 574   allocation_type get_allocation_type() const;
 575   bool allocated_on_stack()    const { return get_allocation_type() == STACK_OR_EMBEDDED; }
 576   bool allocated_on_res_area() const { return get_allocation_type() == RESOURCE_AREA; }
 577   bool allocated_on_C_heap()   const { return get_allocation_type() == C_HEAP; }
 578   bool allocated_on_arena()    const { return get_allocation_type() == ARENA; }
 579   ResourceObj(); // default construtor
 580   ResourceObj(const ResourceObj& r); // default copy construtor
 581   ResourceObj& operator=(const ResourceObj& r); // default copy assignment
 582   ~ResourceObj();
 583 #endif // ASSERT
 585  public:
 586   void* operator new(size_t size, allocation_type type, MEMFLAGS flags) throw();
 587   void* operator new [](size_t size, allocation_type type, MEMFLAGS flags) throw();
 588   void* operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t&  nothrow_constant,
 589       allocation_type type, MEMFLAGS flags) throw();
 590   void* operator new [](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t&  nothrow_constant,
 591       allocation_type type, MEMFLAGS flags) throw();
 593   void* operator new(size_t size, Arena *arena) throw() {
 594       address res = (address)arena->Amalloc(size);
 595       DEBUG_ONLY(set_allocation_type(res, ARENA);)
 596       return res;
 597   }
 599   void* operator new [](size_t size, Arena *arena) throw() {
 600       address res = (address)arena->Amalloc(size);

 559 // new or delete (allocation_type is unknown).  If new is used to allocate,
 560 // use delete to deallocate.
 561 class ResourceObj ALLOCATION_SUPER_CLASS_SPEC {
 562  public:
 563   enum allocation_type { STACK_OR_EMBEDDED = 0, RESOURCE_AREA, C_HEAP, ARENA, allocation_mask = 0x3 };
 564   static void set_allocation_type(address res, allocation_type type) NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
 565 #ifdef ASSERT
 566  private:
 567   // When this object is allocated on stack the new() operator is not
 568   // called but garbage on stack may look like a valid allocation_type.
 569   // Store negated 'this' pointer when new() is called to distinguish cases.
 570   // Use second array's element for verification value to distinguish garbage.
 571   uintptr_t _allocation_t[2];
 572   bool is_type_set() const;
 573  public:
 574   allocation_type get_allocation_type() const;
 575   bool allocated_on_stack()    const { return get_allocation_type() == STACK_OR_EMBEDDED; }
 576   bool allocated_on_res_area() const { return get_allocation_type() == RESOURCE_AREA; }
 577   bool allocated_on_C_heap()   const { return get_allocation_type() == C_HEAP; }
 578   bool allocated_on_arena()    const { return get_allocation_type() == ARENA; }
 579   ResourceObj(); // default constructor
 580   ResourceObj(const ResourceObj& r); // default copy constructor
 581   ResourceObj& operator=(const ResourceObj& r); // default copy assignment
 582   ~ResourceObj();
 583 #endif // ASSERT
 585  public:
 586   void* operator new(size_t size, allocation_type type, MEMFLAGS flags) throw();
 587   void* operator new [](size_t size, allocation_type type, MEMFLAGS flags) throw();
 588   void* operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t&  nothrow_constant,
 589       allocation_type type, MEMFLAGS flags) throw();
 590   void* operator new [](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t&  nothrow_constant,
 591       allocation_type type, MEMFLAGS flags) throw();
 593   void* operator new(size_t size, Arena *arena) throw() {
 594       address res = (address)arena->Amalloc(size);
 595       DEBUG_ONLY(set_allocation_type(res, ARENA);)
 596       return res;
 597   }
 599   void* operator new [](size_t size, Arena *arena) throw() {
 600       address res = (address)arena->Amalloc(size);

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