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rev 9887 : 8145604: Change minimum version of OS X SDK to 10.9
Reviewed-by: almatvee

*** 49,59 **** def prefSdkVersion = "10.9" def defaultSdkPath = "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX${prefSdkVersion}.sdk"; // Set the minimum API version that we require (developers do not need to override this) // Note that this is not necessarily the same as the preferred SDK version ! defineProperty("MACOSX_MIN_VERSION", "10.7"); // Create $buildDir/mac_tools.properties file and load props from it setupTools("mac_tools", { propFile -> propFile << "" --- 49,59 ---- def prefSdkVersion = "10.9" def defaultSdkPath = "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX${prefSdkVersion}.sdk"; // Set the minimum API version that we require (developers do not need to override this) // Note that this is not necessarily the same as the preferred SDK version ! defineProperty("MACOSX_MIN_VERSION", "10.9"); // Create $buildDir/mac_tools.properties file and load props from it setupTools("mac_tools", { propFile -> propFile << ""
*** 97,109 **** --- 97,111 ---- if (!file(MACOSX_SDK_PATH).isDirectory()) { throw new GradleException("FAIL: Cannot find $MACOSX_SDK_PATH") } + // NOTE: There is no space between -iframework and the specified path def commonParams = [ "-mmacosx-version-min=$MACOSX_MIN_VERSION", "-isysroot", "$MACOSX_SDK_PATH", + "-iframework$MACOSX_SDK_PATH/System/Library/Frameworks", "-arch", "x86_64"] def ccBaseFlags = [ commonParams, "-I$JDK_HOME/include",
*** 124,135 **** "-framework", "QuartzCore", "-framework", "Security", "-dynamiclib", "-lobjc"].flatten(); ! def compiler = IS_COMPILE_PARFAIT ? "parfait-gcc" : "gcc"; ! def linker = IS_COMPILE_PARFAIT ? "parfait-g++" : "g++"; MAC.glass = [:] MAC.glass.javahInclude = [ "com/sun/glass/events/**", "com/sun/glass/ui/*", --- 126,137 ---- "-framework", "QuartzCore", "-framework", "Security", "-dynamiclib", "-lobjc"].flatten(); ! def compiler = IS_COMPILE_PARFAIT ? "parfait-clang" : "clang"; ! def linker = IS_COMPILE_PARFAIT ? "parfait-clang++" : "clang++"; MAC.glass = [:] MAC.glass.javahInclude = [ "com/sun/glass/events/**", "com/sun/glass/ui/*",
*** 180,193 **** MAC.launcherlibrary.compiler = compiler MAC.launcherlibrary.ccFlags = [ "-c", ccBaseFlags, IS_DEBUG_NATIVE ? ["-DDEBUG", "-O0"] : ["-O3", "-DNDEBUG"]].flatten() - // 10.7 doesn't have libstdc++ as an option for stdlib, so filter it out - if (!(MACOSX_MIN_VERSION in ['10.7', '10.8'])) { MAC.launcherlibrary.ccFlags += "-stdlib=libstdc++" - } MAC.launcherlibrary.linker = linker MAC.launcherlibrary.linkFlags = ["-ldl", "-dynamiclib", "-framework", "Cocoa", "-stdlib=libstdc++"] --- 182,192 ----
*** 237,244 **** MAC.fontT2K.linker = linker MAC.fontT2K.linkFlags = [linkFlags].flatten() MAC.fontT2K.lib = "javafx_font_t2k" MAC.media = [:] ! MAC.media.compiler = compiler ! MAC.media.linker = linker MAC.media.lib = "libtool" --- 236,245 ---- MAC.fontT2K.linker = linker MAC.fontT2K.linkFlags = [linkFlags].flatten() MAC.fontT2K.lib = "javafx_font_t2k" MAC.media = [:] ! MAC.media.compiler = "${compiler} ${ccBaseFlags.join(" ")}" ! //MAC.media.ccFlags = ccBaseFlags ! MAC.media.linker = "${linker} ${commonParams.join(" ")}" ! //MAC.media.linkFlags = commonParams MAC.media.lib = "libtool"
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