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rev 13460 : imported patch solaris_fix

1180 intx os::current_thread_id() {
1181   return (intx)thr_self();
1182 }
1184 static pid_t _initial_pid = 0;
1186 int os::current_process_id() {
1187   return (int)(_initial_pid ? _initial_pid : getpid());
1188 }
1190 // gethrtime() should be monotonic according to the documentation,
1191 // but some virtualized platforms are known to break this guarantee.
1192 // getTimeNanos() must be guaranteed not to move backwards, so we
1193 // are forced to add a check here.
1194 inline hrtime_t getTimeNanos() {
1195   const hrtime_t now = gethrtime();
1196   const hrtime_t prev = max_hrtime;
1197   if (now <= prev) {
1198     return prev;   // same or retrograde time;
1199   }
1200   const hrtime_t obsv = Atomic::cmpxchg(now, (volatile jlong*)&max_hrtime, prev);
1201   assert(obsv >= prev, "invariant");   // Monotonicity
1202   // If the CAS succeeded then we're done and return "now".
1203   // If the CAS failed and the observed value "obsv" is >= now then
1204   // we should return "obsv".  If the CAS failed and now > obsv > prv then
1205   // some other thread raced this thread and installed a new value, in which case
1206   // we could either (a) retry the entire operation, (b) retry trying to install now
1207   // or (c) just return obsv.  We use (c).   No loop is required although in some cases
1208   // we might discard a higher "now" value in deference to a slightly lower but freshly
1209   // installed obsv value.   That's entirely benign -- it admits no new orderings compared
1210   // to (a) or (b) -- and greatly reduces coherence traffic.
1211   // We might also condition (c) on the magnitude of the delta between obsv and now.
1212   // Avoiding excessive CAS operations to hot RW locations is critical.
1213   // See https://blogs.oracle.com/dave/entry/cas_and_cache_trivia_invalidate
1214   return (prev == obsv) ? now : obsv;
1215 }
1217 // Time since start-up in seconds to a fine granularity.
1218 // Used by VMSelfDestructTimer and the MemProfiler.
1219 double os::elapsedTime() {
1220   return (double)(getTimeNanos() - first_hrtime) / (double)hrtime_hz;

1180 intx os::current_thread_id() {
1181   return (intx)thr_self();
1182 }
1184 static pid_t _initial_pid = 0;
1186 int os::current_process_id() {
1187   return (int)(_initial_pid ? _initial_pid : getpid());
1188 }
1190 // gethrtime() should be monotonic according to the documentation,
1191 // but some virtualized platforms are known to break this guarantee.
1192 // getTimeNanos() must be guaranteed not to move backwards, so we
1193 // are forced to add a check here.
1194 inline hrtime_t getTimeNanos() {
1195   const hrtime_t now = gethrtime();
1196   const hrtime_t prev = max_hrtime;
1197   if (now <= prev) {
1198     return prev;   // same or retrograde time;
1199   }
1200   const hrtime_t obsv = Atomic::cmpxchg(now, &max_hrtime, prev);
1201   assert(obsv >= prev, "invariant");   // Monotonicity
1202   // If the CAS succeeded then we're done and return "now".
1203   // If the CAS failed and the observed value "obsv" is >= now then
1204   // we should return "obsv".  If the CAS failed and now > obsv > prv then
1205   // some other thread raced this thread and installed a new value, in which case
1206   // we could either (a) retry the entire operation, (b) retry trying to install now
1207   // or (c) just return obsv.  We use (c).   No loop is required although in some cases
1208   // we might discard a higher "now" value in deference to a slightly lower but freshly
1209   // installed obsv value.   That's entirely benign -- it admits no new orderings compared
1210   // to (a) or (b) -- and greatly reduces coherence traffic.
1211   // We might also condition (c) on the magnitude of the delta between obsv and now.
1212   // Avoiding excessive CAS operations to hot RW locations is critical.
1213   // See https://blogs.oracle.com/dave/entry/cas_and_cache_trivia_invalidate
1214   return (prev == obsv) ? now : obsv;
1215 }
1217 // Time since start-up in seconds to a fine granularity.
1218 // Used by VMSelfDestructTimer and the MemProfiler.
1219 double os::elapsedTime() {
1220   return (double)(getTimeNanos() - first_hrtime) / (double)hrtime_hz;

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