1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2005, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 /*
  27  * A class to manage JNI calls into AccessBridge.java
  28  */
  30 #include "AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints.h"
  31 #include "AccessBridgeDebug.h"
  35 /**
  36  * Initialize the AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints class
  37  *
  38  */
  39 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints(JNIEnv *jniEnvironment,
  40                                                          jobject bridgeObject) {
  41     jniEnv = jniEnvironment;
  42     accessBridgeObject = (jobject)bridgeObject;
  43     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints(%p, %p) called", jniEnv, accessBridgeObject);
  44 }
  47 /**
  48  * Destructor
  49  *
  50  */
  51 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::~AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints() {
  52 }
  54 // -----------------------------------
  56 #define FIND_CLASS(classRef, className) \
  57     localClassRef = jniEnv->FindClass(className); \
  58     if (localClassRef == (jclass) 0) { \
  59         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  FindClass(%s) failed! -> jniEnv = %p", className, jniEnv); \
  60         return FALSE; \
  61     } \
  62     classRef = (jclass) jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(localClassRef); \
  63     jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(localClassRef); \
  64     if (classRef == (jclass) 0) { \
  65         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: FindClass(%s) failed! ->  (ran out of RAM)", className); \
  66         return FALSE; \
  67     }
  70 #define FIND_METHOD(methodID, classRef, methodString, methodSignature); \
  71     methodID = jniEnv->GetMethodID(classRef, methodString,  methodSignature); \
  72     if (methodID == (jmethodID) 0) { \
  73         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: GetMethodID(%s) failed! -> jniEnv = %p; classRef = %p", methodString, jniEnv, classRef); \
  74         return FALSE; \
  75     }
  77 #define EXCEPTION_CHECK(situationDescription, returnVal)                                        \
  78     if (exception = jniEnv->ExceptionOccurred()) {                                              \
  79         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: *** Exception occured while doing: %s; returning %d", situationDescription, returnVal);   \
  80         jniEnv->ExceptionDescribe();                                                            \
  81         jniEnv->ExceptionClear();                                                               \
  82         return (returnVal);                                                                     \
  83     }
  85 #define EXCEPTION_CHECK_VOID(situationDescription)                                              \
  86     if (exception = jniEnv->ExceptionOccurred()) {                                              \
  87         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: *** Exception occured while doing: %s", situationDescription);   \
  88         jniEnv->ExceptionDescribe();                                                            \
  89         jniEnv->ExceptionClear();                                                               \
  90         return;                                                                                 \
  91     }
  93 /**
  94  * Make all of the getClass() & getMethod() calls
  95  *
  96  */
  97 BOOL
  98 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::BuildJavaEntryPoints() {
  99     jclass localClassRef;
 101     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling BuildJavaEntryPoints():");
 103     FIND_CLASS(bridgeClass, "com/sun/java/accessibility/internal/AccessBridge");
 105     // ------- general methods
 107     // GetMethodID(decrementReference)
 108     FIND_METHOD(decrementReferenceMethod, bridgeClass,
 109                 "decrementReference",
 110                 "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V");
 112     // GetMethodID(getJavaVersionPropertyMethod)
 113     FIND_METHOD(getJavaVersionPropertyMethod, bridgeClass,
 114                 "getJavaVersionProperty",
 115                 "()Ljava/lang/String;");
 117     // ------- Window methods
 119     // GetMethodID(isJavaWindow)
 120     FIND_METHOD(isJavaWindowMethod, bridgeClass,
 121                 "isJavaWindow",
 122                 "(I)Z");
 124     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleContextFromHWND)
 125     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleContextFromHWNDMethod, bridgeClass,
 126                 "getContextFromNativeWindowHandle",
 127                 "(I)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;");
 129     // GetMethodID(getHWNDFromAccessibleContext)
 130     FIND_METHOD(getHWNDFromAccessibleContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 131                 "getNativeWindowHandleFromContext",
 132                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 134     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleParentFromContext)
 135     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleParentFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 136                 "getAccessibleParentFromContext",
 137                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;");
 139     // ===== utility methods ===== */
 141     // GetMethodID(setTextContents)
 142     FIND_METHOD(setTextContentsMethod, bridgeClass,
 143                 "setTextContents",
 144                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;Ljava/lang/String;)Z");
 146     // GetMethodID(getParentWithRole)
 147     FIND_METHOD(getParentWithRoleMethod, bridgeClass,
 148                 "getParentWithRole",
 149                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;");
 151     // GetMethodID(getTopLevelObject)
 152     FIND_METHOD(getTopLevelObjectMethod, bridgeClass,
 153                 "getTopLevelObject",
 154                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;");
 156     // GetMethodID(getParentWithRoleElseRoot)
 157     FIND_METHOD(getParentWithRoleElseRootMethod, bridgeClass,
 158                 "getParentWithRoleElseRoot",
 159                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;");
 161     // GetMethodID(getObjectDepth)
 162     FIND_METHOD(getObjectDepthMethod, bridgeClass,
 163                 "getObjectDepth",
 164                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 166     // GetMethodID(getActiveDescendent)
 167     FIND_METHOD(getActiveDescendentMethod, bridgeClass,
 168                 "getActiveDescendent",
 169                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;");
 171     // ------- AccessibleContext methods
 173     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleContextAt)
 174     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleContextAtMethod, bridgeClass,
 175                 "getAccessibleContextAt",
 176                 "(IILjavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;");
 178     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleContextWithFocus)
 179     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleContextWithFocusMethod, bridgeClass,
 180                 "getAccessibleContextWithFocus",
 181                 "()Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;");
 183     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleNameFromContext)
 184     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleNameFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 185                 "getAccessibleNameFromContext",
 186                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljava/lang/String;");
 188     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleDescriptionFromContext)
 189     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleDescriptionFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 190                 "getAccessibleDescriptionFromContext",
 191                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljava/lang/String;");
 193     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleRoleStringFromContext)
 194     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleRoleStringFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 195                 "getAccessibleRoleStringFromContext",
 196                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljava/lang/String;");
 198     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleRoleStringFromContext_en_US)
 199     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleRoleStringFromContext_en_USMethod, bridgeClass,
 200                 "getAccessibleRoleStringFromContext_en_US",
 201                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljava/lang/String;");
 203     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleStatesStringFromContext)
 204     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleStatesStringFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 205                 "getAccessibleStatesStringFromContext",
 206                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljava/lang/String;");
 208     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleStatesStringFromContext_en_US)
 209     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleStatesStringFromContext_en_USMethod, bridgeClass,
 210                 "getAccessibleStatesStringFromContext_en_US",
 211                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljava/lang/String;");
 213     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleParentFromContext)
 214     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleParentFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 215                 "getAccessibleParentFromContext",
 216                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;");
 218     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleIndexInParentFromContext)
 219     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleIndexInParentFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 220                 "getAccessibleIndexInParentFromContext",
 221                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 223     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleChildrenCountFromContext)
 224     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleChildrenCountFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 225                 "getAccessibleChildrenCountFromContext",
 226                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 228     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleChildFromContext)
 229     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleChildFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 230                 "getAccessibleChildFromContext",
 231                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;");
 233     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleBoundsOnScreenFromContext)
 234     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleBoundsOnScreenFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 235                 "getAccessibleBoundsOnScreenFromContext",
 236                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljava/awt/Rectangle;");
 238     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleXcoordFromContext)
 239     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleXcoordFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 240                 "getAccessibleXcoordFromContext",
 241                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 243     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleYcoordFromContext)
 244     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleYcoordFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 245                 "getAccessibleYcoordFromContext",
 246                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 248     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleHeightFromContext)
 249     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleHeightFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 250                 "getAccessibleHeightFromContext",
 251                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 253     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleWidthFromContext)
 254     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleWidthFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 255                 "getAccessibleWidthFromContext",
 256                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 258     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleComponentFromContext)
 259     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleComponentFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 260                 "getAccessibleComponentFromContext",
 261                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleComponent;");
 263     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleActionFromContext)
 264     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleActionFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 265                 "getAccessibleActionFromContext",
 266                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleAction;");
 268     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleSelectionFromContext)
 269     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 270                 "getAccessibleSelectionFromContext",
 271                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleSelection;");
 273     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTextFromContext)
 274     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTextFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 275                 "getAccessibleTextFromContext",
 276                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleText;");
 278     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleValueFromContext)
 279     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleValueFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 280                 "getAccessibleValueFromContext",
 281                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleValue;");
 284     // ------- begin AccessibleTable methods
 286     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableFromContext)
 287     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 288                 "getAccessibleTableFromContext",
 289                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;");
 291     // GetMethodID(getContextFromAccessibleTable)
 292     FIND_METHOD(getContextFromAccessibleTableMethod, bridgeClass,
 293                 "getContextFromAccessibleTable",
 294                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;");
 296     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableRowHeader)
 297     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableRowHeaderMethod, bridgeClass,
 298                 "getAccessibleTableRowHeader",
 299                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;");
 302     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableColumnHeader)
 303     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderMethod, bridgeClass,
 304                 "getAccessibleTableColumnHeader",
 305                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;");
 308     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableRowCount)
 309     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableRowCountMethod, bridgeClass,
 310                 "getAccessibleTableRowCount",
 311                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 313     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableColumnCount)
 314     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableColumnCountMethod, bridgeClass,
 315                 "getAccessibleTableColumnCount",
 316                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 318     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableCellAccessibleContext)
 319     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableCellAccessibleContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 320                 "getAccessibleTableCellAccessibleContext",
 321                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;II)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;");
 323     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableCellIndex)
 324     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableCellIndexMethod, bridgeClass,
 325                 "getAccessibleTableCellIndex",
 326                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;II)I");
 328     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableCellRowExtent)
 329     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableCellRowExtentMethod, bridgeClass,
 330                 "getAccessibleTableCellRowExtent",
 331                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;II)I");
 333     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableCellColumnExtent)
 334     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableCellColumnExtentMethod, bridgeClass,
 335                 "getAccessibleTableCellColumnExtent",
 336                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;II)I");
 338     // GetMethodID(isAccessibleTableCellSelected)
 339     FIND_METHOD(isAccessibleTableCellSelectedMethod, bridgeClass,
 340                 "isAccessibleTableCellSelected",
 341                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;II)Z");
 343     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableRowHeaderRowCount)
 344     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableRowHeaderRowCountMethod, bridgeClass,
 345                 "getAccessibleTableRowHeaderRowCount",
 346                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 348     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderRowCount)
 349     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderRowCountMethod, bridgeClass,
 350                 "getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderRowCount",
 351                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 353     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableRowHeaderColumnCount)
 354     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableRowHeaderColumnCountMethod, bridgeClass,
 355                 "getAccessibleTableRowHeaderColumnCount",
 356                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 358     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderColumnCount)
 359     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderColumnCountMethod, bridgeClass,
 360                 "getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderColumnCount",
 361                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 363     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableRowDescription)
 364     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableRowDescriptionMethod, bridgeClass,
 365                 "getAccessibleTableRowDescription",
 366                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;I)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;");
 368     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableColumnDescription)
 369     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableColumnDescriptionMethod, bridgeClass,
 370                 "getAccessibleTableColumnDescription",
 371                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;I)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;");
 373     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableRowSelectionCount)
 374     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableRowSelectionCountMethod, bridgeClass,
 375                 "getAccessibleTableRowSelectionCount",
 376                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;)I");
 378     // GetMethodID(isAccessibleTableRowSelected)
 379     FIND_METHOD(isAccessibleTableRowSelectedMethod, bridgeClass,
 380                 "isAccessibleTableRowSelected",
 381                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;I)Z");
 383     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableRowSelections)
 384     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableRowSelectionsMethod, bridgeClass,
 385                 "getAccessibleTableRowSelections",
 386                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;I)I");
 388     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableColumnSelectionCount)
 389     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableColumnSelectionCountMethod, bridgeClass,
 390                 "getAccessibleTableColumnSelectionCount",
 391                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;)I");
 393     // GetMethodID(isAccessibleTableColumnSelected)
 394     FIND_METHOD(isAccessibleTableColumnSelectedMethod, bridgeClass,
 395                 "isAccessibleTableColumnSelected",
 396                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;I)Z");
 398     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableColumnSelections)
 399     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableColumnSelectionsMethod, bridgeClass,
 400                 "getAccessibleTableColumnSelections",
 401                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;I)I");
 403     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableRow)
 404     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableRowMethod, bridgeClass,
 405                 "getAccessibleTableRow",
 406                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;I)I");
 408     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableColumn)
 409     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableColumnMethod, bridgeClass,
 410                 "getAccessibleTableColumn",
 411                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;I)I");
 413     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTableIndex)
 414     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTableIndexMethod, bridgeClass,
 415                 "getAccessibleTableIndex",
 416                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleTable;II)I");
 418     /* ------- end AccessibleTable methods */
 420     /* start AccessibleRelationSet methods ----- */
 422     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleRelationCount)
 423     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleRelationCountMethod, bridgeClass,
 424                 "getAccessibleRelationCount",
 425                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 427     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleRelationKey)
 428     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleRelationKeyMethod, bridgeClass,
 429                 "getAccessibleRelationKey",
 430                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)Ljava/lang/String;");
 432     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleRelationTargetCount)
 433     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleRelationTargetCountMethod, bridgeClass,
 434                 "getAccessibleRelationTargetCount",
 435                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)I");
 437     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleRelationTarget)
 438     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleRelationTargetMethod, bridgeClass,
 439                 "getAccessibleRelationTarget",
 440                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;II)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;");
 443     // ------- AccessibleHypertext methods
 445     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleHypertext)
 446     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleHypertextMethod, bridgeClass,
 447                 "getAccessibleHypertext",
 448                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleHypertext;");
 450     // GetMethodID(activateAccessibleHyperlink)
 451     FIND_METHOD(activateAccessibleHyperlinkMethod, bridgeClass,
 452                 "activateAccessibleHyperlink",
 453                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleHyperlink;)Z");
 455     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleHyperlinkCount)
 456     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleHyperlinkCountMethod, bridgeClass,
 457                 "getAccessibleHyperlinkCount",
 458                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 460     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleHyperlink)
 461     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleHyperlinkMethod, bridgeClass,
 462                 "getAccessibleHyperlink",
 463                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleHypertext;I)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleHyperlink;");
 465     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleHyperlinkText)
 466     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleHyperlinkTextMethod, bridgeClass,
 467                 "getAccessibleHyperlinkText",
 468                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleHyperlink;)Ljava/lang/String;");
 470     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleHyperlinkURL)
 471     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleHyperlinkURLMethod, bridgeClass,
 472                 "getAccessibleHyperlinkURL",
 473                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleHyperlink;)Ljava/lang/String;");
 475     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleHyperlinkStartIndex)
 476     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleHyperlinkStartIndexMethod, bridgeClass,
 477                 "getAccessibleHyperlinkStartIndex",
 478                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleHyperlink;)I");
 480     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleHyperlinkEndIndex)
 481     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleHyperlinkEndIndexMethod, bridgeClass,
 482                 "getAccessibleHyperlinkEndIndex",
 483                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleHyperlink;)I");
 485     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleHypertextLinkIndex)
 486     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleHypertextLinkIndexMethod, bridgeClass,
 487                 "getAccessibleHypertextLinkIndex",
 488                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleHypertext;I)I");
 490     // Accessible KeyBinding, Icon and Action ====================
 492     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleKeyBindingsCount)
 493     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleKeyBindingsCountMethod, bridgeClass,
 494                 "getAccessibleKeyBindingsCount",
 495                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 497     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleKeyBindingChar)
 498     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleKeyBindingCharMethod, bridgeClass,
 499                 "getAccessibleKeyBindingChar",
 500                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)C");
 502     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleKeyBindingModifiers)
 503     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleKeyBindingModifiersMethod, bridgeClass,
 504                 "getAccessibleKeyBindingModifiers",
 505                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)I");
 507     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleIconsCount)
 508     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleIconsCountMethod, bridgeClass,
 509                 "getAccessibleIconsCount",
 510                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 512     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleIconDescription)
 513     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleIconDescriptionMethod, bridgeClass,
 514                 "getAccessibleIconDescription",
 515                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)Ljava/lang/String;");
 517     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleIconHeight)
 518     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleIconHeightMethod, bridgeClass,
 519                 "getAccessibleIconHeight",
 520                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)I");
 522     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleIconWidth)
 523     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleIconWidthMethod, bridgeClass,
 524                 "getAccessibleIconWidth",
 525                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)I");
 527     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleActionsCount)
 528     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleActionsCountMethod, bridgeClass,
 529                 "getAccessibleActionsCount",
 530                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 532     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleActionName)
 533     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleActionNameMethod, bridgeClass,
 534                 "getAccessibleActionName",
 535                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)Ljava/lang/String;");
 537     // GetMethodID(doAccessibleActions)
 538     FIND_METHOD(doAccessibleActionsMethod, bridgeClass,
 539                 "doAccessibleActions",
 540                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;Ljava/lang/String;)Z");
 542     // ------- AccessibleText methods
 544     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleCharCountFromContext)
 545     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleCharCountFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 546                 "getAccessibleCharCountFromContext",
 547                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 549     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleCaretPositionFromContext)
 550     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleCaretPositionFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 551                 "getAccessibleCaretPositionFromContext",
 552                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 554     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleIndexAtPointFromContext)
 555     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleIndexAtPointFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 556                 "getAccessibleIndexAtPointFromContext",
 557                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;II)I");
 559     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleLetterAtIndexFromContext)
 560     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleLetterAtIndexFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 561                 "getAccessibleLetterAtIndexFromContext",
 562                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)Ljava/lang/String;");
 564     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleWordAtIndexFromContext)
 565     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleWordAtIndexFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 566                 "getAccessibleWordAtIndexFromContext",
 567                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)Ljava/lang/String;");
 569     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleSentenceAtIndexFromContext)
 570     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleSentenceAtIndexFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 571                 "getAccessibleSentenceAtIndexFromContext",
 572                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)Ljava/lang/String;");
 574     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTextSelectionStartFromContext)
 575     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTextSelectionStartFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 576                 "getAccessibleTextSelectionStartFromContext",
 577                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 579     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTextSelectionEndFromContext)
 580     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTextSelectionEndFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 581                 "getAccessibleTextSelectionEndFromContext",
 582                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 584     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTextSelectedTextFromContext)
 585     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTextSelectedTextFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 586                 "getAccessibleTextSelectedTextFromContext",
 587                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljava/lang/String;");
 589     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleAttributesAtIndexFromContext)
 590     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleAttributesAtIndexFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 591                 "getAccessibleAttributesAtIndexFromContext",
 592                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)Ljava/lang/String;");
 594     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleAttributeSetAtIndexFromContext)
 595     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleAttributeSetAtIndexFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 596                 "getAccessibleAttributeSetAtIndexFromContext",
 597                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;");
 599     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTextRectAtIndexFromContext)
 600     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTextRectAtIndexFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 601                 "getAccessibleTextRectAtIndexFromContext",
 602                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)Ljava/awt/Rectangle;");
 604     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleXcoordTextRectAtIndexFromContext)
 605     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleXcoordTextRectAtIndexFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 606                 "getAccessibleXcoordTextRectAtIndexFromContext",
 607                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)I");
 609     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleYcoordTextRectAtIndexFromContext)
 610     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleYcoordTextRectAtIndexFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 611                 "getAccessibleYcoordTextRectAtIndexFromContext",
 612                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)I");
 614     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleHeightTextRectAtIndexFromContext)
 615     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleHeightTextRectAtIndexFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 616                 "getAccessibleHeightTextRectAtIndexFromContext",
 617                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)I");
 619     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleWidthTextRectAtIndexFromContext)
 620     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleWidthTextRectAtIndexFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 621                 "getAccessibleWidthTextRectAtIndexFromContext",
 622                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)I");
 624     // GetMethodID(getCaretLocationX)
 625     FIND_METHOD(getCaretLocationXMethod, bridgeClass,
 626                 "getCaretLocationX",
 627                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 629     // GetMethodID(getCaretLocationY)
 630     FIND_METHOD(getCaretLocationYMethod, bridgeClass,
 631                 "getCaretLocationY",
 632                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 634     // GetMethodID(getCaretLocationHeight)
 635     FIND_METHOD(getCaretLocationHeightMethod, bridgeClass,
 636                 "getCaretLocationHeight",
 637                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 639     // GetMethodID(getCaretLocationWidth)
 640     FIND_METHOD(getCaretLocationWidthMethod, bridgeClass,
 641                 "getCaretLocationWidth",
 642                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 645     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTextLineLeftBoundsFromContextMethod)
 646     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTextLineLeftBoundsFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 647                 "getAccessibleTextLineLeftBoundsFromContext",
 648                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)I");
 650     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTextLineRightBoundsFromContextMethod)
 651     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTextLineRightBoundsFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 652                 "getAccessibleTextLineRightBoundsFromContext",
 653                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)I");
 655     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleTextRangeFromContextMethod)
 656     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleTextRangeFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 657                 "getAccessibleTextRangeFromContext",
 658                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;II)Ljava/lang/String;");
 661     // ------- AccessibleValue methods
 663     // GetMethodID(getCurrentAccessibleValueFromContext)
 664     FIND_METHOD(getCurrentAccessibleValueFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 665                 "getCurrentAccessibleValueFromContext",
 666                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljava/lang/String;");
 668     // GetMethodID(getMaximumAccessibleValueFromContext)
 669     FIND_METHOD(getMaximumAccessibleValueFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 670                 "getMaximumAccessibleValueFromContext",
 671                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljava/lang/String;");
 673     // GetMethodID(getMinimumAccessibleValueFromContext)
 674     FIND_METHOD(getMinimumAccessibleValueFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 675                 "getMinimumAccessibleValueFromContext",
 676                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljava/lang/String;");
 679     // ------- AccessibleSelection methods
 681     // GetMethodID(addAccessibleSelectionFromContext)
 682     FIND_METHOD(addAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 683                 "addAccessibleSelectionFromContext",
 684                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)V");
 686     // GetMethodID(clearAccessibleSelectionFromContext)
 687     FIND_METHOD(clearAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 688                 "clearAccessibleSelectionFromContext",
 689                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)V");
 691     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleSelectionFromContext)
 692     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleSelectionContextFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 693                 "getAccessibleSelectionFromContext",
 694                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;");
 696     // GetMethodID(getAccessibleSelectionCountFromContext)
 697     FIND_METHOD(getAccessibleSelectionCountFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 698                 "getAccessibleSelectionCountFromContext",
 699                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 701     // GetMethodID(isAccessibleChildSelectedFromContext)
 702     FIND_METHOD(isAccessibleChildSelectedFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 703                 "isAccessibleChildSelectedFromContext",
 704                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)Z");
 706     // GetMethodID(removeAccessibleSelectionFromContext)
 707     FIND_METHOD(removeAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 708                 "removeAccessibleSelectionFromContext",
 709                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)V");
 711     // GetMethodID(selectAllAccessibleSelectionFromContext)
 712     FIND_METHOD(selectAllAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 713                 "selectAllAccessibleSelectionFromContext",
 714                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)V");
 717     // ------- Event Notification methods
 719     // GetMethodID(addJavaEventNotification)
 720     FIND_METHOD(addJavaEventNotificationMethod, bridgeClass,
 721                 "addJavaEventNotification", "(J)V");
 723     // GetMethodID(removeJavaEventNotification)
 724     FIND_METHOD(removeJavaEventNotificationMethod, bridgeClass,
 725                 "removeJavaEventNotification", "(J)V");
 727     // GetMethodID(addAccessibilityEventNotification)
 728     FIND_METHOD(addAccessibilityEventNotificationMethod, bridgeClass,
 729                 "addAccessibilityEventNotification", "(J)V");
 731     // GetMethodID(removeAccessibilityEventNotification)
 732     FIND_METHOD(removeAccessibilityEventNotificationMethod, bridgeClass,
 733                 "removeAccessibilityEventNotification", "(J)V");
 736     // ------- AttributeSet methods
 738     // GetMethodID(getBoldFromAttributeSet)
 739     FIND_METHOD(getBoldFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 740                 "getBoldFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)Z");
 742     // GetMethodID(getItalicFromAttributeSet)
 743     FIND_METHOD(getItalicFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 744                 "getItalicFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)Z");
 746     // GetMethodID(getUnderlineFromAttributeSet)
 747     FIND_METHOD(getUnderlineFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 748                 "getUnderlineFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)Z");
 750     // GetMethodID(getStrikethroughFromAttributeSet)
 751     FIND_METHOD(getStrikethroughFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 752                 "getStrikethroughFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)Z");
 754     // GetMethodID(getSuperscriptFromAttributeSet)
 755     FIND_METHOD(getSuperscriptFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 756                 "getSuperscriptFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)Z");
 758     // GetMethodID(getSubscriptFromAttributeSet)
 759     FIND_METHOD(getSubscriptFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 760                 "getSubscriptFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)Z");
 762     // GetMethodID(getBackgroundColorFromAttributeSet)
 763     FIND_METHOD(getBackgroundColorFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 764                 "getBackgroundColorFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)Ljava/lang/String;");
 766     // GetMethodID(getForegroundColorFromAttributeSet)
 767     FIND_METHOD(getForegroundColorFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 768                 "getForegroundColorFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)Ljava/lang/String;");
 770     // GetMethodID(getFontFamilyFromAttributeSet)
 771     FIND_METHOD(getFontFamilyFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 772                 "getFontFamilyFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)Ljava/lang/String;");
 774     // GetMethodID(getFontSizeFromAttributeSet)
 775     FIND_METHOD(getFontSizeFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 776                 "getFontSizeFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)I");
 778     // GetMethodID(getAlignmentFromAttributeSet)
 779     FIND_METHOD(getAlignmentFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 780                 "getAlignmentFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)I");
 782     // GetMethodID(getBidiLevelFromAttributeSet)
 783     FIND_METHOD(getBidiLevelFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 784                 "getBidiLevelFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)I");
 786     // GetMethodID(getFirstLineIndentFromAttributeSet)
 787     FIND_METHOD(getFirstLineIndentFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 788                 "getFirstLineIndentFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)F");
 790     // GetMethodID(getLeftIndentFromAttributeSet)
 791     FIND_METHOD(getLeftIndentFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 792                 "getLeftIndentFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)F");
 794     // GetMethodID(getRightIndentFromAttributeSet)
 795     FIND_METHOD(getRightIndentFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 796                 "getRightIndentFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)F");
 798     // GetMethodID(getLineSpacingFromAttributeSet)
 799     FIND_METHOD(getLineSpacingFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 800                 "getLineSpacingFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)F");
 802     // GetMethodID(getSpaceAboveFromAttributeSet)
 803     FIND_METHOD(getSpaceAboveFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 804                 "getSpaceAboveFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)F");
 806     // GetMethodID(getSpaceBelowFromAttributeSet)
 807     FIND_METHOD(getSpaceBelowFromAttributeSetMethod, bridgeClass,
 808                 "getSpaceBelowFromAttributeSet", "(Ljavax/swing/text/AttributeSet;)F");
 811     /**
 812      * Additional methods for Teton
 813      */
 815     // GetMethodID(requestFocus)
 816     FIND_METHOD(requestFocusMethod, bridgeClass,
 817                 "requestFocus",
 818                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Z");
 820     // GetMethodID(selectTextRange)
 821     FIND_METHOD(selectTextRangeMethod, bridgeClass,
 822                 "selectTextRange",
 823                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;II)Z");
 825     // GetMethodID(getVisibleChildrenCount)
 826     FIND_METHOD(getVisibleChildrenCountMethod, bridgeClass,
 827                 "getVisibleChildrenCount",
 828                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)I");
 830     // GetMethodID(getVisibleChild)
 831     FIND_METHOD(getVisibleChildMethod, bridgeClass,
 832                 "getVisibleChild",
 833                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;");
 835     // GetMethodID(setCaretPosition)
 836     FIND_METHOD(setCaretPositionMethod, bridgeClass,
 837                 "setCaretPosition",
 838                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;I)Z");
 840     // GetMethodID(getVirtualAccessibleNameFromContextMethod) Ben Key
 841     FIND_METHOD(getVirtualAccessibleNameFromContextMethod, bridgeClass,
 842                 "getVirtualAccessibleNameFromContext",
 843                 "(Ljavax/accessibility/AccessibleContext;)Ljava/lang/String;");
 845     return TRUE;
 846 }
 848 // Note for the following code which makes JNI upcalls...
 849 //
 850 // Problem, bug DB 16818166, JBS DB JDK-8015400
 851 // AccessibleContext is a JOBJECT64 which is a jobject (32 bit pointer)
 852 // for a Legacy (XP) build and a jlong (64 bits) for a -32 or -64 build.
 853 // For the -32 build the lower 32 bits needs to be extracted into a jobject.
 854 // Otherwise, if AccessibleContext is used directly what happens is that
 855 // the JNI code consumes the lower 32 of its 64 bits and that is not a
 856 // problem, but then when the JNI code consumes the next 32 bits for the
 857 // reference to the role String it gets the higher 0x00000000 bits from
 858 // the 64 bit JOBJECT64 AccessibleContext variable and thus a null reference
 859 // is passed as the String reference.
 860 //
 861 // Solution:
 862 // Cast the JOBJECT64 to a jobject.  For a 64 bit compile this is basically
 863 // a noop, i.e. JOBJECT64 is a 64 bit jlong and a jobject is a 64 bit reference.
 864 // For a 32 bit compile the cast drops the high order 32 bits, i.e. JOBJECT64
 865 // is a 64 bit jlong and jobject is a 32 bit reference.  For a Legacy build
 866 // JOBJECT64 is a jobject so this is also basically a noop.  The casts are
 867 // done in the methods in JavaAccessBridge::processPackage.
 869 // -----------------------------------
 871 /**
 872  * isJavaWindow - returns whether the HWND is a Java window or not
 873  *
 874  */
 875 BOOL
 876 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::isJavaWindow(jint window) {
 877     jthrowable exception;
 878     BOOL returnVal;
 880     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::isJavaWindow(%X):", window);
 882     if (isJavaWindowMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
 883         returnVal = (BOOL) jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(accessBridgeObject, isJavaWindowMethod, window);
 884         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting isJavaWindow - call to CallBooleanMethod()", FALSE);
 885         return returnVal;
 886     } else {
 887         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either jniEnv == 0 or isJavaWindowMethod == 0");
 888         return FALSE;
 889     }
 890 }
 892 // -----------------------------------
 894 /**
 895  * isSameObject - returns whether two object reference refer to the same object
 896  *
 897  */
 898 BOOL
 899 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::isSameObject(jobject obj1, jobject obj2) {
 900     jthrowable exception;
 901     BOOL returnVal;
 903     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: In AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::isSameObject(%p %p):", obj1, obj2);
 905     returnVal = (BOOL) jniEnv->IsSameObject((jobject)obj1, (jobject)obj2);
 906     EXCEPTION_CHECK("Calling IsSameObject", FALSE);
 908     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   isSameObject returning %d", returnVal);
 909     return returnVal;
 910 }
 912 // -----------------------------------
 914 /**
 915  * getAccessibleContextFromHWND - returns the AccessibleContext, if any, for an HWND
 916  *
 917  */
 918 jobject
 919 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleContextFromHWND(jint window) {
 920     jobject returnedAccessibleContext;
 921     jobject globalRef;
 922     jthrowable exception;
 924     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: In AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleContextFromHWND(%X):", window);
 926     if (getAccessibleContextFromHWNDMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
 927         returnedAccessibleContext =
 928             (jobject)jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject, getAccessibleContextFromHWNDMethod,
 929                                               window);
 930         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleContextFromHWND - call to CallObjectMethod()", (jobject) 0);
 931         globalRef = (jobject)jniEnv->NewGlobalRef((jobject)returnedAccessibleContext);
 932         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleContextFromHWND - call to CallObjectMethod()", (jobject) 0);
 933         return globalRef;
 934     } else {
 935         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either jniEnv == 0 or getAccessibleContextFromHWNDMethod == 0");
 936         return (jobject) 0;
 937     }
 938 }
 940 // -----------------------------------
 942 /**
 943  * getHWNDFromAccessibleContext - returns the HWND for an AccessibleContext, if any
 944  *      returns (HWND)0 on error.
 945  */
 946 HWND
 947 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getHWNDFromAccessibleContext(jobject accessibleContext) {
 948     jthrowable exception;
 949     HWND rHWND;
 951     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: In AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getHWNDFromAccessibleContext(%X):",
 952                      accessibleContext);
 954     if (getHWNDFromAccessibleContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
 955         rHWND = (HWND)jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject, getHWNDFromAccessibleContextMethod,
 956                                             accessibleContext);
 957         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting HWNDFromAccessibleContext - call to CallIntMethod()", (HWND)0);
 958         PrintDebugString("[INFO]: rHWND = %X", rHWND);
 959         return rHWND;
 960     } else {
 961         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either jniEnv == 0 or getHWNDFromAccessibleContextMethod == 0");
 962         return (HWND)0;
 963     }
 964 }
 967 /* ====== Utility methods ===== */
 969 /**
 970  * Sets a text field to the specified string.  Returns whether successful;
 971  */
 972 BOOL
 973 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::setTextContents(const jobject accessibleContext, const wchar_t *text) {
 974     jthrowable exception;
 975     BOOL result = FALSE;
 977     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: In AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::setTextContents(%p, %ls):",
 978                      accessibleContext, text);
 980     if (setTextContentsMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
 982         // create a Java String for the text
 983         jstring textString = jniEnv->NewString(text, (jsize)wcslen(text));
 984         if (textString == 0) {
 985             PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:    NewString failed");
 986             return FALSE;
 987         }
 989         result = (BOOL)jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(accessBridgeObject,
 990                                                  setTextContentsMethod,
 991                                                  accessibleContext, textString);
 992         EXCEPTION_CHECK("setTextContents - call to CallBooleanMethod()", FALSE);
 993         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:     result = %d", result);
 994         return result;
 995     } else {
 996         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either jniEnv == 0 or setTextContentsMethod == 0");
 997         return result;
 998     }
 999 }
1001 /**
1002  * Returns the Accessible Context of a Page Tab object that is the
1003  * ancestor of a given object.  If the object is a Page Tab object
1004  * or a Page Tab ancestor object was found, returns the object
1005  * AccessibleContext.
1006  * If there is no ancestor object that has an Accessible Role of Page Tab,
1007  * returns (AccessibleContext)0.
1008  */
1009 jobject
1010 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getParentWithRole(const jobject accessibleContext, const wchar_t *role) {
1011     jthrowable exception;
1012     jobject rAccessibleContext;
1014     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: In AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getParentWithRole(%p):",
1015                      accessibleContext);
1017     if (getParentWithRoleMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1018         // create a Java String for the role
1019         jstring roleName = jniEnv->NewString(role, (jsize)wcslen(role));
1020         if (roleName == 0) {
1021             PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:     NewString failed");
1022             return FALSE;
1023         }
1025         rAccessibleContext = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1026                                                       getParentWithRoleMethod,
1027                                                       accessibleContext, roleName);
1028         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ParentWithRole - call to CallObjectMethod()", (AccessibleContext)0);
1029         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:     rAccessibleContext = %p", rAccessibleContext);
1030         jobject globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(rAccessibleContext);
1031         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ParentWithRole - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
1032         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Returning - returnedAccessibleContext = %p; globalRef = %p",
1033                          rAccessibleContext, globalRef);
1034         return globalRef;
1035     } else {
1036         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either jniEnv == 0 or getParentWithRoleMethod == 0");
1037         return 0;
1038     }
1039 }
1041 /**
1042  * Returns the Accessible Context for the top level object in
1043  * a Java Window.  This is same Accessible Context that is obtained
1044  * from GetAccessibleContextFromHWND for that window.  Returns
1045  * (AccessibleContext)0 on error.
1046  */
1047 jobject
1048 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getTopLevelObject(const jobject accessibleContext) {
1049     jthrowable exception;
1050     jobject rAccessibleContext;
1052     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: In AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getTopLevelObject(%p):",
1053                      accessibleContext);
1055     if (getTopLevelObjectMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1056         rAccessibleContext = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1057                                                       getTopLevelObjectMethod,
1058                                                       accessibleContext);
1059         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting TopLevelObject - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
1060         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  rAccessibleContext = %p", rAccessibleContext);
1061         jobject globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(rAccessibleContext);
1062         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting TopLevelObject - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
1063         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Returning - returnedAccessibleContext = %p; globalRef = %p",
1064                          rAccessibleContext, globalRef);
1065         return globalRef;
1066     } else {
1067         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either jniEnv == 0 or getTopLevelObjectMethod == 0");
1068         return 0;
1069     }
1070 }
1072 /**
1073  * If there is an Ancestor object that has an Accessible Role of
1074  * Internal Frame, returns the Accessible Context of the Internal
1075  * Frame object.  Otherwise, returns the top level object for that
1076  * Java Window.  Returns (AccessibleContext)0 on error.
1077  */
1078 jobject
1079 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getParentWithRoleElseRoot(const jobject accessibleContext, const wchar_t *role) {
1080     jthrowable exception;
1081     jobject rAccessibleContext;
1083     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: In AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getParentWithRoleElseRoot(%p):",
1084                      accessibleContext);
1086     if (getParentWithRoleElseRootMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1088         // create a Java String for the role
1089         jstring roleName = jniEnv->NewString(role, (jsize)wcslen(role));
1090         if (roleName == 0) {
1091             PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:     NewString failed");
1092             return FALSE;
1093         }
1095         rAccessibleContext = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1096                                                       getParentWithRoleElseRootMethod,
1097                                                       accessibleContext, roleName);
1098         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ParentWithRoleElseRoot - call to CallObjectMethod()", (AccessibleContext)0);
1099         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:     rAccessibleContext = %p", rAccessibleContext);
1100         jobject globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(rAccessibleContext);
1101         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ParentWithRoleElseRoot - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
1102         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Returning - returnedAccessibleContext = %p; globalRef = %p",
1103                          rAccessibleContext, globalRef);
1104         return globalRef;
1105     } else {
1106         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either jniEnv == 0 or getParentWithRoleElseRootMethod == 0");
1107         return 0;
1108     }
1109 }
1111 /**
1112  * Returns how deep in the object hierarchy a given object is.
1113  * The top most object in the object hierarchy has an object depth of 0.
1114  * Returns -1 on error.
1115  */
1116 jint
1117 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getObjectDepth(const jobject accessibleContext) {
1118     jthrowable exception;
1119     jint rResult;
1121     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: In AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getObjectDepth(%p):",
1122                      accessibleContext);
1124     if (getObjectDepthMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1125         rResult = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1126                                         getObjectDepthMethod,
1127                                         accessibleContext);
1128         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ObjectDepth - call to CallIntMethod()", -1);
1129         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:     rResult = %d", rResult);
1130         return rResult;
1131     } else {
1132         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either jniEnv == 0 or getObjectDepthMethod == 0");
1133         return -1;
1134     }
1135 }
1139 /**
1140  * Returns the Accessible Context of the current ActiveDescendent of an object.
1141  * Returns 0 on error.
1142  */
1143 jobject
1144 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getActiveDescendent(const jobject accessibleContext) {
1145     jthrowable exception;
1146     jobject rAccessibleContext;
1148     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: In AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getActiveDescendent(%p):",
1149                      accessibleContext);
1151     if (getActiveDescendentMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1152         rAccessibleContext = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1153                                                       getActiveDescendentMethod,
1154                                                       accessibleContext);
1155         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ActiveDescendent - call to CallObjectMethod()", (AccessibleContext)0);
1156         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:     rAccessibleContext = %p", rAccessibleContext);
1157         jobject globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(rAccessibleContext);
1158         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ActiveDescendant - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
1159         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Returning - returnedAccessibleContext = %p; globalRef = %p",
1160                          rAccessibleContext, globalRef);
1161         return globalRef;
1162     } else {
1163         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either jniEnv == 0 or getActiveDescendentMethod == 0");
1164         return (AccessibleContext)0;
1165     }
1166 }
1168 /**
1169  * Additional methods for Teton
1170  */
1172 /**
1173  * Returns an AccessibleName for a component using an algorithm optimized
1174  * for the JAWS screen reader by Ben Key (Freedom Scientific).  This method
1175  * is only intended for JAWS. All other uses are entirely optional.
1176  *
1177  * Bug ID 4916682 - Implement JAWS AccessibleName policy
1178  */
1179 BOOL
1180 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getVirtualAccessibleName (
1181     IN const jobject object,
1182     OUT wchar_t * name,
1183     IN const int nameSize)
1184 {
1185     /*
1186       +
1187       Parameter validation
1188       +
1189     */
1190     if ((name == 0) || (nameSize == 0))
1191     {
1192         return FALSE;
1193     }
1194     ::memset (name, 0, nameSize * sizeof (wchar_t));
1195     if (0 == object)
1196     {
1197         return FALSE;
1198     }
1200     jstring js = NULL;
1201     const wchar_t * stringBytes = NULL;
1202     jthrowable exception = NULL;
1203     jsize length = 0;
1204     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  getVirtualAccessibleName called.");
1205     if (getVirtualAccessibleNameFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0)
1206     {
1207         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod (
1208             accessBridgeObject,
1209             getVirtualAccessibleNameFromContextMethod,
1210             object);
1211         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleName - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
1212         if (js != (jstring) 0)
1213         {
1214             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars (js, 0);
1215             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleName - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
1216             wcsncpy(name, stringBytes, nameSize - 1);
1217             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
1218             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleName - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
1219             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
1220             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleName - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
1221             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod (
1222                 accessBridgeObject,
1223                 decrementReferenceMethod, js);
1224             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleName - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
1225             wPrintDebugString(L"  Accessible Name = %ls", name);
1226             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
1227             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleName - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
1228         }
1229         else
1230         {
1231             PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Accessible Name is null.");
1232         }
1233     }
1234     else
1235     {
1236         PrintDebugString("[INFO]: either jniEnv == 0 or getVirtualAccessibleNameFromContextMethod == 0");
1237         return FALSE;
1238     }
1239     if ( 0 != name [0] )
1240     {
1241         return TRUE;
1242     }
1243     return FALSE;
1244 }
1247 /**
1248  * Request focus for a component. Returns whether successful;
1249  *
1250  * Bug ID 4944757 - requestFocus method needed
1251  */
1252 BOOL
1253 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::requestFocus(const jobject accessibleContext) {
1255     jthrowable exception;
1256     BOOL result = FALSE;
1258     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: In AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::requestFocus(%p):",
1259                      accessibleContext);
1261     if (requestFocusMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1262         result = (BOOL)jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1263                                                  requestFocusMethod,
1264                                                  accessibleContext);
1265         EXCEPTION_CHECK("requestFocus - call to CallBooleanMethod()", FALSE);
1266         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:    result = %d", result);
1267         return result;
1268     } else {
1269         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either jniEnv == 0 or requestFocusMethod == 0");
1270         return result;
1271     }
1272 }
1274 /**
1275  * Selects text between two indices.  Selection includes the text at the start index
1276  * and the text at the end index. Returns whether successful;
1277  *
1278  * Bug ID 4944758 - selectTextRange method needed
1279  */
1280 BOOL
1281 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::selectTextRange(const jobject accessibleContext, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
1283     jthrowable exception;
1284     BOOL result = FALSE;
1286     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: In AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::selectTextRange(%p start = %d end = %d):",
1287                      accessibleContext, startIndex, endIndex);
1289     if (selectTextRangeMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1290         result = (BOOL)jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1291                                                  selectTextRangeMethod,
1292                                                  accessibleContext,
1293                                                  startIndex, endIndex);
1294         EXCEPTION_CHECK("selectTextRange - call to CallBooleanMethod()", FALSE);
1295         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:     result = %d", result);
1296         return result;
1297     } else {
1298         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either jniEnv == 0 or selectTextRangeMethod == 0");
1299         return result;
1300     }
1301 }
1303 /*
1304  * Returns whether two text attributes are the same.
1305  */
1306 static BOOL CompareAccessibleTextAttributesInfo(AccessibleTextAttributesInfo *one,
1307                                                 AccessibleTextAttributesInfo *two) {
1308     return(one->bold == two->bold
1309            && one->italic == two->italic
1310            && one->underline == two->underline
1311            && one->strikethrough == two->strikethrough
1312            && one->superscript == two->superscript
1313            && one->subscript == two->subscript
1314            && one->fontSize == two->fontSize
1315            && one->alignment == two->alignment
1316            && one->bidiLevel == two->bidiLevel
1317            && one->firstLineIndent == two->firstLineIndent
1318            && one->leftIndent == two->leftIndent
1319            && one->rightIndent == two->rightIndent
1320            && one->lineSpacing == two->lineSpacing
1321            && one->spaceAbove == two->spaceAbove
1322            && one->spaceBelow == two->spaceBelow
1323            && !wcscmp(one->backgroundColor,two->backgroundColor)
1324            && !wcscmp(one->foregroundColor,two->foregroundColor)
1325            && !wcscmp(one->fullAttributesString,two->fullAttributesString));
1326 }
1328 /**
1329  * Get text attributes between two indices.
1330  *
1331  * Only one AccessibleTextAttributesInfo structure is passed - which
1332  * contains the attributes for the first character, the function then goes
1333  * through the following characters in the range specified and stops when the
1334  * attributes are different from the first, it then returns in the passed
1335  * parameter len the number of characters with the attributes returned. In most
1336  * situations this will be all the characters, and if not the calling program
1337  * can easily get the attributes for the next characters with different
1338  * attributes
1339  *
1340  * Bug ID 4944761 - getTextAttributes between two indices method needed
1341  */
1343 /* NEW FASTER CODE!!*/
1344 BOOL
1345 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getTextAttributesInRange(const jobject accessibleContext,
1346                                                       int startIndex, int endIndex,
1347                                                       AccessibleTextAttributesInfo *attributes, short *len) {
1349     jstring js;
1350     const wchar_t *stringBytes;
1351     jthrowable exception;
1352     jsize length;
1353     BOOL result = FALSE;
1355     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: In AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getTextAttributesInRange(%p start = %d end = %d):",
1356                      accessibleContext, startIndex, endIndex);
1358     *len = 0;
1359     result = getAccessibleTextAttributes((jobject)accessibleContext, startIndex, attributes);
1360     if (result != TRUE) {
1361         return FALSE;
1362     }
1363     (*len)++;
1365     for (jint i = startIndex+1; i <= endIndex; i++) {
1367         AccessibleTextAttributesInfo test_attributes = *attributes;
1368         // Get the full test_attributes string at i
1369         if (getAccessibleAttributesAtIndexFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1370             PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting full test_attributes string from Context...");
1371             js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1372                                                     getAccessibleAttributesAtIndexFromContextMethod,
1373                                                     accessibleContext, i);
1374             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAttributesAtIndex - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
1375             PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   returned from CallObjectMethod(), js = %p", js);
1376             if (js != (jstring) 0) {
1377                 stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
1378                 EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAttributesAtIndex - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
1379                 wcsncpy(test_attributes.fullAttributesString, stringBytes, (sizeof(test_attributes.fullAttributesString) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
1380                 length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
1381                 test_attributes.fullAttributesString[length < (sizeof(test_attributes.fullAttributesString) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
1382                                                      length : (sizeof(test_attributes.fullAttributesString) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
1383                 EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAttributesAtIndex - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
1384                 jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
1385                 EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAttributesAtIndex - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
1386                 jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1387                                        decrementReferenceMethod, js);
1388                 EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAttributesAtIndex - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
1389                 wPrintDebugString(L"[INFO]:  Accessible Text attributes = %ls", test_attributes.fullAttributesString);
1390                 jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
1391                 EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAttributesAtIndex - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
1392             } else {
1393                 PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   Accessible Text attributes is null.");
1394                 test_attributes.fullAttributesString[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
1395                 return FALSE;
1396             }
1397         } else {
1398             PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleAttributesAtIndexFromContextMethod == 0");
1399             return FALSE;
1400         }
1402         if(wcscmp(attributes->fullAttributesString,test_attributes.fullAttributesString))
1403             break;
1404         if (result != TRUE) {
1405             return FALSE;
1406         }
1407         (*len)++;
1408     }
1409     return TRUE;
1410 }
1412 /*
1413  * Returns the number of visible children of a component
1414  *
1415  * Bug ID 4944762- getVisibleChildren for list-like components needed
1416  */
1417 int
1418 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getVisibleChildrenCount(const jobject accessibleContext) {
1420     jthrowable exception;
1421     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getVisibleChildrenCount(%p)",
1422                      accessibleContext);
1424     // get the visible children count
1425     int numChildren = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject, getVisibleChildrenCountMethod,
1426                                             accessibleContext);
1427     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting visible children count - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
1428     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### visible children count = %d", numChildren);
1430     return numChildren;
1431 }
1434 /*
1435  * This method is used to iterate through the visible children of a component.  It
1436  * returns visible children information for a component starting at nStartIndex.
1437  * No more than MAX_VISIBLE_CHILDREN VisibleChildrenInfo objects will
1438  * be returned for each call to this method. Returns FALSE on error.
1439  *
1440  * Bug ID 4944762- getVisibleChildren for list-like components needed
1441  */
1442 BOOL AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getVisibleChildren(const jobject accessibleContext,
1443                                                      const int nStartIndex,
1444                                                      /* OUT */ VisibleChildrenInfo *visibleChildrenInfo) {
1446     jthrowable exception;
1448     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getVisibleChildren(%p, startIndex = %d)",
1449                      accessibleContext, nStartIndex);
1451     // get the visible children count
1452     int numChildren = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject, getVisibleChildrenCountMethod,
1453                                             accessibleContext);
1454     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting visible children count - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
1455     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### visible children count = %d", numChildren);
1457     if (nStartIndex >= numChildren) {
1458         return FALSE;
1459     }
1461     // get the visible children
1462     int bufIndex = 0;
1463     for (int i = nStartIndex; (i < numChildren) && (i < nStartIndex + MAX_VISIBLE_CHILDREN); i++) {
1464         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   getting visible child %d ...", i);
1466         // get the visible child at index i
1467         jobject ac = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject, getVisibleChildMethod,
1468                                               accessibleContext, i);
1469         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### getVisibleChildMethod - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
1470         jobject globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(ac);
1471         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### getVisibleChildMethod - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
1472         visibleChildrenInfo->children[bufIndex] = (JOBJECT64)globalRef;
1473         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### visible child = %p", globalRef);
1475         bufIndex++;
1476     }
1477     visibleChildrenInfo->returnedChildrenCount = bufIndex;
1479     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getVisibleChildren succeeded");
1480     return TRUE;
1481 }
1483 /**
1484  * Set the caret to a text position. Returns whether successful;
1485  *
1486  * Bug ID 4944770 - setCaretPosition method needed
1487  */
1488 BOOL
1489 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::setCaretPosition(const jobject accessibleContext, int position) {
1491     jthrowable exception;
1492     BOOL result = FALSE;
1494     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: In AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::setCaretPostion(%p position = %d):",
1495                      accessibleContext, position);
1497     if (setCaretPositionMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1498         result = (BOOL)jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1499                                                  setCaretPositionMethod,
1500                                                  accessibleContext, position);
1501         EXCEPTION_CHECK("setCaretPostion - call to CallBooleanMethod()", FALSE);
1502         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:     result = %d", result);
1503         return result;
1504     } else {
1505         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either jniEnv == 0 or setCaretPositionMethod == 0");
1506         return result;
1507     }
1508 }
1511 // -----------------------------------
1513 /**
1514  * getVersionInfo - returns the version string of the java.version property
1515  *                  and the AccessBridge.java version
1516  *
1517  */
1518 BOOL
1519 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getVersionInfo(AccessBridgeVersionInfo *info) {
1520     jstring js;
1521     const wchar_t *stringBytes;
1522     jthrowable exception;
1523     jsize length;
1525     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getVersionInfo():");
1527     if (getJavaVersionPropertyMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1528         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1529                                                 getJavaVersionPropertyMethod);
1530         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting JavaVersionProperty - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
1531         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   returned from CallObjectMethod(), js = %p", js);
1532         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
1533             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
1534             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
1535             if (stringBytes == NULL) {
1536                 if (!jniEnv->ExceptionCheck()) {
1537                     PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  *** Exception when getting JavaVersionProperty - call to GetStringChars");
1538                     jniEnv->ExceptionDescribe();
1539                     jniEnv->ExceptionClear();
1540                 }
1541                 return FALSE;
1542             }
1543             wcsncpy(info->bridgeJavaDLLVersion,
1544                     stringBytes,
1545                     sizeof(info->bridgeJavaDLLVersion)  / sizeof(wchar_t));
1546             info->bridgeJavaDLLVersion[length < (sizeof(info->bridgeJavaDLLVersion) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
1547                             length : (sizeof(info->bridgeJavaDLLVersion) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
1548             wcsncpy(info->VMversion,
1549                     stringBytes,
1550                     sizeof(info->VMversion)  / sizeof(wchar_t));
1551             info->VMversion[length < (sizeof(info->VMversion) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
1552                             length : (sizeof(info->VMversion) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
1553             wcsncpy(info->bridgeJavaClassVersion,
1554                     stringBytes,
1555                     sizeof(info->bridgeJavaClassVersion)  / sizeof(wchar_t));
1556             info->bridgeJavaClassVersion[length < (sizeof(info->bridgeJavaClassVersion) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
1557                                          length : (sizeof(info->bridgeJavaClassVersion) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
1558             wcsncpy(info->bridgeWinDLLVersion,
1559                     stringBytes,
1560                     sizeof(info->bridgeWinDLLVersion)  / sizeof(wchar_t));
1561             info->bridgeWinDLLVersion[length < (sizeof(info->bridgeWinDLLVersion) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
1562                                          length : (sizeof(info->bridgeWinDLLVersion) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
1563             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
1564             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting JavaVersionProperty - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
1565             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1566                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
1567             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting JavaVersionProperty - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
1568             wPrintDebugString(L"  Java version = %ls", info->VMversion);
1569             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
1570             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting JavaVersionProperty - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
1571         } else {
1572             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   Java version is null.");
1573             info->VMversion[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
1574             return FALSE;
1575         }
1576     } else {
1577         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getJavaVersionPropertyMethod == 0");
1578         return FALSE;
1579     }
1581     return TRUE;
1582 }
1585 /*
1586  * Verifies the Java VM still exists and obj is an
1587  * instance of AccessibleText
1588  */
1589 BOOL AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::verifyAccessibleText(jobject obj) {
1590     JavaVM *vm;
1591     BOOL retval;
1592     jthrowable exception;
1594     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::verifyAccessibleText");
1596     if (jniEnv->GetJavaVM(&vm) != 0) {
1597         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  No Java VM");
1598         return FALSE;
1599     }
1601     if (obj == (jobject)0) {
1602         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  Null jobject");
1603         return FALSE;
1604     }
1606     // Copied from getAccessibleContextInfo
1607     if (getAccessibleTextFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1608         jobject returnedJobject = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1609                                                            getAccessibleTextFromContextMethod,
1610                                                            (jobject)obj);
1611         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleText - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
1612         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:   AccessibleText = %p", returnedJobject);
1613         retval = returnedJobject != (jobject) 0;
1614         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(returnedJobject);
1615         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleText - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
1616     } else {
1617         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleTextFromContextMethod == 0");
1618         return FALSE;
1619     }
1620     if (retval == FALSE) {
1621         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  jobject is not an AccessibleText");
1622     }
1623     return retval;
1624 }
1627 /********** AccessibleContext routines ***********************************/
1629 /**
1630  * getAccessibleContextAt - performs the Java method call:
1631  *   Accessible AccessBridge.getAccessibleContextAt(x, y)
1632  *
1633  * Note: this call explicitly goes through the AccessBridge,
1634  * so that it can keep a reference the returned jobject for the JavaVM.
1635  * You must explicity call INTreleaseJavaObject() when you are through using
1636  * the Accessible returned, to let the AccessBridge know it can release the
1637  * object, so that the can then garbage collect it.
1638  *
1639  */
1640 jobject
1641 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleContextAt(jint x, jint y, jobject accessibleContext) {
1642     jobject returnedAccessibleContext;
1643     jobject globalRef;
1644     jthrowable exception;
1646     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleContextAt(%d, %d, %p):",
1647                      x, y, accessibleContext);
1649     if (getAccessibleContextAtMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1650         returnedAccessibleContext = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1651                                                              getAccessibleContextAtMethod,
1652                                                              x, y, accessibleContext);
1653         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleContextAt - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
1654         globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(returnedAccessibleContext);
1655         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleContextAt - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
1656         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Returning - returnedAccessibleContext = %p; globalRef = %p",
1657                          returnedAccessibleContext, globalRef);
1658         return globalRef;
1659     } else {
1660         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleContextAtMethod == 0");
1661         return (jobject) 0;
1662     }
1663 }
1665 /**
1666  * getAccessibleWithFocus - performs the Java method calls:
1667  *   Accessible Translator.getAccessible(SwingEventMonitor.getComponentWithFocus();
1668  *
1669  * Note: this call explicitly goes through the AccessBridge,
1670  * so that the AccessBridge can hide expected changes in how this functions
1671  * between JDK 1.1.x w/AccessibilityUtility classes, and JDK 1.2, when some
1672  * of this functionality may be built into the platform
1673  *
1674  */
1675 jobject
1676 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleContextWithFocus() {
1677     jobject returnedAccessibleContext;
1678     jobject globalRef;
1679     jthrowable exception;
1681     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleContextWithFocus()");
1683     if (getAccessibleContextWithFocusMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1684         returnedAccessibleContext = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1685                                                              getAccessibleContextWithFocusMethod);
1686         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleContextWithFocus - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
1687         globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(returnedAccessibleContext);
1688         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleContextWithFocus - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
1689         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Returning - returnedAccessibleContext = %p; globalRef = %p",
1690                          returnedAccessibleContext, globalRef);
1691         return globalRef;
1692     } else {
1693         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either jniEnv == 0 or getAccessibleContextWithFocusMethod == 0");
1694         return (jobject) 0;
1695     }
1696 }
1698 /**
1699  * getAccessibleContextInfo - fills a struct with a bunch of information
1700  * contained in the Java Accessibility API
1701  *
1702  * Note: if the AccessibleContext parameter is bogus, this call will blow up
1703  *
1704  * Note: this call explicitly goes through the AccessBridge,
1705  * so that it can keep a reference the returned jobject for the JavaVM.
1706  * You must explicity call releaseJavaObject() when you are through using
1707  * the AccessibleContext returned, to let the AccessBridge know it can release the
1708  * object, so that the JavaVM can then garbage collect it.
1709  */
1710 BOOL
1711 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleContextInfo(jobject accessibleContext, AccessibleContextInfo *info) {
1712     jstring js;
1713     const wchar_t *stringBytes;
1714     jobject returnedJobject;
1715     jthrowable exception;
1716     jsize length;
1718     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleContextInfo(%p):", accessibleContext);
1720     ZeroMemory(info, sizeof(AccessibleContextInfo));
1722     if (accessibleContext == (jobject) 0) {
1723         PrintDebugString("[WARN]:  passed in AccessibleContext == null! (oops)");
1724         return (FALSE);
1725     }
1727     // Get the Accessible Name
1728     if (getAccessibleNameFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1729         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1730                                                 getAccessibleNameFromContextMethod,
1731                                                 accessibleContext);
1732         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleName - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
1733         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
1734             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
1735             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleName - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
1736             wcsncpy(info->name, stringBytes, (sizeof(info->name) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
1737             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
1738             info->name[length < (sizeof(info->name) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
1739                        length : (sizeof(info->name) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
1740             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleName - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
1741             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
1742             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleName - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
1743             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1744                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
1745             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleName - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
1746             wPrintDebugString(L"[INFO]:   Accessible Name = %ls", info->name);
1747             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
1748             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleName - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
1749         } else {
1750             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   Accessible Name is null.");
1751             info->name[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
1752         }
1753     } else {
1754         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleNameFromContextMethod == 0");
1755         return FALSE;
1756     }
1759     // Get the Accessible Description
1760     if (getAccessibleDescriptionFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1761         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1762                                                 getAccessibleDescriptionFromContextMethod,
1763                                                 accessibleContext);
1764         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleDescription - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
1765         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
1766             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
1767             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleName - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
1768             wcsncpy(info->description, stringBytes, (sizeof(info->description) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
1769             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
1770             info->description[length < (sizeof(info->description) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
1771                               length : (sizeof(info->description) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
1772             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleName - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
1773             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
1774             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleName - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
1775             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1776                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
1777             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleName - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
1778             wPrintDebugString(L"[INFO]:   Accessible Description = %ls", info->description);
1779             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
1780             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleName - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
1781         } else {
1782             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   Accessible Description is null.");
1783             info->description[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
1784         }
1785     } else {
1786         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleDescriptionFromContextMethod == 0");
1787         return FALSE;
1788     }
1791     // Get the Accessible Role String
1792     if (getAccessibleRoleStringFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1793         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1794                                                 getAccessibleRoleStringFromContextMethod,
1795                                                 accessibleContext);
1796         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRole - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
1797         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
1798             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
1799             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRole - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
1800             wcsncpy(info->role, stringBytes, (sizeof(info->role) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
1801             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
1802             info->role[length < (sizeof(info->role) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
1803                        length : (sizeof(info->role) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
1804             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRole - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
1805             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
1806             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRole - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
1807             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1808                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
1809             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRole - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
1810             wPrintDebugString(L"[INFO]:   Accessible Role = %ls", info->role);
1811             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
1812             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRole - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
1813         } else {
1814             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   Accessible Role is null.");
1815             info->role[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
1816         }
1817     } else {
1818         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleRoleStringFromContextMethod == 0");
1819         return FALSE;
1820     }
1823     // Get the Accessible Role String in the en_US locale
1824     if (getAccessibleRoleStringFromContext_en_USMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1825         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1826                                                 getAccessibleRoleStringFromContext_en_USMethod,
1827                                                 accessibleContext);
1828         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRole_en_US - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
1829         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
1830             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
1831             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRole_en_US - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
1832             wcsncpy(info->role_en_US, stringBytes, (sizeof(info->role_en_US) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
1833             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
1834             info->role_en_US[length < (sizeof(info->role_en_US) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
1835                              length : (sizeof(info->role_en_US) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
1836             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRole_en_US - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
1837             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
1838             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRole_en_US - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
1839             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1840                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
1841             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRole_en_US - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
1842             wPrintDebugString(L"[INFO]:   Accessible Role en_US = %ls", info->role_en_US);
1843             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
1844             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRole_en_US - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
1845         } else {
1846             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   Accessible Role en_US is null.");
1847             info->role[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
1848         }
1849     } else {
1850         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleRoleStringFromContext_en_USMethod == 0");
1851         return FALSE;
1852     }
1854     // Get the Accessible States String
1855     if (getAccessibleStatesStringFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1856         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1857                                                 getAccessibleStatesStringFromContextMethod,
1858                                                 accessibleContext);
1859         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleState - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
1860         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
1861             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
1862             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleState - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
1863             wcsncpy(info->states, stringBytes, (sizeof(info->states) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
1864             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
1865             info->states[length < (sizeof(info->states) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
1866                          length : (sizeof(info->states) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
1867             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleState - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
1868             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
1869             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleState - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
1870             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1871                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
1872             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleState - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
1873             wPrintDebugString(L"[INFO]:   Accessible States = %ls", info->states);
1874             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
1875             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleState - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
1876         } else {
1877             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   Accessible States is null.");
1878             info->states[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
1879         }
1880     } else {
1881         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleStatesStringFromContextMethod == 0");
1882         return FALSE;
1883     }
1885     // Get the Accessible States String in the en_US locale
1886     if (getAccessibleStatesStringFromContext_en_USMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1887         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1888                                                 getAccessibleStatesStringFromContext_en_USMethod,
1889                                                 accessibleContext);
1890         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleState_en_US - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
1891         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
1892             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
1893             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleState_en_US - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
1894             wcsncpy(info->states_en_US, stringBytes, (sizeof(info->states_en_US) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
1895             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
1896             info->states_en_US[length < (sizeof(info->states_en_US) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
1897                                length : (sizeof(info->states_en_US) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
1898             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleState_en_US - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
1899             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
1900             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleState_en_US - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
1901             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1902                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
1903             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleState_en_US - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
1904             wPrintDebugString(L"[INFO]:   Accessible States en_US = %ls", info->states_en_US);
1905             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
1906             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleState_en_US - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
1907         } else {
1908             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   Accessible States en_US is null.");
1909             info->states[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
1910         }
1911     } else {
1912         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleStatesStringFromContext_en_USMethod == 0");
1913         return FALSE;
1914     }
1917     // Get the index in Parent
1918     if (getAccessibleIndexInParentFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1919         info->indexInParent = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1920                                                     getAccessibleIndexInParentFromContextMethod,
1921                                                     accessibleContext);
1922         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleIndexInParent - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
1923         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Index in Parent = %d", info->indexInParent);
1924     } else {
1925         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleIndexInParentFromContextMethod == 0");
1926         return FALSE;
1927     }
1930     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: *** jniEnv: %p; accessBridgeObject: %p; AccessibleContext: %p ***",
1931                      jniEnv, accessBridgeObject, accessibleContext);
1933     // Get the children count
1934     if (getAccessibleChildrenCountFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1935         info->childrenCount = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1936                                                     getAccessibleChildrenCountFromContextMethod,
1937                                                     accessibleContext);
1938         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleChildrenCount - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
1939         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Children count = %d", info->childrenCount);
1940     } else {
1941         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleChildrenCountFromContextMethod == 0");
1942         return FALSE;
1943     }
1945     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: *** jniEnv: %p; accessBridgeObject: %p; AccessibleContext: %X ***",
1946                      jniEnv, accessBridgeObject, accessibleContext);
1949     // Get the x coord
1950     if (getAccessibleXcoordFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1951         info->x = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1952                                         getAccessibleXcoordFromContextMethod,
1953                                         accessibleContext);
1954         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleXcoord - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
1955         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   X coord = %d", info->x);
1956     } else {
1957         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleXcoordFromContextMethod == 0");
1958         return FALSE;
1959     }
1961     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: *** jniEnv: %X; accessBridgeObject: %X; AccessibleContext: %p ***",
1962                      jniEnv, accessBridgeObject, accessibleContext);
1965     // Get the y coord
1966     if (getAccessibleYcoordFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1967         info->y = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1968                                         getAccessibleYcoordFromContextMethod,
1969                                         accessibleContext);
1970         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleYcoord - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
1971         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Y coord = %d", info->y);
1972     } else {
1973         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleYcoordFromContextMethod == 0");
1974         return FALSE;
1975     }
1977     // Get the width
1978     if (getAccessibleWidthFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1979         info->width = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1980                                             getAccessibleWidthFromContextMethod,
1981                                             accessibleContext);
1982         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleWidth - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
1983         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Width = %d", info->width);
1984     } else {
1985         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleWidthFromContextMethod == 0");
1986         return FALSE;
1987     }
1989     // Get the height
1990     if (getAccessibleHeightFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
1991         info->height = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
1992                                              getAccessibleHeightFromContextMethod,
1993                                              accessibleContext);
1994         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHeight - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
1995         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Height = %d", info->height);
1996     } else {
1997         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleHeightFromContextMethod == 0");
1998         return FALSE;
1999     }
2001     // Get the AccessibleComponent
2002     if (getAccessibleComponentFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2003         returnedJobject = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2004                                                    getAccessibleComponentFromContextMethod,
2005                                                    accessibleContext);
2006         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleComponent - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2007         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   AccessibleComponent = %p", returnedJobject);
2008         info->accessibleComponent = (returnedJobject != (jobject) 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
2009         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(returnedJobject);
2010         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleComponent - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
2011     } else {
2012         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleComponentFromContextMethod == 0");
2013         return FALSE;
2014     }
2016     // Get the AccessibleAction
2017     if (getAccessibleActionFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2018         returnedJobject = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2019                                                    getAccessibleActionFromContextMethod,
2020                                                    accessibleContext);
2021         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAction - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2022         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   AccessibleAction = %p", returnedJobject);
2023         info->accessibleAction = (returnedJobject != (jobject) 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
2024         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(returnedJobject);
2025         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAction - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
2026     } else {
2027         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleActionFromContextMethod == 0");
2028         return FALSE;
2029     }
2031     // Get the AccessibleSelection
2032     if (getAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2033         returnedJobject = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2034                                                    getAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod,
2035                                                    accessibleContext);
2036         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleSelection - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2037         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   AccessibleSelection = %p", returnedJobject);
2038         info->accessibleSelection = (returnedJobject != (jobject) 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
2039         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(returnedJobject);
2040         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleSelection - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
2041     } else {
2042         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod == 0");
2043         return FALSE;
2044     }
2046     // Get the AccessibleTable
2047     if (getAccessibleTableFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2048         PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### Calling getAccessibleTableFromContextMethod ...");
2049         returnedJobject = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2050                                                    getAccessibleTableFromContextMethod,
2051                                                    accessibleContext);
2052         PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### ... Returned from getAccessibleTableFromContextMethod");
2053         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTable - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2054         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### AccessibleTable = %p", returnedJobject);
2055         if (returnedJobject != (jobject) 0) {
2056             info->accessibleInterfaces |= cAccessibleTableInterface;
2057         }
2058         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(returnedJobject);
2059         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTable - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
2061         /*
2062           returnedJobject = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2063           getAccessibleTableFromContextMethod,
2064           AccessibleContext);
2065           PrintDebugString("##### ... Returned from getAccessibleTableFromContextMethod");
2066           EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTable - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2067           PrintDebugString("  ##### AccessibleTable = %X", returnedJobject);
2068           info->accessibleTable = returnedJobject;
2069         */
2071     } else {
2072         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTableFromContextMethod == 0");
2073         return FALSE;
2074     }
2076     // Get the AccessibleText
2077     if (getAccessibleTextFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2078         returnedJobject = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2079                                                    getAccessibleTextFromContextMethod,
2080                                                    accessibleContext);
2081         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleText - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2082         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   AccessibleText = %p", returnedJobject);
2083         info->accessibleText = (returnedJobject != (jobject) 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
2084         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(returnedJobject);
2085         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleText - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
2086     } else {
2087         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleTextFromContextMethod == 0");
2088         return FALSE;
2089     }
2091     // Get the AccessibleValue
2092     if (getAccessibleValueFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2093         returnedJobject = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2094                                                    getAccessibleValueFromContextMethod,
2095                                                    accessibleContext);
2096         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleValue - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2097         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   AccessibleValue = %p", returnedJobject);
2098         if (returnedJobject != (jobject) 0) {
2099             info->accessibleInterfaces |= cAccessibleValueInterface;
2100         }
2101         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(returnedJobject);
2102         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleValue - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
2103     } else {
2104         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleValueFromContextMethod == 0");
2105         return FALSE;
2106     }
2108     // FIX
2109     // get the AccessibleHypertext
2110     if (getAccessibleHypertextMethod != (jmethodID) 0 &&
2111         getAccessibleHyperlinkCountMethod != (jmethodID) 0 &&
2112         getAccessibleHyperlinkMethod != (jmethodID) 0 &&
2113         getAccessibleHyperlinkTextMethod != (jmethodID) 0 &&
2114         getAccessibleHyperlinkStartIndexMethod != (jmethodID) 0 &&
2115         getAccessibleHyperlinkEndIndexMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2116         returnedJobject = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2117                                                    getAccessibleHypertextMethod,
2118                                                    accessibleContext);
2119         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHypertext - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2120         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   AccessibleHypertext = %p",
2121                          returnedJobject);
2122         if (returnedJobject != (jobject) 0) {
2123             info->accessibleInterfaces |= cAccessibleHypertextInterface;
2124         }
2125         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(returnedJobject);
2126         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHypertext - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
2127     }
2129     // set new accessibleInterfaces flags from old BOOL values
2130     if(info->accessibleComponent)
2131         info->accessibleInterfaces |= cAccessibleComponentInterface;
2132     if(info->accessibleAction)
2133         info->accessibleInterfaces |= cAccessibleActionInterface;
2134     if(info->accessibleSelection)
2135         info->accessibleInterfaces |= cAccessibleSelectionInterface;
2136     if(info->accessibleText)
2137         info->accessibleInterfaces |= cAccessibleTextInterface;
2138     // FIX END
2140     return TRUE;
2141 }
2143 /**
2144  * getAccessibleChildFromContext - performs the Java method call:
2145  *   AccessibleContext AccessBridge.getAccessibleChildContext(AccessibleContext)
2146  *
2147  * Note: if the AccessibleContext parameter is bogus, this call will blow up
2148  *
2149  * Note: this call explicitly goes through the AccessBridge,
2150  * so that it can keep a reference the returned jobject for the JavaVM.
2151  * You must explicity call releaseJavaObject() when you are through using
2152  * the AccessibleContext returned, to let the AccessBridge know it can release the
2153  * object, so that the JavaVM can then garbage collect it.
2154  */
2155 jobject
2156 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleChildFromContext(jobject accessibleContext, jint childIndex) {
2157     jobject returnedAccessibleContext;
2158     jobject globalRef;
2159     jthrowable exception;
2161     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleChildContext(%p, %d):",
2162                      accessibleContext, childIndex);
2164     if (getAccessibleChildFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2165         returnedAccessibleContext = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2166                                                              getAccessibleChildFromContextMethod,
2167                                                              accessibleContext, childIndex);
2168         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleChild - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2169         globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(returnedAccessibleContext);
2170         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleChild - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
2171         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(returnedAccessibleContext);
2172         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleChild - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
2173         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Returning - returnedAccessibleContext = %p; globalRef = %p",
2174                          returnedAccessibleContext, globalRef);
2175         return globalRef;
2176     } else {
2177         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleChildContextMethod == 0");
2178         return (jobject) 0;
2179     }
2180 }
2182 /**
2183  * getAccessibleParentFromContext - returns the AccessibleContext parent
2184  *
2185  */
2186 jobject
2187 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleParentFromContext(jobject accessibleContext)
2188 {
2189     jobject returnedAccessibleContext;
2190     jobject globalRef;
2191     jthrowable exception;
2193     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleParentFromContext(%p):", accessibleContext);
2195     if (getAccessibleParentFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2196         returnedAccessibleContext = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2197                                                              getAccessibleParentFromContextMethod,
2198                                                              accessibleContext);
2199         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleParent - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2200         globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(returnedAccessibleContext);
2201         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleParent - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
2202         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(returnedAccessibleContext);
2203         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleParent - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
2204         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Returning - returnedAccessibleContext = %p; globalRef = %p",
2205                          returnedAccessibleContext, globalRef);
2206         return globalRef;
2207     } else {
2208         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleParentFromContextMethod == 0");
2209         return (jobject) 0;
2210     }
2211 }
2214 /********** AccessibleTable routines **********************************/
2216 BOOL
2217 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableInfo(jobject accessibleContext,
2218                                                     AccessibleTableInfo *tableInfo) {
2220     jthrowable exception;
2222     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableInfo(%p):",
2223                      accessibleContext);
2225     // get the table row count
2226     if (getAccessibleTableRowCountMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2227         tableInfo->rowCount = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2228                                                     getAccessibleTableRowCountMethod,
2229                                                     accessibleContext);
2230         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableRowCount - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2231         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table row count = %d", tableInfo->rowCount);
2232     } else {
2233         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleRowCountMethod == 0");
2234         return FALSE;
2235     }
2237     // get the table column count
2238     if (getAccessibleTableColumnCountMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2239         tableInfo->columnCount = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2240                                                        getAccessibleTableColumnCountMethod,
2241                                                        accessibleContext);
2242         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTableColumnCount - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2243         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table column count = %d", tableInfo->columnCount);
2244     } else {
2245         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTableColumnCountMethod == 0");
2246         return FALSE;
2247     }
2249     // get the AccessibleTable
2250     if (getAccessibleTableFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2251         PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### Calling getAccessibleTableFromContextMethod ...");
2252         jobject accTable = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2253                                                     getAccessibleTableFromContextMethod,
2254                                                     accessibleContext);
2255         PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### ... Returned from getAccessibleTableFromContextMethod");
2256         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTable - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2257         jobject globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(accTable);
2258         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTable - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
2259         tableInfo->accessibleTable = (JOBJECT64)globalRef;
2260         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### accessibleTable = %p", globalRef);
2261     } else {
2262         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTableFromContextMethod == 0");
2263         return FALSE;
2264     }
2266     // cache the AccessibleContext
2267     if (getContextFromAccessibleTableMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2268         PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### Calling getContextFromAccessibleTable Method ...");
2269         jobject ac = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2270                                               getContextFromAccessibleTableMethod,
2271                                               accessibleContext);
2272         PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### ... Returned from getContextFromAccessibleTable Method");
2273         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTable - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2274         jobject globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(ac);
2275         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTable - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
2276         tableInfo->accessibleContext = (JOBJECT64)globalRef;
2277         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### accessibleContext = %p", globalRef);
2278     } else {
2279         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getContextFromAccessibleTable Method == 0");
2280         return FALSE;
2281     }
2283     // FIX - set unused elements
2284     tableInfo->caption = NULL;
2285     tableInfo->summary = NULL;
2287     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableInfo succeeded");
2288     return TRUE;
2289 }
2291 BOOL
2292 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableCellInfo(jobject accessibleTable, jint row, jint column,
2293                                                         AccessibleTableCellInfo *tableCellInfo) {
2295     jthrowable exception;
2297     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableCellInfo(%p): row=%d, column=%d",
2298                      accessibleTable, row, column);
2300     // FIX
2301     ZeroMemory(tableCellInfo, sizeof(AccessibleTableCellInfo));
2302     tableCellInfo->row = row;
2303     tableCellInfo->column = column;
2304     // FIX END
2306     // get the table cell index
2307     if (getAccessibleTableCellIndexMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2308         tableCellInfo->index = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2309                                                      getAccessibleTableCellIndexMethod,
2310                                                      accessibleTable, row, column);
2311         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableCellIndex - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2312         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table cell index = %d", tableCellInfo->index);
2313     } else {
2314         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTableCellIndexMethod == 0");
2315         return FALSE;
2316     }
2318     // get the table cell row extent
2319     if (getAccessibleTableCellRowExtentMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2320         tableCellInfo->rowExtent = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2321                                                          getAccessibleTableCellRowExtentMethod,
2322                                                          accessibleTable, row, column);
2323         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableCellRowExtentCount - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2324         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table cell row extent = %d", tableCellInfo->rowExtent);
2325     } else {
2326         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTableCellRowExtentMethod == 0");
2327         return FALSE;
2328     }
2330     // get the table cell column extent
2331     if (getAccessibleTableCellColumnExtentMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2332         tableCellInfo->columnExtent = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2333                                                             getAccessibleTableCellColumnExtentMethod,
2334                                                             accessibleTable, row, column);
2335         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableCellColumnExtentCount - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2336         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  ##### table cell column extent = %d", tableCellInfo->columnExtent);
2337     } else {
2338         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTableCellColumnExtentMethod == 0");
2339         return FALSE;
2340     }
2342     // get whether the table cell is selected
2343     if (isAccessibleTableCellSelectedMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2344         tableCellInfo->isSelected = jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2345                                                               isAccessibleTableCellSelectedMethod,
2346                                                               accessibleTable, row, column);
2347         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting isAccessibleTableCellSelected - call to CallBooleanMethod()", FALSE);
2348         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table cell isSelected = %d", tableCellInfo->isSelected);
2349     } else {
2350         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or isAccessibleTableCellSelectedMethod == 0");
2351         return FALSE;
2352     }
2354     // get the table cell AccessibleContext
2355     if (getAccessibleTableCellAccessibleContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2356         jobject tableCellAC = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2357                                                        getAccessibleTableCellAccessibleContextMethod,
2358                                                        accessibleTable, row, column);
2359         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableCellAccessibleContext - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2360         jobject globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(tableCellAC);
2361         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableCellAccessibleContext - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
2362         tableCellInfo->accessibleContext = (JOBJECT64)globalRef;
2363         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table cell AccessibleContext = %p", globalRef);
2364     } else {
2365         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTableCellAccessibleContextMethod == 0");
2366         return FALSE;
2367     }
2369     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  ##### Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableCellInfo succeeded");
2370     return TRUE;
2371 }
2373 BOOL
2374 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableRowHeader(jobject acParent, AccessibleTableInfo *tableInfo) {
2376     jthrowable exception;
2378     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableRowHeader(%p):",
2379                      acParent);
2381     // get the header row count
2382     if (getAccessibleTableRowHeaderRowCountMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2383         tableInfo->rowCount = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2384                                                     getAccessibleTableRowHeaderRowCountMethod,
2385                                                     acParent);
2386         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableRowHeaderRowCount - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2387         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table row count = %d", tableInfo->rowCount);
2388     } else {
2389         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleRowHeaderRowCountMethod == 0");
2390         return FALSE;
2391     }
2393     // get the header column count
2394     if (getAccessibleTableRowHeaderColumnCountMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2395         tableInfo->columnCount = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2396                                                        getAccessibleTableRowHeaderColumnCountMethod,
2397                                                        acParent);
2398         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTableRowHeaderColumnCount - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2399         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table column count = %d", tableInfo->columnCount);
2400     } else {
2401         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTableRowHeaderColumnCountMethod == 0");
2402         return FALSE;
2403     }
2405     // get the header AccessibleTable
2406     if (getAccessibleTableRowHeaderMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2407         jobject accTable = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2408                                                     getAccessibleTableRowHeaderMethod,
2409                                                     acParent);
2410         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableRowHeader - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2411         jobject globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(accTable);
2412         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableRowHeader - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
2413         tableInfo->accessibleTable = (JOBJECT64)globalRef;
2414         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### row header AccessibleTable = %p", globalRef);
2415     } else {
2416         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTableRowHeaderMethod == 0");
2417         return FALSE;
2418     }
2420     // FIX - set unused elements
2421     tableInfo->caption = NULL;
2422     tableInfo->summary = NULL;
2423     tableInfo->accessibleContext = NULL;
2425     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableRowHeader succeeded");
2426     return TRUE;
2427 }
2429 BOOL
2430 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableColumnHeader(jobject acParent, AccessibleTableInfo *tableInfo) {
2431     jthrowable exception;
2433     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableColumnHeader(%p):",
2434                      acParent);
2436     // get the header row count
2437     if (getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderRowCountMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2438         tableInfo->rowCount = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2439                                                     getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderRowCountMethod,
2440                                                     acParent);
2441         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableColumnHeaderRowCount - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2442         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table row count = %d", tableInfo->rowCount);
2443     } else {
2444         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleColumnHeaderRowCountMethod == 0");
2445         return FALSE;
2446     }
2448     // get the header column count
2449     if (getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderColumnCountMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2450         tableInfo->columnCount = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2451                                                        getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderColumnCountMethod,
2452                                                        acParent);
2453         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTableColumnHeaderColumnCount - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2454         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table column count = %d", tableInfo->columnCount);
2455     } else {
2456         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderColumnCountMethod == 0");
2457         return FALSE;
2458     }
2459     // get the header AccessibleTable
2460     if (getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2461         jobject accTable = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2462                                                     getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderMethod,
2463                                                     acParent);
2464         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableColumnHeader - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2465         jobject globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(accTable);
2466         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableColumnHeader - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
2467         tableInfo->accessibleTable = (JOBJECT64)globalRef;
2468         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### column header AccessibleTable = %p", globalRef);
2469     } else {
2470         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderMethod == 0");
2471         return FALSE;
2472     }
2474     // FIX - set unused elements
2475     tableInfo->caption = NULL;
2476     tableInfo->summary = NULL;
2477     tableInfo->accessibleContext = NULL;
2479     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableColumnHeader succeeded");
2480     return TRUE;
2481 }
2483 jobject
2484 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableRowDescription(jobject acParent, jint row) {
2486     jobject returnedAccessibleContext;
2487     jobject globalRef;
2488     jthrowable exception;
2490     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableRowDescription(%p):",
2491                      acParent);
2493     if (getAccessibleTableRowDescriptionMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2494         returnedAccessibleContext = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2495                                                              getAccessibleTableRowDescriptionMethod,
2496                                                              acParent, row);
2497         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTableRowDescription - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2498         globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(returnedAccessibleContext);
2499         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTableRowDescription - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
2500         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(returnedAccessibleContext);
2501         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTableRowDescription - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
2502         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Returning - returnedAccessibleContext = %p; globalRef = %p",
2503                          returnedAccessibleContext, globalRef);
2504         return globalRef;
2505     } else {
2506         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTableRowDescriptionMethod == 0");
2507         return (jobject) 0;
2508     }
2509 }
2511 jobject
2512 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableColumnDescription(jobject acParent, jint column) {
2514     jobject returnedAccessibleContext;
2515     jobject globalRef;
2516     jthrowable exception;
2518     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableColumnDescription(%p):",
2519                      acParent);
2521     if (getAccessibleTableColumnDescriptionMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2522         returnedAccessibleContext = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(
2523                                                              accessBridgeObject,
2524                                                              getAccessibleTableColumnDescriptionMethod,
2525                                                              acParent, column);
2526         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTableColumnDescription - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2527         globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(returnedAccessibleContext);
2528         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTableColumnDescription - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
2529         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(returnedAccessibleContext);
2530         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTableColumnDescription - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
2531         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Returning - returnedAccessibleContext = %p; globalRef = %p",
2532                          returnedAccessibleContext, globalRef);
2533         return globalRef;
2534     } else {
2535         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTableColumnDescriptionMethod == 0");
2536         return (jobject) 0;
2537     }
2538 }
2540 jint
2541 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableRowSelectionCount(jobject accessibleTable) {
2543     jthrowable exception;
2544     jint count;
2546     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableRowSelectionCount(%p)",
2547                      accessibleTable);
2549     // Get the table row selection count
2550     if (getAccessibleTableRowSelectionCountMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2551         count = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2552                                       getAccessibleTableRowSelectionCountMethod,
2553                                       accessibleTable);
2554         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableRowSelectionCount - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2555         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table row selection count = %d", count);
2556         return count;
2557     } else {
2558         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTableRowSelectionCountMethod == 0");
2559         return 0;
2560     }
2562     PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:   ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableRowSelectionCount failed");
2563     return 0;
2564 }
2566 BOOL
2567 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::isAccessibleTableRowSelected(jobject accessibleTable, jint row) {
2568     jthrowable exception;
2569     BOOL result;
2571     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::isAccessibleTableRowSelected(%p, %d)",
2572                      accessibleTable, row);
2574     if (isAccessibleTableRowSelectedMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2575         result = jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2576                                            isAccessibleTableRowSelectedMethod,
2577                                            accessibleTable, row);
2578         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting isAccessibleTableRowSelected - call to CallBooleanMethod()", FALSE);
2579         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table row isSelected = %d", result);
2580         return result;
2581     } else {
2582         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or isAccessibleTableRowSelectedMethod == 0");
2583         return FALSE;
2584     }
2586     PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::isAccessibleTableRowSelected failed");
2587     return FALSE;
2588 }
2590 BOOL
2591 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableRowSelections(jobject accessibleTable, jint count,
2592                                                              jint *selections) {
2594     jthrowable exception;
2596     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableRowSelections(%p, %d %p)",
2597                      accessibleTable, count, selections);
2599     if (getAccessibleTableRowSelectionsMethod == (jmethodID) 0) {
2600         return FALSE;
2601     }
2602     // Get the table row selections
2603     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
2605         selections[i] = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2606                                               getAccessibleTableRowSelectionsMethod,
2607                                               accessibleTable,
2608                                               i);
2609         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableRowSelections - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2610         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table row selection[%d] = %d", i, selections[i]);
2611     }
2613     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableRowSelections succeeded");
2614     return TRUE;
2615 }
2618 jint
2619 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableColumnSelectionCount(jobject accessibleTable) {
2621     jthrowable exception;
2622     jint count;
2624     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableColumnSelectionCount(%p)",
2625                      accessibleTable);
2627     // Get the table column selection count
2628     if (getAccessibleTableColumnSelectionCountMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2629         count = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2630                                       getAccessibleTableColumnSelectionCountMethod,
2631                                       accessibleTable);
2632         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableColumnSelectionCount - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2633         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table column selection count = %d", count);
2634         return count;
2635     } else {
2636         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleRowCountMethod == 0");
2637         return 0;
2638     }
2640     PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:   ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableColumnSelectionCount failed");
2641     return 0;
2642 }
2644 BOOL
2645 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::isAccessibleTableColumnSelected(jobject accessibleTable, jint column) {
2646     jthrowable exception;
2647     BOOL result;
2649     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::isAccessibleTableColumnSelected(%p, %d)",
2650                      accessibleTable, column);
2652     if (isAccessibleTableColumnSelectedMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2653         result = jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2654                                            isAccessibleTableColumnSelectedMethod,
2655                                            accessibleTable, column);
2656         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting isAccessibleTableColumnSelected - call to CallBooleanMethod()", FALSE);
2657         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table column isSelected = %d", result);
2658         return result;
2659     } else {
2660         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or isAccessibleTableColumnSelectedMethod == 0");
2661         return FALSE;
2662     }
2664     PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:   ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::isAccessibleTableColumnSelected failed");
2665     return FALSE;
2666 }
2668 BOOL
2669 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableColumnSelections(jobject accessibleTable, jint count,
2670                                                                 jint *selections) {
2671     jthrowable exception;
2673     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableColumnSelections(%p, %d, %p)",
2674                      accessibleTable, count, selections);
2676     if (getAccessibleTableColumnSelectionsMethod == (jmethodID) 0) {
2677         return FALSE;
2678     }
2679     // Get the table column selections
2680     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
2682         selections[i] = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2683                                               getAccessibleTableColumnSelectionsMethod,
2684                                               accessibleTable,
2685                                               i);
2686         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableColumnSelections - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2687         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table Column selection[%d] = %d", i, selections[i]);
2688     }
2690     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableColumnSelections succeeded");
2691     return TRUE;
2692 }
2695 jint
2696 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableRow(jobject accessibleTable, jint index) {
2697     jthrowable exception;
2698     jint result;
2700     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableRow(%p, index=%d)",
2701                      accessibleTable, index);
2703     if (getAccessibleTableRowMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2704         result = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2705                                        getAccessibleTableRowMethod,
2706                                        accessibleTable, index);
2707         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableRow - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2708         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table row = %d", result);
2709         return result;
2710     } else {
2711         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTableRowMethod == 0");
2712         return -1;
2713     }
2715     PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:   ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableRow failed");
2716     return -1;
2717 }
2719 jint
2720 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableColumn(jobject accessibleTable, jint index) {
2721     jthrowable exception;
2722     jint result;
2724     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableColumn(%p, index=%d)",
2725                      accessibleTable, index);
2727     if (getAccessibleTableColumnMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2728         result = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2729                                        getAccessibleTableColumnMethod,
2730                                        accessibleTable, index);
2731         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleTableColumn - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2732         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table column = %d", result);
2733         return result;
2734     } else {
2735         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTableColumnMethod == 0");
2736         return -1;
2737     }
2739     PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:   ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableColumn failed");
2740     return -1;
2741 }
2743 jint
2744 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableIndex(jobject accessibleTable, jint row, jint column) {
2745     jthrowable exception;
2746     jint result;
2748     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableIndex(%p, row=%d, col=%d)",
2749                      accessibleTable, row, column);
2751     if (getAccessibleTableIndexMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2752         result = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2753                                        getAccessibleTableIndexMethod,
2754                                        accessibleTable, row, column);
2755         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting getAccessibleTableIndex - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2756         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### table index = %d", result);
2757         return result;
2758     } else {
2759         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTableIndexMethod == 0");
2760         return -1;
2761     }
2763     PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:   ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTableIndex failed");
2764     return -1;
2765 }
2767 /********** end AccessibleTable routines ******************************/
2770 /********** begin AccessibleRelationSet routines **********************/
2772 BOOL
2773 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleRelationSet(jobject accessibleContext,
2774                                                       AccessibleRelationSetInfo *relationSet) {
2776     jthrowable exception;
2777     const wchar_t *stringBytes;
2778     jsize length;
2780     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleRelationSet(%p, %p)",
2781                      accessibleContext, relationSet);
2783     if (getAccessibleRelationCountMethod == (jmethodID) 0 ||
2784         getAccessibleRelationKeyMethod == (jmethodID) 0 ||
2785         getAccessibleRelationTargetCountMethod == (jmethodID) 0 ||
2786         getAccessibleRelationTargetMethod == (jmethodID) 0) {
2787         return FALSE;
2788     }
2790     // Get the relations set count
2791     relationSet->relationCount = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2792                                                        getAccessibleRelationCountMethod,
2793                                                        accessibleContext);
2794     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleRelationCount - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2795     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### AccessibleRelation count = %d", relationSet->relationCount);
2798     // Get the relation set
2799     for (int i = 0; i < relationSet->relationCount && i < MAX_RELATIONS; i++) {
2801         jstring js = (jstring)jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2802                                                        getAccessibleRelationKeyMethod,
2803                                                        accessibleContext,
2804                                                        i);
2806         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRelationKey - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2807         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
2808             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
2809             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRelation key - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
2810             wcsncpy(relationSet->relations[i].key, stringBytes, (sizeof(relationSet->relations[i].key ) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
2811             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
2812             relationSet->relations[i].key [length < (sizeof(relationSet->relations[i].key ) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
2813                                            length : (sizeof(relationSet->relations[i].key ) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
2814             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRelation key - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
2815             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
2816             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRelation key - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
2817             // jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2818             //                        decrementReferenceMethod, js);
2819             //EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRelation key - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
2820             PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessibleRelation key = %ls", relationSet->relations[i].key );
2821             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
2822             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRelation key - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
2823         } else {
2824             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   AccessibleRelation key is null.");
2825             relationSet->relations[i].key [0] = (wchar_t) 0;
2826         }
2828         relationSet->relations[i].targetCount = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2829                                                                       getAccessibleRelationTargetCountMethod,
2830                                                                       accessibleContext,
2831                                                                       i);
2833         for (int j = 0; j < relationSet->relations[i].targetCount && j < MAX_RELATION_TARGETS; j++) {
2834             jobject target = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject, getAccessibleRelationTargetMethod,
2835                                                       accessibleContext, i, j);
2836             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRelationSet - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2837             jobject globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(target);
2838             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleRelationSet - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
2839             relationSet->relations[i].targets[j] = (JOBJECT64)globalRef;
2840             PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   relation set item: %p", globalRef);
2841         }
2842     }
2844     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleRelationSet succeeded");
2845     return TRUE;
2846 }
2849 /********** end AccessibleRelationSet routines ************************/
2852 /********** begin AccessibleHypertext routines **********************/
2854 BOOL
2855 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleHypertext(jobject accessibleContext,
2856                                                     AccessibleHypertextInfo *hypertext) {
2858     jthrowable exception;
2859     const wchar_t *stringBytes;
2860     jsize length;
2862     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleHypertext(%p, %p)",
2863                      accessibleContext, hypertext);
2865     // get the AccessibleHypertext
2866     jobject ht = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2867                                           getAccessibleHypertextMethod,
2868                                           accessibleContext);
2869     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleHypertext - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2870     jobject globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(ht);
2871     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleHypertext - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
2872     hypertext->accessibleHypertext = (JOBJECT64)globalRef;
2873     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### AccessibleHypertext = %p", globalRef);
2875     if (hypertext->accessibleHypertext == 0) {
2876         PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   ##### null AccessibleHypertext; returning FALSE");
2877         return false;
2878     }
2880     // get the hyperlink count
2881     hypertext->linkCount = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2882                                                  getAccessibleHyperlinkCountMethod,accessibleContext);
2884     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting hyperlink count - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2885     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### hyperlink count = %d", hypertext->linkCount);
2888     // get the hypertext links
2889     for (int i = 0; i < hypertext->linkCount && i < MAX_HYPERLINKS; i++) {
2891         // get the hyperlink
2892         jobject hl = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2893                                               getAccessibleHyperlinkMethod,
2894                                               accessibleContext,
2895                                               i);
2896         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleHyperlink - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2897         jobject globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(hl);
2898         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleHyperlink - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
2899         hypertext->links[i].accessibleHyperlink = (JOBJECT64)globalRef;
2900         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### AccessibleHyperlink = %p", globalRef);
2902         // get the hyperlink text
2903         jstring js = (jstring)jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2904                                                        getAccessibleHyperlinkTextMethod,
2905                                                        hypertext->links[i].accessibleHyperlink,
2906                                                        i);
2908         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting hyperlink text - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
2909         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
2910             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
2911             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHyperlink text - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
2912             wcsncpy(hypertext->links[i].text, stringBytes, (sizeof(hypertext->links[i].text) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
2913             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
2914             if (length >= (sizeof(hypertext->links[i].text) / sizeof(wchar_t))) {
2915                 length = (sizeof(hypertext->links[i].text) / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 2;
2916             }
2917             hypertext->links[i].text[length] = (wchar_t) 0;
2918             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHyperlink text - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
2919             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
2920             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHyperlink text - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
2921             // jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2922             //                                     decrementReferenceMethod, js);
2923             //EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHyperlink text - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
2924             PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessibleHyperlink text = %ls", hypertext->links[i].text );
2925             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
2926             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHyperlink text - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
2927         } else {
2928             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   AccessibleHyperlink text is null.");
2929             hypertext->links[i].text[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
2930         }
2932         hypertext->links[i].startIndex = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2933                                                                getAccessibleHyperlinkStartIndexMethod,
2934                                                                hypertext->links[i].accessibleHyperlink,
2935                                                                i);
2936         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting hyperlink start index - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2937         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### hyperlink start index = %d", hypertext->links[i].startIndex);
2940         hypertext->links[i].endIndex = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
2941                                                              getAccessibleHyperlinkEndIndexMethod,
2942                                                              hypertext->links[i].accessibleHyperlink,
2943                                                              i);
2944         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting hyperlink end index - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
2945         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### hyperlink end index = %d", hypertext->links[i].endIndex);
2947     }
2949     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleHypertext succeeded");
2950     return TRUE;
2951 }
2953 /*
2954  * Activates an AccessibleHyperlink
2955  */
2956 BOOL
2957 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::activateAccessibleHyperlink(jobject accessibleContext,
2958                                                          jobject accessibleHyperlink) {
2960     jthrowable exception;
2961     BOOL returnVal;
2963     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::activateAccessibleHyperlink(%p, %p):",
2964                      accessibleContext, accessibleHyperlink);
2966     if (activateAccessibleHyperlinkMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
2967         returnVal = (BOOL) jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(accessBridgeObject, activateAccessibleHyperlinkMethod,
2968                                                      accessibleContext, accessibleHyperlink);
2969         EXCEPTION_CHECK("activateAccessibleHyperlink - call to CallBooleanMethod()", FALSE);
2970         return returnVal;
2971     } else {
2972         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either jniEnv == 0 or activateAccessibleHyperlinkMethod == 0");
2973         return FALSE;
2974     }
2975 }
2978 /*
2979  * This method is used to iterate through the hyperlinks in a component.  It
2980  * returns hypertext information for a component starting at hyperlink index
2981  * nStartIndex.  No more than MAX_HYPERLINKS AccessibleHypertextInfo objects will
2982  * be returned for each call to this method.
2983  * returns FALSE on error.
2984  */
2985 BOOL
2986 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleHypertextExt(const jobject accessibleContext,
2987                                                        const jint nStartIndex,
2988                                                        /* OUT */ AccessibleHypertextInfo *hypertext) {
2990     jthrowable exception;
2991     const wchar_t *stringBytes;
2992     jsize length;
2993     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleHypertextExt(%p, %p, startIndex = %d)",
2994                      accessibleContext, hypertext, nStartIndex);
2996     // get the AccessibleHypertext
2997     jobject ht = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject, getAccessibleHypertextMethod,
2998                                                               accessibleContext);
2999     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleHypertext - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
3000     jobject globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(ht);
3001     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleHypertext - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
3002     hypertext->accessibleHypertext = (JOBJECT64)globalRef;
3003     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### AccessibleHypertext = %p", globalRef);
3004     if (hypertext->accessibleHypertext == 0) {
3005         PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   ##### null AccessibleHypertext; returning FALSE");
3006         return FALSE;
3007     }
3009     // get the hyperlink count
3010     hypertext->linkCount = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject, getAccessibleHyperlinkCountMethod,
3011                                                  accessibleContext);
3012     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting hyperlink count - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3013     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### hyperlink count = %d", hypertext->linkCount);
3015     if (nStartIndex >= hypertext->linkCount) {
3016         return FALSE;
3017     }
3019     // get the hypertext links
3020     // NOTE: To avoid a crash when there are more than MAX_HYPERLINKS (64) links
3021     // in the document, test for i < MAX_HYPERLINKS in addition to
3022     // i < hypertext->linkCount
3023     int bufIndex = 0;
3024     for (int i = nStartIndex; (i < hypertext->linkCount) && (i < nStartIndex + MAX_HYPERLINKS); i++) {
3025         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   getting hyperlink %d ...", i);
3027         // get the hyperlink
3028         jobject hl = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3029                                               getAccessibleHyperlinkMethod,
3030                                               hypertext->accessibleHypertext,
3031                                               i);
3032         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleHyperlink - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
3033         jobject globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(hl);
3034         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleHyperlink - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
3035         hypertext->links[bufIndex].accessibleHyperlink = (JOBJECT64)globalRef;
3036         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### AccessibleHyperlink = %p", globalRef);
3038         // get the hyperlink text
3039         jstring js = (jstring)jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3040                                                        getAccessibleHyperlinkTextMethod,
3041                                                        hypertext->links[bufIndex].accessibleHyperlink,
3042                                                        i);
3044         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting hyperlink text - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
3045         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
3046             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
3047             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHyperlink text - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
3048             wcsncpy(hypertext->links[bufIndex].text, stringBytes,
3049                     (sizeof(hypertext->links[bufIndex].text) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
3050             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
3051             if (length >= (sizeof(hypertext->links[bufIndex].text) / sizeof(wchar_t))) {
3052                 length = (sizeof(hypertext->links[bufIndex].text) / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 2;
3053             }
3054             hypertext->links[bufIndex].text[length] = (wchar_t) 0;
3055             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHyperlink text - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
3056             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
3057             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHyperlink text - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
3058             // jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3059             //                        decrementReferenceMethod, js);
3060             //EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHyperlink text - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3061             PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessibleHyperlink text = %ls", hypertext->links[bufIndex].text );
3062             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
3063             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHyperlink text - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3065         } else {
3066             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   AccessibleHyperlink text is null.");
3067             hypertext->links[bufIndex].text[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3068         }
3070         hypertext->links[bufIndex].startIndex = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3071                                                                       getAccessibleHyperlinkStartIndexMethod,
3072                                                                       hypertext->links[bufIndex].accessibleHyperlink,
3073                                                                       i);
3074         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting hyperlink start index - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3075         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### hyperlink start index = %d", hypertext->links[bufIndex].startIndex);
3077         hypertext->links[bufIndex].endIndex = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3078                                                                     getAccessibleHyperlinkEndIndexMethod,
3079                                                                     hypertext->links[bufIndex].accessibleHyperlink,
3080                                                                     i);
3081         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting hyperlink end index - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3082         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### hyperlink end index = %d", hypertext->links[bufIndex].endIndex);
3084         bufIndex++;
3085     }
3087     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleHypertextExt succeeded");
3088     return TRUE;
3089 }
3091 jint AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleHyperlinkCount(const jobject accessibleContext) {
3093     jthrowable exception;
3095     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleHyperlinkCount(%X)",
3096                      accessibleContext);
3098     if (getAccessibleHyperlinkCountMethod == (jmethodID)0) {
3099         return -1;
3100     }
3102     // get the hyperlink count
3103     jint linkCount = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject, getAccessibleHyperlinkCountMethod,
3104                                            accessibleContext);
3105     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting hyperlink count - call to CallIntMethod()", -1);
3106     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### hyperlink count = %d", linkCount);
3108     return linkCount;
3109 }
3112 jint AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleHypertextLinkIndex(const jobject hypertext,
3113                                                                   const jint nIndex) {
3115     jthrowable exception;
3117     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleHypertextLinkIndex(%p, index = %d)",
3118                      hypertext, nIndex);
3120     if (getAccessibleHypertextLinkIndexMethod == (jmethodID)0) {
3121         return -1;
3122     }
3124     // get the hyperlink index
3125     jint index = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject, getAccessibleHypertextLinkIndexMethod,
3126                                        hypertext, nIndex);
3128     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting hyperlink index - call to CallIntMethod()", -1);
3129     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### hyperlink index = %d", index);
3131     return index;
3132 }
3134 BOOL AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleHyperlink(jobject hypertext,
3135                                                          const jint index,
3136                                                          /* OUT */ AccessibleHyperlinkInfo *info) {
3138     jthrowable exception;
3139     const wchar_t *stringBytes;
3140     jsize length;
3142     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleHyperlink(%p, index = %d)",
3143                      hypertext, index);
3146     // get the hyperlink
3147     jobject hl = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3148                                           getAccessibleHyperlinkMethod,
3149                                           hypertext,
3150                                           index);
3151     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleHyperlink - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
3152     jobject globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(hl);
3153     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting AccessibleHyperlink - call to NewGlobalRef()", FALSE);
3154     info->accessibleHyperlink = (JOBJECT64)globalRef;
3155     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### AccessibleHyperlink = %p", globalRef);
3157     // get the hyperlink text
3158     jstring js = (jstring)jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3159                                                    getAccessibleHyperlinkTextMethod,
3160                                                    info->accessibleHyperlink,
3161                                                    index);
3163     EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting hyperlink text - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
3164     if (js != (jstring) 0) {
3165         stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
3166         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHyperlink text - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
3167         wcsncpy(info->text, stringBytes,
3168                 (sizeof(info->text) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
3169         length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
3170         if (length >= (sizeof(info->text) / sizeof(wchar_t))) {
3171             length = (sizeof(info->text) / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 2;
3172         }
3173         info->text[length] = (wchar_t) 0;
3174         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHyperlink text - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
3175         jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
3176         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHyperlink text - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
3177         // jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3178         //                        decrementReferenceMethod, js);
3179         //EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHyperlink text - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3180         PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessibleHyperlink text = %ls", info->text );
3181         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
3182         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHyperlink text - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3184     } else {
3185         PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   AccessibleHyperlink text is null.");
3186         info->text[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3187     }
3189     info->startIndex = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3190                                              getAccessibleHyperlinkStartIndexMethod,
3191                                              info->accessibleHyperlink,
3192                                              index);
3193     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting hyperlink start index - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3194     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### hyperlink start index = %d", info->startIndex);
3196     info->endIndex = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3197                                            getAccessibleHyperlinkEndIndexMethod,
3198                                            info->accessibleHyperlink,
3199                                            index);
3200     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting hyperlink end index - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3201     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### hyperlink end index = %d", info->endIndex);
3203     return TRUE;
3204 }
3207 /********** end AccessibleHypertext routines ************************/
3209 // Accessible Keybinding methods
3210 BOOL AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleKeyBindings(jobject accessibleContext,
3211                                                            AccessibleKeyBindings *keyBindings) {
3213     jthrowable exception;
3215     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleKeyBindings(%p, %p)",
3216                      accessibleContext, keyBindings);
3218     if (getAccessibleKeyBindingsCountMethod == (jmethodID) 0 ||
3219         getAccessibleKeyBindingCharMethod == (jmethodID) 0 ||
3220         getAccessibleKeyBindingModifiersMethod == (jmethodID) 0) {
3221         return FALSE;
3222     }
3224     // get the key binding count
3225     keyBindings->keyBindingsCount = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3226                                                           getAccessibleKeyBindingsCountMethod, accessibleContext);
3228     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting key bindings count - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3230     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### key bindings count = %d", keyBindings->keyBindingsCount);
3232     // get the key bindings
3233     for (int i = 0; i < keyBindings->keyBindingsCount && i < MAX_KEY_BINDINGS; i++) {
3235         // get the key binding character
3236         keyBindings->keyBindingInfo[i].character = jniEnv->CallCharMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3237                                                                           getAccessibleKeyBindingCharMethod,
3238                                                                           accessibleContext,
3239                                                                           i);
3240         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting key binding character - call to CallCharMethod()", FALSE);
3241         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### key binding character = %c"\
3242                          "          ##### key binding character in hex = %hx"\
3243                          , keyBindings->keyBindingInfo[i].character, keyBindings->keyBindingInfo[i].character);
3245         // get the key binding modifiers
3246         keyBindings->keyBindingInfo[i].modifiers = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3247                                                                          getAccessibleKeyBindingModifiersMethod,
3248                                                                          accessibleContext,
3249                                                                          i);
3250         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting key binding modifiers - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3251         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  ##### key binding modifiers = %x", keyBindings->keyBindingInfo[i].modifiers);
3252     }
3253     return FALSE;
3254 }
3256 // AccessibleIcon methods
3257 BOOL AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleIcons(jobject accessibleContext,
3258                                                      AccessibleIcons *icons) {
3260     jthrowable exception;
3261     const wchar_t *stringBytes;
3262     jsize length;
3264     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleIcons(%p, %p)",
3265                      accessibleContext, icons);
3267     if (getAccessibleIconsCountMethod == (jmethodID) 0 ||
3268         getAccessibleIconDescriptionMethod == (jmethodID) 0 ||
3269         getAccessibleIconHeightMethod == (jmethodID) 0 ||
3270         getAccessibleIconWidthMethod == (jmethodID) 0) {
3271         PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   ##### missing method(s) !!!");
3272         return FALSE;
3273     }
3276     // get the icons count
3277     icons->iconsCount = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3278                                               getAccessibleIconsCountMethod, accessibleContext);
3280     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting icons count - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3281     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### icons count = %d", icons->iconsCount);
3284     // get the icons
3285     for (int i = 0; i < icons->iconsCount && i < MAX_ICON_INFO; i++) {
3287         // get the icon description
3288         jstring js = (jstring)jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3289                                                        getAccessibleIconDescriptionMethod,
3290                                                        accessibleContext,
3291                                                        i);
3293         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting icon description - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
3294         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
3295             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
3296             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleIcon description - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
3297             wcsncpy(icons->iconInfo[i].description, stringBytes, (sizeof(icons->iconInfo[i].description) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
3298             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
3299             if (length >= (sizeof(icons->iconInfo[i].description) / sizeof(wchar_t))) {
3300                 length = (sizeof(icons->iconInfo[i].description) / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 2;
3301             }
3302             icons->iconInfo[i].description[length] = (wchar_t) 0;
3303             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleIcon description - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
3304             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
3305             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleIcon description - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
3306             // jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3307             //                        decrementReferenceMethod, js);
3308             //EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleIcon description - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3309             PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessibleIcon description = %ls", icons->iconInfo[i].description );
3310             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
3311             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleIcon description - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3312         } else {
3313             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   AccessibleIcon description is null.");
3314             icons->iconInfo[i].description[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3315         }
3318         // get the icon height
3319         icons->iconInfo[i].height = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3320                                                           getAccessibleIconHeightMethod,
3321                                                           accessibleContext,
3322                                                           i);
3323         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting icon height - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3324         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### icon height = %d", icons->iconInfo[i].height);
3326         // get the icon width
3327         icons->iconInfo[i].width = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3328                                                          getAccessibleIconWidthMethod,
3329                                                          accessibleContext,
3330                                                          i);
3331         EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting icon width - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3332         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### icon width = %d", icons->iconInfo[i].width);
3333     }
3334     return FALSE;
3335 }
3337 // AccessibleActionMethods
3338 BOOL AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleActions(jobject accessibleContext,
3339                                                        AccessibleActions *actions) {
3341     jthrowable exception;
3342     const wchar_t *stringBytes;
3343     jsize length;
3345     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleIcons(%p, %p)",
3346                      accessibleContext, actions);
3348     if (getAccessibleActionsCountMethod == (jmethodID) 0 ||
3349         getAccessibleActionNameMethod == (jmethodID) 0) {
3350         PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   ##### missing method(s) !!!");
3351         return FALSE;
3352     }
3355     // get the icons count
3356     actions->actionsCount = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3357                                                   getAccessibleActionsCountMethod,accessibleContext);
3359     EXCEPTION_CHECK("##### Getting actions count - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3360     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   ##### key actions count = %d", actions->actionsCount);
3363     // get the actions
3364     for (int i = 0; i < actions->actionsCount && i < MAX_ACTION_INFO; i++) {
3366         // get the action name
3367         jstring js = (jstring)jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3368                                                        getAccessibleActionNameMethod,
3369                                                        accessibleContext,
3370                                                        i);
3372         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting Action Name  - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
3373         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
3374             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
3375             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAction Name  - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
3376             wcsncpy(actions->actionInfo[i].name , stringBytes, (sizeof(actions->actionInfo[i].name ) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
3377             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
3378             if (length >= (sizeof(actions->actionInfo[i].name ) / sizeof(wchar_t))) {
3379                 length = (sizeof(actions->actionInfo[i].name ) / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 2;
3380             }
3381             actions->actionInfo[i].name [length] = (wchar_t) 0;
3382             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAction name  - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
3383             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
3384             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAction name  - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
3385             // jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3386             //                        decrementReferenceMethod, js);
3387             //EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAction name  - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3388             PrintDebugString("[INFO]: ##### AccessibleAction name  = %ls", actions->actionInfo[i].name  );
3389             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
3390             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAction name  - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3391         } else {
3392             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   AccessibleAction name  is null.");
3393             actions->actionInfo[i].name [0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3394         }
3395     }
3396     return FALSE;
3397 }
3399 BOOL AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::doAccessibleActions(jobject accessibleContext,
3400                                                       AccessibleActionsToDo *actionsToDo,
3401                                                       jint *failure) {
3403     jthrowable exception;
3404     BOOL returnVal;
3406     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::doAccessibleActions(%p, #actions %d %s):",
3407                      accessibleContext,
3408                      actionsToDo->actionsCount,
3409                      actionsToDo->actions[0].name);
3411     if (doAccessibleActionsMethod == (jmethodID) 0) {
3412         *failure = 0;
3413         return FALSE;
3414     }
3416     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:     doing %d actions ...", actionsToDo->actionsCount);
3417     for (int i = 0; i < actionsToDo->actionsCount && i < MAX_ACTIONS_TO_DO; i++) {
3418         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:     doing action %d: %s ...", i, actionsToDo->actions[i].name);
3420         // create a Java String for the action name
3421         wchar_t *actionName = (wchar_t *)actionsToDo->actions[i].name;
3422         jstring javaName = jniEnv->NewString(actionName, (jsize)wcslen(actionName));
3423         if (javaName == 0) {
3424             PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:     NewString failed");
3425             *failure = i;
3426             return FALSE;
3427         }
3429         returnVal = (BOOL)jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(accessBridgeObject, doAccessibleActionsMethod,
3430                                                     accessibleContext, javaName);
3431         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(javaName);
3432         EXCEPTION_CHECK("doAccessibleActions - call to CallBooleanMethod()", FALSE);
3434         if (returnVal != TRUE) {
3435             PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:     Action %d failed", i);
3436             *failure = i;
3437             return FALSE;
3438         }
3439     }
3440     *failure = -1;
3441     return TRUE;
3442 }
3445 /********** AccessibleText routines ***********************************/
3447 BOOL
3448 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTextInfo(jobject accessibleContext,
3449                                                    AccessibleTextInfo *textInfo,
3450                                                    jint x, jint y) {
3451     jthrowable exception;
3453     // Verify the Java VM still exists and AccessibleContext is
3454     // an instance of AccessibleText
3455     if (verifyAccessibleText(accessibleContext) == FALSE) {
3456         return FALSE;
3457     }
3459     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTextInfo(%p, %d, %d):",
3460                      accessibleContext, x, y);
3462     // Get the character count
3463     if (getAccessibleCharCountFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3464         textInfo->charCount = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3465                                                     getAccessibleCharCountFromContextMethod,
3466                                                     accessibleContext);
3467         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleCharCount - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3468         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Char count = %d", textInfo->charCount);
3469     } else {
3470         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleCharCountFromContextMethod == 0");
3471         return FALSE;
3472     }
3474     // Get the index of the caret
3475     if (getAccessibleCaretPositionFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3476         textInfo->caretIndex = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3477                                                      getAccessibleCaretPositionFromContextMethod,
3478                                                      accessibleContext);
3479         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleCaretPosition - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3480         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Index at caret = %d", textInfo->caretIndex);
3481     } else {
3482         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleCaretPositionFromContextMethod == 0");
3483         return FALSE;
3484     }
3486     // Get the index at the given point
3487     if (getAccessibleIndexAtPointFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3488         // If x or y is -1 return -1
3489         if (x == -1 || y == -1) {
3490             textInfo->indexAtPoint = -1;
3491         } else {
3492             textInfo->indexAtPoint = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3493                                                            getAccessibleIndexAtPointFromContextMethod,
3494                                                            accessibleContext, x, y);
3495             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleIndexAtPoint - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3496         }
3497         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Index at point = %d", textInfo->indexAtPoint);
3498     } else {
3499         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleIndexAtPointFromContextMethod == 0");
3500         return FALSE;
3501     }
3502     return TRUE;
3503 }
3505 BOOL
3506 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTextItems(jobject accessibleContext,
3507                                                     AccessibleTextItemsInfo *textItems, jint index) {
3508     jstring js;
3509     const wchar_t *stringBytes;
3510     jthrowable exception;
3511     jsize length;
3513     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTextItems(%p):", accessibleContext);
3515     // Verify the Java VM still exists and AccessibleContext is
3516     // an instance of AccessibleText
3517     if (verifyAccessibleText(accessibleContext) == FALSE) {
3518         return FALSE;
3519     }
3521     // Get the letter at index
3522     if (getAccessibleLetterAtIndexFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3523         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3524                                                 getAccessibleLetterAtIndexFromContextMethod,
3525                                                 accessibleContext, index);
3526         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleLetterAtIndex - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3527         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   returned from CallObjectMethod(), js = %p", js);
3528         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
3529             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
3530             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleLetterAtIndex - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
3531             textItems->letter = stringBytes[0];
3532             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
3533             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleLetterAtIndex - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
3534             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3535                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
3536             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleLetterAtIndex - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3537             PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Accessible Text letter = %c", textItems->letter);
3538             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
3539             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleLetterAtIndex - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3540         } else {
3541             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   Accessible Text letter is null.");
3542             textItems->letter = (wchar_t) 0;
3543         }
3544     } else {
3545         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleLetterAtIndexFromContextMethod == 0");
3546         return FALSE;
3547     }
3550     // Get the word at index
3551     if (getAccessibleWordAtIndexFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3552         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3553                                                 getAccessibleWordAtIndexFromContextMethod,
3554                                                 accessibleContext, index);
3555         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleWordAtIndex - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3556         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   returned from CallObjectMethod(), js = %p", js);
3557         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
3558             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
3559             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleWordAtIndex - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
3560             wcsncpy(textItems->word, stringBytes, (sizeof(textItems->word) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
3561             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
3562             textItems->word[length < (sizeof(textItems->word) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
3563                             length : (sizeof(textItems->word) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
3564             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleWordAtIndex - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
3565             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
3566             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleWordAtIndex - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
3567             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3568                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
3569             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleWordAtIndex - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3570             wPrintDebugString(L"[INFO]:   Accessible Text word = %ls", textItems->word);
3571             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
3572             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleWordAtIndex - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3573         } else {
3574             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   Accessible Text word is null.");
3575             textItems->word[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3576         }
3577     } else {
3578         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleWordAtIndexFromContextMethod == 0");
3579         return FALSE;
3580     }
3582     // Get the sentence at index
3583     if (getAccessibleSentenceAtIndexFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3584         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3585                                                 getAccessibleSentenceAtIndexFromContextMethod,
3586                                                 accessibleContext, index);
3587         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleSentenceAtIndex - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
3588         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   returned from CallObjectMethod(), js = %p", js);
3589         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
3590             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
3591             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleSentenceAtIndex - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
3592             wcsncpy(textItems->sentence, stringBytes, (sizeof(textItems->sentence) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2);
3593             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
3595             if (length < sizeof(textItems->sentence) / sizeof(wchar_t)) {
3596                 textItems->sentence[length] = (wchar_t) 0;
3597             } else {
3598                 textItems->sentence[(sizeof(textItems->sentence) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
3599             }
3600             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleSentenceAtIndex - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
3601             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
3602             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleSentenceAtIndex - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
3603             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3604                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
3605             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleSentenceAtIndex - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3606             wPrintDebugString(L"[INFO]:   Accessible Text sentence = %ls", textItems->sentence);
3607             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
3608             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleSentenceAtIndex - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3609         } else {
3610             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   Accessible Text sentence is null.");
3611             textItems->sentence[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3612         }
3613     } else {
3614         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleSentenceAtIndexFromContextMethod == 0");
3615         return FALSE;
3616     }
3618     return TRUE;
3619 }
3621 BOOL
3622 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTextSelectionInfo(jobject accessibleContext,
3623                                                             AccessibleTextSelectionInfo *selectionInfo) {
3624     jstring js;
3625     const wchar_t *stringBytes;
3626     jthrowable exception;
3627     jsize length;
3629     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTextSelectionInfo(%p):",
3630                      accessibleContext);
3632     // Verify the Java VM still exists and AccessibleContext is
3633     // an instance of AccessibleText
3634     if (verifyAccessibleText(accessibleContext) == FALSE) {
3635         return FALSE;
3636     }
3638     // Get the selection start index
3639     if (getAccessibleTextSelectionStartFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3640         selectionInfo->selectionStartIndex = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3641                                                                    getAccessibleTextSelectionStartFromContextMethod,
3642                                                                    accessibleContext);
3643         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTextSelectionStart - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3644         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Selection start = %d", selectionInfo->selectionStartIndex);
3645     } else {
3646         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleTextSelectionStartFromContextMethod == 0");
3647         return FALSE;
3648     }
3650     // Get the selection end index
3651     if (getAccessibleTextSelectionEndFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3652         selectionInfo->selectionEndIndex = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3653                                                                  getAccessibleTextSelectionEndFromContextMethod,
3654                                                                  accessibleContext);
3655         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTextSelectionEnd - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3656         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Selection end = %d", selectionInfo->selectionEndIndex);
3657     } else {
3658         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTextSelectionEndFromContextMethod == 0");
3659         return FALSE;
3660     }
3662     // Get the selected text
3663     if (getAccessibleTextSelectedTextFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3664         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3665                                                 getAccessibleTextSelectedTextFromContextMethod,
3666                                                 accessibleContext);
3667         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTextSelectedText - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
3668         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   returned from CallObjectMethod(), js = %p", js);
3669         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
3670             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
3671             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTextSelectedText - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
3672             wcsncpy(selectionInfo->selectedText, stringBytes, (sizeof(selectionInfo->selectedText) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
3673             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
3674             selectionInfo->selectedText[length < (sizeof(selectionInfo->selectedText) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
3675                                         length : (sizeof(selectionInfo->selectedText) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
3676             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTextSelectedText - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
3677             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
3678             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTextSelectedText - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
3679             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3680                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
3681             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTextSelectedText - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3682             PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Accessible's selected text = %s", selectionInfo->selectedText);
3683             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
3684             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTextSelectedText - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3685         } else {
3686             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   Accessible's selected text is null.");
3687             selectionInfo->selectedText[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3688         }
3689     } else {
3690         PrintDebugString("[WARN]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTextSelectedTextFromContextMethod == 0");
3691         return FALSE;
3692     }
3693     return TRUE;
3694 }
3696 BOOL
3697 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTextAttributes(jobject accessibleContext, jint index, AccessibleTextAttributesInfo *attributes) {
3698     jstring js;
3699     const wchar_t *stringBytes;
3700     jobject AttributeSet;
3701     jthrowable exception;
3702     jsize length;
3704     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTextAttributes(%p):", accessibleContext);
3706     // Verify the Java VM still exists and AccessibleContext is
3707     // an instance of AccessibleText
3708     if (verifyAccessibleText(accessibleContext) == FALSE) {
3709         return FALSE;
3710     }
3712     if (accessibleContext == (jobject) 0) {
3713         PrintDebugString("[WARN]:  passed in AccessibleContext == null! (oops)");
3715         attributes->bold = FALSE;
3716         attributes->italic = FALSE;
3717         attributes->underline = FALSE;
3718         attributes->strikethrough = FALSE;
3719         attributes->superscript = FALSE;
3720         attributes->subscript = FALSE;
3721         attributes->backgroundColor[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3722         attributes->foregroundColor[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3723         attributes->fontFamily[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3724         attributes->fontSize = -1;
3725         attributes->alignment = -1;
3726         attributes->bidiLevel = -1;
3727         attributes->firstLineIndent = -1;
3728         attributes->leftIndent = -1;
3729         attributes->rightIndent = -1;
3730         attributes->lineSpacing = -1;
3731         attributes->spaceAbove = -1;
3732         attributes->spaceBelow = -1;
3733         attributes->fullAttributesString[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3735         return (FALSE);
3736     }
3738     // Get the AttributeSet
3739     if (getAccessibleAttributeSetAtIndexFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3740         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting AttributeSet at index...");
3741         AttributeSet = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3742                                                 getAccessibleAttributeSetAtIndexFromContextMethod,
3743                                                 accessibleContext, index);
3744         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAttributeSetAtIndex - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
3745     } else {
3746         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleAttributeSetAtIndexFromContextMethod == 0");
3747         return FALSE;
3748     }
3750     // It is legal for the AttributeSet object to be null, in which case we return false!
3751     if (AttributeSet == (jobject) 0) {
3752         PrintDebugString("[WARN]:  AttributeSet returned at index is null (this is legal! - see AWT in J2SE 1.3");
3754         attributes->bold = FALSE;
3755         attributes->italic = FALSE;
3756         attributes->underline = FALSE;
3757         attributes->strikethrough = FALSE;
3758         attributes->superscript = FALSE;
3759         attributes->subscript = FALSE;
3760         attributes->backgroundColor[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3761         attributes->foregroundColor[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3762         attributes->fontFamily[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3763         attributes->fontSize = -1;
3764         attributes->alignment = -1;
3765         attributes->bidiLevel = -1;
3766         attributes->firstLineIndent = -1;
3767         attributes->leftIndent = -1;
3768         attributes->rightIndent = -1;
3769         attributes->lineSpacing = -1;
3770         attributes->spaceAbove = -1;
3771         attributes->spaceBelow = -1;
3772         attributes->fullAttributesString[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3774         return (FALSE);
3775     }
3777     // Get the bold setting
3778     if (getBoldFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3779         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting bold from AttributeSet...");
3780         attributes->bold = (BOOL) jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3781                                                             getBoldFromAttributeSetMethod,
3782                                                             AttributeSet);
3783         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting BoldFromAttributeSet - call to CallBooleanMethod()", FALSE);
3784     } else {
3785         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getBoldFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
3786         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3787                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
3788         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting BoldFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3789         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
3790         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting BoldFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3791         return FALSE;
3792     }
3794     // Get the italic setting
3795     if (getItalicFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3796         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting italic from AttributeSet...");
3797         attributes->italic = (BOOL) jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3798                                                               getItalicFromAttributeSetMethod,
3799                                                               AttributeSet);
3800         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ItalicFromAttributeSet - call to CallBooleanMethod()", FALSE);
3801     } else {
3802         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getItalicdFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
3803         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3804                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
3805         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ItalicFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3806         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
3807         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ItalicFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3808         return FALSE;
3809     }
3811     // Get the underline setting
3812     if (getUnderlineFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3813         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting underline from AttributeSet...");
3814         attributes->underline = (BOOL) jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3815                                                                  getUnderlineFromAttributeSetMethod,
3816                                                                  AttributeSet);
3817         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting UnderlineFromAttributeSet - call to CallBooleanMethod()", FALSE);
3818     } else {
3819         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getUnderlineFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
3820         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3821                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
3822         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting UnderlineFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3823         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
3824         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting UnderlineFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3825         return FALSE;
3826     }
3828     // Get the strikethrough setting
3829     if (getStrikethroughFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3830         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting strikethrough from AttributeSet...");
3831         attributes->strikethrough = (BOOL) jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3832                                                                      getStrikethroughFromAttributeSetMethod,
3833                                                                      AttributeSet);
3834         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting StrikethroughFromAttributeSet - call to CallBooleanMethod()", FALSE);
3835     } else {
3836         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getStrikethroughFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
3837         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3838                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
3839         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting StrikethroughFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3840         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
3841         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting StrikethroughFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3842         return FALSE;
3843     }
3845     // Get the superscript setting
3846     if (getSuperscriptFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3847         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting superscript from AttributeSet...");
3848         attributes->superscript = (BOOL) jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3849                                                                    getSuperscriptFromAttributeSetMethod,
3850                                                                    AttributeSet);
3851         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting SuperscriptFromAttributeSet - call to CallBooleanMethod()", FALSE);
3852     } else {
3853         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getSuperscripteFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
3854         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3855                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
3856         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting SuperscriptFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3857         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
3858         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting SuperscriptFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3859         return FALSE;
3860     }
3862     // Get the subscript setting
3863     if (getSubscriptFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3864         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting subscript from AttributeSet...");
3865         attributes->subscript = (BOOL) jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3866                                                                  getSubscriptFromAttributeSetMethod,
3867                                                                  AttributeSet);
3868         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting SubscriptFromAttributeSet - call to CallBooleanMethod()", FALSE);
3869     } else {
3870         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getSubscriptFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
3871         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3872                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
3873         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting SubscriptFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3874         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
3875         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting SubscriptFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3876         return FALSE;
3877     }
3879     // Get the backgroundColor setting
3880     if (getBackgroundColorFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3881         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting backgroundColor from AttributeSet...");
3882         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3883                                                 getBackgroundColorFromAttributeSetMethod,
3884                                                 AttributeSet);
3885         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting BackgroundColorFromAttributeSet - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
3886         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
3887             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
3888             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting BackgroundColorFromAttributeSet - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
3889             wcsncpy(attributes->backgroundColor, stringBytes, (sizeof(attributes->backgroundColor) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
3890             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
3891             attributes->backgroundColor[length < (sizeof(attributes->backgroundColor) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
3892                                         length : (sizeof(attributes->backgroundColor) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
3893             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting BackgroundColorFromAttributeSet - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
3894             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
3895             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting BackgroundColorFromAttributeSet - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
3896             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3897                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
3898             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting BackgroundColorFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3899             wPrintDebugString(L"[INFO]:   AttributeSet's background color = %ls", attributes->backgroundColor);
3900             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
3901             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting BackgroundColorFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3902         } else {
3903             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   AttributeSet's background color is null.");
3904             attributes->backgroundColor[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3905         }
3906     } else {
3907         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getBackgroundColorFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
3908         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3909                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
3910         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting BackgroundColorFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3911         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
3912         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting BackgroundColorFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3913         return FALSE;
3914     }
3916     // Get the foregroundColor setting
3917     if (getForegroundColorFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3918         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting foregroundColor from AttributeSet...");
3919         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3920                                                 getForegroundColorFromAttributeSetMethod,
3921                                                 AttributeSet);
3922         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ForegroundColorFromAttributeSet - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
3923         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
3924             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
3925             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ForegroundColorFromAttributeSet - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
3926             wcsncpy(attributes->foregroundColor, stringBytes, (sizeof(attributes->foregroundColor) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
3927             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
3928             attributes->foregroundColor[length < (sizeof(attributes->foregroundColor) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
3929                                         length : (sizeof(attributes->foregroundColor) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
3930             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ForegroundColorFromAttributeSet - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
3931             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
3932             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ForegroundColorFromAttributeSet - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
3933             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3934                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
3935             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ForegroundColorFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3936             wPrintDebugString(L"[INFO]:   AttributeSet's foreground color = %ls", attributes->foregroundColor);
3937             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
3938             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ForegroundColorFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3939         } else {
3940             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   AttributeSet's foreground color is null.");
3941             attributes->foregroundColor[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3942         }
3943     } else {
3944         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getForegroundColorFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
3945         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3946                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
3947         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ForegroundColorFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3948         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
3949         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting ForegroundColorFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3950         return FALSE;
3951     }
3953     // Get the fontFamily setting
3954     if (getFontFamilyFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3955         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting fontFamily from AttributeSet...");
3956         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3957                                                 getFontFamilyFromAttributeSetMethod,
3958                                                 AttributeSet);
3959         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting FontFamilyFromAttributeSet - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
3960         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
3961             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
3962             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting FontFamilyFromAttributeSet - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
3963             wcsncpy(attributes->fontFamily, stringBytes, (sizeof(attributes->fontFamily) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
3964             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
3965             attributes->fontFamily[length < (sizeof(attributes->fontFamily) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
3966                                    length : (sizeof(attributes->fontFamily) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
3967             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting FontFamilyFromAttributeSet - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
3968             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
3969             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting FontFamilyFromAttributeSet - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
3970             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3971                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
3972             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting FontFamilyFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3973             wPrintDebugString(L"[INFO]:   AttributeSet's fontFamily = %ls", attributes->fontFamily);
3974             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
3975             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting FontFamilyFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3976         } else {
3977             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   AttributeSet's fontFamily is null.");
3978             attributes->backgroundColor[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
3979         }
3980     } else {
3981         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getFontFamilyFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
3982         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3983                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
3984         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting FontFamilyFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
3985         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
3986         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting FontFamilyFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
3987         return FALSE;
3988     }
3990     // Get the font size
3991     if (getFontSizeFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
3992         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting font size from AttributeSet...");
3993         attributes->fontSize = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
3994                                                      getFontSizeFromAttributeSetMethod,
3995                                                      AttributeSet);
3996         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting FontSizeFromAttributeSet - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
3997         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   AttributeSet's font size = %d", attributes->fontSize);
3998     } else {
3999         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAlignmentFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
4000         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4001                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
4002         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting FontSizeFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4003         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
4004         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting FontSizeFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
4005         return FALSE;
4006     }
4009     // Get the alignment setting
4010     if (getAlignmentFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4011         PrintDebugString(" Getting alignment from AttributeSet...");
4012         attributes->alignment = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4013                                                       getAlignmentFromAttributeSetMethod,
4014                                                       AttributeSet);
4015         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AlignmentFromAttributeSet - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4016     } else {
4017         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAlignmentFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
4018         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4019                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
4020         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AlignmentFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4021         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
4022         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AlignmentFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
4023         return FALSE;
4024     }
4026     // Get the bidiLevel setting
4027     if (getBidiLevelFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4028         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting bidiLevel from AttributeSet...");
4029         attributes->bidiLevel = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4030                                                       getBidiLevelFromAttributeSetMethod,
4031                                                       AttributeSet);
4032         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting BidiLevelFromAttributeSet - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4033     } else {
4034         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getBidiLevelFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
4035         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4036                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
4037         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting BidiLevelFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4038         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
4039         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting BidiLevelFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
4040         return FALSE;
4041     }
4043     // Get the firstLineIndent setting
4044     if (getFirstLineIndentFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4045         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  Getting firstLineIndent from AttributeSet...");
4046         attributes->firstLineIndent = (jfloat) jniEnv->CallFloatMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4047                                                                        getFirstLineIndentFromAttributeSetMethod,
4048                                                                        AttributeSet);
4049         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting FirstLineIndentFromAttributeSet - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4050     } else {
4051         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getFirstLineIndentFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
4052         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4053                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
4054         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting FirstLineIndentFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4055         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
4056         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting FirstLineIndentFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
4057         return FALSE;
4058     }
4060     // Get the leftIndent setting
4061     if (getLeftIndentFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4062         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting leftIndent from AttributeSet...");
4063         attributes->leftIndent = (jfloat) jniEnv->CallFloatMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4064                                                                   getLeftIndentFromAttributeSetMethod,
4065                                                                   AttributeSet);
4066         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting LeftIndentFromAttributeSet - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4067     } else {
4068         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getLeftIndentFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
4069         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4070                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
4071         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting LeftIndentFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4072         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
4073         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting LeftIndentFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
4074         return FALSE;
4075     }
4077     // Get the rightIndent setting
4078     if (getRightIndentFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4079         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting rightIndent from AttributeSet...");
4080         attributes->rightIndent = (jfloat) jniEnv->CallFloatMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4081                                                                    getRightIndentFromAttributeSetMethod,
4082                                                                    AttributeSet);
4083         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting RightIndentFromAttributeSet - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4084     } else {
4085         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getRightIndentFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
4086         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4087                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
4088         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting RightIndentFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4089         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
4090         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting RightIndentFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
4091         return FALSE;
4092     }
4094     // Get the lineSpacing setting
4095     if (getLineSpacingFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4096         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting lineSpacing from AttributeSet...");
4097         attributes->lineSpacing = (jfloat) jniEnv->CallFloatMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4098                                                                    getLineSpacingFromAttributeSetMethod,
4099                                                                    AttributeSet);
4100         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting LineSpacingFromAttributeSet - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4101     } else {
4102         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getLineSpacingFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
4103         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4104                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
4105         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting LineSpacingFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4106         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
4107         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting LineSpacingFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
4108         return FALSE;
4109     }
4111     // Get the spaceAbove setting
4112     if (getSpaceAboveFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4113         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting spaceAbove from AttributeSet...");
4114         attributes->spaceAbove = (jfloat) jniEnv->CallFloatMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4115                                                                   getSpaceAboveFromAttributeSetMethod,
4116                                                                   AttributeSet);
4117         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting SpaceAboveFromAttributeSet - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4118     } else {
4119         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getSpaceAboveFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
4120         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4121                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
4122         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting SpaceAboveFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4123         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
4124         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting SpaceAboveFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
4125         return FALSE;
4126     }
4128     // Get the spaceBelow setting
4129     if (getSpaceBelowFromAttributeSetMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4130         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting spaceBelow from AttributeSet...");
4131         attributes->spaceBelow = (jfloat) jniEnv->CallFloatMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4132                                                                   getSpaceBelowFromAttributeSetMethod,
4133                                                                   AttributeSet);
4134         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting SpaceBelowFromAttributeSet - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4135     } else {
4136         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getSpaceBelowFromAttributeSetMethod == 0");
4137         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4138                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
4139         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting SpaceBelowFromAttributeSet - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4140         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
4141         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting SpaceBelowFromAttributeSet - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
4142         return FALSE;
4143     }
4145     // Release the AttributeSet object
4146     if (decrementReferenceMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4147         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Decrementing reference to AttributeSet...");
4148         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4149                                decrementReferenceMethod, AttributeSet);
4150         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Releasing AttributeSet object - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4151     } else {
4152         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or accessBridgeObject == 0");
4153         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
4154         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Releasing AttributeSet object - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
4155         return FALSE;
4156     }
4158     // Get the full attributes string at index
4159     if (getAccessibleAttributesAtIndexFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4160         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Getting full attributes string from Context...");
4161         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4162                                                 getAccessibleAttributesAtIndexFromContextMethod,
4163                                                 accessibleContext, index);
4164         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAttributesAtIndex - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
4165         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  returned from CallObjectMethod(), js = %p", js);
4166         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
4167             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
4168             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAttributesAtIndex - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
4169             wcsncpy(attributes->fullAttributesString, stringBytes, (sizeof(attributes->fullAttributesString) / sizeof(wchar_t)));
4170             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
4171             attributes->fullAttributesString[length < (sizeof(attributes->fullAttributesString) / sizeof(wchar_t)) ?
4172                                              length : (sizeof(attributes->fullAttributesString) / sizeof(wchar_t))-2] = (wchar_t) 0;
4173             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAttributesAtIndex - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
4174             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
4175             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAttributesAtIndex - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
4176             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4177                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
4178             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAttributesAtIndex - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4179             wPrintDebugString(L"[INFO]:   Accessible Text attributes = %ls", attributes->fullAttributesString);
4180             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
4181             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAttributesAtIndex - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
4182         } else {
4183             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   Accessible Text attributes is null.");
4184             attributes->fullAttributesString[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
4185             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
4186             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAttributesAtIndex - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
4187             return FALSE;
4188         }
4189     } else {
4190         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleAttributesAtIndexFromContextMethod == 0");
4191         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
4192         return FALSE;
4193     }
4195     jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(AttributeSet);
4196     EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleAttributeSetAtIndex - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
4197     return TRUE;
4198 }
4200 BOOL
4201 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTextRect(jobject accessibleContext, AccessibleTextRectInfo *rectInfo, jint index) {
4203     jthrowable exception;
4205     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTextRect(%p), index = %d",
4206                      accessibleContext, index);
4208     // Verify the Java VM still exists and AccessibleContext is
4209     // an instance of AccessibleText
4210     if (verifyAccessibleText(accessibleContext) == FALSE) {
4211         return FALSE;
4212     }
4214     // Get the x coord
4215     if (getAccessibleXcoordTextRectAtIndexFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4216         rectInfo->x = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4217                                             getAccessibleXcoordTextRectAtIndexFromContextMethod,
4218                                             accessibleContext, index);
4219         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleXcoordTextRect - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4220         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  X coord = %d", rectInfo->x);
4221     } else {
4222         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleXcoordTextRectAtIndexFromContextMethod == 0");
4223         return FALSE;
4224     }
4226     // Get the y coord
4227     if (getAccessibleYcoordTextRectAtIndexFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4228         rectInfo->y = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4229                                             getAccessibleYcoordTextRectAtIndexFromContextMethod,
4230                                             accessibleContext, index);
4231         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleYcoordTextRect - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4232         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Y coord = %d", rectInfo->y);
4233     } else {
4234         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleYcoordTextRectAtIndexFromContextMethod == 0");
4235         return FALSE;
4236     }
4238     // Get the width
4239     if (getAccessibleWidthTextRectAtIndexFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4240         rectInfo->width = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4241                                                 getAccessibleWidthTextRectAtIndexFromContextMethod,
4242                                                 accessibleContext, index);
4243         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleWidthTextRect - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4244         PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Width = %d", rectInfo->width);
4245     } else {
4246         PrintDebugString("[INFO]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleWidthTextRectAtIndexFromContextMethod == 0");
4247         return FALSE;
4248     }
4250     // Get the height
4251     if (getAccessibleHeightTextRectAtIndexFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4252         rectInfo->height = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4253                                                  getAccessibleHeightTextRectAtIndexFromContextMethod,
4254                                                  accessibleContext, index);
4255         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleHeightTextRect - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4256         PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Height = %d", rectInfo->height);
4257     } else {
4258         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleHeightTextRectAtIndexFromContextMethod == 0");
4259         return FALSE;
4260     }
4262     return TRUE;
4263 }
4265 // =====
4267 /**
4268  * gets the bounding rectangle for the text caret
4269  */
4270 BOOL
4271 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getCaretLocation(jobject accessibleContext, AccessibleTextRectInfo *rectInfo, jint index) {
4273     jthrowable exception;
4275     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getCaretLocation(%p), index = %d",
4276                      accessibleContext, index);
4278     // Verify the Java VM still exists and AccessibleContext is
4279     // an instance of AccessibleText
4280     if (verifyAccessibleText(accessibleContext) == FALSE) {
4281         return FALSE;
4282     }
4284     // Get the x coord
4285     if (getCaretLocationXMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4286         rectInfo->x = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4287                                             getCaretLocationXMethod,
4288                                             accessibleContext, index);
4289         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting caret X coordinate - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4290         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   X coord = %d", rectInfo->x);
4291     } else {
4292         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getCaretLocationXMethod == 0");
4293         return FALSE;
4294     }
4296     // Get the y coord
4297     if (getCaretLocationYMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4298         rectInfo->y = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4299                                             getCaretLocationYMethod,
4300                                             accessibleContext, index);
4301         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting caret Y coordinate - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4302         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Y coord = %d", rectInfo->y);
4303     } else {
4304         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getCaretLocationYMethod == 0");
4305         return FALSE;
4306     }
4308     // Get the width
4309     if (getCaretLocationWidthMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4310         rectInfo->width = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4311                                                 getCaretLocationWidthMethod,
4312                                                 accessibleContext, index);
4313         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting caret width - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4314         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Width = %d", rectInfo->width);
4315     } else {
4316         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getCaretLocationWidthMethod == 0");
4317         return FALSE;
4318     }
4320     // Get the height
4321     if (getCaretLocationHeightMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4322         rectInfo->height = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4323                                                  getCaretLocationHeightMethod,
4324                                                  accessibleContext, index);
4325         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting caret height - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4326         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Height = %d", rectInfo->height);
4327     } else {
4328         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getCaretLocationHeightMethod == 0");
4329         return FALSE;
4330     }
4332     return TRUE;
4333 }
4335 // =====
4337 BOOL
4338 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTextLineBounds(jobject accessibleContext, jint index, jint *startIndex, jint *endIndex) {
4340     jthrowable exception;
4342     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTextLineBounds(%p):", accessibleContext);
4344     // Verify the Java VM still exists and AccessibleContext is
4345     // an instance of AccessibleText
4346     if (verifyAccessibleText(accessibleContext) == FALSE) {
4347         return FALSE;
4348     }
4350     // Get the index of the left boundary of the line containing 'index'
4351     if (getAccessibleTextLineLeftBoundsFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4352         *startIndex = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4353                                             getAccessibleTextLineLeftBoundsFromContextMethod,
4354                                             accessibleContext, index);
4355         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTextLineLeftBounds - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4356         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   startIndex = %d", *startIndex);
4357     } else {
4358         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleTextLineLeftBoundsFromContextMethod == 0");
4359         return FALSE;
4360     }
4362     // Get the index of the right boundary of the line containing 'index'
4363     if (getAccessibleTextLineRightBoundsFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4364         *endIndex = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4365                                           getAccessibleTextLineRightBoundsFromContextMethod,
4366                                           accessibleContext, index);
4367         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTextLineRightBounds - call to CallIntMethod()", FALSE);
4368         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   endIndex = %d", *endIndex);
4369     } else {
4370         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getAccessibleTextLineRightBoundsFromContextMethod == 0");
4371         return FALSE;
4372     }
4374     return TRUE;
4375 }
4377 BOOL
4378 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTextRange(jobject accessibleContext,
4379                                                     jint start, jint end, wchar_t *text, short len) {
4380     jstring js;
4381     const wchar_t *stringBytes;
4382     jthrowable exception;
4383     jsize length;
4385     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleTextRange(%p, %d, %d, *text, %d):", accessibleContext, start, end, len);
4387     // Verify the Java VM still exists and AccessibleContext is
4388     // an instance of AccessibleText
4389     if (verifyAccessibleText(accessibleContext) == FALSE) {
4390         return FALSE;
4391     }
4393     // range is inclusive
4394     if (end < start) {
4395         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  end < start!");
4396         text[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
4397         return FALSE;
4398     }
4400     // Get the text range within [start, end] inclusive
4401     if (getAccessibleTextRangeFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4402         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4403                                                 getAccessibleTextRangeFromContextMethod,
4404                                                 accessibleContext, start, end);
4405         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTextRange - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
4406         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   returned from CallObjectMethod(), js = %p", js);
4407         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
4408             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
4409             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTextRange - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
4410             wPrintDebugString(L"[INFO]:   Accessible Text stringBytes returned from Java = %ls", stringBytes);
4411             wcsncpy(text, stringBytes, len);
4412             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
4413             PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  Accessible Text stringBytes length = %d", length);
4414             text[length < len ? length : len - 2] = (wchar_t) 0;
4415             wPrintDebugString(L"[INFO]:   Accessible Text 'text' after null termination = %ls", text);
4416             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTextRange - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
4417             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
4418             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTextRange - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
4419             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4420                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
4421             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTextRange - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4422             wPrintDebugString(L"[INFO]:   Accessible Text range = %ls", text);
4423             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
4424             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleTextRange - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
4425         } else {
4426             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   current Accessible Text range is null.");
4427             text[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
4428             return FALSE;
4429         }
4430     } else {
4431         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleTextRangeFromContextMethod == 0");
4432         return FALSE;
4433     }
4434     return TRUE;
4435 }
4437 /********** AccessibleValue routines ***************/
4439 BOOL
4440 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getCurrentAccessibleValueFromContext(jobject accessibleContext, wchar_t *value, short len) {
4441     jstring js;
4442     const wchar_t *stringBytes;
4443     jthrowable exception;
4444     jsize length;
4446     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getCurrentAccessibleValueFromContext(%p):", accessibleContext);
4448     // Get the current Accessible Value
4449     if (getCurrentAccessibleValueFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4450         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4451                                                 getCurrentAccessibleValueFromContextMethod,
4452                                                 accessibleContext);
4453         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting CurrentAccessibleValue - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
4454         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   returned from CallObjectMethod(), js = %p", js);
4455         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
4456             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
4457             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting CurrentAccessibleValue - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
4458             wcsncpy(value, stringBytes, len);
4459             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
4460             value[length < len ? length : len - 2] = (wchar_t) 0;
4461             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting CurrentAccessibleValue - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
4462             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
4463             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting CurrentAccessibleValue - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
4464             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4465                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
4466             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting CurrentAccessibleValue - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4467             PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   current Accessible Value = %s", value);
4468             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
4469             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting CurrentAccessibleValue - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
4470         } else {
4471             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   current Accessible Value is null.");
4472             value[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
4473             return FALSE;
4474         }
4475     } else {
4476         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or getCurrentAccessibleValueFromContextMethod == 0");
4477         return FALSE;
4478     }
4479     return TRUE;
4480 }
4482 BOOL
4483 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getMaximumAccessibleValueFromContext(jobject accessibleContext, wchar_t *value, short len) {
4484     jstring js;
4485     const wchar_t *stringBytes;
4486     jthrowable exception;
4487     jsize length;
4489     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getMaximumAccessibleValueFromContext(%p):", accessibleContext);
4491     // Get the maximum Accessible Value
4492     if (getMaximumAccessibleValueFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4493         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4494                                                 getMaximumAccessibleValueFromContextMethod,
4495                                                 accessibleContext);
4496         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting MaximumAccessibleValue - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
4497         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   returned from CallObjectMethod(), js = %p", js);
4498         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
4499             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
4500             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting MaximumAccessibleValue - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
4501             wcsncpy(value, stringBytes, len);
4502             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
4503             value[length < len ? length : len - 2] = (wchar_t) 0;
4504             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting MaximumAccessibleValue - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
4505             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
4506             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting MaximumAccessibleValue - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
4507             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4508                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
4509             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting MaximumAccessibleValue - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4510             PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   maximum Accessible Value = %s", value);
4511             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
4512             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting MaximumAccessibleValue - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
4513         } else {
4514             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   maximum Accessible Value is null.");
4515             value[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
4516             return FALSE;
4517         }
4518     } else {
4519         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getMaximumAccessibleValueFromContextMethod == 0");
4520         return FALSE;
4521     }
4522     return TRUE;
4523 }
4525 BOOL
4526 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getMinimumAccessibleValueFromContext(jobject accessibleContext, wchar_t *value, short len) {
4527     jstring js;
4528     const wchar_t *stringBytes;
4529     jthrowable exception;
4530     jsize length;
4532     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getMinimumAccessibleValueFromContext(%p):", accessibleContext);
4534     // Get the mimimum Accessible Value
4535     if (getMinimumAccessibleValueFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4536         js = (jstring) jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4537                                                 getMinimumAccessibleValueFromContextMethod,
4538                                                 accessibleContext);
4539         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting MinimumAccessibleValue - call to CallObjectMethod()", FALSE);
4540         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   returned from CallObjectMethod(), js = %p", js);
4541         if (js != (jstring) 0) {
4542             stringBytes = (const wchar_t *) jniEnv->GetStringChars(js, 0);
4543             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting MinimumAccessibleValue - call to GetStringChars()", FALSE);
4544             wcsncpy(value, stringBytes, len);
4545             length = jniEnv->GetStringLength(js);
4546             value[length < len ? length : len - 2] = (wchar_t) 0;
4547             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting MinimumAccessibleValue - call to GetStringLength()", FALSE);
4548             jniEnv->ReleaseStringChars(js, stringBytes);
4549             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting MinimumAccessibleValue - call to ReleaseStringChars()", FALSE);
4550             jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4551                                    decrementReferenceMethod, js);
4552             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting MinimumAccessibleValue - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4553             PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   mimimum Accessible Value = %s", value);
4554             jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(js);
4555             EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting MinimumAccessibleValue - call to DeleteLocalRef()", FALSE);
4556         } else {
4557             PrintDebugString("[WARN]:   mimimum Accessible Value is null.");
4558             value[0] = (wchar_t) 0;
4559             return FALSE;
4560         }
4561     } else {
4562         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getMinimumAccessibleValueFromContextMethod == 0");
4563         return FALSE;
4564     }
4565     return TRUE;
4566 }
4569 /********** AccessibleSelection routines ***************/
4571 void
4572 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::addAccessibleSelectionFromContext(jobject accessibleContext, int i) {
4573     jthrowable exception;
4575     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::addAccessibleSelectionFromContext(%p):", accessibleContext);
4577     // Add the child to the AccessibleSelection
4578     if (addAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4579         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4580                                addAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod,
4581                                accessibleContext, i);
4582         EXCEPTION_CHECK_VOID("Doing addAccessibleSelection - call to CallVoidMethod()");
4583         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   returned from CallObjectMethod()");
4584     } else {
4585         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or addAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod == 0");
4586     }
4587 }
4589 void
4590 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::clearAccessibleSelectionFromContext(jobject accessibleContext) {
4591     jthrowable exception;
4593     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::clearAccessibleSelectionFromContext(%p):", accessibleContext);
4595     // Clearing the Selection of the AccessibleSelection
4596     if (clearAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4597         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4598                                clearAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod,
4599                                accessibleContext);
4600         EXCEPTION_CHECK_VOID("Doing clearAccessibleSelection - call to CallVoidMethod()");
4601         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   returned from CallObjectMethod()");
4602     } else {
4603         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or clearAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod == 0");
4604     }
4605 }
4607 jobject
4608 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleSelectionFromContext(jobject accessibleContext, int i) {
4609     jobject returnedAccessibleContext;
4610     jobject globalRef;
4611     jthrowable exception;
4613     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleSelectionFromContext(%p):", accessibleContext);
4615     if (getAccessibleSelectionContextFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4616         returnedAccessibleContext = jniEnv->CallObjectMethod(
4617                                                              accessBridgeObject,
4618                                                              getAccessibleSelectionContextFromContextMethod,
4619                                                              accessibleContext, i);
4620         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleSelectionContext - call to CallObjectMethod()", (jobject) 0);
4621         globalRef = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(returnedAccessibleContext);
4622         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleSelectionContext - call to NewGlobalRef()", (jobject) 0);
4623         jniEnv->DeleteLocalRef(returnedAccessibleContext);
4624         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleSelectionContext - call to DeleteLocalRef()", (jobject) 0);
4625         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   Returning - returnedAccessibleContext = %p; globalRef = %p",
4626                          returnedAccessibleContext, globalRef);
4627         return globalRef;
4628     } else {
4629         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleSelectionContextFromContextMethod == 0");
4630         return (jobject) 0;
4631     }
4632 }
4634 int
4635 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleSelectionCountFromContext(jobject accessibleContext) {
4636     int count;
4637     jthrowable exception;
4639     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::getAccessibleSelectionCountFromContext(%p):", accessibleContext);
4641     // Get (& return) the # of items selected in the AccessibleSelection
4642     if (getAccessibleSelectionCountFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4643         count = jniEnv->CallIntMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4644                                       getAccessibleSelectionCountFromContextMethod,
4645                                       accessibleContext);
4646         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Getting AccessibleSelectionCount - call to CallIntMethod()", -1);
4647         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   returned from CallObjectMethod()");
4648         return count;
4649     } else {
4650         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or getAccessibleSelectionCountFromContextMethod == 0");
4651         return -1;
4652     }
4653 }
4655 BOOL
4656 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::isAccessibleChildSelectedFromContext(jobject accessibleContext, int i) {
4657     jboolean result;
4658     jthrowable exception;
4660     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::isAccessibleChildSelectedFromContext(%p):", accessibleContext);
4662     // Get (& return) the # of items selected in the AccessibleSelection
4663     if (isAccessibleChildSelectedFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4664         result = jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4665                                            isAccessibleChildSelectedFromContextMethod,
4666                                            accessibleContext, i);
4667         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Doing isAccessibleChildSelected - call to CallBooleanMethod()", FALSE);
4668         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   returned from CallObjectMethod()");
4669         if (result != 0) {
4670             return TRUE;
4671         }
4672     } else {
4673         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or isAccessibleChildSelectedFromContextMethod == 0");
4674     }
4675     return FALSE;
4676 }
4679 void
4680 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::removeAccessibleSelectionFromContext(jobject accessibleContext, int i) {
4681     jthrowable exception;
4683     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::removeAccessibleSelectionFromContext(%p):", accessibleContext);
4685     // Remove the i-th child from the AccessibleSelection
4686     if (removeAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4687         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4688                                removeAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod,
4689                                accessibleContext, i);
4690         EXCEPTION_CHECK_VOID("Doing removeAccessibleSelection - call to CallVoidMethod()");
4691         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   returned from CallObjectMethod()");
4692     } else {
4693         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]:  either env == 0 or removeAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod == 0");
4694     }
4695 }
4697 void
4698 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::selectAllAccessibleSelectionFromContext(jobject accessibleContext) {
4699     jthrowable exception;
4701     PrintDebugString("[INFO]: Calling AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::selectAllAccessibleSelectionFromContext(%p):", accessibleContext);
4703     // Select all children (if possible) of the AccessibleSelection
4704     if (selectAllAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4705         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4706                                selectAllAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod,
4707                                accessibleContext);
4708         EXCEPTION_CHECK_VOID("Doing selectAllAccessibleSelection - call to CallVoidMethod()");
4709         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   returned from CallObjectMethod()");
4710     } else {
4711         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or selectAllAccessibleSelectionFromContextMethod == 0");
4712     }
4713 }
4716 /********** Event Notification Registration routines ***************/
4718 BOOL
4719 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::addJavaEventNotification(jlong type) {
4720     jthrowable exception;
4722     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   in AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::addJavaEventNotification(%016I64X);", type);
4724     // Let AccessBridge know we want to add an event type
4725     if (addJavaEventNotificationMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4726         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4727                                addJavaEventNotificationMethod, type);
4728         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Doing addJavaEventNotification - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4729     } else {
4730         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or addJavaEventNotificationMethod == 0");
4731         return FALSE;
4732     }
4733     return TRUE;
4734 }
4736 BOOL
4737 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::removeJavaEventNotification(jlong type) {
4738     jthrowable exception;
4740     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  in AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::removeJavaEventNotification(%016I64X):", type);
4742     // Let AccessBridge know we want to remove an event type
4743     if (removeJavaEventNotificationMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4744         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4745                                removeJavaEventNotificationMethod, type);
4746         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Doing removeJavaEventNotification - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4747     } else {
4748         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or removeJavaEventNotificationMethod == 0");
4749         return FALSE;
4750     }
4751     return TRUE;
4752 }
4754 BOOL
4755 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::addAccessibilityEventNotification(jlong type) {
4756     jthrowable exception;
4758     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:   in AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::addAccessibilityEventNotification(%016I64X);", type);
4760     // Let AccessBridge know we want to add an event type
4761     if (addAccessibilityEventNotificationMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4762         PrintDebugString("[INFO]:    addAccessibilityEventNotification: calling void method: accessBridgeObject = %p", accessBridgeObject);
4763         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4764                                addAccessibilityEventNotificationMethod, type);
4765         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Doing addAccessibilityEvent - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4766     } else {
4767         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or addAccessibilityEventNotificationMethod == 0");
4768         return FALSE;
4769     }
4770     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:     addAccessibilityEventNotification: just returning true");
4771     return TRUE;
4772 }
4774 BOOL
4775 AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::removeAccessibilityEventNotification(jlong type) {
4776     jthrowable exception;
4778     PrintDebugString("[INFO]:  in AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints::removeAccessibilityEventNotification(%016I64X):", type);
4780     // Let AccessBridge know we want to remove an event type
4781     if (removeAccessibilityEventNotificationMethod != (jmethodID) 0) {
4782         jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(accessBridgeObject,
4783                                removeAccessibilityEventNotificationMethod, type);
4784         EXCEPTION_CHECK("Doing removeAccessibilityEvent - call to CallVoidMethod()", FALSE);
4785     } else {
4786         PrintDebugString("[ERROR]: either env == 0 or removeAccessibilityEventNotificationMethod == 0");
4787         return FALSE;
4788     }
4789     return TRUE;
4790 }