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rev 7696 : 8061802: REDO - Remove the generations array
Summary: The _gens array is removed and replaced by explicit _young_gen and _old_gen variables.

 526   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _next_gen,                                     Generation*)                           \
 527   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _tenuring_threshold,                           uint)                                  \
 528   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _age_table,                                    ageTable)                              \
 529   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _eden_space,                                   ContiguousSpace*)                      \
 530   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _from_space,                                   ContiguousSpace*)                      \
 531   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _to_space,                                     ContiguousSpace*)                      \
 532                                                                                                                                      \
 533   nonstatic_field(Generation,                  _reserved,                                     MemRegion)                             \
 534   nonstatic_field(Generation,                  _virtual_space,                                VirtualSpace)                          \
 535   nonstatic_field(Generation,                  _level,                                        int)                                   \
 536   nonstatic_field(Generation,                  _stat_record,                                  Generation::StatRecord)                \
 537                                                                                                                                      \
 538   nonstatic_field(Generation::StatRecord,      invocations,                                   int)                                   \
 539   nonstatic_field(Generation::StatRecord,      accumulated_time,                              elapsedTimer)                          \
 540                                                                                                                                      \
 541   nonstatic_field(GenerationSpec,              _name,                                         Generation::Name)                      \
 542   nonstatic_field(GenerationSpec,              _init_size,                                    size_t)                                \
 543   nonstatic_field(GenerationSpec,              _max_size,                                     size_t)                                \
 544                                                                                                                                      \
 545     static_field(GenCollectedHeap,             _gch,                                          GenCollectedHeap*)                     \

 546  nonstatic_field(GenCollectedHeap,             _n_gens,                                       int)                                   \
 547  unchecked_nonstatic_field(GenCollectedHeap,   _gens,                                         sizeof(GenCollectedHeap::_gens)) /* NOTE: no type */ \
 548   nonstatic_field(GenCollectedHeap,            _gen_specs,                                    GenerationSpec**)                      \
 549                                                                                                                                      \
 550   nonstatic_field(HeapWord,                    i,                                             char*)                                 \
 551                                                                                                                                      \
 552   nonstatic_field(MemRegion,                   _start,                                        HeapWord*)                             \
 553   nonstatic_field(MemRegion,                   _word_size,                                    size_t)                                \
 554                                                                                                                                      \
 555   nonstatic_field(OffsetTableContigSpace,      _offsets,                                      BlockOffsetArray)                      \
 556                                                                                                                                      \
 557   nonstatic_field(TenuredGeneration,           _min_heap_delta_bytes,                         size_t)                                \
 558   nonstatic_field(TenuredGeneration,           _the_space,                                    ContiguousSpace*)                      \
 559                                                                                                                                      \
 560   nonstatic_field(Space,                       _bottom,                                       HeapWord*)                             \
 561   nonstatic_field(Space,                       _end,                                          HeapWord*)                             \
 562                                                                                                                                      \
 563   nonstatic_field(ThreadLocalAllocBuffer,      _start,                                        HeapWord*)                             \
 564   nonstatic_field(ThreadLocalAllocBuffer,      _top,                                          HeapWord*)                             \
 565   nonstatic_field(ThreadLocalAllocBuffer,      _end,                                          HeapWord*)                             \
 566   nonstatic_field(ThreadLocalAllocBuffer,      _desired_size,                                 size_t)                                \
 567   nonstatic_field(ThreadLocalAllocBuffer,      _refill_waste_limit,                           size_t)                                \

 526   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _next_gen,                                     Generation*)                           \
 527   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _tenuring_threshold,                           uint)                                  \
 528   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _age_table,                                    ageTable)                              \
 529   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _eden_space,                                   ContiguousSpace*)                      \
 530   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _from_space,                                   ContiguousSpace*)                      \
 531   nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration,            _to_space,                                     ContiguousSpace*)                      \
 532                                                                                                                                      \
 533   nonstatic_field(Generation,                  _reserved,                                     MemRegion)                             \
 534   nonstatic_field(Generation,                  _virtual_space,                                VirtualSpace)                          \
 535   nonstatic_field(Generation,                  _level,                                        int)                                   \
 536   nonstatic_field(Generation,                  _stat_record,                                  Generation::StatRecord)                \
 537                                                                                                                                      \
 538   nonstatic_field(Generation::StatRecord,      invocations,                                   int)                                   \
 539   nonstatic_field(Generation::StatRecord,      accumulated_time,                              elapsedTimer)                          \
 540                                                                                                                                      \
 541   nonstatic_field(GenerationSpec,              _name,                                         Generation::Name)                      \
 542   nonstatic_field(GenerationSpec,              _init_size,                                    size_t)                                \
 543   nonstatic_field(GenerationSpec,              _max_size,                                     size_t)                                \
 544                                                                                                                                      \
 545     static_field(GenCollectedHeap,             _gch,                                          GenCollectedHeap*)                     \
 546   nonstatic_field(GenCollectedHeap,            _young_gen,                                    Generation*)                           \
 547   nonstatic_field(GenCollectedHeap,            _old_gen,                                      Generation*)                           \
 548  nonstatic_field(GenCollectedHeap,             _n_gens,                                       int)                                   \

 549   nonstatic_field(GenCollectedHeap,            _gen_specs,                                    GenerationSpec**)                      \
 550                                                                                                                                      \
 551   nonstatic_field(HeapWord,                    i,                                             char*)                                 \
 552                                                                                                                                      \
 553   nonstatic_field(MemRegion,                   _start,                                        HeapWord*)                             \
 554   nonstatic_field(MemRegion,                   _word_size,                                    size_t)                                \
 555                                                                                                                                      \
 556   nonstatic_field(OffsetTableContigSpace,      _offsets,                                      BlockOffsetArray)                      \
 557                                                                                                                                      \
 558   nonstatic_field(TenuredGeneration,           _min_heap_delta_bytes,                         size_t)                                \
 559   nonstatic_field(TenuredGeneration,           _the_space,                                    ContiguousSpace*)                      \
 560                                                                                                                                      \
 561   nonstatic_field(Space,                       _bottom,                                       HeapWord*)                             \
 562   nonstatic_field(Space,                       _end,                                          HeapWord*)                             \
 563                                                                                                                                      \
 564   nonstatic_field(ThreadLocalAllocBuffer,      _start,                                        HeapWord*)                             \
 565   nonstatic_field(ThreadLocalAllocBuffer,      _top,                                          HeapWord*)                             \
 566   nonstatic_field(ThreadLocalAllocBuffer,      _end,                                          HeapWord*)                             \
 567   nonstatic_field(ThreadLocalAllocBuffer,      _desired_size,                                 size_t)                                \
 568   nonstatic_field(ThreadLocalAllocBuffer,      _refill_waste_limit,                           size_t)                                \

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