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rev 10863 : 8199071: Fix gradle deprecation warnings

@@ -68,26 +68,12 @@
     } else {
-// Include the to-be-generated antlr source files in the source set. We will generate
-// the antlr sources first before compilation.
-sourceSets {
-    main.java.srcDirs = ["src/main/java", "$buildDir/generated-src/antlr"]
-// Workaround for lack of Antlr 3 support in Gradle. By defining a configuration,
-// we can then give it a class path and use that classpath to execute a java command
 dependencies {
-    compile     group: "org.antlr", name: "antlr",          version: "3.1.3"
     testCompile group: "junit",     name: "junit",          version: "4.8.2"
-    antlr3      group: "org.antlr", name: "antlr-runtime",  version: "3.1.3"
-    antlr3      group: "org.antlr", name: "stringtemplate", version: "3.2"
-    antlr3      group: "org.antlr", name: "antlr",          version: "3.1.3"
 // At the moment the ASM library shipped with Gradle that is used to
 // discover the different test classes fails on Java 8, so in order
 // to have sourceCompatibility set to 1.8 I have to also turn scanForClasses off

@@ -100,26 +86,5 @@
     scanForTestClasses = false;
-// This is the task that will call antlr to generate the sources
-task generateGrammarSource(type: JavaExec) {
-    description = "Generate JSL parser from Antlr3 grammars"
-    String dest = "$buildDir/generated-src/antlr/com/sun/scenario/effect/compiler"
-    String src = "src/main/antlr"
-    inputs.dir file(src)
-    outputs.dir file(dest)
-    def grammars = fileTree(src).include("**/*.g")
-    main = "org.antlr.Tool"
-    classpath = configurations.antlr3
-    args = ["-o", dest, grammars.files].flatten()
-    // See RT-30955. This should be removed when JDK-8015656 is fixed
-    ignoreExitValue = true
-// Configure the compileJava task so that it relies on the task for generating
-// the grammar source (gotta have it prior to compilation)
-compileJava {
-    dependsOn(generateGrammarSource);
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