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rev 9240 : 8076423: JEP 253: Prepare JavaFX UI Controls & CSS APIs for Modularization

 679     <p>the rectangle will be red instead of black: </p>
 680     <p><img src="cssexample1.png" alt="A rectangle with red fill"></p>
 681     <p>If test.css contains the following: </p>
 682     <p class="example">.my-rect {<br>
 683         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -fx-fill: yellow;<br>
 684         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -fx-stroke: green;<br>
 685         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -fx-stroke-width: 5;<br>
 686         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -fx-stroke-dash-array: 12 2 4 2;<br>
 687         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -fx-stroke-dash-offset: 6;<br>
 688         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -fx-stroke-line-cap: butt;<br>
 689         }<br>
 690     </p>
 691     <p>the result will be a yellow rectangle with a nicely dashed green border:
 692     </p>
 693     <p><img src="cssexample2.png" alt="A rectangle with yellow fill and a green, dashed border"></p>
 694     <h3><a name="introparserwarnings" id="introparserwarnings">Understanding
 695         Parser Warnings</a></h3>
 696     <p>When the JavaFX CSS parser encounters a syntax error, a warning message
 697         is emitted which conveys as much information as is available to help
 698         resolve the error. For example </p>
 699     <p class="example"> WARNING: com.sun.javafx.css.parser.CSSParser declaration
 700         Expected '&lt;percent&gt;' while parsing '-fx-background-color' at ?[1,49]
 701     </p>
 702     <p>The cryptic '<span class="p example">?[1,49]</span>' pertains to the
 703         location of the error. The format of the location string is </p>
 704     <p class="grammar">&lt;url&gt;[line, position]</p>
 705     <p>If the error is found while parsing a file, the file URL will be given.
 706         If the error is from an inline style (as in the example above), the URL is
 707         given as a question mark. The line and position give an offset into the
 708         file or string where the token begins. <em>Please note that the line and
 709             position may not be accurate in releases prior to JavaFX 2.2.</em><br>
 710     </p>
 711     <p>Applications needing to detect errors from the parser can add a listener
 712         to the errors property of com.sun.javafx.css.StyleManager. This is not
 713         public API and is subject to change. <br>
 714     </p>
 715     <h3><a name="introlimitations" id="introlimitations">Limitations</a></h3>
 716     <ol>
 717     <li> While the JavaFX CSS parser will parse valid CSS syntax, it is not a
 718         fully compliant CSS parser. One should not expect the parser to handle
 719         syntax not specified in this document.</li>
 720     <li>With the exception of @font&#8209;face and @import, @-keyword statements are ignored.</li>
 721     <li>The &lt;media-query-list&gt; of the @import statement is not parsed.</li>
 722     <li>The structural pseudo&#8209;classes are not supported. </li>
 723     <li>The ":active" and ":focus" dynamic pseudo&#8209;classes are not supported.
 724         However, <a href="#node">Nodes</a> do support the ":pressed" and
 725         ":focused" pseudo&#8209;classes, which are similar. </li>
 726     <li>The ":link" and ":visited" pseudo&#8209;classes are not supported in general.
 727         However, <a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a> objects can be styled, and
 728         they support the ":visited" pseudo&#8209;class. </li>
 729     <li>JavaFX CSS does not support comma-separated series of font family names
 730         in the -fx-font-family property. The optional line height parameter when
 731         specifying fonts is not supported. There is no equivalent for the
 732         font-variant property.</li>
 733     <li>JavaFX CSS uses the HSB color model instead of the HSL color model. </li>

 805     </ul>
 806     <h4><a name="typepercentage" id="typepercentage">&lt;percentage&gt;</a></h4>
 807     <p>These are a percentage of some length, typically to the width or height
 808       of a node.</p>
 809     <p class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber">&lt;number&gt;</a>[ % ]</p>
 810     <h3><a name="typeangle" id="typeangle">&lt;angle&gt;</a></h3>
 811     <p>An angle is a <a href="#typenumber" class="typeref">&lt;number&gt;</a>
 812       with one of the following units.</p>
 813     <p> </p>
 814     <p class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber">&lt;number&gt;</a>[ deg | rad |
 815       grad | turn ]</p>
 816     <ul>
 817       <li><strong>deg</strong>: angle in degrees &mdash; all other angle units are
 818         converted to degrees.</li>
 819       <li><strong>rad</strong>: angle in radians</li>
 820       <li><strong>grad</strong>: angle in gradians</li>
 821       <li><strong>turn</strong>: angle in turns</li>
 822     </ul>
 823     <h3><a name="typeduration" id="typeduration">&lt;duration&gt;</a></h3>
 824     <p>A duration is a <a href="#typenumber" class="typeref">&lt;number&gt;</a>
 825         with second or millisecond units, or the value <span class="grammar">indefinite</span>.</p>
 826     <p> </p>
 827     <p class="grammar">[<a href="#typenumber">&lt;number&gt;</a>[ s | ms ]] | indefinite</p>
 828     <ul>
 829         <li><strong>s</strong>: duration in seconds</li>
 830         <li><strong>ms</strong>: duration in milliseconds. One second is 1000 milliseconds.</li>
 831         <li><strong>indefinite</strong>: See <a href="../../util/Duration.html#INDEFINITE" class="typelink">Duration.INDEFINITE</a></li>
 832     </ul>
 833     <p>See also <a href="" class="typelink">W3C time units</a>.</p>
 834     <h3><a name="typepoint" id="typepoint">&lt;point&gt;</a></h3>
 835     <p>A point is an {x,y} coordinate.</p>
 836     <p class="grammar">[ [ &lt;length&gt; &lt;length&gt; ]&nbsp;|&nbsp;[
 837       &lt;percentage&gt; | &lt;percentage&gt; ] ]</p>
 838     <h3><a name="typecolorstop" id="typecolorstop">&lt;color-stop&gt;</a></h3>
 839     <p>Stops are per <a href=""
 840         class="typelink">W3C
 841         color-stop syntax</a>.</p>
 842     <p class="grammar">[ <a href="#typecolor" class="typeref">&lt;color&gt;</a>
 843       [ <a href="#typepercentage" class="typeref">&lt;percentage&gt;</a> | <a
 844         href="#typelength"
 845         class="typeref">&lt;length&gt;</a>]?
 846       ]</p>
 847     <p>In a series of &lt;color-stop&gt;, stop distance values must all be
 848       &lt;percentage&gt; or &lt;length&gt;. Furthermore, if &lt;length&gt;
 849       values are used, then the distance value for first and last stop in the
 850       series must be specified. This restriction may be removed in a future
 851       release.</p>
 852     <p>"<span style="color: #009900; ">red, white 70%, blue</span>" is valid since the
 853       distance for red and blue is assumed to be 0% and 100%, respectively.</p>
 854     <p>"<span style="color: #009900; ">red 10, white, blue 90</span>" is valid. Because
 855       distance for red and blue is 10 and 90, respectively, the distance for
 856       white can be calculated.</p>
 857     <p>"<span style="color: #009900; ">red, white 70, blue</span>" is <span style="font-style:italic;">not</span> valid
 858       since distance units do not agree.</p>
 859     <p>"<span style="color: #009900; ">red, white, blue</span>" is valid. The stops are
 860       distributed evenly between 0% and 100%.</p>
 861     <h3><a name="typeurl" id="typeurl">&lt;uri&gt;</a></h3>
 862     <p class="grammar">url ( [\"\']? &lt;address&gt; [\"\']? )</p>
 863     <p><span class="grammar">&lt;address&gt;</span> is a hierarchical URI of the form [scheme:][//authority][path] <a href="#references">(see [2])</a>.
 864         For example:</p>
 865     <p class="example">
 866         url(<br>
 867         url(/com/example/javafx/app/images/Duke.png)<br>
 868     </p>
 869     <p>If the <span class="grammar">&lt;address&gt;</span> does not have a [scheme:] component, the <span class="grammar">&lt;address&gt;</span>
 870         is considered to be the [path] component only.
 871         A leading '/' character indicates that the [path] is relative to the
 872         root of the classpath. If the the style appears in a stylesheet and
 873         has no leading '/' character, the path is relative to the base URI of
 874         the stylesheet. If the style appears in an inline style, the path is
 875         relative to the root of the classpath (regardless of whether or not
 876         there is a leading '/').
 877     </p>
 878     <table class="csspropertytable" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="4">
 879             <caption>Examples of Resolving URLs in Stylesheets</caption>
 880             <tr>
 881                 <th>Stylesheet URL</th><th>URL in Style</th><th>Resolves to</th>
 882             </tr>
 883             <tr>
 884                 <td>file:///some/path/build/classes/com/mycompany/myapp/mystyles.css</td>
 885                 <td>url(images/Duke.png)</td>
 886                 <td>file:///some/path/build/classes/com/mycompany/myapp/images/Duke.png</td>
 887             </tr>
 888             <tr>
 889                 <td>file:///some/path/build/classes/com/mycompany/myapp/mystyles.css</td>

 917     anchored at the root of the classpath.</p>
 918     <p>This snippet of code creates a scene filled with the "paste" image from HTMLEditor which is found in jfxrt.jar.</p>
 919     <textarea rows="9" cols="132">
 921     @Override public void start(Stage stage) {
 922         StackPane root = new StackPane();
 923         root.setStyle("-fx-background-image: url(/com/sun/javafx/scene/control/skin/modena/HTMLEditor-Paste.png);");
 924         Scene scene = new Scene(root, 300, 250);
 925         stage.setScene(scene);
 927     }
 928     </textarea>
 929     <p>The same style would work equally as well from a stylesheet.</p>
 930     <h3><a name="typeeffect" id="typeeffect">&lt;effect&gt;</a></h3>
 931     <p>JavaFX CSS currently supports the DropShadow and InnerShadow effects from
 932       the JavaFX platform. See the class documentation in javafx.scene.effect
 933       for further details about the semantics of the various effect parameters.</p>
 934     <h4>Drop Shadow</h4>
 935     <p>A high-level effect that renders a shadow of the given content behind the
 936       content.</p>
 937     <p><span class="grammar">dropshadow( &lt;blur-type&gt; , <a href="#typecolor"
 938           class="typelink">&lt;color&gt;</a>
 939         , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a> , <a href="#typenumber"
 940           class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>
 941         , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a> , <a href="#typenumber"
 942           class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>
 943         )</span></p>
 944     <p style="margin-left: 40px;"><span class="grammar">&lt;blur-type&gt; = [
 945         gaussian | one-pass-box | three-pass-box | two-pass-box ]<br>
 946         <a href="#typecolor" class="typelink">&lt;color&gt;</a></span> The
 947       shadow Color.<br>
 948       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a></span>
 949       The radius of the shadow blur kernel. In the range [0.0 ... 127.0],
 950       typical value 10.<br>
 951       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a></span>
 952       The spread of the shadow. The spread is the portion of the radius where
 953       the contribution of the source material will be 100%. The remaining
 954       portion of the radius will have a contribution controlled by the blur
 955       kernel. A spread of 0.0 will result in a distribution of the shadow
 956       determined entirely by the blur algorithm. A spread of 1.0 will result in
 957       a solid growth outward of the source material opacity to the limit of the
 958       radius with a very sharp cutoff to transparency at the radius. Values
 959       should be in the range [0.0 ... 1.0].<br>
 960       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a></span>
 961       The shadow offset in the x direction, in pixels. <br>
 962       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a></span>
 963       The shadow offset in the y direction, in pixels. </p>
 964     <h4>Inner Shadow</h4>
 965     <p>A high-level effect that renders a shadow inside the edges of the given
 966       content.</p>
 967     <p><span class="grammar">innershadow( &lt;blur-type&gt; , <a href="#typecolor"
 968           class="typelink">&lt;color&gt;</a>
 969         , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a> , <a href="#typenumber"
 970           class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>
 971         , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a> , <a href="#typenumber"
 972           class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>
 973         )</span></p>
 974     <p style="margin-left: 40px;"><span class="grammar">&lt;blur-type&gt; = [
 975         gaussian | one-pass-box | three-pass-box | two-pass-box ]<br>
 976       </span><span class="grammar"><a href="#typecolor" class="typelink">&lt;color&gt;</a></span>
 977       The shadow Color.<br>
 978       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a></span>
 979       The radius of the shadow blur kernel. In the range [0.0 ... 127.0],
 980       typical value 10.<br>
 981       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a></span>
 982       The choke of the shadow. The choke is the portion of the radius where the
 983       contribution of the source material will be 100%. The remaining portion of
 984       the radius will have a contribution controlled by the blur kernel. A choke
 985       of 0.0 will result in a distribution of the shadow determined entirely by
 986       the blur algorithm. A choke of 1.0 will result in a solid growth inward of
 987       the shadow from the edges to the limit of the radius with a very sharp
 988       cutoff to transparency inside the radius. Values should be in the range
 989       [0.0 ... 1.0].<br>
 990       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a></span>
 991       The shadow offset in the x direction, in pixels. <br>
 992       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a></span>
 993       The shadow offset in the y direction, in pixels. </p>
 994     <h3><a name="typefont" id="typefont">&lt;font&gt;</a></h3>
 995     <p>JavaFX CSS supports the ability to specify fonts using separate family,
 996       size, style, and weight properties, as well as the ability to specify a
 997       font using a single shorthand property. There are four value types related
 998       to fonts plus a shorthand property that encompasses all four properties.
 999       The font-related types are as follows. </p>
1000     <p><span class="grammar">&lt;font-family&gt;</span>The string name of the
1001       font family. An actual font family name available on the system can be
1002       used, or one of the following generic family names can be used:</p>
1003     <ul>
1004       <li>'serif' (e.g., Times)</li>
1005       <li>'sans-serif' (e.g., Helvetica)</li>
1006       <li>'cursive' (e.g., Zapf-Chancery)</li>
1007       <li>'fantasy' (e.g., Western)</li>
1008       <li>'monospace' (e.g., Courier)</li>
1009     </ul>
1010     <p><span class="grammar">&lt;font-size&gt;</span> The size of the font,
1011       using the <span class="grammar">&lt;size&gt;</span> syntax.</p>
1012     <p><span class="grammar">&lt;font-style&gt;</span> The font's style, using
1013       the following syntax:<br>
1014       <span class="grammar">[ normal | italic | oblique ]</span></p>
1015     <p><span class="grammar">&lt;font-weight&gt;</span> The font's weight, using
1016       the following syntax:<br>
1017       <span class="grammar">[ normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300
1018         | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ]</span></p>
1019     <p><span class="grammar">&lt;font&gt;</span> This font shorthand property
1020       can be used in place of the above properties. It uses the following
1021       syntax:<br>
1022       <span class="grammar">[[ &lt;font-style&gt; || &lt;font-weight&gt; ]?
1023         &lt;font-size&gt; &lt;font-family&gt; ]</span></p>
1024     <h4><a name="fontprops" id="fontprops">Font Properties</a></h4>
1025     <p>Most classes that use text will support the following font properties. In
1026       some cases a similar set of properties will be supported but with a
1027       different prefix instead of "-fx-font".</p>
1028     <table summary="property table" class="csspropertytable" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1">
1029       <thead>
1030         <tr>
1031           <th class="propertyname">CSS Property</th>
1032           <th class="value">Values</th>
1033           <th>Default</th>
1034           <th>Comments</th>
1035         </tr>
1036       </thead>
1037       <tbody>
1038         <tr>
1039           <td class="propertyname">-fx-font</td>
1040           <td class="value"><a href="#typefont" class="typelink">&lt;font&gt;</a></td>
1041           <td>inherit</td>
1042           <td>shorthand property for font-size, font-family, font-weight and

1059           <td class="value"><a href="#typefont" class="typelink">&lt;font-style&gt;</a></td>
1060           <td>inherit</td>
1061           <td>&nbsp;</td>
1062         </tr>
1063         <tr>
1064           <td class="propertyname">-fx-font-weight</td>
1065           <td class="value"><a href="#typefont" class="typelink">&lt;font-weight&gt;</a></td>
1066           <td>inherit</td>
1067           <td>&nbsp;</td>
1068         </tr>
1069       </tbody>
1070     </table>
1071     <h3><a name="typepaint" id="typepaint">&lt;paint&gt;</a></h3>
1072     <p>Paint values can either be a solid color specified in one of the color
1073       syntaxes, they can be a linear or radial gradient, or an image-pattern.</p>
1074     <p class="grammar"><a href="#typecolor" class="typelink">&lt;color&gt;</a> |
1075       <a href="#typelinear-gradient" class="typelink">&lt;linear-gradient&gt;</a> |
1076       <a href="#typeradial-gradient" class="typelink">&lt;radial-gradient&gt;</a> |
1077       <a href="#typeimage-pattern" class="typelink">&lt;image-pattern&gt;</a>
1078       <a href="#typeimage-pattern" class="typelink">&lt;repeating-image-pattern&gt;</a></p>
1079     <h4>Linear Gradients<span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">
1080             <a name="typelinear-gradient" id="typelinear-gradient">&lt;linear-gradient&gt;</a>
1081         </span></h4>
1082     <p class="grammar">linear-gradient( [ [from <a href="#typepoint" class="typelink">&lt;point&gt;</a>
1083       to <a href="#typepoint" class="typelink">&lt;point&gt;</a>] | [ to
1084       &lt;side-or-corner&gt;], ]? [ [ repeat | reflect ], ]? <a href="#typecolorstop"
1085         class="typelink">&lt;color-stop&gt;</a>[,
1086       <a href="#typecolorstop" class="typelink">&lt;color-stop&gt;</a>]+) <br>
1087       <br>
1088       where &lt;side-or-corner&gt; = [left | right] || [top | bottom] </p>
1089     <p> </p>
1090     <p>Linear gradient creates a gradient going though all the stop colors along
1091       the line between the "from" <a href="#typepoint" class="typelink">&lt;point&gt;</a>
1092       and the "to" <a href="#typepoint" class="typelink">&lt;point&gt;</a>. If
1093       the points are percentages, then they are relative to the size of the area
1094       being filled. Percentage and length sizes can not be mixed in a single
1095       gradient function.</p>
1096     <p> If neither repeat nor reflect are given, then the CycleMethod defaults
1097       "NO_CYCLE".<br>
1098       If neither [from &lt;point&gt; to &lt;point&gt;] nor [ to
1099       &lt;side-or-corner&gt; ] are given, then the gradient direction defaults

1101       Stops are per <a href=""
1102         class="typelink">W3C
1103         color-stop syntax</a> and are normalized accordingly. </p>
1104     <p>This example will create a gradient from top left to bottom right of the
1105       filled area with red at the top left corner and black at the bottom right.</p>
1106     <p class="example">linear-gradient(to bottom right, red, black)</p>
1107     <p>This is equivalent to: </p>
1108     <p class="example">linear-gradient(from 0% 0% to 100% 100%, red 0%, black
1109       100%)</p>
1110     <p>This more complex example will create a 50px high bar at the top with a 3
1111       color gradient with white underneath for the rest of the filled area.</p>
1112     <p class="example">linear-gradient(from 0px 0px to 0px 50px, gray, darkgray
1113       50%, dimgray 99%, white)</p>
1114     <p><span style="color: #af0000; ">The following syntax for linear gradient does not
1115         conform to the CSS grammar and is deprecated in JavaFX 2.0. The JavaFX
1116         2.0 CSS parser supports the syntax but this support may be removed in
1117         later releases.</span></p>
1118     <p class="grammar"><span style="color: #af0000; ">linear (&lt;size&gt;, &lt;size&gt;)
1119         to (&lt;size&gt;, &lt;size&gt;) stops [ (&lt;number&gt;,&lt;color&gt;)
1120         ]+ [ repeat | reflect ]?</span></p>
1121     <h4>Radial Gradients <span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">
1122             <a name="typeradial-gradient" id="typeradial-gradient">&lt;radial-gradient&gt;</a>
1123         </span></h4>
1124     <p class="grammar">radial-gradient([ focus-angle <a href="#typeangle" class="typelink">&lt;angle&gt;</a>,
1125       ]? [ focus-distance <a href="#typepercentage" class="typelink">&lt;percentage&gt;</a>,
1126       ]? [ center <a href="#typepoint" class="typelink">&lt;point&gt;</a>, ]?
1127       radius [ <a href="#typelength" class="typelink">&lt;length&gt;</a> | <a
1128         href="#typepercentage"
1129         class="typelink">&lt;percentage&gt;</a>
1130       ] [ [ repeat | reflect ], ]? <a href="#typecolorstop" class="typelink">&lt;color-stop&gt;</a>[,
1131       <a href="#typecolorstop" class="typelink">&lt;color-stop&gt;</a>]+) </p>
1132     <p>Radial gradient creates a gradient going though all the stop colors radiating outward from
1133         the <a href="#typepoint" class="typelink">center point</a>
1134         to the <a href="#typelength" class="typelink">radius</a>. If the center point is not given,
1135         the center defaults to (0,0). Percentage values are relative to the size of the area
1136         being filled. Percentage and length sizes can not be mixed in a single gradient function.</p>
1137     <p> If neither repeat nor reflect are given, then the CycleMethod defaults
1138       "NO_CYCLE".<br>
1139       Stops are per <a href=""
1140         class="typelink">W3C
1141         color-stop syntax</a> and are normalized accordingly. </p>
1142     <p>Following are examples of the use of radial-gradient:</p>
1143     <p class="example">radial-gradient(radius 100%, red, darkgray, black)</p>
1144     <p class="example">radial-gradient(focus-angle 45deg, focus-distance 20%,
1145       center 25% 25%, radius 50%, reflect, gray, darkgray 75%, dimgray)</p>
1146     <p><span style="color: #af0000; ">The following syntax for radial gradient does not
1147         conform to the CSS grammar and is deprecated in JavaFX 2.0. The JavaFX
1148         2.0 CSS parser supports the syntax but this support may be removed in
1149         later releases.</span></p>
1150     <p class="grammar"><span style="color: #af0000; ">radial [focus-angle &lt;number&gt;
1151         | &lt;number&gt; ] ]? [ focus-distance &lt;size&gt; ]? [ center
1152         &lt;size,size&gt; ]? &lt;size&gt; stops [ ( &lt;number&gt;,
1153         &lt;color&gt; ) ]+ [ repeat | reflect ]?</span></p>
1154     <h4>Image Paint <span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">
1155             <a name="typeimage-pattern" id="typeimage-pattern">&lt;image-pattern&gt;</a>
1156         </span></h4>
1157     <p class="grammar">image-pattern(<a href="#typestring" class="typelink">&lt;string&gt;</a>,
1158       [<a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a>,
1159       <a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a>,
1160       <a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a>,
1161       <a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a>[,
1162       <a href="#typeboolean" class="typelink">&lt;boolean&gt;</a>]?]?)</p>
1163     <p>The parameters, in order, are:<br>
1164     <p style="margin-left: 40px;">
1165     <span class="grammar"><a href="#typestring" class="typelink">&lt;string&gt;</a></span>
1166       The URL of the image.<br>
1167       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a></span>
1168       The <span style="font-style:italic;">x</span> origin of the anchor rectangle.<br>
1169       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a></span>
1170       The <span style="font-style: italic;">y</span> origin of the anchor rectangle.<br>
1171       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a></span>
1172       The width of the anchor rectangle.<br>
1173       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a></span>
1174       The height of the anchor rectangle.<br>
1175       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typeboolean" class="typelink">&lt;boolean&gt;</a></span>
1176       The proportional flag which indicates whether start and end locations are proportional or absolute<br>
1177     </p>
1178     <p>For a full explanation of the parameters, refer to the
1179         <a href="../paint/ImagePattern.html" class="typelink">ImagePattern</a> javadoc.</p>
1180     <p>Following are examples of the use of image-pattern:</p>
1181     <p class="example">image-pattern("images/Duke.png")</p>
1182     <p class="example">image-pattern("images/Duke.png", 20%, 20%, 80%, 80%)</p>
1183     <p class="example">image-pattern("images/Duke.png", 20%, 20%, 80%, 80%, true)</p>
1184     <p class="example">image-pattern("images/Duke.png", 20, 20, 80, 80, false)</p>
1186     <p>Related, there is the <code>repeating-image-pattern</code> function which is a shorthand
1187     for producing tiled image based fills. It is equivalent to
1188     <p class="example">image-pattern("images/Duke.png", 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, false)</p>
1190     <p class="grammar">repeating-image-pattern(<a href="#typestring" class="typelink">&lt;string&gt;</a>)</p>
1191     <p>The only parameter is the uri of the image. Following is an example of the use of image-pattern:</p>
1192     <p class="example">repeating-image-pattern("com/mycompany/myapp/images/Duke.png")</p>
1196     <h3><a name="typecolor" id="typecolor">&lt;color&gt;</a></h3>
1197     <p class="grammar">&lt;named-color&gt; | &lt;looked-up-color&gt; |
1198       &lt;rgb-color&gt; | &lt;hsb-color&gt; | &lt;color-function&gt;</p>
1199     <h4>Named Colors <span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">&lt;named-color&gt;</span></h4>
1200     <p>CSS supports a bunch of named constant colors. Named colors can be
1201       specified with just their unquoted name for example: </p>
1202     <p class="example">.button {<br>
1203       &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -fx-background-color: red;<br>
1204       }</p>
1205     <p>The named colors that are available in CSS are:</p>
1206     <table summary="property table" class="html4colortable">
1207       <tbody>
1208         <tr>
1209           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% aliceblue;"></span><br>
1210           </td>
1211           <td>aliceblue = #f0f8ff</td>
1212           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% antiquewhite;"></span><br>
1213           </td>
1214           <td>antiquewhite = #faebd7</td>
1215           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% aqua;"></span><br>
1216           </td>
1217           <td>aqua = #00ffff</td>
1218           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% aquamarine;"></span><br>
1219           </td>
1220           <td>aquamarine = #7fffd4</td>
1221         </tr>
1222         <tr>
1223           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% azure;"></span><br>
1224           </td>
1225           <td>azure = #f0ffff</td>
1226           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% beige;"></span><br>
1227           </td>
1228           <td>beige = #f5f5dc</td>
1229           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% bisque;"></span><br>
1230           </td>
1231           <td>bisque = #ffe4c4</td>
1232           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% black;"></span><br>
1233           </td>
1234           <td>black = #000000</td>
1235         </tr>
1236         <tr>
1237           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% blanchedalmond;"></span><br>
1238           </td>
1239           <td>blanchedalmond = #ffebcd</td>
1240           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% blue;"></span><br>
1241           </td>
1242           <td>blue = #0000ff</td>
1243           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% blueviolet;"></span><br>
1244           </td>
1245           <td>blueviolet = #8a2be2</td>
1246           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% brown;"></span><br>
1247           </td>
1248           <td>brown = #a52a2a</td>
1249         </tr>
1250         <tr>
1251           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% burlywood;"></span><br>
1252           </td>
1253           <td>burlywood = #deb887</td>
1254           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% cadetblue;"></span><br>
1255           </td>
1256           <td>cadetblue = #5f9ea0</td>
1257           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% chartreuse;"></span><br>
1258           </td>
1259           <td>chartreuse = #7fff00</td>
1260           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% chocolate;"></span><br>
1261           </td>
1262           <td>chocolate = #d2691e</td>
1263         </tr>
1264         <tr>
1265           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% coral;"></span><br>
1266           </td>
1267           <td>coral = #ff7f50</td>
1268           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% cornflowerblue;"></span><br>
1269           </td>
1270           <td>cornflowerblue = #6495ed</td>
1271           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% cornsilk;"></span><br>
1272           </td>
1273           <td>cornsilk = #fff8dc</td>
1274           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% crimson;"></span><br>
1275           </td>
1276           <td>crimson = #dc143c</td>
1277         </tr>
1278         <tr>
1279           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% cyan;"></span><br>
1280           </td>
1281           <td>cyan = #00ffff</td>
1282           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkblue;"></span><br>
1283           </td>
1284           <td>darkblue = #00008b</td>
1285           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkcyan;"></span><br>
1286           </td>
1287           <td>darkcyan = #008b8b</td>
1288           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkgoldenrod;"></span><br>
1289           </td>
1290           <td>darkgoldenrod = #b8860b</td>
1291         </tr>
1292         <tr>
1293           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkgray;"></span><br>
1294           </td>
1295           <td>darkgray = #a9a9a9</td>
1296           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkgreen;"></span><br>
1297           </td>
1298           <td>darkgreen = #006400</td>
1299           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkgrey;"></span><br>
1300           </td>
1301           <td>darkgrey = #a9a9a9</td>
1302           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkkhaki;"></span><br>
1303           </td>
1304           <td>darkkhaki = #bdb76b</td>
1305         </tr>
1306         <tr>
1307           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkmagenta;"></span><br>
1308           </td>
1309           <td>darkmagenta = #8b008b</td>
1310           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkolivegreen;"></span><br>
1311           </td>
1312           <td>darkolivegreen = #556b2f</td>
1313           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkorange;"></span><br>
1314           </td>
1315           <td>darkorange = #ff8c00</td>
1316           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkorchid;"></span><br>
1317           </td>
1318           <td>darkorchid = #9932cc</td>
1319         </tr>
1320         <tr>
1321           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkred;"></span><br>
1322           </td>
1323           <td>darkred = #8b0000</td>
1324           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darksalmon;"></span><br>
1325           </td>
1326           <td>darksalmon = #e9967a</td>
1327           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkseagreen;"></span><br>
1328           </td>
1329           <td>darkseagreen = #8fbc8f</td>
1330           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkslateblue;"></span><br>
1331           </td>
1332           <td>darkslateblue = #483d8b</td>
1333         </tr>
1334         <tr>
1335           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkslategray;"></span><br>
1336           </td>
1337           <td>darkslategray = #2f4f4f</td>
1338           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkslategrey;"></span><br>
1339           </td>
1340           <td>darkslategrey = #2f4f4f</td>
1341           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkturquoise;"></span><br>
1342           </td>
1343           <td>darkturquoise = #00ced1</td>
1344           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkviolet;"></span><br>
1345           </td>
1346           <td>darkviolet = #9400d3</td>
1347         </tr>
1348         <tr>
1349           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% deeppink;"></span><br>
1350           </td>
1351           <td>deeppink = #ff1493</td>
1352           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% deepskyblue;"></span><br>
1353           </td>
1354           <td>deepskyblue = #00bfff</td>
1355           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% dimgray;"></span><br>
1356           </td>
1357           <td>dimgray = #696969</td>
1358           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% dimgrey;"></span><br>
1359           </td>
1360           <td>dimgrey = #696969</td>
1361         </tr>
1362         <tr>
1363           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% dodgerblue;"></span><br>
1364           </td>
1365           <td>dodgerblue = #1e90ff</td>
1366           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% firebrick;"></span><br>
1367           </td>
1368           <td>firebrick = #b22222</td>
1369           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% floralwhite;"></span><br>
1370           </td>
1371           <td>floralwhite = #fffaf0</td>
1372           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% forestgreen;"></span><br>
1373           </td>
1374           <td>forestgreen = #228b22</td>
1375         </tr>
1376         <tr>
1377           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% fuchsia;"></span><br>
1378           </td>
1379           <td>fuchsia = #ff00ff</td>
1380           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% gainsboro;"></span><br>
1381           </td>
1382           <td>gainsboro = #dcdcdc</td>
1383           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% ghostwhite;"></span><br>
1384           </td>
1385           <td>ghostwhite = #f8f8ff</td>
1386           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% gold;"></span><br>
1387           </td>
1388           <td>gold = #ffd700</td>
1389         </tr>
1390         <tr>
1391           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% goldenrod;"></span><br>
1392           </td>
1393           <td>goldenrod = #daa520</td>
1394           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% gray;"></span><br>
1395           </td>
1396           <td>gray = #808080</td>
1397           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% green;"></span><br>
1398           </td>
1399           <td>green = #008000</td>
1400           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% greenyellow;"></span><br>
1401           </td>
1402           <td>greenyellow = #adff2f</td>
1403         </tr>
1404         <tr>
1405           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% grey;"></span><br>
1406           </td>
1407           <td>grey = #808080</td>
1408           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% honeydew;"></span><br>
1409           </td>
1410           <td>honeydew = #f0fff0</td>
1411           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% hotpink;"></span><br>
1412           </td>
1413           <td>hotpink = #ff69b4</td>
1414           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% indianred;"></span><br>
1415           </td>
1416           <td>indianred = #cd5c5c</td>
1417         </tr>
1418         <tr>
1419           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% indigo;"></span><br>
1420           </td>
1421           <td>indigo = #4b0082</td>
1422           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% ivory;"></span><br>
1423           </td>
1424           <td>ivory = #fffff0</td>
1425           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% khaki;"></span><br>
1426           </td>
1427           <td>khaki = #f0e68c</td>
1428           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lavender;"></span><br>
1429           </td>
1430           <td>lavender = #e6e6fa</td>
1431         </tr>
1432         <tr>
1433           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lavenderblush;"></span><br>
1434           </td>
1435           <td>lavenderblush = #fff0f5</td>
1436           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lawngreen;"></span><br>
1437           </td>
1438           <td>lawngreen = #7cfc00</td>
1439           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lemonchiffon;"></span><br>
1440           </td>
1441           <td>lemonchiffon = #fffacd</td>
1442           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightblue;"></span><br>
1443           </td>
1444           <td>lightblue = #add8e6</td>
1445         </tr>
1446         <tr>
1447           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightcoral;"></span><br>
1448           </td>
1449           <td>lightcoral = #f08080</td>
1450           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightcyan;"></span><br>
1451           </td>
1452           <td>lightcyan = #e0ffff</td>
1453           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightgoldenrodyellow;"></span><br>
1454           </td>
1455           <td>lightgoldenrodyellow = #fafad2</td>
1456           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightgray;"></span><br>
1457           </td>
1458           <td>lightgray = #d3d3d3</td>
1459         </tr>
1460         <tr>
1461           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightgreen;"></span><br>
1462           </td>
1463           <td>lightgreen = #90ee90</td>
1464           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightgrey;"></span><br>
1465           </td>
1466           <td>lightgrey = #d3d3d3</td>
1467           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightpink;"></span><br>
1468           </td>
1469           <td>lightpink = #ffb6c1</td>
1470           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightsalmon;"></span><br>
1471           </td>
1472           <td>lightsalmon = #ffa07a</td>
1473         </tr>
1474         <tr>
1475           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightseagreen;"></span><br>
1476           </td>
1477           <td>lightseagreen = #20b2aa</td>
1478           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightskyblue;"></span><br>
1479           </td>
1480           <td>lightskyblue = #87cefa</td>
1481           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightslategray;"></span><br>
1482           </td>
1483           <td>lightslategray = #778899</td>
1484           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightslategrey;"></span><br>
1485           </td>
1486           <td>lightslategrey = #778899</td>
1487         </tr>
1488         <tr>
1489           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightsteelblue;"></span><br>
1490           </td>
1491           <td>lightsteelblue = #b0c4de</td>
1492           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightyellow;"></span><br>
1493           </td>
1494           <td>lightyellow = #ffffe0</td>
1495           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lime;"></span><br>
1496           </td>
1497           <td>lime = #00ff00</td>
1498           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% limegreen;"></span><br>
1499           </td>
1500           <td>limegreen = #32cd32</td>
1501         </tr>
1502         <tr>
1503           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% linen;"></span><br>
1504           </td>
1505           <td>linen = #faf0e6</td>
1506           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% magenta;"></span><br>
1507           </td>
1508           <td>magenta = #ff00ff</td>
1509           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% maroon;"></span><br>
1510           </td>
1511           <td>maroon = #800000</td>
1512           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumaquamarine;"></span><br>
1513           </td>
1514           <td>mediumaquamarine = #66cdaa</td>
1515         </tr>
1516         <tr>
1517           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumblue;"></span><br>
1518           </td>
1519           <td>mediumblue = #0000cd</td>
1520           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumorchid;"></span><br>
1521           </td>
1522           <td>mediumorchid = #ba55d3</td>
1523           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumpurple;"></span><br>
1524           </td>
1525           <td>mediumpurple = #9370db</td>
1526           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumseagreen;"></span><br>
1527           </td>
1528           <td>mediumseagreen = #3cb371</td>
1529         </tr>
1530         <tr>
1531           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumslateblue;"></span><br>
1532           </td>
1533           <td>mediumslateblue = #7b68ee</td>
1534           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumspringgreen;"></span><br>
1535           </td>
1536           <td>mediumspringgreen = #00fa9a</td>
1537           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumturquoise;"></span><br>
1538           </td>
1539           <td>mediumturquoise = #48d1cc</td>
1540           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumvioletred;"></span><br>
1541           </td>
1542           <td>mediumvioletred = #c71585</td>
1543         </tr>
1544         <tr>
1545           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% midnightblue;"></span><br>
1546           </td>
1547           <td>midnightblue = #191970</td>
1548           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mintcream;"></span><br>
1549           </td>
1550           <td>mintcream = #f5fffa</td>
1551           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mistyrose;"></span><br>
1552           </td>
1553           <td>mistyrose = #ffe4e1</td>
1554           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% moccasin;"></span><br>
1555           </td>
1556           <td>moccasin = #ffe4b5</td>
1557         </tr>
1558         <tr>
1559           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% navajowhite;"></span><br>
1560           </td>
1561           <td>navajowhite = #ffdead</td>
1562           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% navy;"></span><br>
1563           </td>
1564           <td>navy = #000080</td>
1565           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% oldlace;"></span><br>
1566           </td>
1567           <td>oldlace = #fdf5e6</td>
1568           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% olive;"></span><br>
1569           </td>
1570           <td>olive = #808000</td>
1571         </tr>
1572         <tr>
1573           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% olivedrab;"></span><br>
1574           </td>
1575           <td>olivedrab = #6b8e23</td>
1576           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% orange;"></span><br>
1577           </td>
1578           <td>orange = #ffa500</td>
1579           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% orangered;"></span><br>
1580           </td>
1581           <td>orangered = #ff4500</td>
1582           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% orchid;"></span><br>
1583           </td>
1584           <td>orchid = #da70d6</td>
1585         </tr>
1586         <tr>
1587           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% palegoldenrod;"></span><br>
1588           </td>
1589           <td>palegoldenrod = #eee8aa</td>
1590           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% palegreen;"></span><br>
1591           </td>
1592           <td>palegreen = #98fb98</td>
1593           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% paleturquoise;"></span><br>
1594           </td>
1595           <td>paleturquoise = #afeeee</td>
1596           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% palevioletred;"></span><br>
1597           </td>
1598           <td>palevioletred = #db7093</td>
1599         </tr>
1600         <tr>
1601           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% papayawhip;"></span><br>
1602           </td>
1603           <td>papayawhip = #ffefd5</td>
1604           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% peachpuff;"></span><br>
1605           </td>
1606           <td>peachpuff = #ffdab9</td>
1607           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% peru;"></span><br>
1608           </td>
1609           <td>peru = #cd853f</td>
1610           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% pink;"></span><br>
1611           </td>
1612           <td>pink = #ffc0cb</td>
1613         </tr>
1614         <tr>
1615           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% plum;"></span><br>
1616           </td>
1617           <td>plum = #dda0dd</td>
1618           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% powderblue;"></span><br>
1619           </td>
1620           <td>powderblue = #b0e0e6</td>
1621           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% purple;"></span><br>
1622           </td>
1623           <td>purple = #800080</td>
1624           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% red;"></span><br>
1625           </td>
1626           <td>red = #ff0000</td>
1627         </tr>
1628         <tr>
1629           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% rosybrown;"></span><br>
1630           </td>
1631           <td>rosybrown = #bc8f8f</td>
1632           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% royalblue;"></span><br>
1633           </td>
1634           <td>royalblue = #4169e1</td>
1635           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% saddlebrown;"></span><br>
1636           </td>
1637           <td>saddlebrown = #8b4513</td>
1638           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% salmon;"></span><br>
1639           </td>
1640           <td>salmon = #fa8072</td>
1641         </tr>
1642         <tr>
1643           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% sandybrown;"></span><br>
1644           </td>
1645           <td>sandybrown = #f4a460</td>
1646           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% seagreen;"></span><br>
1647           </td>
1648           <td>seagreen = #2e8b57</td>
1649           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% seashell;"></span><br>
1650           </td>
1651           <td>seashell = #fff5ee</td>
1652           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% sienna;"></span><br>
1653           </td>
1654           <td>sienna = #a0522d</td>
1655         </tr>
1656         <tr>
1657           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% silver;"></span><br>
1658           </td>
1659           <td>silver = #c0c0c0</td>
1660           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% skyblue;"></span><br>
1661           </td>
1662           <td>skyblue = #87ceeb</td>
1663           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% slateblue;"></span><br>
1664           </td>
1665           <td>slateblue = #6a5acd</td>
1666           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% slategray;"></span><br>
1667           </td>
1668           <td>slategray = #708090</td>
1669         </tr>
1670         <tr>
1671           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% slategrey;"></span><br>
1672           </td>
1673           <td>slategrey = #708090</td>
1674           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% snow;"></span><br>
1675           </td>
1676           <td>snow = #fffafa</td>
1677           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% springgreen;"></span><br>
1678           </td>
1679           <td>springgreen = #00ff7f</td>
1680           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% steelblue;"></span><br>
1681           </td>
1682           <td>steelblue = #4682b4</td>
1683         </tr>
1684         <tr>
1685           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% tan;"></span><br>
1686           </td>
1687           <td>tan = #d2b48c</td>
1688           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% teal;"></span><br>
1689           </td>
1690           <td>teal = #008080</td>
1691           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% thistle;"></span><br>
1692           </td>
1693           <td>thistle = #d8bfd8</td>
1694           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% tomato;"></span><br>
1695           </td>
1696           <td>tomato = #ff6347</td>
1697         </tr>
1698         <tr>
1699           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% turquoise;"></span><br>
1700           </td>
1701           <td>turquoise = #40e0d0</td>
1702           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% violet;"></span><br>
1703           </td>
1704           <td>violet = #ee82ee</td>
1705           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% wheat;"></span><br>
1706           </td>
1707           <td>wheat = #f5deb3</td>
1708           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% white;"></span><br>
1709           </td>
1710           <td>white = #ffffff</td>
1711         </tr>
1712         <tr>
1713           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% whitesmoke;"></span><br>
1714           </td>
1715           <td>whitesmoke = #f5f5f5</td>
1716           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% yellow;"></span><br>
1717           </td>
1718           <td>yellow = #ffff00</td>
1719           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% yellowgreen;"></span><br>
1720           </td>
1721           <td>yellowgreen = #9acd32</td>
1722           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% transparent;"></span><br>
1723           </td>
1724           <td>transparent = rgba(0,0,0,0)</td>
1725         </tr>
1726       </tbody>
1727     </table>
1728     <h4>Looked-up Colors <span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">&lt;looked-up-color&gt;</span></h4>
1729     <p>With looked-up colors you can refer to any other color property that is
1730       set on the current node or any of its parents. This is a very powerful
1731       feature, as it allows a generic palette of colors to be specified on the
1732       scene then used thoughout the application. If you want to change one of
1733       those palette colors you can do so at any level in the scene tree and it
1734       will affect that node and all its decendents. Looked-up colors are not
1735       looked up until they are applied, so they are live and react to any style
1736       changes that might occur, such as replacing a palette color at runtime
1737       with the "style" property on a node.</p>
1738     <p>In the following example, all background color of all buttons uses the
1739       looked up color "abc".</p>
1740     <p class="example">.root { abc: #f00 }<br>
1741       .button { -fx-background-color: abc }</p>
1742     <h4>RGB Colors <span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">&lt;rgb-color&gt;</span></h4>
1743     <p>The RGB color model is used in numerical color specifications. It has a
1744       number of different supported forms.</p>
1745     <p class="grammar">#&lt;digit&gt;&lt;digit&gt;&lt;digit&gt;<br>
1746       |
1747       #&lt;digit&gt;&lt;digit&gt;&lt;digit&gt;&lt;digit&gt;&lt;digit&gt;&lt;digit&gt;<br>
1748       | rgb( <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a> , <a href="#typenumber"
1749         class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a>
1750       , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a> )<br>
1751       | rgb( <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a> %, <a
1752         href="#typenumber"
1753         class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a>%
1754       , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a>% )<br>
1755       | rgba( <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a> , <a
1756         href="#typenumber"
1757         class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a>
1758       , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a> , <a href="#typenumber"
1759         class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>
1760       ) <br>
1761       | rgba( <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a>% , <a
1762         href="#typenumber"

1790       space characters are allowed around the numerical values.</p>
1791     <p><strong>RGB + Alpha</strong>: This is an extension of the RGB color model
1792       to include an &lsquo;alpha&rsquo; value that specifies the opacity of a
1793       color. This is accomplished via a functional syntax of the form rgba(...)
1794       form that takes a fourth parameter which is the alpha value. The alpha
1795       value must be a number in the range 0.0 (representing completely
1796       transparent) and 1.0 (completely opaque). As with the rgb() function, the
1797       red, green, and blue values may be decimal integers or percentages. The
1798       following examples all specify the same color:</p>
1799     <p class="example"></p>
1800     <ul style="list-style: none;">
1801       <li>.label { -fx-text-fill: rgb(255,0,0) } /* integer range 0 &mdash; 255*/</li>
1802       <li> .label { -fx-text-fill: rgba(255,0,0,1) /* the same, with explicit
1803         opacity of 1 */</li>
1804       <li> .label { -fx-text-fill: rgb(100%,0%,0%) } /* float range 0.0% &mdash;
1805         100.0% */</li>
1806       <li> .label { -fx-text-fill: rgba(100%,0%,0%,1) } /* the same, with
1807         explicit opacity of 1 */</li>
1808     </ul>
1809     <p></p>
1810     <h4>HSB Colors <span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">&lt;hsb-color&gt;</span></h4>
1811     <p>Colors can be specified using the HSB (sometimes called HSV) color model,
1812       as follows:</p>
1813     <p class="grammar">hsb( <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>
1814       , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>% , <a href="#typenumber"
1815         class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>%
1816       ) | hsba( <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a> , <a
1817         href="#typenumber"
1818         class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>%
1819       , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>% , <a href="#typenumber"
1820         class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>
1821       )</p>
1822     <p>The first number is <span style="font-style:italic;">hue</span>, a number in the range 0 to 360
1823       degrees. The second number is <em>saturation,</em> a percentage in the
1824       range 0% to 100%. The third number is <span style="font-style:italic;">brightness</span>, also a
1825       percentage in the range 0% to 100%. The hsba(...) form takes a fourth
1826       parameter at the end which is a alpha value in the range 0.0 to 1.0,
1827       specifying completely transparent and completely opaque, respectively.</p>
1828     <h4>Color Functions <span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">&lt;color-function&gt;</span></h4>
1829     <p>JavaFX supports some color computation functions. These compute new
1830       colors from input colors at the time the color style is applied. This
1831       enables a color theme to be specified using a single base color and to
1832       have variant colors computed from that base color. There are two color
1833       functions: derive() and ladder().</p>
1834     <p class="grammar">&lt;derive&gt; | &lt;ladder&gt;</p>
1835     <p><strong>Derive </strong><span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">&lt;derive&gt;</span></p>
1836     <p class="grammar">derive( <a href="#typecolor" class="typelink">&lt;color&gt;</a>
1837       , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>% )</p>
1838     <p>The derive function takes a color and computes a brighter or darker
1839       version of that color. The second parameter is the brightness offset,
1840       representing how much brighter or darker the derived color should be. Positive percentages indicate brighter colors
1841       and negative percentages indicate darker colors. A value of -100% means
1842       completely black, 0% means no change in brightness, and 100% means
1843       completely white.</p>
1844     <p><strong>Ladder</strong><span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">&lt;ladder&gt;</span></p>
1845     <p class="grammar">ladder(<a href="#typecolor" class="typelink">&lt;color&gt;</a>
1846       , <a href="#typecolorstop" class="typelink">&lt;color-stop&gt;</a> [, <a
1847         href="#typecolorstop"
1848         class="typelink">&lt;color-stop&gt;</a>]+)</p>
1849     <p>The ladder function interpolates between colors. The effect is as if a
1850       gradient is created using the stops provided, and then the brightness of
1851       the provided <a href="#typecolor" class="typelink">&lt;color&gt;</a> is
1852       used to index a color value within that gradient. At 0% brightness, the
1853       color at the 0.0 end of the gradient is used; at 100% brightness, the
1854       color at the 1.0 end of the gradient is used; and at 50% brightness, the
1855       color at 0.5, the midway point of the gradient, is used. Note that no
1856       gradient is actually rendered. This is merely an interpolation function
1857       that results in a single color.</p>
1858     <p>Stops are per <a href=""
1859         class="typelink">W3C
1860         color-stop syntax</a> and are normalized accordingly.</p>
1861     <p>For example, you could use the following if you want the text color to be
1862       black or white depending upon the brightness of the background.</p>
1863     <p class="example">background: white;<br>
1864       -fx-text-fill: ladder(background, white 49%, black 50%);</p>

2388     <h4><a name="region" id="region">Region</a></h4>
2389 <p class="styleclass">Style class: empty by default</p>
2390     <p>A Region is a Node (extending from Parent) with backgrounds and borders
2391       that are styleable via CSS. A Region is typically a rounded rectangle,
2392       though this can be modified through CSS to be an arbitrary shape. Regions
2393       can contain other Region objects (sub-regions) or they can contain
2394       sub-controls. All Regions have the same set of CSS properties as described
2395       below. </p>
2396     <p>Each Region consists of several layers, painted from bottom to top, in
2397       this order:</p>
2398     <ol>
2399       <li>background fills</li>
2400       <li>background images</li>
2401       <li>border strokes</li>
2402       <li>border images</li>
2403       <li>contents</li>
2404     </ol>
2405     <p>The background and border mechanisms are patterned after the CSS 3 draft
2406       backgrounds and borders module. See <a href="#references">[4]</a> for a
2407       detailed description.</p>
2408     <p>Background fills are specified with the properties <span class="propertyname">-fx-background-color</span>,
2409       <span class="propertyname">-fx-background-radius</span> and <span class="propertyname">-fx-background-insets</span>.
2410       The -fx-background-color property is a series of one or more
2411       comma-separated &lt;paint&gt; values. The number of values in the series
2412       determines the number of background rectangles that are painted.
2413       Background rectangles are painted in the order specified using the given
2414       &lt;paint&gt; value. Each background rectangle can have different radii
2415       and insets. The -fx-background-radius and -fx-background-insets properties
2416       are series of comma-separated values (or sets of values). The radius and
2417       insets values used for a particular background are the found in the
2418       corresponding position in the -fx-background-radius and
2419       -fx-background-insets series. For example, suppose a series of three
2420       values is given for the -fx-background-color property. A series of three
2421       values should also be specified for the -fx-background-radius and
2422       -fx-background-insets properties. The first background will be painted
2423       using the first radius value and first insets value, the second background
2424       will be painted with the second radius value and second insets value, and
2425       so forth.</p>
2426     <p>Note also that properties such as -fx-background-radius and
2427       -fx-background-insets can contain a series of values or <span style="font-style:italic;">sets</span> of
2428       four values. A set of values is separated by whitespace, whereas the
2429       values or sets-of-values in a series are separated by commas. For
2430       -fx-background-radius, a single value indicates that the value should be
2431       used for the radius of all four corners of the background rectangle. A set
2432       of four values indicates that different radius values are to be used for
2433       the top-left, top-right, bottom-right, and bottom-left corners, in that
2434       order. Similarly, the -fx-background-insets property can also contain a
2435       series of values or sets of values. A set of four values for
2436       -fx-background-insets indicates that different insets are to be used for
2437       the top, right, bottom, and left edges of the rectangle, in that order.</p>
2438     <p>Background images are specified with the properties <span class="propertyname">-fx-background-image</span>,
2439       <span class="propertyname">-fx-background-repeat</span>, <span class="propertyname">-fx-background-position</span>
2440       and <span class="propertyname">-fx-background-size</span>. The number of
2441       images in the series of -fx-background-image values determines the number
2442       of background images that are painted. The -fx-background-repeat,
2443       -fx-background-position, and -fx-background-size properties each can
2444       contain a series of values. For each item in the -fx-background-image
2445       series, the corresponding items in the -fx-background-repeat,
2446       -fx-background-position, and -fx-background-size properties are applied to
2447       that background image.</p>
2448     <p>Stroked borders are specified with the properties <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-color</span>,
2449       <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-style</span>, <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-width</span>,
2450       <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-radius</span> and <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-insets</span>.
2451       Each property contains a series of items. The maximum number of items in the -fx-
2452       border-color or -fx-border-style property determines the number of border layers that are painted..
2453       Each border in the series is painted using information from the
2454       corresponding series item of the -fx-border-color, -fx-border-style, -fx-border-width,
2455       -fx-border-radius, and -fx-border-insets properties. If there is no -fx-border-color, the default color is black.
2456     if there is no -fx-border-style, the default style is solid. </p>
2457     <p>Image borders are specified with the properties <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-image-source</span>,
2458       <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-image-repeat</span>, <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-image-slice</span>,
2459       <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-image-width</span> and <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-image-insets</span>.
2460       Each property contains a series of items. The number of items in the
2461       -fx-border-image-source property determines the number of images that are
2462       painted. Each image in the series is painted using information from the
2463       corresponding series items of the -fx-border-image-repeat,
2464       -fx-border-image-slice, -fx-border-image-width, and
2465       -fx-border-image-insets properties.</p>
2466     <p>The region's contents are a sequence of nodes, like any other container.
2467       The contents are set programmatically and cannot be set via CSS.</p>
2468     <table summary="property table" class="csspropertytable" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1">
2469       <thead>
2470         <tr>
2471           <th class="propertyname">CSS Property</th>
2472           <th class="value">Values</th>
2473           <th class="default">Default</th>
2474           <th>Comments</th>
2475         </tr>
2476       </thead>
2477       <tbody>
2478         <tr>
2479           <td colspan="4" class="propertyname"><em>BACKGROUND FILLS</em> (see <a

 679     <p>the rectangle will be red instead of black: </p>
 680     <p><img src="cssexample1.png" alt="A rectangle with red fill"></p>
 681     <p>If test.css contains the following: </p>
 682     <p class="example">.my-rect {<br>
 683         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -fx-fill: yellow;<br>
 684         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -fx-stroke: green;<br>
 685         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -fx-stroke-width: 5;<br>
 686         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -fx-stroke-dash-array: 12 2 4 2;<br>
 687         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -fx-stroke-dash-offset: 6;<br>
 688         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -fx-stroke-line-cap: butt;<br>
 689         }<br>
 690     </p>
 691     <p>the result will be a yellow rectangle with a nicely dashed green border:
 692     </p>
 693     <p><img src="cssexample2.png" alt="A rectangle with yellow fill and a green, dashed border"></p>
 694     <h3><a name="introparserwarnings" id="introparserwarnings">Understanding
 695         Parser Warnings</a></h3>
 696     <p>When the JavaFX CSS parser encounters a syntax error, a warning message
 697         is emitted which conveys as much information as is available to help
 698         resolve the error. For example </p>
 699     <p class="example"> WARNING: javafx.css.CssParser declaration
 700         Expected '&lt;percent&gt;' while parsing '-fx-background-color' at ?[1,49]
 701     </p>
 702     <p>The cryptic '<span class="p example">?[1,49]</span>' pertains to the
 703         location of the error. The format of the location string is </p>
 704     <p class="grammar">&lt;url&gt;[line, position]</p>
 705     <p>If the error is found while parsing a file, the file URL will be given.
 706         If the error is from an inline style (as in the example above), the URL is
 707         given as a question mark. The line and position give an offset into the
 708         file or string where the token begins. <em>Please note that the line and
 709             position may not be accurate in releases prior to JavaFX 2.2.</em><br>
 710     </p>
 711     <p>Applications needing to detect errors from the parser can add a listener
 712         to the errors property of javafx.css.CssParser. <br>

 713     </p>
 714     <h3><a name="introlimitations" id="introlimitations">Limitations</a></h3>
 715     <ol>
 716     <li> While the JavaFX CSS parser will parse valid CSS syntax, it is not a
 717         fully compliant CSS parser. One should not expect the parser to handle
 718         syntax not specified in this document.</li>
 719     <li>With the exception of @font&#8209;face and @import, @-keyword statements are ignored.</li>
 720     <li>The &lt;media-query-list&gt; of the @import statement is not parsed.</li>
 721     <li>The structural pseudo&#8209;classes are not supported. </li>
 722     <li>The ":active" and ":focus" dynamic pseudo&#8209;classes are not supported.
 723         However, <a href="#node">Nodes</a> do support the ":pressed" and
 724         ":focused" pseudo&#8209;classes, which are similar. </li>
 725     <li>The ":link" and ":visited" pseudo&#8209;classes are not supported in general.
 726         However, <a href="#hyperlink">Hyperlink</a> objects can be styled, and
 727         they support the ":visited" pseudo&#8209;class. </li>
 728     <li>JavaFX CSS does not support comma-separated series of font family names
 729         in the -fx-font-family property. The optional line height parameter when
 730         specifying fonts is not supported. There is no equivalent for the
 731         font-variant property.</li>
 732     <li>JavaFX CSS uses the HSB color model instead of the HSL color model. </li>

 804     </ul>
 805     <h4><a name="typepercentage" id="typepercentage">&lt;percentage&gt;</a></h4>
 806     <p>These are a percentage of some length, typically to the width or height
 807       of a node.</p>
 808     <p class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber">&lt;number&gt;</a>[ % ]</p>
 809     <h3><a name="typeangle" id="typeangle">&lt;angle&gt;</a></h3>
 810     <p>An angle is a <a href="#typenumber" class="typeref">&lt;number&gt;</a>
 811       with one of the following units.</p>
 812     <p> </p>
 813     <p class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber">&lt;number&gt;</a>[ deg | rad |
 814       grad | turn ]</p>
 815     <ul>
 816       <li><strong>deg</strong>: angle in degrees &mdash; all other angle units are
 817         converted to degrees.</li>
 818       <li><strong>rad</strong>: angle in radians</li>
 819       <li><strong>grad</strong>: angle in gradians</li>
 820       <li><strong>turn</strong>: angle in turns</li>
 821     </ul>
 822     <h3><a name="typeduration" id="typeduration">&lt;duration&gt;</a></h3>
 823     <p>A duration is a <a href="#typenumber" class="typeref">&lt;number&gt;</a>
 824         with second or millisecond units, or the value <span class="grammar">indefinite</span>.</p>
 825     <p> </p>
 826     <p class="grammar">[<a href="#typenumber">&lt;number&gt;</a>[ s | ms ]] | indefinite</p>
 827     <ul>
 828         <li><strong>s</strong>: duration in seconds</li>
 829         <li><strong>ms</strong>: duration in milliseconds. One second is 1000 milliseconds.</li>
 830         <li><strong>indefinite</strong>: See <a href="../../util/Duration.html#INDEFINITE" class="typelink">Duration.INDEFINITE</a></li>
 831     </ul>
 832     <p>See also <a href="" class="typelink">W3C time units</a>.</p>
 833     <h3><a name="typepoint" id="typepoint">&lt;point&gt;</a></h3>
 834     <p>A point is an {x,y} coordinate.</p>
 835     <p class="grammar">[ [ &lt;length&gt; &lt;length&gt; ]&nbsp;|&nbsp;[
 836       &lt;percentage&gt; | &lt;percentage&gt; ] ]</p>
 837     <h3><a name="typecolorstop" id="typecolorstop">&lt;color-stop&gt;</a></h3>
 838     <p>Stops are per <a href=""
 839         class="typelink">W3C
 840         color-stop syntax</a>.</p>
 841     <p class="grammar">[ <a href="#typecolor" class="typeref">&lt;color&gt;</a>
 842       [ <a href="#typepercentage" class="typeref">&lt;percentage&gt;</a> | <a
 843         href="#typelength"
 844         class="typeref">&lt;length&gt;</a>]?
 845       ]</p>
 846     <p>In a series of &lt;color-stop&gt;, stop distance values must all be
 847       &lt;percentage&gt; or &lt;length&gt;. Furthermore, if &lt;length&gt;
 848       values are used, then the distance value for first and last stop in the
 849       series must be specified. This restriction may be removed in a future
 850       release.</p>
 851     <p>"<span style="color: #009900; ">red, white 70%, blue</span>" is valid since the
 852       distance for red and blue is assumed to be 0% and 100%, respectively.</p>
 853     <p>"<span style="color: #009900; ">red 10, white, blue 90</span>" is valid. Because
 854       distance for red and blue is 10 and 90, respectively, the distance for
 855       white can be calculated.</p>
 856     <p>"<span style="color: #009900; ">red, white 70, blue</span>" is <span style="font-style:italic;">not</span> valid
 857       since distance units do not agree.</p>
 858     <p>"<span style="color: #009900; ">red, white, blue</span>" is valid. The stops are
 859       distributed evenly between 0% and 100%.</p>
 860     <h3><a name="typeurl" id="typeurl">&lt;uri&gt;</a></h3>
 861     <p class="grammar">url ( [\"\']? &lt;address&gt; [\"\']? )</p>
 862     <p><span class="grammar">&lt;address&gt;</span> is a hierarchical URI of the form [scheme:][//authority][path] <a href="#references">(see [2])</a>.
 863         For example:</p>
 864     <p class="example">
 865         url(<br>
 866         url(/com/example/javafx/app/images/Duke.png)<br>
 867     </p>
 868     <p>If the <span class="grammar">&lt;address&gt;</span> does not have a [scheme:] component, the <span class="grammar">&lt;address&gt;</span>
 869         is considered to be the [path] component only.
 870         A leading '/' character indicates that the [path] is relative to the
 871         root of the classpath. If the the style appears in a stylesheet and
 872         has no leading '/' character, the path is relative to the base URI of
 873         the stylesheet. If the style appears in an inline style, the path is
 874         relative to the root of the classpath (regardless of whether or not
 875         there is a leading '/').
 876     </p>
 877     <table class="csspropertytable" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="4">
 878             <caption>Examples of Resolving URLs in Stylesheets</caption>
 879             <tr>
 880                 <th>Stylesheet URL</th><th>URL in Style</th><th>Resolves to</th>
 881             </tr>
 882             <tr>
 883                 <td>file:///some/path/build/classes/com/mycompany/myapp/mystyles.css</td>
 884                 <td>url(images/Duke.png)</td>
 885                 <td>file:///some/path/build/classes/com/mycompany/myapp/images/Duke.png</td>
 886             </tr>
 887             <tr>
 888                 <td>file:///some/path/build/classes/com/mycompany/myapp/mystyles.css</td>

 916     anchored at the root of the classpath.</p>
 917     <p>This snippet of code creates a scene filled with the "paste" image from HTMLEditor which is found in jfxrt.jar.</p>
 918     <textarea rows="9" cols="132">
 920     @Override public void start(Stage stage) {
 921         StackPane root = new StackPane();
 922         root.setStyle("-fx-background-image: url(/com/sun/javafx/scene/control/skin/modena/HTMLEditor-Paste.png);");
 923         Scene scene = new Scene(root, 300, 250);
 924         stage.setScene(scene);
 926     }
 927     </textarea>
 928     <p>The same style would work equally as well from a stylesheet.</p>
 929     <h3><a name="typeeffect" id="typeeffect">&lt;effect&gt;</a></h3>
 930     <p>JavaFX CSS currently supports the DropShadow and InnerShadow effects from
 931       the JavaFX platform. See the class documentation in javafx.scene.effect
 932       for further details about the semantics of the various effect parameters.</p>
 933     <h4>Drop Shadow</h4>
 934     <p>A high-level effect that renders a shadow of the given content behind the
 935       content.</p>
 936     <p><span class="grammar">dropshadow( &lt;blur-type&gt; , <a href="#typecolor"
 937           class="typelink">&lt;color&gt;</a>
 938         , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a> , <a href="#typenumber"
 939           class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>
 940         , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a> , <a href="#typenumber"
 941           class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>
 942         )</span></p>
 943     <p style="margin-left: 40px;"><span class="grammar">&lt;blur-type&gt; = [
 944         gaussian | one-pass-box | three-pass-box | two-pass-box ]<br>
 945         <a href="#typecolor" class="typelink">&lt;color&gt;</a></span> The
 946       shadow Color.<br>
 947       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a></span>
 948       The radius of the shadow blur kernel. In the range [0.0 ... 127.0],
 949       typical value 10.<br>
 950       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a></span>
 951       The spread of the shadow. The spread is the portion of the radius where
 952       the contribution of the source material will be 100%. The remaining
 953       portion of the radius will have a contribution controlled by the blur
 954       kernel. A spread of 0.0 will result in a distribution of the shadow
 955       determined entirely by the blur algorithm. A spread of 1.0 will result in
 956       a solid growth outward of the source material opacity to the limit of the
 957       radius with a very sharp cutoff to transparency at the radius. Values
 958       should be in the range [0.0 ... 1.0].<br>
 959       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a></span>
 960       The shadow offset in the x direction, in pixels. <br>
 961       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a></span>
 962       The shadow offset in the y direction, in pixels. </p>
 963     <h4>Inner Shadow</h4>
 964     <p>A high-level effect that renders a shadow inside the edges of the given
 965       content.</p>
 966     <p><span class="grammar">innershadow( &lt;blur-type&gt; , <a href="#typecolor"
 967           class="typelink">&lt;color&gt;</a>
 968         , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a> , <a href="#typenumber"
 969           class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>
 970         , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a> , <a href="#typenumber"
 971           class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>
 972         )</span></p>
 973     <p style="margin-left: 40px;"><span class="grammar">&lt;blur-type&gt; = [
 974         gaussian | one-pass-box | three-pass-box | two-pass-box ]<br>
 975       </span><span class="grammar"><a href="#typecolor" class="typelink">&lt;color&gt;</a></span>
 976       The shadow Color.<br>
 977       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a></span>
 978       The radius of the shadow blur kernel. In the range [0.0 ... 127.0],
 979       typical value 10.<br>
 980       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a></span>
 981       The choke of the shadow. The choke is the portion of the radius where the
 982       contribution of the source material will be 100%. The remaining portion of
 983       the radius will have a contribution controlled by the blur kernel. A choke
 984       of 0.0 will result in a distribution of the shadow determined entirely by
 985       the blur algorithm. A choke of 1.0 will result in a solid growth inward of
 986       the shadow from the edges to the limit of the radius with a very sharp
 987       cutoff to transparency inside the radius. Values should be in the range
 988       [0.0 ... 1.0].<br>
 989       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a></span>
 990       The shadow offset in the x direction, in pixels. <br>
 991       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a></span>
 992       The shadow offset in the y direction, in pixels. </p>
 993     <h3><a name="typefont" id="typefont">&lt;font&gt;</a></h3>
 994     <p>JavaFX CSS supports the ability to specify fonts using separate family,
 995       size, style, and weight properties, as well as the ability to specify a
 996       font using a single shorthand property. There are four value types related
 997       to fonts plus a shorthand property that encompasses all four properties.
 998       The font-related types are as follows. </p>
 999     <p><span class="grammar">&lt;font-family&gt;</span>The string name of the
1000       font family. An actual font family name available on the system can be
1001       used, or one of the following generic family names can be used:</p>
1002     <ul>
1003       <li>'serif' (e.g., Times)</li>
1004       <li>'sans-serif' (e.g., Helvetica)</li>
1005       <li>'cursive' (e.g., Zapf-Chancery)</li>
1006       <li>'fantasy' (e.g., Western)</li>
1007       <li>'monospace' (e.g., Courier)</li>
1008     </ul>
1009     <p><span class="grammar">&lt;font-size&gt;</span> The size of the font,
1010       using the <span class="grammar">&lt;size&gt;</span> syntax.</p>
1011     <p><span class="grammar">&lt;font-style&gt;</span> The font's style, using
1012       the following syntax:<br>
1013       <span class="grammar">[ normal | italic | oblique ]</span></p>
1014     <p><span class="grammar">&lt;font-weight&gt;</span> The font's weight, using
1015       the following syntax:<br>
1016       <span class="grammar">[ normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300
1017         | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ]</span></p>
1018     <p><span class="grammar">&lt;font&gt;</span> This font shorthand property
1019       can be used in place of the above properties. It uses the following
1020       syntax:<br>
1021       <span class="grammar">[[ &lt;font-style&gt; || &lt;font-weight&gt; ]?
1022         &lt;font-size&gt; &lt;font-family&gt; ]</span></p>
1023     <h4><a name="fontprops" id="fontprops">Font Properties</a></h4>
1024     <p>Most classes that use text will support the following font properties. In
1025       some cases a similar set of properties will be supported but with a
1026       different prefix instead of "-fx-font".</p>
1027     <table summary="property table" class="csspropertytable" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1">
1028       <thead>
1029         <tr>
1030           <th class="propertyname">CSS Property</th>
1031           <th class="value">Values</th>
1032           <th>Default</th>
1033           <th>Comments</th>
1034         </tr>
1035       </thead>
1036       <tbody>
1037         <tr>
1038           <td class="propertyname">-fx-font</td>
1039           <td class="value"><a href="#typefont" class="typelink">&lt;font&gt;</a></td>
1040           <td>inherit</td>
1041           <td>shorthand property for font-size, font-family, font-weight and

1058           <td class="value"><a href="#typefont" class="typelink">&lt;font-style&gt;</a></td>
1059           <td>inherit</td>
1060           <td>&nbsp;</td>
1061         </tr>
1062         <tr>
1063           <td class="propertyname">-fx-font-weight</td>
1064           <td class="value"><a href="#typefont" class="typelink">&lt;font-weight&gt;</a></td>
1065           <td>inherit</td>
1066           <td>&nbsp;</td>
1067         </tr>
1068       </tbody>
1069     </table>
1070     <h3><a name="typepaint" id="typepaint">&lt;paint&gt;</a></h3>
1071     <p>Paint values can either be a solid color specified in one of the color
1072       syntaxes, they can be a linear or radial gradient, or an image-pattern.</p>
1073     <p class="grammar"><a href="#typecolor" class="typelink">&lt;color&gt;</a> |
1074       <a href="#typelinear-gradient" class="typelink">&lt;linear-gradient&gt;</a> |
1075       <a href="#typeradial-gradient" class="typelink">&lt;radial-gradient&gt;</a> |
1076       <a href="#typeimage-pattern" class="typelink">&lt;image-pattern&gt;</a>
1077       <a href="#typeimage-pattern" class="typelink">&lt;repeating-image-pattern&gt;</a></p>
1078     <h4>Linear Gradients<span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">
1079             <a name="typelinear-gradient" id="typelinear-gradient">&lt;linear-gradient&gt;</a>
1080         </span></h4>
1081     <p class="grammar">linear-gradient( [ [from <a href="#typepoint" class="typelink">&lt;point&gt;</a>
1082       to <a href="#typepoint" class="typelink">&lt;point&gt;</a>] | [ to
1083       &lt;side-or-corner&gt;], ]? [ [ repeat | reflect ], ]? <a href="#typecolorstop"
1084         class="typelink">&lt;color-stop&gt;</a>[,
1085       <a href="#typecolorstop" class="typelink">&lt;color-stop&gt;</a>]+) <br>
1086       <br>
1087       where &lt;side-or-corner&gt; = [left | right] || [top | bottom] </p>
1088     <p> </p>
1089     <p>Linear gradient creates a gradient going though all the stop colors along
1090       the line between the "from" <a href="#typepoint" class="typelink">&lt;point&gt;</a>
1091       and the "to" <a href="#typepoint" class="typelink">&lt;point&gt;</a>. If
1092       the points are percentages, then they are relative to the size of the area
1093       being filled. Percentage and length sizes can not be mixed in a single
1094       gradient function.</p>
1095     <p> If neither repeat nor reflect are given, then the CycleMethod defaults
1096       "NO_CYCLE".<br>
1097       If neither [from &lt;point&gt; to &lt;point&gt;] nor [ to
1098       &lt;side-or-corner&gt; ] are given, then the gradient direction defaults

1100       Stops are per <a href=""
1101         class="typelink">W3C
1102         color-stop syntax</a> and are normalized accordingly. </p>
1103     <p>This example will create a gradient from top left to bottom right of the
1104       filled area with red at the top left corner and black at the bottom right.</p>
1105     <p class="example">linear-gradient(to bottom right, red, black)</p>
1106     <p>This is equivalent to: </p>
1107     <p class="example">linear-gradient(from 0% 0% to 100% 100%, red 0%, black
1108       100%)</p>
1109     <p>This more complex example will create a 50px high bar at the top with a 3
1110       color gradient with white underneath for the rest of the filled area.</p>
1111     <p class="example">linear-gradient(from 0px 0px to 0px 50px, gray, darkgray
1112       50%, dimgray 99%, white)</p>
1113     <p><span style="color: #af0000; ">The following syntax for linear gradient does not
1114         conform to the CSS grammar and is deprecated in JavaFX 2.0. The JavaFX
1115         2.0 CSS parser supports the syntax but this support may be removed in
1116         later releases.</span></p>
1117     <p class="grammar"><span style="color: #af0000; ">linear (&lt;size&gt;, &lt;size&gt;)
1118         to (&lt;size&gt;, &lt;size&gt;) stops [ (&lt;number&gt;,&lt;color&gt;)
1119         ]+ [ repeat | reflect ]?</span></p>
1120     <h4>Radial Gradients <span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">
1121             <a name="typeradial-gradient" id="typeradial-gradient">&lt;radial-gradient&gt;</a>
1122         </span></h4>
1123     <p class="grammar">radial-gradient([ focus-angle <a href="#typeangle" class="typelink">&lt;angle&gt;</a>,
1124       ]? [ focus-distance <a href="#typepercentage" class="typelink">&lt;percentage&gt;</a>,
1125       ]? [ center <a href="#typepoint" class="typelink">&lt;point&gt;</a>, ]?
1126       radius [ <a href="#typelength" class="typelink">&lt;length&gt;</a> | <a
1127         href="#typepercentage"
1128         class="typelink">&lt;percentage&gt;</a>
1129       ] [ [ repeat | reflect ], ]? <a href="#typecolorstop" class="typelink">&lt;color-stop&gt;</a>[,
1130       <a href="#typecolorstop" class="typelink">&lt;color-stop&gt;</a>]+) </p>
1131     <p>Radial gradient creates a gradient going though all the stop colors radiating outward from
1132         the <a href="#typepoint" class="typelink">center point</a>
1133         to the <a href="#typelength" class="typelink">radius</a>. If the center point is not given,
1134         the center defaults to (0,0). Percentage values are relative to the size of the area
1135         being filled. Percentage and length sizes can not be mixed in a single gradient function.</p>
1136     <p> If neither repeat nor reflect are given, then the CycleMethod defaults
1137       "NO_CYCLE".<br>
1138       Stops are per <a href=""
1139         class="typelink">W3C
1140         color-stop syntax</a> and are normalized accordingly. </p>
1141     <p>Following are examples of the use of radial-gradient:</p>
1142     <p class="example">radial-gradient(radius 100%, red, darkgray, black)</p>
1143     <p class="example">radial-gradient(focus-angle 45deg, focus-distance 20%,
1144       center 25% 25%, radius 50%, reflect, gray, darkgray 75%, dimgray)</p>
1145     <p><span style="color: #af0000; ">The following syntax for radial gradient does not
1146         conform to the CSS grammar and is deprecated in JavaFX 2.0. The JavaFX
1147         2.0 CSS parser supports the syntax but this support may be removed in
1148         later releases.</span></p>
1149     <p class="grammar"><span style="color: #af0000; ">radial [focus-angle &lt;number&gt;
1150         | &lt;number&gt; ] ]? [ focus-distance &lt;size&gt; ]? [ center
1151         &lt;size,size&gt; ]? &lt;size&gt; stops [ ( &lt;number&gt;,
1152         &lt;color&gt; ) ]+ [ repeat | reflect ]?</span></p>
1153     <h4>Image Paint <span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">
1154             <a name="typeimage-pattern" id="typeimage-pattern">&lt;image-pattern&gt;</a>
1155         </span></h4>
1156     <p class="grammar">image-pattern(<a href="#typestring" class="typelink">&lt;string&gt;</a>,
1157       [<a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a>,
1158       <a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a>,
1159       <a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a>,
1160       <a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a>[,
1161       <a href="#typeboolean" class="typelink">&lt;boolean&gt;</a>]?]?)</p>
1162     <p>The parameters, in order, are:<br>
1163     <p style="margin-left: 40px;">
1164     <span class="grammar"><a href="#typestring" class="typelink">&lt;string&gt;</a></span>
1165       The URL of the image.<br>
1166       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a></span>
1167       The <span style="font-style:italic;">x</span> origin of the anchor rectangle.<br>
1168       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a></span>
1169       The <span style="font-style: italic;">y</span> origin of the anchor rectangle.<br>
1170       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a></span>
1171       The width of the anchor rectangle.<br>
1172       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typesize" class="typelink">&lt;size&gt;</a></span>
1173       The height of the anchor rectangle.<br>
1174       <span class="grammar"><a href="#typeboolean" class="typelink">&lt;boolean&gt;</a></span>
1175       The proportional flag which indicates whether start and end locations are proportional or absolute<br>
1176     </p>
1177     <p>For a full explanation of the parameters, refer to the
1178         <a href="../paint/ImagePattern.html" class="typelink">ImagePattern</a> javadoc.</p>
1179     <p>Following are examples of the use of image-pattern:</p>
1180     <p class="example">image-pattern("images/Duke.png")</p>
1181     <p class="example">image-pattern("images/Duke.png", 20%, 20%, 80%, 80%)</p>
1182     <p class="example">image-pattern("images/Duke.png", 20%, 20%, 80%, 80%, true)</p>
1183     <p class="example">image-pattern("images/Duke.png", 20, 20, 80, 80, false)</p>
1185     <p>Related, there is the <code>repeating-image-pattern</code> function which is a shorthand
1186     for producing tiled image based fills. It is equivalent to
1187     <p class="example">image-pattern("images/Duke.png", 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, false)</p>
1189     <p class="grammar">repeating-image-pattern(<a href="#typestring" class="typelink">&lt;string&gt;</a>)</p>
1190     <p>The only parameter is the uri of the image. Following is an example of the use of image-pattern:</p>
1191     <p class="example">repeating-image-pattern("com/mycompany/myapp/images/Duke.png")</p>
1195     <h3><a name="typecolor" id="typecolor">&lt;color&gt;</a></h3>
1196     <p class="grammar">&lt;named-color&gt; | &lt;looked-up-color&gt; |
1197       &lt;rgb-color&gt; | &lt;hsb-color&gt; | &lt;color-function&gt;</p>
1198     <h4>Named Colors <span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">&lt;named-color&gt;</span></h4>
1199     <p>CSS supports a bunch of named constant colors. Named colors can be
1200       specified with just their unquoted name for example: </p>
1201     <p class="example">.button {<br>
1202       &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -fx-background-color: red;<br>
1203       }</p>
1204     <p>The named colors that are available in CSS are:</p>
1205     <table summary="property table" class="html4colortable">
1206       <tbody>
1207         <tr>
1208           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% aliceblue;"></span><br>
1209           </td>
1210           <td>aliceblue = #f0f8ff</td>
1211           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% antiquewhite;"></span><br>
1212           </td>
1213           <td>antiquewhite = #faebd7</td>
1214           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% aqua;"></span><br>
1215           </td>
1216           <td>aqua = #00ffff</td>
1217           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% aquamarine;"></span><br>
1218           </td>
1219           <td>aquamarine = #7fffd4</td>
1220         </tr>
1221         <tr>
1222           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% azure;"></span><br>
1223           </td>
1224           <td>azure = #f0ffff</td>
1225           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% beige;"></span><br>
1226           </td>
1227           <td>beige = #f5f5dc</td>
1228           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% bisque;"></span><br>
1229           </td>
1230           <td>bisque = #ffe4c4</td>
1231           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% black;"></span><br>
1232           </td>
1233           <td>black = #000000</td>
1234         </tr>
1235         <tr>
1236           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% blanchedalmond;"></span><br>
1237           </td>
1238           <td>blanchedalmond = #ffebcd</td>
1239           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% blue;"></span><br>
1240           </td>
1241           <td>blue = #0000ff</td>
1242           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% blueviolet;"></span><br>
1243           </td>
1244           <td>blueviolet = #8a2be2</td>
1245           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% brown;"></span><br>
1246           </td>
1247           <td>brown = #a52a2a</td>
1248         </tr>
1249         <tr>
1250           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% burlywood;"></span><br>
1251           </td>
1252           <td>burlywood = #deb887</td>
1253           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% cadetblue;"></span><br>
1254           </td>
1255           <td>cadetblue = #5f9ea0</td>
1256           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% chartreuse;"></span><br>
1257           </td>
1258           <td>chartreuse = #7fff00</td>
1259           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% chocolate;"></span><br>
1260           </td>
1261           <td>chocolate = #d2691e</td>
1262         </tr>
1263         <tr>
1264           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% coral;"></span><br>
1265           </td>
1266           <td>coral = #ff7f50</td>
1267           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% cornflowerblue;"></span><br>
1268           </td>
1269           <td>cornflowerblue = #6495ed</td>
1270           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% cornsilk;"></span><br>
1271           </td>
1272           <td>cornsilk = #fff8dc</td>
1273           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% crimson;"></span><br>
1274           </td>
1275           <td>crimson = #dc143c</td>
1276         </tr>
1277         <tr>
1278           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% cyan;"></span><br>
1279           </td>
1280           <td>cyan = #00ffff</td>
1281           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkblue;"></span><br>
1282           </td>
1283           <td>darkblue = #00008b</td>
1284           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkcyan;"></span><br>
1285           </td>
1286           <td>darkcyan = #008b8b</td>
1287           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkgoldenrod;"></span><br>
1288           </td>
1289           <td>darkgoldenrod = #b8860b</td>
1290         </tr>
1291         <tr>
1292           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkgray;"></span><br>
1293           </td>
1294           <td>darkgray = #a9a9a9</td>
1295           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkgreen;"></span><br>
1296           </td>
1297           <td>darkgreen = #006400</td>
1298           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkgrey;"></span><br>
1299           </td>
1300           <td>darkgrey = #a9a9a9</td>
1301           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkkhaki;"></span><br>
1302           </td>
1303           <td>darkkhaki = #bdb76b</td>
1304         </tr>
1305         <tr>
1306           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkmagenta;"></span><br>
1307           </td>
1308           <td>darkmagenta = #8b008b</td>
1309           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkolivegreen;"></span><br>
1310           </td>
1311           <td>darkolivegreen = #556b2f</td>
1312           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkorange;"></span><br>
1313           </td>
1314           <td>darkorange = #ff8c00</td>
1315           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkorchid;"></span><br>
1316           </td>
1317           <td>darkorchid = #9932cc</td>
1318         </tr>
1319         <tr>
1320           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkred;"></span><br>
1321           </td>
1322           <td>darkred = #8b0000</td>
1323           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darksalmon;"></span><br>
1324           </td>
1325           <td>darksalmon = #e9967a</td>
1326           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkseagreen;"></span><br>
1327           </td>
1328           <td>darkseagreen = #8fbc8f</td>
1329           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkslateblue;"></span><br>
1330           </td>
1331           <td>darkslateblue = #483d8b</td>
1332         </tr>
1333         <tr>
1334           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkslategray;"></span><br>
1335           </td>
1336           <td>darkslategray = #2f4f4f</td>
1337           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkslategrey;"></span><br>
1338           </td>
1339           <td>darkslategrey = #2f4f4f</td>
1340           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkturquoise;"></span><br>
1341           </td>
1342           <td>darkturquoise = #00ced1</td>
1343           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% darkviolet;"></span><br>
1344           </td>
1345           <td>darkviolet = #9400d3</td>
1346         </tr>
1347         <tr>
1348           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% deeppink;"></span><br>
1349           </td>
1350           <td>deeppink = #ff1493</td>
1351           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% deepskyblue;"></span><br>
1352           </td>
1353           <td>deepskyblue = #00bfff</td>
1354           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% dimgray;"></span><br>
1355           </td>
1356           <td>dimgray = #696969</td>
1357           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% dimgrey;"></span><br>
1358           </td>
1359           <td>dimgrey = #696969</td>
1360         </tr>
1361         <tr>
1362           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% dodgerblue;"></span><br>
1363           </td>
1364           <td>dodgerblue = #1e90ff</td>
1365           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% firebrick;"></span><br>
1366           </td>
1367           <td>firebrick = #b22222</td>
1368           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% floralwhite;"></span><br>
1369           </td>
1370           <td>floralwhite = #fffaf0</td>
1371           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% forestgreen;"></span><br>
1372           </td>
1373           <td>forestgreen = #228b22</td>
1374         </tr>
1375         <tr>
1376           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% fuchsia;"></span><br>
1377           </td>
1378           <td>fuchsia = #ff00ff</td>
1379           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% gainsboro;"></span><br>
1380           </td>
1381           <td>gainsboro = #dcdcdc</td>
1382           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% ghostwhite;"></span><br>
1383           </td>
1384           <td>ghostwhite = #f8f8ff</td>
1385           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% gold;"></span><br>
1386           </td>
1387           <td>gold = #ffd700</td>
1388         </tr>
1389         <tr>
1390           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% goldenrod;"></span><br>
1391           </td>
1392           <td>goldenrod = #daa520</td>
1393           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% gray;"></span><br>
1394           </td>
1395           <td>gray = #808080</td>
1396           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% green;"></span><br>
1397           </td>
1398           <td>green = #008000</td>
1399           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% greenyellow;"></span><br>
1400           </td>
1401           <td>greenyellow = #adff2f</td>
1402         </tr>
1403         <tr>
1404           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% grey;"></span><br>
1405           </td>
1406           <td>grey = #808080</td>
1407           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% honeydew;"></span><br>
1408           </td>
1409           <td>honeydew = #f0fff0</td>
1410           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% hotpink;"></span><br>
1411           </td>
1412           <td>hotpink = #ff69b4</td>
1413           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% indianred;"></span><br>
1414           </td>
1415           <td>indianred = #cd5c5c</td>
1416         </tr>
1417         <tr>
1418           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% indigo;"></span><br>
1419           </td>
1420           <td>indigo = #4b0082</td>
1421           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% ivory;"></span><br>
1422           </td>
1423           <td>ivory = #fffff0</td>
1424           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% khaki;"></span><br>
1425           </td>
1426           <td>khaki = #f0e68c</td>
1427           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lavender;"></span><br>
1428           </td>
1429           <td>lavender = #e6e6fa</td>
1430         </tr>
1431         <tr>
1432           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lavenderblush;"></span><br>
1433           </td>
1434           <td>lavenderblush = #fff0f5</td>
1435           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lawngreen;"></span><br>
1436           </td>
1437           <td>lawngreen = #7cfc00</td>
1438           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lemonchiffon;"></span><br>
1439           </td>
1440           <td>lemonchiffon = #fffacd</td>
1441           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightblue;"></span><br>
1442           </td>
1443           <td>lightblue = #add8e6</td>
1444         </tr>
1445         <tr>
1446           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightcoral;"></span><br>
1447           </td>
1448           <td>lightcoral = #f08080</td>
1449           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightcyan;"></span><br>
1450           </td>
1451           <td>lightcyan = #e0ffff</td>
1452           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightgoldenrodyellow;"></span><br>
1453           </td>
1454           <td>lightgoldenrodyellow = #fafad2</td>
1455           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightgray;"></span><br>
1456           </td>
1457           <td>lightgray = #d3d3d3</td>
1458         </tr>
1459         <tr>
1460           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightgreen;"></span><br>
1461           </td>
1462           <td>lightgreen = #90ee90</td>
1463           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightgrey;"></span><br>
1464           </td>
1465           <td>lightgrey = #d3d3d3</td>
1466           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightpink;"></span><br>
1467           </td>
1468           <td>lightpink = #ffb6c1</td>
1469           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightsalmon;"></span><br>
1470           </td>
1471           <td>lightsalmon = #ffa07a</td>
1472         </tr>
1473         <tr>
1474           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightseagreen;"></span><br>
1475           </td>
1476           <td>lightseagreen = #20b2aa</td>
1477           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightskyblue;"></span><br>
1478           </td>
1479           <td>lightskyblue = #87cefa</td>
1480           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightslategray;"></span><br>
1481           </td>
1482           <td>lightslategray = #778899</td>
1483           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightslategrey;"></span><br>
1484           </td>
1485           <td>lightslategrey = #778899</td>
1486         </tr>
1487         <tr>
1488           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightsteelblue;"></span><br>
1489           </td>
1490           <td>lightsteelblue = #b0c4de</td>
1491           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lightyellow;"></span><br>
1492           </td>
1493           <td>lightyellow = #ffffe0</td>
1494           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% lime;"></span><br>
1495           </td>
1496           <td>lime = #00ff00</td>
1497           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% limegreen;"></span><br>
1498           </td>
1499           <td>limegreen = #32cd32</td>
1500         </tr>
1501         <tr>
1502           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% linen;"></span><br>
1503           </td>
1504           <td>linen = #faf0e6</td>
1505           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% magenta;"></span><br>
1506           </td>
1507           <td>magenta = #ff00ff</td>
1508           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% maroon;"></span><br>
1509           </td>
1510           <td>maroon = #800000</td>
1511           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumaquamarine;"></span><br>
1512           </td>
1513           <td>mediumaquamarine = #66cdaa</td>
1514         </tr>
1515         <tr>
1516           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumblue;"></span><br>
1517           </td>
1518           <td>mediumblue = #0000cd</td>
1519           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumorchid;"></span><br>
1520           </td>
1521           <td>mediumorchid = #ba55d3</td>
1522           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumpurple;"></span><br>
1523           </td>
1524           <td>mediumpurple = #9370db</td>
1525           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumseagreen;"></span><br>
1526           </td>
1527           <td>mediumseagreen = #3cb371</td>
1528         </tr>
1529         <tr>
1530           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumslateblue;"></span><br>
1531           </td>
1532           <td>mediumslateblue = #7b68ee</td>
1533           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumspringgreen;"></span><br>
1534           </td>
1535           <td>mediumspringgreen = #00fa9a</td>
1536           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumturquoise;"></span><br>
1537           </td>
1538           <td>mediumturquoise = #48d1cc</td>
1539           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mediumvioletred;"></span><br>
1540           </td>
1541           <td>mediumvioletred = #c71585</td>
1542         </tr>
1543         <tr>
1544           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% midnightblue;"></span><br>
1545           </td>
1546           <td>midnightblue = #191970</td>
1547           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mintcream;"></span><br>
1548           </td>
1549           <td>mintcream = #f5fffa</td>
1550           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% mistyrose;"></span><br>
1551           </td>
1552           <td>mistyrose = #ffe4e1</td>
1553           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% moccasin;"></span><br>
1554           </td>
1555           <td>moccasin = #ffe4b5</td>
1556         </tr>
1557         <tr>
1558           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% navajowhite;"></span><br>
1559           </td>
1560           <td>navajowhite = #ffdead</td>
1561           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% navy;"></span><br>
1562           </td>
1563           <td>navy = #000080</td>
1564           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% oldlace;"></span><br>
1565           </td>
1566           <td>oldlace = #fdf5e6</td>
1567           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% olive;"></span><br>
1568           </td>
1569           <td>olive = #808000</td>
1570         </tr>
1571         <tr>
1572           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% olivedrab;"></span><br>
1573           </td>
1574           <td>olivedrab = #6b8e23</td>
1575           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% orange;"></span><br>
1576           </td>
1577           <td>orange = #ffa500</td>
1578           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% orangered;"></span><br>
1579           </td>
1580           <td>orangered = #ff4500</td>
1581           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% orchid;"></span><br>
1582           </td>
1583           <td>orchid = #da70d6</td>
1584         </tr>
1585         <tr>
1586           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% palegoldenrod;"></span><br>
1587           </td>
1588           <td>palegoldenrod = #eee8aa</td>
1589           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% palegreen;"></span><br>
1590           </td>
1591           <td>palegreen = #98fb98</td>
1592           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% paleturquoise;"></span><br>
1593           </td>
1594           <td>paleturquoise = #afeeee</td>
1595           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% palevioletred;"></span><br>
1596           </td>
1597           <td>palevioletred = #db7093</td>
1598         </tr>
1599         <tr>
1600           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% papayawhip;"></span><br>
1601           </td>
1602           <td>papayawhip = #ffefd5</td>
1603           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% peachpuff;"></span><br>
1604           </td>
1605           <td>peachpuff = #ffdab9</td>
1606           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% peru;"></span><br>
1607           </td>
1608           <td>peru = #cd853f</td>
1609           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% pink;"></span><br>
1610           </td>
1611           <td>pink = #ffc0cb</td>
1612         </tr>
1613         <tr>
1614           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% plum;"></span><br>
1615           </td>
1616           <td>plum = #dda0dd</td>
1617           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% powderblue;"></span><br>
1618           </td>
1619           <td>powderblue = #b0e0e6</td>
1620           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% purple;"></span><br>
1621           </td>
1622           <td>purple = #800080</td>
1623           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% red;"></span><br>
1624           </td>
1625           <td>red = #ff0000</td>
1626         </tr>
1627         <tr>
1628           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% rosybrown;"></span><br>
1629           </td>
1630           <td>rosybrown = #bc8f8f</td>
1631           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% royalblue;"></span><br>
1632           </td>
1633           <td>royalblue = #4169e1</td>
1634           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% saddlebrown;"></span><br>
1635           </td>
1636           <td>saddlebrown = #8b4513</td>
1637           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% salmon;"></span><br>
1638           </td>
1639           <td>salmon = #fa8072</td>
1640         </tr>
1641         <tr>
1642           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% sandybrown;"></span><br>
1643           </td>
1644           <td>sandybrown = #f4a460</td>
1645           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% seagreen;"></span><br>
1646           </td>
1647           <td>seagreen = #2e8b57</td>
1648           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% seashell;"></span><br>
1649           </td>
1650           <td>seashell = #fff5ee</td>
1651           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% sienna;"></span><br>
1652           </td>
1653           <td>sienna = #a0522d</td>
1654         </tr>
1655         <tr>
1656           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% silver;"></span><br>
1657           </td>
1658           <td>silver = #c0c0c0</td>
1659           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% skyblue;"></span><br>
1660           </td>
1661           <td>skyblue = #87ceeb</td>
1662           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% slateblue;"></span><br>
1663           </td>
1664           <td>slateblue = #6a5acd</td>
1665           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% slategray;"></span><br>
1666           </td>
1667           <td>slategray = #708090</td>
1668         </tr>
1669         <tr>
1670           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% slategrey;"></span><br>
1671           </td>
1672           <td>slategrey = #708090</td>
1673           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% snow;"></span><br>
1674           </td>
1675           <td>snow = #fffafa</td>
1676           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% springgreen;"></span><br>
1677           </td>
1678           <td>springgreen = #00ff7f</td>
1679           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% steelblue;"></span><br>
1680           </td>
1681           <td>steelblue = #4682b4</td>
1682         </tr>
1683         <tr>
1684           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% tan;"></span><br>
1685           </td>
1686           <td>tan = #d2b48c</td>
1687           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% teal;"></span><br>
1688           </td>
1689           <td>teal = #008080</td>
1690           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% thistle;"></span><br>
1691           </td>
1692           <td>thistle = #d8bfd8</td>
1693           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% tomato;"></span><br>
1694           </td>
1695           <td>tomato = #ff6347</td>
1696         </tr>
1697         <tr>
1698           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% turquoise;"></span><br>
1699           </td>
1700           <td>turquoise = #40e0d0</td>
1701           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% violet;"></span><br>
1702           </td>
1703           <td>violet = #ee82ee</td>
1704           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% wheat;"></span><br>
1705           </td>
1706           <td>wheat = #f5deb3</td>
1707           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% white;"></span><br>
1708           </td>
1709           <td>white = #ffffff</td>
1710         </tr>
1711         <tr>
1712           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% whitesmoke;"></span><br>
1713           </td>
1714           <td>whitesmoke = #f5f5f5</td>
1715           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% yellow;"></span><br>
1716           </td>
1717           <td>yellow = #ffff00</td>
1718           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% yellowgreen;"></span><br>
1719           </td>
1720           <td>yellowgreen = #9acd32</td>
1721           <td><span class="colorsquare" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 50% transparent;"></span><br>
1722           </td>
1723           <td>transparent = rgba(0,0,0,0)</td>
1724         </tr>
1725       </tbody>
1726     </table>
1727     <h4>Looked-up Colors <span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">&lt;looked-up-color&gt;</span></h4>
1728     <p>With looked-up colors you can refer to any other color property that is
1729       set on the current node or any of its parents. This is a very powerful
1730       feature, as it allows a generic palette of colors to be specified on the
1731       scene then used thoughout the application. If you want to change one of
1732       those palette colors you can do so at any level in the scene tree and it
1733       will affect that node and all its decendents. Looked-up colors are not
1734       looked up until they are applied, so they are live and react to any style
1735       changes that might occur, such as replacing a palette color at runtime
1736       with the "style" property on a node.</p>
1737     <p>In the following example, all background color of all buttons uses the
1738       looked up color "abc".</p>
1739     <p class="example">.root { abc: #f00 }<br>
1740       .button { -fx-background-color: abc }</p>
1741     <h4>RGB Colors <span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">&lt;rgb-color&gt;</span></h4>
1742     <p>The RGB color model is used in numerical color specifications. It has a
1743       number of different supported forms.</p>
1744     <p class="grammar">#&lt;digit&gt;&lt;digit&gt;&lt;digit&gt;<br>
1745       |
1746       #&lt;digit&gt;&lt;digit&gt;&lt;digit&gt;&lt;digit&gt;&lt;digit&gt;&lt;digit&gt;<br>
1747       | rgb( <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a> , <a href="#typenumber"
1748         class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a>
1749       , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a> )<br>
1750       | rgb( <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a> %, <a
1751         href="#typenumber"
1752         class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a>%
1753       , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a>% )<br>
1754       | rgba( <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a> , <a
1755         href="#typenumber"
1756         class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a>
1757       , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a> , <a href="#typenumber"
1758         class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>
1759       ) <br>
1760       | rgba( <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;integer&gt;</a>% , <a
1761         href="#typenumber"

1789       space characters are allowed around the numerical values.</p>
1790     <p><strong>RGB + Alpha</strong>: This is an extension of the RGB color model
1791       to include an &lsquo;alpha&rsquo; value that specifies the opacity of a
1792       color. This is accomplished via a functional syntax of the form rgba(...)
1793       form that takes a fourth parameter which is the alpha value. The alpha
1794       value must be a number in the range 0.0 (representing completely
1795       transparent) and 1.0 (completely opaque). As with the rgb() function, the
1796       red, green, and blue values may be decimal integers or percentages. The
1797       following examples all specify the same color:</p>
1798     <p class="example"></p>
1799     <ul style="list-style: none;">
1800       <li>.label { -fx-text-fill: rgb(255,0,0) } /* integer range 0 &mdash; 255*/</li>
1801       <li> .label { -fx-text-fill: rgba(255,0,0,1) /* the same, with explicit
1802         opacity of 1 */</li>
1803       <li> .label { -fx-text-fill: rgb(100%,0%,0%) } /* float range 0.0% &mdash;
1804         100.0% */</li>
1805       <li> .label { -fx-text-fill: rgba(100%,0%,0%,1) } /* the same, with
1806         explicit opacity of 1 */</li>
1807     </ul>
1808     <p></p>
1809     <h4>HSB Colors <span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">&lt;hsb-color&gt;</span></h4>
1810     <p>Colors can be specified using the HSB (sometimes called HSV) color model,
1811       as follows:</p>
1812     <p class="grammar">hsb( <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>
1813       , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>% , <a href="#typenumber"
1814         class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>%
1815       ) | hsba( <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a> , <a
1816         href="#typenumber"
1817         class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>%
1818       , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>% , <a href="#typenumber"
1819         class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>
1820       )</p>
1821     <p>The first number is <span style="font-style:italic;">hue</span>, a number in the range 0 to 360
1822       degrees. The second number is <em>saturation,</em> a percentage in the
1823       range 0% to 100%. The third number is <span style="font-style:italic;">brightness</span>, also a
1824       percentage in the range 0% to 100%. The hsba(...) form takes a fourth
1825       parameter at the end which is a alpha value in the range 0.0 to 1.0,
1826       specifying completely transparent and completely opaque, respectively.</p>
1827     <h4>Color Functions <span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">&lt;color-function&gt;</span></h4>
1828     <p>JavaFX supports some color computation functions. These compute new
1829       colors from input colors at the time the color style is applied. This
1830       enables a color theme to be specified using a single base color and to
1831       have variant colors computed from that base color. There are two color
1832       functions: derive() and ladder().</p>
1833     <p class="grammar">&lt;derive&gt; | &lt;ladder&gt;</p>
1834     <p><strong>Derive </strong><span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">&lt;derive&gt;</span></p>
1835     <p class="grammar">derive( <a href="#typecolor" class="typelink">&lt;color&gt;</a>
1836       , <a href="#typenumber" class="typelink">&lt;number&gt;</a>% )</p>
1837     <p>The derive function takes a color and computes a brighter or darker
1838       version of that color. The second parameter is the brightness offset,
1839       representing how much brighter or darker the derived color should be. Positive percentages indicate brighter colors
1840       and negative percentages indicate darker colors. A value of -100% means
1841       completely black, 0% means no change in brightness, and 100% means
1842       completely white.</p>
1843     <p><strong>Ladder</strong><span class="grammar" style="font-size: smaller;">&lt;ladder&gt;</span></p>
1844     <p class="grammar">ladder(<a href="#typecolor" class="typelink">&lt;color&gt;</a>
1845       , <a href="#typecolorstop" class="typelink">&lt;color-stop&gt;</a> [, <a
1846         href="#typecolorstop"
1847         class="typelink">&lt;color-stop&gt;</a>]+)</p>
1848     <p>The ladder function interpolates between colors. The effect is as if a
1849       gradient is created using the stops provided, and then the brightness of
1850       the provided <a href="#typecolor" class="typelink">&lt;color&gt;</a> is
1851       used to index a color value within that gradient. At 0% brightness, the
1852       color at the 0.0 end of the gradient is used; at 100% brightness, the
1853       color at the 1.0 end of the gradient is used; and at 50% brightness, the
1854       color at 0.5, the midway point of the gradient, is used. Note that no
1855       gradient is actually rendered. This is merely an interpolation function
1856       that results in a single color.</p>
1857     <p>Stops are per <a href=""
1858         class="typelink">W3C
1859         color-stop syntax</a> and are normalized accordingly.</p>
1860     <p>For example, you could use the following if you want the text color to be
1861       black or white depending upon the brightness of the background.</p>
1862     <p class="example">background: white;<br>
1863       -fx-text-fill: ladder(background, white 49%, black 50%);</p>

2387     <h4><a name="region" id="region">Region</a></h4>
2388 <p class="styleclass">Style class: empty by default</p>
2389     <p>A Region is a Node (extending from Parent) with backgrounds and borders
2390       that are styleable via CSS. A Region is typically a rounded rectangle,
2391       though this can be modified through CSS to be an arbitrary shape. Regions
2392       can contain other Region objects (sub-regions) or they can contain
2393       sub-controls. All Regions have the same set of CSS properties as described
2394       below. </p>
2395     <p>Each Region consists of several layers, painted from bottom to top, in
2396       this order:</p>
2397     <ol>
2398       <li>background fills</li>
2399       <li>background images</li>
2400       <li>border strokes</li>
2401       <li>border images</li>
2402       <li>contents</li>
2403     </ol>
2404     <p>The background and border mechanisms are patterned after the CSS 3 draft
2405       backgrounds and borders module. See <a href="#references">[4]</a> for a
2406       detailed description.</p>
2407     <p>Background fills are specified with the properties <span class="propertyname">-fx-background-color</span>,
2408       <span class="propertyname">-fx-background-radius</span> and <span class="propertyname">-fx-background-insets</span>.
2409       The -fx-background-color property is a series of one or more
2410       comma-separated &lt;paint&gt; values. The number of values in the series
2411       determines the number of background rectangles that are painted.
2412       Background rectangles are painted in the order specified using the given
2413       &lt;paint&gt; value. Each background rectangle can have different radii
2414       and insets. The -fx-background-radius and -fx-background-insets properties
2415       are series of comma-separated values (or sets of values). The radius and
2416       insets values used for a particular background are the found in the
2417       corresponding position in the -fx-background-radius and
2418       -fx-background-insets series. For example, suppose a series of three
2419       values is given for the -fx-background-color property. A series of three
2420       values should also be specified for the -fx-background-radius and
2421       -fx-background-insets properties. The first background will be painted
2422       using the first radius value and first insets value, the second background
2423       will be painted with the second radius value and second insets value, and
2424       so forth.</p>
2425     <p>Note also that properties such as -fx-background-radius and
2426       -fx-background-insets can contain a series of values or <span style="font-style:italic;">sets</span> of
2427       four values. A set of values is separated by whitespace, whereas the
2428       values or sets-of-values in a series are separated by commas. For
2429       -fx-background-radius, a single value indicates that the value should be
2430       used for the radius of all four corners of the background rectangle. A set
2431       of four values indicates that different radius values are to be used for
2432       the top-left, top-right, bottom-right, and bottom-left corners, in that
2433       order. Similarly, the -fx-background-insets property can also contain a
2434       series of values or sets of values. A set of four values for
2435       -fx-background-insets indicates that different insets are to be used for
2436       the top, right, bottom, and left edges of the rectangle, in that order.</p>
2437     <p>Background images are specified with the properties <span class="propertyname">-fx-background-image</span>,
2438       <span class="propertyname">-fx-background-repeat</span>, <span class="propertyname">-fx-background-position</span>
2439       and <span class="propertyname">-fx-background-size</span>. The number of
2440       images in the series of -fx-background-image values determines the number
2441       of background images that are painted. The -fx-background-repeat,
2442       -fx-background-position, and -fx-background-size properties each can
2443       contain a series of values. For each item in the -fx-background-image
2444       series, the corresponding items in the -fx-background-repeat,
2445       -fx-background-position, and -fx-background-size properties are applied to
2446       that background image.</p>
2447     <p>Stroked borders are specified with the properties <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-color</span>,
2448       <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-style</span>, <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-width</span>,
2449       <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-radius</span> and <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-insets</span>.
2450       Each property contains a series of items. The maximum number of items in the -fx-
2451       border-color or -fx-border-style property determines the number of border layers that are painted..
2452       Each border in the series is painted using information from the
2453       corresponding series item of the -fx-border-color, -fx-border-style, -fx-border-width,
2454       -fx-border-radius, and -fx-border-insets properties. If there is no -fx-border-color, the default color is black.
2455     if there is no -fx-border-style, the default style is solid. </p>
2456     <p>Image borders are specified with the properties <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-image-source</span>,
2457       <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-image-repeat</span>, <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-image-slice</span>,
2458       <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-image-width</span> and <span class="propertyname">-fx-border-image-insets</span>.
2459       Each property contains a series of items. The number of items in the
2460       -fx-border-image-source property determines the number of images that are
2461       painted. Each image in the series is painted using information from the
2462       corresponding series items of the -fx-border-image-repeat,
2463       -fx-border-image-slice, -fx-border-image-width, and
2464       -fx-border-image-insets properties.</p>
2465     <p>The region's contents are a sequence of nodes, like any other container.
2466       The contents are set programmatically and cannot be set via CSS.</p>
2467     <table summary="property table" class="csspropertytable" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1">
2468       <thead>
2469         <tr>
2470           <th class="propertyname">CSS Property</th>
2471           <th class="value">Values</th>
2472           <th class="default">Default</th>
2473           <th>Comments</th>
2474         </tr>
2475       </thead>
2476       <tbody>
2477         <tr>
2478           <td colspan="4" class="propertyname"><em>BACKGROUND FILLS</em> (see <a