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  74         if (this instanceof LogicConstantNode) {
  75             LogicConstantNode logicConstantNode = (LogicConstantNode) this;
  76             return !logicConstantNode.getValue();
  77         }
  79         return false;
  80     }
  82     /**
  83      * Determines what this condition implies about the other.
  84      *
  85      * <ul>
  86      * <li>If negate(this, thisNegated) => other, returns {@link TriState#TRUE}</li>
  87      * <li>If negate(this, thisNegated) => !other, returns {@link TriState#FALSE}</li>
  88      * </ul>
  89      *
  90      * @param thisNegated whether this condition should be considered as false.
  91      * @param other the other condition.
  92      */
  93     public TriState implies(boolean thisNegated, LogicNode other) {

  94         return TriState.UNKNOWN;

  95     }
  96 }

  74         if (this instanceof LogicConstantNode) {
  75             LogicConstantNode logicConstantNode = (LogicConstantNode) this;
  76             return !logicConstantNode.getValue();
  77         }
  79         return false;
  80     }
  82     /**
  83      * Determines what this condition implies about the other.
  84      *
  85      * <ul>
  86      * <li>If negate(this, thisNegated) => other, returns {@link TriState#TRUE}</li>
  87      * <li>If negate(this, thisNegated) => !other, returns {@link TriState#FALSE}</li>
  88      * </ul>
  89      *
  90      * @param thisNegated whether this condition should be considered as false.
  91      * @param other the other condition.
  92      */
  93     public TriState implies(boolean thisNegated, LogicNode other) {
  94         if (this == other) {
  95             return TriState.get(!thisNegated);
  96         }
  97         if (other instanceof LogicNegationNode) {
  98             return flip(this.implies(thisNegated, ((LogicNegationNode) other).getValue()));
  99         }
 100         return TriState.UNKNOWN;
 101     }
 103     private static TriState flip(TriState triState) {
 104         return triState.isUnknown()
 105                         ? triState
 106                         : TriState.get(!triState.toBoolean());
 107     }
 108 }
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