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  58  */
  59 package;
  61 /**
  62  * A type signature parser to make a signature visitor visit an existing
  63  * signature.
  64  *
  65  * @author Thomas Hallgren
  66  * @author Eric Bruneton
  67  */
  68 public class SignatureReader {
  70     /**
  71      * The signature to be read.
  72      */
  73     private final String signature;
  75     /**
  76      * Constructs a {@link SignatureReader} for the given signature.
  77      *
  78      * @param signature A <i>ClassSignature</i>, <i>MethodTypeSignature</i>,
  79      *        or <i>FieldTypeSignature</i>.

  80      */
  81     public SignatureReader(final String signature) {
  82         this.signature = signature;
  83     }
  85     /**
  86      * Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this
  87      * {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the
  88      * constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This
  89      * method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that was
  90      * created using a <i>ClassSignature</i> (such as the

  91      * <code>signature</code> parameter of the
  92      * {@link ClassVisitor.visit} method)
  93      * or a <i>MethodTypeSignature</i> (such as the <code>signature</code>
  94      * parameter of the
  95      * {@link ClassVisitor.visitMethod}
  96      * method).
  97      *
  98      * @param v the visitor that must visit this signature.

  99      */
 100     public void accept(final SignatureVisitor v) {
 101         String signature = this.signature;
 102         int len = signature.length();
 103         int pos;
 104         char c;
 106         if (signature.charAt(0) == '<') {
 107             pos = 2;
 108             do {
 109                 int end = signature.indexOf(':', pos);
 110                 v.visitFormalTypeParameter(signature.substring(pos - 1, end));
 111                 pos = end + 1;
 113                 c = signature.charAt(pos);
 114                 if (c == 'L' || c == '[' || c == 'T') {
 115                     pos = parseType(signature, pos, v.visitClassBound());
 116                 }
 118                 while ((c = signature.charAt(pos++)) == ':') {

 130             }
 131             pos = parseType(signature, pos + 1, v.visitReturnType());
 132             while (pos < len) {
 133                 pos = parseType(signature, pos + 1, v.visitExceptionType());
 134             }
 135         } else {
 136             pos = parseType(signature, pos, v.visitSuperclass());
 137             while (pos < len) {
 138                 pos = parseType(signature, pos, v.visitInterface());
 139             }
 140         }
 141     }
 143     /**
 144      * Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this
 145      * {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the
 146      * constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This
 147      * method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that was
 148      * created using a <i>FieldTypeSignature</i>, such as the
 149      * <code>signature</code> parameter of the
 150      * {@link
 151      * ClassVisitor.visitField} or {@link
 152      *
 153      * MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
 154      *
 155      * @param v the visitor that must visit this signature.

 156      */
 157     public void acceptType(final SignatureVisitor v) {
 158         parseType(this.signature, 0, v);
 159     }
 161     /**
 162      * Parses a field type signature and makes the given visitor visit it.
 163      *
 164      * @param signature a string containing the signature that must be parsed.
 165      * @param pos index of the first character of the signature to parsed.
 166      * @param v the visitor that must visit this signature.

 167      * @return the index of the first character after the parsed signature.
 168      */
 169     private static int parseType(
 170         final String signature,
 171         int pos,
 172         final SignatureVisitor v)
 173     {
 174         char c;
 175         int start, end;
 176         boolean visited, inner;
 177         String name;
 179         switch (c = signature.charAt(pos++)) {
 180             case 'Z':
 181             case 'C':
 182             case 'B':
 183             case 'S':
 184             case 'I':
 185             case 'F':
 186             case 'J':
 187             case 'D':
 188             case 'V':
 189                 v.visitBaseType(c);
 190                 return pos;
 192             case '[':
 193                 return parseType(signature, pos, v.visitArrayType());

 223                             break;
 225                         case '<':
 226                             name = signature.substring(start, pos - 1);
 227                             if (inner) {
 228                                 v.visitInnerClassType(name);
 229                             } else {
 230                                 v.visitClassType(name);
 231                             }
 232                             visited = true;
 233                             top: for (;;) {
 234                                 switch (c = signature.charAt(pos)) {
 235                                     case '>':
 236                                         break top;
 237                                     case '*':
 238                                         ++pos;
 239                                         v.visitTypeArgument();
 240                                         break;
 241                                     case '+':
 242                                     case '-':
 243                                         pos = parseType(signature,
 244                                                 pos + 1,
 245                                                 v.visitTypeArgument(c));
 246                                         break;
 247                                     default:
 248                                         pos = parseType(signature,
 249                                                 pos,
 250                                                 v.visitTypeArgument('='));
 251                                         break;
 252                                 }
 253                             }
 254                     }
 255                 }
 256         }
 257     }
 258 }

  58  */
  59 package;
  61 /**
  62  * A type signature parser to make a signature visitor visit an existing
  63  * signature.
  64  *
  65  * @author Thomas Hallgren
  66  * @author Eric Bruneton
  67  */
  68 public class SignatureReader {
  70     /**
  71      * The signature to be read.
  72      */
  73     private final String signature;
  75     /**
  76      * Constructs a {@link SignatureReader} for the given signature.
  77      *
  78      * @param signature
  79      *            A <i>ClassSignature</i>, <i>MethodTypeSignature</i>, or
  80      *            <i>FieldTypeSignature</i>.
  81      */
  82     public SignatureReader(final String signature) {
  83         this.signature = signature;
  84     }
  86     /**
  87      * Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this
  88      * {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the
  89      * constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This
  90      * method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that was
  91      * created using a <i>ClassSignature</i> (such as the <code>signature</code>
  92      * parameter of the {@link
  93      * ClassVisitor.visit} method) or a <i>MethodTypeSignature</i> (such as the
  94      * <code>signature</code> parameter of the
  95      * {@link
  96      * ClassVisitor.visitMethod} method).

  97      *
  98      * @param v
  99      *            the visitor that must visit this signature.
 100      */
 101     public void accept(final SignatureVisitor v) {
 102         String signature = this.signature;
 103         int len = signature.length();
 104         int pos;
 105         char c;
 107         if (signature.charAt(0) == '<') {
 108             pos = 2;
 109             do {
 110                 int end = signature.indexOf(':', pos);
 111                 v.visitFormalTypeParameter(signature.substring(pos - 1, end));
 112                 pos = end + 1;
 114                 c = signature.charAt(pos);
 115                 if (c == 'L' || c == '[' || c == 'T') {
 116                     pos = parseType(signature, pos, v.visitClassBound());
 117                 }
 119                 while ((c = signature.charAt(pos++)) == ':') {

 131             }
 132             pos = parseType(signature, pos + 1, v.visitReturnType());
 133             while (pos < len) {
 134                 pos = parseType(signature, pos + 1, v.visitExceptionType());
 135             }
 136         } else {
 137             pos = parseType(signature, pos, v.visitSuperclass());
 138             while (pos < len) {
 139                 pos = parseType(signature, pos, v.visitInterface());
 140             }
 141         }
 142     }
 144     /**
 145      * Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this
 146      * {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is the one specified in the
 147      * constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader(String) SignatureReader}). This
 148      * method is intended to be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that was
 149      * created using a <i>FieldTypeSignature</i>, such as the
 150      * <code>signature</code> parameter of the
 151      * {@link ClassVisitor.visitField}
 152      * or {@link

 153      * MethodVisitor.visitLocalVariable} methods.
 154      *
 155      * @param v
 156      *            the visitor that must visit this signature.
 157      */
 158     public void acceptType(final SignatureVisitor v) {
 159         parseType(this.signature, 0, v);
 160     }
 162     /**
 163      * Parses a field type signature and makes the given visitor visit it.
 164      *
 165      * @param signature
 166      *            a string containing the signature that must be parsed.
 167      * @param pos
 168      *            index of the first character of the signature to parsed.
 169      * @param v
 170      *            the visitor that must visit this signature.
 171      * @return the index of the first character after the parsed signature.
 172      */
 173     private static int parseType(final String signature, int pos,
 174             final SignatureVisitor v) {

 175         char c;
 176         int start, end;
 177         boolean visited, inner;
 178         String name;
 180         switch (c = signature.charAt(pos++)) {
 181         case 'Z':
 182         case 'C':
 183         case 'B':
 184         case 'S':
 185         case 'I':
 186         case 'F':
 187         case 'J':
 188         case 'D':
 189         case 'V':
 190             v.visitBaseType(c);
 191             return pos;
 193         case '[':
 194             return parseType(signature, pos, v.visitArrayType());

 224                     break;
 226                 case '<':
 227                     name = signature.substring(start, pos - 1);
 228                     if (inner) {
 229                         v.visitInnerClassType(name);
 230                     } else {
 231                         v.visitClassType(name);
 232                     }
 233                     visited = true;
 234                     top: for (;;) {
 235                         switch (c = signature.charAt(pos)) {
 236                         case '>':
 237                             break top;
 238                         case '*':
 239                             ++pos;
 240                             v.visitTypeArgument();
 241                             break;
 242                         case '+':
 243                         case '-':
 244                             pos = parseType(signature, pos + 1,

 245                                     v.visitTypeArgument(c));
 246                             break;
 247                         default:
 248                             pos = parseType(signature, pos,

 249                                     v.visitTypeArgument('='));
 250                             break;
 251                         }
 252                     }
 253                 }
 254             }
 255         }
 256     }
 257 }