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 117         TimeZone tz = (props.getBoolean(Utils.PACK_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE))
 118                       ? null
 119                       : TimeZone.getDefault();
 121         try {
 122             Utils.currentInstance.set(this);
 123             if (tz != null) TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
 124             final int verbose = props.getInteger(Utils.DEBUG_VERBOSE);
 125             BufferedInputStream in0 = new BufferedInputStream(in);
 126             if (Utils.isJarMagic(Utils.readMagic(in0))) {
 127                 if (verbose > 0)
 128           "Copying unpacked JAR file...");
 129                 Utils.copyJarFile(new JarInputStream(in0), out);
 130             } else if (props.getBoolean(Utils.DEBUG_DISABLE_NATIVE)) {
 131                 (new DoUnpack()).run(in0, out);
 132                 in0.close();
 133                 Utils.markJarFile(out);
 134             } else {
 135                 try {
 136                     (new NativeUnpack(this)).run(in0, out);
 137                     in0.close();
 138                     Utils.markJarFile(out);
 139                 } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ule) {
 140                     // failover to java implementation
 141                     (new DoUnpack()).run(in0, out);

 142                     in0.close();
 143                     Utils.markJarFile(out);
 144                 }
 145             }
 146         } finally {
 147             _nunp = null;
 148             Utils.currentInstance.set(null);
 149             if (tz != null) TimeZone.setDefault(tz);
 150         }
 151     }
 153     /**
 154      * Takes an input File containing the pack file, and generates a JarOutputStream.
 155      * <p>
 156      * Does not close its output.  (The output can accumulate more elements.)
 157      * @param in a File.
 158      * @param out a JarOutputStream.
 159      * @exception IOException if an error is encountered.
 160      */
 161     public synchronized void unpack(File in, JarOutputStream out) throws IOException {
 162         if (in == null) {
 163             throw new NullPointerException("null input");
 164         }
 165         if (out == null) {

 117         TimeZone tz = (props.getBoolean(Utils.PACK_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE))
 118                       ? null
 119                       : TimeZone.getDefault();
 121         try {
 122             Utils.currentInstance.set(this);
 123             if (tz != null) TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
 124             final int verbose = props.getInteger(Utils.DEBUG_VERBOSE);
 125             BufferedInputStream in0 = new BufferedInputStream(in);
 126             if (Utils.isJarMagic(Utils.readMagic(in0))) {
 127                 if (verbose > 0)
 128           "Copying unpacked JAR file...");
 129                 Utils.copyJarFile(new JarInputStream(in0), out);
 130             } else if (props.getBoolean(Utils.DEBUG_DISABLE_NATIVE)) {
 131                 (new DoUnpack()).run(in0, out);
 132                 in0.close();
 133                 Utils.markJarFile(out);
 134             } else {
 135                 try {
 136                     (new NativeUnpack(this)).run(in0, out);

 137                 } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ule) {
 138                     // failover to java implementation
 139                     (new DoUnpack()).run(in0, out);
 140                 }
 141                 in0.close();
 142                 Utils.markJarFile(out);
 143             }

 144         } finally {
 145             _nunp = null;
 146             Utils.currentInstance.set(null);
 147             if (tz != null) TimeZone.setDefault(tz);
 148         }
 149     }
 151     /**
 152      * Takes an input File containing the pack file, and generates a JarOutputStream.
 153      * <p>
 154      * Does not close its output.  (The output can accumulate more elements.)
 155      * @param in a File.
 156      * @param out a JarOutputStream.
 157      * @exception IOException if an error is encountered.
 158      */
 159     public synchronized void unpack(File in, JarOutputStream out) throws IOException {
 160         if (in == null) {
 161             throw new NullPointerException("null input");
 162         }
 163         if (out == null) {