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rev 9619 : imported patch 9-jake-fxpackager.patch

@@ -213,157 +213,15 @@
     protected File prepareDaemonBundle(Map<String, ? super Object> p) {
         File daemonImageRoot = DAEMON_IMAGE_BUILD_ROOT.fetchFrom(p);
         return DAEMON_BUNDLER.fetchFrom(p).doBundle(p, daemonImageRoot, true);
-    public static void signAppBundle(Map<String, ? super Object> params, File appLocation, String signingIdentity, String identifierPrefix) throws IOException {
-        signAppBundle(params, appLocation, signingIdentity, identifierPrefix, null, null);
-    }
-    public static void signAppBundle(Map<String, ? super Object> params, File appLocation, String signingIdentity, String identifierPrefix, String entitlementsFile, String inheritedEntitlements) throws IOException {
-        AtomicReference<IOException> toThrow = new AtomicReference<>();
-        String appExecutable = "/Contents/MacOS/" + APP_NAME.fetchFrom(params);
-        String keyChain = SIGNING_KEYCHAIN.fetchFrom(params);
-        // sign all dylibs and jars
-        Files.walk(appLocation.toPath())
-                // while we are searching let's fix permissions
-                .peek(path -> {
-                    try {
-                        Set<PosixFilePermission> pfp = Files.getPosixFilePermissions(path);
-                        if (!pfp.contains(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_WRITE)) {
-                            pfp = EnumSet.copyOf(pfp);
-                            pfp.add(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_WRITE);
-                            Files.setPosixFilePermissions(path, pfp);
-                        }
-                    } catch (IOException e) {
-                        Log.debug(e);
-                    }
-                })
-                .filter(p -> Files.isRegularFile(p) &&
-                                !(p.toString().contains("/Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib")
-                                  || p.toString().contains("/Contents/MacOS/JavaAppletPlugin")
-                                  || p.toString().endsWith(appExecutable))
-                ).forEach(p -> {
-            //noinspection ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored
-            if (toThrow.get() != null) return;
-            List<String> args = new ArrayList<>();
-            args.addAll(Arrays.asList("codesign",
-                    "-s", signingIdentity, // sign with this key
-                    "--prefix", identifierPrefix, // use the identifier as a prefix
-                    "-vvvv"));
-            if (entitlementsFile != null &&
-                    (p.toString().endsWith(".jar")
-                      || p.toString().endsWith(".dylib")))
-            {
-                args.add("--entitlements");
-                args.add(entitlementsFile); // entitlements
-            } else if (inheritedEntitlements != null && Files.isExecutable(p)) {
-                args.add("--entitlements");
-                args.add(inheritedEntitlements); // inherited entitlements for executable processes
-            }
-            if (keyChain != null && !keyChain.isEmpty()) {
-                args.add("--keychain");
-                args.add(keyChain);
-            }
-            args.add(p.toString());
+//    public static void signAppBundle(Map<String, ? super Object> params, File appLocation, String signingIdentity, String identifierPrefix) throws IOException {
+//        signAppBundle(params, appLocation, signingIdentity, identifierPrefix, null, null);
+//    }
-            try {
-                Set<PosixFilePermission> oldPermissions = Files.getPosixFilePermissions(p);
-                File f = p.toFile();
-                f.setWritable(true, true);
-                ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args);
-                IOUtils.exec(pb, VERBOSE.fetchFrom(params));
-                Files.setPosixFilePermissions(p, oldPermissions);
-            } catch (IOException ioe) {
-                toThrow.set(ioe);
-            }
-        });
-        IOException ioe = toThrow.get();
-        if (ioe != null) {
-            throw ioe;
-        }
-        // sign all plugins and frameworks
-        Consumer<? super Path> signIdentifiedByPList = path -> {
-            //noinspection ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored
-            if (toThrow.get() != null) return;
-            try {
-                List<String> args = new ArrayList<>();
-                args.addAll(Arrays.asList("codesign",
-                        "-s", signingIdentity, // sign with this key
-                        "--prefix", identifierPrefix, // use the identifier as a prefix
-                        "-vvvv"));
-                if (keyChain != null && !keyChain.isEmpty()) {
-                    args.add("--keychain");
-                    args.add(keyChain);
-                }
-                args.add(path.toString());
-                ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args);
-                IOUtils.exec(pb, VERBOSE.fetchFrom(params));
-                args = new ArrayList<>();
-                args.addAll(Arrays.asList("codesign",
-                        "-s", signingIdentity, // sign with this key
-                        "--prefix", identifierPrefix, // use the identifier as a prefix
-                        "-vvvv"));
-                if (keyChain != null && !keyChain.isEmpty()) {
-                    args.add("--keychain");
-                    args.add(keyChain);
-                }
-                args.add(path.toString() + "/Contents/_CodeSignature/CodeResources");
-                pb = new ProcessBuilder(args);
-                IOUtils.exec(pb, VERBOSE.fetchFrom(params));
-            } catch (IOException e) {
-                toThrow.set(e);
-            }
-        };
-        Path pluginsPath = appLocation.toPath().resolve("Contents/PlugIns");
-        if (Files.isDirectory(pluginsPath)) {
-            Files.list(pluginsPath)
-                    .forEach(signIdentifiedByPList);
-            ioe = toThrow.get();
-            if (ioe != null) {
-                throw ioe;
-            }
-        }
-        Path frameworkPath = appLocation.toPath().resolve("Contents/Frameworks");
-        if (Files.isDirectory(frameworkPath)) {
-            Files.list(frameworkPath)
-                    .forEach(signIdentifiedByPList);
-            ioe = toThrow.get();
-            if (ioe != null) {
-                throw ioe;
-            }
-        }
-        // sign the app itself
-        List<String> args = new ArrayList<>();
-        args.addAll(Arrays.asList("codesign",
-                "-s", signingIdentity, // sign with this key
-                "-vvvv")); // super verbose output
-        if (entitlementsFile != null) {
-            args.add("--entitlements");
-            args.add(entitlementsFile); // entitlements
-        }
-        if (keyChain != null && !keyChain.isEmpty()) {
-            args.add("--keychain");
-            args.add(keyChain);
-        }
-        args.add(appLocation.toString());
-        ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args.toArray(new String[args.size()]));
-        IOUtils.exec(pb, VERBOSE.fetchFrom(params));
-    }
     public Collection<BundlerParamInfo<?>> getBundleParameters() {
         Collection<BundlerParamInfo<?>> results = new LinkedHashSet<>();
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