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rev 10445 : [mq]: doc-v1-8177566-trampoline

 281  * window.setMember("app", new JavaApplication());
 282  * </code></pre>
 283  * <p> In this case, since the property value is a local object, {@code "new JavaApplication()"},
 284  * the value may be garbage collected in next GC cycle.
 285  * <p>
 286  * When a user clicks the link, it does not guarantee to execute the callback method {@code exit}.
 287  * <p>
 288  * If there are multiple Java methods with the given name,
 289  * then the engine selects one matching the number of parameters
 290  * in the call.  (Varargs are not handled.) An unspecified one is
 291  * chosen if there are multiple ones with the correct number of parameters.
 292  * <p>
 293  * You can pick a specific overloaded method by listing the
 294  * parameter types in an "extended method name", which has the
 295  * form <code>"<var>method_name</var>(<var>param_type1</var>,...,<var>param_typen</var>)"</code>.  Typically you'd write the JavaScript expression:
 296  * <pre>
 297  * <code><var>receiver</var>["<var>method_name</var>(<var>param_type1</var>,...,<var>param_typeN</var>)"](<var>arg1</var>,...,<var>argN</var>)</code>
 298  * </pre>
 299  *
 300  * <p>
 301  * The Java class and method must both be declared public. If the class is in a
 302  * named module, then the module must {@link Module#isOpen(String,Module) open}
 303  * the containing package to at least the {@code javafx.web} module
 304  * (or {@link Module#isExported(String) export} the containing package
 305  * unconditionally). Otherwise, the method will not be called, and no error or

 306  * warning will be produced.

 307  * </p>
 308  *
 309  * <p><b>Threading</b></p>
 310  * <p>{@code WebEngine} objects must be created and accessed solely from the
 311  * JavaFX Application thread. This rule also applies to any DOM and JavaScript
 312  * objects obtained from the {@code WebEngine} object.
 313  * @since JavaFX 2.0
 314  */
 315 final public class WebEngine {
 316     static {
 317         Accessor.setPageAccessor(w -> w == null ? null : w.getPage());
 319         Invoker.setInvoker(new PrismInvoker());
 320         Renderer.setRenderer(new PrismRenderer());
 321         WCGraphicsManager.setGraphicsManager(new PrismGraphicsManager());
 322         CursorManager.setCursorManager(new CursorManagerImpl());
 323         com.sun.webkit.EventLoop.setEventLoop(new EventLoopImpl());
 324         ThemeClient.setDefaultRenderTheme(new RenderThemeImpl());
 325         Utilities.setUtilities(new UtilitiesImpl());
 326     }

 281  * window.setMember("app", new JavaApplication());
 282  * </code></pre>
 283  * <p> In this case, since the property value is a local object, {@code "new JavaApplication()"},
 284  * the value may be garbage collected in next GC cycle.
 285  * <p>
 286  * When a user clicks the link, it does not guarantee to execute the callback method {@code exit}.
 287  * <p>
 288  * If there are multiple Java methods with the given name,
 289  * then the engine selects one matching the number of parameters
 290  * in the call.  (Varargs are not handled.) An unspecified one is
 291  * chosen if there are multiple ones with the correct number of parameters.
 292  * <p>
 293  * You can pick a specific overloaded method by listing the
 294  * parameter types in an "extended method name", which has the
 295  * form <code>"<var>method_name</var>(<var>param_type1</var>,...,<var>param_typen</var>)"</code>.  Typically you'd write the JavaScript expression:
 296  * <pre>
 297  * <code><var>receiver</var>["<var>method_name</var>(<var>param_type1</var>,...,<var>param_typeN</var>)"](<var>arg1</var>,...,<var>argN</var>)</code>
 298  * </pre>
 299  *
 300  * <p>
 301  * The Java class and method must both be declared public.
 302  * </p>
 303  *
 304  * <p><b>Deploying an Application as a Module</b></p>
 305  * <p>
 306  * If any Java class passed to JavaScript is in a named module, then it must
 307  * be reflectively accessible to the {@code javafx.web} module.
 308  * A class is reflectively accessible if the module
 309  * {@link Module#isOpen(String,Module) opens} the containing package to at
 310  * least the {@code javafx.web} module.
 311  * Otherwise, the method will not be called, and no error or
 312  * warning will be produced.
 313  * </p>
 314  * <p>
 315  * For example, if {@code com.foo.MyClass} is in the {@code foo.app} module,
 316  * the {@code module-info.java} might
 317  * look like this:
 318  * </p>
 319  *
 320 <pre>{@code module foo.app {
 321     opens com.foo to javafx.web;
 322 }}</pre>
 323  *
 324  * <p>
 325  * Alternatively, a class is reflectively accessible if the module
 326  * {@link Module#isExported(String) exports} the containing package
 327  * unconditionally.
 328  * </p>
 329  *
 330  * <p><b>Threading</b></p>
 331  * <p>{@code WebEngine} objects must be created and accessed solely from the
 332  * JavaFX Application thread. This rule also applies to any DOM and JavaScript
 333  * objects obtained from the {@code WebEngine} object.
 334  * @since JavaFX 2.0
 335  */
 336 final public class WebEngine {
 337     static {
 338         Accessor.setPageAccessor(w -> w == null ? null : w.getPage());
 340         Invoker.setInvoker(new PrismInvoker());
 341         Renderer.setRenderer(new PrismRenderer());
 342         WCGraphicsManager.setGraphicsManager(new PrismGraphicsManager());
 343         CursorManager.setCursorManager(new CursorManagerImpl());
 344         com.sun.webkit.EventLoop.setEventLoop(new EventLoopImpl());
 345         ThemeClient.setDefaultRenderTheme(new RenderThemeImpl());
 346         Utilities.setUtilities(new UtilitiesImpl());
 347     }

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