/* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package javafx.scene.control; import javafx.css.PseudoClass; import javafx.scene.control.skin.TreeTableRowSkin; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener; import javafx.beans.Observable; import javafx.beans.WeakInvalidationListener; import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty; import javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty; import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectProperty; import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectWrapper; import javafx.beans.property.SimpleObjectProperty; import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener; import javafx.collections.WeakListChangeListener; import javafx.scene.AccessibleAction; import javafx.scene.AccessibleAttribute; import javafx.scene.AccessibleRole; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableView.TreeTableViewFocusModel; import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableView.TreeTableViewSelectionModel; /** *

TreeTableRow is an {@link javafx.scene.control.IndexedCell IndexedCell}, but * rarely needs to be used by developers creating TreeTableView instances. The only * time TreeTableRow is likely to be encountered at all by a developer is if they * wish to create a custom {@link TreeTableView#rowFactoryProperty() rowFactory} * that replaces an entire row of a TreeTableView.

* *

More often than not, it is actually easier for a developer to customize * individual cells in a row, rather than the whole row itself. To do this, * you can specify a custom {@link TreeTableColumn#cellFactoryProperty() cellFactory} * on each TreeTableColumn instance.

* * @see TreeTableView * @see TreeTableColumn * @see TreeTableCell * @see IndexedCell * @see Cell * @param The type of the item contained within the Cell. * @since JavaFX 8.0 */ public class TreeTableRow extends IndexedCell { /*************************************************************************** * * * Constructors * * * **************************************************************************/ /** * Creates a default TreeTableRow instance. */ public TreeTableRow() { getStyleClass().addAll(DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS); setAccessibleRole(AccessibleRole.TREE_TABLE_ROW); } /*************************************************************************** * * * Callbacks and events * * * **************************************************************************/ private final ListChangeListener selectedListener = c -> { updateSelection(); }; private final InvalidationListener focusedListener = valueModel -> { updateFocus(); }; private final InvalidationListener editingListener = valueModel -> { updateEditing(); }; private final InvalidationListener leafListener = new InvalidationListener() { @Override public void invalidated(Observable valueModel) { // necessary to update the disclosure node in the skin when the // leaf property changes TreeItem treeItem = getTreeItem(); if (treeItem != null) { requestLayout(); } } }; private boolean oldExpanded; private final InvalidationListener treeItemExpandedInvalidationListener = o -> { final boolean expanded = ((BooleanProperty)o).get(); pseudoClassStateChanged(EXPANDED_PSEUDOCLASS_STATE, expanded); pseudoClassStateChanged(COLLAPSED_PSEUDOCLASS_STATE, !expanded); if (expanded != oldExpanded) { notifyAccessibleAttributeChanged(AccessibleAttribute.EXPANDED); } oldExpanded = expanded; }; private final WeakListChangeListener weakSelectedListener = new WeakListChangeListener(selectedListener); private final WeakInvalidationListener weakFocusedListener = new WeakInvalidationListener(focusedListener); private final WeakInvalidationListener weakEditingListener = new WeakInvalidationListener(editingListener); private final WeakInvalidationListener weakLeafListener = new WeakInvalidationListener(leafListener); private final WeakInvalidationListener weakTreeItemExpandedInvalidationListener = new WeakInvalidationListener(treeItemExpandedInvalidationListener); /*************************************************************************** * * * Properties * * * **************************************************************************/ // --- TreeItem private ReadOnlyObjectWrapper> treeItem = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper>(this, "treeItem") { TreeItem oldValue = null; @Override protected void invalidated() { if (oldValue != null) { oldValue.expandedProperty().removeListener(weakTreeItemExpandedInvalidationListener); } oldValue = get(); if (oldValue != null) { oldExpanded = oldValue.isExpanded(); oldValue.expandedProperty().addListener(weakTreeItemExpandedInvalidationListener); // fake an invalidation to ensure updated pseudo-class state weakTreeItemExpandedInvalidationListener.invalidated(oldValue.expandedProperty()); } } }; private void setTreeItem(TreeItem value) { treeItem.set(value); } /** * Returns the TreeItem currently set in this TreeCell. */ public final TreeItem getTreeItem() { return treeItem.get(); } /** * Each TreeTableCell represents at most a single {@link TreeItem}, which is * represented by this property. */ public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty> treeItemProperty() { return treeItem.getReadOnlyProperty(); } // --- Disclosure Node private ObjectProperty disclosureNode = new SimpleObjectProperty(this, "disclosureNode"); /** * The node to use as the "disclosure" triangle, or toggle, used for * expanding and collapsing items. This is only used in the case of * an item in the tree which contains child items. If not specified, the * TreeTableCell's Skin implementation is responsible for providing a default * disclosure node. */ public final void setDisclosureNode(Node value) { disclosureNodeProperty().set(value); } /** * Returns the current disclosure node set in this TreeTableCell. */ public final Node getDisclosureNode() { return disclosureNode.get(); } /** * The disclosure node is commonly seen represented as a triangle that rotates * on screen to indicate whether or not the TreeItem that it is placed * beside is expanded or collapsed. */ public final ObjectProperty disclosureNodeProperty() { return disclosureNode; } // --- TreeView private ReadOnlyObjectWrapper> treeTableView = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper>(this, "treeTableView") { private WeakReference> weakTreeTableViewRef; @Override protected void invalidated() { TreeTableViewSelectionModel sm; TreeTableViewFocusModel fm; if (weakTreeTableViewRef != null) { TreeTableView oldTreeTableView = weakTreeTableViewRef.get(); if (oldTreeTableView != null) { // remove old listeners sm = oldTreeTableView.getSelectionModel(); if (sm != null) { sm.getSelectedIndices().removeListener(weakSelectedListener); } fm = oldTreeTableView.getFocusModel(); if (fm != null) { fm.focusedIndexProperty().removeListener(weakFocusedListener); } oldTreeTableView.editingCellProperty().removeListener(weakEditingListener); } weakTreeTableViewRef = null; } if (get() != null) { sm = get().getSelectionModel(); if (sm != null) { // listening for changes to treeView.selectedIndex and IndexedCell.index, // to determine if this cell is selected sm.getSelectedIndices().addListener(weakSelectedListener); } fm = get().getFocusModel(); if (fm != null) { // similar to above, but this time for focus fm.focusedIndexProperty().addListener(weakFocusedListener); } get().editingCellProperty().addListener(weakEditingListener); weakTreeTableViewRef = new WeakReference>(get()); } updateItem(); requestLayout(); } }; private void setTreeTableView(TreeTableView value) { treeTableView.set(value); } /** * Returns the TreeTableView associated with this TreeTableCell. */ public final TreeTableView getTreeTableView() { return treeTableView.get(); } /** * A TreeTableCell is explicitly linked to a single {@link TreeTableView} instance, * which is represented by this property. */ public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty> treeTableViewProperty() { return treeTableView.getReadOnlyProperty(); } /*************************************************************************** * * * Public API * * * ************************************************************************* * @param oldIndex * @param newIndex*/ @Override void indexChanged(int oldIndex, int newIndex) { index = getIndex(); // when the cell index changes, this may result in the cell // changing state to be selected and/or focused. updateItem(); updateSelection(); updateFocus(); // oldIndex = index; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void startEdit() { final TreeTableView treeTable = getTreeTableView(); if (! isEditable() || (treeTable != null && ! treeTable.isEditable())) { return; } // it makes sense to get the cell into its editing state before firing // the event to the TreeView below, so that's what we're doing here // by calling super.startEdit(). super.startEdit(); // Inform the TreeView of the edit starting. if (treeTable != null) { treeTable.fireEvent(new TreeTableView.EditEvent(treeTable, TreeTableView.editStartEvent(), getTreeItem(), getItem(), null)); treeTable.requestFocus(); } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void commitEdit(T newValue) { if (! isEditing()) return; final TreeItem treeItem = getTreeItem(); final TreeTableView treeTable = getTreeTableView(); if (treeTable != null) { // Inform the TreeView of the edit being ready to be committed. treeTable.fireEvent(new TreeTableView.EditEvent(treeTable, TreeTableView.editCommitEvent(), treeItem, getItem(), newValue)); } // update the item within this cell, so that it represents the new value if (treeItem != null) { treeItem.setValue(newValue); updateTreeItem(treeItem); updateItem(newValue, false); } // inform parent classes of the commit, so that they can switch us // out of the editing state super.commitEdit(newValue); if (treeTable != null) { // reset the editing item in the TreetView treeTable.edit(-1, null); treeTable.requestFocus(); } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void cancelEdit() { if (! isEditing()) return; TreeTableView treeTable = getTreeTableView(); if (treeTable != null) { treeTable.fireEvent(new TreeTableView.EditEvent(treeTable, TreeTableView.editCancelEvent(), getTreeItem(), getItem(), null)); } super.cancelEdit(); if (treeTable != null) { // reset the editing index on the TreeView treeTable.edit(-1, null); treeTable.requestFocus(); } } /*************************************************************************** * * * Private Implementation * * * **************************************************************************/ private int index = -1; private boolean isFirstRun = true; private void updateItem() { TreeTableView tv = getTreeTableView(); if (tv == null) return; // Compute whether the index for this cell is for a real item boolean valid = index >=0 && index < tv.getExpandedItemCount(); final TreeItem oldTreeItem = getTreeItem(); final boolean isEmpty = isEmpty(); // Cause the cell to update itself if (valid) { // update the TreeCell state. // get the new treeItem that is about to go in to the TreeCell final TreeItem newTreeItem = tv.getTreeItem(index); final T newValue = newTreeItem == null ? null : newTreeItem.getValue(); // For the sake of RT-14279, it is important that the order of these // method calls is as shown below. If the order is switched, it is // likely that events will be fired where the item is null, even // though calling cell.getTreeItem().getValue() returns the value // as expected // There used to be conditional code here to prevent updateItem from // being called when the value didn't change, but that led us to // issues such as RT-33108, where the value didn't change but the item // we needed to be listening to did. Without calling updateItem we // were breaking things, so once again the conditionals are gone. updateTreeItem(newTreeItem); updateItem(newValue, false); } else { // RT-30484 We need to allow a first run to be special-cased to allow // for the updateItem method to be called at least once to allow for // the correct visual state to be set up. In particular, in RT-30484 // refer to Ensemble8PopUpTree.png - in this case the arrows are being // shown as the new cells are instantiated with the arrows in the // children list, and are only hidden in updateItem. if ((!isEmpty && oldTreeItem != null) || isFirstRun) { updateTreeItem(null); updateItem(null, true); isFirstRun = false; } } } private void updateSelection() { if (isEmpty()) return; if (index == -1 || getTreeTableView() == null) return; if (getTreeTableView().getSelectionModel() == null) return; boolean isSelected = getTreeTableView().getSelectionModel().isSelected(index); if (isSelected() == isSelected) return; updateSelected(isSelected); } private void updateFocus() { if (getIndex() == -1 || getTreeTableView() == null) return; if (getTreeTableView().getFocusModel() == null) return; setFocused(getTreeTableView().getFocusModel().isFocused(getIndex())); } private void updateEditing() { if (getIndex() == -1 || getTreeTableView() == null || getTreeItem() == null) return; final TreeTablePosition editingCell = getTreeTableView().getEditingCell(); if (editingCell != null && editingCell.getTableColumn() != null) { return; } final TreeItem editItem = editingCell == null ? null : editingCell.getTreeItem(); if (! isEditing() && getTreeItem().equals(editItem)) { startEdit(); } else if (isEditing() && ! getTreeItem().equals(editItem)) { cancelEdit(); } } /*************************************************************************** * * * Expert API * * * **************************************************************************/ /** * Updates the TreeTableView associated with this TreeTableCell. * * @param treeTable The new TreeTableView that should be associated with this * TreeTableCell. * @expert This function is intended to be used by experts, primarily * by those implementing new Skins. It is not common * for developers or designers to access this function directly. */ public final void updateTreeTableView(TreeTableView treeTable) { setTreeTableView(treeTable); } /** * Updates the TreeItem associated with this TreeTableCell. * * @param treeItem The new TreeItem that should be associated with this * TreeTableCell. * @expert This function is intended to be used by experts, primarily * by those implementing new Skins. It is not common * for developers or designers to access this function directly. */ public final void updateTreeItem(TreeItem treeItem) { TreeItem _treeItem = getTreeItem(); if (_treeItem != null) { _treeItem.leafProperty().removeListener(weakLeafListener); } setTreeItem(treeItem); if (treeItem != null) { treeItem.leafProperty().addListener(weakLeafListener); } } /*************************************************************************** * * * Stylesheet Handling * * * **************************************************************************/ private static final String DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "tree-table-row-cell"; private static final PseudoClass EXPANDED_PSEUDOCLASS_STATE = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("expanded"); private static final PseudoClass COLLAPSED_PSEUDOCLASS_STATE = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("collapsed"); /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected Skin createDefaultSkin() { return new TreeTableRowSkin(this); } /*************************************************************************** * * * Accessibility handling * * * **************************************************************************/ @Override public Object queryAccessibleAttribute(AccessibleAttribute attribute, Object... parameters) { final TreeItem treeItem = getTreeItem(); final TreeTableView treeTableView = getTreeTableView(); switch (attribute) { case TREE_ITEM_PARENT: { if (treeItem == null) return null; TreeItem parent = treeItem.getParent(); if (parent == null) return null; int parentIndex = treeTableView.getRow(parent); return treeTableView.queryAccessibleAttribute(AccessibleAttribute.ROW_AT_INDEX, parentIndex); } case TREE_ITEM_COUNT: { if (treeItem == null) return 0; if (!treeItem.isExpanded()) return 0; return treeItem.getChildren().size(); } case TREE_ITEM_AT_INDEX: { if (treeItem == null) return null; if (!treeItem.isExpanded()) return null; int index = (Integer)parameters[0]; if (index >= treeItem.getChildren().size()) return null; TreeItem child = treeItem.getChildren().get(index); if (child == null) return null; int childIndex = treeTableView.getRow(child); return treeTableView.queryAccessibleAttribute(AccessibleAttribute.ROW_AT_INDEX, childIndex); } case LEAF: return treeItem == null ? true : treeItem.isLeaf(); case EXPANDED: return treeItem == null ? false : treeItem.isExpanded(); case INDEX: return getIndex(); case DISCLOSURE_LEVEL: { return treeTableView == null ? 0 : treeTableView.getTreeItemLevel(treeItem); } default: return super.queryAccessibleAttribute(attribute, parameters); } } @Override public void executeAccessibleAction(AccessibleAction action, Object... parameters) { switch (action) { case EXPAND: { TreeItem treeItem = getTreeItem(); if (treeItem != null) treeItem.setExpanded(true); break; } case COLLAPSE: { TreeItem treeItem = getTreeItem(); if (treeItem != null) treeItem.setExpanded(false); break; } default: super.executeAccessibleAction(action); } } }