1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2005, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 #include <math.h>
  27 #include <assert.h>
  28 #include <stdlib.h>
  29 #include <string.h>
  31 #include "jni.h"
  32 #include "j2d_md.h"
  33 #include "java_awt_geom_PathIterator.h"
  35 #include "ProcessPath.h"
  37 /*
  38  * This framework performs filling and drawing of paths with sub-pixel
  39  * precision. Also, it performs clipping by the specified view area.
  40  *
  41  * Drawing of the shapes is performed not pixel by pixel but segment by segment
  42  * except several pixels near endpoints of the drawn line. This approach saves
  43  * lot's of cpu cycles especially in case of large primitives (like ovals with
  44  * sizes more than 50) and helps in achieving appropriate visual quality. Also,
  45  * such method of drawing is useful for the accelerated pipelines where
  46  * overhead of the per-pixel drawing could eliminate all benefits of the
  47  * hardware acceleration.
  48  *
  49  * Filling of the path was  taken from
  50  *
  51  * [Graphics Gems, edited by Andrew S Glassner. Academic Press 1990,
  52  * ISBN 0-12-286165-5 (Concave polygon scan conversion), 87-91]
  53  *
  54  * and modified to work with sub-pixel precision and non-continuous paths.
  55  * It's also speeded up by using hash table by rows of the filled objects.
  56  *
  57  * Here is high level scheme showing the rendering process:
  58  *
  59  *                   doDrawPath   doFillPath
  60  *                         \         /
  61  *                         ProcessPath
  62  *                              |
  63  *                      CheckPathSegment
  64  *                              |
  65  *                      --------+------
  66  *                      |             |
  67  *                      |             |
  68  *                      |             |
  69  *                  _->ProcessCurve   |
  70  *                 /    / |           |
  71  *                 \___/  |           |
  72  *                        |           |
  73  *                    DrawCurve     ProcessLine
  74  *                         \         /
  75  *                          \       /
  76  *                           \     /
  77  *                            \   /
  78  *                        ------+------
  79  *             (filling) /             \ (drawing)
  80  *                      /               \
  81  *               Clipping and        Clipping
  82  *                clamping                \
  83  *                   |                     \
  84  *           StoreFixedLine          ProcessFixedLine
  85  *                   |                     /    \
  86  *                   |                    /      \
  87  *             FillPolygon       PROCESS_LINE   PROCESS_POINT
  88  *
  89  *
  90  *
  91  *  CheckPathSegment  - rough checking and skipping path's segments  in case of
  92  *                      invalid or huge coordinates of the control points to
  93  *                      avoid calculation problems with NaNs and values close
  94  *                      to the FLT_MAX
  95  *
  96  * ProcessCurve - (ProcessQuad, ProcessCubic) Splitting the curve into
  97  *                monotonic parts having appropriate size (calculated as
  98  *                boundary box of the control points)
  99  *
 100  * DrawMonotonicCurve - (DrawMonotonicQuad, DrawMonotonicCubic) flattening
 101  *                      monotonic curve using adaptive forward differencing
 102  *
 103  * StoreFixedLine - storing segment from the flattened path to the
 104  *                  FillData structure. Performing clipping and clamping if
 105  *                  necessary.
 106  *
 107  * PROCESS_LINE, PROCESS_POINT - Helpers for calling appropriate primitive from
 108  *                               DrawHandler structure
 109  *
 110  * ProcessFixedLine - Drawing line segment with subpixel precision.
 111  *
 112  */
 114 #define PROCESS_LINE(hnd, fX0, fY0, fX1, fY1, checkBounds, pixelInfo)       \
 115     do {                                                                    \
 116         jint X0 = (fX0) >> MDP_PREC;                                        \
 117         jint Y0 = (fY0) >> MDP_PREC;                                        \
 118         jint X1 = (fX1) >> MDP_PREC;                                        \
 119         jint Y1 = (fY1) >> MDP_PREC;                                        \
 120         jint res;                                                           \
 121                                                                             \
 122         /* Checking bounds and clipping if necessary.                       \
 123          * REMIND: It's temporary solution to avoid OOB in rendering code.  \
 124          * Current approach uses float equations which are unreliable for   \
 125          * clipping and makes assumptions about the line biases of the      \
 126          * rendering algorithm. Also, clipping code should be moved down    \
 127          * into only those output renderers that need it.                   \
 128          */                                                                 \
 129         if (checkBounds) {                                                  \
 130             jfloat xMinf = hnd->dhnd->xMinf + 0.5f;                         \
 131             jfloat yMinf = hnd->dhnd->yMinf + 0.5f;                         \
 132             jfloat xMaxf = hnd->dhnd->xMaxf + 0.5f;                         \
 133             jfloat yMaxf = hnd->dhnd->yMaxf + 0.5f;                         \
 134             TESTANDCLIP(yMinf, yMaxf, Y0, X0, Y1, X1, jint, res);           \
 135             if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) break;                               \
 136             TESTANDCLIP(yMinf, yMaxf, Y1, X1, Y0, X0, jint, res);           \
 137             if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) break;                               \
 138             TESTANDCLIP(xMinf, xMaxf, X0, Y0, X1, Y1, jint, res);           \
 139             if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) break;                               \
 140             TESTANDCLIP(xMinf, xMaxf, X1, Y1, X0, Y0, jint, res);           \
 141             if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) break;                               \
 142         }                                                                   \
 143                                                                             \
 144         /* Handling lines having just one pixel      */                     \
 145         if (((X0^X1) | (Y0^Y1)) == 0) {                                     \
 146             if (pixelInfo[0] == 0) {                                        \
 147                 pixelInfo[0] = 1;                                           \
 148                 pixelInfo[1] = X0;                                          \
 149                 pixelInfo[2] = Y0;                                          \
 150                 pixelInfo[3] = X0;                                          \
 151                 pixelInfo[4] = Y0;                                          \
 152                 hnd->dhnd->pDrawPixel(hnd->dhnd, X0, Y0);                   \
 153             } else if ((X0 != pixelInfo[3] || Y0 != pixelInfo[4]) &&        \
 154                        (X0 != pixelInfo[1] || Y0 != pixelInfo[2])) {        \
 155                 hnd->dhnd->pDrawPixel(hnd->dhnd, X0, Y0);                   \
 156                 pixelInfo[3] = X0;                                          \
 157                 pixelInfo[4] = Y0;                                          \
 158             }                                                               \
 159             break;                                                          \
 160         }                                                                   \
 161                                                                             \
 162         if (pixelInfo[0] &&                                                 \
 163             ((pixelInfo[1] == X0 && pixelInfo[2] == Y0) ||                  \
 164             (pixelInfo[3] == X0 && pixelInfo[4] == Y0)))                    \
 165         {                                                                   \
 166             hnd->dhnd->pDrawPixel(hnd->dhnd, X0, Y0);                       \
 167         }                                                                   \
 168                                                                             \
 169         hnd->dhnd->pDrawLine(hnd->dhnd, X0, Y0, X1, Y1);                    \
 170                                                                             \
 171         if (pixelInfo[0] == 0) {                                            \
 172             pixelInfo[0] = 1;                                               \
 173             pixelInfo[1] = X0;                                              \
 174             pixelInfo[2] = Y0;                                              \
 175             pixelInfo[3] = X0;                                              \
 176             pixelInfo[4] = Y0;                                              \
 177         }                                                                   \
 178                                                                             \
 179         /* Switch on last pixel of the line if it was already               \
 180          * drawn during rendering of the previous segments                  \
 181          */                                                                 \
 182         if ((pixelInfo[1] == X1 && pixelInfo[2] == Y1) ||                   \
 183             (pixelInfo[3] == X1 && pixelInfo[4] == Y1))                     \
 184         {                                                                   \
 185             hnd->dhnd->pDrawPixel(hnd->dhnd, X1, Y1);                       \
 186         }                                                                   \
 187         pixelInfo[3] = X1;                                                  \
 188         pixelInfo[4] = Y1;                                                  \
 189     } while(0)
 191 #define PROCESS_POINT(hnd, fX, fY, checkBounds, pixelInfo)                  \
 192     do {                                                                    \
 193         jint X_ = (fX)>> MDP_PREC;                                          \
 194         jint Y_ = (fY)>> MDP_PREC;                                          \
 195         if (checkBounds &&                                                  \
 196             (hnd->dhnd->yMin > Y_  ||                                       \
 197              hnd->dhnd->yMax <= Y_ ||                                       \
 198              hnd->dhnd->xMin > X_  ||                                       \
 199              hnd->dhnd->xMax <= X_)) break;                                 \
 200 /*                                                                          \
 201  *       (X_,Y_) should be inside boundaries                                \
 202  *                                                                          \
 203  *       assert(hnd->dhnd->yMin <= Y_ &&                                    \
 204  *              hnd->dhnd->yMax >  Y_ &&                                    \
 205  *              hnd->dhnd->xMin <= X_ &&                                    \
 206  *              hnd->dhnd->xMax >  X_);                                     \
 207  *                                                                          \
 208  */                                                                         \
 209         if (pixelInfo[0] == 0) {                                            \
 210             pixelInfo[0] = 1;                                               \
 211             pixelInfo[1] = X_;                                              \
 212             pixelInfo[2] = Y_;                                              \
 213             pixelInfo[3] = X_;                                              \
 214             pixelInfo[4] = Y_;                                              \
 215             hnd->dhnd->pDrawPixel(hnd->dhnd, X_, Y_);                       \
 216         } else if ((X_ != pixelInfo[3] || Y_ != pixelInfo[4]) &&            \
 217                    (X_ != pixelInfo[1] || Y_ != pixelInfo[2])) {            \
 218             hnd->dhnd->pDrawPixel(hnd->dhnd, X_, Y_);                       \
 219             pixelInfo[3] = X_;                                              \
 220             pixelInfo[4] = Y_;                                              \
 221         }                                                                   \
 222     } while(0)
 225 /*
 226  *                  Constants for the forward differencing
 227  *                      of the cubic and quad curves
 228  */
 230 /* Maximum size of the cubic curve (calculated as the size of the bounding box
 231  * of the control points) which could be rendered without splitting
 232  */
 233 #define MAX_CUB_SIZE    256
 235 /* Maximum size of the quad curve (calculated as the size of the bounding box
 236  * of the control points) which could be rendered without splitting
 237  */
 238 #define MAX_QUAD_SIZE   1024
 240 /* Default power of 2 steps used in the forward differencing. Here DF prefix
 241  * stands for DeFault. Constants below are used as initial values for the
 242  * adaptive forward differencing algorithm.
 243  */
 244 #define DF_CUB_STEPS    3
 245 #define DF_QUAD_STEPS   2
 247 /* Shift of the current point of the curve for preparing to the midpoint
 248  * rounding
 249  */
 253 /* Default amount of steps of the forward differencing */
 254 #define DF_CUB_COUNT    (1<<DF_CUB_STEPS)
 255 #define DF_QUAD_COUNT    (1<<DF_QUAD_STEPS)
 257 /* Default boundary constants used to check the necessity of the restepping */
 258 #define DF_CUB_DEC_BND     (1<<(DF_CUB_STEPS*3 + FWD_PREC + 2))
 259 #define DF_CUB_INC_BND     (1<<(DF_CUB_STEPS*3 + FWD_PREC - 1))
 260 #define DF_QUAD_DEC_BND     (1<<(DF_QUAD_STEPS*2 + FWD_PREC + 2))
 262 /* Multiplyers for the coefficients of the polynomial form of the cubic and
 263  * quad curves representation
 264  */
 265 #define CUB_A_SHIFT   FWD_PREC
 266 #define CUB_B_SHIFT   (DF_CUB_STEPS + FWD_PREC + 1)
 267 #define CUB_C_SHIFT   (DF_CUB_STEPS*2 + FWD_PREC)
 269 #define CUB_A_MDP_MULT    (1<<CUB_A_SHIFT)
 270 #define CUB_B_MDP_MULT    (1<<CUB_B_SHIFT)
 271 #define CUB_C_MDP_MULT    (1<<CUB_C_SHIFT)
 273 #define QUAD_A_SHIFT   FWD_PREC
 276 #define QUAD_A_MDP_MULT    (1<<QUAD_A_SHIFT)
 277 #define QUAD_B_MDP_MULT    (1<<QUAD_B_SHIFT)
 279 #define CALC_MAX(MAX, X) ((MAX)=((X)>(MAX))?(X):(MAX))
 280 #define CALC_MIN(MIN, X) ((MIN)=((X)<(MIN))?(X):(MIN))
 281 #define MAX(MAX, X) (((X)>(MAX))?(X):(MAX))
 282 #define MIN(MIN, X) (((X)<(MIN))?(X):(MIN))
 283 #define ABS32(X) (((X)^((X)>>31))-((X)>>31))
 284 #define SIGN32(X) ((X) >> 31) | ((juint)(-(X)) >> 31)
 286 /* Boundaries used for clipping large path segments (those are inside
 287  * [UPPER/LOWER]_BND boundaries)
 288  */
 289 #define UPPER_OUT_BND (1 << (30 - MDP_PREC))
 292 #define ADJUST(X, LBND, UBND)                                               \
 293     do {                                                                    \
 294         if ((X) < (LBND)) {                                                 \
 295             (X) = (LBND);                                                   \
 296         } else if ((X) > UBND) {                                            \
 297             (X) = (UBND);                                                   \
 298         }                                                                   \
 299     } while(0)
 301 /* Following constants are used for providing open boundaries of the intervals
 302  */
 303 #define EPSFX 1
 304 #define EPSF (((jfloat)EPSFX)/MDP_MULT)
 306 /* Calculation boundary. It is used for switching to the more slow but allowing
 307  * larger input values method of calculation of the initial values of the scan
 308  * converted line segments inside the FillPolygon.
 309  */
 310 #define CALC_BND (1 << (30 - MDP_PREC))
 312 /* Clipping macros for drawing and filling algorithms */
 314 #define CLIP(a1, b1, a2, b2, t) \
 315     (b1 + ((jdouble)(t - a1)*(b2 - b1)) / (a2 - a1))
 317 enum {
 322 };
 324 #define IS_CLIPPED(res) (res == CRES_MIN_CLIPPED || res == CRES_MAX_CLIPPED)
 326 #define TESTANDCLIP(LINE_MIN, LINE_MAX, a1, b1, a2, b2, TYPE, res)  \
 327    do {                                                             \
 328         jdouble t;                                                  \
 329         res = CRES_NOT_CLIPPED;                                     \
 330         if (a1 < (LINE_MIN) || a1 > (LINE_MAX)) {                   \
 331             if (a1 < (LINE_MIN)) {                                  \
 332                 if (a2 < (LINE_MIN)) {                              \
 333                     res = CRES_INVISIBLE;                           \
 334                     break;                                          \
 335                 };                                                  \
 336                 res = CRES_MIN_CLIPPED;                             \
 337                 t = (LINE_MIN);                                     \
 338             } else {                                                \
 339                 if (a2 > (LINE_MAX)) {                              \
 340                     res = CRES_INVISIBLE;                           \
 341                     break;                                          \
 342                 };                                                  \
 343                 res = CRES_MAX_CLIPPED;                             \
 344                 t = (LINE_MAX);                                     \
 345             }                                                       \
 346             b1 = (TYPE)CLIP(a1, b1, a2, b2, t);                     \
 347             a1 = (TYPE)t;                                           \
 348         }                                                           \
 349    } while (0)
 351 /* Following macro is used for clipping and clumping filled shapes.
 352  * An example of this process is shown on the picture below:
 353  *                      ----+          ----+
 354  *                    |/    |        |/    |
 355  *                    +     |        +     |
 356  *                   /|     |        I     |
 357  *                  / |     |        I     |
 358  *                  | |     |  ===>  I     |
 359  *                  \ |     |        I     |
 360  *                   \|     |        I     |
 361  *                    +     |        +     |
 362  *                    |\    |        |\    |
 363  *                    | ----+        | ----+
 364  *                 boundary       boundary
 365  *
 366  * We can only perform clipping in case of right side of the output area
 367  * because all segments passed out the right boundary don't influence on the
 368  * result of scan conversion algorithm (it correctly handles half open
 369  * contours).
 370  *
 371  */
 372 #define CLIPCLAMP(LINE_MIN, LINE_MAX, a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3, TYPE, res)  \
 373     do {                                                            \
 374         a3 = a1;                                                    \
 375         b3 = b1;                                                    \
 376         TESTANDCLIP(LINE_MIN, LINE_MAX, a1, b1, a2, b2, TYPE, res); \
 377         if (res == CRES_MIN_CLIPPED) {                              \
 378             a3 = a1;                                                \
 379         } else if (res == CRES_MAX_CLIPPED) {                       \
 380             a3 = a1;                                                \
 381             res = CRES_MAX_CLIPPED;                                 \
 382         } else if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) {                         \
 383             if (a1 > LINE_MAX) {                                    \
 384                 res =  CRES_INVISIBLE;                              \
 385             } else {                                                \
 386                 a1 = (TYPE)LINE_MIN;                                \
 387                 a2 = (TYPE)LINE_MIN;                                \
 388                 res = CRES_NOT_CLIPPED;                             \
 389             }                                                       \
 390         }                                                           \
 391     } while (0)
 393 /* Following macro is used for solving quadratic equations:
 394  * A*t^2 + B*t + C = 0
 395  * in (0,1) range. That means we put to the RES the only roots which
 396  * belongs to the (0,1) range. Note: 0 and 1 are not included.
 397  * See solveQuadratic method in
 398  *  src/share/classes/java/awt/geom/QuadCurve2D.java
 399  * for more info about calculations
 400  */
 401 #define SOLVEQUADINRANGE(A,B,C,RES,RCNT)                            \
 402     do {                                                            \
 403         double param;                                               \
 404         if ((A) != 0) {                                             \
 405             /* Calculating roots of the following equation          \
 406              * A*t^2 + B*t + C = 0                                  \
 407              */                                                     \
 408             double d = (B)*(B) - 4*(A)*(C);                         \
 409             double q;                                               \
 410             if (d < 0) {                                            \
 411                 break;                                              \
 412             }                                                       \
 413             d = sqrt(d);                                            \
 414             /* For accuracy, calculate one root using:              \
 415              *     (-B +/- d) / 2*A                                 \
 416              * and the other using:                                 \
 417              *     2*C / (-B +/- d)                                 \
 418              * Choose the sign of the +/- so that B+D gets larger   \
 419              * in magnitude                                         \
 420              */                                                     \
 421             if ((B) < 0) {                                          \
 422                 d = -d;                                             \
 423             }                                                       \
 424             q = ((B) + d) / -2.0;                                   \
 425             param = q/(A);                                          \
 426             if (param < 1.0 && param > 0.0) {                       \
 427                 (RES)[(RCNT)++] = param;                            \
 428             }                                                       \
 429             if (d == 0 || q == 0) {                                 \
 430                 break;                                              \
 431             }                                                       \
 432             param = (C)/q;                                          \
 433             if (param < 1.0 && param > 0.0) {                       \
 434                 (RES)[(RCNT)++] = param;                            \
 435             }                                                       \
 436         } else {                                                    \
 437             /* Calculating root of the following equation           \
 438              * B*t + C = 0                                          \
 439              */                                                     \
 440             if ((B) == 0) {                                         \
 441                 break;                                              \
 442             }                                                       \
 443             param = -(C)/(B);                                       \
 444             if (param < 1.0 && param > 0.0) {                       \
 445                 (RES)[(RCNT)++] = param;                            \
 446             }                                                       \
 447         }                                                           \
 448     } while(0)
 450 /*                  Drawing line with subpixel endpoints
 451  *
 452  * (x1, y1), (x2, y2) -  fixed point coordinates of the endpoints
 453  *                       with MDP_PREC bits for the fractional part
 454  *
 455  * pixelInfo          -  structure which keeps drawing info for avoiding
 456  *                       multiple drawing at the same position on the
 457  *                       screen (required for the XOR mode of drawing)
 458  *
 459  *                          pixelInfo[0]   - state of the drawing
 460  *                                           0 - no pixel drawn between
 461  *                                           moveTo/close of the path
 462  *                                           1 - there are drawn pixels
 463  *
 464  *                          pixelInfo[1,2] - first pixel of the path
 465  *                                           between moveTo/close of the
 466  *                                           path
 467  *
 468  *                          pixelInfo[3,4] - last drawn pixel between
 469  *                                           moveTo/close of the path
 470  *
 471  * checkBounds        - flag showing necessity of checking the clip
 472  *
 473  */
 474 void  ProcessFixedLine(ProcessHandler* hnd,jint x1,jint y1,jint x2,jint y2,
 475                        jint* pixelInfo,jboolean checkBounds,
 476                        jboolean endSubPath)
 477 {
 478     /* Checking if line is inside a (X,Y),(X+MDP_MULT,Y+MDP_MULT) box */
 479     jint c = ((x1 ^ x2) | (y1 ^ y2));
 480     jint rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2;
 481     if ((c & MDP_W_MASK) == 0) {
 482         /* Checking for the segments with integer coordinates having
 483          * the same start and end points
 484          */
 485         if (c == 0) {
 486             PROCESS_POINT(hnd, x1 + MDP_HALF_MULT, y1 + MDP_HALF_MULT,
 487                           checkBounds, pixelInfo);
 488         }
 489         return;
 490     }
 492     if (x1 == x2 || y1 == y2) {
 493         rx1 = x1 + MDP_HALF_MULT;
 494         rx2 = x2 + MDP_HALF_MULT;
 495         ry1 = y1 + MDP_HALF_MULT;
 496         ry2 = y2 + MDP_HALF_MULT;
 497     } else {
 498         /* Neither dx nor dy can be zero because of the check above */
 499         jint dx = x2 - x1;
 500         jint dy = y2 - y1;
 502         /* Floor of x1, y1, x2, y2 */
 503         jint fx1 = x1 & MDP_W_MASK;
 504         jint fy1 = y1 & MDP_W_MASK;
 505         jint fx2 = x2 & MDP_W_MASK;
 506         jint fy2 = y2 & MDP_W_MASK;
 508         /* Processing first endpoint */
 509         if (fx1 == x1 || fy1 == y1) {
 510             /* Adding MDP_HALF_MULT to the [xy]1 if f[xy]1 == [xy]1 will not
 511              * affect the result
 512              */
 513             rx1 = x1 + MDP_HALF_MULT;
 514             ry1 = y1 + MDP_HALF_MULT;
 515         } else {
 516             /* Boundary at the direction from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) */
 517             jint bx1 = (x1 < x2) ? fx1 + MDP_MULT : fx1;
 518             jint by1 = (y1 < y2) ? fy1 + MDP_MULT : fy1;
 520             /* intersection with column bx1 */
 521             jint cross = y1 + ((bx1 - x1)*dy)/dx;
 522             if (cross >= fy1 && cross <= fy1 + MDP_MULT) {
 523                 rx1 = bx1;
 524                 ry1 = cross + MDP_HALF_MULT;
 525             } else {
 526                 /* intersection with row by1 */
 527                 cross = x1 + ((by1 - y1)*dx)/dy;
 528                 rx1 = cross + MDP_HALF_MULT;
 529                 ry1 = by1;
 530             }
 531         }
 533         /* Processing second endpoint */
 534         if (fx2 == x2 || fy2 == y2) {
 535             /* Adding MDP_HALF_MULT to the [xy]2 if f[xy]2 == [xy]2 will not
 536              * affect the result
 537              */
 538             rx2 = x2 + MDP_HALF_MULT;
 539             ry2 = y2 + MDP_HALF_MULT;
 540         } else {
 541             /* Boundary at the direction from (x2,y2) to (x1,y1) */
 542             jint bx2 = (x1 > x2) ? fx2 + MDP_MULT : fx2;
 543             jint by2 = (y1 > y2) ? fy2 + MDP_MULT : fy2;
 545             /* intersection with column bx2 */
 546             jint cross = y2 + ((bx2 - x2)*dy)/dx;
 547             if (cross >= fy2 && cross <= fy2 + MDP_MULT) {
 548                 rx2 = bx2;
 549                 ry2 = cross + MDP_HALF_MULT;
 550             } else {
 551                 /* intersection with row by2 */
 552                 cross = x2 + ((by2 - y2)*dx)/dy;
 553                 rx2 = cross + MDP_HALF_MULT;
 554                 ry2 = by2;
 555             }
 556         }
 557     }
 559     PROCESS_LINE(hnd, rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2, checkBounds, pixelInfo);
 560 }
 562 /* Performing drawing of the monotonic in X and Y quadratic curves with sizes
 563  * less than MAX_QUAD_SIZE by using forward differencing method of calculation.
 564  * See comments to the DrawMonotonicCubic.
 565  */
 566 static void DrawMonotonicQuad(ProcessHandler* hnd,
 567                               jfloat *coords,
 568                               jboolean checkBounds,
 569                               jint* pixelInfo)
 570 {
 571     jint x0 = (jint)(coords[0]*MDP_MULT);
 572     jint y0 = (jint)(coords[1]*MDP_MULT);
 574     jint xe = (jint)(coords[4]*MDP_MULT);
 575     jint ye = (jint)(coords[5]*MDP_MULT);
 577     /* Extracting fractional part of coordinates of first control point */
 578     jint px = (x0 & (~MDP_W_MASK)) << DF_QUAD_SHIFT;
 579     jint py = (y0 & (~MDP_W_MASK)) << DF_QUAD_SHIFT;
 581     /* Setting default amount of steps */
 582     jint count = DF_QUAD_COUNT;
 584     /* Setting default shift for preparing to the midpoint rounding */
 585     jint shift =  DF_QUAD_SHIFT;
 587     jint ax = (jint)((coords[0] - 2*coords[2] +
 588                       coords[4])*QUAD_A_MDP_MULT);
 589     jint ay = (jint)((coords[1] - 2*coords[3] +
 590                       coords[5])*QUAD_A_MDP_MULT);
 592     jint bx = (jint)((-2*coords[0] + 2*coords[2])*QUAD_B_MDP_MULT);
 593     jint by = (jint)((-2*coords[1] + 2*coords[3])*QUAD_B_MDP_MULT);
 595     jint ddpx = 2*ax;
 596     jint ddpy = 2*ay;
 598     jint dpx = ax + bx;
 599     jint dpy = ay + by;
 601     jint x1, y1;
 603     jint x2 = x0;
 604     jint y2 = y0;
 606     jint maxDD = MAX(ABS32(ddpx),ABS32(ddpy));
 607     jint x0w = x0 & MDP_W_MASK;
 608     jint y0w = y0 & MDP_W_MASK;
 610     jint dx = xe - x0;
 611     jint dy = ye - y0;
 613     /* Perform decreasing step in 2 times if slope of the second forward
 614      * difference changes too quickly (more than a pixel per step in X or Y
 615      * direction). We can perform adjusting of the step size before the
 616      * rendering loop because the curvature of the quad curve remains the same
 617      * along all the curve
 618      */
 619     while (maxDD > DF_QUAD_DEC_BND) {
 620         dpx = (dpx<<1) - ax;
 621         dpy = (dpy<<1) - ay;
 622         count <<= 1;
 623         maxDD >>= 2;
 624         px <<=2;
 625         py <<=2;
 626         shift += 2;
 627     }
 629     while(count-- > 1) {
 631         px += dpx;
 632         py += dpy;
 634         dpx += ddpx;
 635         dpy += ddpy;
 637         x1 = x2;
 638         y1 = y2;
 640         x2 = x0w + (px >> shift);
 641         y2 = y0w + (py >> shift);
 643         /* Checking that we are not running out of the endpoint and bounding
 644          * violating coordinate.  The check is pretty simple because the curve
 645          * passed to the DrawMonotonicQuad already split into the monotonic
 646          * in X and Y pieces
 647          */
 649         /* Bounding x2 by xe */
 650         if (((xe-x2)^dx) < 0) {
 651             x2 = xe;
 652         }
 654         /* Bounding y2 by ye */
 655         if (((ye-y2)^dy) < 0) {
 656             y2 = ye;
 657         }
 659         hnd->pProcessFixedLine(hnd, x1, y1, x2, y2, pixelInfo, checkBounds,
 660                                JNI_FALSE);
 661     }
 663     /* We are performing one step less than necessary and use actual (xe,ye)
 664      * curve's endpoint instead of calculated. This prevent us from accumulated
 665      * errors at the last point.
 666      */
 668     hnd->pProcessFixedLine(hnd, x2, y2, xe, ye, pixelInfo, checkBounds,
 669                            JNI_FALSE);
 670 }
 672 /*
 673  * Checking size of the quad curves and split them if necessary.
 674  * Calling DrawMonotonicQuad for the curves of the appropriate size.
 675  * Note: coords array could be changed
 676  */
 677 static void ProcessMonotonicQuad(ProcessHandler* hnd,
 678                                  jfloat *coords,
 679                                  jint* pixelInfo) {
 681     jfloat coords1[6];
 682     jfloat xMin, xMax;
 683     jfloat yMin, yMax;
 685     xMin = xMax = coords[0];
 686     yMin = yMax = coords[1];
 688     CALC_MIN(xMin, coords[2]);
 689     CALC_MAX(xMax, coords[2]);
 690     CALC_MIN(yMin, coords[3]);
 691     CALC_MAX(yMax, coords[3]);
 692     CALC_MIN(xMin, coords[4]);
 693     CALC_MAX(xMax, coords[4]);
 694     CALC_MIN(yMin, coords[5]);
 695     CALC_MAX(yMax, coords[5]);
 698     if (hnd->clipMode == PH_MODE_DRAW_CLIP) {
 700         /* In case of drawing we could just skip curves which are completely
 701          * out of bounds
 702          */
 703         if (hnd->dhnd->xMaxf < xMin || hnd->dhnd->xMinf > xMax ||
 704             hnd->dhnd->yMaxf < yMin || hnd->dhnd->yMinf > yMax) {
 705             return;
 706         }
 707     } else {
 709         /* In case of filling we could skip curves which are above,
 710          * below and behind the right boundary of the visible area
 711          */
 713          if (hnd->dhnd->yMaxf < yMin || hnd->dhnd->yMinf > yMax ||
 714              hnd->dhnd->xMaxf < xMin)
 715          {
 716              return;
 717          }
 719         /* We could clamp x coordinates to the corresponding boundary
 720          * if the curve is completely behind the left one
 721          */
 723         if (hnd->dhnd->xMinf > xMax) {
 724             coords[0] = coords[2] = coords[4] = hnd->dhnd->xMinf;
 725         }
 726     }
 728     if (xMax - xMin > MAX_QUAD_SIZE || yMax - yMin > MAX_QUAD_SIZE) {
 729         coords1[4] = coords[4];
 730         coords1[5] = coords[5];
 731         coords1[2] = (coords[2] + coords[4])/2.0f;
 732         coords1[3] = (coords[3] + coords[5])/2.0f;
 733         coords[2] = (coords[0] + coords[2])/2.0f;
 734         coords[3] = (coords[1] + coords[3])/2.0f;
 735         coords[4] = coords1[0] = (coords[2] + coords1[2])/2.0f;
 736         coords[5] = coords1[1] = (coords[3] + coords1[3])/2.0f;
 738         ProcessMonotonicQuad(hnd, coords, pixelInfo);
 740         ProcessMonotonicQuad(hnd, coords1, pixelInfo);
 741     } else {
 742         DrawMonotonicQuad(hnd, coords,
 743                          /* Set checkBounds parameter if curve intersects
 744                           * boundary of the visible area. We know that the
 745                           * curve is visible, so the check is pretty simple
 746                           */
 747                          hnd->dhnd->xMinf >= xMin || hnd->dhnd->xMaxf <= xMax ||
 748                          hnd->dhnd->yMinf >= yMin || hnd->dhnd->yMaxf <= yMax,
 749                          pixelInfo);
 750     }
 751 }
 753 /*
 754  * Bite the piece of the quadratic curve from start point till the point
 755  * corresponding to the specified parameter then call ProcessQuad for the
 756  * bitten part.
 757  * Note: coords array will be changed
 758  */
 759 static void ProcessFirstMonotonicPartOfQuad(ProcessHandler* hnd, jfloat* coords,
 760                                             jint* pixelInfo, jfloat t)
 761 {
 762     jfloat coords1[6];
 764     coords1[0] = coords[0];
 765     coords1[1] = coords[1];
 766     coords1[2] = coords[0] + t*(coords[2] - coords[0]);
 767     coords1[3] = coords[1] + t*(coords[3] - coords[1]);
 768     coords[2] = coords[2] + t*(coords[4] - coords[2]);
 769     coords[3] = coords[3] + t*(coords[5] - coords[3]);
 770     coords[0] = coords1[4] = coords1[2] + t*(coords[2] - coords1[2]);
 771     coords[1] = coords1[5] = coords1[3] + t*(coords[3] - coords1[3]);
 773     ProcessMonotonicQuad(hnd, coords1, pixelInfo);
 774 }
 776 /*
 777  * Split quadratic curve into monotonic in X and Y parts. Calling
 778  * ProcessMonotonicQuad for each monotonic piece of the curve.
 779  * Note: coords array could be changed
 780  */
 781 static void ProcessQuad(ProcessHandler* hnd, jfloat* coords, jint* pixelInfo) {
 783     /* Temporary array for holding parameters corresponding to the extreme in X
 784      * and Y points. The values are inside the (0,1) range (0 and 1 excluded)
 785      * and in ascending order.
 786      */
 787     double params[2];
 789     jint cnt = 0;
 790     double param;
 792     /* Simple check for monotonicity in X before searching for the extreme
 793      * points of the X(t) function. We first check if the curve is monotonic
 794      * in X by seeing if all of the X coordinates are strongly ordered.
 795      */
 796     if ((coords[0] > coords[2] || coords[2] > coords[4]) &&
 797         (coords[0] < coords[2] || coords[2] < coords[4]))
 798     {
 799         /* Searching for extreme points of the X(t) function  by solving
 800          * dX(t)
 801          * ----  = 0 equation
 802          *  dt
 803          */
 804         double ax = coords[0] - 2*coords[2] + coords[4];
 805         if (ax != 0) {
 806             /* Calculating root of the following equation
 807              * ax*t + bx = 0
 808              */
 809             double bx = coords[0] - coords[2];
 811             param = bx/ax;
 812             if (param < 1.0 && param > 0.0) {
 813                 params[cnt++] = param;
 814             }
 815         }
 816     }
 818     /* Simple check for monotonicity in Y before searching for the extreme
 819      * points of the Y(t) function. We first check if the curve is monotonic
 820      * in Y by seeing if all of the Y coordinates are strongly ordered.
 821      */
 822     if ((coords[1] > coords[3] || coords[3] > coords[5]) &&
 823         (coords[1] < coords[3] || coords[3] < coords[5]))
 824     {
 825         /* Searching for extreme points of the Y(t) function by solving
 826          * dY(t)
 827          * ----- = 0 equation
 828          *  dt
 829          */
 830         double ay = coords[1] - 2*coords[3] + coords[5];
 832         if (ay != 0) {
 833             /* Calculating root of the following equation
 834              * ay*t + by = 0
 835              */
 836             double by = coords[1] - coords[3];
 838             param = by/ay;
 839             if (param < 1.0 && param > 0.0) {
 840                 if (cnt > 0) {
 841                     /* Inserting parameter only if it differs from
 842                      * already stored
 843                      */
 844                     if (params[0] >  param) {
 845                         params[cnt++] = params[0];
 846                         params[0] = param;
 847                     } else if (params[0] <  param) {
 848                         params[cnt++] = param;
 849                     }
 850                 } else {
 851                     params[cnt++] = param;
 852                 }
 853             }
 854         }
 855     }
 857     /* Processing obtained monotonic parts */
 858     switch(cnt) {
 859         case 0:
 860             break;
 861         case 1:
 862             ProcessFirstMonotonicPartOfQuad(hnd, coords, pixelInfo,
 863                                             (jfloat)params[0]);
 864             break;
 865         case 2:
 866             ProcessFirstMonotonicPartOfQuad(hnd, coords, pixelInfo,
 867                                             (jfloat)params[0]);
 868             param = params[1] - params[0];
 869             if (param > 0) {
 870                 ProcessFirstMonotonicPartOfQuad(hnd, coords, pixelInfo,
 871                     /* Scale parameter to match with rest of the curve */
 872                     (jfloat)(param/(1.0 - params[0])));
 873             }
 874             break;
 875     }
 877     ProcessMonotonicQuad(hnd,coords,pixelInfo);
 878 }
 880 /*
 881  * Performing drawing of the monotonic in X and Y cubic curves with sizes less
 882  * than MAX_CUB_SIZE by using forward differencing method of calculation.
 883  *
 884  * Here is some math used in the code below.
 885  *
 886  * If we express the parametric equation for the coordinates as
 887  * simple polynomial:
 888  *
 889  *  V(t) = a * t^3 + b * t^2 + c * t + d
 890  *
 891  * The equations for how we derive these polynomial coefficients
 892  * from the Bezier control points can be found in the method comments
 893  * for the CubicCurve.fillEqn Java method.
 894  *
 895  * From this polynomial, we can derive the forward differences to
 896  * allow us to calculate V(t+K) from V(t) as follows:
 897  *
 898  * 1) V1(0)
 899  *        = V(K)-V(0)
 900  *        = aK^3 + bK^2 + cK + d - d
 901  *        = aK^3 + bK^2 + cK
 902  *
 903  * 2) V1(K)
 904  *        = V(2K)-V(K)
 905  *        = 8aK^3 + 4bK^2 + 2cK + d - aK^3 - bK^2 - cK - d
 906  *        = 7aK^3 + 3bK^2 + cK
 907  *
 908  * 3) V1(2K)
 909  *        = V(3K)-V(2K)
 910  *        = 27aK^3 + 9bK^2 + 3cK + d - 8aK^3 - 4bK^2 - 2cK - d
 911  *        = 19aK^3 + 5bK^2 + cK
 912  *
 913  * 4) V2(0)
 914  *        = V1(K) - V1(0)
 915  *        = 7aK^3 + 3bK^2 + cK - aK^3 - bK^2 - cK
 916  *        = 6aK^3 + 2bK^2
 917  *
 918  * 5) V2(K)
 919  *        = V1(2K) - V1(K)
 920  *        = 19aK^3 + 5bK^2 + cK - 7aK^3 - 3bK^2 - cK
 921  *        = 12aK^3 + 2bK^2
 922  *
 923  * 6) V3(0)
 924  *        = V2(K) - V2(0)
 925  *        = 12aK^3 + 2bK^2 - 6aK^3 - 2bK^2
 926  *        = 6aK^3
 927  *
 928  * Note that if we continue on to calculate V1(3K), V2(2K) and
 929  * V3(K) we will see that V3(K) == V3(0) so we need at most
 930  * 3 cascading forward differences to step through the cubic
 931  * curve.
 932  *
 933  * Note, b coefficient calculating in the DrawCubic is actually twice the b
 934  * coefficient seen above.  It's been done for the better accuracy.
 935  *
 936  * In our case, initialy K is chosen as 1/(2^DF_CUB_STEPS) this value is taken
 937  * with FWD_PREC bits precision. This means that we should do 2^DF_CUB_STEPS
 938  * steps to pass through all the curve.
 939  *
 940  * On each step we examine how far we are stepping by examining our first(V1)
 941  * and second (V2) order derivatives and verifying that they are met following
 942  * conditions:
 943  *
 944  * abs(V2) <= DF_CUB_DEC_BND
 945  * abs(V1) > DF_CUB_INC_BND
 946  *
 947  * So, ensures that we step through the curve more slowly when its curvature is
 948  * high and faster when its curvature is lower.  If the step size needs
 949  * adjustment we adjust it so that we step either twice as fast, or twice as
 950  * slow until our step size is within range.  This modifies our stepping
 951  * variables as follows:
 952  *
 953  * Decreasing step size
 954  * (See Graphics Gems/by A.Glassner,(Tutorial on forward differencing),601-602)
 955  *
 956  * V3 = oV3/8
 957  * V2 = oV2/4 - V3
 958  * V1 = (oV1 - V2)/2
 959  *
 960  * Here V1-V3 stands for new values of the forward differencies and oV1 - oV3
 961  * for the old ones
 962  *
 963  * Using the equations above it's easy to calculating stepping variables for
 964  * the increasing step size:
 965  *
 966  * V1 = 2*oV1 + oV2
 967  * V2 = 4*oV2 + 4*oV3
 968  * V3 = 8*oV3
 969  *
 970  * And then for not to running out of 32 bit precision we are performing 3 bit
 971  * shift of the forward differencing precision (keeping in shift variable) in
 972  * left or right direction depending on what is  happening (decreasing or
 973  * increasing). So, all oV1 - oV3 variables should be thought as appropriately
 974  * shifted in regard to the V1 - V3.
 975  *
 976  * Taking all of the above into account we will have following:
 977  *
 978  * Decreasing step size:
 979  *
 980  * shift = shift + 3
 981  * V3 keeps the same
 982  * V2 = 2*oV2 - V3
 983  * V1 = 4*oV1 - V2/2
 984  *
 985  * Increasing step size:
 986  *
 987  * shift = shift - 3
 988  * V1 = oV1/4 + oV2/8
 989  * V2 = oV2/2 + oV3/2
 990  * V3 keeps the same
 991  *
 992  */
 994 static void DrawMonotonicCubic(ProcessHandler* hnd,
 995                                jfloat *coords,
 996                                jboolean checkBounds,
 997                                jint* pixelInfo)
 998 {
 999     jint x0 = (jint)(coords[0]*MDP_MULT);
1000     jint y0 = (jint)(coords[1]*MDP_MULT);
1002     jint xe = (jint)(coords[6]*MDP_MULT);
1003     jint ye = (jint)(coords[7]*MDP_MULT);
1005     /* Extracting fractional part of coordinates of first control point */
1006     jint px = (x0 & (~MDP_W_MASK)) << DF_CUB_SHIFT;
1007     jint py = (y0 & (~MDP_W_MASK)) << DF_CUB_SHIFT;
1009     /* Setting default boundary values for checking first and second forward
1010      * difference for the necessity of the restepping. See comments to the
1011      * boundary values in ProcessQuad for more info.
1012      */
1013     jint incStepBnd1 = DF_CUB_INC_BND;
1014     jint incStepBnd2 = DF_CUB_INC_BND << 1;
1015     jint decStepBnd1 = DF_CUB_DEC_BND;
1016     jint decStepBnd2 = DF_CUB_DEC_BND << 1;
1018     /* Setting default amount of steps */
1019     jint count = DF_CUB_COUNT;
1021     /* Setting default shift for preparing to the midpoint rounding */
1022     jint shift =  DF_CUB_SHIFT;
1024     jint ax = (jint)((-coords[0] + 3*coords[2] - 3*coords[4] +
1025                 coords[6])*CUB_A_MDP_MULT);
1026     jint ay = (jint)((-coords[1] + 3*coords[3] - 3*coords[5] +
1027                 coords[7])*CUB_A_MDP_MULT);
1029     jint bx = (jint)((3*coords[0] - 6*coords[2] +
1030               3*coords[4])*CUB_B_MDP_MULT);
1031     jint by = (jint)((3*coords[1] - 6*coords[3] +
1032               3*coords[5])*CUB_B_MDP_MULT);
1034     jint cx = (jint)((-3*coords[0] + 3*coords[2])*(CUB_C_MDP_MULT));
1035     jint cy = (jint)((-3*coords[1] + 3*coords[3])*(CUB_C_MDP_MULT));
1037     jint dddpx = 6*ax;
1038     jint dddpy = 6*ay;
1040     jint ddpx = dddpx + bx;
1041     jint ddpy = dddpy + by;
1043     jint dpx = ax + (bx>>1) + cx;
1044     jint dpy = ay + (by>>1) + cy;
1046     jint x1, y1;
1048     jint x2 = x0;
1049     jint y2 = y0;
1051     /* Calculating whole part of the first point of the curve */
1052     jint x0w = x0 & MDP_W_MASK;
1053     jint y0w = y0 & MDP_W_MASK;
1055     jint dx = xe - x0;
1056     jint dy = ye - y0;
1058     while (count > 0) {
1059         /* Perform decreasing step in 2 times if necessary */
1060         while (
1061                /* The code below is an optimized version of the checks:
1062                 *   abs(ddpx) > decStepBnd1 ||
1063                 *   abs(ddpy) > decStepBnd1
1064                 */
1065                (juint)(ddpx + decStepBnd1) > (juint)decStepBnd2 ||
1066                (juint)(ddpy + decStepBnd1) > (juint)decStepBnd2)
1067         {
1068             ddpx = (ddpx<<1) - dddpx;
1069             ddpy = (ddpy<<1) - dddpy;
1070             dpx = (dpx<<2) - (ddpx>>1);
1071             dpy = (dpy<<2) - (ddpy>>1);
1072             count <<=1;
1073             decStepBnd1 <<=3;
1074             decStepBnd2 <<=3;
1075             incStepBnd1 <<=3;
1076             incStepBnd2 <<=3;
1077             px <<=3;
1078             py <<=3;
1079             shift += 3;
1080         }
1082         /* Perform increasing step in 2 times if necessary.
1083          * Note: we could do it only in even steps
1084          */
1086         while (((count & 1) ^ 1) && shift > DF_CUB_SHIFT  &&
1087                /* The code below is an optimized version of the check:
1088                 *   abs(dpx) <= incStepBnd1 &&
1089                 *   abs(dpy) <= incStepBnd1
1090                 */
1091                (juint)(dpx + incStepBnd1) <= (juint)incStepBnd2 &&
1092                (juint)(dpy + incStepBnd1) <= (juint)incStepBnd2)
1093         {
1094             dpx = (dpx>>2) + (ddpx>>3);
1095             dpy = (dpy>>2) + (ddpy>>3);
1096             ddpx = (ddpx + dddpx)>>1;
1097             ddpy = (ddpy + dddpy)>>1;
1098             count >>=1;
1099             decStepBnd1 >>=3;
1100             decStepBnd2 >>=3;
1101             incStepBnd1 >>=3;
1102             incStepBnd2 >>=3;
1103             px >>=3;
1104             py >>=3;
1105             shift -= 3;
1106         }
1108         count--;
1110         /* We are performing one step less than necessary and use actual
1111          * (xe,ye) endpoint of the curve instead of calculated. This prevent
1112          * us from accumulated errors at the last point.
1113          */
1114         if (count) {
1116             px += dpx;
1117             py += dpy;
1119             dpx += ddpx;
1120             dpy += ddpy;
1121             ddpx += dddpx;
1122             ddpy += dddpy;
1124             x1 = x2;
1125             y1 = y2;
1127             x2 = x0w + (px >> shift);
1128             y2 = y0w + (py >> shift);
1130             /* Checking that we are not running out of the endpoint and
1131              * bounding violating coordinate.  The check is pretty simple
1132              * because the curve passed to the DrawMonotonicCubic already
1133              * split into the monotonic in X and Y pieces
1134              */
1136             /* Bounding x2 by xe */
1137             if (((xe-x2)^dx) < 0) {
1138                 x2 = xe;
1139             }
1141             /* Bounding y2 by ye */
1142             if (((ye-y2)^dy) < 0) {
1143                 y2 = ye;
1144             }
1146             hnd->pProcessFixedLine(hnd, x1, y1, x2, y2, pixelInfo, checkBounds,
1147                                    JNI_FALSE);
1148         } else {
1149             hnd->pProcessFixedLine(hnd, x2, y2, xe, ye, pixelInfo, checkBounds,
1150                                    JNI_FALSE);
1151         }
1152     }
1153 }
1155 /*
1156  * Checking size of the cubic curves and split them if necessary.
1157  * Calling DrawMonotonicCubic for the curves of the appropriate size.
1158  * Note: coords array could be changed
1159  */
1160 static void ProcessMonotonicCubic(ProcessHandler* hnd,
1161                                   jfloat *coords,
1162                                   jint* pixelInfo) {
1164     jfloat coords1[8];
1165     jfloat tx, ty;
1166     jfloat xMin, xMax;
1167     jfloat yMin, yMax;
1169     xMin = xMax = coords[0];
1170     yMin = yMax = coords[1];
1172     CALC_MIN(xMin, coords[2]);
1173     CALC_MAX(xMax, coords[2]);
1174     CALC_MIN(yMin, coords[3]);
1175     CALC_MAX(yMax, coords[3]);
1176     CALC_MIN(xMin, coords[4]);
1177     CALC_MAX(xMax, coords[4]);
1178     CALC_MIN(yMin, coords[5]);
1179     CALC_MAX(yMax, coords[5]);
1180     CALC_MIN(xMin, coords[6]);
1181     CALC_MAX(xMax, coords[6]);
1182     CALC_MIN(yMin, coords[7]);
1183     CALC_MAX(yMax, coords[7]);
1185     if (hnd->clipMode == PH_MODE_DRAW_CLIP) {
1187        /* In case of drawing we could just skip curves which are completely
1188         * out of bounds
1189         */
1190         if (hnd->dhnd->xMaxf < xMin || hnd->dhnd->xMinf > xMax ||
1191             hnd->dhnd->yMaxf < yMin || hnd->dhnd->yMinf > yMax) {
1192             return;
1193         }
1194     } else {
1196        /* In case of filling we could skip curves which are above,
1197         * below and behind the right boundary of the visible area
1198         */
1200         if (hnd->dhnd->yMaxf < yMin || hnd->dhnd->yMinf > yMax ||
1201             hnd->dhnd->xMaxf < xMin)
1202         {
1203             return;
1204         }
1206        /* We could clamp x coordinates to the corresponding boundary
1207         * if the curve is completely behind the left one
1208         */
1210         if (hnd->dhnd->xMinf > xMax) {
1211             coords[0] = coords[2] = coords[4] = coords[6] =
1212                 hnd->dhnd->xMinf;
1213         }
1214     }
1216     if (xMax - xMin > MAX_CUB_SIZE || yMax - yMin > MAX_CUB_SIZE) {
1217         coords1[6] = coords[6];
1218         coords1[7] = coords[7];
1219         coords1[4] = (coords[4] + coords[6])/2.0f;
1220         coords1[5] = (coords[5] + coords[7])/2.0f;
1221         tx = (coords[2] + coords[4])/2.0f;
1222         ty = (coords[3] + coords[5])/2.0f;
1223         coords1[2] = (tx + coords1[4])/2.0f;
1224         coords1[3] = (ty + coords1[5])/2.0f;
1225         coords[2] =  (coords[0] + coords[2])/2.0f;
1226         coords[3] =  (coords[1] + coords[3])/2.0f;
1227         coords[4] = (coords[2] + tx)/2.0f;
1228         coords[5] = (coords[3] + ty)/2.0f;
1229         coords[6]=coords1[0]=(coords[4] + coords1[2])/2.0f;
1230         coords[7]=coords1[1]=(coords[5] + coords1[3])/2.0f;
1232         ProcessMonotonicCubic(hnd, coords, pixelInfo);
1234         ProcessMonotonicCubic(hnd, coords1, pixelInfo);
1236     } else {
1237         DrawMonotonicCubic(hnd, coords,
1238                            /* Set checkBounds parameter if curve intersects
1239                             * boundary of the visible area. We know that the
1240                             * curve is visible, so the check is pretty simple
1241                             */
1242                            hnd->dhnd->xMinf > xMin || hnd->dhnd->xMaxf < xMax ||
1243                            hnd->dhnd->yMinf > yMin || hnd->dhnd->yMaxf < yMax,
1244                            pixelInfo);
1245     }
1246 }
1248 /*
1249  * Bite the piece of the cubic curve from start point till the point
1250  * corresponding to the specified parameter then call ProcessMonotonicCubic for
1251  * the bitten part.
1252  * Note: coords array will be changed
1253  */
1254 static void ProcessFirstMonotonicPartOfCubic(ProcessHandler* hnd,
1255                                              jfloat* coords, jint* pixelInfo,
1256                                              jfloat t)
1257 {
1258     jfloat coords1[8];
1259     jfloat tx, ty;
1261     coords1[0] = coords[0];
1262     coords1[1] = coords[1];
1263     tx = coords[2] + t*(coords[4] - coords[2]);
1264     ty = coords[3] + t*(coords[5] - coords[3]);
1265     coords1[2] =  coords[0] + t*(coords[2] - coords[0]);
1266     coords1[3] =  coords[1] + t*(coords[3] - coords[1]);
1267     coords1[4] = coords1[2] + t*(tx - coords1[2]);
1268     coords1[5] = coords1[3] + t*(ty - coords1[3]);
1269     coords[4] = coords[4] + t*(coords[6] - coords[4]);
1270     coords[5] = coords[5] + t*(coords[7] - coords[5]);
1271     coords[2] = tx + t*(coords[4] - tx);
1272     coords[3] = ty + t*(coords[5] - ty);
1273     coords[0]=coords1[6]=coords1[4] + t*(coords[2] - coords1[4]);
1274     coords[1]=coords1[7]=coords1[5] + t*(coords[3] - coords1[5]);
1276     ProcessMonotonicCubic(hnd, coords1, pixelInfo);
1277 }
1279 /*
1280  * Split cubic curve into monotonic in X and Y parts. Calling ProcessCubic for
1281  * each monotonic piece of the curve.
1282  *
1283  * Note: coords array could be changed
1284  */
1285 static void ProcessCubic(ProcessHandler* hnd, jfloat* coords, jint* pixelInfo)
1286 {
1287     /* Temporary array for holding parameters corresponding to the extreme in X
1288      * and Y points. The values are inside the (0,1) range (0 and 1 excluded)
1289      * and in ascending order.
1290      */
1291     double params[4];
1292     jint cnt = 0, i;
1294     /* Simple check for monotonicity in X before searching for the extreme
1295      * points of the X(t) function. We first check if the curve is monotonic in
1296      * X by seeing if all of the X coordinates are strongly ordered.
1297      */
1298     if ((coords[0] > coords[2] || coords[2] > coords[4] ||
1299          coords[4] > coords[6]) &&
1300         (coords[0] < coords[2] || coords[2] < coords[4] ||
1301          coords[4] < coords[6]))
1302     {
1303         /* Searching for extreme points of the X(t) function  by solving
1304          * dX(t)
1305          * ----  = 0 equation
1306          *  dt
1307          */
1308         double ax = -coords[0] + 3*coords[2] - 3*coords[4] + coords[6];
1309         double bx = 2*(coords[0] - 2*coords[2] + coords[4]);
1310         double cx = -coords[0] + coords[2];
1312         SOLVEQUADINRANGE(ax,bx,cx,params,cnt);
1313     }
1315     /* Simple check for monotonicity in Y before searching for the extreme
1316      * points of the Y(t) function. We first check if the curve is monotonic in
1317      * Y by seeing if all of the Y coordinates are strongly ordered.
1318      */
1319     if ((coords[1] > coords[3] || coords[3] > coords[5] ||
1320          coords[5] > coords[7]) &&
1321         (coords[1] < coords[3] || coords[3] < coords[5] ||
1322          coords[5] < coords[7]))
1323     {
1324         /* Searching for extreme points of the Y(t) function by solving
1325          * dY(t)
1326          * ----- = 0 equation
1327          *  dt
1328          */
1329         double ay = -coords[1] + 3*coords[3] - 3*coords[5] + coords[7];
1330         double by = 2*(coords[1] - 2*coords[3] + coords[5]);
1331         double cy = -coords[1] + coords[3];
1333         SOLVEQUADINRANGE(ay,by,cy,params,cnt);
1334     }
1336     if (cnt > 0) {
1337         /* Sorting parameter values corresponding to the extremum points of
1338          * the curve. We are using insertion sort because of tiny size of the
1339          * array.
1340          */
1341         jint j;
1343         for(i = 1; i < cnt; i++) {
1344             double value = params[i];
1345             for (j = i - 1; j >= 0 && params[j] > value; j--) {
1346                 params[j + 1] = params[j];
1347             }
1348             params[j + 1] = value;
1349         }
1351         /* Processing obtained monotonic parts */
1352         ProcessFirstMonotonicPartOfCubic(hnd, coords, pixelInfo,
1353                                          (jfloat)params[0]);
1354         for (i = 1; i < cnt; i++) {
1355             double param = params[i] - params[i-1];
1356             if (param > 0) {
1357                 ProcessFirstMonotonicPartOfCubic(hnd, coords, pixelInfo,
1358                     /* Scale parameter to match with rest of the curve */
1359                     (float)(param/(1.0 - params[i - 1])));
1360             }
1361         }
1362     }
1364     ProcessMonotonicCubic(hnd,coords,pixelInfo);
1365 }
1367 static void ProcessLine(ProcessHandler* hnd,
1368                         jfloat *coord1, jfloat *coord2, jint* pixelInfo) {
1370     jfloat xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
1371     jint X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, res;
1372     jboolean clipped = JNI_FALSE;
1373     jfloat x1 = coord1[0];
1374     jfloat y1 = coord1[1];
1375     jfloat x2 = coord2[0];
1376     jfloat y2 = coord2[1];
1377     jfloat x3,y3;
1379     jboolean lastClipped;
1381     xMin = hnd->dhnd->xMinf;
1382     yMin = hnd->dhnd->yMinf;
1383     xMax = hnd->dhnd->xMaxf;
1384     yMax = hnd->dhnd->yMaxf;
1386     TESTANDCLIP(yMin, yMax, y1, x1, y2, x2, jfloat, res);
1387     if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) return;
1388     clipped = IS_CLIPPED(res);
1389     TESTANDCLIP(yMin, yMax, y2, x2, y1, x1, jfloat, res);
1390     if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) return;
1391     lastClipped = IS_CLIPPED(res);
1392     clipped = clipped || lastClipped;
1394     if (hnd->clipMode == PH_MODE_DRAW_CLIP) {
1395         TESTANDCLIP(xMin, xMax,
1396                     x1, y1, x2, y2, jfloat, res);
1397         if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) return;
1398         clipped = clipped || IS_CLIPPED(res);
1399         TESTANDCLIP(xMin, xMax,
1400                     x2, y2, x1, y1, jfloat, res);
1401         if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) return;
1402         lastClipped = lastClipped || IS_CLIPPED(res);
1403         clipped = clipped || lastClipped;
1404         X1 = (jint)(x1*MDP_MULT);
1405         Y1 = (jint)(y1*MDP_MULT);
1406         X2 = (jint)(x2*MDP_MULT);
1407         Y2 = (jint)(y2*MDP_MULT);
1409         hnd->pProcessFixedLine(hnd, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, pixelInfo,
1410                                clipped, /* enable boundary checking in case
1411                                            of clipping to avoid entering
1412                                            out of bounds which could
1413                                            happens during rounding
1414                                          */
1415                                lastClipped /* Notify pProcessFixedLine that
1416                                               this is the end of the
1417                                               subpath (because of exiting
1418                                               out of boundaries)
1419                                             */
1420                                );
1421     } else {
1422         /* Clamping starting from first vertex of the processed segment
1423          */
1424         CLIPCLAMP(xMin, xMax, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, jfloat, res);
1425         X1 = (jint)(x1*MDP_MULT);
1426         Y1 = (jint)(y1*MDP_MULT);
1428         /* Clamping only by left boundary */
1429         if (res == CRES_MIN_CLIPPED) {
1430             X3 = (jint)(x3*MDP_MULT);
1431             Y3 = (jint)(y3*MDP_MULT);
1432             hnd->pProcessFixedLine(hnd, X3, Y3, X1, Y1, pixelInfo,
1433                                    JNI_FALSE, lastClipped);
1435         } else if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) {
1436             return;
1437         }
1439         /* Clamping starting from last vertex of the processed segment
1440          */
1441         CLIPCLAMP(xMin, xMax, x2, y2, x1, y1, x3, y3, jfloat, res);
1443         /* Checking if there was a clip by right boundary */
1444         lastClipped = lastClipped || (res == CRES_MAX_CLIPPED);
1446         X2 = (jint)(x2*MDP_MULT);
1447         Y2 = (jint)(y2*MDP_MULT);
1448         hnd->pProcessFixedLine(hnd, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, pixelInfo,
1449                                JNI_FALSE, lastClipped);
1451         /* Clamping only by left boundary */
1452         if (res == CRES_MIN_CLIPPED) {
1453             X3 = (jint)(x3*MDP_MULT);
1454             Y3 = (jint)(y3*MDP_MULT);
1455             hnd->pProcessFixedLine(hnd, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, pixelInfo,
1456                                    JNI_FALSE, lastClipped);
1457         }
1458     }
1459 }
1461 jboolean ProcessPath(ProcessHandler* hnd,
1462                      jfloat transXf, jfloat transYf,
1463                      jfloat* coords, jint maxCoords,
1464                      jbyte* types, jint numTypes)
1465 {
1466     jfloat tCoords[8];
1467     jfloat closeCoord[2];
1468     jint pixelInfo[5];
1469     jboolean skip = JNI_FALSE;
1470     jboolean subpathStarted = JNI_FALSE;
1471     jfloat lastX, lastY;
1472     int i, index = 0;
1474     pixelInfo[0] = 0;
1476     /* Adding support of the KEY_STROKE_CONTROL rendering hint.
1477      * Now we are supporting two modes: "pixels at centers" and
1478      * "pixels at corners".
1479      * First one is disabled by default but could be enabled by setting
1480      * VALUE_STROKE_PURE to the rendering hint. It means that pixel at the
1481      * screen (x,y) has (x + 0.5, y + 0.5) float coordinates.
1482      *
1483      * Second one is enabled by default and means straightforward mapping
1484      * (x,y) --> (x,y)
1485      *
1486      */
1487     if (hnd->stroke == PH_STROKE_PURE) {
1488         closeCoord[0] = -0.5f;
1489         closeCoord[1] = -0.5f;
1490         transXf -= 0.5;
1491         transYf -= 0.5;
1492     } else {
1493         closeCoord[0] = 0.0f;
1494         closeCoord[1] = 0.0f;
1495     }
1497     /* Adjusting boundaries to the capabilities of the ProcessPath code */
1498     ADJUST(hnd->dhnd->xMin, LOWER_OUT_BND, UPPER_OUT_BND);
1499     ADJUST(hnd->dhnd->yMin, LOWER_OUT_BND, UPPER_OUT_BND);
1500     ADJUST(hnd->dhnd->xMax, LOWER_OUT_BND, UPPER_OUT_BND);
1501     ADJUST(hnd->dhnd->yMax, LOWER_OUT_BND, UPPER_OUT_BND);
1504     /*                Setting up fractional clipping box
1505      *
1506      * We are using following float -> int mapping:
1507      *
1508      *      xi = floor(xf + 0.5)
1509      *
1510      * So, fractional values that hit the [xmin, xmax) integer interval will be
1511      * situated inside the [xmin-0.5, xmax - 0.5) fractional interval. We are
1512      * using EPSF constant to provide that upper boundary is not included.
1513      */
1514     hnd->dhnd->xMinf = hnd->dhnd->xMin - 0.5f;
1515     hnd->dhnd->yMinf = hnd->dhnd->yMin - 0.5f;
1516     hnd->dhnd->xMaxf = hnd->dhnd->xMax - 0.5f - EPSF;
1517     hnd->dhnd->yMaxf = hnd->dhnd->yMax - 0.5f - EPSF;
1520     for (i = 0; i < numTypes; i++) {
1521         switch (types[i]) {
1522             case java_awt_geom_PathIterator_SEG_MOVETO:
1523                 if (index + 2 <= maxCoords) {
1524                     /* Performing closing of the unclosed segments */
1525                     if (subpathStarted & !skip) {
1526                         if (hnd->clipMode == PH_MODE_FILL_CLIP) {
1527                             if (tCoords[0] != closeCoord[0] ||
1528                                 tCoords[1] != closeCoord[1])
1529                             {
1530                                 ProcessLine(hnd, tCoords, closeCoord,
1531                                             pixelInfo);
1532                             }
1533                         }
1534                         hnd->pProcessEndSubPath(hnd);
1535                     }
1537                     tCoords[0] = coords[index++] + transXf;
1538                     tCoords[1] = coords[index++] + transYf;
1540                     /* Checking SEG_MOVETO coordinates if they are out of the
1541                      * [LOWER_BND, UPPER_BND] range.  This check also handles
1542                      * NaN and Infinity values. Skipping next path segment in
1543                      * case of invalid data.
1544                      */
1546                     if (tCoords[0] < UPPER_BND &&
1547                         tCoords[0] > LOWER_BND &&
1548                         tCoords[1] < UPPER_BND &&
1549                         tCoords[1] > LOWER_BND)
1550                     {
1551                         subpathStarted = JNI_TRUE;
1552                         skip = JNI_FALSE;
1553                         closeCoord[0] = tCoords[0];
1554                         closeCoord[1] = tCoords[1];
1555                     } else {
1556                         skip = JNI_TRUE;
1557                     }
1558                 } else {
1559                     return JNI_FALSE;
1560                 }
1561                 break;
1562             case java_awt_geom_PathIterator_SEG_LINETO:
1563                 if (index + 2 <= maxCoords) {
1564                     lastX = tCoords[2] = coords[index++] + transXf;
1565                     lastY = tCoords[3] = coords[index++] + transYf;
1567                     /* Checking SEG_LINETO coordinates if they are out of the
1568                      * [LOWER_BND, UPPER_BND] range.  This check also handles
1569                      * NaN and Infinity values. Ignoring current path segment
1570                      * in case  of invalid data. If segment is skipped its
1571                      * endpoint (if valid) is used to begin new subpath.
1572                      */
1574                     if (lastX < UPPER_BND &&
1575                         lastX > LOWER_BND &&
1576                         lastY < UPPER_BND &&
1577                         lastY > LOWER_BND)
1578                     {
1579                         if (skip) {
1580                             tCoords[0] = closeCoord[0] = lastX;
1581                             tCoords[1] = closeCoord[1] = lastY;
1582                             subpathStarted = JNI_TRUE;
1583                             skip = JNI_FALSE;
1584                         } else {
1585                             ProcessLine(hnd, tCoords, tCoords + 2,
1586                                         pixelInfo);
1587                             tCoords[0] = lastX;
1588                             tCoords[1] = lastY;
1589                         }
1590                     }
1591                 } else {
1592                     return JNI_FALSE;
1593                 }
1594                 break;
1595             case java_awt_geom_PathIterator_SEG_QUADTO:
1596                 if (index + 4 <= maxCoords) {
1597                     tCoords[2] = coords[index++] + transXf;
1598                     tCoords[3] = coords[index++] + transYf;
1599                     lastX = tCoords[4] = coords[index++] + transXf;
1600                     lastY = tCoords[5] = coords[index++] + transYf;
1602                     /* Checking SEG_QUADTO coordinates if they are out of the
1603                      * [LOWER_BND, UPPER_BND] range.  This check also handles
1604                      * NaN and Infinity values. Ignoring current path segment
1605                      * in case  of invalid endpoints's data.  Equivalent to
1606                      * the SEG_LINETO if endpoint coordinates are valid but
1607                      * there are invalid data among other coordinates
1608                      */
1610                     if (lastX < UPPER_BND &&
1611                         lastX > LOWER_BND &&
1612                         lastY < UPPER_BND &&
1613                         lastY > LOWER_BND)
1614                     {
1615                         if (skip) {
1616                             tCoords[0] = closeCoord[0] = lastX;
1617                             tCoords[1] = closeCoord[1] = lastY;
1618                             subpathStarted = JNI_TRUE;
1619                             skip = JNI_FALSE;
1620                         } else {
1621                             if (tCoords[2] < UPPER_BND &&
1622                                 tCoords[2] > LOWER_BND &&
1623                                 tCoords[3] < UPPER_BND &&
1624                                 tCoords[3] > LOWER_BND)
1625                             {
1626                                 ProcessQuad(hnd, tCoords, pixelInfo);
1627                             } else {
1628                                 ProcessLine(hnd, tCoords,
1629                                             tCoords + 4, pixelInfo);
1630                             }
1631                             tCoords[0] = lastX;
1632                             tCoords[1] = lastY;
1633                         }
1634                     }
1635                 } else {
1636                     return JNI_FALSE;
1637                 }
1638                 break;
1639             case java_awt_geom_PathIterator_SEG_CUBICTO:
1640                     if (index + 6 <= maxCoords) {
1641                     tCoords[2] = coords[index++] + transXf;
1642                     tCoords[3] = coords[index++] + transYf;
1643                     tCoords[4] = coords[index++] + transXf;
1644                     tCoords[5] = coords[index++] + transYf;
1645                     lastX = tCoords[6] = coords[index++] + transXf;
1646                     lastY = tCoords[7] = coords[index++] + transYf;
1648                     /* Checking SEG_CUBICTO coordinates if they are out of the
1649                      * [LOWER_BND, UPPER_BND] range.  This check also handles
1650                      * NaN and Infinity values. Ignoring current path segment
1651                      * in case  of invalid endpoints's data.  Equivalent to
1652                      * the SEG_LINETO if endpoint coordinates are valid but
1653                      * there are invalid data among other coordinates
1654                      */
1656                     if (lastX < UPPER_BND &&
1657                         lastX > LOWER_BND &&
1658                         lastY < UPPER_BND &&
1659                         lastY > LOWER_BND)
1660                     {
1661                         if (skip) {
1662                             tCoords[0] = closeCoord[0] = tCoords[6];
1663                             tCoords[1] = closeCoord[1] = tCoords[7];
1664                             subpathStarted = JNI_TRUE;
1665                             skip = JNI_FALSE;
1666                         } else {
1667                             if (tCoords[2] < UPPER_BND &&
1668                                 tCoords[2] > LOWER_BND &&
1669                                 tCoords[3] < UPPER_BND &&
1670                                 tCoords[3] > LOWER_BND &&
1671                                 tCoords[4] < UPPER_BND &&
1672                                 tCoords[4] > LOWER_BND &&
1673                                 tCoords[5] < UPPER_BND &&
1674                                 tCoords[5] > LOWER_BND)
1675                             {
1676                                 ProcessCubic(hnd, tCoords, pixelInfo);
1677                             } else {
1678                                 ProcessLine(hnd, tCoords, tCoords + 6,
1679                                             pixelInfo);
1680                             }
1681                             tCoords[0] = lastX;
1682                             tCoords[1] = lastY;
1683                         }
1684                     }
1685                 } else {
1686                     return JNI_FALSE;
1687                 }
1688                 break;
1689             case java_awt_geom_PathIterator_SEG_CLOSE:
1690                 if (subpathStarted && !skip) {
1691                     skip = JNI_FALSE;
1692                     if (tCoords[0] != closeCoord[0] ||
1693                         tCoords[1] != closeCoord[1])
1694                     {
1695                         ProcessLine(hnd, tCoords, closeCoord, pixelInfo);
1696                         /* Storing last path's point for using in
1697                          * following segments without initial moveTo
1698                          */
1699                         tCoords[0] = closeCoord[0];
1700                         tCoords[1] = closeCoord[1];
1701                     }
1703                     hnd->pProcessEndSubPath(hnd);
1704                 }
1706                 break;
1707         }
1708     }
1710     /* Performing closing of the unclosed segments */
1711     if (subpathStarted & !skip) {
1712         if (hnd->clipMode == PH_MODE_FILL_CLIP) {
1713             if (tCoords[0] != closeCoord[0] ||
1714                 tCoords[1] != closeCoord[1])
1715             {
1716                 ProcessLine(hnd, tCoords, closeCoord,
1717                             pixelInfo);
1718             }
1719         }
1720         hnd->pProcessEndSubPath(hnd);
1721     }
1723     return JNI_TRUE;
1724 }
1726 /* TODO Add checking of the result of the malloc/realloc functions to handle
1727  * out of memory error and don't leak earlier allocated data
1728  */
1731 #define ALLOC(ptr, type, n) \
1732     ptr = (type *)malloc((n)*sizeof(type))
1733 #define REALLOC(ptr, type, n) \
1734     ptr = (type *)realloc(ptr, (n)*sizeof(type))
1737 struct _Edge;
1739 typedef struct _Point {
1740     jint x;
1741     jint y;
1742     jboolean lastPoint;
1743     struct _Point* prev;
1744     struct _Point* next;
1745     struct _Point* nextByY;
1746     jboolean endSL;
1747     struct _Edge* edge;
1748 } Point;
1751 typedef struct _Edge {
1752     jint          x;
1753     jint          dx;
1754     Point*        p;
1755     jint          dir;
1756     struct _Edge* prev;
1757     struct _Edge* next;
1758 } Edge;
1760 /* Size of the default buffer in the FillData structure. This buffer is
1761  * replaced with heap allocated in case of large paths.
1762  */
1763 #define DF_MAX_POINT 256
1765 /* Following structure accumulates points of the non-continuous flattened
1766  * path during iteration through the origin path's segments . The end
1767  * of the each subpath is marked as lastPoint flag set at the last point
1768  */
1770 typedef struct {
1771     Point   *plgPnts;
1772     Point   dfPlgPnts[DF_MAX_POINT];
1773     jint    plgSize;
1774     jint    plgMax;
1775     jint    plgYMin;
1776     jint    plgYMax;
1777 } FillData;
1779 #define FD_INIT(PTR)                                                        \
1780     do {                                                                    \
1781         (PTR)->plgPnts = (PTR)->dfPlgPnts;                                  \
1782         (PTR)->plgSize = 0;                                                 \
1783         (PTR)->plgMax = DF_MAX_POINT;                                       \
1784     } while(0)
1786 #define FD_ADD_POINT(PTR, X, Y, LASTPT)                                     \
1787     do {                                                                    \
1788         Point* _pnts = (PTR)->plgPnts;                                      \
1789         jint _size = (PTR)->plgSize;                                        \
1790         if (_size >= (PTR)->plgMax) {                                       \
1791             jint newMax = (PTR)->plgMax*2;                                  \
1792             if ((PTR)->plgPnts == (PTR)->dfPlgPnts) {                       \
1793                 (PTR)->plgPnts = (Point*)malloc(newMax*sizeof(Point));      \
1794                 memcpy((PTR)->plgPnts, _pnts, _size*sizeof(Point));         \
1795             } else {                                                        \
1796                 (PTR)->plgPnts = (Point*)realloc(                           \
1797                     _pnts, newMax*sizeof(Point));                           \
1798             }                                                               \
1799             _pnts = (PTR)->plgPnts;                                         \
1800             (PTR)->plgMax = newMax;                                         \
1801         }                                                                   \
1802         _pnts += _size;                                                     \
1803         _pnts->x = X;                                                       \
1804         _pnts->y = Y;                                                       \
1805         _pnts->lastPoint = LASTPT;                                          \
1806         if (_size) {                                                        \
1807             if ((PTR)->plgYMin > Y) (PTR)->plgYMin = Y;                     \
1808             if ((PTR)->plgYMax < Y) (PTR)->plgYMax = Y;                     \
1809         } else {                                                            \
1810             (PTR)->plgYMin = Y;                                             \
1811             (PTR)->plgYMax = Y;                                             \
1812         }                                                                   \
1813         (PTR)->plgSize = _size + 1;                                         \
1814     } while(0)
1817 #define FD_FREE_POINTS(PTR)                                                 \
1818     do {                                                                    \
1819         if ((PTR)->plgPnts != (PTR)->dfPlgPnts) {                           \
1820             free((PTR)->plgPnts);                                           \
1821         }                                                                   \
1822     } while(0)
1824 #define FD_IS_EMPTY(PTR) (!((PTR)->plgSize))
1826 #define FD_IS_ENDED(PTR) ((PTR)->plgPnts[(PTR)->plgSize - 1].lastPoint)
1828 #define FD_SET_ENDED(PTR)                                                   \
1829     do {                                                                    \
1830         (PTR)->plgPnts[(PTR)->plgSize - 1].lastPoint = JNI_TRUE;            \
1831     } while(0)
1833 #define PFD(HND) ((FillData*)(HND)->pData)
1835 /* Bubble sorting in the ascending order of the linked list. This
1836  * implementation stops processing the list if there were no changes during the
1837  * previous pass.
1838  *
1839  * LIST - ptr to the ptr to the first element of the list
1840  * ETYPE - type of the element in the list
1841  * NEXT - accessor to the next field in the list element
1842  * GET_LKEY - accessor to the key of the list element
1843  */
1844 #define LBUBBLE_SORT(LIST, ETYPE, NEXT, GET_LKEY)                           \
1845     do {                                                                    \
1846         ETYPE *p, *q, *r, *s = NULL, *temp ;                                \
1847         jint wasSwap = 1;                                                   \
1848         /* r precedes p and s points to the node up to which comparisons    \
1849          * are to be made */                                                \
1850         while ( s != NEXT(*LIST) && wasSwap) {                              \
1851             r = p = *LIST;                                                  \
1852             q = NEXT(p);                                                    \
1853             wasSwap = 0;                                                    \
1854             while ( p != s ) {                                              \
1855                 if (GET_LKEY(p) >= GET_LKEY(q)) {                           \
1856                     wasSwap = 1;                                            \
1857                     if ( p == *LIST ) {                                     \
1858                         temp = NEXT(q);                                     \
1859                         NEXT(q) = p ;                                       \
1860                         NEXT(p) = temp ;                                    \
1861                         *LIST = q ;                                         \
1862                         r = q ;                                             \
1863                     } else {                                                \
1864                         temp = NEXT(q);                                     \
1865                         NEXT(q) = p ;                                       \
1866                         NEXT(p) = temp ;                                    \
1867                         NEXT(r) = q ;                                       \
1868                         r = q ;                                             \
1869                     }                                                       \
1870                 } else {                                                    \
1871                     r = p ;                                                 \
1872                     p = NEXT(p);                                            \
1873                 }                                                           \
1874                 q = NEXT(p);                                                \
1875                 if ( q == s ) s = p ;                                       \
1876             }                                                               \
1877         }                                                                   \
1878     } while(0);
1880 /* Accessors for the Edge structure to work with LBUBBLE_SORT */
1881 #define GET_ACTIVE_KEY(a) (a->x)
1882 #define GET_ACTIVE_NEXT(a) ((a)->next)
1884 /* TODO: Implement stack/heap allocation technique for active edges
1885  */
1886 #define DELETE_ACTIVE(head,pnt)                                     \
1887 do {                                                                \
1888     Edge *prevp = pnt->prev;                                        \
1889     Edge *nextp = pnt->next;                                        \
1890     if (prevp) {                                                    \
1891         prevp->next = nextp;                                        \
1892     } else {                                                        \
1893         head = nextp;                                               \
1894     }                                                               \
1895     if (nextp) {                                                    \
1896         nextp->prev = prevp;                                        \
1897     }                                                               \
1898 } while(0);
1900 #define INSERT_ACTIVE(head,pnt,cy)                                  \
1901 do {                                                                \
1902     Point *np = pnt->next;                                          \
1903     Edge *ne = active + nact;                                       \
1904     if (pnt->y == np->y) {                                          \
1905         /* Skipping horizontal segments */                          \
1906         break;                                                      \
1907     } else {                                                        \
1908         jint dX = np->x - pnt->x;                                   \
1909         jint dY = np->y - pnt->y;                                   \
1910         jint dy;                                                    \
1911         if (pnt->y < np->y) {                                       \
1912             ne->dir = -1;                                           \
1913             ne->p = pnt;                                            \
1914             ne->x = pnt->x;                                         \
1915             dy = cy - pnt->y;                                       \
1916         } else { /* pnt->y > np->y */                               \
1917             ne->dir = 1;                                            \
1918             ne->p = np;                                             \
1919             ne->x = np->x;                                          \
1920             dy = cy - np->y;                                        \
1921         }                                                           \
1922                                                                     \
1923         /* We need to worry only about dX because dY is in        */\
1924         /* denominator and abs(dy) < MDP_MULT (cy is a first      */\
1925         /* scanline of the scan converted segment and we subtract */\
1926         /* y coordinate of the nearest segment's end from it to   */\
1927         /* obtain dy)                                             */\
1928         if (ABS32(dX) > CALC_BND) {                                 \
1929             ne->dx = (jint)((((jdouble)dX)*MDP_MULT)/dY);           \
1930             ne->x += (jint)((((jdouble)dX)*dy)/dY);                 \
1931         } else {                                                    \
1932             ne->dx = ((dX)<<MDP_PREC)/dY;                           \
1933             ne->x += (dX*dy)/dY;                                    \
1934         }                                                           \
1935     }                                                               \
1936     ne->next = head;                                                \
1937     ne->prev = NULL;                                                \
1938     if (head) {                                                     \
1939         head->prev = ne;                                            \
1940     }                                                               \
1941     head = active + nact;                                           \
1942     pnt->edge = head;                                               \
1943     nact++;                                                         \
1944 } while(0);
1946 void FillPolygon(ProcessHandler* hnd,
1947                  jint fillRule) {
1948     jint k, y, xl, xr;
1949     jint drawing;
1950     Edge* activeList, *active;
1951     Edge* curEdge, *prevEdge;
1952     jint nact;
1953     jint n;
1954     Point* pt, *curpt, *ept;
1955     Point** yHash;
1956     Point** curHash;
1957     jint rightBnd = hnd->dhnd->xMax - 1;
1958     FillData* pfd = (FillData*)(hnd->pData);
1959     jint yMin = pfd->plgYMin;
1960     jint yMax = pfd->plgYMax;
1961     jint hashSize = ((yMax - yMin)>>MDP_PREC) + 4;
1963     /* Because of support of the KEY_STROKE_CONTROL hint we are performing
1964      * shift of the coordinates at the higher level
1965      */
1966     jint hashOffset = ((yMin - 1) & MDP_W_MASK);
1968 // TODO creating lists using fake first element to avoid special casing of
1969 // the first element in the list (which otherwise should be performed in each
1970 // list operation)
1972     /* Winding counter */
1973     jint counter;
1975     /* Calculating mask to be applied to the winding counter */
1976     jint counterMask =
1977         (fillRule == java_awt_geom_PathIterator_WIND_NON_ZERO)? -1:1;
1978     pt = pfd->plgPnts;
1979     n = pfd->plgSize;
1981     if (n <=1) return;
1983     ALLOC(yHash, Point*, hashSize);
1984     for (k = 0; k < hashSize; k++) {
1985         yHash[k] = NULL;
1986     }
1988     ALLOC(active, Edge, n);
1990     /* Creating double linked list (prev, next links) describing path order and
1991      * hash table with points which fall between scanlines. nextByY link is
1992      * used for the points which are between same scanlines. Scanlines are
1993      * passed through the centers of the pixels.
1994      */
1995     curpt = pt;
1996     curpt->prev = NULL;
1997     ept = pt + n - 1;
1998     for (curpt = pt; curpt != ept; curpt++) {
1999         Point* nextpt = curpt + 1;
2000         curHash =  yHash + ((curpt->y - hashOffset - 1) >> MDP_PREC);
2001         curpt->nextByY = *curHash;
2002         *curHash = curpt;
2003         curpt->next = nextpt;
2004         nextpt->prev = curpt;
2005         curpt->edge = NULL;
2006     }
2008     curHash =  yHash + ((ept->y - hashOffset - 1) >> MDP_PREC);
2009     ept->nextByY = *curHash;
2010     *curHash = ept;
2011     ept->next = NULL;
2012     ept->edge = NULL;
2013     nact = 0;
2015     activeList = NULL;
2016     for (y=hashOffset + MDP_MULT,k = 0;
2017          y<=yMax && k < hashSize; y += MDP_MULT, k++)
2018     {
2019         for(pt = yHash[k];pt; pt=pt->nextByY) {
2020             /* pt->y should be inside hashed interval
2021              * assert(y-MDP_MULT <= pt->y && pt->y < y);
2022              */
2023             if (pt->prev && !pt->prev->lastPoint) {
2024                 if (pt->prev->edge && pt->prev->y <= y) {
2025                     DELETE_ACTIVE(activeList, pt->prev->edge);
2026                     pt->prev->edge = NULL;
2027                 } else  if (pt->prev->y > y) {
2028                     INSERT_ACTIVE(activeList, pt->prev, y);
2029                 }
2030             }
2032             if (!pt->lastPoint && pt->next) {
2033                 if (pt->edge && pt->next->y <= y) {
2034                     DELETE_ACTIVE(activeList, pt->edge);
2035                     pt->edge = NULL;
2036                 } else if (pt->next->y > y) {
2037                     INSERT_ACTIVE(activeList, pt, y);
2038                 }
2039             }
2040         }
2042         if (!activeList) continue;
2044         /* We could not use O(N) Radix sort here because in most cases list of
2045          * edges almost sorted. So, bubble sort (O(N^2))is working much
2046          * better. Note, in case of array of edges Shell sort is more
2047          * efficient.
2048          */
2049         LBUBBLE_SORT((&activeList), Edge, GET_ACTIVE_NEXT, GET_ACTIVE_KEY);
2051         /* Correction of the back links in the double linked edge list */
2052         curEdge=activeList;
2053         prevEdge = NULL;
2054         while (curEdge) {
2055             curEdge->prev = prevEdge;
2056             prevEdge = curEdge;
2057             curEdge = curEdge->next;
2058         }
2060         xl = xr = hnd->dhnd->xMin;
2061         curEdge = activeList;
2062         counter = 0;
2063         drawing = 0;
2064         for(;curEdge; curEdge = curEdge->next) {
2065             counter += curEdge->dir;
2066             if ((counter & counterMask) && !drawing) {
2067                 xl = (curEdge->x + MDP_MULT - 1)>>MDP_PREC;
2068                 drawing = 1;
2069             }
2071             if (!(counter & counterMask) && drawing) {
2072                 xr = (curEdge->x - 1)>>MDP_PREC;
2073                 if (xl <= xr) {
2074                     hnd->dhnd->pDrawScanline(hnd->dhnd, xl, xr, y >> MDP_PREC);
2075                 }
2076                 drawing = 0;
2077             }
2079             curEdge->x += curEdge->dx;
2080         }
2082         /* Performing drawing till the right boundary (for correct rendering
2083          * shapes clipped at the right side)
2084          */
2085         if (drawing && xl <= rightBnd) {
2086             hnd->dhnd->pDrawScanline(hnd->dhnd, xl, rightBnd, y >> MDP_PREC);
2087         }
2088     }
2089     free(active);
2090     free(yHash);
2091 }
2095 void  StoreFixedLine(ProcessHandler* hnd,jint x1,jint y1,jint x2,jint y2,
2096                      jint* pixelInfo,jboolean checkBounds,
2097                      jboolean endSubPath)  {
2098     FillData* pfd;
2099     jint outXMin, outXMax, outYMin, outYMax;
2100     jint x3, y3, res;
2102     /* There is no need to round line coordinates to the forward differencing
2103      * precision anymore. Such a rounding was used for preventing the curve go
2104      * out the endpoint (this sometimes does not help). The problem was fixed
2105      * in the forward differencing loops.
2106      */
2108     if (checkBounds) {
2109         jboolean lastClipped = JNI_FALSE;
2111         /* This function is used only for filling shapes, so there is no
2112          * check for the type of clipping
2113          */
2114         outXMin = (jint)(hnd->dhnd->xMinf * MDP_MULT);
2115         outXMax = (jint)(hnd->dhnd->xMaxf * MDP_MULT);
2116         outYMin = (jint)(hnd->dhnd->yMinf * MDP_MULT);
2117         outYMax = (jint)(hnd->dhnd->yMaxf * MDP_MULT);
2119         TESTANDCLIP(outYMin, outYMax, y1, x1, y2, x2, jint, res);
2120         if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) return;
2121         TESTANDCLIP(outYMin, outYMax, y2, x2, y1, x1, jint, res);
2122         if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) return;
2123         lastClipped = IS_CLIPPED(res);
2125         /* Clamping starting from first vertex of the processed segment */
2126         CLIPCLAMP(outXMin, outXMax, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, jint, res);
2128         /* Clamping only by left boundary */
2129         if (res == CRES_MIN_CLIPPED) {
2130             StoreFixedLine(hnd, x3, y3, x1, y1, pixelInfo,
2131                            JNI_FALSE, lastClipped);
2133         } else if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) {
2134             return;
2135         }
2137         /* Clamping starting from last vertex of the processed segment */
2138         CLIPCLAMP(outXMin, outXMax, x2, y2, x1, y1, x3, y3, jint, res);
2140         /* Checking if there was a clip by right boundary */
2141         lastClipped = lastClipped || (res == CRES_MAX_CLIPPED);
2143         StoreFixedLine(hnd, x1, y1, x2, y2, pixelInfo,
2144                          JNI_FALSE, lastClipped);
2146         /* Clamping only by left boundary */
2147         if (res == CRES_MIN_CLIPPED) {
2148             StoreFixedLine(hnd, x2, y2, x3, y3, pixelInfo,
2149                            JNI_FALSE, lastClipped);
2150         }
2152         return;
2153     }
2154     pfd = (FillData*)(hnd->pData);
2156     /* Adding first point of the line only in case of empty or just finished
2157      * path
2158      */
2159     if (FD_IS_EMPTY(pfd) || FD_IS_ENDED(pfd)) {
2160         FD_ADD_POINT(pfd, x1, y1, JNI_FALSE);
2161     }
2163     FD_ADD_POINT(pfd, x2, y2, JNI_FALSE);
2165     if (endSubPath) {
2166         FD_SET_ENDED(pfd);
2167     }
2168 }
2171 static void endSubPath(ProcessHandler* hnd) {
2172     FillData* pfd = (FillData*)(hnd->pData);
2173     if (!FD_IS_EMPTY(pfd)) {
2174         FD_SET_ENDED(pfd);
2175     }
2176 }
2178 static void stubEndSubPath(ProcessHandler* hnd) {
2179 }
2182 doFillPath(DrawHandler* dhnd,
2183                     jint transX, jint transY,
2184                     jfloat* coords, jint maxCoords,
2185                     jbyte* types, jint numTypes,
2186                     PHStroke stroke, jint fillRule)
2187 {
2188     jint res;
2190     FillData fillData;
2192     ProcessHandler hnd =
2193     {
2194         &StoreFixedLine,
2195         &endSubPath,
2196         NULL,
2197         PH_STROKE_DEFAULT,
2198         PH_MODE_FILL_CLIP,
2199         NULL
2200     };
2202     /* Initialization of the following fields in the declaration of the hnd
2203      * above causes warnings on sun studio compiler with  -xc99=%none option
2204      * applied (this option means compliance with C90 standard instead of C99)
2205      */
2206     hnd.dhnd = dhnd;
2207     hnd.pData = &fillData;
2208     hnd.stroke = stroke;
2210     FD_INIT(&fillData);
2211     res = ProcessPath(&hnd, (jfloat)transX, (jfloat)transY,
2212                       coords, maxCoords, types, numTypes);
2213     if (!res) {
2214         FD_FREE_POINTS(&fillData);
2215         return JNI_FALSE;
2216     }
2217     FillPolygon(&hnd, fillRule);
2218     FD_FREE_POINTS(&fillData);
2219     return JNI_TRUE;
2220 }
2223 doDrawPath(DrawHandler* dhnd,
2224                     void (*pProcessEndSubPath)(ProcessHandler*),
2225                     jint transX, jint transY,
2226                     jfloat* coords, jint maxCoords,
2227                     jbyte* types, jint numTypes, PHStroke stroke)
2228 {
2229     ProcessHandler hnd =
2230     {
2231         &ProcessFixedLine,
2232         NULL,
2233         NULL,
2234         PH_STROKE_DEFAULT,
2235         PH_MODE_DRAW_CLIP,
2236         NULL
2237     };
2239     /* Initialization of the following fields in the declaration of the hnd
2240      * above causes warnings on sun studio compiler with  -xc99=%none option
2241      * applied (this option means compliance with C90 standard instead of C99)
2242      */
2243     hnd.dhnd = dhnd;
2244     hnd.stroke = stroke;
2246     hnd.pProcessEndSubPath = (pProcessEndSubPath == NULL)?
2247         stubEndSubPath : pProcessEndSubPath;
2248     return ProcessPath(&hnd, (jfloat)transX, (jfloat)transY, coords, maxCoords,
2249                        types, numTypes);
2250 }