
Print this page


@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
-doclet.build_version=Standard Doclet version {0}
+doclet.build_version=Standard Doclet (Next) version {0}
 doclet.Window_Overview=Overview List
 doclet.All_Packages=All Packages
-doclet.All_Profiles=All Profiles
 doclet.Class_Hierarchy=Class Hierarchy
 doclet.Window_Class_Hierarchy=Class Hierarchy
 doclet.Interface_Hierarchy=Interface Hierarchy
 doclet.Enum_Hierarchy=Enum Hierarchy

@@ -17,12 +15,10 @@
 doclet.Prev_Class=Prev Class
 doclet.Next_Class=Next Class
 doclet.Prev_Package=Prev Package
 doclet.Next_Package=Next Package
-doclet.Prev_Profile=Prev Profile
-doclet.Next_Profile=Next Profile
 doclet.Prev_Letter=Prev Letter
 doclet.Next_Letter=Next Letter
 doclet.Href_Class_Title=class in {0}
 doclet.Href_Interface_Title=interface in {0}
 doclet.Href_Annotation_Title=annotation in {0}

@@ -61,10 +57,11 @@
 doclet.MalformedURL=Malformed URL: {0}
 doclet.File_error=Error reading file: {0}
 doclet.URL_error=Error fetching URL: {0}
 doclet.see.class_or_package_not_found=Tag {0}: reference not found: {1}
 doclet.see.class_or_package_not_accessible=Tag {0}: reference not accessible: {1}
+doclet.tag.invalid_usage=invalid usage of tag {0}
 doclet.Deprecated_API=Deprecated API
 doclet.Deprecated_Packages=Deprecated Packages
 doclet.Deprecated_Classes=Deprecated Classes
 doclet.Deprecated_Enums=Deprecated Enums
 doclet.Deprecated_Interfaces=Deprecated Interfaces

@@ -181,61 +178,165 @@
 doclet.Error_in_packagelist=Error in using -group option: {0} {1}
 doclet.Groupname_already_used=In -group option, groupname already used: {0}
 doclet.Same_package_name_used=Package name format used twice: {0}
 doclet.exception_encountered=Exception encountered while processing {1}\n{0}
-doclet.usage=Provided by Standard doclet:\n\
-\  -d <directory>                   Destination directory for output files\n\
-\  -use                             Create class and package usage pages\n\
-\  -version                         Include @version paragraphs\n\
-\  -author                          Include @author paragraphs\n\
-\  -docfilessubdirs                 Recursively copy doc-file subdirectories\n\
-\  -splitindex                      Split index into one file per letter\n\
-\  -windowtitle <text>              Browser window title for the documentation\n\
-\  -doctitle <html-code>            Include title for the overview page\n\
-\  -header <html-code>              Include header text for each page\n\
-\  -html4                           Generate HTML 4.01 output\n\
-\  -html5                           Generate HTML 5 output\n\
-\  -footer <html-code>              Include footer text for each page\n\
-\  -top    <html-code>              Include top text for each page\n\
-\  -bottom <html-code>              Include bottom text for each page\n\
-\  -link <url>                      Create links to javadoc output at <url>\n\
-\  -linkoffline <url> <url2>        Link to docs at <url> using package list at <url2>\n\
-\  -excludedocfilessubdir <name1>:.. Exclude any doc-files subdirectories with given name.\n\
-\  -group <name> <p1>:<p2>..        Group specified packages together in overview page\n\
-\  -nocomment                       Suppress description and tags, generate only declarations.\n\
-\  -nodeprecated                    Do not include @deprecated information\n\
-\  -noqualifier <name1>:<name2>:... Exclude the list of qualifiers from the output.\n\
-\  -nosince                         Do not include @since information\n\
-\  -notimestamp                     Do not include hidden time stamp\n\
-\  -nodeprecatedlist                Do not generate deprecated list\n\
-\  -notree                          Do not generate class hierarchy\n\
-\  -noindex                         Do not generate index\n\
-\  -nohelp                          Do not generate help link\n\
-\  -nonavbar                        Do not generate navigation bar\n\
-\  -serialwarn                      Generate warning about @serial tag\n\
-\  -tag <name>:<locations>:<header> Specify single argument custom tags\n\
-\  -taglet                          The fully qualified name of Taglet to register\n\
-\  -tagletpath                      The path to Taglets\n\
-\  -charset <charset>               Charset for cross-platform viewing of generated documentation.\n\
-\  -helpfile <file>                 Include file that help link links to\n\
-\  -linksource                      Generate source in HTML\n\
-\  -sourcetab <tab length>          Specify the number of spaces each tab takes up in the source\n\
-\  -keywords                        Include HTML meta tags with package, class and member info\n\
-\  -stylesheetfile <path>           File to change style of the generated documentation\n\
-\  -docencoding <name>              Specify the character encoding for the output
+doclet.usage.d.description=Destination directory for output files
+doclet.usage.use.description=Create class and package usage pages
+doclet.usage.version.description=Include @version paragraphs
+ @author paragraphs
+doclet.usage.docfilessubdirs.description=Recursively copy doc-file subdirectories
+doclet.usage.splitindex.description=Split index into one file per letter
+doclet.usage.windowtitle.description=Browser window title for the documentation
+doclet.usage.doctitle.description=Include title for the overview page
+doclet.usage.header.description=Include header text for each page
+doclet.usage.html4.description=Generate HTML 4.01 output
+doclet.usage.html5.description=Generate HTML 5 output
+doclet.usage.footer.description=Include footer text for each page
+<html-code> top text for each page
+doclet.usage.bottom.description=Include bottom text for each page
+<url> links to javadoc output at <url>
+doclet.usage.linkoffline.parameters=<url1> <url2>
+doclet.usage.linkoffline.description=Link to docs at <url1> using package list at <url2>
+doclet.usage.excludedocfilessubdir.description=Exclude any doc-files subdirectories with given name
+<name> <p1>:<p2>.. specified packages together in overview page
+doclet.usage.nocomment.description=Suppress description and tags, generate only declarations
+doclet.usage.nodeprecated.description=Do not include @deprecated information
+doclet.usage.noqualifier.description=Exclude the list of qualifiers from the output
+doclet.usage.nosince.description=Do not include @since information
+doclet.usage.notimestamp.description=Do not include hidden time stamp
+doclet.usage.nodeprecatedlist.description=Do not generate deprecated list
+doclet.usage.notree.description=Do not generate class hierarchy
+doclet.usage.noindex.description=Do not generate index
+doclet.usage.nohelp.description=Do not generate help link
+doclet.usage.nonavbar.description=Do not generate navigation bar
+doclet.usage.nooverview.description=Do not generate overview pages
+doclet.usage.serialwarn.description=Generate warning about @serial tag
+doclet.usage.tag.description=Specify single argument custom tags
+doclet.usage.taglet.description=The fully qualified name of Taglet to register
+doclet.usage.tagletpath.description=The path to Taglets
+doclet.usage.charset.description=Charset for cross-platform viewing of generated documentation
+doclet.usage.helpfile.description=Include file that help link links to
+doclet.usage.linksource.description=Generate source in HTML
+doclet.usage.sourcetab.parameters=<tab length>
+doclet.usage.sourcetab.description=Specify the number of spaces each tab takes up in the source
+doclet.usage.keywords.description=Include HTML meta tags with package, class and member info
+doclet.usage.stylesheetfile.description=File to change style of the generated documentation
+doclet.usage.docencoding.description=Specify the character encoding for the output
+doclet.xusage.xdocrootparent.description=Replaces all @docRoot followed by /.. in doc comments with <url>
+doclet.xusage.xdoclint.description=Enable recommended checks for problems in javadoc comments
 # L10N: do not localize these words: all none accessibility html missing reference syntax
-doclet.X.usage=Provided by standard doclet:\n\
-\  -Xdocrootparent <url>            Replaces all appearances of @docRoot followed\n\
-\                                   by /.. in doc comments with <url>\n\
-\  -Xdoclint                        Enable recommended checks for problems in javadoc comments\n\
-\  -Xdoclint:(all|none|[-]<group>) \n\
+doclet.xusage.xdoclint-extended.description=Enable or disable specific checks for problems in javadoc comments,\n\
 \        Enable or disable specific checks for problems in javadoc comments,\n\
-\        where <group> is one of accessibility, html, missing, reference, or syntax.\n\
-\  -Xdoclint/package:([-]<packages>)\n\
-\        Enable or disable checks in specific packages. <packages> is a comma separated\n\
+\                                   where <group> is one of accessibility, html, missing, reference, or syntax.\n
+doclet.xusage.xdoclint-package.description=Enable or disable checks in specific packages. <packages> is a comma separated\n\
 \        list of package specifiers. Package specifier is either a qualified name of a package\n\
 \        or a package name prefix followed by .*, which expands to all sub-packages of\n\
 \        the given package. Prefix the package specifier with - to disable checks for\n\
 \        the specified packages.\n