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rev 9898 : 8178275: Ensemble: Upgrade version of Lucene to 7.1.0
Reviewed-by: aghaisas, prr

1115         def reportFile = p.file("build/reports/jcov/report.xml")
1116         if (reportFile.exists()) {
1117             p.javaexec {
1118                 workingDir = p.file("build/reports/jcov")
1119                 classpath = p.files(p.configurations.testCompile.files.find { it.name.startsWith('jcov') })
1120                 main = "com.sun.tdk.jcov.Helper"
1121                 args = [
1122                         "RepGen",
1123                         "-exclude", "\"**.test\"",
1124                         "-exclude", "\"**.*Test\"",
1125                         "-output", ".",
1126                         "-source", p.sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs.collect{p.file(it)}.join(":"),
1127                         "report.xml"
1128                 ]
1129             }
1130         }
1131     }
1132 }
1134 allprojects {
1135     // We want to configure all projects as java projects and use the same compile settings
1136     // etc, except for the root project which we just want to ignore (and for now media)
1137     if (project == rootProject) {
1138        return
1139     }
1140     if (project.path.startsWith(":apps")) {
1141         // Lets handle the apps tree differently, as it is a collection of ant builds,
1142         // and the ant importer collides with the 'apply plugin:java'
1143         return
1144     }
1145     // All of our projects are java projects
1146     apply plugin: "java"
1147     sourceCompatibility = 1.8
1149     // Setup the repositories that we'll download libraries from. Maven Central is
1150     // just easy for most things. The custom "ivy" repo is for downloading SWT. The way it
1151     // works is to setup the download URL such that it will resolve to the actual jar file
1152     // to download. See SWT_FILE_NAME for the name of the jar that will be used as the
1153     // "artifact" in the pattern below. Note that the closed builds use different repositories
1154     // so if you are debugging a closed-build artifact related build issue, check out the
1155     // closed gradle file instead.
1156     if (!BUILD_CLOSED) {
1157         repositories {
1158             mavenCentral()
1159             ivy {
1160                 url "http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/3.7/R-3.7.2-201202080800/plugins/"
1161                 layout "pattern", {
1162                     artifact "[artifact].[ext]"
1163                 }
1164             }
1165         }
1166     }

1168     // By default all of our projects require junit for testing so we can just
1169     // setup this dependency here.
1170     dependencies {
1171         testCompile group: "junit", name: "junit", version: "4.8.2"
1172         if (BUILD_CLOSED && DO_JCOV)  {
1173             testCompile name: "jcov"
1174         }
1175     }
1177     // Compile and run tests against the jfxrt.jar in the built sdk of the host machine
1178     def sdkDir = "${rootProject.buildDir}/sdk"
1179     def jfxrtJar = "$sdkDir/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar"
1180     def testJfxrtJar = DO_BUILD_SDK_FOR_TEST ? jfxrtJar : jfxrtJarFromSdk
1182     // At the moment the ASM library shipped with Gradle that is used to
1183     // discover the different test classes fails on Java 8, so in order
1184     // to have sourceCompatibility set to 1.8 I have to also turn scanForClasses off
1185     // and manually specify the includes / excludes. At the moment we use
1186     // Java 7 but when we switch to 8 this will be needed, and probably again when
1187     // we start building with Java 9.

3206  * be listed in the applications listed in the setting variable: JFXApplications
3207  */
3208 ext.JFXRT_CP =
3209     files(
3210         project(":base").sourceSets.main.output.classesDir,
3211         project(":graphics").sourceSets.main.output.classesDir,
3212         project(":controls").sourceSets.main.output.classesDir,
3213         project(":fxml").sourceSets.main.output.classesDir,
3214         project(":swing").sourceSets.main.output.classesDir, //NOTE - used by 3Dviewer
3215         project(":builders").sourceSets.main.output.classesDir,
3216             "modules/media/build/classes/main",
3217             "modules/web/build/classes/main",
3218     )
3220 project(":apps") {
3221     // The apps build is Ant based, and gradle lets us "import" ant build.xml
3222     // into our configuration.
3224     ant.importBuild 'build.xml'

3226     compileTargets { t ->
3227         // The apps build is Ant based, and gradle lets us "import" ant apps/build.xml
3228         // into our configuration.
3230         // override the apps build.xml with an explicit pointer to our jar.
3231         def sdkDirName = rootProject.ext[t.upper].sdkDirName
3232         def jfxrtJar = "${rootProject.buildDir}/${sdkDirName}/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar"
3234         def appsJar = project.task("appsJar${t.capital}") {

3235             doLast() {
3236               ant.properties['targetBld'] = "$t.name"
3237               if (!rootProject.ext[t.upper].compileSwing) {
3238                 ant.properties['JFX_CORE_ONLY'] = 'true'
3239               }
3240               ant.properties['jfxbuild.jfxrt.jar'] = jfxrtJar
3241               ant.properties['platforms.JDK_1.8.home'] = "${rootProject.ext.JDK_HOME}"
3242               ant.project.executeTarget("sampleAppsJar")
3243               ant.project.executeTarget("scenebuilderSampleAppsJar")
3244               if (!t.name.startsWith("arm")) {
3245                 ant.project.executeTarget("scenebuilderAppJar")
3246               }
3247             }
3248         }
3249         rootProject.appsjar.dependsOn(appsJar)
3251         def appsClean = project.task("appsClean${t.capital}") {
3252             doLast() {
3253               ant.properties['targetBld'] = "$t.name"
3254               ant.properties['platforms.JDK_1.8.home'] = "${rootProject.ext.JDK_HOME}"
3255               ant.project.executeTarget("sampleAppsClean")
3256               ant.project.executeTarget("scenebuilderSampleAppsClean")
3257               if (!t.name.startsWith("arm")) {
3258                 ant.project.executeTarget("scenebuilderAppClean")
3259               }

3260             }
3261         }
3262         rootProject.clean.dependsOn(appsClean)
3263     }
3264 }
3266 /******************************************************************************
3267  *                                                                            *
3268  *                              OpenExport                                    *
3269  *                                                                            *
3270  *****************************************************************************/
3272 task openExport() {
3273     if (!BUILD_CLOSED) {
3274         publicExports.dependsOn(openExport)
3275     }
3276 }
3278 task openZip() {
3279     if (!BUILD_CLOSED) {

1115         def reportFile = p.file("build/reports/jcov/report.xml")
1116         if (reportFile.exists()) {
1117             p.javaexec {
1118                 workingDir = p.file("build/reports/jcov")
1119                 classpath = p.files(p.configurations.testCompile.files.find { it.name.startsWith('jcov') })
1120                 main = "com.sun.tdk.jcov.Helper"
1121                 args = [
1122                         "RepGen",
1123                         "-exclude", "\"**.test\"",
1124                         "-exclude", "\"**.*Test\"",
1125                         "-output", ".",
1126                         "-source", p.sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs.collect{p.file(it)}.join(":"),
1127                         "report.xml"
1128                 ]
1129             }
1130         }
1131     }
1132 }
1134 allprojects {

1135     // Setup the repositories that we'll download libraries from. Maven Central is
1136     // just easy for most things. The custom "ivy" repo is for downloading SWT. The way it
1137     // works is to setup the download URL such that it will resolve to the actual jar file
1138     // to download. See SWT_FILE_NAME for the name of the jar that will be used as the
1139     // "artifact" in the pattern below. Note that the closed builds use different repositories
1140     // so if you are debugging a closed-build artifact related build issue, check out the
1141     // closed gradle file instead.
1142     if (!BUILD_CLOSED) {
1143         repositories {
1144             mavenCentral()
1145             ivy {
1146                 url "http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/3.7/R-3.7.2-201202080800/plugins/"
1147                 layout "pattern", {
1148                     artifact "[artifact].[ext]"
1149                 }
1150             }
1151         }
1152     }
1154     // We want to configure all projects as java projects and use the same compile settings
1155     // etc, except for the root project which we just want to ignore (and for now media)
1156     if (project == rootProject) {
1157        return
1158     }
1159     if (project.path.startsWith(":apps")) {
1160         // Lets handle the apps tree differently, as it is a collection of ant builds,
1161         // and the ant importer collides with the 'apply plugin:java'
1162         return
1163     }
1165     // All of our projects are java projects
1166     apply plugin: "java"
1167     sourceCompatibility = 1.8
1169     // By default all of our projects require junit for testing so we can just
1170     // setup this dependency here.
1171     dependencies {
1172         testCompile group: "junit", name: "junit", version: "4.8.2"
1173         if (BUILD_CLOSED && DO_JCOV)  {
1174             testCompile name: "jcov"
1175         }
1176     }
1178     // Compile and run tests against the jfxrt.jar in the built sdk of the host machine
1179     def sdkDir = "${rootProject.buildDir}/sdk"
1180     def jfxrtJar = "$sdkDir/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar"
1181     def testJfxrtJar = DO_BUILD_SDK_FOR_TEST ? jfxrtJar : jfxrtJarFromSdk
1183     // At the moment the ASM library shipped with Gradle that is used to
1184     // discover the different test classes fails on Java 8, so in order
1185     // to have sourceCompatibility set to 1.8 I have to also turn scanForClasses off
1186     // and manually specify the includes / excludes. At the moment we use
1187     // Java 7 but when we switch to 8 this will be needed, and probably again when
1188     // we start building with Java 9.

3207  * be listed in the applications listed in the setting variable: JFXApplications
3208  */
3209 ext.JFXRT_CP =
3210     files(
3211         project(":base").sourceSets.main.output.classesDir,
3212         project(":graphics").sourceSets.main.output.classesDir,
3213         project(":controls").sourceSets.main.output.classesDir,
3214         project(":fxml").sourceSets.main.output.classesDir,
3215         project(":swing").sourceSets.main.output.classesDir, //NOTE - used by 3Dviewer
3216         project(":builders").sourceSets.main.output.classesDir,
3217             "modules/media/build/classes/main",
3218             "modules/web/build/classes/main",
3219     )
3221 project(":apps") {
3222     // The apps build is Ant based, and gradle lets us "import" ant build.xml
3223     // into our configuration.
3225     ant.importBuild 'build.xml'
3227     // Download the Lucene libraries needed for the Ensemble8 app
3228     getConfigurations().create("lucene");
3229     dependencies {
3230         lucene group: "org.apache.lucene", name: "lucene-core", version: "7.1.0"
3231         lucene group: "org.apache.lucene", name: "lucene-grouping", version: "7.1.0"
3232         lucene group: "org.apache.lucene", name: "lucene-queryparser", version: "7.1.0"
3233     }
3235     // Copy Lucene libraries into the Ensemble8/lib directory
3236     File ensembleLibDir = rootProject.file("apps/samples/Ensemble8/lib");
3237     def libNames = [ "lucene-core-7.1.0.jar",
3238                      "lucene-grouping-7.1.0.jar",
3239                      "lucene-queryparser-7.1.0.jar" ]
3242     task getLucene(type: Copy) {
3243         doFirst {
3244             ensembleLibDir.mkdirs();
3245         }
3246         into ensembleLibDir
3247         includeEmptyDirs = false
3248         configurations.lucene.files.each { f ->
3249             libNames.each { name ->
3250                 if (name == f.getName()) {
3251                     from f.getPath()
3252                 }
3253             }
3254         }
3255     }
3257     compileTargets { t ->
3258         // The apps build is Ant based, and gradle lets us "import" ant apps/build.xml
3259         // into our configuration.
3261         // override the apps build.xml with an explicit pointer to our jar.
3262         def sdkDirName = rootProject.ext[t.upper].sdkDirName
3263         def jfxrtJar = "${rootProject.buildDir}/${sdkDirName}/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar"
3265         def appsJar = project.task("appsJar${t.capital}") {
3266             dependsOn(sdk, getLucene)
3267             doLast() {
3268               ant.properties['targetBld'] = "$t.name"
3269               if (!rootProject.ext[t.upper].compileSwing) {
3270                 ant.properties['JFX_CORE_ONLY'] = 'true'
3271               }
3272               ant.properties['jfxbuild.jfxrt.jar'] = jfxrtJar
3273               ant.properties['platforms.JDK_1.8.home'] = "${rootProject.ext.JDK_HOME}"
3274               ant.project.executeTarget("sampleAppsJar")
3275               ant.project.executeTarget("scenebuilderSampleAppsJar")
3276               if (!t.name.startsWith("arm")) {
3277                 ant.project.executeTarget("scenebuilderAppJar")
3278               }
3279             }
3280         }
3281         rootProject.appsjar.dependsOn(appsJar)
3283         def appsClean = project.task("appsClean${t.capital}") {
3284             doLast() {
3285               ant.properties['targetBld'] = "$t.name"
3286               ant.properties['platforms.JDK_1.8.home'] = "${rootProject.ext.JDK_HOME}"
3287               ant.project.executeTarget("sampleAppsClean")
3288               ant.project.executeTarget("scenebuilderSampleAppsClean")
3289               if (!t.name.startsWith("arm")) {
3290                 ant.project.executeTarget("scenebuilderAppClean")
3291               }
3292               delete(ensembleLibDir);
3293             }
3294         }
3295         rootProject.clean.dependsOn(appsClean)
3296     }
3297 }
3299 /******************************************************************************
3300  *                                                                            *
3301  *                              OpenExport                                    *
3302  *                                                                            *
3303  *****************************************************************************/
3305 task openExport() {
3306     if (!BUILD_CLOSED) {
3307         publicExports.dependsOn(openExport)
3308     }
3309 }
3311 task openZip() {
3312     if (!BUILD_CLOSED) {

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