/* * Copyright (c) 2016, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package jdk.tools.jaotc; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import org.graalvm.compiler.code.DataSection; import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.meta.HotSpotConstantLoadAction; import jdk.tools.jaotc.binformat.BinaryContainer; import jdk.tools.jaotc.binformat.Relocation; import jdk.tools.jaotc.binformat.Relocation.RelocType; import jdk.tools.jaotc.binformat.Symbol; import jdk.tools.jaotc.binformat.Symbol.Binding; import jdk.tools.jaotc.binformat.Symbol.Kind; import jdk.vm.ci.code.TargetDescription; import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.ConstantReference; import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.DataPatch; import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.DataSectionReference; import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.Reference; import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotConstantPoolObject; import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotMetaspaceConstant; import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotObjectConstant; import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotResolvedObjectType; import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotSentinelConstant; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.VMConstant; final class DataPatchProcessor { private final TargetDescription target; private final BinaryContainer binaryContainer; DataPatchProcessor(DataBuilder dataBuilder) { this.target = dataBuilder.getBackend().getTarget(); this.binaryContainer = dataBuilder.getBinaryContainer(); } /** * Process a {@link DataPatch} generated by the compiler and create all needed binary section * constructs. */ void process(CompiledMethodInfo methodInfo, DataPatch dataPatch) { Reference reference = dataPatch.reference; if (reference instanceof ConstantReference) { processConstantReference(dataPatch, methodInfo); } else if (reference instanceof DataSectionReference) { processDataSectionReference(dataPatch, methodInfo); } else { throw new InternalError("Unknown data patch reference: " + reference); } } private void processConstantReference(DataPatch dataPatch, CompiledMethodInfo methodInfo) { HotSpotConstantLoadAction action = (HotSpotConstantLoadAction) dataPatch.note; ConstantReference constantReference = (ConstantReference) dataPatch.reference; assert action != null : "action should be set"; VMConstant constant = constantReference.getConstant(); String targetSymbol = null; String gotName = null; if (constant instanceof HotSpotMetaspaceConstant) { HotSpotMetaspaceConstant metaspaceConstant = (HotSpotMetaspaceConstant) constant; if (metaspaceConstant.asResolvedJavaType() != null) { HotSpotResolvedObjectType type = metaspaceConstant.asResolvedJavaType(); methodInfo.addDependentKlassData(binaryContainer, type); targetSymbol = AOTCompiledClass.metadataName(type); gotName = ((action == HotSpotConstantLoadAction.INITIALIZE) ? "got.init." : "got.") + targetSymbol; } else if (metaspaceConstant.asResolvedJavaMethod() != null && action == HotSpotConstantLoadAction.LOAD_COUNTERS) { targetSymbol = "counters." + JavaMethodInfo.uniqueMethodName(metaspaceConstant.asResolvedJavaMethod()); gotName = "got." + targetSymbol; binaryContainer.addCountersSymbol(targetSymbol); } } else if (constant instanceof JavaConstant) { JavaConstant jConstant = (JavaConstant) constant; if (jConstant instanceof HotSpotConstantPoolObject) { HotSpotConstantPoolObject cpo = (HotSpotConstantPoolObject) jConstant; // Even if two locations use the same object, resolve separately targetSymbol = "ldc." + cpo.toValueString(); Integer offset = binaryContainer.addOopSymbol(targetSymbol); gotName = "got.ldc." + offset; } else if (jConstant instanceof HotSpotObjectConstant) { HotSpotObjectConstant oopConstant = (HotSpotObjectConstant) jConstant; // String constant. targetSymbol = "ldc." + oopConstant.toValueString(); Integer offset = binaryContainer.addOopSymbol(targetSymbol); gotName = "got.ldc." + offset; } else if (jConstant instanceof HotSpotSentinelConstant) { targetSymbol = "state.M" + methodInfo.getCodeId(); gotName = "got." + targetSymbol; } } assert gotName != null : "Unknown constant type: " + constant; InstructionDecoder decoder = InstructionDecoder.getInstructionDecoder(target); decoder.decodePosition(methodInfo.getCompilationResult().getTargetCode(), dataPatch.pcOffset); int instructionEndOffset = decoder.currentEndOfInstruction(); int textBaseOffset = methodInfo.getTextSectionOffset(); int relocOffset = textBaseOffset + instructionEndOffset; Symbol relocationSymbol = binaryContainer.getSymbol(gotName); assert relocationSymbol != null : "symbol for " + gotName + " missing"; Relocation reloc = new Relocation(relocOffset, RelocType.METASPACE_GOT_REFERENCE, 0, binaryContainer.getCodeContainer(), relocationSymbol); binaryContainer.addRelocation(reloc); } private void processDataSectionReference(DataPatch dataPatch, CompiledMethodInfo methodInfo) { DataSectionReference dataReference = (DataSectionReference) dataPatch.reference; InstructionDecoder decoder = InstructionDecoder.getInstructionDecoder(target); decoder.decodePosition(methodInfo.getCompilationResult().getTargetCode(), dataPatch.pcOffset); int instructionEndOffset = decoder.currentEndOfInstruction(); int textBaseOffset = methodInfo.getTextSectionOffset(); int relocOffset = textBaseOffset + instructionEndOffset; int dataOffset = dataReference.getOffset(); DataSection dataSection = methodInfo.getCompilationResult().getDataSection(); DataSection.Data data = dataSection.findData(dataReference); int size = data.getSize(); int alignment = data.getAlignment(); byte[] value = new byte[size]; ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(value).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); DataSection.emit(buffer, data, (p, c) -> { }); String targetSymbol = "data.M" + methodInfo.getCodeId() + "." + dataOffset; Symbol relocationSymbol = binaryContainer.getSymbol(targetSymbol); if (relocationSymbol == null) { int symSize = Math.max(8, size); int symAlig = Math.max(8, alignment); int offsetInConstantDataSection = binaryContainer.addConstantData(value, symAlig); relocationSymbol = binaryContainer.getConstantDataContainer().createSymbol(offsetInConstantDataSection, Kind.OBJECT, Binding.LOCAL, symSize, targetSymbol); } Relocation reloc = new Relocation(relocOffset, RelocType.METASPACE_GOT_REFERENCE, 0, binaryContainer.getCodeContainer(), relocationSymbol); binaryContainer.addRelocation(reloc); } }