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 268         File symLink = null;
 269         String libPathPrefix = isSDK ? "jre/lib" : "/lib";
 270         symLink = new File(JAVAHOME, libPathPrefix +
 271                 getJreArch() + "/" + LIBJVM);
 272         if (symLink.exists()) {
 273             throw new RuntimeException("symlink exists " + symLink.getAbsolutePath());
 274         }
 275     }
 277     /*
 278      * verify if all the symlinks in the images are created correctly,
 279      * only on solaris, this test works only on images.
 280      */
 281     @Test
 282     void testSymLinks() throws Exception {
 283         if (!isSolaris)
 284             return;
 285         verifySymLinks(JAVA_BIN);
 286         verifySymLinks(JAVA_JRE_BIN);
 287     }
 288     // exclude non-consequential binaries or scripts co-packaged in install
 289     private Pattern symlinkExcludes = Pattern.compile(".*jvisualvm.*");

 291     private void verifySymLinks(String bindir) throws IOException {
 292         File binDir = new File(bindir);
 293         System.err.println("verifying links in: " + bindir);
 294         File isaDir = new File(binDir, getArch()).getAbsoluteFile();
 295         if (!isaDir.exists()) {
 296             throw new RuntimeException("dir: " + isaDir + " does not exist");
 297         }
 298         try (DirectoryStream<Path> ds = Files.newDirectoryStream(binDir.toPath())) {
 299             for (Path p : ds) {
 300                 if (symlinkExcludes.matcher(p.toString()).matches() ||
 301                         Files.isDirectory(p, NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) {
 302                     continue;
 303                 }
 304                 Path link = new File(isaDir, p.getFileName().toString()).toPath();
 305                 if (Files.isSymbolicLink(link)) {
 306                     Path target = Files.readSymbolicLink(link);
 307                     if (target.startsWith("..") && p.endsWith(target.getFileName())) {
 308                         // System.out.println(target + " OK");
 309                         continue;

 268         File symLink = null;
 269         String libPathPrefix = isSDK ? "jre/lib" : "/lib";
 270         symLink = new File(JAVAHOME, libPathPrefix +
 271                 getJreArch() + "/" + LIBJVM);
 272         if (symLink.exists()) {
 273             throw new RuntimeException("symlink exists " + symLink.getAbsolutePath());
 274         }
 275     }
 277     /*
 278      * verify if all the symlinks in the images are created correctly,
 279      * only on solaris, this test works only on images.
 280      */
 281     @Test
 282     void testSymLinks() throws Exception {
 283         if (!isSolaris)
 284             return;
 285         verifySymLinks(JAVA_BIN);
 286         verifySymLinks(JAVA_JRE_BIN);
 287     }
 288     // exclude non-consequential binaries or scripts co-packaged in other
 289     // build phases
 290     private final String excludeRE =
 291             ".*jvisualvm.*" +
 292             "|.*javaws.*" +
 293             "|.*ControlPanel.*" +
 294             "|.*java-rmi.cgi" +
 295             "|.*jcontrol.*";
 296     private final Pattern symlinkExcludes = Pattern.compile(excludeRE);
 298     private void verifySymLinks(String bindir) throws IOException {
 299         File binDir = new File(bindir);
 300         System.err.println("verifying links in: " + bindir);
 301         File isaDir = new File(binDir, getArch()).getAbsoluteFile();
 302         if (!isaDir.exists()) {
 303             throw new RuntimeException("dir: " + isaDir + " does not exist");
 304         }
 305         try (DirectoryStream<Path> ds = Files.newDirectoryStream(binDir.toPath())) {
 306             for (Path p : ds) {
 307                 if (symlinkExcludes.matcher(p.toString()).matches() ||
 308                         Files.isDirectory(p, NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) {
 309                     continue;
 310                 }
 311                 Path link = new File(isaDir, p.getFileName().toString()).toPath();
 312                 if (Files.isSymbolicLink(link)) {
 313                     Path target = Files.readSymbolicLink(link);
 314                     if (target.startsWith("..") && p.endsWith(target.getFileName())) {
 315                         // System.out.println(target + " OK");
 316                         continue;