1 unexpected_char = Unexpected character: {0}
   2 unexpected_end_of_stream = Unexpected end of stream
   3 control_character_in_string = Control character is not allowed inside string
   4 parser_current = parser: current = {0}
   5 expected_but_found = Expected {0} but found {1}
   6 parser_type = parser: type {0} value = {1}
   7 parser_next_terminal = parser: read next terminal {0} at ({1}, {2})
   8 unexpected_terminal = Unexpected {0} while parsing {1}
   9 parser_target = parser: target = {0}
  10 either_objectName_or_level_must_be_specified = Either objectName or level must be specified
  11 not_inside_object = not inside object
  12 not_inside_array = not inside array
  13 mismatched_call_to_endObject = mismatched call to endObject
  14 mismatched_call_to_endArray = mismatched call to endArray
  15 expected_got = expected {0}, got {1}
  16 array_syntax_cannot_be_used_for_objects = array syntax [] cannot be used for objects
  17 unexpected_array_at = unexpected array at: {0}