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 147         } else {
 148             return new AArch64AddressValue(address.getValueKind(), asAllocatable(address), Value.ILLEGAL, 0, 1, AddressingMode.BASE_REGISTER_ONLY);
 149         }
 150     }
 152     @Override
 153     public Variable emitLogicCompareAndSwap(LIRKind accessKind, Value address, Value expectedValue, Value newValue, Value trueValue, Value falseValue) {
 154         Variable prevValue = newVariable(expectedValue.getValueKind());
 155         Variable scratch = newVariable(LIRKind.value(AArch64Kind.DWORD));
 156         append(new CompareAndSwapOp(prevValue, loadReg(expectedValue), loadReg(newValue), asAllocatable(address), scratch));
 157         assert trueValue.getValueKind().equals(falseValue.getValueKind());
 158         Variable result = newVariable(trueValue.getValueKind());
 159         append(new CondMoveOp(result, ConditionFlag.EQ, asAllocatable(trueValue), asAllocatable(falseValue)));
 160         return result;
 161     }
 163     @Override
 164     public Variable emitValueCompareAndSwap(LIRKind accessKind, Value address, Value expectedValue, Value newValue) {
 165         Variable result = newVariable(newValue.getValueKind());
 166         Variable scratch = newVariable(LIRKind.value(AArch64Kind.WORD));
 167         append(new CompareAndSwapOp(result, loadNonCompareConst(expectedValue), loadReg(newValue), asAllocatable(address), scratch));
 168         return result;
 169     }
 171     @Override
 172     public Value emitAtomicReadAndWrite(Value address, ValueKind<?> kind, Value newValue) {
 173         Variable result = newVariable(kind);
 174         Variable scratch = newVariable(kind);
 175         append(new AtomicReadAndWriteOp((AArch64Kind) kind.getPlatformKind(), asAllocatable(result), asAllocatable(address), asAllocatable(newValue), asAllocatable(scratch)));
 176         return result;
 177     }
 179     @Override
 180     public Value emitAtomicReadAndAdd(Value address, ValueKind<?> kind, Value delta) {
 181         Variable result = newVariable(kind);
 182         if (AArch64LIRFlagsVersioned.useLSE(target().arch)) {
 183             append(new AtomicReadAndAddLSEOp((AArch64Kind) kind.getPlatformKind(), asAllocatable(result), asAllocatable(address), asAllocatable(delta)));
 184         } else {
 185             append(new AtomicReadAndAddOp((AArch64Kind) kind.getPlatformKind(), asAllocatable(result), asAllocatable(address), delta));
 186         }
 187         return result;

 221         ((AArch64ArithmeticLIRGenerator) getArithmetic()).emitBinary(LIRKind.combine(left, right), AArch64ArithmeticOp.ANDS, true, left, right);
 222         append(new AArch64ControlFlow.BranchOp(ConditionFlag.EQ, trueDestination, falseDestination, trueSuccessorProbability));
 223     }
 225     /**
 226      * Conditionally move trueValue into new variable if cond + unorderedIsTrue is true, else
 227      * falseValue.
 228      *
 229      * @param left Arbitrary value. Has to have same type as right. Non null.
 230      * @param right Arbitrary value. Has to have same type as left. Non null.
 231      * @param cond condition that decides whether to move trueValue or falseValue into result. Non
 232      *            null.
 233      * @param unorderedIsTrue defines whether floating-point comparisons consider unordered true or
 234      *            not. Ignored for integer comparisons.
 235      * @param trueValue arbitrary value same type as falseValue. Non null.
 236      * @param falseValue arbitrary value same type as trueValue. Non null.
 237      * @return value containing trueValue if cond + unorderedIsTrue is true, else falseValue. Non
 238      *         null.
 239      */
 240     @Override
 241     public Variable emitConditionalMove(PlatformKind cmpKind, Value left, Value right, Condition cond, boolean unorderedIsTrue, Value trueValue, Value falseValue) {
 242         boolean mirrored = emitCompare(cmpKind, left, right, cond, unorderedIsTrue);

 243         Condition finalCondition = mirrored ? cond.mirror() : cond;
 244         boolean finalUnorderedIsTrue = mirrored ? !unorderedIsTrue : unorderedIsTrue;
 245         ConditionFlag cmpCondition = toConditionFlag(((AArch64Kind) cmpKind).isInteger(), finalCondition, finalUnorderedIsTrue);
 246         Variable result = newVariable(trueValue.getValueKind());
 248         if (isIntConstant(trueValue, 1) && isIntConstant(falseValue, 0)) {
 249             append(new CondSetOp(result, cmpCondition));
 250         } else if (isIntConstant(trueValue, 0) && isIntConstant(falseValue, 1)) {
 251             append(new CondSetOp(result, cmpCondition.negate()));
 252         } else {
 253             append(new CondMoveOp(result, cmpCondition, loadReg(trueValue), loadReg(falseValue)));
 254         }
 255         return result;
 256     }
 258     @Override
 259     public void emitCompareBranch(PlatformKind cmpKind, Value left, Value right, Condition cond, boolean unorderedIsTrue, LabelRef trueDestination, LabelRef falseDestination,
 260                     double trueDestinationProbability) {

 261         if (cond == Condition.EQ) {
 262             // emit cbz instruction for IsNullNode.
 263             assert !LIRValueUtil.isNullConstant(left) : "emitNullCheckBranch()'s null input should be in right.";
 264             if (LIRValueUtil.isNullConstant(right)) {
 265                 append(new CompareBranchZeroOp(asAllocatable(left), trueDestination, falseDestination, trueDestinationProbability));
 266                 return;

 267             }
 269             // emit cbz instruction for IntegerEquals when any of the inputs is zero.
 270             AArch64Kind kind = (AArch64Kind) cmpKind;
 271             if (kind.isInteger()) {
 272                 if (isIntConstant(left, 0)) {
 273                     append(new CompareBranchZeroOp(asAllocatable(right), trueDestination, falseDestination, trueDestinationProbability));
 274                     return;
 275                 } else if (isIntConstant(right, 0)) {
 276                     append(new CompareBranchZeroOp(asAllocatable(left), trueDestination, falseDestination, trueDestinationProbability));
 277                     return;
 278                 }
 279             }
 280         }
 282         boolean mirrored = emitCompare(cmpKind, left, right, cond, unorderedIsTrue);
 283         Condition finalCondition = mirrored ? cond.mirror() : cond;
 284         boolean finalUnorderedIsTrue = mirrored ? !unorderedIsTrue : unorderedIsTrue;
 285         ConditionFlag cmpCondition = toConditionFlag(((AArch64Kind) cmpKind).isInteger(), finalCondition, finalUnorderedIsTrue);
 286         append(new BranchOp(cmpCondition, trueDestination, falseDestination, trueDestinationProbability));
 287     }
 289     private static ConditionFlag toConditionFlag(boolean isInt, Condition cond, boolean unorderedIsTrue) {
 290         return isInt ? toIntConditionFlag(cond) : toFloatConditionFlag(cond, unorderedIsTrue);
 291     }
 293     /**
 294      * Takes a Condition and unorderedIsTrue flag and returns the correct Aarch64 specific
 295      * ConditionFlag. Note: This is only correct if the emitCompare code for floats has correctly
 296      * handled the case of 'EQ && unorderedIsTrue', respectively 'NE && !unorderedIsTrue'!
 297      */
 298     private static ConditionFlag toFloatConditionFlag(Condition cond, boolean unorderedIsTrue) {
 299         switch (cond) {
 300             case LT:
 301                 return unorderedIsTrue ? ConditionFlag.LT : ConditionFlag.LO;
 302             case LE:

 147         } else {
 148             return new AArch64AddressValue(address.getValueKind(), asAllocatable(address), Value.ILLEGAL, 0, 1, AddressingMode.BASE_REGISTER_ONLY);
 149         }
 150     }
 152     @Override
 153     public Variable emitLogicCompareAndSwap(LIRKind accessKind, Value address, Value expectedValue, Value newValue, Value trueValue, Value falseValue) {
 154         Variable prevValue = newVariable(expectedValue.getValueKind());
 155         Variable scratch = newVariable(LIRKind.value(AArch64Kind.DWORD));
 156         append(new CompareAndSwapOp(prevValue, loadReg(expectedValue), loadReg(newValue), asAllocatable(address), scratch));
 157         assert trueValue.getValueKind().equals(falseValue.getValueKind());
 158         Variable result = newVariable(trueValue.getValueKind());
 159         append(new CondMoveOp(result, ConditionFlag.EQ, asAllocatable(trueValue), asAllocatable(falseValue)));
 160         return result;
 161     }
 163     @Override
 164     public Variable emitValueCompareAndSwap(LIRKind accessKind, Value address, Value expectedValue, Value newValue) {
 165         Variable result = newVariable(newValue.getValueKind());
 166         Variable scratch = newVariable(LIRKind.value(AArch64Kind.WORD));
 167         append(new CompareAndSwapOp(result, loadReg(expectedValue), loadReg(newValue), asAllocatable(address), scratch));
 168         return result;
 169     }
 171     @Override
 172     public Value emitAtomicReadAndWrite(Value address, ValueKind<?> kind, Value newValue) {
 173         Variable result = newVariable(kind);
 174         Variable scratch = newVariable(kind);
 175         append(new AtomicReadAndWriteOp((AArch64Kind) kind.getPlatformKind(), asAllocatable(result), asAllocatable(address), asAllocatable(newValue), asAllocatable(scratch)));
 176         return result;
 177     }
 179     @Override
 180     public Value emitAtomicReadAndAdd(Value address, ValueKind<?> kind, Value delta) {
 181         Variable result = newVariable(kind);
 182         if (AArch64LIRFlagsVersioned.useLSE(target().arch)) {
 183             append(new AtomicReadAndAddLSEOp((AArch64Kind) kind.getPlatformKind(), asAllocatable(result), asAllocatable(address), asAllocatable(delta)));
 184         } else {
 185             append(new AtomicReadAndAddOp((AArch64Kind) kind.getPlatformKind(), asAllocatable(result), asAllocatable(address), delta));
 186         }
 187         return result;

 221         ((AArch64ArithmeticLIRGenerator) getArithmetic()).emitBinary(LIRKind.combine(left, right), AArch64ArithmeticOp.ANDS, true, left, right);
 222         append(new AArch64ControlFlow.BranchOp(ConditionFlag.EQ, trueDestination, falseDestination, trueSuccessorProbability));
 223     }
 225     /**
 226      * Conditionally move trueValue into new variable if cond + unorderedIsTrue is true, else
 227      * falseValue.
 228      *
 229      * @param left Arbitrary value. Has to have same type as right. Non null.
 230      * @param right Arbitrary value. Has to have same type as left. Non null.
 231      * @param cond condition that decides whether to move trueValue or falseValue into result. Non
 232      *            null.
 233      * @param unorderedIsTrue defines whether floating-point comparisons consider unordered true or
 234      *            not. Ignored for integer comparisons.
 235      * @param trueValue arbitrary value same type as falseValue. Non null.
 236      * @param falseValue arbitrary value same type as trueValue. Non null.
 237      * @return value containing trueValue if cond + unorderedIsTrue is true, else falseValue. Non
 238      *         null.
 239      */
 240     @Override
 241     public Variable emitConditionalMove(PlatformKind cmpKind, Value left, final Value right, Condition cond, boolean unorderedIsTrue, Value trueValue, Value falseValue) {
 242         AArch64ArithmeticLIRGenerator arithLir = ((AArch64ArithmeticLIRGenerator) arithmeticLIRGen);
 243         Value actualRight = right;
 244         if (isJavaConstant(actualRight) && arithLir.mustReplaceNullWithNullRegister((asJavaConstant(actualRight)))) {
 245             actualRight = arithLir.getNullRegisterValue();
 246         }
 247         boolean mirrored = emitCompare(cmpKind, left, actualRight, cond, unorderedIsTrue);
 248         Condition finalCondition = mirrored ? cond.mirror() : cond;
 249         boolean finalUnorderedIsTrue = mirrored ? !unorderedIsTrue : unorderedIsTrue;
 250         ConditionFlag cmpCondition = toConditionFlag(((AArch64Kind) cmpKind).isInteger(), finalCondition, finalUnorderedIsTrue);
 251         Variable result = newVariable(trueValue.getValueKind());
 253         if (isIntConstant(trueValue, 1) && isIntConstant(falseValue, 0)) {
 254             append(new CondSetOp(result, cmpCondition));
 255         } else if (isIntConstant(trueValue, 0) && isIntConstant(falseValue, 1)) {
 256             append(new CondSetOp(result, cmpCondition.negate()));
 257         } else {
 258             append(new CondMoveOp(result, cmpCondition, loadReg(trueValue), loadReg(falseValue)));
 259         }
 260         return result;
 261     }
 263     @Override
 264     public void emitCompareBranch(PlatformKind cmpKind, Value left, final Value right, Condition cond, boolean unorderedIsTrue, LabelRef trueDestination, LabelRef falseDestination,
 265                     double trueDestinationProbability) {
 266         Value actualRight = right;
 267         if (cond == Condition.EQ) {
 268             // emit cbz instruction for IsNullNode.
 269             assert !LIRValueUtil.isNullConstant(left) : "emitNullCheckBranch()'s null input should be in right.";
 270             AArch64ArithmeticLIRGenerator arithLir = ((AArch64ArithmeticLIRGenerator) arithmeticLIRGen);
 271             if (LIRValueUtil.isNullConstant(actualRight)) {
 272                 JavaConstant rightConstant = asJavaConstant(actualRight);
 273                 if (arithLir.mustReplaceNullWithNullRegister(rightConstant)) {
 274                     actualRight = arithLir.getNullRegisterValue();
 275                 } else {
 276                     append(new CompareBranchZeroOp(asAllocatable(left), trueDestination, falseDestination,
 277                                     trueDestinationProbability));
 278                     return;
 279                 }
 280             }
 282             // emit cbz instruction for IntegerEquals when any of the inputs is zero.
 283             AArch64Kind kind = (AArch64Kind) cmpKind;
 284             if (kind.isInteger()) {
 285                 if (isIntConstant(left, 0)) {
 286                     append(new CompareBranchZeroOp(asAllocatable(actualRight), trueDestination, falseDestination, trueDestinationProbability));
 287                     return;
 288                 } else if (isIntConstant(actualRight, 0)) {
 289                     append(new CompareBranchZeroOp(asAllocatable(left), trueDestination, falseDestination, trueDestinationProbability));
 290                     return;
 291                 }
 292             }
 293         }
 295         boolean mirrored = emitCompare(cmpKind, left, actualRight, cond, unorderedIsTrue);
 296         Condition finalCondition = mirrored ? cond.mirror() : cond;
 297         boolean finalUnorderedIsTrue = mirrored ? !unorderedIsTrue : unorderedIsTrue;
 298         ConditionFlag cmpCondition = toConditionFlag(((AArch64Kind) cmpKind).isInteger(), finalCondition, finalUnorderedIsTrue);
 299         append(new BranchOp(cmpCondition, trueDestination, falseDestination, trueDestinationProbability));
 300     }
 302     private static ConditionFlag toConditionFlag(boolean isInt, Condition cond, boolean unorderedIsTrue) {
 303         return isInt ? toIntConditionFlag(cond) : toFloatConditionFlag(cond, unorderedIsTrue);
 304     }
 306     /**
 307      * Takes a Condition and unorderedIsTrue flag and returns the correct Aarch64 specific
 308      * ConditionFlag. Note: This is only correct if the emitCompare code for floats has correctly
 309      * handled the case of 'EQ && unorderedIsTrue', respectively 'NE && !unorderedIsTrue'!
 310      */
 311     private static ConditionFlag toFloatConditionFlag(Condition cond, boolean unorderedIsTrue) {
 312         switch (cond) {
 313             case LT:
 314                 return unorderedIsTrue ? ConditionFlag.LT : ConditionFlag.LO;
 315             case LE:

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