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  54 // address space (i.e., region(i).end() == region(i+1).bottom().
  55 //
  56 // We create a HeapRegion when we commit the region's address space
  57 // for the first time. When we uncommit the address space of a
  58 // region we retain the HeapRegion to be able to re-use it in the
  59 // future (in case we recommit it).
  60 //
  61 // We keep track of three lengths:
  62 //
  63 // * _num_committed (returned by length()) is the number of currently
  64 //   committed regions. These may not be contiguous.
  65 // * _allocated_heapregions_length (not exposed outside this class) is the
  66 //   number of regions+1 for which we have HeapRegions.
  67 // * max_length() returns the maximum number of regions the heap can have.
  68 //
  70 class HeapRegionManager: public CHeapObj<mtGC> {
  71   friend class VMStructs;
  72   friend class HeapRegionClaimer;
  74   protected:
  75   G1HeapRegionTable _regions;
  76   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* _heap_mapper;
  77   private:
  78   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* _prev_bitmap_mapper;
  79   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* _next_bitmap_mapper;
  80   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* _bot_mapper;
  81   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* _cardtable_mapper;
  82   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* _card_counts_mapper;
  84   protected:
  85   FreeRegionList _free_list;
  86   private:
  88   // Each bit in this bitmap indicates that the corresponding region is available
  89   // for allocation.
  90   CHeapBitMap _available_map;
  92    // The number of regions committed in the heap.
  93   uint _num_committed;
  95   // Internal only. The highest heap region +1 we allocated a HeapRegion instance for.
  96   uint _allocated_heapregions_length;
  98   HeapWord* heap_bottom() const { return _regions.bottom_address_mapped(); }
  99   HeapWord* heap_end() const {return _regions.end_address_mapped(); }
 101   protected:
 102   void make_regions_available(uint index, uint num_regions = 1, WorkGang* pretouch_gang = NULL);
 103   void uncommit_regions(uint index, size_t num_regions = 1);
 104   private:
 105   // Pass down commit calls to the VirtualSpace.
 106   void commit_regions(uint index, size_t num_regions = 1, WorkGang* pretouch_gang = NULL);
 108   // Notify other data structures about change in the heap layout.
 109   void update_committed_space(HeapWord* old_end, HeapWord* new_end);
 111   // Find a contiguous set of empty or uncommitted regions of length num and return
 112   // the index of the first region or G1_NO_HRM_INDEX if the search was unsuccessful.
 113   // If only_empty is true, only empty regions are considered.
 114   // Searches from bottom to top of the heap, doing a first-fit.
 115   uint find_contiguous(size_t num, bool only_empty);
 116   // Finds the next sequence of unavailable regions starting from start_idx. Returns the
 117   // length of the sequence found. If this result is zero, no such sequence could be found,
 118   // otherwise res_idx indicates the start index of these regions.
 119   uint find_unavailable_from_idx(uint start_idx, uint* res_idx) const;
 120   // Finds the next sequence of empty regions starting from start_idx, going backwards in
 121   // the heap. Returns the length of the sequence found. If this value is zero, no
 122   // sequence could be found, otherwise res_idx contains the start index of this range.
 123   uint find_empty_from_idx_reverse(uint start_idx, uint* res_idx) const;

 124 #ifdef ASSERT
 125 public:
 126   bool is_free(HeapRegion* hr) const;
 127 #endif
 128 protected:
 129   // Allocate a new HeapRegion for the given index.
 130   HeapRegion* new_heap_region(uint hrm_index);
 131 public:
 132   // Empty constructor, we'll initialize it with the initialize() method.
 133   HeapRegionManager();

 135   void initialize(G1RegionToSpaceMapper* heap_storage,
 136                   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* prev_bitmap,
 137                   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* next_bitmap,
 138                   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* bot,
 139                   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* cardtable,
 140                   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* card_counts);

 142   // Return the "dummy" region used for G1AllocRegion. This is currently a hardwired
 143   // new HeapRegion that owns HeapRegion at index 0. Since at the moment we commit
 144   // the heap from the lowest address, this region (and its associated data
 145   // structures) are available and we do not need to check further.
 146   virtual HeapRegion* get_dummy_region() { return new_heap_region(0); }
 148   // Return the HeapRegion at the given index. Assume that the index
 149   // is valid.
 150   inline HeapRegion* at(uint index) const;
 152   // Return the HeapRegion at the given index, NULL if the index
 153   // is for an unavailable region.
 154   inline HeapRegion* at_or_null(uint index) const;
 156   // Returns whether the given region is available for allocation.
 157   bool is_available(uint region) const;
 159   // Return the next region (by index) that is part of the same
 160   // humongous object that hr is part of.

  54 // address space (i.e., region(i).end() == region(i+1).bottom().
  55 //
  56 // We create a HeapRegion when we commit the region's address space
  57 // for the first time. When we uncommit the address space of a
  58 // region we retain the HeapRegion to be able to re-use it in the
  59 // future (in case we recommit it).
  60 //
  61 // We keep track of three lengths:
  62 //
  63 // * _num_committed (returned by length()) is the number of currently
  64 //   committed regions. These may not be contiguous.
  65 // * _allocated_heapregions_length (not exposed outside this class) is the
  66 //   number of regions+1 for which we have HeapRegions.
  67 // * max_length() returns the maximum number of regions the heap can have.
  68 //
  70 class HeapRegionManager: public CHeapObj<mtGC> {
  71   friend class VMStructs;
  72   friend class HeapRegionClaimer;

  74   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* _prev_bitmap_mapper;
  75   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* _next_bitmap_mapper;
  76   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* _bot_mapper;
  77   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* _cardtable_mapper;
  78   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* _card_counts_mapper;

  80   // Each bit in this bitmap indicates that the corresponding region is available
  81   // for allocation.
  82   CHeapBitMap _available_map;
  84    // The number of regions committed in the heap.
  85   uint _num_committed;
  87   // Internal only. The highest heap region +1 we allocated a HeapRegion instance for.
  88   uint _allocated_heapregions_length;
  90   HeapWord* heap_bottom() const { return _regions.bottom_address_mapped(); }
  91   HeapWord* heap_end() const {return _regions.end_address_mapped(); }

  93   // Pass down commit calls to the VirtualSpace.
  94   void commit_regions(uint index, size_t num_regions = 1, WorkGang* pretouch_gang = NULL);
  96   // Notify other data structures about change in the heap layout.
  97   void update_committed_space(HeapWord* old_end, HeapWord* new_end);
  99   // Find a contiguous set of empty or uncommitted regions of length num and return
 100   // the index of the first region or G1_NO_HRM_INDEX if the search was unsuccessful.
 101   // If only_empty is true, only empty regions are considered.
 102   // Searches from bottom to top of the heap, doing a first-fit.
 103   uint find_contiguous(size_t num, bool only_empty);
 104   // Finds the next sequence of unavailable regions starting from start_idx. Returns the
 105   // length of the sequence found. If this result is zero, no such sequence could be found,
 106   // otherwise res_idx indicates the start index of these regions.
 107   uint find_unavailable_from_idx(uint start_idx, uint* res_idx) const;
 108   // Finds the next sequence of empty regions starting from start_idx, going backwards in
 109   // the heap. Returns the length of the sequence found. If this value is zero, no
 110   // sequence could be found, otherwise res_idx contains the start index of this range.
 111   uint find_empty_from_idx_reverse(uint start_idx, uint* res_idx) const;
 113 protected:
 114   G1HeapRegionTable _regions;
 115   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* _heap_mapper;
 116   FreeRegionList _free_list;
 117   void make_regions_available(uint index, uint num_regions = 1, WorkGang* pretouch_gang = NULL);
 118   void uncommit_regions(uint index, size_t num_regions = 1);
 119   // Allocate a new HeapRegion for the given index.
 120   HeapRegion* new_heap_region(uint hrm_index);
 121 #ifdef ASSERT
 122 public:
 123   bool is_free(HeapRegion* hr) const;
 124 #endif

 125 public:
 126   // Empty constructor, we'll initialize it with the initialize() method.
 127   HeapRegionManager();
 129   static HeapRegionManager* create_manager(G1CollectedHeap* heap, CollectorPolicy* policy);
 131   void initialize(G1RegionToSpaceMapper* heap_storage,
 132                   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* prev_bitmap,
 133                   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* next_bitmap,
 134                   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* bot,
 135                   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* cardtable,
 136                   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* card_counts);
 138   // Prepare heap regions before and after full collection.
 139   // Nothing to be done in this class.
 140   virtual void prepare_for_full_collection_start() {}
 141   virtual void prepare_for_full_collection_end() {}
 143   // Return the "dummy" region used for G1AllocRegion. This is currently a hardwired
 144   // new HeapRegion that owns HeapRegion at index 0. Since at the moment we commit
 145   // the heap from the lowest address, this region (and its associated data
 146   // structures) are available and we do not need to check further.
 147   virtual HeapRegion* get_dummy_region() { return new_heap_region(0); }
 149   // Return the HeapRegion at the given index. Assume that the index
 150   // is valid.
 151   inline HeapRegion* at(uint index) const;
 153   // Return the HeapRegion at the given index, NULL if the index
 154   // is for an unavailable region.
 155   inline HeapRegion* at_or_null(uint index) const;
 157   // Returns whether the given region is available for allocation.
 158   bool is_available(uint region) const;
 160   // Return the next region (by index) that is part of the same
 161   // humongous object that hr is part of.

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