/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * A utility used to invoke and test the javadoc tool. * * @author Scott Seligman */ import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion; public class Tester { protected final String TEST_SRC = System.getProperty("test.src", "."); protected final String TEST_CLASSES = System.getProperty("test.classes", "."); private final String DEFAULT_ARGS[] = { "-sourcepath", TEST_SRC, }; private final File outputFile = new File(TEST_CLASSES, "testrun.out"); private final File expectedOutputFile = new File(TEST_SRC, "expected.out"); private String docletName; private String[] args; private Writer out = null; /* * Individual tests can extend this to create generics-aware doclets. */ public abstract class Doclet extends jdk.javadoc.doclet.Doclet { @Override public SourceVersion getSupportedSourceVersion() { return super.getSourceVersion(); } } public Tester(String docletName) { this(docletName, new String[0]); } public Tester(String docletName, String... additionalArgs) { this.docletName = docletName; List args = new ArrayList<>(); args.addAll(Arrays.asList(DEFAULT_ARGS)); args.addAll(Arrays.asList(additionalArgs)); try { out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputFile)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error("Could not open output file " + outputFile); } } public void run() throws IOException { try { if (Main.execute("javadoc", docletName, getClass().getClassLoader(), args) != 0) { throw new Error("Javadoc errors encountered."); } System.out.println("--> Output written to " + outputFile); } finally { out.close(); } } /* * Compare output of test run to expected output. * Throw an Error if they don't match. */ public void verify() throws IOException { BufferedReader thisRun = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(outputFile)); BufferedReader expected = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(expectedOutputFile)); for (int lineNum = 1; true; lineNum++) { String line1 = thisRun.readLine(); String line2 = expected.readLine(); if (line1 == null && line2 == null) { return; // EOF with all lines matching } if (line1 == null || !line1.equals(line2)) { throw new Error(outputFile + ":" + lineNum + ": output doesn't match"); } } } public void println(Object o) throws IOException { prln(0, o); } public void println() throws IOException { prln(); } // // public void printPackage(PackageDoc p) throws IOException { // prPackage(0, p); // } // // public void printClass(ClassDoc cd) throws IOException { // if (cd.isAnnotationType()) // printAnnotationType((AnnotationTypeDoc)cd); // else // prClass(0, cd); // } // // public void printAnnotationType(AnnotationTypeDoc at) throws IOException { // prAnnotationType(0, at); // } // // public void printField(FieldDoc f) throws IOException { // prField(0, f); // } // // public void printParameter(Parameter p) throws IOException { // prParameter(0, p); // } // // public void printMethod(MethodDoc m) throws IOException { // prln(0, "method " + m); // prMethod(0, m); // } // // public void printAnnotationTypeElement(AnnotationTypeElementDoc e) // throws IOException { // prln(0, "element " + e); // prMethod(0, e); // } // // public void printConstructor(ConstructorDoc c) throws IOException { // prln(0, "constructor " + c); // prExecutable(0, c); // } // // // private void prPackage(int off, PackageDoc p) throws IOException { // prln(off, "package " + p); // prAnnotations(off + 2, p.annotations()); // } // // private void prClass(int off, ClassDoc cd) throws IOException { // prln(off, // (cd.isInterface() ? "interface" : cd.isEnum() ? "enum" : "class") // + " " + cd); // prln(off + 2, "name: " + cd.simpleTypeName() + " / " + // cd.typeName() + " / " + cd.qualifiedTypeName()); // prAnnotations(off + 2, cd.annotations()); // prLabel(off + 2, "type parameters"); // for (Type t : cd.typeParameters()) // prln(off + 4, t); // prParamTags(off + 2, cd.typeParamTags()); // prLabel(off + 2, "nested in"); // prln(off + 4, cd.containingClass()); // prLabel(off + 2, "superclass"); // prln(off + 4, cd.superclassType()); // prLabel(off + 2, "interfaces"); // Type[] ts = cd.interfaceTypes(); // Arrays.sort(ts); // for (Type t : ts) // prln(off + 4, t); // prLabel(off + 2, "enum constants"); // for (FieldDoc f : cd.enumConstants()) // prln(off + 4, f.name()); // prLabel(off + 2, "fields"); // for (FieldDoc f : cd.fields()) // prln(off + 4, f.type() + " " + f.name()); // prLabel(off + 2, "constructors"); // for (ConstructorDoc c : cd.constructors()) // prln(off + 4, c.name() + c.flatSignature()); // prLabel(off + 2, "methods"); // for (MethodDoc m : cd.methods()) // prln(off + 4, typeUseString(m.returnType()) + " " + // m.name() + m.flatSignature()); // } // // private void prAnnotationType(int off, AnnotationTypeDoc at) // throws IOException { // prln(off, "@interface " + at); // prAnnotations(off + 2, at.annotations()); // prLabel(off + 2, "elements"); // for (AnnotationTypeElementDoc e : at.elements()) { // String def = (e.defaultValue() == null) // ? "" // : " default " + e.defaultValue(); // prln(off + 4, typeUseString(e.returnType()) + " " + e.name() + // e.flatSignature() + def); // } // } // // private void prField(int off, FieldDoc f) throws IOException { // prln(off, "field " + typeUseString(f.type()) + " " + f.name()); // prAnnotations(off + 2, f.annotations()); // } // // private void prParameter(int off, Parameter p) throws IOException { // prln(off, "parameter " + p); // prAnnotations(off + 2, p.annotations()); // } // // private void prMethod(int off, MethodDoc m) throws IOException { // prExecutable(off, m); // prLabel(off + 2, "returns"); // prln(off + 4, typeUseString(m.returnType())); // prLabel(off + 2, "overridden type"); // prln(off + 4, m.overriddenType()); // } // // private void prExecutable(int off, ExecutableMemberDoc m) // throws IOException { // if (!m.isAnnotationTypeElement()) { // prln(off + 2, "signature: " + m.flatSignature()); // prln(off + 2, " " + m.signature()); // } // prAnnotations(off + 2, m.annotations()); // prParamTags(off + 2, m.typeParamTags()); // prParamTags(off + 2, m.paramTags()); // prLabel(off + 2, "type parameters"); // for (Type t : m.typeParameters()) // prln(off + 4, t); // prLabel(off + 2, "throws"); // Type[] ts = m.thrownExceptionTypes(); // Arrays.sort(ts); // for (Type t : ts) // prln(off + 4, t); // } // // private void prAnnotations(int off, AnnotationDesc[] as) // throws IOException { // prLabel(off, "annotations"); // for (AnnotationDesc a : as) // prln(off + 2, a.toString()); // } // // private void prParamTags(int off, ParamTag tags[]) throws IOException { // for (ParamTag tag : tags) // prParamTag(off, tag); // } // // private void prParamTag(int off, ParamTag tag) throws IOException { // String name = tag.parameterName(); // if (tag.isTypeParameter()) name = "<" + name + ">"; // prln(off, "@param " + name + " " + tag.parameterComment()); // } // // // private String typeUseString(Type t) { // return (t instanceof ClassDoc || t instanceof TypeVariable) // ? t.typeName() // : t.toString(); // } // Labels queued for possible printing. Innermost is first in list. List labels = new ArrayList(); // Print label if its section is nonempty. void prLabel(int off, String s) { while (!labels.isEmpty() && labels.get(0).off >= off) labels.remove(0); labels.add(0, new Line(off, s)); } // Print queued labels with offsets less than "off". void popLabels(int off) throws IOException { while (!labels.isEmpty()) { Line label = labels.remove(0); if (label.off < off) prln(label.off, label.o + ":"); } } // Print "o" at given offset. void pr(int off, Object o) throws IOException { popLabels(off); for (int i = 0; i < off; i++) out.write(' '); if (o != null) out.write(o.toString()); } // Print "o" (if non-null) at given offset, then newline. void prln(int off, Object o) throws IOException { if (o != null) { pr(off, o); prln(); } } // Print newline. void prln() throws IOException { out.write('\n'); // don't want platform-dependent separator } static class Line { int off; Object o; Line(int off, Object o) { this.off = off; this.o = o; } } }