1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2016, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  25 package org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot;
  27 import static org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.HotSpotGraalCompiler.fmt;
  29 import java.util.Arrays;
  31 import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.TTY;
  32 import org.graalvm.compiler.options.Option;
  33 import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionKey;
  34 import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionType;
  35 import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues;
  37 import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod;
  38 import jdk.vm.ci.services.Services;
  40 /**
  41  * A watch dog for reporting long running compilations. This is designed to be an always on
  42  * mechanism for the purpose of getting better reports from customer sites. As such, it only exits
  43  * the VM when it is very sure about a stuck compilation as opposed to only observing a long running
  44  * compilation. In both cases, it logs messages to {@link TTY}.
  45  *
  46  * A watch dog thread is associated with each compiler thread. It wakes up every
  47  * {@value #SPIN_TIMEOUT_MS} milliseconds to observe the state of the compiler thread. After the
  48  * first {@link Options#CompilationWatchDogStartDelay} seconds of a specific compilation, the watch
  49  * dog reports a long running compilation. Every
  50  * {@link Options#CompilationWatchDogStackTraceInterval} seconds after that point in time where the
  51  * same compilation is still executing, the watch dog takes a stack trace of the compiler thread. If
  52  * more than {@value Options#NonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots} contiguous identical stack
  53  * traces are seen, the watch dog reports a stuck compilation and exits the VM.
  54  */
  55 class CompilationWatchDog extends Thread implements AutoCloseable {
  57     public static class Options {
  58         // @formatter:off
  59         @Option(help = "Delay in seconds before watch dog monitoring a compilation (0 disables monitoring).", type = OptionType.Debug)
  60         public static final OptionKey<Double> CompilationWatchDogStartDelay = new OptionKey<>(0.0D);
  61         @Option(help = "Interval in seconds between a watch dog reporting stack traces for long running compilations.", type = OptionType.Debug)
  62         public static final OptionKey<Double> CompilationWatchDogStackTraceInterval = new OptionKey<>(60.0D);
  63         @Option(help = "Number of contiguous identical compiler thread stack traces allowed before the VM exits " +
  64                        "on the basis of a stuck compilation.", type = OptionType.Debug)
  65         public static final OptionKey<Integer> NonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots = new OptionKey<>(20);
  66         // @formatter:on
  67     }
  69     private enum WatchDogState {
  70         /**
  71          * The watch dog thread sleeps currently, either no method is currently compiled, or no
  72          * method is compiled long enough to be monitored.
  73          */
  74         SLEEPING,
  75         /**
  76          * The watch dog thread identified a compilation that already takes long enough to be
  77          * interesting. It will sleep and wake up periodically and check if the current compilation
  78          * takes too long. If it takes too long it will start collecting stack traces from the
  79          * compiler thread.
  80          */
  82         /**
  83          * The watch dog thread is fully monitoring the compiler thread. It takes stack traces
  84          * periodically and sleeps again until the next period. If the number of stack traces
  85          * reaches a certain upper bound and those stack traces are equal it will shut down the
  86          * entire VM with an error.
  87          */
  89     }
  91     /**
  92      * The number of milliseconds a watch dog thread sleeps between observing the state of the
  93      * compilation thread it is associated with. Most compilations are expected to complete within
  94      * this time period and thus not be actively monitored by the watch dog.
  95      */
  96     private static final int SPIN_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000;
  98     private WatchDogState state = WatchDogState.SLEEPING;
  99     private final Thread compilerThread;
 100     private final long startDelayMilliseconds;
 101     private final long stackTraceIntervalMilliseconds;
 102     private final int nonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots;
 103     private volatile ResolvedJavaMethod currentMethod;
 104     private volatile int currentId;
 105     private ResolvedJavaMethod lastWatched;
 107     // The 4 fields below are for a single compilation being watched
 108     private long elapsed;
 109     private int traceIntervals;
 110     private int numberOfIdenticalStackTraces;
 111     private StackTraceElement[] lastStackTrace;
 113     CompilationWatchDog(Thread compilerThread, long startDelayMilliseconds, long stackTraceIntervalMilliseconds, int nonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots) {
 114         this.compilerThread = compilerThread;
 115         this.setName("WatchDog" + getId() + "[" + compilerThread.getName() + "]");
 116         this.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY);
 117         this.setDaemon(true);
 118         this.startDelayMilliseconds = startDelayMilliseconds;
 119         this.stackTraceIntervalMilliseconds = stackTraceIntervalMilliseconds;
 120         this.nonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots = nonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots;
 121     }
 123     public void startCompilation(ResolvedJavaMethod method, int id) {
 124         trace("start %s", fmt(method));
 125         this.currentMethod = method;
 126         this.currentId = id;
 127     }
 129     public void stopCompilation() {
 130         trace(" stop %s", fmt(currentMethod));
 131         this.currentMethod = null;
 132     }
 134     private void reset() {
 135         elapsed = 0;
 136         traceIntervals = 0;
 137         numberOfIdenticalStackTraces = 0;
 138         lastWatched = null;
 139         lastStackTrace = null;
 140         state = WatchDogState.SLEEPING;
 141     }
 143     private void tick(WatchDogState newState) {
 144         state = newState;
 145     }
 147     /**
 148      * Saves the current stack trace {@link StackTraceElement} of the monitored compiler thread
 149      * {@link CompilationWatchDog#compilerThread}.
 150      *
 151      * @param newStackTrace the current stack trace of the monitored compiler thread
 152      * @return {@code true} if the stack trace is equal to the last stack trace (or if it is the
 153      *         first one) and {@code false} if it is not equal to the last one.
 154      */
 155     private boolean recordStackTrace(StackTraceElement[] newStackTrace) {
 156         if (lastStackTrace == null) {
 157             lastStackTrace = newStackTrace;
 158             return true;
 159         }
 160         if (!Arrays.equals(lastStackTrace, newStackTrace)) {
 161             lastStackTrace = newStackTrace;
 162             return false;
 163         }
 164         return true;
 165     }
 167     /**
 168      * Set to true to debug the watch dog.
 169      */
 170     private static final boolean DEBUG = Boolean.parseBoolean(Services.getSavedProperties().get("debug.graal.CompilationWatchDog"));
 172     private void trace(String format, Object... args) {
 173         if (DEBUG) {
 174             TTY.println(this + ": " + String.format(format, args));
 175         }
 176     }
 178     private static long ms(double seconds) {
 179         return (long) seconds * 1000;
 180     }
 182     private static double secs(long ms) {
 183         return (double) ms / 1000;
 184     }
 186     @Override
 187     public String toString() {
 188         return getName();
 189     }
 191     @Override
 192     public void run() {
 193         try {
 194             trace("Started%n", this);
 195             while (true) {
 196                 // get a copy of the last set method
 197                 final ResolvedJavaMethod currentlyCompiling = currentMethod;
 198                 if (currentlyCompiling == null) {
 199                     // continue sleeping, compilation is either over before starting
 200                     // to watch the compiler thread or no compilation at all started
 201                     reset();
 202                 } else {
 203                     switch (state) {
 204                         case SLEEPING:
 205                             lastWatched = currentlyCompiling;
 206                             elapsed = 0;
 207                             tick(WatchDogState.WATCHING_WITHOUT_STACK_INSPECTION);
 208                             break;
 209                         case WATCHING_WITHOUT_STACK_INSPECTION:
 210                             if (currentlyCompiling.equals(lastWatched)) {
 211                                 if (elapsed >= startDelayMilliseconds) {
 212                                     // we looked at the same compilation for a certain time
 213                                     // so now we start to collect stack traces
 214                                     tick(WatchDogState.WATCHING_WITH_STACK_INSPECTION);
 215                                     trace("changes mode to watching with stack traces");
 216                                 } else {
 217                                     // we still compile the same method but won't collect traces
 218                                     // yet
 219                                     trace("watching without stack traces [%.2f seconds]", secs(elapsed));
 220                                 }
 221                                 elapsed += SPIN_TIMEOUT_MS;
 222                             } else {
 223                                 // compilation finished before we exceeded initial watching
 224                                 // period
 225                                 reset();
 226                             }
 227                             break;
 228                         case WATCHING_WITH_STACK_INSPECTION:
 229                             if (currentlyCompiling.equals(lastWatched)) {
 230                                 if (elapsed >= startDelayMilliseconds + (traceIntervals * stackTraceIntervalMilliseconds)) {
 231                                     trace("took a stack trace");
 232                                     boolean newStackTrace = recordStackTrace(compilerThread.getStackTrace());
 233                                     if (!newStackTrace) {
 234                                         trace("%d identical stack traces in a row", numberOfIdenticalStackTraces);
 235                                         numberOfIdenticalStackTraces = 0;
 236                                     }
 237                                     numberOfIdenticalStackTraces++;
 238                                     if (numberOfIdenticalStackTraces > nonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots) {
 239                                         synchronized (CompilationWatchDog.class) {
 240                                             TTY.printf("======================= WATCH DOG THREAD =======================%n" +
 241                                                             "%s took %d identical stack traces, which indicates a stuck compilation (id=%d) of %s%n%sExiting VM%n", this,
 242                                                             numberOfIdenticalStackTraces, currentId, fmt(currentMethod), fmt(lastStackTrace));
 243                                             System.exit(-1);
 244                                         }
 245                                     } else if (newStackTrace) {
 246                                         synchronized (CompilationWatchDog.class) {
 247                                             TTY.printf("======================= WATCH DOG THREAD =======================%n" +
 248                                                             "%s detected long running compilation (id=%d) of %s [%.2f seconds]%n%s", this, currentId, fmt(currentMethod),
 249                                                             secs(elapsed), fmt(lastStackTrace));
 250                                         }
 251                                     }
 252                                     traceIntervals++;
 253                                 } else {
 254                                     // we still watch the compilation in the same trace interval
 255                                     trace("watching with stack traces [%.2f seconds]", secs(elapsed));
 256                                 }
 257                                 elapsed += SPIN_TIMEOUT_MS;
 258                             } else {
 259                                 // compilation finished before we are able to collect stack
 260                                 // traces
 261                                 reset();
 262                             }
 263                             break;
 264                         default:
 265                             break;
 266                     }
 267                 }
 268                 try {
 269                     Thread.sleep(SPIN_TIMEOUT_MS);
 270                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 271                     // Silently swallow
 272                 }
 273             }
 274         } catch (VirtualMachineError vmError) {
 275             /*
 276              * We encounter a VM error. This includes for example OutOfMemoryExceptions. In such a
 277              * case we silently swallow the error. If it happens again the application thread will
 278              * most likely encounter the same problem. If not the watchdog thread will no longer
 279              * monitor the compilation and thus the error cannot happen again.
 280              */
 281         } catch (Throwable t) {
 282             /*
 283              * A real exception happened on the compilation watchdog. This is unintended behavior
 284              * and must not happen in any case.
 285              */
 286             throw new InternalError(String.format("%s encountered an exception%n%s%n", this, fmt(t)), t);
 287         }
 288     }
 290     private static final ThreadLocal<CompilationWatchDog> WATCH_DOGS = new ThreadLocal<>();
 292     /**
 293      * Opens a scope for watching the compilation of a given method.
 294      *
 295      * @param method a method about to be compiled
 296      * @param id compilation request identifier
 297      * @return {@code null} if the compilation watch dog is disabled otherwise this object. The
 298      *         returned value should be used in a {@code try}-with-resources statement whose scope
 299      *         is the whole compilation so that leaving the scope will cause {@link #close()} to be
 300      *         called.
 301      */
 302     static CompilationWatchDog watch(ResolvedJavaMethod method, int id, OptionValues options) {
 303         long startDelayMilliseconds = ms(Options.CompilationWatchDogStartDelay.getValue(options));
 304         if (startDelayMilliseconds > 0.0D) {
 305             // Lazily get a watch dog thread for the current compiler thread
 306             CompilationWatchDog watchDog = WATCH_DOGS.get();
 307             if (watchDog == null) {
 308                 Thread currentThread = currentThread();
 309                 long stackTraceIntervalMilliseconds = ms(Options.CompilationWatchDogStackTraceInterval.getValue(options));
 310                 int nonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots = Options.NonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots.getValue(options);
 311                 watchDog = new CompilationWatchDog(currentThread, startDelayMilliseconds, stackTraceIntervalMilliseconds, nonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots);
 312                 WATCH_DOGS.set(watchDog);
 313                 watchDog.start();
 314             }
 315             watchDog.startCompilation(method, id);
 316             return watchDog;
 317         }
 318         return null;
 319     }
 321     @Override
 322     public void close() {
 323         stopCompilation();
 324     }
 325 }