1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2003, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /*
  25  * @test
  26  * @bug      4780441 4874845 4978816 8014017 8016328 8025633 8026567
  27  * @summary  Make sure that when the -private flag is not used, members
  28  *           inherited from package private class are documented in the child.
  29  *
  30  *           Make sure that when a method inherits documentation from a method
  31  *           in a non-public class/interface, the non-public class/interface
  32  *           is not mentioned anywhere (not even in the signature or tree).
  33  *
  34  *           Make sure that when a private interface method with generic parameters
  35  *           is implemented, the comments can be inherited properly.
  36  *
  37  *           Make sure when no modifier appear in the class signature, the
  38  *           signature is displayed correctly without extra space at the beginning.
  39  * @author   jamieh
  40  * @library  ../lib
  41  * @modules jdk.javadoc
  42  * @build    JavadocTester
  43  * @run main TestPrivateClasses
  44  */
  46 public class TestPrivateClasses extends JavadocTester {
  48     public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
  49         TestPrivateClasses tester = new TestPrivateClasses();
  50         tester.runTests();
  51     }
  53     @Test
  54     void testDefault() {
  55         javadoc("-d", "out-default",
  56                 "-sourcepath", testSrc,
  57                 "pkg", "pkg2");
  58         checkExit(Exit.OK);
  60         checkOutput("pkg/PublicChild.html", true,
  61                 // Field inheritence from non-public superclass.
  62                 "<a href=\"../pkg/PublicChild.html#fieldInheritedFromParent\">"
  63                 + "fieldInheritedFromParent</a>",
  64                 // Method inheritance from non-public superclass.
  65                 "<a href=\"../pkg/PublicChild.html#methodInheritedFromParent-int-\">"
  66                 + "methodInheritedFromParent</a>",
  67                 // private class does not show up in tree
  68                 "<ul class=\"inheritance\">\n"
  69                 + "<li>java.lang.Object</li>\n"
  70                 + "<li>\n"
  71                 + "<ul class=\"inheritance\">\n"
  72                 + "<li>pkg.PublicChild</li>\n"
  73                 + "</ul>\n"
  74                 + "</li>\n"
  75                 + "</ul>",
  76                 // Method is documented as though it is declared in the inheriting method.
  77                 "<pre>public&nbsp;void&nbsp;methodInheritedFromParent(int&nbsp;p1)",
  78                 "<dl>\n"
  79                 + "<dt>All Implemented Interfaces:</dt>\n"
  80                 + "<dd><a href=\"../pkg/PublicInterface.html\" title=\"interface in pkg\">"
  81                 + "PublicInterface</a></dd>\n"
  82                 + "</dl>");
  84         checkOutput("pkg/PublicChild.html", false,
  85                 // Should not document that a method overrides method from private class.
  86                 "<span class=\"overrideSpecifyLabel\">Overrides:</span>",
  87                 // Should not document that a method specified by private interface.
  88                 "<span class=\"overrideSpecifyLabel\">Specified by:</span>",
  89                 // Should not mention that any documentation was copied.
  90                 "Description copied from",
  91                 // Don't extend private classes or interfaces
  92                 "PrivateParent",
  93                 "PrivateInterface");
  95         checkOutput("pkg/PublicChild.html", false,
  96                 // Should not document comments from private inherited interfaces
  97                 "<td class=\"colLast\"><code><span class=\"memberNameLink\">" +
  98                 "<a href=\"../pkg/PublicChild.html#methodInterface-int-\">" +
  99                 "methodInterface</a></span>(int&nbsp;p1)</code>\n" +
 100                 "<div class=\"block\">Comment from interface.</div>\n</td>",
 101                 // and similarly one more
 102                 "<td class=\"colLast\"><code><span class=\"memberNameLink\">" +
 103                 "<a href=\"../pkg/PublicChild.html#methodInterface2-int-\">" +
 104                 "methodInterface2</a></span>(int&nbsp;p1)</code>\n" +
 105                 "<div class=\"block\">Comment from interface.</div>\n</td>"
 106         );
 108         checkOutput("pkg/PublicInterface.html", true,
 109                 // Field inheritance from non-public superinterface.
 110                 "<a href=\"../pkg/PublicInterface.html#fieldInheritedFromInterface\">"
 111                 + "fieldInheritedFromInterface</a>",
 112                 // Method inheritance from non-public superinterface.
 113                 "<a href=\"../pkg/PublicInterface.html#methodInterface-int-\">"
 114                 + "methodInterface</a>",
 115                 //Make sure implemented interfaces from private superclass are inherited
 116                 "<dl>\n"
 117                 + "<dt>All Known Implementing Classes:</dt>\n"
 118                 + "<dd><a href=\"../pkg/PublicChild.html\" title=\"class in pkg\">"
 119                 + "PublicChild</a></dd>\n"
 120                 + "</dl>");
 122         checkOutput("pkg/PublicInterface.html", false,
 123                 "<span class=\"overrideSpecifyLabel\">Specified by:</span>",
 124                 "Description copied from",
 125                 "PrivateInterface",
 126                 "All Superinterfaces");
 128         checkOutput("pkg2/C.html", false,
 129                 //Generic interface method test.
 130                 "This comment should get copied to the implementing class");
 132         checkOutput("pkg2/C.html", false,
 133                 //Do not inherit private interface method with generic parameters.
 134                 //This method has been implemented.
 135                 "<span class=\"memberNameLink\"><a href=\"../pkg2/I.html#hello-T-\">hello</a></span>");
 137         checkOutput("constant-values.html", false,
 138                 // Make inherited constant are documented correctly.
 139                 "PrivateInterface");
 140     }
 142     @Test
 143     void testPrivate() {
 144         javadoc("-d", "out-private",
 145                 "-sourcepath", testSrc,
 146                 "-private",
 147                 "pkg", "pkg2");
 148         checkExit(Exit.OK);
 150         checkOutput("pkg/PublicChild.html", true,
 151                 // Field inheritence from non-public superclass.
 152                 "Fields inherited from class&nbsp;pkg."
 153                 + "<a href=\"../pkg/PrivateParent.html\" title=\"class in pkg\">"
 154                 + "PrivateParent</a>",
 155                 "<a href=\"../pkg/PrivateParent.html#fieldInheritedFromParent\">"
 156                 + "fieldInheritedFromParent</a>",
 157                 // Method inheritence from non-public superclass.
 158                 "Methods inherited from class&nbsp;pkg."
 159                 + "<a href=\"../pkg/PrivateParent.html\" title=\"class in pkg\">"
 160                 + "PrivateParent</a>",
 161                 "<a href=\"../pkg/PrivateParent.html#methodInheritedFromParent-int-\">"
 162                 + "methodInheritedFromParent</a>",
 163                 // Should document that a method overrides method from private class.
 164                 "<dt><span class=\"overrideSpecifyLabel\">Overrides:</span></dt>\n"
 165                 + "<dd><code><a href=\"../pkg/PrivateParent.html#methodOverridenFromParent-char:A-int-T-V-java.util.List-\">"
 166                 + "methodOverridenFromParent</a></code>&nbsp;in class&nbsp;<code>"
 167                 + "<a href=\"../pkg/PrivateParent.html\" title=\"class in pkg\">"
 168                 + "PrivateParent</a></code></dd>",
 169                 // Should document that a method is specified by private interface.
 170                 "<dt><span class=\"overrideSpecifyLabel\">Specified by:</span></dt>\n"
 171                 + "<dd><code><a href=\"../pkg/PrivateInterface.html#methodInterface-int-\">"
 172                 + "methodInterface</a></code>&nbsp;in interface&nbsp;<code>"
 173                 + "<a href=\"../pkg/PrivateInterface.html\" title=\"interface in pkg\">"
 174                 + "PrivateInterface</a></code></dd>",
 175                 // Should mention that any documentation was copied.
 176                 "Description copied from",
 177                 // Extend documented private classes or interfaces
 178                 "extends",
 179                 "<dl>\n"
 180                 + "<dt>All Implemented Interfaces:</dt>\n"
 181                 + "<dd><a href=\"../pkg/PrivateInterface.html\" title=\"interface in pkg\">"
 182                 + "PrivateInterface</a>, "
 183                 + "<a href=\"../pkg/PublicInterface.html\" title=\"interface in pkg\">"
 184                 + "PublicInterface</a></dd>\n"
 185                 + "</dl>",
 186                 "<pre>public class <span class=\"typeNameLabel\">PublicChild</span>");
 188         checkOutput("pkg/PublicInterface.html", true,
 189                 // Field inheritence from non-public superinterface.
 190                 "Fields inherited from interface&nbsp;pkg."
 191                 + "<a href=\"../pkg/PrivateInterface.html\" title=\"interface in pkg\">"
 192                 + "PrivateInterface</a>",
 193                 "<a href=\"../pkg/PrivateInterface.html#fieldInheritedFromInterface\">"
 194                 + "fieldInheritedFromInterface</a>",
 195                 // Method inheritance from non-public superinterface.
 196                 "Methods inherited from interface&nbsp;pkg."
 197                 + "<a href=\"../pkg/PrivateInterface.html\" title=\"interface in pkg\">"
 198                 + "PrivateInterface</a>",
 199                 // Extend documented private classes or interfaces
 200                 "extends",
 201                 "All Superinterfaces",
 202                 //Make sure implemented interfaces from private superclass are inherited
 203                 "<dl>\n"
 204                 + "<dt>All Known Implementing Classes:</dt>\n"
 205                 + "<dd><a href=\"../pkg/PrivateParent.html\" title=\"class in pkg\">"
 206                 + "PrivateParent</a>, "
 207                 + "<a href=\"../pkg/PublicChild.html\" title=\"class in pkg\">PublicChild"
 208                 + "</a></dd>\n"
 209                 + "</dl>");
 211         checkOutput("pkg/PrivateInterface.html", true,
 212                 "<a href=\"../pkg/PrivateInterface.html#methodInterface-int-\">"
 213                 + "methodInterface</a>"
 214         );
 216         checkOutput("pkg2/C.html", true,
 217                 //Since private flag is used, we can document that private interface method
 218                 //with generic parameters has been implemented.
 219                 "<span class=\"descfrmTypeLabel\">Description copied from interface:&nbsp;<code>"
 220                 + "<a href=\"../pkg2/I.html#hello-T-\">I</a></code></span>",
 221                 "<dt><span class=\"overrideSpecifyLabel\">Specified by:</span></dt>\n"
 222                 + "<dd><code><a href=\"../pkg2/I.html#hello-T-\">hello</a></code>"
 223                 + "&nbsp;in interface&nbsp;<code>"
 224                 + "<a href=\"../pkg2/I.html\" title=\"interface in pkg2\">I</a>"
 225                 + "&lt;java.lang.String&gt;</code></dd>");
 227         checkOutput("pkg/PrivateParent.html", true,
 228                 //Make sure when no modifier appear in the class signature, the
 229                 //signature is displayed correctly without extra space at the beginning.
 230                 "<pre>class <span class=\"typeNameLabel\">PrivateParent</span>");
 232         checkOutput("pkg/PrivateParent.html", false,
 233                 "<pre> class <span class=\"typeNameLabel\">PrivateParent</span>");
 234     }
 235 }