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3129   InstructForm *instr;
3130   MachNodeForm *machnode;
3131   for( ; (instr = (InstructForm*)_instructions.iter()) != NULL; ) {
3132     // Ensure this is a machine-world instruction
3133     if ( instr->ideal_only() ) continue;
3135     defineOut_RegMask(_CPP_MISC_file._fp, instr->_ident, reg_mask(*instr));
3136   }
3138   bool used = false;
3139   // Output the definitions for expand rules & peephole rules
3140   _instructions.reset();
3141   for( ; (instr = (InstructForm*)_instructions.iter()) != NULL; ) {
3142     // Ensure this is a machine-world instruction
3143     if ( instr->ideal_only() ) continue;
3144     // If there are multiple defs/kills, or an explicit expand rule, build rule
3145     if( instr->expands() || instr->needs_projections() ||
3146         instr->has_temps() ||
3147         instr->is_mach_constant() ||
3148         instr->needs_constant_base() ||
3149         instr->_matrule != NULL &&
3150         instr->num_opnds() != instr->num_unique_opnds() )
3151       defineExpand(_CPP_EXPAND_file._fp, instr);
3152     // If there is an explicit peephole rule, build it
3153     if ( instr->peepholes() )
3154       definePeephole(_CPP_PEEPHOLE_file._fp, instr);
3156     // Output code to convert to the cisc version, if applicable
3157     used |= instr->define_cisc_version(*this, fp);
3159     // Output code to convert to the short branch version, if applicable
3160     used |= instr->define_short_branch_methods(*this, fp);
3161   }
3163   // Construct the method called by cisc_version() to copy inputs and operands.
3164   define_fill_new_machnode(used, fp);
3166   // Output the definitions for labels
3167   _instructions.reset();
3168   while( (instr = (InstructForm*)_instructions.iter()) != NULL ) {
3169     // Ensure this is a machine-world instruction
3170     if ( instr->ideal_only() ) continue;

3861 void ArchDesc::buildMachNode(FILE *fp_cpp, InstructForm *inst, const char *indent) {
3862   const char *opType  = NULL;
3863   const char *opClass = inst->_ident;
3865   // Create the MachNode object
3866   fprintf(fp_cpp, "%s %sNode *node = new %sNode();\n",indent, opClass,opClass);
3868   if ( (inst->num_post_match_opnds() != 0) ) {
3869     // Instruction that contains operands which are not in match rule.
3870     //
3871     // Check if the first post-match component may be an interesting def
3872     bool           dont_care = false;
3873     ComponentList &comp_list = inst->_components;
3874     Component     *comp      = NULL;
3875     comp_list.reset();
3876     if ( comp_list.match_iter() != NULL )    dont_care = true;
3878     // Insert operands that are not in match-rule.
3879     // Only insert a DEF if the do_care flag is set
3880     comp_list.reset();
3881     while ( comp = comp_list.post_match_iter() ) {
3882       // Check if we don't care about DEFs or KILLs that are not USEs
3883       if ( dont_care && (! comp->isa(Component::USE)) ) {
3884         continue;
3885       }
3886       dont_care = true;
3887       // For each operand not in the match rule, call MachOperGenerator
3888       // with the enum for the opcode that needs to be built.
3889       ComponentList clist = inst->_components;
3890       int         index  = clist.operand_position(comp->_name, comp->_usedef, inst);
3891       const char *opcode = machOperEnum(comp->_type);
3892       fprintf(fp_cpp, "%s node->set_opnd_array(%d, ", indent, index);
3893       fprintf(fp_cpp, "MachOperGenerator(%s));\n", opcode);
3894       }
3895   }
3896   else if ( inst->is_chain_of_constant(_globalNames, opType) ) {
3897     // An instruction that chains from a constant!
3898     // In this case, we need to subsume the constant into the node
3899     // at operand position, oper_input_base().
3900     //
3901     // Fill in the constant

3129   InstructForm *instr;
3130   MachNodeForm *machnode;
3131   for( ; (instr = (InstructForm*)_instructions.iter()) != NULL; ) {
3132     // Ensure this is a machine-world instruction
3133     if ( instr->ideal_only() ) continue;
3135     defineOut_RegMask(_CPP_MISC_file._fp, instr->_ident, reg_mask(*instr));
3136   }
3138   bool used = false;
3139   // Output the definitions for expand rules & peephole rules
3140   _instructions.reset();
3141   for( ; (instr = (InstructForm*)_instructions.iter()) != NULL; ) {
3142     // Ensure this is a machine-world instruction
3143     if ( instr->ideal_only() ) continue;
3144     // If there are multiple defs/kills, or an explicit expand rule, build rule
3145     if( instr->expands() || instr->needs_projections() ||
3146         instr->has_temps() ||
3147         instr->is_mach_constant() ||
3148         instr->needs_constant_base() ||
3149         (instr->_matrule != NULL &&
3150          instr->num_opnds() != instr->num_unique_opnds()) )
3151       defineExpand(_CPP_EXPAND_file._fp, instr);
3152     // If there is an explicit peephole rule, build it
3153     if ( instr->peepholes() )
3154       definePeephole(_CPP_PEEPHOLE_file._fp, instr);
3156     // Output code to convert to the cisc version, if applicable
3157     used |= instr->define_cisc_version(*this, fp);
3159     // Output code to convert to the short branch version, if applicable
3160     used |= instr->define_short_branch_methods(*this, fp);
3161   }
3163   // Construct the method called by cisc_version() to copy inputs and operands.
3164   define_fill_new_machnode(used, fp);
3166   // Output the definitions for labels
3167   _instructions.reset();
3168   while( (instr = (InstructForm*)_instructions.iter()) != NULL ) {
3169     // Ensure this is a machine-world instruction
3170     if ( instr->ideal_only() ) continue;

3861 void ArchDesc::buildMachNode(FILE *fp_cpp, InstructForm *inst, const char *indent) {
3862   const char *opType  = NULL;
3863   const char *opClass = inst->_ident;
3865   // Create the MachNode object
3866   fprintf(fp_cpp, "%s %sNode *node = new %sNode();\n",indent, opClass,opClass);
3868   if ( (inst->num_post_match_opnds() != 0) ) {
3869     // Instruction that contains operands which are not in match rule.
3870     //
3871     // Check if the first post-match component may be an interesting def
3872     bool           dont_care = false;
3873     ComponentList &comp_list = inst->_components;
3874     Component     *comp      = NULL;
3875     comp_list.reset();
3876     if ( comp_list.match_iter() != NULL )    dont_care = true;
3878     // Insert operands that are not in match-rule.
3879     // Only insert a DEF if the do_care flag is set
3880     comp_list.reset();
3881     while ( (comp = comp_list.post_match_iter()) ) {
3882       // Check if we don't care about DEFs or KILLs that are not USEs
3883       if ( dont_care && (! comp->isa(Component::USE)) ) {
3884         continue;
3885       }
3886       dont_care = true;
3887       // For each operand not in the match rule, call MachOperGenerator
3888       // with the enum for the opcode that needs to be built.
3889       ComponentList clist = inst->_components;
3890       int         index  = clist.operand_position(comp->_name, comp->_usedef, inst);
3891       const char *opcode = machOperEnum(comp->_type);
3892       fprintf(fp_cpp, "%s node->set_opnd_array(%d, ", indent, index);
3893       fprintf(fp_cpp, "MachOperGenerator(%s));\n", opcode);
3894       }
3895   }
3896   else if ( inst->is_chain_of_constant(_globalNames, opType) ) {
3897     // An instruction that chains from a constant!
3898     // In this case, we need to subsume the constant into the node
3899     // at operand position, oper_input_base().
3900     //
3901     // Fill in the constant

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