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rev 5732 : [mq]: comments2

 217 //   CAS-based "push" used to enqueue recently arrived threads (RATs).
 218 //
 219 // * Concurrency invariants:
 220 //
 221 //   -- only the monitor owner may access or mutate the EntryList.
 222 //      The mutex property of the monitor itself protects the EntryList
 223 //      from concurrent interference.
 224 //   -- Only the monitor owner may detach the cxq.
 225 //
 226 // * The monitor entry list operations avoid locks, but strictly speaking
 227 //   they're not lock-free.  Enter is lock-free, exit is not.
 228 //   See http://j2se.east/~dice/PERSIST/040825-LockFreeQueues.html
 229 //
 230 // * The cxq can have multiple concurrent "pushers" but only one concurrent
 231 //   detaching thread.  This mechanism is immune from the ABA corruption.
 232 //   More precisely, the CAS-based "push" onto cxq is ABA-oblivious.
 233 //
 234 // * Taken together, the cxq and the EntryList constitute or form a
 235 //   single logical queue of threads stalled trying to acquire the lock.
 236 //   We use two distinct lists to improve the odds of a constant-time
 237 //   dequeue operation after acquisition (in the ::enter() epilog) and
 238 //   to reduce heat on the list ends.  (c.f. Michael Scott's "2Q" algorithm).
 239 //   A key desideratum is to minimize queue & monitor metadata manipulation
 240 //   that occurs while holding the monitor lock -- that is, we want to
 241 //   minimize monitor lock holds times.  Note that even a small amount of
 242 //   fixed spinning will greatly reduce the # of enqueue-dequeue operations
 243 //   on EntryList|cxq.  That is, spinning relieves contention on the "inner"
 244 //   locks and monitor metadata.
 245 //
 246 //   Cxq points to the the set of Recently Arrived Threads attempting entry.
 247 //   Because we push threads onto _cxq with CAS, the RATs must take the form of
 248 //   a singly-linked LIFO.  We drain _cxq into EntryList  at unlock-time when
 249 //   the unlocking thread notices that EntryList is null but _cxq is != null.
 250 //
 251 //   The EntryList is ordered by the prevailing queue discipline and
 252 //   can be organized in any convenient fashion, such as a doubly-linked list or
 253 //   a circular doubly-linked list.  Critically, we want insert and delete operations
 254 //   to operate in constant-time.  If we need a priority queue then something akin
 255 //   to Solaris' sleepq would work nicely.  Viz.,
 256 //   http://agg.eng/ws/on10_nightly/source/usr/src/uts/common/os/sleepq.c.
 257 //   Queue discipline is enforced at ::exit() time, when the unlocking thread

 660     //   guarantee (((oop)(object()))->mark() == markOopDesc::encode(this), "invariant") ;
 661     // but as we're at a safepoint that's not safe.
 663     UnlinkAfterAcquire (Self, &node) ;
 664     if (_succ == Self) _succ = NULL ;
 666     assert (_succ != Self, "invariant") ;
 667     if (_Responsible == Self) {
 668         _Responsible = NULL ;
 669         OrderAccess::fence(); // Dekker pivot-point
 671         // We may leave threads on cxq|EntryList without a designated
 672         // "Responsible" thread.  This is benign.  When this thread subsequently
 673         // exits the monitor it can "see" such preexisting "old" threads --
 674         // threads that arrived on the cxq|EntryList before the fence, above --
 675         // by LDing cxq|EntryList.  Newly arrived threads -- that is, threads
 676         // that arrive on cxq after the ST:MEMBAR, above -- will set Responsible
 677         // non-null and elect a new "Responsible" timer thread.
 678         //
 679         // This thread executes:
 680         //    ST Responsible=null; MEMBAR    (in enter epilog - here)
 681         //    LD cxq|EntryList               (in subsequent exit)
 682         //
 683         // Entering threads in the slow/contended path execute:
 684         //    ST cxq=nonnull; MEMBAR; LD Responsible (in enter prolog)
 685         //    The (ST cxq; MEMBAR) is accomplished with CAS().
 686         //
 687         // The MEMBAR, above, prevents the LD of cxq|EntryList in the subsequent
 688         // exit operation from floating above the ST Responsible=null.
 689     }
 691     // We've acquired ownership with CAS().
 692     // CAS is serializing -- it has MEMBAR/FENCE-equivalent semantics.
 693     // But since the CAS() this thread may have also stored into _succ,
 694     // EntryList, cxq or Responsible.  These meta-data updates must be
 695     // visible __before this thread subsequently drops the lock.
 696     // Consider what could occur if we didn't enforce this constraint --
 697     // STs to monitor meta-data and user-data could reorder with (become
 698     // visible after) the ST in exit that drops ownership of the lock.
 699     // Some other thread could then acquire the lock, but observe inconsistent
 700     // or old monitor meta-data and heap data.  That violates the JMM.

2014     // the # of failed spin attempts (or iterations) reaches some threshold.
2015     // This takes us into the realm of 1-out-of-N spinning, where we
2016     // hold the duration constant but vary the frequency.
2018     ctr = _SpinDuration  ;
2019     if (ctr < Knob_SpinBase) ctr = Knob_SpinBase ;
2020     if (ctr <= 0) return 0 ;
2022     if (Knob_SuccRestrict && _succ != NULL) return 0 ;
2023     if (Knob_OState && NotRunnable (Self, (Thread *) _owner)) {
2024        TEVENT (Spin abort - notrunnable [TOP]);
2025        return 0 ;
2026     }
2028     int MaxSpin = Knob_MaxSpinners ;
2029     if (MaxSpin >= 0) {
2030        if (_Spinner > MaxSpin) {
2031           TEVENT (Spin abort -- too many spinners) ;
2032           return 0 ;
2033        }
2034        // Slighty racy, but benign ...
2035        Adjust (&_Spinner, 1) ;
2036     }
2038     // We're good to spin ... spin ingress.
2039     // CONSIDER: use Prefetch::write() to avoid RTS->RTO upgrades
2040     // when preparing to LD...CAS _owner, etc and the CAS is likely
2041     // to succeed.
2042     int hits    = 0 ;
2043     int msk     = 0 ;
2044     int caspty  = Knob_CASPenalty ;
2045     int oxpty   = Knob_OXPenalty ;
2046     int sss     = Knob_SpinSetSucc ;
2047     if (sss && _succ == NULL ) _succ = Self ;
2048     Thread * prv = NULL ;
2050     // There are three ways to exit the following loop:
2051     // 1.  A successful spin where this thread has acquired the lock.
2052     // 2.  Spin failure with prejudice
2053     // 3.  Spin failure without prejudice

 217 //   CAS-based "push" used to enqueue recently arrived threads (RATs).
 218 //
 219 // * Concurrency invariants:
 220 //
 221 //   -- only the monitor owner may access or mutate the EntryList.
 222 //      The mutex property of the monitor itself protects the EntryList
 223 //      from concurrent interference.
 224 //   -- Only the monitor owner may detach the cxq.
 225 //
 226 // * The monitor entry list operations avoid locks, but strictly speaking
 227 //   they're not lock-free.  Enter is lock-free, exit is not.
 228 //   See http://j2se.east/~dice/PERSIST/040825-LockFreeQueues.html
 229 //
 230 // * The cxq can have multiple concurrent "pushers" but only one concurrent
 231 //   detaching thread.  This mechanism is immune from the ABA corruption.
 232 //   More precisely, the CAS-based "push" onto cxq is ABA-oblivious.
 233 //
 234 // * Taken together, the cxq and the EntryList constitute or form a
 235 //   single logical queue of threads stalled trying to acquire the lock.
 236 //   We use two distinct lists to improve the odds of a constant-time
 237 //   dequeue operation after acquisition (in the ::enter() epilogue) and
 238 //   to reduce heat on the list ends.  (c.f. Michael Scott's "2Q" algorithm).
 239 //   A key desideratum is to minimize queue & monitor metadata manipulation
 240 //   that occurs while holding the monitor lock -- that is, we want to
 241 //   minimize monitor lock holds times.  Note that even a small amount of
 242 //   fixed spinning will greatly reduce the # of enqueue-dequeue operations
 243 //   on EntryList|cxq.  That is, spinning relieves contention on the "inner"
 244 //   locks and monitor metadata.
 245 //
 246 //   Cxq points to the the set of Recently Arrived Threads attempting entry.
 247 //   Because we push threads onto _cxq with CAS, the RATs must take the form of
 248 //   a singly-linked LIFO.  We drain _cxq into EntryList  at unlock-time when
 249 //   the unlocking thread notices that EntryList is null but _cxq is != null.
 250 //
 251 //   The EntryList is ordered by the prevailing queue discipline and
 252 //   can be organized in any convenient fashion, such as a doubly-linked list or
 253 //   a circular doubly-linked list.  Critically, we want insert and delete operations
 254 //   to operate in constant-time.  If we need a priority queue then something akin
 255 //   to Solaris' sleepq would work nicely.  Viz.,
 256 //   http://agg.eng/ws/on10_nightly/source/usr/src/uts/common/os/sleepq.c.
 257 //   Queue discipline is enforced at ::exit() time, when the unlocking thread

 660     //   guarantee (((oop)(object()))->mark() == markOopDesc::encode(this), "invariant") ;
 661     // but as we're at a safepoint that's not safe.
 663     UnlinkAfterAcquire (Self, &node) ;
 664     if (_succ == Self) _succ = NULL ;
 666     assert (_succ != Self, "invariant") ;
 667     if (_Responsible == Self) {
 668         _Responsible = NULL ;
 669         OrderAccess::fence(); // Dekker pivot-point
 671         // We may leave threads on cxq|EntryList without a designated
 672         // "Responsible" thread.  This is benign.  When this thread subsequently
 673         // exits the monitor it can "see" such preexisting "old" threads --
 674         // threads that arrived on the cxq|EntryList before the fence, above --
 675         // by LDing cxq|EntryList.  Newly arrived threads -- that is, threads
 676         // that arrive on cxq after the ST:MEMBAR, above -- will set Responsible
 677         // non-null and elect a new "Responsible" timer thread.
 678         //
 679         // This thread executes:
 680         //    ST Responsible=null; MEMBAR    (in enter epilogue - here)
 681         //    LD cxq|EntryList               (in subsequent exit)
 682         //
 683         // Entering threads in the slow/contended path execute:
 684         //    ST cxq=nonnull; MEMBAR; LD Responsible (in enter prolog)
 685         //    The (ST cxq; MEMBAR) is accomplished with CAS().
 686         //
 687         // The MEMBAR, above, prevents the LD of cxq|EntryList in the subsequent
 688         // exit operation from floating above the ST Responsible=null.
 689     }
 691     // We've acquired ownership with CAS().
 692     // CAS is serializing -- it has MEMBAR/FENCE-equivalent semantics.
 693     // But since the CAS() this thread may have also stored into _succ,
 694     // EntryList, cxq or Responsible.  These meta-data updates must be
 695     // visible __before this thread subsequently drops the lock.
 696     // Consider what could occur if we didn't enforce this constraint --
 697     // STs to monitor meta-data and user-data could reorder with (become
 698     // visible after) the ST in exit that drops ownership of the lock.
 699     // Some other thread could then acquire the lock, but observe inconsistent
 700     // or old monitor meta-data and heap data.  That violates the JMM.

2014     // the # of failed spin attempts (or iterations) reaches some threshold.
2015     // This takes us into the realm of 1-out-of-N spinning, where we
2016     // hold the duration constant but vary the frequency.
2018     ctr = _SpinDuration  ;
2019     if (ctr < Knob_SpinBase) ctr = Knob_SpinBase ;
2020     if (ctr <= 0) return 0 ;
2022     if (Knob_SuccRestrict && _succ != NULL) return 0 ;
2023     if (Knob_OState && NotRunnable (Self, (Thread *) _owner)) {
2024        TEVENT (Spin abort - notrunnable [TOP]);
2025        return 0 ;
2026     }
2028     int MaxSpin = Knob_MaxSpinners ;
2029     if (MaxSpin >= 0) {
2030        if (_Spinner > MaxSpin) {
2031           TEVENT (Spin abort -- too many spinners) ;
2032           return 0 ;
2033        }
2034        // Slightly racy, but benign ...
2035        Adjust (&_Spinner, 1) ;
2036     }
2038     // We're good to spin ... spin ingress.
2039     // CONSIDER: use Prefetch::write() to avoid RTS->RTO upgrades
2040     // when preparing to LD...CAS _owner, etc and the CAS is likely
2041     // to succeed.
2042     int hits    = 0 ;
2043     int msk     = 0 ;
2044     int caspty  = Knob_CASPenalty ;
2045     int oxpty   = Knob_OXPenalty ;
2046     int sss     = Knob_SpinSetSucc ;
2047     if (sss && _succ == NULL ) _succ = Self ;
2048     Thread * prv = NULL ;
2050     // There are three ways to exit the following loop:
2051     // 1.  A successful spin where this thread has acquired the lock.
2052     // 2.  Spin failure with prejudice
2053     // 3.  Spin failure without prejudice

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