< prev index next >


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rev 8138 : 8077842: Remove the level parameter passed around in GenCollectedHeap

 171 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 172 //  Concurrent Mark-Sweep Generation /////////////////////////////
 173 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 175 NOT_PRODUCT(CompactibleFreeListSpace* debug_cms_space;)
 177 // This struct contains per-thread things necessary to support parallel
 178 // young-gen collection.
 179 class CMSParGCThreadState: public CHeapObj<mtGC> {
 180  public:
 181   CFLS_LAB lab;
 182   PromotionInfo promo;
 184   // Constructor.
 185   CMSParGCThreadState(CompactibleFreeListSpace* cfls) : lab(cfls) {
 186     promo.setSpace(cfls);
 187   }
 188 };
 190 ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration(
 191      ReservedSpace rs, size_t initial_byte_size, int level,
 192      CardTableRS* ct, bool use_adaptive_freelists,
 193      FreeBlockDictionary<FreeChunk>::DictionaryChoice dictionaryChoice) :
 194   CardGeneration(rs, initial_byte_size, level, ct),
 195   _dilatation_factor(((double)MinChunkSize)/((double)(CollectedHeap::min_fill_size()))),
 196   _did_compact(false)
 197 {
 198   HeapWord* bottom = (HeapWord*) _virtual_space.low();
 199   HeapWord* end    = (HeapWord*) _virtual_space.high();
 201   _direct_allocated_words = 0;
 203     _numObjectsPromoted = 0;
 204     _numWordsPromoted = 0;
 205     _numObjectsAllocated = 0;
 206     _numWordsAllocated = 0;
 207   )
 209   _cmsSpace = new CompactibleFreeListSpace(_bts, MemRegion(bottom, end),
 210                                            use_adaptive_freelists,
 211                                            dictionaryChoice);
 212   NOT_PRODUCT(debug_cms_space = _cmsSpace;)
 213   _cmsSpace->_gen = this;

 668     _space_counters->update_used(used);
 669     _space_counters->update_capacity();
 670     _gen_counters->update_all();
 671   }
 672 }
 674 void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::print() const {
 675   Generation::print();
 676   cmsSpace()->print();
 677 }
 679 #ifndef PRODUCT
 680 void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::print_statistics() {
 681   cmsSpace()->printFLCensus(0);
 682 }
 683 #endif
 685 void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::printOccupancy(const char *s) {
 686   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
 687   if (PrintGCDetails) {

 688     if (Verbose) {
 689       gclog_or_tty->print("[%d %s-%s: "SIZE_FORMAT"("SIZE_FORMAT")]",
 690         level(), short_name(), s, used(), capacity());
 691     } else {
 692       gclog_or_tty->print("[%d %s-%s: "SIZE_FORMAT"K("SIZE_FORMAT"K)]",
 693         level(), short_name(), s, used() / K, capacity() / K);
 694     }
 695   }
 696   if (Verbose) {
 697     gclog_or_tty->print(" "SIZE_FORMAT"("SIZE_FORMAT")",
 698               gch->used(), gch->capacity());
 699   } else {
 700     gclog_or_tty->print(" "SIZE_FORMAT"K("SIZE_FORMAT"K)",
 701               gch->used() / K, gch->capacity() / K);
 702   }
 703 }
 705 size_t
 706 ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::contiguous_available() const {
 707   // dld proposes an improvement in precision here. If the committed
 708   // part of the space ends in a free block we should add that to
 709   // uncommitted size in the calculation below. Will make this
 710   // change later, staying with the approximation below for the
 711   // time being. -- ysr.
 712   return MAX2(_virtual_space.uncommitted_size(), unsafe_max_alloc_nogc());
 713 }

 782   // to the limit.
 783   if (incremental_collection_failed()) {
 784     clear_incremental_collection_failed();
 785     grow_to_reserved();
 786     return;
 787   }
 789   double free_percentage = ((double) free()) / capacity();
 790   double desired_free_percentage = (double) MinHeapFreeRatio / 100;
 791   double maximum_free_percentage = (double) MaxHeapFreeRatio / 100;
 793   // compute expansion delta needed for reaching desired free percentage
 794   if (free_percentage < desired_free_percentage) {
 795     size_t desired_capacity = (size_t)(used() / ((double) 1 - desired_free_percentage));
 796     assert(desired_capacity >= capacity(), "invalid expansion size");
 797     size_t expand_bytes = MAX2(desired_capacity - capacity(), MinHeapDeltaBytes);
 798     if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
 799       size_t desired_capacity = (size_t)(used() / ((double) 1 - desired_free_percentage));
 800       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("\nFrom compute_new_size: ");
 801       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Free fraction %f", free_percentage);
 802       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Desired free fraction %f",
 803         desired_free_percentage);
 804       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Maximum free fraction %f",
 805         maximum_free_percentage);
 806       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Capacity "SIZE_FORMAT, capacity()/1000);
 807       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Desired capacity "SIZE_FORMAT,
 808         desired_capacity/1000);
 809       int prev_level = level() - 1;
 810       if (prev_level >= 0) {
 811         size_t prev_size = 0;
 812         GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
 813         Generation* prev_gen = gch->young_gen();
 814         prev_size = prev_gen->capacity();
 815           gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Younger gen size "SIZE_FORMAT,
 816                                  prev_size/1000);
 817       }
 818       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  unsafe_max_alloc_nogc "SIZE_FORMAT,
 819         unsafe_max_alloc_nogc()/1000);
 820       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  contiguous available "SIZE_FORMAT,
 821         contiguous_available()/1000);
 822       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Expand by "SIZE_FORMAT" (bytes)",
 823         expand_bytes);
 824     }
 825     // safe if expansion fails
 826     expand_for_gc_cause(expand_bytes, 0, CMSExpansionCause::_satisfy_free_ratio);
 827     if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
 828       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Expanded free fraction %f",
 829         ((double) free()) / capacity());
 830     }
 831   } else {
 832     size_t desired_capacity = (size_t)(used() / ((double) 1 - desired_free_percentage));
 833     assert(desired_capacity <= capacity(), "invalid expansion size");
 834     size_t shrink_bytes = capacity() - desired_capacity;
 835     // Don't shrink unless the delta is greater than the minimum shrink we want
 836     if (shrink_bytes >= MinHeapDeltaBytes) {
 837       shrink_free_list_by(shrink_bytes);
 838     }
 839   }
 840 }
 842 Mutex* ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::freelistLock() const {
 843   return cmsSpace()->freelistLock();

1636   // collection, clear the _modUnionTable.
1637   assert(_collectorState != Idling || _modUnionTable.isAllClear(),
1638     "_modUnionTable should be clear if the baton was not passed");
1639   _modUnionTable.clear_all();
1640   assert(_collectorState != Idling || _ct->klass_rem_set()->mod_union_is_clear(),
1641     "mod union for klasses should be clear if the baton was passed");
1642   _ct->klass_rem_set()->clear_mod_union();
1644   // We must adjust the allocation statistics being maintained
1645   // in the free list space. We do so by reading and clearing
1646   // the sweep timer and updating the block flux rate estimates below.
1647   assert(!_intra_sweep_timer.is_active(), "_intra_sweep_timer should be inactive");
1648   if (_inter_sweep_timer.is_active()) {
1649     _inter_sweep_timer.stop();
1650     // Note that we do not use this sample to update the _inter_sweep_estimate.
1651     _cmsGen->cmsSpace()->beginSweepFLCensus((float)(_inter_sweep_timer.seconds()),
1652                                             _inter_sweep_estimate.padded_average(),
1653                                             _intra_sweep_estimate.padded_average());
1654   }
1656   GenMarkSweep::invoke_at_safepoint(_cmsGen->level(),
1657     ref_processor(), clear_all_soft_refs);
1658   #ifdef ASSERT
1659     CompactibleFreeListSpace* cms_space = _cmsGen->cmsSpace();
1660     size_t free_size = cms_space->free();
1661     assert(free_size ==
1662            pointer_delta(cms_space->end(), cms_space->compaction_top())
1663            * HeapWordSize,
1664       "All the free space should be compacted into one chunk at top");
1665     assert(cms_space->dictionary()->total_chunk_size(
1666                                       debug_only(cms_space->freelistLock())) == 0 ||
1667            cms_space->totalSizeInIndexedFreeLists() == 0,
1668       "All the free space should be in a single chunk");
1669     size_t num = cms_space->totalCount();
1670     assert((free_size == 0 && num == 0) ||
1671            (free_size > 0  && (num == 1 || num == 2)),
1672          "There should be at most 2 free chunks after compaction");
1673   #endif // ASSERT
1674   _collectorState = Resetting;
1675   assert(_restart_addr == NULL,
1676          "Should have been NULL'd before baton was passed");
1677   reset(false /* == !concurrent */);

2417   } else {
2418     warning("Unrecognized value " UINTX_FORMAT " for CMSRemarkVerifyVariant",
2419             CMSRemarkVerifyVariant);
2420   }
2421   if (!silent) gclog_or_tty->print(" done] ");
2422   return true;
2423 }
2425 void CMSCollector::verify_after_remark_work_1() {
2426   ResourceMark rm;
2427   HandleMark  hm;
2428   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
2430   // Get a clear set of claim bits for the roots processing to work with.
2431   ClassLoaderDataGraph::clear_claimed_marks();
2433   // Mark from roots one level into CMS
2434   MarkRefsIntoClosure notOlder(_span, verification_mark_bm());
2435   gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(false); // Not parallel.
2437   gch->gen_process_roots(_cmsGen->level(),
2438                          true,   // younger gens are roots
2439                          true,   // activate StrongRootsScope
2440                          GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(roots_scanning_options()),
2441                          should_unload_classes(),
2442                          &notOlder,
2443                          NULL,
2444                          NULL);  // SSS: Provide correct closure
2446   // Now mark from the roots
2447   MarkFromRootsClosure markFromRootsClosure(this, _span,
2448     verification_mark_bm(), verification_mark_stack(),
2449     false /* don't yield */, true /* verifying */);
2450   assert(_restart_addr == NULL, "Expected pre-condition");
2451   verification_mark_bm()->iterate(&markFromRootsClosure);
2452   while (_restart_addr != NULL) {
2453     // Deal with stack overflow: by restarting at the indicated
2454     // address.
2455     HeapWord* ra = _restart_addr;
2456     markFromRootsClosure.reset(ra);
2457     _restart_addr = NULL;

2485   void do_klass(Klass* k) {
2486     k->oops_do(&_oop_closure);
2487   }
2488 };
2490 void CMSCollector::verify_after_remark_work_2() {
2491   ResourceMark rm;
2492   HandleMark  hm;
2493   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
2495   // Get a clear set of claim bits for the roots processing to work with.
2496   ClassLoaderDataGraph::clear_claimed_marks();
2498   // Mark from roots one level into CMS
2499   MarkRefsIntoVerifyClosure notOlder(_span, verification_mark_bm(),
2500                                      markBitMap());
2501   CLDToOopClosure cld_closure(&notOlder, true);
2503   gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(false); // Not parallel.
2505   gch->gen_process_roots(_cmsGen->level(),
2506                          true,   // younger gens are roots
2507                          true,   // activate StrongRootsScope
2508                          GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(roots_scanning_options()),
2509                          should_unload_classes(),
2510                          &notOlder,
2511                          NULL,
2512                          &cld_closure);
2514   // Now mark from the roots
2515   MarkFromRootsVerifyClosure markFromRootsClosure(this, _span,
2516     verification_mark_bm(), markBitMap(), verification_mark_stack());
2517   assert(_restart_addr == NULL, "Expected pre-condition");
2518   verification_mark_bm()->iterate(&markFromRootsClosure);
2519   while (_restart_addr != NULL) {
2520     // Deal with stack overflow: by restarting at the indicated
2521     // address.
2522     HeapWord* ra = _restart_addr;
2523     markFromRootsClosure.reset(ra);
2524     _restart_addr = NULL;
2525     verification_mark_bm()->iterate(&markFromRootsClosure, ra, _span.end());

3008     if (CMSParallelInitialMarkEnabled && CollectedHeap::use_parallel_gc_threads()) {
3009       // The parallel version.
3010       FlexibleWorkGang* workers = gch->workers();
3011       assert(workers != NULL, "Need parallel worker threads.");
3012       int n_workers = workers->active_workers();
3013       CMSParInitialMarkTask tsk(this, n_workers);
3014       gch->set_par_threads(n_workers);
3015       initialize_sequential_subtasks_for_young_gen_rescan(n_workers);
3016       if (n_workers > 1) {
3017         StrongRootsScope srs;
3018         workers->run_task(&tsk);
3019       } else {
3020         StrongRootsScope srs;
3021         tsk.work(0);
3022       }
3023       gch->set_par_threads(0);
3024     } else {
3025       // The serial version.
3026       CLDToOopClosure cld_closure(&notOlder, true);
3027       gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(false); // Not parallel.
3028       gch->gen_process_roots(_cmsGen->level(),
3029                              true,   // younger gens are roots
3030                              true,   // activate StrongRootsScope
3031                              GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(roots_scanning_options()),
3032                              should_unload_classes(),
3033                              &notOlder,
3034                              NULL,
3035                              &cld_closure);
3036     }
3037   }
3039   // Clear mod-union table; it will be dirtied in the prologue of
3040   // CMS generation per each younger generation collection.
3042   assert(_modUnionTable.isAllClear(),
3043        "Was cleared in most recent final checkpoint phase"
3044        " or no bits are set in the gc_prologue before the start of the next "
3045        "subsequent marking phase.");
3047   assert(_ct->klass_rem_set()->mod_union_is_clear(), "Must be");

4261   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(),
4262          "world should be stopped");
4263   TraceCMSMemoryManagerStats tms(_collectorState,GenCollectedHeap::heap()->gc_cause());
4265   verify_work_stacks_empty();
4266   verify_overflow_empty();
4268   if (PrintGCDetails) {
4269     gclog_or_tty->print("[YG occupancy: "SIZE_FORMAT" K ("SIZE_FORMAT" K)]",
4270                         _young_gen->used() / K,
4271                         _young_gen->capacity() / K);
4272   }
4273   {
4274     if (CMSScavengeBeforeRemark) {
4275       GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
4276       // Temporarily set flag to false, GCH->do_collection will
4277       // expect it to be false and set to true
4278       FlagSetting fl(gch->_is_gc_active, false);
4279       NOT_PRODUCT(GCTraceTime t("Scavenge-Before-Remark",
4280         PrintGCDetails && Verbose, true, _gc_timer_cm, _gc_tracer_cm->gc_id());)
4281       int level = _cmsGen->level() - 1;
4282       if (level >= 0) {
4283         gch->do_collection(true,        // full (i.e. force, see below)
4284                            false,       // !clear_all_soft_refs
4285                            0,           // size
4286                            false,       // is_tlab
4287                            level        // max_level
4288                           );
4289       }
4290     }
4291     FreelistLocker x(this);
4292     MutexLockerEx y(bitMapLock(),
4293                     Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
4294     checkpointRootsFinalWork();
4295   }
4296   verify_work_stacks_empty();
4297   verify_overflow_empty();
4298 }
4300 void CMSCollector::checkpointRootsFinalWork() {
4301   NOT_PRODUCT(GCTraceTime tr("checkpointRootsFinalWork", PrintGCDetails, false, _gc_timer_cm, _gc_tracer_cm->gc_id());)
4303   assert(haveFreelistLocks(), "must have free list locks");
4304   assert_lock_strong(bitMapLock());
4306   ResourceMark rm;
4307   HandleMark   hm;
4309   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();

4442   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
4443   Par_MarkRefsIntoClosure par_mri_cl(_collector->_span, &(_collector->_markBitMap));
4445   // ---------- young gen roots --------------
4446   {
4447     work_on_young_gen_roots(worker_id, &par_mri_cl);
4448     _timer.stop();
4449     if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
4450       gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
4451         "Finished young gen initial mark scan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
4452         worker_id, _timer.seconds());
4453     }
4454   }
4456   // ---------- remaining roots --------------
4457   _timer.reset();
4458   _timer.start();
4460   CLDToOopClosure cld_closure(&par_mri_cl, true);
4462   gch->gen_process_roots(_collector->_cmsGen->level(),
4463                          false,     // yg was scanned above
4464                          false,     // this is parallel code
4465                          GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options()),
4466                          _collector->should_unload_classes(),
4467                          &par_mri_cl,
4468                          NULL,
4469                          &cld_closure);
4470   assert(_collector->should_unload_classes()
4471          || (_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options() & GenCollectedHeap::SO_AllCodeCache),
4472          "if we didn't scan the code cache, we have to be ready to drop nmethods with expired weak oops");
4473   _timer.stop();
4474   if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
4475     gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
4476       "Finished remaining root initial mark scan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
4477       worker_id, _timer.seconds());
4478   }
4479 }
4481 // Parallel remark task
4482 class CMSParRemarkTask: public CMSParMarkTask {

4578     work_queue(worker_id));
4580   // Rescan young gen roots first since these are likely
4581   // coarsely partitioned and may, on that account, constitute
4582   // the critical path; thus, it's best to start off that
4583   // work first.
4584   // ---------- young gen roots --------------
4585   {
4586     work_on_young_gen_roots(worker_id, &par_mrias_cl);
4587     _timer.stop();
4588     if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
4589       gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
4590         "Finished young gen rescan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
4591         worker_id, _timer.seconds());
4592     }
4593   }
4595   // ---------- remaining roots --------------
4596   _timer.reset();
4597   _timer.start();
4598   gch->gen_process_roots(_collector->_cmsGen->level(),
4599                          false,     // yg was scanned above
4600                          false,     // this is parallel code
4601                          GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options()),
4602                          _collector->should_unload_classes(),
4603                          &par_mrias_cl,
4604                          NULL,
4605                          NULL);     // The dirty klasses will be handled below
4607   assert(_collector->should_unload_classes()
4608          || (_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options() & GenCollectedHeap::SO_AllCodeCache),
4609          "if we didn't scan the code cache, we have to be ready to drop nmethods with expired weak oops");
4610   _timer.stop();
4611   if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
4612     gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
4613       "Finished remaining root rescan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
4614       worker_id, _timer.seconds());
4615   }
4617   // ---------- unhandled CLD scanning ----------
4618   if (worker_id == 0) { // Single threaded at the moment.

5169       verify_work_stacks_empty();
5170       if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
5171         gclog_or_tty->print(" (re-scanned "SIZE_FORMAT" dirty cards in cms gen) ",
5172           markFromDirtyCardsClosure.num_dirty_cards());
5173       }
5174     }
5175   }
5176   if (VerifyDuringGC &&
5177       GenCollectedHeap::heap()->total_collections() >= VerifyGCStartAt) {
5178     HandleMark hm;  // Discard invalid handles created during verification
5179     Universe::verify();
5180   }
5181   {
5182     GCTraceTime t("root rescan", PrintGCDetails, false, _gc_timer_cm, _gc_tracer_cm->gc_id());
5184     verify_work_stacks_empty();
5186     gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(false); // Not parallel.
5187     StrongRootsScope srs;
5189     gch->gen_process_roots(_cmsGen->level(),
5190                            true,  // younger gens as roots
5191                            false, // use the local StrongRootsScope
5192                            GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(roots_scanning_options()),
5193                            should_unload_classes(),
5194                            &mrias_cl,
5195                            NULL,
5196                            NULL); // The dirty klasses will be handled below
5198     assert(should_unload_classes()
5199            || (roots_scanning_options() & GenCollectedHeap::SO_AllCodeCache),
5200            "if we didn't scan the code cache, we have to be ready to drop nmethods with expired weak oops");
5201   }
5203   {
5204     GCTraceTime t("visit unhandled CLDs", PrintGCDetails, false, _gc_timer_cm, _gc_tracer_cm->gc_id());
5206     verify_work_stacks_empty();
5208     // Scan all class loader data objects that might have been introduced
5209     // during concurrent marking.

5638   size_t nearLargestOffset =
5639     (size_t)((double)largestOffset * nearLargestPercent) - MinChunkSize;
5640   if (PrintFLSStatistics != 0) {
5641     gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
5642       "CMS: Large Block: " PTR_FORMAT ";"
5643       " Proximity: " PTR_FORMAT " -> " PTR_FORMAT,
5644       p2i(largestAddr),
5645       p2i(_cmsSpace->nearLargestChunk()), p2i(minAddr + nearLargestOffset));
5646   }
5647   _cmsSpace->set_nearLargestChunk(minAddr + nearLargestOffset);
5648 }
5650 bool ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::isNearLargestChunk(HeapWord* addr) {
5651   return addr >= _cmsSpace->nearLargestChunk();
5652 }
5654 FreeChunk* ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::find_chunk_at_end() {
5655   return _cmsSpace->find_chunk_at_end();
5656 }
5658 void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::update_gc_stats(int current_level,
5659                                                     bool full) {
5660   // The next lower level has been collected.  Gather any statistics
5661   // that are of interest at this point.
5662   if (!full && (current_level + 1) == level()) {

5663     // Gather statistics on the young generation collection.
5664     collector()->stats().record_gc0_end(used());
5665   }
5666 }
5668 void CMSCollector::sweepWork(ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration* gen) {
5669   // We iterate over the space(s) underlying this generation,
5670   // checking the mark bit map to see if the bits corresponding
5671   // to specific blocks are marked or not. Blocks that are
5672   // marked are live and are not swept up. All remaining blocks
5673   // are swept up, with coalescing on-the-fly as we sweep up
5674   // contiguous free and/or garbage blocks:
5675   // We need to ensure that the sweeper synchronizes with allocators
5676   // and stop-the-world collectors. In particular, the following
5677   // locks are used:
5678   // . CMS token: if this is held, a stop the world collection cannot occur
5679   // . freelistLock: if this is held no allocation can occur from this
5680   //                 generation by another thread
5681   // . bitMapLock: if this is held, no other thread can access or update
5682   //

 171 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 172 //  Concurrent Mark-Sweep Generation /////////////////////////////
 173 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 175 NOT_PRODUCT(CompactibleFreeListSpace* debug_cms_space;)
 177 // This struct contains per-thread things necessary to support parallel
 178 // young-gen collection.
 179 class CMSParGCThreadState: public CHeapObj<mtGC> {
 180  public:
 181   CFLS_LAB lab;
 182   PromotionInfo promo;
 184   // Constructor.
 185   CMSParGCThreadState(CompactibleFreeListSpace* cfls) : lab(cfls) {
 186     promo.setSpace(cfls);
 187   }
 188 };
 190 ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration(
 191      ReservedSpace rs, size_t initial_byte_size,
 192      CardTableRS* ct, bool use_adaptive_freelists,
 193      FreeBlockDictionary<FreeChunk>::DictionaryChoice dictionaryChoice) :
 194   CardGeneration(rs, initial_byte_size, ct),
 195   _dilatation_factor(((double)MinChunkSize)/((double)(CollectedHeap::min_fill_size()))),
 196   _did_compact(false)
 197 {
 198   HeapWord* bottom = (HeapWord*) _virtual_space.low();
 199   HeapWord* end    = (HeapWord*) _virtual_space.high();
 201   _direct_allocated_words = 0;
 203     _numObjectsPromoted = 0;
 204     _numWordsPromoted = 0;
 205     _numObjectsAllocated = 0;
 206     _numWordsAllocated = 0;
 207   )
 209   _cmsSpace = new CompactibleFreeListSpace(_bts, MemRegion(bottom, end),
 210                                            use_adaptive_freelists,
 211                                            dictionaryChoice);
 212   NOT_PRODUCT(debug_cms_space = _cmsSpace;)
 213   _cmsSpace->_gen = this;

 668     _space_counters->update_used(used);
 669     _space_counters->update_capacity();
 670     _gen_counters->update_all();
 671   }
 672 }
 674 void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::print() const {
 675   Generation::print();
 676   cmsSpace()->print();
 677 }
 679 #ifndef PRODUCT
 680 void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::print_statistics() {
 681   cmsSpace()->printFLCensus(0);
 682 }
 683 #endif
 685 void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::printOccupancy(const char *s) {
 686   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
 687   if (PrintGCDetails) {
 688     // I didn't want to change the logging when removing the level concept,
 689     // but I guess this logging could say "old" or something instead of "1".
 690     assert(this == gch->old_gen(),
 691            "The CMS generation should be the old generation");
 692     uint level = 1;
 693     if (Verbose) {
 694       gclog_or_tty->print("[%u %s-%s: "SIZE_FORMAT"("SIZE_FORMAT")]",
 695         level, short_name(), s, used(), capacity());
 696     } else {
 697       gclog_or_tty->print("[%u %s-%s: "SIZE_FORMAT"K("SIZE_FORMAT"K)]",
 698         level, short_name(), s, used() / K, capacity() / K);
 699     }
 700   }
 701   if (Verbose) {
 702     gclog_or_tty->print(" "SIZE_FORMAT"("SIZE_FORMAT")",
 703               gch->used(), gch->capacity());
 704   } else {
 705     gclog_or_tty->print(" "SIZE_FORMAT"K("SIZE_FORMAT"K)",
 706               gch->used() / K, gch->capacity() / K);
 707   }
 708 }
 710 size_t
 711 ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::contiguous_available() const {
 712   // dld proposes an improvement in precision here. If the committed
 713   // part of the space ends in a free block we should add that to
 714   // uncommitted size in the calculation below. Will make this
 715   // change later, staying with the approximation below for the
 716   // time being. -- ysr.
 717   return MAX2(_virtual_space.uncommitted_size(), unsafe_max_alloc_nogc());
 718 }

 787   // to the limit.
 788   if (incremental_collection_failed()) {
 789     clear_incremental_collection_failed();
 790     grow_to_reserved();
 791     return;
 792   }
 794   double free_percentage = ((double) free()) / capacity();
 795   double desired_free_percentage = (double) MinHeapFreeRatio / 100;
 796   double maximum_free_percentage = (double) MaxHeapFreeRatio / 100;
 798   // compute expansion delta needed for reaching desired free percentage
 799   if (free_percentage < desired_free_percentage) {
 800     size_t desired_capacity = (size_t)(used() / ((double) 1 - desired_free_percentage));
 801     assert(desired_capacity >= capacity(), "invalid expansion size");
 802     size_t expand_bytes = MAX2(desired_capacity - capacity(), MinHeapDeltaBytes);
 803     if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
 804       size_t desired_capacity = (size_t)(used() / ((double) 1 - desired_free_percentage));
 805       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("\nFrom compute_new_size: ");
 806       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Free fraction %f", free_percentage);
 807       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Desired free fraction %f", desired_free_percentage);
 808       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Maximum free fraction %f", maximum_free_percentage);
 809       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Capacity "SIZE_FORMAT, capacity() / 1000);
 810       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Desired capacity "SIZE_FORMAT, desired_capacity / 1000);

 811       GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
 812       assert(this == gch->_old_gen, "The CMS generation should always be the old generation");
 813       size_t young_size = gch->_young_gen->capacity();
 814       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Young gen size "SIZE_FORMAT, young_size / 1000);
 815       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  unsafe_max_alloc_nogc "SIZE_FORMAT, unsafe_max_alloc_nogc() / 1000);
 816       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  contiguous available "SIZE_FORMAT, contiguous_available() / 1000);
 817       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Expand by "SIZE_FORMAT" (bytes)", expand_bytes);

 818     }
 819     // safe if expansion fails
 820     expand_for_gc_cause(expand_bytes, 0, CMSExpansionCause::_satisfy_free_ratio);
 821     if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
 822       gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Expanded free fraction %f",
 823         ((double) free()) / capacity());
 824     }
 825   } else {
 826     size_t desired_capacity = (size_t)(used() / ((double) 1 - desired_free_percentage));
 827     assert(desired_capacity <= capacity(), "invalid expansion size");
 828     size_t shrink_bytes = capacity() - desired_capacity;
 829     // Don't shrink unless the delta is greater than the minimum shrink we want
 830     if (shrink_bytes >= MinHeapDeltaBytes) {
 831       shrink_free_list_by(shrink_bytes);
 832     }
 833   }
 834 }
 836 Mutex* ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::freelistLock() const {
 837   return cmsSpace()->freelistLock();

1630   // collection, clear the _modUnionTable.
1631   assert(_collectorState != Idling || _modUnionTable.isAllClear(),
1632     "_modUnionTable should be clear if the baton was not passed");
1633   _modUnionTable.clear_all();
1634   assert(_collectorState != Idling || _ct->klass_rem_set()->mod_union_is_clear(),
1635     "mod union for klasses should be clear if the baton was passed");
1636   _ct->klass_rem_set()->clear_mod_union();
1638   // We must adjust the allocation statistics being maintained
1639   // in the free list space. We do so by reading and clearing
1640   // the sweep timer and updating the block flux rate estimates below.
1641   assert(!_intra_sweep_timer.is_active(), "_intra_sweep_timer should be inactive");
1642   if (_inter_sweep_timer.is_active()) {
1643     _inter_sweep_timer.stop();
1644     // Note that we do not use this sample to update the _inter_sweep_estimate.
1645     _cmsGen->cmsSpace()->beginSweepFLCensus((float)(_inter_sweep_timer.seconds()),
1646                                             _inter_sweep_estimate.padded_average(),
1647                                             _intra_sweep_estimate.padded_average());
1648   }
1650   GenMarkSweep::invoke_at_safepoint(ref_processor(), clear_all_soft_refs);

1651   #ifdef ASSERT
1652     CompactibleFreeListSpace* cms_space = _cmsGen->cmsSpace();
1653     size_t free_size = cms_space->free();
1654     assert(free_size ==
1655            pointer_delta(cms_space->end(), cms_space->compaction_top())
1656            * HeapWordSize,
1657       "All the free space should be compacted into one chunk at top");
1658     assert(cms_space->dictionary()->total_chunk_size(
1659                                       debug_only(cms_space->freelistLock())) == 0 ||
1660            cms_space->totalSizeInIndexedFreeLists() == 0,
1661       "All the free space should be in a single chunk");
1662     size_t num = cms_space->totalCount();
1663     assert((free_size == 0 && num == 0) ||
1664            (free_size > 0  && (num == 1 || num == 2)),
1665          "There should be at most 2 free chunks after compaction");
1666   #endif // ASSERT
1667   _collectorState = Resetting;
1668   assert(_restart_addr == NULL,
1669          "Should have been NULL'd before baton was passed");
1670   reset(false /* == !concurrent */);

2410   } else {
2411     warning("Unrecognized value " UINTX_FORMAT " for CMSRemarkVerifyVariant",
2412             CMSRemarkVerifyVariant);
2413   }
2414   if (!silent) gclog_or_tty->print(" done] ");
2415   return true;
2416 }
2418 void CMSCollector::verify_after_remark_work_1() {
2419   ResourceMark rm;
2420   HandleMark  hm;
2421   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
2423   // Get a clear set of claim bits for the roots processing to work with.
2424   ClassLoaderDataGraph::clear_claimed_marks();
2426   // Mark from roots one level into CMS
2427   MarkRefsIntoClosure notOlder(_span, verification_mark_bm());
2428   gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(false); // Not parallel.
2430   gch->gen_process_roots(Generation::Old,
2431                          true,   // younger gens are roots
2432                          true,   // activate StrongRootsScope
2433                          GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(roots_scanning_options()),
2434                          should_unload_classes(),
2435                          &notOlder,
2436                          NULL,
2437                          NULL);  // SSS: Provide correct closure
2439   // Now mark from the roots
2440   MarkFromRootsClosure markFromRootsClosure(this, _span,
2441     verification_mark_bm(), verification_mark_stack(),
2442     false /* don't yield */, true /* verifying */);
2443   assert(_restart_addr == NULL, "Expected pre-condition");
2444   verification_mark_bm()->iterate(&markFromRootsClosure);
2445   while (_restart_addr != NULL) {
2446     // Deal with stack overflow: by restarting at the indicated
2447     // address.
2448     HeapWord* ra = _restart_addr;
2449     markFromRootsClosure.reset(ra);
2450     _restart_addr = NULL;

2478   void do_klass(Klass* k) {
2479     k->oops_do(&_oop_closure);
2480   }
2481 };
2483 void CMSCollector::verify_after_remark_work_2() {
2484   ResourceMark rm;
2485   HandleMark  hm;
2486   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
2488   // Get a clear set of claim bits for the roots processing to work with.
2489   ClassLoaderDataGraph::clear_claimed_marks();
2491   // Mark from roots one level into CMS
2492   MarkRefsIntoVerifyClosure notOlder(_span, verification_mark_bm(),
2493                                      markBitMap());
2494   CLDToOopClosure cld_closure(&notOlder, true);
2496   gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(false); // Not parallel.
2498   gch->gen_process_roots(Generation::Old,
2499                          true,   // younger gens are roots
2500                          true,   // activate StrongRootsScope
2501                          GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(roots_scanning_options()),
2502                          should_unload_classes(),
2503                          &notOlder,
2504                          NULL,
2505                          &cld_closure);
2507   // Now mark from the roots
2508   MarkFromRootsVerifyClosure markFromRootsClosure(this, _span,
2509     verification_mark_bm(), markBitMap(), verification_mark_stack());
2510   assert(_restart_addr == NULL, "Expected pre-condition");
2511   verification_mark_bm()->iterate(&markFromRootsClosure);
2512   while (_restart_addr != NULL) {
2513     // Deal with stack overflow: by restarting at the indicated
2514     // address.
2515     HeapWord* ra = _restart_addr;
2516     markFromRootsClosure.reset(ra);
2517     _restart_addr = NULL;
2518     verification_mark_bm()->iterate(&markFromRootsClosure, ra, _span.end());

3001     if (CMSParallelInitialMarkEnabled && CollectedHeap::use_parallel_gc_threads()) {
3002       // The parallel version.
3003       FlexibleWorkGang* workers = gch->workers();
3004       assert(workers != NULL, "Need parallel worker threads.");
3005       int n_workers = workers->active_workers();
3006       CMSParInitialMarkTask tsk(this, n_workers);
3007       gch->set_par_threads(n_workers);
3008       initialize_sequential_subtasks_for_young_gen_rescan(n_workers);
3009       if (n_workers > 1) {
3010         StrongRootsScope srs;
3011         workers->run_task(&tsk);
3012       } else {
3013         StrongRootsScope srs;
3014         tsk.work(0);
3015       }
3016       gch->set_par_threads(0);
3017     } else {
3018       // The serial version.
3019       CLDToOopClosure cld_closure(&notOlder, true);
3020       gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(false); // Not parallel.
3021       gch->gen_process_roots(Generation::Old,
3022                              true,   // younger gens are roots
3023                              true,   // activate StrongRootsScope
3024                              GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(roots_scanning_options()),
3025                              should_unload_classes(),
3026                              &notOlder,
3027                              NULL,
3028                              &cld_closure);
3029     }
3030   }
3032   // Clear mod-union table; it will be dirtied in the prologue of
3033   // CMS generation per each younger generation collection.
3035   assert(_modUnionTable.isAllClear(),
3036        "Was cleared in most recent final checkpoint phase"
3037        " or no bits are set in the gc_prologue before the start of the next "
3038        "subsequent marking phase.");
3040   assert(_ct->klass_rem_set()->mod_union_is_clear(), "Must be");

4254   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(),
4255          "world should be stopped");
4256   TraceCMSMemoryManagerStats tms(_collectorState,GenCollectedHeap::heap()->gc_cause());
4258   verify_work_stacks_empty();
4259   verify_overflow_empty();
4261   if (PrintGCDetails) {
4262     gclog_or_tty->print("[YG occupancy: "SIZE_FORMAT" K ("SIZE_FORMAT" K)]",
4263                         _young_gen->used() / K,
4264                         _young_gen->capacity() / K);
4265   }
4266   {
4267     if (CMSScavengeBeforeRemark) {
4268       GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
4269       // Temporarily set flag to false, GCH->do_collection will
4270       // expect it to be false and set to true
4271       FlagSetting fl(gch->_is_gc_active, false);
4272       NOT_PRODUCT(GCTraceTime t("Scavenge-Before-Remark",
4273         PrintGCDetails && Verbose, true, _gc_timer_cm, _gc_tracer_cm->gc_id());)

4274       gch->do_collection(true,             // full (i.e. force, see below)
4275                          false,            // !clear_all_soft_refs
4276                          0,                // size
4277                          false,            // is_tlab
4278                          Generation::Young // type
4279         );
4280     }

4281     FreelistLocker x(this);
4282     MutexLockerEx y(bitMapLock(),
4283                     Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
4284     checkpointRootsFinalWork();
4285   }
4286   verify_work_stacks_empty();
4287   verify_overflow_empty();
4288 }
4290 void CMSCollector::checkpointRootsFinalWork() {
4291   NOT_PRODUCT(GCTraceTime tr("checkpointRootsFinalWork", PrintGCDetails, false, _gc_timer_cm, _gc_tracer_cm->gc_id());)
4293   assert(haveFreelistLocks(), "must have free list locks");
4294   assert_lock_strong(bitMapLock());
4296   ResourceMark rm;
4297   HandleMark   hm;
4299   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();

4432   GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
4433   Par_MarkRefsIntoClosure par_mri_cl(_collector->_span, &(_collector->_markBitMap));
4435   // ---------- young gen roots --------------
4436   {
4437     work_on_young_gen_roots(worker_id, &par_mri_cl);
4438     _timer.stop();
4439     if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
4440       gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
4441         "Finished young gen initial mark scan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
4442         worker_id, _timer.seconds());
4443     }
4444   }
4446   // ---------- remaining roots --------------
4447   _timer.reset();
4448   _timer.start();
4450   CLDToOopClosure cld_closure(&par_mri_cl, true);
4452   gch->gen_process_roots(Generation::Old,
4453                          false,     // yg was scanned above
4454                          false,     // this is parallel code
4455                          GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options()),
4456                          _collector->should_unload_classes(),
4457                          &par_mri_cl,
4458                          NULL,
4459                          &cld_closure);
4460   assert(_collector->should_unload_classes()
4461          || (_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options() & GenCollectedHeap::SO_AllCodeCache),
4462          "if we didn't scan the code cache, we have to be ready to drop nmethods with expired weak oops");
4463   _timer.stop();
4464   if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
4465     gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
4466       "Finished remaining root initial mark scan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
4467       worker_id, _timer.seconds());
4468   }
4469 }
4471 // Parallel remark task
4472 class CMSParRemarkTask: public CMSParMarkTask {

4568     work_queue(worker_id));
4570   // Rescan young gen roots first since these are likely
4571   // coarsely partitioned and may, on that account, constitute
4572   // the critical path; thus, it's best to start off that
4573   // work first.
4574   // ---------- young gen roots --------------
4575   {
4576     work_on_young_gen_roots(worker_id, &par_mrias_cl);
4577     _timer.stop();
4578     if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
4579       gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
4580         "Finished young gen rescan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
4581         worker_id, _timer.seconds());
4582     }
4583   }
4585   // ---------- remaining roots --------------
4586   _timer.reset();
4587   _timer.start();
4588   gch->gen_process_roots(Generation::Old,
4589                          false,     // yg was scanned above
4590                          false,     // this is parallel code
4591                          GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options()),
4592                          _collector->should_unload_classes(),
4593                          &par_mrias_cl,
4594                          NULL,
4595                          NULL);     // The dirty klasses will be handled below
4597   assert(_collector->should_unload_classes()
4598          || (_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options() & GenCollectedHeap::SO_AllCodeCache),
4599          "if we didn't scan the code cache, we have to be ready to drop nmethods with expired weak oops");
4600   _timer.stop();
4601   if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
4602     gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
4603       "Finished remaining root rescan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
4604       worker_id, _timer.seconds());
4605   }
4607   // ---------- unhandled CLD scanning ----------
4608   if (worker_id == 0) { // Single threaded at the moment.

5159       verify_work_stacks_empty();
5160       if (PrintCMSStatistics != 0) {
5161         gclog_or_tty->print(" (re-scanned "SIZE_FORMAT" dirty cards in cms gen) ",
5162           markFromDirtyCardsClosure.num_dirty_cards());
5163       }
5164     }
5165   }
5166   if (VerifyDuringGC &&
5167       GenCollectedHeap::heap()->total_collections() >= VerifyGCStartAt) {
5168     HandleMark hm;  // Discard invalid handles created during verification
5169     Universe::verify();
5170   }
5171   {
5172     GCTraceTime t("root rescan", PrintGCDetails, false, _gc_timer_cm, _gc_tracer_cm->gc_id());
5174     verify_work_stacks_empty();
5176     gch->rem_set()->prepare_for_younger_refs_iterate(false); // Not parallel.
5177     StrongRootsScope srs;
5179     gch->gen_process_roots(Generation::Old,
5180                            true,  // younger gens as roots
5181                            false, // use the local StrongRootsScope
5182                            GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(roots_scanning_options()),
5183                            should_unload_classes(),
5184                            &mrias_cl,
5185                            NULL,
5186                            NULL); // The dirty klasses will be handled below
5188     assert(should_unload_classes()
5189            || (roots_scanning_options() & GenCollectedHeap::SO_AllCodeCache),
5190            "if we didn't scan the code cache, we have to be ready to drop nmethods with expired weak oops");
5191   }
5193   {
5194     GCTraceTime t("visit unhandled CLDs", PrintGCDetails, false, _gc_timer_cm, _gc_tracer_cm->gc_id());
5196     verify_work_stacks_empty();
5198     // Scan all class loader data objects that might have been introduced
5199     // during concurrent marking.

5628   size_t nearLargestOffset =
5629     (size_t)((double)largestOffset * nearLargestPercent) - MinChunkSize;
5630   if (PrintFLSStatistics != 0) {
5631     gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
5632       "CMS: Large Block: " PTR_FORMAT ";"
5633       " Proximity: " PTR_FORMAT " -> " PTR_FORMAT,
5634       p2i(largestAddr),
5635       p2i(_cmsSpace->nearLargestChunk()), p2i(minAddr + nearLargestOffset));
5636   }
5637   _cmsSpace->set_nearLargestChunk(minAddr + nearLargestOffset);
5638 }
5640 bool ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::isNearLargestChunk(HeapWord* addr) {
5641   return addr >= _cmsSpace->nearLargestChunk();
5642 }
5644 FreeChunk* ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::find_chunk_at_end() {
5645   return _cmsSpace->find_chunk_at_end();
5646 }
5648 void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::update_gc_stats(Generation* current_generation,
5649                                                     bool full) {
5650   // If the young generation has been collected. Gather any statistics
5651   // that are of interest at this point.
5652   bool current_is_young = (current_generation == GenCollectedHeap::heap()->young_gen());
5653   if (!full && current_is_young) {
5654     // Gather statistics on the young generation collection.
5655     collector()->stats().record_gc0_end(used());
5656   }
5657 }
5659 void CMSCollector::sweepWork(ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration* gen) {
5660   // We iterate over the space(s) underlying this generation,
5661   // checking the mark bit map to see if the bits corresponding
5662   // to specific blocks are marked or not. Blocks that are
5663   // marked are live and are not swept up. All remaining blocks
5664   // are swept up, with coalescing on-the-fly as we sweep up
5665   // contiguous free and/or garbage blocks:
5666   // We need to ensure that the sweeper synchronizes with allocators
5667   // and stop-the-world collectors. In particular, the following
5668   // locks are used:
5669   // . CMS token: if this is held, a stop the world collection cannot occur
5670   // . freelistLock: if this is held no allocation can occur from this
5671   //                 generation by another thread
5672   // . bitMapLock: if this is held, no other thread can access or update
5673   //

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