/* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.sun.javafx.font.freetype; import com.sun.javafx.font.CompositeFontResource; import com.sun.javafx.font.CompositeGlyphMapper; import com.sun.javafx.font.FontResource; import com.sun.javafx.font.FontStrike; import com.sun.javafx.font.PGFont; import com.sun.javafx.font.PrismFontFactory; import com.sun.javafx.text.GlyphLayout; import com.sun.javafx.text.TextRun; class PangoGlyphLayout extends GlyphLayout { private static final long fontmap; static { fontmap = OSPango.pango_ft2_font_map_new(); } private int getSlot(PGFont font, PangoGlyphString glyphString) { CompositeFontResource fr = (CompositeFontResource)font.getFontResource(); long fallbackFont = glyphString.font; long fallbackFd = OSPango.pango_font_describe(fallbackFont); String fallbackFamily = OSPango.pango_font_description_get_family(fallbackFd); int fallbackStyle = OSPango.pango_font_description_get_style(fallbackFd); int fallbackWeight = OSPango.pango_font_description_get_weight(fallbackFd); OSPango.pango_font_description_free(fallbackFd); boolean bold = fallbackWeight == OSPango.PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD; boolean italic = fallbackStyle != OSPango.PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL; PrismFontFactory prismFactory = PrismFontFactory.getFontFactory(); PGFont fallbackPGFont = prismFactory.createFont(fallbackFamily, bold, italic, font.getSize()); String fallbackFullname = fallbackPGFont.getFullName(); String primaryFullname = fr.getSlotResource(0).getFullName(); int slot = 0; if (!fallbackFullname.equalsIgnoreCase(primaryFullname)) { slot = fr.getSlotForFont(fallbackFullname); if (PrismFontFactory.debugFonts) { System.err.println("\tFallback font= "+ fallbackFullname + " slot=" + (slot>>24)); } } return slot; } private boolean check(long checkValue, String message, long context, long desc, long attrList) { if (checkValue != 0) return false; if (message != null && PrismFontFactory.debugFonts) { System.err.println(message); } /* pango_attr_list_unref() also frees the attributes it contains */ if (attrList != 0) OSPango.pango_attr_list_unref(attrList); if (desc != 0) OSPango.pango_font_description_free(desc); if (context != 0) OSPango.g_object_unref(context); return true; } private long str = 0L; public void layout(TextRun run, PGFont font, FontStrike strike, char[] text) { /* Create the pango font and attribute list */ FontResource fr = font.getFontResource(); boolean composite = fr instanceof CompositeFontResource; if (composite) { fr = ((CompositeFontResource)fr).getSlotResource(0); } if (check(fontmap, "Failed allocating PangoFontMap.", 0, 0, 0)) { return; } long context = OSPango.pango_font_map_create_context(fontmap); if (check(context, "Failed allocating PangoContext.", 0, 0, 0)) { return; } boolean rtl = (run.getLevel() & 1) != 0; if (rtl) { OSPango.pango_context_set_base_dir(context, OSPango.PANGO_DIRECTION_RTL); } float size = font.getSize(); int style = fr.isItalic() ? OSPango.PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC : OSPango.PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL; int weight = fr.isBold() ? OSPango.PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD : OSPango.PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL; long desc = OSPango.pango_font_description_new(); if (check(desc, "Failed allocating FontDescription.", context, 0, 0)) { return; } OSPango.pango_font_description_set_family(desc, fr.getFamilyName()); OSPango.pango_font_description_set_absolute_size(desc, size * OSPango.PANGO_SCALE); OSPango.pango_font_description_set_stretch(desc, OSPango.PANGO_STRETCH_NORMAL); OSPango.pango_font_description_set_style(desc, style); OSPango.pango_font_description_set_weight(desc, weight); long attrList = OSPango.pango_attr_list_new(); if (check(attrList, "Failed allocating PangoAttributeList.", context, desc, 0)) { return; } long attr = OSPango.pango_attr_font_desc_new(desc); if (check(attr, "Failed allocating PangoAttribute.", context, desc, attrList)) { return; } OSPango.pango_attr_list_insert(attrList, attr); if (!composite) { attr = OSPango.pango_attr_fallback_new(false); OSPango.pango_attr_list_insert(attrList, attr); } if (str == 0L) { str = OSPango.g_utf16_to_utf8(text); if (check(str, "Failed allocating UTF-8 buffer.", context, desc, attrList)) { return; } } /* Itemize */ long start = OSPango.g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(str, run.getStart()); long end = OSPango.g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(str, run.getEnd()); long runs = OSPango.pango_itemize(context, str, (int)(start - str), (int)(end - start), attrList, 0); if (runs != 0) { /* Shape all PangoItem into PangoGlyphString */ int runsCount = OSPango.g_list_length(runs); PangoGlyphString[] pangoGlyphs = new PangoGlyphString[runsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < runsCount; i++) { long pangoItem = OSPango.g_list_nth_data(runs, i); if (pangoItem != 0) { pangoGlyphs[i] = OSPango.pango_shape(str, pangoItem); OSPango.pango_item_free(pangoItem); } } OSPango.g_list_free(runs); int glyphCount = 0; for (PangoGlyphString g : pangoGlyphs) { if (g != null) { glyphCount += g.num_glyphs; } } int[] glyphs = new int[glyphCount]; float[] pos = new float[glyphCount * 2 + 2]; int[] indices = new int[glyphCount]; int gi = 0; int ci = rtl ? run.getLength() : 0; int width = 0; for (PangoGlyphString g : pangoGlyphs) { if (g != null) { int slot = composite ? getSlot(font, g) : 0; if (rtl) ci -= g.num_chars; for (int i = 0; i < g.num_glyphs; i++) { int gii = gi + i; if (slot != -1) { int gg = g.glyphs[i]; /* Ignoring any glyphs outside the GLYPHMASK range. * Note that Pango uses PANGO_GLYPH_EMPTY (0x0FFFFFFF), PANGO_GLYPH_INVALID_INPUT (0xFFFFFFFF), * and other values with special meaning. */ if (0 <= gg && gg <= CompositeGlyphMapper.GLYPHMASK) { glyphs[gii] = (slot << 24) | gg; } } if (size != 0) { width += g.widths[i]; pos[2 + (gii << 1)] = ((float)width) / OSPango.PANGO_SCALE; } indices[gii] = g.log_clusters[i] + ci; } if (!rtl) ci += g.num_chars; gi += g.num_glyphs; } } run.shape(glyphCount, glyphs, pos, indices); } check(0, null, context, desc, attrList); } @Override public void dispose() { super.dispose(); if (str != 0L) { OSPango.g_free(str); str = 0L; } } }