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rev 9240 : 8076423: JEP 253: Prepare JavaFX UI Controls & CSS APIs for Modularization

  30 import java.util.List;
  31 import;
  32 import;
  33 import;
  34 import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener.Change;
  35 import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
  36 import javafx.geometry.HPos;
  37 import javafx.geometry.Insets;
  38 import javafx.geometry.Orientation;
  39 import javafx.geometry.Pos;
  40 import javafx.geometry.VPos;
  41 import javafx.scene.Group;
  42 import javafx.scene.Node;
  43 import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
  44 import javafx.scene.shape.Line;
  45 import com.sun.javafx.collections.TrackableObservableList;
  46 import javafx.css.StyleableBooleanProperty;
  47 import javafx.css.StyleableDoubleProperty;
  48 import javafx.css.StyleableObjectProperty;
  49 import javafx.css.CssMetaData;
  50 import com.sun.javafx.css.converters.BooleanConverter;
  51 import com.sun.javafx.css.converters.EnumConverter;
  52 import com.sun.javafx.css.converters.SizeConverter;
  53 import java.util.Arrays;
  54 import java.util.BitSet;
  55 import java.util.Iterator;
  56 import java.util.Map.Entry;
  57 import java.util.Set;
  58 import java.util.SortedMap;
  59 import java.util.TreeMap;
  60 import java.util.TreeSet;
  61 import java.util.function.Function;
  62 import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
  63 import javafx.beans.Observable;
  64 import javafx.css.Styleable;
  65 import javafx.css.StyleableProperty;
  66 import javafx.geometry.BoundingBox;
  67 import javafx.geometry.Bounds;
  68 import static javafx.scene.layout.Priority.ALWAYS;
  69 import static javafx.scene.layout.Priority.SOMETIMES;
  70 import static javafx.scene.layout.Region.USE_COMPUTED_SIZE;
  71 import static javafx.scene.layout.Region.boundedSize;
  72 import javafx.util.Callback;
  76 /**
  77  * GridPane lays out its children within a flexible grid of rows and columns.
  78  * If a border and/or padding is set, then its content will be layed out within
  79  * those insets.
  80  * <p>
  81  * A child may be placed anywhere within the grid and may span multiple
  82  * rows/columns.  Children may freely overlap within rows/columns and their
  83  * stacking order will be defined by the order of the gridpane's children list
  84  * (0th node in back, last node in front).
  85  * <p>
  86  * GridPane may be styled with backgrounds and borders using CSS.  See
  87  * {@link javafx.scene.layout.Region Region} superclass for details.</p>
  88  *
  89  * <h4>Grid Constraints</h4>
  90  * <p>
  91  * A child's placement within the grid is defined by it's layout constraints:

  30 import java.util.List;
  31 import;
  32 import;
  33 import;
  34 import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener.Change;
  35 import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
  36 import javafx.geometry.HPos;
  37 import javafx.geometry.Insets;
  38 import javafx.geometry.Orientation;
  39 import javafx.geometry.Pos;
  40 import javafx.geometry.VPos;
  41 import javafx.scene.Group;
  42 import javafx.scene.Node;
  43 import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
  44 import javafx.scene.shape.Line;
  45 import com.sun.javafx.collections.TrackableObservableList;
  46 import javafx.css.StyleableBooleanProperty;
  47 import javafx.css.StyleableDoubleProperty;
  48 import javafx.css.StyleableObjectProperty;
  49 import javafx.css.CssMetaData;
  50 import javafx.css.converter.BooleanConverter;
  51 import javafx.css.converter.EnumConverter;
  52 import javafx.css.converter.SizeConverter;
  53 import java.util.Arrays;
  54 import java.util.BitSet;
  55 import java.util.Iterator;
  56 import java.util.Map.Entry;
  57 import java.util.Set;
  58 import java.util.SortedMap;
  59 import java.util.TreeMap;
  60 import java.util.TreeSet;

  62 import javafx.beans.Observable;
  63 import javafx.css.Styleable;
  64 import javafx.css.StyleableProperty;
  65 import javafx.geometry.BoundingBox;
  66 import javafx.geometry.Bounds;

  67 import javafx.util.Callback;
  71 /**
  72  * GridPane lays out its children within a flexible grid of rows and columns.
  73  * If a border and/or padding is set, then its content will be layed out within
  74  * those insets.
  75  * <p>
  76  * A child may be placed anywhere within the grid and may span multiple
  77  * rows/columns.  Children may freely overlap within rows/columns and their
  78  * stacking order will be defined by the order of the gridpane's children list
  79  * (0th node in back, last node in front).
  80  * <p>
  81  * GridPane may be styled with backgrounds and borders using CSS.  See
  82  * {@link javafx.scene.layout.Region Region} superclass for details.</p>
  83  *
  84  * <h4>Grid Constraints</h4>
  85  * <p>
  86  * A child's placement within the grid is defined by it's layout constraints: