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rev 55237 : javadoc changes

  87     }
  89     abstract Mask<Byte> bTest(Vector<Byte> v, FBinTest f);
  91     // Foreach
  93     interface FUnCon {
  94         void apply(int i, byte a);
  95     }
  97     abstract void forEach(FUnCon f);
  99     abstract void forEach(Mask<Byte> m, FUnCon f);
 101     // Static factories
 103     /**
 104      * Returns a vector where all lane elements are set to the default
 105      * primitive value.
 106      *
 107      * @return a zero vector

 108      */
 109     @ForceInline
 110     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 111     public static ByteVector zero(ByteSpecies species) {
 112         return species.zero();
 113     }
 115     /**
 116      * Loads a vector from a byte array starting at an offset.
 117      * <p>
 118      * Bytes are composed into primitive lane elements according to the
 119      * native byte order of the underlying platform
 120      * <p>
 121      * This method behaves as if it returns the result of calling the
 122      * byte buffer, offset, and mask accepting
 123      * {@link #fromByteBuffer(ByteSpecies, ByteBuffer, int, Mask) method} as follows:
 124      * <pre>{@code
 125      * return this.fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(a), i, this.maskAllTrue());
 126      * }</pre>
 127      *

 128      * @param a the byte array
 129      * @param ix the offset into the array
 130      * @return a vector loaded from a byte array
 131      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code i < 0} or
 132      * {@code i > a.length - (this.length() * this.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE)}
 133      */
 134     @ForceInline
 135     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 136     public static ByteVector fromByteArray(ByteSpecies species, byte[] a, int ix) {
 137         Objects.requireNonNull(a);
 138         ix = VectorIntrinsics.checkIndex(ix, a.length, species.bitSize() / Byte.SIZE);
 139         return VectorIntrinsics.load((Class<ByteVector>) species.boxType(), byte.class, species.length(),
 140                                      a, ((long) ix) + Unsafe.ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET,
 141                                      a, ix, species,
 142                                      (c, idx, s) -> {
 143                                          ByteBuffer bbc = ByteBuffer.wrap(c, idx, a.length - idx).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
 144                                          ByteBuffer tb = bbc;
 145                                          return ((ByteSpecies)s).op(i -> tb.get());
 146                                      });
 147     }
 149     /**
 150      * Loads a vector from a byte array starting at an offset and using a
 151      * mask.
 152      * <p>
 153      * Bytes are composed into primitive lane elements according to the
 154      * native byte order of the underlying platform.
 155      * <p>
 156      * This method behaves as if it returns the result of calling the
 157      * byte buffer, offset, and mask accepting
 158      * {@link #fromByteBuffer(ByteSpecies, ByteBuffer, int, Mask) method} as follows:
 159      * <pre>{@code
 160      * return this.fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(a), i, m);
 161      * }</pre>
 162      *

 163      * @param a the byte array
 164      * @param ix the offset into the array
 165      * @param m the mask
 166      * @return a vector loaded from a byte array
 167      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code i < 0} or
 168      * {@code i > a.length - (this.length() * this.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE)}
 169      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the offset is {@code < 0},
 170      * or {@code > a.length},
 171      * for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane {@code N}
 172      * is set
 173      * {@code i >= a.length - (N * this.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE)}
 174      */
 175     @ForceInline
 176     public static ByteVector fromByteArray(ByteSpecies species, byte[] a, int ix, Mask<Byte> m) {
 177         return zero(species).blend(fromByteArray(species, a, ix), m);
 178     }
 180     /**
 181      * Loads a vector from an array starting at offset.
 182      * <p>
 183      * For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index, the
 184      * array element at index {@code i + N} is placed into the
 185      * resulting vector at lane index {@code N}.
 186      *

 187      * @param a the array
 188      * @param i the offset into the array
 189      * @return the vector loaded from an array
 190      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code i < 0}, or
 191      * {@code i > a.length - this.length()}
 192      */
 193     @ForceInline
 194     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 195     public static ByteVector fromArray(ByteSpecies species, byte[] a, int i){
 196         Objects.requireNonNull(a);
 197         i = VectorIntrinsics.checkIndex(i, a.length, species.length());
 198         return VectorIntrinsics.load((Class<ByteVector>) species.boxType(), byte.class, species.length(),
 199                                      a, (((long) i) << ARRAY_SHIFT) + Unsafe.ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET,
 200                                      a, i, species,
 201                                      (c, idx, s) -> ((ByteSpecies)s).op(n -> c[idx + n]));
 202     }
 205     /**
 206      * Loads a vector from an array starting at offset and using a mask.
 207      * <p>
 208      * For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index,
 209      * if the mask lane at index {@code N} is set then the array element at
 210      * index {@code i + N} is placed into the resulting vector at lane index
 211      * {@code N}, otherwise the default element value is placed into the
 212      * resulting vector at lane index {@code N}.
 213      *

 214      * @param a the array
 215      * @param i the offset into the array
 216      * @param m the mask
 217      * @return the vector loaded from an array
 218      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code i < 0}, or
 219      * for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane {@code N}
 220      * is set {@code i > a.length - N}
 221      */
 222     @ForceInline
 223     public static ByteVector fromArray(ByteSpecies species, byte[] a, int i, Mask<Byte> m) {
 224         return zero(species).blend(fromArray(species, a, i), m);
 225     }
 227     /**
 228      * Loads a vector from an array using indexes obtained from an index
 229      * map.
 230      * <p>
 231      * For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index, the
 232      * array element at index {@code i + indexMap[j + N]} is placed into the
 233      * resulting vector at lane index {@code N}.
 234      *

 235      * @param a the array
 236      * @param i the offset into the array, may be negative if relative
 237      * indexes in the index map compensate to produce a value within the
 238      * array bounds
 239      * @param indexMap the index map
 240      * @param j the offset into the index map
 241      * @return the vector loaded from an array
 242      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code j < 0}, or
 243      * {@code j > indexMap.length - this.length()},
 244      * or for any vector lane index {@code N} the result of
 245      * {@code i + indexMap[j + N]} is {@code < 0} or {@code >= a.length}
 246      */
 247     public static ByteVector fromArray(ByteSpecies species, byte[] a, int i, int[] indexMap, int j) {
 248         return species.op(n -> a[i + indexMap[j + n]]);
 249     }
 250     /**
 251      * Loads a vector from an array using indexes obtained from an index
 252      * map and using a mask.
 253      * <p>
 254      * For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index,
 255      * if the mask lane at index {@code N} is set then the array element at
 256      * index {@code i + indexMap[j + N]} is placed into the resulting vector
 257      * at lane index {@code N}.
 258      *

 259      * @param a the array
 260      * @param i the offset into the array, may be negative if relative
 261      * indexes in the index map compensate to produce a value within the
 262      * array bounds

 263      * @param indexMap the index map
 264      * @param j the offset into the index map
 265      * @return the vector loaded from an array
 266      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code j < 0}, or
 267      * {@code j > indexMap.length - this.length()},
 268      * or for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane
 269      * {@code N} is set the result of {@code i + indexMap[j + N]} is
 270      * {@code < 0} or {@code >= a.length}
 271      */
 272     public static ByteVector fromArray(ByteSpecies species, byte[] a, int i, Mask<Byte> m, int[] indexMap, int j) {
 273         return species.op(m, n -> a[i + indexMap[j + n]]);
 274     }
 276     /**
 277      * Loads a vector from a {@link ByteBuffer byte buffer} starting at an
 278      * offset into the byte buffer.
 279      * <p>
 280      * Bytes are composed into primitive lane elements according to the
 281      * native byte order of the underlying platform.
 282      * <p>
 283      * This method behaves as if it returns the result of calling the
 284      * byte buffer, offset, and mask accepting
 285      * {@link #fromByteBuffer(ByteSpecies, ByteBuffer, int, Mask)} method} as follows:
 286      * <pre>{@code
 287      *   return this.fromByteBuffer(b, i, this.maskAllTrue())
 288      * }</pre>
 289      *

 290      * @param bb the byte buffer
 291      * @param ix the offset into the byte buffer
 292      * @return a vector loaded from a byte buffer
 293      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the offset is {@code < 0},
 294      * or {@code > b.limit()},
 295      * or if there are fewer than
 296      * {@code this.length() * this.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE} bytes
 297      * remaining in the byte buffer from the given offset
 298      */
 299     @ForceInline
 300     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 301     public static ByteVector fromByteBuffer(ByteSpecies species, ByteBuffer bb, int ix) {
 302         if (bb.order() != ByteOrder.nativeOrder()) {
 303             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
 304         }
 305         ix = VectorIntrinsics.checkIndex(ix, bb.limit(), species.bitSize() / Byte.SIZE);
 306         return VectorIntrinsics.load((Class<ByteVector>) species.boxType(), byte.class, species.length(),
 307                                      U.getReference(bb, BYTE_BUFFER_HB), U.getLong(bb, BUFFER_ADDRESS) + ix,
 308                                      bb, ix, species,
 309                                      (c, idx, s) -> {

 321      * {@link java.nio.Buffer buffer} for the primitive element type,
 322      * according to the native byte order of the underlying platform, and
 323      * the returned vector is loaded with a mask from a primitive array
 324      * obtained from the primitive buffer.
 325      * The following pseudocode expresses the behaviour, where
 326      * {@coce EBuffer} is the primitive buffer type, {@code e} is the
 327      * primitive element type, and {@code ESpecies<S>} is the primitive
 328      * species for {@code e}:
 329      * <pre>{@code
 330      * EBuffer eb = b.duplicate().
 331      *     order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).position(i).
 332      *     asEBuffer();
 333      * e[] es = new e[this.length()];
 334      * for (int n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
 335      *     if (m.isSet(n))
 336      *         es[n] = eb.get(n);
 337      * }
 338      * Vector<E> r = ((ESpecies<S>)this).fromArray(es, 0, m);
 339      * }</pre>
 340      *

 341      * @param bb the byte buffer
 342      * @param ix the offset into the byte buffer

 343      * @return a vector loaded from a byte buffer
 344      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the offset is {@code < 0},
 345      * or {@code > b.limit()},
 346      * for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane {@code N}
 347      * is set
 348      * {@code i >= b.limit() - (N * this.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE)}
 349      */
 350     @ForceInline
 351     public static ByteVector fromByteBuffer(ByteSpecies species, ByteBuffer bb, int ix, Mask<Byte> m) {
 352         return zero(species).blend(fromByteBuffer(species, bb, ix), m);
 353     }

 355     @ForceInline
 356     public static Mask<Byte> maskFromValues(ByteSpecies species, boolean... bits) {
 357         if (species.boxType() == ByteMaxVector.class)
 358             return new ByteMaxVector.ByteMaxMask(bits);
 359         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 360             case 64: return new Byte64Vector.Byte64Mask(bits);
 361             case 128: return new Byte128Vector.Byte128Mask(bits);
 362             case 256: return new Byte256Vector.Byte256Mask(bits);
 363             case 512: return new Byte512Vector.Byte512Mask(bits);
 364             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 365         }
 366     }
 368     // @@@ This is a bad implementation -- makes lambdas capturing -- fix this
 369     static Mask<Byte> trueMask(ByteSpecies species) {
 370         if (species.boxType() == ByteMaxVector.class)
 371             return ByteMaxVector.ByteMaxMask.TRUE_MASK;
 372         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 373             case 64: return Byte64Vector.Byte64Mask.TRUE_MASK;
 374             case 128: return Byte128Vector.Byte128Mask.TRUE_MASK;
 375             case 256: return Byte256Vector.Byte256Mask.TRUE_MASK;
 376             case 512: return Byte512Vector.Byte512Mask.TRUE_MASK;
 377             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 378         }
 379     }
 381     static Mask<Byte> falseMask(ByteSpecies species) {
 382         if (species.boxType() == ByteMaxVector.class)
 383             return ByteMaxVector.ByteMaxMask.FALSE_MASK;
 384         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 385             case 64: return Byte64Vector.Byte64Mask.FALSE_MASK;
 386             case 128: return Byte128Vector.Byte128Mask.FALSE_MASK;
 387             case 256: return Byte256Vector.Byte256Mask.FALSE_MASK;
 388             case 512: return Byte512Vector.Byte512Mask.FALSE_MASK;
 389             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 390         }
 391     }

 393     @ForceInline
 394     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 395     public static Mask<Byte> maskFromArray(ByteSpecies species, boolean[] bits, int ix) {
 396         Objects.requireNonNull(bits);
 397         ix = VectorIntrinsics.checkIndex(ix, bits.length, species.length());
 398         return VectorIntrinsics.load((Class<Mask<Byte>>) species.maskType(), byte.class, species.length(),
 399                                      bits, (((long) ix) << ARRAY_SHIFT) + Unsafe.ARRAY_BOOLEAN_BASE_OFFSET,
 400                                      bits, ix, species,
 401                                      (c, idx, s) -> (Mask<Byte>) ((ByteSpecies)s).opm(n -> c[idx + n]));
 402     }

 404     @ForceInline
 405     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 406     public static Mask<Byte> maskAllTrue(ByteSpecies species) {
 407         return VectorIntrinsics.broadcastCoerced((Class<Mask<Byte>>) species.maskType(), byte.class, species.length(),
 408                                                  (byte)-1,  species,
 409                                                  ((z, s) -> trueMask((ByteSpecies)s)));
 410     }

 412     @ForceInline
 413     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 414     public static Mask<Byte> maskAllFalse(ByteSpecies species) {
 415         return VectorIntrinsics.broadcastCoerced((Class<Mask<Byte>>) species.maskType(), byte.class, species.length(),
 416                                                  0, species, 
 417                                                  ((z, s) -> falseMask((ByteSpecies)s)));
 418     }

 420     @ForceInline
 421     public static Shuffle<Byte> shuffle(ByteSpecies species, IntUnaryOperator f) {
 422         if (species.boxType() == ByteMaxVector.class)
 423             return new ByteMaxVector.ByteMaxShuffle(f);
 424         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 425             case 64: return new Byte64Vector.Byte64Shuffle(f);
 426             case 128: return new Byte128Vector.Byte128Shuffle(f);
 427             case 256: return new Byte256Vector.Byte256Shuffle(f);
 428             case 512: return new Byte512Vector.Byte512Shuffle(f);
 429             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 430         }
 431     }

 433     @ForceInline
 434     public static Shuffle<Byte> shuffleIota(ByteSpecies species) {
 435         if (species.boxType() == ByteMaxVector.class)
 436             return new ByteMaxVector.ByteMaxShuffle(AbstractShuffle.IDENTITY);
 437         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 438             case 64: return new Byte64Vector.Byte64Shuffle(AbstractShuffle.IDENTITY);
 439             case 128: return new Byte128Vector.Byte128Shuffle(AbstractShuffle.IDENTITY);
 440             case 256: return new Byte256Vector.Byte256Shuffle(AbstractShuffle.IDENTITY);
 441             case 512: return new Byte512Vector.Byte512Shuffle(AbstractShuffle.IDENTITY);
 442             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 443         }
 444     }

 446     @ForceInline
 447     public static Shuffle<Byte> shuffleFromValues(ByteSpecies species, int... ixs) {
 448         if (species.boxType() == ByteMaxVector.class)
 449             return new ByteMaxVector.ByteMaxShuffle(ixs);
 450         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 451             case 64: return new Byte64Vector.Byte64Shuffle(ixs);
 452             case 128: return new Byte128Vector.Byte128Shuffle(ixs);
 453             case 256: return new Byte256Vector.Byte256Shuffle(ixs);
 454             case 512: return new Byte512Vector.Byte512Shuffle(ixs);
 455             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 456         }
 457     }

 459     @ForceInline
 460     public static Shuffle<Byte> shuffleFromArray(ByteSpecies species, int[] ixs, int i) {
 461         if (species.boxType() == ByteMaxVector.class)
 462             return new ByteMaxVector.ByteMaxShuffle(ixs, i);
 463         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 464             case 64: return new Byte64Vector.Byte64Shuffle(ixs, i);
 465             case 128: return new Byte128Vector.Byte128Shuffle(ixs, i);
 466             case 256: return new Byte256Vector.Byte256Shuffle(ixs, i);
 467             case 512: return new Byte512Vector.Byte512Shuffle(ixs, i);
 468             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 469         }
 470     }
 473     // Ops
 475     @Override
 476     public abstract ByteVector add(Vector<Byte> v);
 478     /**

 910     public abstract ByteVector not();
 912     /**
 913      * Bitwise NOTs this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.
 914      * <p>
 915      * This is a vector unary operation where the primitive bitwise NOT
 916      * operation ({@code ~}) is applied to lane elements.
 917      *
 918      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 919      * @return the bitwise NOT of this vector
 920      */
 921     public abstract ByteVector not(Mask<Byte> m);
 923     /**
 924      * Logically left shifts this vector by the broadcast of an input scalar.
 925      * <p>
 926      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive logical left shift
 927      * operation ({@code <<}) is applied to lane elements to left shift the
 928      * element by shift value as specified by the input scalar. Only the 3
 929      * lowest-order bits of shift value are used. It is as if the shift value
 930      * were subjected to a bitwise logical AND operator & with the mask value 0x7.
 931      * The shift distance actually used is therefore always in the range 0 to 7, inclusive.
 932      *
 933      * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to left shift
 934      * @return the result of logically left shifting left this vector by the
 935      * broadcast of an input scalar
 936      */
 937     public abstract ByteVector shiftL(int s);
 939     /**
 940      * Logically left shifts this vector by the broadcast of an input scalar,
 941      * selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.
 942      * <p>
 943      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive logical left shift
 944      * operation ({@code <<}) is applied to lane elements to left shift the
 945      * element by shift value as specified by the input scalar. Only the 3
 946      * lowest-order bits of shift value are used. It is as if the shift value
 947      * were subjected to a bitwise logical AND operator & with the mask value 0x7.
 948      * The shift distance actually used is therefore always in the range 0 to 7, inclusive.
 949      *
 950      * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to left shift
 951      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
 952      * @return the result of logically left shifting left this vector by the
 953      * broadcast of an input scalar
 954      */
 955     public abstract ByteVector shiftL(int s, Mask<Byte> m);
 958     // logical, or unsigned, shift right
 960      /**
 961      * Logically right shifts (or unsigned right shifts) this vector by the
 962      * broadcast of an input scalar.
 963      * <p>
 964      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive logical right shift
 965      * operation ({@code >>>}) is applied to lane elements to logically right shift the
 966      * element by shift value as specified by the input scalar. Only the 3
 967      * lowest-order bits of shift value are used. It is as if the shift value
 968      * were subjected to a bitwise logical AND operator & with the mask value 0x7.
 969      * The shift distance actually used is therefore always in the range 0 to 7, inclusive.
 970      *
 971      * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to right shift
 972      * @return the result of logically right shifting this vector by the
 973      * broadcast of an input scalar
 974      */
 975     public abstract ByteVector shiftR(int s);
 977      /**
 978      * Logically right shifts (or unsigned right shifts) this vector by the
 979      * broadcast of an input scalar, selecting lane elements controlled by a
 980      * mask.
 981      * <p>
 982      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive logical right shift
 983      * operation ({@code >>>}) is applied to lane elements to logically right shift the
 984      * element by shift value as specified by the input scalar. Only the 3
 985      * lowest-order bits of shift value are used. It is as if the shift value
 986      * were subjected to a bitwise logical AND operator & with the mask value 0x7.
 987      * The shift distance actually used is therefore always in the range 0 to 7, inclusive.
 988      *
 989      * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to right shift

 990      * @return the result of logically right shifting this vector by the
 991      * broadcast of an input scalar
 992      */
 993     public abstract ByteVector shiftR(int s, Mask<Byte> m);
 996     /**
 997      * Arithmetically right shifts (or signed right shifts) this vector by the
 998      * broadcast of an input scalar.
 999      * <p>
1000      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive arithmetic right
1001      * shift operation ({@code >>}) is applied to lane elements  to arithmetically
1002      * right shift the element by shift value as specified by the input scalar.
1003      * Only the 3 lowest-order bits of shift value are used. It is as if the shift
1004      * value were subjected to a bitwise logical AND operator & with the mask value 0x7.
1005      * The shift distance actually used is therefore always in the range 0 to 7, inclusive.
1006      *
1007      * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to right shift
1008      * @return the result of arithmetically right shifting this vector by the
1009      * broadcast of an input scalar
1010      */
1011     public abstract ByteVector aShiftR(int s);
1013     /**
1014      * Arithmetically right shifts (or signed right shifts) this vector by the
1015      * broadcast of an input scalar, selecting lane elements controlled by a
1016      * mask.
1017      * <p>
1018      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive arithmetic right
1019      * shift operation ({@code >>}) is applied to lane elements  to arithmetically
1020      * right shift the element by shift value as specified by the input scalar.
1021      * Only the 3 lowest-order bits of shift value are used. It is as if the shift
1022      * value were subjected to a bitwise logical AND operator & with the mask value 0x7.
1023      * The shift distance actually used is therefore always in the range 0 to 7, inclusive.
1024      *
1025      * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to right shift
1026      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
1027      * @return the result of arithmetically right shifting this vector by the
1028      * broadcast of an input scalar
1029      */
1030     public abstract ByteVector aShiftR(int s, Mask<Byte> m);
1033     @Override
1034     public abstract void intoByteArray(byte[] a, int ix);
1036     @Override
1037     public abstract void intoByteArray(byte[] a, int ix, Mask<Byte> m);
1039     @Override
1040     public abstract void intoByteBuffer(ByteBuffer bb, int ix);
1042     @Override
1043     public abstract void intoByteBuffer(ByteBuffer bb, int ix, Mask<Byte> m);
1046     // Type specific horizontal reductions
1048     /**
1049      * Adds all lane elements of this vector.
1050      * <p>
1051      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the addition
1052      * operation ({@code +}) is applied to lane elements,
1053      * and the identity value is {@code 0}.
1054      *
1055      * @return the addition of all the lane elements of this vector
1056      */
1057     public abstract byte addAll();
1059     /**
1060      * Adds all lane elements of this vector, selecting lane elements
1061      * controlled by a mask.
1062      * <p>
1063      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the addition
1064      * operation ({@code +}) is applied to lane elements,
1065      * and the identity value is {@code 0}.
1066      *
1067      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
1068      * @return the addition of all the lane elements of this vector
1069      */
1070     public abstract byte addAll(Mask<Byte> m);
1072     /**
1073      * Subtracts all lane elements of this vector.
1074      * <p>
1075      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the subtraction
1076      * operation ({@code -}) is applied to lane elements,
1077      * and the identity value is {@code 0}.
1078      *
1079      * @return the subtraction of all the lane elements of this vector
1080      */
1081     public abstract byte subAll();
1083     /**
1084      * Subtracts all lane elements of this vector, selecting lane elements
1085      * controlled by a mask.
1086      * <p>
1087      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the subtraction
1088      * operation ({@code -}) is applied to lane elements,
1089      * and the identity value is {@code 0}.
1090      *
1091      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
1092      * @return the subtraction of all the lane elements of this vector
1093      */
1094     public abstract byte subAll(Mask<Byte> m);
1096     /**
1097      * Multiplies all lane elements of this vector.
1098      * <p>
1099      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the
1100      * multiplication operation ({@code *}) is applied to lane elements,
1101      * and the identity value is {@code 1}.
1102      *
1103      * @return the multiplication of all the lane elements of this vector
1104      */
1105     public abstract byte mulAll();
1107     /**
1108      * Multiplies all lane elements of this vector, selecting lane elements
1109      * controlled by a mask.
1110      * <p>
1111      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the
1112      * multiplication operation ({@code *}) is applied to lane elements,
1113      * and the identity value is {@code 1}.
1114      *
1115      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
1116      * @return the multiplication of all the lane elements of this vector
1117      */
1118     public abstract byte mulAll(Mask<Byte> m);
1120     /**
1121      * Returns the minimum lane element of this vector.
1122      * <p>
1123      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the operation
1124      * {@code (a, b) -> Math.min(a, b)} is applied to lane elements,
1125      * and the identity value is {@link Byte#MAX_VALUE}.

1126      *
1127      * @return the minimum lane element of this vector
1128      */
1129     public abstract byte minAll();
1131     /**
1132      * Returns the minimum lane element of this vector, selecting lane elements
1133      * controlled by a mask.
1134      * <p>
1135      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the operation
1136      * {@code (a, b) -> Math.min(a, b)} is applied to lane elements,
1137      * and the identity value is {@link Byte#MAX_VALUE}.

1138      *
1139      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
1140      * @return the minimum lane element of this vector
1141      */
1142     public abstract byte minAll(Mask<Byte> m);
1144     /**
1145      * Returns the maximum lane element of this vector.
1146      * <p>
1147      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the operation
1148      * {@code (a, b) -> Math.max(a, b)} is applied to lane elements,
1149      * and the identity value is {@link Byte#MIN_VALUE}.

1150      *
1151      * @return the maximum lane element of this vector
1152      */
1153     public abstract byte maxAll();
1155     /**
1156      * Returns the maximum lane element of this vector, selecting lane elements
1157      * controlled by a mask.
1158      * <p>
1159      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the operation
1160      * {@code (a, b) -> Math.max(a, b)} is applied to lane elements,
1161      * and the identity value is {@link Byte#MIN_VALUE}.

1162      *
1163      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
1164      * @return the maximum lane element of this vector
1165      */
1166     public abstract byte maxAll(Mask<Byte> m);
1168     /**
1169      * Logically ORs all lane elements of this vector.
1170      * <p>
1171      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the logical OR
1172      * operation ({@code |}) is applied to lane elements,
1173      * and the identity value is {@code 0}.
1174      *
1175      * @return the logical OR all the lane elements of this vector
1176      */
1177     public abstract byte orAll();
1179     /**
1180      * Logically ORs all lane elements of this vector, selecting lane elements
1181      * controlled by a mask.

1412         /**
1413          * Returns a vector where the first lane element is set to the primtive
1414          * value {@code e}, all other lane elements are set to the default
1415          * value.
1416          *
1417          * @param e the value
1418          * @return a vector where the first lane element is set to the primitive
1419          * value {@code e}
1420          */
1421         @ForceInline
1422         public final ByteVector single(byte e) {
1423             return zero().with(0, e);
1424         }
1426         /**
1427          * Returns a vector where each lane element is set to a randomly
1428          * generated primitive value.
1429          *
1430          * The semantics are equivalent to calling
1431          * {@link (byte)ThreadLocalRandom#nextInt() }
1432          *
1433          * @return a vector where each lane elements is set to a randomly
1434          * generated primitive value
1435          */
1436         public ByteVector random() {
1437             ThreadLocalRandom r = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
1438             return op(i -> (byte) r.nextInt());
1439         }
1441         /**
1442          * Returns a vector where each lane element is set to a given
1443          * primitive value.
1444          * <p>
1445          * For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index, the
1446          * the primitive value at index {@code N} is placed into the resulting
1447          * vector at lane index {@code N}.
1448          *
1449          * @param es the given primitive values
1450          * @return a vector where each lane element is set to a given primitive
1451          * value

  87     }
  89     abstract Mask<Byte> bTest(Vector<Byte> v, FBinTest f);
  91     // Foreach
  93     interface FUnCon {
  94         void apply(int i, byte a);
  95     }
  97     abstract void forEach(FUnCon f);
  99     abstract void forEach(Mask<Byte> m, FUnCon f);
 101     // Static factories
 103     /**
 104      * Returns a vector where all lane elements are set to the default
 105      * primitive value.
 106      *
 107      * @param species species of desired vector
 108      * @return a zero vector of given species
 109      */
 110     @ForceInline
 111     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 112     public static ByteVector zero(ByteSpecies species) {
 113         return species.zero();
 114     }
 116     /**
 117      * Loads a vector from a byte array starting at an offset.
 118      * <p>
 119      * Bytes are composed into primitive lane elements according to the
 120      * native byte order of the underlying platform
 121      * <p>
 122      * This method behaves as if it returns the result of calling the
 123      * byte buffer, offset, and mask accepting
 124      * {@link #fromByteBuffer(ByteSpecies, ByteBuffer, int, Mask) method} as follows:
 125      * <pre>{@code
 126      * return this.fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(a), i, this.maskAllTrue());
 127      * }</pre>
 128      *
 129      * @param species species of desired vector
 130      * @param a the byte array
 131      * @param ix the offset into the array
 132      * @return a vector loaded from a byte array
 133      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code i < 0} or
 134      * {@code i > a.length - (this.length() * this.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE)}
 135      */
 136     @ForceInline
 137     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 138     public static ByteVector fromByteArray(ByteSpecies species, byte[] a, int ix) {
 139         Objects.requireNonNull(a);
 140         ix = VectorIntrinsics.checkIndex(ix, a.length, species.bitSize() / Byte.SIZE);
 141         return VectorIntrinsics.load((Class<ByteVector>) species.boxType(), byte.class, species.length(),
 142                                      a, ((long) ix) + Unsafe.ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET,
 143                                      a, ix, species,
 144                                      (c, idx, s) -> {
 145                                          ByteBuffer bbc = ByteBuffer.wrap(c, idx, a.length - idx).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
 146                                          ByteBuffer tb = bbc;
 147                                          return ((ByteSpecies)s).op(i -> tb.get());
 148                                      });
 149     }
 151     /**
 152      * Loads a vector from a byte array starting at an offset and using a
 153      * mask.
 154      * <p>
 155      * Bytes are composed into primitive lane elements according to the
 156      * native byte order of the underlying platform.
 157      * <p>
 158      * This method behaves as if it returns the result of calling the
 159      * byte buffer, offset, and mask accepting
 160      * {@link #fromByteBuffer(ByteSpecies, ByteBuffer, int, Mask) method} as follows:
 161      * <pre>{@code
 162      * return this.fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(a), i, m);
 163      * }</pre>
 164      *
 165      * @param species species of desired vector
 166      * @param a the byte array
 167      * @param ix the offset into the array
 168      * @param m the mask
 169      * @return a vector loaded from a byte array
 170      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code i < 0} or
 171      * {@code i > a.length - (this.length() * this.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE)}
 172      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the offset is {@code < 0},
 173      * or {@code > a.length},
 174      * for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane {@code N}
 175      * is set
 176      * {@code i >= a.length - (N * this.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE)}
 177      */
 178     @ForceInline
 179     public static ByteVector fromByteArray(ByteSpecies species, byte[] a, int ix, Mask<Byte> m) {
 180         return zero(species).blend(fromByteArray(species, a, ix), m);
 181     }
 183     /**
 184      * Loads a vector from an array starting at offset.
 185      * <p>
 186      * For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index, the
 187      * array element at index {@code i + N} is placed into the
 188      * resulting vector at lane index {@code N}.
 189      *
 190      * @param species species of desired vector
 191      * @param a the array
 192      * @param i the offset into the array
 193      * @return the vector loaded from an array
 194      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code i < 0}, or
 195      * {@code i > a.length - this.length()}
 196      */
 197     @ForceInline
 198     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 199     public static ByteVector fromArray(ByteSpecies species, byte[] a, int i){
 200         Objects.requireNonNull(a);
 201         i = VectorIntrinsics.checkIndex(i, a.length, species.length());
 202         return VectorIntrinsics.load((Class<ByteVector>) species.boxType(), byte.class, species.length(),
 203                                      a, (((long) i) << ARRAY_SHIFT) + Unsafe.ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET,
 204                                      a, i, species,
 205                                      (c, idx, s) -> ((ByteSpecies)s).op(n -> c[idx + n]));
 206     }
 209     /**
 210      * Loads a vector from an array starting at offset and using a mask.
 211      * <p>
 212      * For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index,
 213      * if the mask lane at index {@code N} is set then the array element at
 214      * index {@code i + N} is placed into the resulting vector at lane index
 215      * {@code N}, otherwise the default element value is placed into the
 216      * resulting vector at lane index {@code N}.
 217      *
 218      * @param species species of desired vector
 219      * @param a the array
 220      * @param i the offset into the array
 221      * @param m the mask
 222      * @return the vector loaded from an array
 223      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code i < 0}, or
 224      * for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane {@code N}
 225      * is set {@code i > a.length - N}
 226      */
 227     @ForceInline
 228     public static ByteVector fromArray(ByteSpecies species, byte[] a, int i, Mask<Byte> m) {
 229         return zero(species).blend(fromArray(species, a, i), m);
 230     }
 232     /**
 233      * Loads a vector from an array using indexes obtained from an index
 234      * map.
 235      * <p>
 236      * For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index, the
 237      * array element at index {@code i + indexMap[j + N]} is placed into the
 238      * resulting vector at lane index {@code N}.
 239      *
 240      * @param species species of desired vector
 241      * @param a the array
 242      * @param i the offset into the array, may be negative if relative
 243      * indexes in the index map compensate to produce a value within the
 244      * array bounds
 245      * @param indexMap the index map
 246      * @param j the offset into the index map
 247      * @return the vector loaded from an array
 248      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code j < 0}, or
 249      * {@code j > indexMap.length - this.length()},
 250      * or for any vector lane index {@code N} the result of
 251      * {@code i + indexMap[j + N]} is {@code < 0} or {@code >= a.length}
 252      */
 253     public static ByteVector fromArray(ByteSpecies species, byte[] a, int i, int[] indexMap, int j) {
 254         return species.op(n -> a[i + indexMap[j + n]]);
 255     }
 256     /**
 257      * Loads a vector from an array using indexes obtained from an index
 258      * map and using a mask.
 259      * <p>
 260      * For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index,
 261      * if the mask lane at index {@code N} is set then the array element at
 262      * index {@code i + indexMap[j + N]} is placed into the resulting vector
 263      * at lane index {@code N}.
 264      *
 265      * @param species species of desired vector
 266      * @param a the array
 267      * @param i the offset into the array, may be negative if relative
 268      * indexes in the index map compensate to produce a value within the
 269      * array bounds
 270      * @param m the mask
 271      * @param indexMap the index map
 272      * @param j the offset into the index map
 273      * @return the vector loaded from an array
 274      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code j < 0}, or
 275      * {@code j > indexMap.length - this.length()},
 276      * or for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane
 277      * {@code N} is set the result of {@code i + indexMap[j + N]} is
 278      * {@code < 0} or {@code >= a.length}
 279      */
 280     public static ByteVector fromArray(ByteSpecies species, byte[] a, int i, Mask<Byte> m, int[] indexMap, int j) {
 281         return species.op(m, n -> a[i + indexMap[j + n]]);
 282     }
 284     /**
 285      * Loads a vector from a {@link ByteBuffer byte buffer} starting at an
 286      * offset into the byte buffer.
 287      * <p>
 288      * Bytes are composed into primitive lane elements according to the
 289      * native byte order of the underlying platform.
 290      * <p>
 291      * This method behaves as if it returns the result of calling the
 292      * byte buffer, offset, and mask accepting
 293      * {@link #fromByteBuffer(ByteSpecies, ByteBuffer, int, Mask)} method} as follows:
 294      * <pre>{@code
 295      *   return this.fromByteBuffer(b, i, this.maskAllTrue())
 296      * }</pre>
 297      *
 298      * @param species species of desired vector
 299      * @param bb the byte buffer
 300      * @param ix the offset into the byte buffer
 301      * @return a vector loaded from a byte buffer
 302      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the offset is {@code < 0},
 303      * or {@code > b.limit()},
 304      * or if there are fewer than
 305      * {@code this.length() * this.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE} bytes
 306      * remaining in the byte buffer from the given offset
 307      */
 308     @ForceInline
 309     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 310     public static ByteVector fromByteBuffer(ByteSpecies species, ByteBuffer bb, int ix) {
 311         if (bb.order() != ByteOrder.nativeOrder()) {
 312             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
 313         }
 314         ix = VectorIntrinsics.checkIndex(ix, bb.limit(), species.bitSize() / Byte.SIZE);
 315         return VectorIntrinsics.load((Class<ByteVector>) species.boxType(), byte.class, species.length(),
 316                                      U.getReference(bb, BYTE_BUFFER_HB), U.getLong(bb, BUFFER_ADDRESS) + ix,
 317                                      bb, ix, species,
 318                                      (c, idx, s) -> {

 330      * {@link java.nio.Buffer buffer} for the primitive element type,
 331      * according to the native byte order of the underlying platform, and
 332      * the returned vector is loaded with a mask from a primitive array
 333      * obtained from the primitive buffer.
 334      * The following pseudocode expresses the behaviour, where
 335      * {@coce EBuffer} is the primitive buffer type, {@code e} is the
 336      * primitive element type, and {@code ESpecies<S>} is the primitive
 337      * species for {@code e}:
 338      * <pre>{@code
 339      * EBuffer eb = b.duplicate().
 340      *     order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).position(i).
 341      *     asEBuffer();
 342      * e[] es = new e[this.length()];
 343      * for (int n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
 344      *     if (m.isSet(n))
 345      *         es[n] = eb.get(n);
 346      * }
 347      * Vector<E> r = ((ESpecies<S>)this).fromArray(es, 0, m);
 348      * }</pre>
 349      *
 350      * @param species species of desired vector
 351      * @param bb the byte buffer
 352      * @param ix the offset into the byte buffer
 353      * @param m the mask
 354      * @return a vector loaded from a byte buffer
 355      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the offset is {@code < 0},
 356      * or {@code > b.limit()},
 357      * for any vector lane index {@code N} where the mask at lane {@code N}
 358      * is set
 359      * {@code i >= b.limit() - (N * this.elementSize() / Byte.SIZE)}
 360      */
 361     @ForceInline
 362     public static ByteVector fromByteBuffer(ByteSpecies species, ByteBuffer bb, int ix, Mask<Byte> m) {
 363         return zero(species).blend(fromByteBuffer(species, bb, ix), m);
 364     }
 366     /**
 367      * Returns a mask where each lane is set or unset according to given
 368      * {@code boolean} values
 369      * <p>
 370      * For each mask lane, where {@code N} is the mask lane index,
 371      * if the given {@code boolean} value at index {@code N} is {@code true}
 372      * then the mask lane at index {@code N} is set, otherwise it is unset.
 373      *
 374      * @param species mask species
 375      * @param bits the given {@code boolean} values
 376      * @return a mask where each lane is set or unset according to the given {@code boolean} value
 377      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code bits.length < species.length()}
 378      */
 379     @ForceInline
 380     public static Mask<Byte> maskFromValues(ByteSpecies species, boolean... bits) {
 381         if (species.boxType() == ByteMaxVector.class)
 382             return new ByteMaxVector.ByteMaxMask(bits);
 383         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 384             case 64: return new Byte64Vector.Byte64Mask(bits);
 385             case 128: return new Byte128Vector.Byte128Mask(bits);
 386             case 256: return new Byte256Vector.Byte256Mask(bits);
 387             case 512: return new Byte512Vector.Byte512Mask(bits);
 388             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 389         }
 390     }
 392     // @@@ This is a bad implementation -- makes lambdas capturing -- fix this
 393     static Mask<Byte> trueMask(ByteSpecies species) {
 394         if (species.boxType() == ByteMaxVector.class)
 395             return ByteMaxVector.ByteMaxMask.TRUE_MASK;
 396         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 397             case 64: return Byte64Vector.Byte64Mask.TRUE_MASK;
 398             case 128: return Byte128Vector.Byte128Mask.TRUE_MASK;
 399             case 256: return Byte256Vector.Byte256Mask.TRUE_MASK;
 400             case 512: return Byte512Vector.Byte512Mask.TRUE_MASK;
 401             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 402         }
 403     }
 405     static Mask<Byte> falseMask(ByteSpecies species) {
 406         if (species.boxType() == ByteMaxVector.class)
 407             return ByteMaxVector.ByteMaxMask.FALSE_MASK;
 408         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 409             case 64: return Byte64Vector.Byte64Mask.FALSE_MASK;
 410             case 128: return Byte128Vector.Byte128Mask.FALSE_MASK;
 411             case 256: return Byte256Vector.Byte256Mask.FALSE_MASK;
 412             case 512: return Byte512Vector.Byte512Mask.FALSE_MASK;
 413             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 414         }
 415     }
 417     /**
 418      * Loads a mask from a {@code boolean} array starting at an offset.
 419      * <p>
 420      * For each mask lane, where {@code N} is the mask lane index,
 421      * if the array element at index {@code i + N} is {@code true} then the
 422      * mask lane at index {@code N} is set, otherwise it is unset.
 423      *
 424      * @param species mask species
 425      * @param bits the {@code boolean} array
 426      * @param ix the offset into the array
 427      * @return the mask loaded from a {@code boolean} array
 428      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code ix < 0}, or
 429      * {@code ix > bits.length - species.length()}
 430      */
 431     @ForceInline
 432     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 433     public static Mask<Byte> maskFromArray(ByteSpecies species, boolean[] bits, int ix) {
 434         Objects.requireNonNull(bits);
 435         ix = VectorIntrinsics.checkIndex(ix, bits.length, species.length());
 436         return VectorIntrinsics.load((Class<Mask<Byte>>) species.maskType(), byte.class, species.length(),
 437                                      bits, (((long) ix) << ARRAY_SHIFT) + Unsafe.ARRAY_BOOLEAN_BASE_OFFSET,
 438                                      bits, ix, species,
 439                                      (c, idx, s) -> (Mask<Byte>) ((ByteSpecies)s).opm(n -> c[idx + n]));
 440     }
 442     /**
 443      * Returns a mask where all lanes are a set.
 444      *
 445      * @param species mask species
 446      * @return a mask where all lanes are a set
 447      */
 448     @ForceInline
 449     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 450     public static Mask<Byte> maskAllTrue(ByteSpecies species) {
 451         return VectorIntrinsics.broadcastCoerced((Class<Mask<Byte>>) species.maskType(), byte.class, species.length(),
 452                                                  (byte)-1,  species,
 453                                                  ((z, s) -> trueMask((ByteSpecies)s)));
 454     }
 456     /**
 457      * Returns a mask where all lanes are a unset.
 458      *
 459      * @param species mask species
 460      * @return a mask where all lanes are a unset
 461      */
 462     @ForceInline
 463     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 464     public static Mask<Byte> maskAllFalse(ByteSpecies species) {
 465         return VectorIntrinsics.broadcastCoerced((Class<Mask<Byte>>) species.maskType(), byte.class, species.length(),
 466                                                  0, species, 
 467                                                  ((z, s) -> falseMask((ByteSpecies)s)));
 468     }
 470     /**
 471      * Returns a shuffle of mapped indexes where each lane element is
 472      * the result of applying a mapping function to the corresponding lane
 473      * index.
 474      * <p>
 475      * Care should be taken to ensure Shuffle values produced from this
 476      * method are consumed as constants to ensure optimal generation of
 477      * code.  For example, values held in static final fields or values
 478      * held in loop constant local variables.
 479      * <p>
 480      * This method behaves as if a shuffle is created from an array of
 481      * mapped indexes as follows:
 482      * <pre>{@code
 483      *   int[] a = new int[species.length()];
 484      *   for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
 485      *       a[i] = f.applyAsInt(i);
 486      *   }
 487      *   return this.shuffleFromValues(a);
 488      * }</pre>
 489      *
 490      * @param species shuffle species
 491      * @param f the lane index mapping function
 492      * @return a shuffle of mapped indexes
 493      */
 494     @ForceInline
 495     public static Shuffle<Byte> shuffle(ByteSpecies species, IntUnaryOperator f) {
 496         if (species.boxType() == ByteMaxVector.class)
 497             return new ByteMaxVector.ByteMaxShuffle(f);
 498         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 499             case 64: return new Byte64Vector.Byte64Shuffle(f);
 500             case 128: return new Byte128Vector.Byte128Shuffle(f);
 501             case 256: return new Byte256Vector.Byte256Shuffle(f);
 502             case 512: return new Byte512Vector.Byte512Shuffle(f);
 503             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 504         }
 505     }
 507     /**
 508      * Returns a shuffle where each lane element is the value of its
 509      * corresponding lane index.
 510      * <p>
 511      * This method behaves as if a shuffle is created from an identity
 512      * index mapping function as follows:
 513      * <pre>{@code
 514      *   return this.shuffle(i -> i);
 515      * }</pre>
 516      *
 517      * @param species shuffle species
 518      * @return a shuffle of lane indexes
 519      */
 520     @ForceInline
 521     public static Shuffle<Byte> shuffleIota(ByteSpecies species) {
 522         if (species.boxType() == ByteMaxVector.class)
 523             return new ByteMaxVector.ByteMaxShuffle(AbstractShuffle.IDENTITY);
 524         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 525             case 64: return new Byte64Vector.Byte64Shuffle(AbstractShuffle.IDENTITY);
 526             case 128: return new Byte128Vector.Byte128Shuffle(AbstractShuffle.IDENTITY);
 527             case 256: return new Byte256Vector.Byte256Shuffle(AbstractShuffle.IDENTITY);
 528             case 512: return new Byte512Vector.Byte512Shuffle(AbstractShuffle.IDENTITY);
 529             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 530         }
 531     }
 533     /**
 534      * Returns a shuffle where each lane element is set to a given
 535      * {@code int} value logically AND'ed by the species length minus one.
 536      * <p>
 537      * For each shuffle lane, where {@code N} is the shuffle lane index, the
 538      * the {@code int} value at index {@code N} logically AND'ed by
 539      * {@code species.length() - 1} is placed into the resulting shuffle at
 540      * lane index {@code N}.
 541      *
 542      * @param species shuffle species
 543      * @param ixs the given {@code int} values
 544      * @return a shuffle where each lane element is set to a given
 545      * {@code int} value
 546      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the number of int values is
 547      * {@code < species.length()}
 548      */
 549     @ForceInline
 550     public static Shuffle<Byte> shuffleFromValues(ByteSpecies species, int... ixs) {
 551         if (species.boxType() == ByteMaxVector.class)
 552             return new ByteMaxVector.ByteMaxShuffle(ixs);
 553         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 554             case 64: return new Byte64Vector.Byte64Shuffle(ixs);
 555             case 128: return new Byte128Vector.Byte128Shuffle(ixs);
 556             case 256: return new Byte256Vector.Byte256Shuffle(ixs);
 557             case 512: return new Byte512Vector.Byte512Shuffle(ixs);
 558             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 559         }
 560     }
 562     /**
 563      * Loads a shuffle from an {@code int} array starting at an offset.
 564      * <p>
 565      * For each shuffle lane, where {@code N} is the shuffle lane index, the
 566      * array element at index {@code i + N} logically AND'ed by
 567      * {@code species.length() - 1} is placed into the resulting shuffle at lane
 568      * index {@code N}.
 569      *
 570      * @param species shuffle species
 571      * @param ixs the {@code int} array
 572      * @param i the offset into the array
 573      * @return a shuffle loaded from the {@code int} array
 574      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code i < 0}, or
 575      * {@code i > a.length - species.length()}
 576      */
 577     @ForceInline
 578     public static Shuffle<Byte> shuffleFromArray(ByteSpecies species, int[] ixs, int i) {
 579         if (species.boxType() == ByteMaxVector.class)
 580             return new ByteMaxVector.ByteMaxShuffle(ixs, i);
 581         switch (species.bitSize()) {
 582             case 64: return new Byte64Vector.Byte64Shuffle(ixs, i);
 583             case 128: return new Byte128Vector.Byte128Shuffle(ixs, i);
 584             case 256: return new Byte256Vector.Byte256Shuffle(ixs, i);
 585             case 512: return new Byte512Vector.Byte512Shuffle(ixs, i);
 586             default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(species.bitSize()));
 587         }
 588     }
 591     // Ops
 593     @Override
 594     public abstract ByteVector add(Vector<Byte> v);
 596     /**

1028     public abstract ByteVector not();
1030     /**
1031      * Bitwise NOTs this vector, selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.
1032      * <p>
1033      * This is a vector unary operation where the primitive bitwise NOT
1034      * operation ({@code ~}) is applied to lane elements.
1035      *
1036      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
1037      * @return the bitwise NOT of this vector
1038      */
1039     public abstract ByteVector not(Mask<Byte> m);
1041     /**
1042      * Logically left shifts this vector by the broadcast of an input scalar.
1043      * <p>
1044      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive logical left shift
1045      * operation ({@code <<}) is applied to lane elements to left shift the
1046      * element by shift value as specified by the input scalar. Only the 3
1047      * lowest-order bits of shift value are used. It is as if the shift value
1048      * were subjected to a bitwise logical AND operator ({@code &}) with the mask value 0x7.
1049      * The shift distance actually used is therefore always in the range 0 to 7, inclusive.
1050      *
1051      * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to left shift
1052      * @return the result of logically left shifting left this vector by the
1053      * broadcast of an input scalar
1054      */
1055     public abstract ByteVector shiftL(int s);
1057     /**
1058      * Logically left shifts this vector by the broadcast of an input scalar,
1059      * selecting lane elements controlled by a mask.
1060      * <p>
1061      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive logical left shift
1062      * operation ({@code <<}) is applied to lane elements to left shift the
1063      * element by shift value as specified by the input scalar. Only the 3
1064      * lowest-order bits of shift value are used. It is as if the shift value
1065      * were subjected to a bitwise logical AND operator ({@code &}) with the mask value 0x7.
1066      * The shift distance actually used is therefore always in the range 0 to 7, inclusive.
1067      *
1068      * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to left shift
1069      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
1070      * @return the result of logically left shifting left this vector by the
1071      * broadcast of an input scalar
1072      */
1073     public abstract ByteVector shiftL(int s, Mask<Byte> m);
1076     // logical, or unsigned, shift right
1078      /**
1079      * Logically right shifts (or unsigned right shifts) this vector by the
1080      * broadcast of an input scalar.
1081      * <p>
1082      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive logical right shift
1083      * operation ({@code >>>}) is applied to lane elements to logically right shift the
1084      * element by shift value as specified by the input scalar. Only the 3
1085      * lowest-order bits of shift value are used. It is as if the shift value
1086      * were subjected to a bitwise logical AND operator ({@code &}) with the mask value 0x7.
1087      * The shift distance actually used is therefore always in the range 0 to 7, inclusive.
1088      *
1089      * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to right shift
1090      * @return the result of logically right shifting this vector by the
1091      * broadcast of an input scalar
1092      */
1093     public abstract ByteVector shiftR(int s);
1095      /**
1096      * Logically right shifts (or unsigned right shifts) this vector by the
1097      * broadcast of an input scalar, selecting lane elements controlled by a
1098      * mask.
1099      * <p>
1100      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive logical right shift
1101      * operation ({@code >>>}) is applied to lane elements to logically right shift the
1102      * element by shift value as specified by the input scalar. Only the 3
1103      * lowest-order bits of shift value are used. It is as if the shift value
1104      * were subjected to a bitwise logical AND operator ({@code &}) with the mask value 0x7.
1105      * The shift distance actually used is therefore always in the range 0 to 7, inclusive.
1106      *
1107      * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to right shift
1108      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
1109      * @return the result of logically right shifting this vector by the
1110      * broadcast of an input scalar
1111      */
1112     public abstract ByteVector shiftR(int s, Mask<Byte> m);
1115     /**
1116      * Arithmetically right shifts (or signed right shifts) this vector by the
1117      * broadcast of an input scalar.
1118      * <p>
1119      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive arithmetic right
1120      * shift operation ({@code >>}) is applied to lane elements  to arithmetically
1121      * right shift the element by shift value as specified by the input scalar.
1122      * Only the 3 lowest-order bits of shift value are used. It is as if the shift
1123      * value were subjected to a bitwise logical AND operator ({@code &}) with the mask value 0x7.
1124      * The shift distance actually used is therefore always in the range 0 to 7, inclusive.
1125      *
1126      * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to right shift
1127      * @return the result of arithmetically right shifting this vector by the
1128      * broadcast of an input scalar
1129      */
1130     public abstract ByteVector aShiftR(int s);
1132     /**
1133      * Arithmetically right shifts (or signed right shifts) this vector by the
1134      * broadcast of an input scalar, selecting lane elements controlled by a
1135      * mask.
1136      * <p>
1137      * This is a vector binary operation where the primitive arithmetic right
1138      * shift operation ({@code >>}) is applied to lane elements  to arithmetically
1139      * right shift the element by shift value as specified by the input scalar.
1140      * Only the 3 lowest-order bits of shift value are used. It is as if the shift
1141      * value were subjected to a bitwise logical AND operator ({@code &}) with the mask value 0x7.
1142      * The shift distance actually used is therefore always in the range 0 to 7, inclusive.
1143      *
1144      * @param s the input scalar; the number of the bits to right shift
1145      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
1146      * @return the result of arithmetically right shifting this vector by the
1147      * broadcast of an input scalar
1148      */
1149     public abstract ByteVector aShiftR(int s, Mask<Byte> m);
1152     @Override
1153     public abstract void intoByteArray(byte[] a, int ix);
1155     @Override
1156     public abstract void intoByteArray(byte[] a, int ix, Mask<Byte> m);
1158     @Override
1159     public abstract void intoByteBuffer(ByteBuffer bb, int ix);
1161     @Override
1162     public abstract void intoByteBuffer(ByteBuffer bb, int ix, Mask<Byte> m);
1165     // Type specific horizontal reductions

1166     /**
1167      * Adds all lane elements of this vector.
1168      * <p>
1169      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the addition
1170      * operation ({@code +}) is applied to lane elements,
1171      * and the identity value is {@code 0}.
1172      *
1173      * @return the addition of all the lane elements of this vector
1174      */
1175     public abstract byte addAll();
1177     /**
1178      * Adds all lane elements of this vector, selecting lane elements
1179      * controlled by a mask.
1180      * <p>
1181      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the addition
1182      * operation ({@code +}) is applied to lane elements,
1183      * and the identity value is {@code 0}.
1184      *
1185      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
1186      * @return the addition of the selected lane elements of this vector
1187      */
1188     public abstract byte addAll(Mask<Byte> m);
1190     /**

1191      * Multiplies all lane elements of this vector.
1192      * <p>
1193      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the
1194      * multiplication operation ({@code *}) is applied to lane elements,
1195      * and the identity value is {@code 1}.
1196      *
1197      * @return the multiplication of all the lane elements of this vector
1198      */
1199     public abstract byte mulAll();
1201     /**
1202      * Multiplies all lane elements of this vector, selecting lane elements
1203      * controlled by a mask.
1204      * <p>
1205      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the
1206      * multiplication operation ({@code *}) is applied to lane elements,
1207      * and the identity value is {@code 1}.
1208      *
1209      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
1210      * @return the multiplication of all the lane elements of this vector
1211      */
1212     public abstract byte mulAll(Mask<Byte> m);
1214     /**
1215      * Returns the minimum lane element of this vector.
1216      * <p>
1217      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the operation
1218      * {@code (a, b) -> Math.min(a, b)} is applied to lane elements,
1219      * and the identity value is
1220      * {@link Byte#MAX_VALUE}.
1221      *
1222      * @return the minimum lane element of this vector
1223      */
1224     public abstract byte minAll();
1226     /**
1227      * Returns the minimum lane element of this vector, selecting lane elements
1228      * controlled by a mask.
1229      * <p>
1230      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the operation
1231      * {@code (a, b) -> Math.min(a, b)} is applied to lane elements,
1232      * and the identity value is
1233      * {@link Byte#MAX_VALUE}.
1234      *
1235      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
1236      * @return the minimum lane element of this vector
1237      */
1238     public abstract byte minAll(Mask<Byte> m);
1240     /**
1241      * Returns the maximum lane element of this vector.
1242      * <p>
1243      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the operation
1244      * {@code (a, b) -> Math.max(a, b)} is applied to lane elements,
1245      * and the identity value is
1246      * {@link Byte#MIN_VALUE}.
1247      *
1248      * @return the maximum lane element of this vector
1249      */
1250     public abstract byte maxAll();
1252     /**
1253      * Returns the maximum lane element of this vector, selecting lane elements
1254      * controlled by a mask.
1255      * <p>
1256      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the operation
1257      * {@code (a, b) -> Math.max(a, b)} is applied to lane elements,
1258      * and the identity value is
1259      * {@link Byte#MIN_VALUE}.
1260      *
1261      * @param m the mask controlling lane selection
1262      * @return the maximum lane element of this vector
1263      */
1264     public abstract byte maxAll(Mask<Byte> m);
1266     /**
1267      * Logically ORs all lane elements of this vector.
1268      * <p>
1269      * This is an associative vector reduction operation where the logical OR
1270      * operation ({@code |}) is applied to lane elements,
1271      * and the identity value is {@code 0}.
1272      *
1273      * @return the logical OR all the lane elements of this vector
1274      */
1275     public abstract byte orAll();
1277     /**
1278      * Logically ORs all lane elements of this vector, selecting lane elements
1279      * controlled by a mask.

1510         /**
1511          * Returns a vector where the first lane element is set to the primtive
1512          * value {@code e}, all other lane elements are set to the default
1513          * value.
1514          *
1515          * @param e the value
1516          * @return a vector where the first lane element is set to the primitive
1517          * value {@code e}
1518          */
1519         @ForceInline
1520         public final ByteVector single(byte e) {
1521             return zero().with(0, e);
1522         }
1524         /**
1525          * Returns a vector where each lane element is set to a randomly
1526          * generated primitive value.
1527          *
1528          * The semantics are equivalent to calling
1529          * {@code (byte)ThreadLocalRandom#nextInt()}.
1530          *
1531          * @return a vector where each lane elements is set to a randomly
1532          * generated primitive value
1533          */
1534         public ByteVector random() {
1535             ThreadLocalRandom r = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
1536             return op(i -> (byte) r.nextInt());
1537         }
1539         /**
1540          * Returns a vector where each lane element is set to a given
1541          * primitive value.
1542          * <p>
1543          * For each vector lane, where {@code N} is the vector lane index, the
1544          * the primitive value at index {@code N} is placed into the resulting
1545          * vector at lane index {@code N}.
1546          *
1547          * @param es the given primitive values
1548          * @return a vector where each lane element is set to a given primitive
1549          * value

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