1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2001, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "gc/shared/ptrQueue.hpp"
  27 #include "logging/log.hpp"
  28 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  29 #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
  30 #include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
  31 #include "runtime/mutex.hpp"
  32 #include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
  33 #include "runtime/orderAccess.hpp"
  34 #include "runtime/thread.inline.hpp"
  35 #include "utilities/globalCounter.inline.hpp"
  37 #include <new>
  39 PtrQueue::PtrQueue(PtrQueueSet* qset, bool permanent, bool active) :
  40   _qset(qset),
  41   _active(active),
  42   _permanent(permanent),
  43   _index(0),
  44   _capacity_in_bytes(0),
  45   _buf(NULL),
  46   _lock(NULL)
  47 {}
  49 PtrQueue::~PtrQueue() {
  50   assert(_permanent || (_buf == NULL), "queue must be flushed before delete");
  51 }
  53 void PtrQueue::flush_impl() {
  54   if (_buf != NULL) {
  55     BufferNode* node = BufferNode::make_node_from_buffer(_buf, index());
  56     if (is_empty()) {
  57       // No work to do.
  58       qset()->deallocate_buffer(node);
  59     } else {
  60       qset()->enqueue_completed_buffer(node);
  61     }
  62     _buf = NULL;
  63     set_index(0);
  64   }
  65 }
  68 void PtrQueue::enqueue_known_active(void* ptr) {
  69   while (_index == 0) {
  70     handle_zero_index();
  71   }
  73   assert(_buf != NULL, "postcondition");
  74   assert(index() > 0, "postcondition");
  75   assert(index() <= capacity(), "invariant");
  76   _index -= _element_size;
  77   _buf[index()] = ptr;
  78 }
  80 BufferNode* BufferNode::allocate(size_t size) {
  81   size_t byte_size = size * sizeof(void*);
  82   void* data = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, buffer_offset() + byte_size, mtGC);
  83   return new (data) BufferNode;
  84 }
  86 void BufferNode::deallocate(BufferNode* node) {
  87   node->~BufferNode();
  88   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, node);
  89 }
  91 BufferNode::Allocator::Allocator(const char* name, size_t buffer_size) :
  92   _buffer_size(buffer_size),
  93   _pending_list(),
  94   _free_list(),
  95   _pending_count(0),
  96   _free_count(0),
  97   _transfer_lock(false)
  98 {
  99   strncpy(_name, name, sizeof(_name));
 100   _name[sizeof(_name) - 1] = '\0';
 101 }
 103 BufferNode::Allocator::~Allocator() {
 104   delete_list(_free_list.pop_all());
 105   delete_list(_pending_list.pop_all());
 106 }
 108 void BufferNode::Allocator::delete_list(BufferNode* list) {
 109   while (list != NULL) {
 110     BufferNode* next = list->next();
 111     DEBUG_ONLY(list->set_next(NULL);)
 112     BufferNode::deallocate(list);
 113     list = next;
 114   }
 115 }
 117 size_t BufferNode::Allocator::free_count() const {
 118   return Atomic::load(&_free_count);
 119 }
 121 const size_t size_zero = 0;
 122 const size_t size_one = 1;
 124 BufferNode* BufferNode::Allocator::allocate() {
 125   BufferNode* node;
 126   {
 127     // Protect against ABA; see release().
 128     GlobalCounter::CriticalSection cs(Thread::current());
 129     node = _free_list.pop();
 130   }
 131   if (node == NULL) {
 132     node = BufferNode::allocate(_buffer_size);
 133   } else {
 134     // Decrement count after getting buffer from free list.  This, along
 135     // with incrementing count before adding to free list, ensures count
 136     // never underflows.
 137     size_t count = Atomic::sub(size_one, &_free_count);
 138     assert((count + 1) != 0, "_free_count underflow");
 139   }
 140   return node;
 141 }
 143 // To solve the ABA problem for lock-free stack pop, allocate does the
 144 // pop inside a critical section, and release synchronizes on the
 145 // critical sections before adding to the _free_list.  But we don't
 146 // want to make every release have to do a synchronize.  Instead, we
 147 // initially place released nodes on the _pending_list, and transfer
 148 // them to the _free_list in batches.  Only one transfer at a time is
 149 // permitted, with a lock bit to control access to that phase.  A
 150 // transfer takes all the nodes from the _pending_list, synchronizes on
 151 // the _free_list pops, and then adds the former pending nodes to the
 152 // _free_list.  While that's happening, other threads might be adding
 153 // other nodes to the _pending_list, to be dealt with by some later
 154 // transfer.
 155 void BufferNode::Allocator::release(BufferNode* node) {
 156   assert(node != NULL, "precondition");
 157   assert(node->next() == NULL, "precondition");
 159   // Desired minimum transfer batch size.  There is relatively little
 160   // importance to the specific number.  It shouldn't be too big, else
 161   // we're wasting space when the release rate is low.  If the release
 162   // rate is high, we might accumulate more than this before being
 163   // able to start a new transfer, but that's okay.  Also note that
 164   // the allocation rate and the release rate are going to be fairly
 165   // similar, due to how the buffers are used.
 166   const size_t trigger_transfer = 10;
 168   // Add to pending list. Update count first so no underflow in transfer.
 169   size_t pending_count = Atomic::add(size_one, &_pending_count);
 170   _pending_list.push(*node);
 171   if (pending_count > trigger_transfer) {
 172     try_transfer_pending();
 173   }
 174 }
 176 // Try to transfer nodes from _pending_list to _free_list, with a
 177 // synchronization delay for any in-progress pops from the _free_list,
 178 // to solve ABA there.  Return true if performed a (possibly empty)
 179 // transfer, false if blocked from doing so by some other thread's
 180 // in-progress transfer.
 181 bool BufferNode::Allocator::try_transfer_pending() {
 182   // Attempt to claim the lock.
 183   if (Atomic::load(&_transfer_lock) || // Skip CAS if likely to fail.
 184       Atomic::cmpxchg(true, &_transfer_lock, false)) {
 185     return false;
 186   }
 187   // Have the lock; perform the transfer.
 189   // Claim all the pending nodes.
 190   BufferNode* first = _pending_list.pop_all();
 191   if (first != NULL) {
 192     // Prepare to add the claimed nodes, and update _pending_count.
 193     BufferNode* last = first;
 194     size_t count = 1;
 195     for (BufferNode* next = first->next(); next != NULL; next = next->next()) {
 196       last = next;
 197       ++count;
 198     }
 199     Atomic::sub(count, &_pending_count);
 201     // Wait for any in-progress pops, to avoid ABA for them.
 202     GlobalCounter::write_synchronize();
 204     // Add synchronized nodes to _free_list.
 205     // Update count first so no underflow in allocate().
 206     Atomic::add(count, &_free_count);
 207     _free_list.prepend(*first, *last);
 208     log_trace(gc, ptrqueue, freelist)
 209              ("Transferred %s pending to free: " SIZE_FORMAT, name(), count);
 210   }
 211   OrderAccess::release_store(&_transfer_lock, false);
 212   return true;
 213 }
 215 size_t BufferNode::Allocator::reduce_free_list(size_t remove_goal) {
 216   try_transfer_pending();
 217   size_t removed = 0;
 218   for ( ; removed < remove_goal; ++removed) {
 219     BufferNode* node = _free_list.pop();
 220     if (node == NULL) break;
 221     BufferNode::deallocate(node);
 222   }
 223   size_t new_count = Atomic::sub(removed, &_free_count);
 224   log_debug(gc, ptrqueue, freelist)
 225            ("Reduced %s free list by " SIZE_FORMAT " to " SIZE_FORMAT,
 226             name(), removed, new_count);
 227   return removed;
 228 }
 230 PtrQueueSet::PtrQueueSet(bool notify_when_complete) :
 231   _allocator(NULL),
 232   _cbl_mon(NULL),
 233   _completed_buffers_head(NULL),
 234   _completed_buffers_tail(NULL),
 235   _n_completed_buffers(0),
 236   _process_completed_buffers_threshold(ProcessCompletedBuffersThresholdNever),
 237   _process_completed_buffers(false),
 238   _notify_when_complete(notify_when_complete),
 239   _max_completed_buffers(MaxCompletedBuffersUnlimited),
 240   _completed_buffers_padding(0),
 241   _all_active(false)
 242 {}
 244 PtrQueueSet::~PtrQueueSet() {
 245   // There are presently only a couple (derived) instances ever
 246   // created, and they are permanent, so no harm currently done by
 247   // doing nothing here.
 248 }
 250 void PtrQueueSet::initialize(Monitor* cbl_mon,
 251                              BufferNode::Allocator* allocator) {
 252   assert(cbl_mon != NULL && allocator != NULL, "Init order issue?");
 253   _cbl_mon = cbl_mon;
 254   _allocator = allocator;
 255 }
 257 void** PtrQueueSet::allocate_buffer() {
 258   BufferNode* node = _allocator->allocate();
 259   return BufferNode::make_buffer_from_node(node);
 260 }
 262 void PtrQueueSet::deallocate_buffer(BufferNode* node) {
 263   _allocator->release(node);
 264 }
 266 void PtrQueue::handle_zero_index() {
 267   assert(index() == 0, "precondition");
 269   // This thread records the full buffer and allocates a new one (while
 270   // holding the lock if there is one).
 271   if (_buf != NULL) {
 272     if (!should_enqueue_buffer()) {
 273       assert(index() > 0, "the buffer can only be re-used if it's not full");
 274       return;
 275     }
 277     if (_lock) {
 278       assert(_lock->owned_by_self(), "Required.");
 280       BufferNode* node = BufferNode::make_node_from_buffer(_buf, index());
 281       _buf = NULL;         // clear shared _buf field
 283       qset()->enqueue_completed_buffer(node);
 284       assert(_buf == NULL, "multiple enqueuers appear to be racing");
 285     } else {
 286       BufferNode* node = BufferNode::make_node_from_buffer(_buf, index());
 287       if (qset()->process_or_enqueue_completed_buffer(node)) {
 288         // Recycle the buffer. No allocation.
 289         assert(_buf == BufferNode::make_buffer_from_node(node), "invariant");
 290         assert(capacity() == qset()->buffer_size(), "invariant");
 291         reset();
 292         return;
 293       }
 294     }
 295   }
 296   // Set capacity in case this is the first allocation.
 297   set_capacity(qset()->buffer_size());
 298   // Allocate a new buffer.
 299   _buf = qset()->allocate_buffer();
 300   reset();
 301 }
 303 bool PtrQueueSet::process_or_enqueue_completed_buffer(BufferNode* node) {
 304   if (Thread::current()->is_Java_thread()) {
 305     // If the number of buffers exceeds the limit, make this Java
 306     // thread do the processing itself.  We don't lock to access
 307     // buffer count or padding; it is fine to be imprecise here.  The
 308     // add of padding could overflow, which is treated as unlimited.
 309     size_t limit = _max_completed_buffers + _completed_buffers_padding;
 310     if ((_n_completed_buffers > limit) && (limit >= _max_completed_buffers)) {
 311       if (mut_process_buffer(node)) {
 312         // Successfully processed; return true to allow buffer reuse.
 313         return true;
 314       }
 315     }
 316   }
 317   // The buffer will be enqueued. The caller will have to get a new one.
 318   enqueue_completed_buffer(node);
 319   return false;
 320 }
 322 void PtrQueueSet::enqueue_completed_buffer(BufferNode* cbn) {
 323   MutexLockerEx x(_cbl_mon, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
 324   cbn->set_next(NULL);
 325   if (_completed_buffers_tail == NULL) {
 326     assert(_completed_buffers_head == NULL, "Well-formedness");
 327     _completed_buffers_head = cbn;
 328     _completed_buffers_tail = cbn;
 329   } else {
 330     _completed_buffers_tail->set_next(cbn);
 331     _completed_buffers_tail = cbn;
 332   }
 333   _n_completed_buffers++;
 335   if (!_process_completed_buffers &&
 336       (_n_completed_buffers > _process_completed_buffers_threshold)) {
 337     _process_completed_buffers = true;
 338     if (_notify_when_complete) {
 339       _cbl_mon->notify();
 340     }
 341   }
 342   assert_completed_buffers_list_len_correct_locked();
 343 }
 345 BufferNode* PtrQueueSet::get_completed_buffer(size_t stop_at) {
 346   MutexLockerEx x(_cbl_mon, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
 348   if (_n_completed_buffers <= stop_at) {
 349     return NULL;
 350   }
 352   assert(_n_completed_buffers > 0, "invariant");
 353   assert(_completed_buffers_head != NULL, "invariant");
 354   assert(_completed_buffers_tail != NULL, "invariant");
 356   BufferNode* bn = _completed_buffers_head;
 357   _n_completed_buffers--;
 358   _completed_buffers_head = bn->next();
 359   if (_completed_buffers_head == NULL) {
 360     assert(_n_completed_buffers == 0, "invariant");
 361     _completed_buffers_tail = NULL;
 362     _process_completed_buffers = false;
 363   }
 364   assert_completed_buffers_list_len_correct_locked();
 365   bn->set_next(NULL);
 366   return bn;
 367 }
 369 void PtrQueueSet::abandon_completed_buffers() {
 370   BufferNode* buffers_to_delete = NULL;
 371   {
 372     MutexLockerEx x(_cbl_mon, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
 373     buffers_to_delete = _completed_buffers_head;
 374     _completed_buffers_head = NULL;
 375     _completed_buffers_tail = NULL;
 376     _n_completed_buffers = 0;
 377     _process_completed_buffers = false;
 378   }
 379   while (buffers_to_delete != NULL) {
 380     BufferNode* bn = buffers_to_delete;
 381     buffers_to_delete = bn->next();
 382     bn->set_next(NULL);
 383     deallocate_buffer(bn);
 384   }
 385 }
 387 #ifdef ASSERT
 389 void PtrQueueSet::assert_completed_buffers_list_len_correct_locked() {
 390   assert_lock_strong(_cbl_mon);
 391   size_t n = 0;
 392   for (BufferNode* bn = _completed_buffers_head; bn != NULL; bn = bn->next()) {
 393     ++n;
 394   }
 395   assert(n == _n_completed_buffers,
 396          "Completed buffer length is wrong: counted: " SIZE_FORMAT
 397          ", expected: " SIZE_FORMAT, n, _n_completed_buffers);
 398 }
 400 #endif // ASSERT
 402 // Merge lists of buffers. Notify the processing threads.
 403 // The source queue is emptied as a result. The queues
 404 // must share the monitor.
 405 void PtrQueueSet::merge_bufferlists(PtrQueueSet *src) {
 406   assert(_cbl_mon == src->_cbl_mon, "Should share the same lock");
 407   MutexLockerEx x(_cbl_mon, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
 408   if (_completed_buffers_tail == NULL) {
 409     assert(_completed_buffers_head == NULL, "Well-formedness");
 410     _completed_buffers_head = src->_completed_buffers_head;
 411     _completed_buffers_tail = src->_completed_buffers_tail;
 412   } else {
 413     assert(_completed_buffers_head != NULL, "Well formedness");
 414     if (src->_completed_buffers_head != NULL) {
 415       _completed_buffers_tail->set_next(src->_completed_buffers_head);
 416       _completed_buffers_tail = src->_completed_buffers_tail;
 417     }
 418   }
 419   _n_completed_buffers += src->_n_completed_buffers;
 421   src->_n_completed_buffers = 0;
 422   src->_completed_buffers_head = NULL;
 423   src->_completed_buffers_tail = NULL;
 424   src->_process_completed_buffers = false;
 426   assert(_completed_buffers_head == NULL && _completed_buffers_tail == NULL ||
 427          _completed_buffers_head != NULL && _completed_buffers_tail != NULL,
 428          "Sanity");
 429   assert_completed_buffers_list_len_correct_locked();
 430 }
 432 void PtrQueueSet::notify_if_necessary() {
 433   MutexLockerEx x(_cbl_mon, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
 434   if (_n_completed_buffers > _process_completed_buffers_threshold) {
 435     _process_completed_buffers = true;
 436     if (_notify_when_complete)
 437       _cbl_mon->notify();
 438   }
 439 }