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rev 10441 : imported patch fix-8177566-trampoline
rev 10443 : [mq]: doc-8177566-trampoline

@@ -50,33 +50,48 @@
  * <pre><code>
  * TableColumn&lt;Person,String&gt; firstNameCol = new TableColumn&lt;Person,String&gt;("First Name");
  * firstNameCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory&lt;Person,String&gt;("firstName"));
  * </code></pre>
- * In this example, the "firstName" string is used as a reference to an assumed
- * <code>firstNameProperty()</code> method in the <code>Person</code> class type
- * (which is the class type of the TableView
- * {@link TableView#itemsProperty() items} list). Additionally, this method must
- * return a {@link Property} instance. If a method meeting these requirements
- * is found, then the {@link TableCell} is populated with this
- * {@literal ObservableValue<T>}.
- * In addition, the TableView will automatically add an observer to the
- * returned value, such that any changes fired will be observed by the TableView,
- * resulting in the cell immediately updating.
- *
- * <p>If no method matching this pattern exists, there is fall-through support
- * for attempting to call get&lt;property&gt;() or is&lt;property&gt;() (that is,
- * <code>getFirstName()</code> or <code>isFirstName()</code> in the example
- * above). If a  method matching this pattern exists, the value returned from this method
- * is wrapped in a {@link ReadOnlyObjectWrapper} and returned to the TableCell.
- * However, in this situation, this means that the TableCell will not be able
- * to observe the ObservableValue for changes (as is the case in the first
- * approach above).
- *
+ * <p>
+ * In this example, {@code Person} is the class type of the {@code TableView}
+ * {@link TableView#itemsProperty() items} list.
+ * {@code PropertyValueFactory} uses the constructor argument,
+ * {@code "firstName"}, to assume that {@code Person} has a method
+ * {@code firstNameProperty} with no formal parameters and a return type of
+ * {@code ObservableValue<String>}.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * If such a method exists, then it is invoked, and additionally assumed
+ * to return an instance of {@code Property<String>}. The return value is used
+ * to populate the {@link TableCell}. In addition, the {@code TableView} adds
+ * an observer to the return value, such that any changes fired will be observed
+ * by the {@code TableView}, resulting in the cell immediately updating.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * If no such method exists, then {@code PropertyValueFactory}
+ * assumes that {@code Person} has a method {@code getFirstName} or
+ * {@code isFirstName} with no formal parameters and a return type of
+ * {@code String}. If such a method exists, then it is invoked, and its return
+ * value is wrapped in a {@link ReadOnlyObjectWrapper}
+ * and returned to the {@code TableCell}. In this situation,
+ * the {@code TableCell} will not be able to observe changes to the property,
+ * unlike in the first approach above.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * The class {@code Person} must be declared public. If that class is in a named
+ * module, then the module must {@link Module#isOpen(String,Module) open}
+ * the containing package to at least the {@code javafx.base} module
+ * (or {@link Module#isExported(String) export} the containing package
+ * unconditionally).
+ * Otherwise the {@link #call call(TableColumn.CellDataFeatures)} method
+ * will log a warning and return {@code null}.
+ * </p>
  * <p>For reference (and as noted in the TableColumn
  * {@link TableColumn#cellValueFactory cell value factory} documentation), the
  * long form of the code above would be the following:
+ * </p>
  * <pre><code>
  * TableColumn&lt;Person,String&gt; firstNameCol = new TableColumn&lt;Person,String&gt;("First Name");
  * firstNameCol.setCellValueFactory(new Callback&lt;CellDataFeatures&lt;Person, String&gt;, ObservableValue&lt;String&gt;&gt;() {
  *     public ObservableValue&lt;String&gt; call(CellDataFeatures&lt;Person, String&gt; p) {

@@ -141,24 +156,27 @@
                 this.columnClass = rowData.getClass();
                 this.previousProperty = getProperty();
                 this.propertyRef = new PropertyReference<T>(rowData.getClass(), getProperty());
+            if (propertyRef != null) {
             if (propertyRef.hasProperty()) {
                 return propertyRef.getProperty(rowData);
             } else {
                 T value = propertyRef.get(rowData);
                 return new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<T>(value);
-        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
+            }
+        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
             // log the warning and move on
             final PlatformLogger logger = Logging.getControlsLogger();
             if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
-               logger.finest("Can not retrieve property '" + getProperty() +
+               logger.warning("Can not retrieve property '" + getProperty() +
                         "' in PropertyValueFactory: " + this +
                         " with provided class type: " + rowData.getClass(), e);
+            propertyRef = null;
         return null;
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