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  91   friend class MallocTracker;
  92  public:
  93   enum { page_sizes_max = 9 }; // Size of _page_sizes array (8 plus a sentinel)
  95  private:
  96   static OSThread*          _starting_thread;
  97   static address            _polling_page;
  98   static volatile int32_t * _mem_serialize_page;
  99   static uintptr_t          _serialize_page_mask;
 100  public:
 101   static size_t             _page_sizes[page_sizes_max];
 103  private:
 104   static void init_page_sizes(size_t default_page_size) {
 105     _page_sizes[0] = default_page_size;
 106     _page_sizes[1] = 0; // sentinel
 107   }
 109   static char*  pd_reserve_memory(size_t bytes, char* addr = 0,
 110                                size_t alignment_hint = 0);

 111   static char*  pd_attempt_reserve_memory_at(size_t bytes, char* addr);

 112   static void   pd_split_reserved_memory(char *base, size_t size,
 113                                       size_t split, bool realloc);
 114   static bool   pd_commit_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes, bool executable);
 115   static bool   pd_commit_memory(char* addr, size_t size, size_t alignment_hint,
 116                                  bool executable);
 117   // Same as pd_commit_memory() that either succeeds or calls
 118   // vm_exit_out_of_memory() with the specified mesg.
 119   static void   pd_commit_memory_or_exit(char* addr, size_t bytes,
 120                                          bool executable, const char* mesg);
 121   static void   pd_commit_memory_or_exit(char* addr, size_t size,
 122                                          size_t alignment_hint,
 123                                          bool executable, const char* mesg);
 124   static bool   pd_uncommit_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes);
 125   static bool   pd_release_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes);
 127   static char*  pd_map_memory(int fd, const char* file_name, size_t file_offset,
 128                            char *addr, size_t bytes, bool read_only = false,
 129                            bool allow_exec = false);
 130   static char*  pd_remap_memory(int fd, const char* file_name, size_t file_offset,
 131                              char *addr, size_t bytes, bool read_only,

 284   // The region_{min,max}_size parameters should be the values
 285   // passed to page_size_for_region() and page_size should be the result of that
 286   // call.  The (optional) base and size parameters should come from the
 287   // ReservedSpace base() and size() methods.
 288   static void trace_page_sizes(const char* str, const size_t* page_sizes, int count);
 289   static void trace_page_sizes(const char* str,
 290                                const size_t region_min_size,
 291                                const size_t region_max_size,
 292                                const size_t page_size,
 293                                const char* base,
 294                                const size_t size);
 295   static void trace_page_sizes_for_requested_size(const char* str,
 296                                                   const size_t requested_size,
 297                                                   const size_t page_size,
 298                                                   const size_t alignment,
 299                                                   const char* base,
 300                                                   const size_t size);
 302   static int    vm_allocation_granularity();
 303   static char*  reserve_memory(size_t bytes, char* addr = 0,
 304                                size_t alignment_hint = 0);
 305   static char*  reserve_memory(size_t bytes, char* addr,
 306                                size_t alignment_hint, MEMFLAGS flags);
 307   static char*  reserve_memory_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment);
 308   static char*  attempt_reserve_memory_at(size_t bytes, char* addr);

 309   static void   split_reserved_memory(char *base, size_t size,
 310                                       size_t split, bool realloc);
 311   static bool   commit_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes, bool executable);
 312   static bool   commit_memory(char* addr, size_t size, size_t alignment_hint,
 313                               bool executable);
 314   // Same as commit_memory() that either succeeds or calls
 315   // vm_exit_out_of_memory() with the specified mesg.
 316   static void   commit_memory_or_exit(char* addr, size_t bytes,
 317                                       bool executable, const char* mesg);
 318   static void   commit_memory_or_exit(char* addr, size_t size,
 319                                       size_t alignment_hint,
 320                                       bool executable, const char* mesg);
 321   static bool   uncommit_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes);
 322   static bool   release_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes);
 324   // Touch memory pages that cover the memory range from start to end (exclusive)
 325   // to make the OS back the memory range with actual memory.
 326   // Current implementation may not touch the last page if unaligned addresses
 327   // are passed.
 328   static void   pretouch_memory(void* start, void* end, size_t page_size = vm_page_size());
 331   static bool   protect_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes, ProtType prot,
 332                                bool is_committed = true);
 334   static bool   guard_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes);
 335   static bool   unguard_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes);
 336   static bool   create_stack_guard_pages(char* addr, size_t bytes);
 337   static bool   pd_create_stack_guard_pages(char* addr, size_t bytes);
 338   static bool   remove_stack_guard_pages(char* addr, size_t bytes);

 340   static char*  map_memory(int fd, const char* file_name, size_t file_offset,
 341                            char *addr, size_t bytes, bool read_only = false,
 342                            bool allow_exec = false);
 343   static char*  remap_memory(int fd, const char* file_name, size_t file_offset,
 344                              char *addr, size_t bytes, bool read_only,
 345                              bool allow_exec);
 346   static bool   unmap_memory(char *addr, size_t bytes);
 347   static void   free_memory(char *addr, size_t bytes, size_t alignment_hint);
 348   static void   realign_memory(char *addr, size_t bytes, size_t alignment_hint);
 350   // NUMA-specific interface
 351   static bool   numa_has_static_binding();
 352   static bool   numa_has_group_homing();
 353   static void   numa_make_local(char *addr, size_t bytes, int lgrp_hint);
 354   static void   numa_make_global(char *addr, size_t bytes);
 355   static size_t numa_get_groups_num();
 356   static size_t numa_get_leaf_groups(int *ids, size_t size);
 357   static bool   numa_topology_changed();
 358   static int    numa_get_group_id();

  91   friend class MallocTracker;
  92  public:
  93   enum { page_sizes_max = 9 }; // Size of _page_sizes array (8 plus a sentinel)
  95  private:
  96   static OSThread*          _starting_thread;
  97   static address            _polling_page;
  98   static volatile int32_t * _mem_serialize_page;
  99   static uintptr_t          _serialize_page_mask;
 100  public:
 101   static size_t             _page_sizes[page_sizes_max];
 103  private:
 104   static void init_page_sizes(size_t default_page_size) {
 105     _page_sizes[0] = default_page_size;
 106     _page_sizes[1] = 0; // sentinel
 107   }
 109   static char*  pd_reserve_memory(size_t bytes, char* addr = 0,
 110                                   size_t alignment_hint = 0);
 111   #if defined(AIX)
 112     static char*  pd_attempt_reserve_memory_at(size_t bytes, char* addr, bool use_SHM = true);
 113   #else
 114   static char*  pd_attempt_reserve_memory_at(size_t bytes, char* addr);
 115   #endif
 116   static void   pd_split_reserved_memory(char *base, size_t size,
 117                                       size_t split, bool realloc);
 118   static bool   pd_commit_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes, bool executable);
 119   static bool   pd_commit_memory(char* addr, size_t size, size_t alignment_hint,
 120                                  bool executable);
 121   // Same as pd_commit_memory() that either succeeds or calls
 122   // vm_exit_out_of_memory() with the specified mesg.
 123   static void   pd_commit_memory_or_exit(char* addr, size_t bytes,
 124                                          bool executable, const char* mesg);
 125   static void   pd_commit_memory_or_exit(char* addr, size_t size,
 126                                          size_t alignment_hint,
 127                                          bool executable, const char* mesg);
 128   static bool   pd_uncommit_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes);
 129   static bool   pd_release_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes);
 131   static char*  pd_map_memory(int fd, const char* file_name, size_t file_offset,
 132                            char *addr, size_t bytes, bool read_only = false,
 133                            bool allow_exec = false);
 134   static char*  pd_remap_memory(int fd, const char* file_name, size_t file_offset,
 135                              char *addr, size_t bytes, bool read_only,

 288   // The region_{min,max}_size parameters should be the values
 289   // passed to page_size_for_region() and page_size should be the result of that
 290   // call.  The (optional) base and size parameters should come from the
 291   // ReservedSpace base() and size() methods.
 292   static void trace_page_sizes(const char* str, const size_t* page_sizes, int count);
 293   static void trace_page_sizes(const char* str,
 294                                const size_t region_min_size,
 295                                const size_t region_max_size,
 296                                const size_t page_size,
 297                                const char* base,
 298                                const size_t size);
 299   static void trace_page_sizes_for_requested_size(const char* str,
 300                                                   const size_t requested_size,
 301                                                   const size_t page_size,
 302                                                   const size_t alignment,
 303                                                   const char* base,
 304                                                   const size_t size);
 306   static int    vm_allocation_granularity();
 307   static char*  reserve_memory(size_t bytes, char* addr = 0,
 308                                size_t alignment_hint = 0, int file_desc = -1);
 309   static char*  reserve_memory(size_t bytes, char* addr,
 310                                size_t alignment_hint, MEMFLAGS flags);
 311   static char*  reserve_memory_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, int file_desc = -1);
 312   static char*  attempt_reserve_memory_at(size_t bytes, char* addr, int file_desc = -1);
 314   static void   split_reserved_memory(char *base, size_t size,
 315                                       size_t split, bool realloc);
 316   static bool   commit_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes, bool executable);
 317   static bool   commit_memory(char* addr, size_t size, size_t alignment_hint,
 318                               bool executable);
 319   // Same as commit_memory() that either succeeds or calls
 320   // vm_exit_out_of_memory() with the specified mesg.
 321   static void   commit_memory_or_exit(char* addr, size_t bytes,
 322                                       bool executable, const char* mesg);
 323   static void   commit_memory_or_exit(char* addr, size_t size,
 324                                       size_t alignment_hint,
 325                                       bool executable, const char* mesg);
 326   static bool   uncommit_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes);
 327   static bool   release_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes);
 329   // Touch memory pages that cover the memory range from start to end (exclusive)
 330   // to make the OS back the memory range with actual memory.
 331   // Current implementation may not touch the last page if unaligned addresses
 332   // are passed.
 333   static void   pretouch_memory(void* start, void* end, size_t page_size = vm_page_size());
 336   static bool   protect_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes, ProtType prot,
 337                                bool is_committed = true);
 339   static bool   guard_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes);
 340   static bool   unguard_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes);
 341   static bool   create_stack_guard_pages(char* addr, size_t bytes);
 342   static bool   pd_create_stack_guard_pages(char* addr, size_t bytes);
 343   static bool   remove_stack_guard_pages(char* addr, size_t bytes);
 345   // Helper function to create a new file with template jvmheap.XXXXXX
 346   static int create_file_for_heap(const char* dir, size_t size);
 347   // map memory to the dax (direct access) file referred by fd
 348   static char* map_memory_to_dax_file(char* base, size_t size, int fd);
 349   // replace existing reserved memory with file mapping
 350   static char* replace_existing_mapping_with_dax_file_mapping(char* base, size_t size, int fd);
 352   static char*  map_memory(int fd, const char* file_name, size_t file_offset,
 353                            char *addr, size_t bytes, bool read_only = false,
 354                            bool allow_exec = false);
 355   static char*  remap_memory(int fd, const char* file_name, size_t file_offset,
 356                              char *addr, size_t bytes, bool read_only,
 357                              bool allow_exec);
 358   static bool   unmap_memory(char *addr, size_t bytes);
 359   static void   free_memory(char *addr, size_t bytes, size_t alignment_hint);
 360   static void   realign_memory(char *addr, size_t bytes, size_t alignment_hint);
 362   // NUMA-specific interface
 363   static bool   numa_has_static_binding();
 364   static bool   numa_has_group_homing();
 365   static void   numa_make_local(char *addr, size_t bytes, int lgrp_hint);
 366   static void   numa_make_global(char *addr, size_t bytes);
 367   static size_t numa_get_groups_num();
 368   static size_t numa_get_leaf_groups(int *ids, size_t size);
 369   static bool   numa_topology_changed();
 370   static int    numa_get_group_id();

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