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*** 805,814 **** --- 805,817 ---- } else { // may be interpreter code. Interpreter interp = VM.getVM().getInterpreter(); if (interp.contains(pc)) { InterpreterCodelet codelet = interp.getCodeletContaining(pc); + if (codelet == null) { + return "Unknown location in the Interpreter: " + pc; + } return genHTML(codelet); } return genHTML(blob); } } else if (VM.getVM().getCodeCache().contains(pc)) {
*** 970,983 **** --- 973,994 ---- protected String genSafepointInfo(NMethod nm, PCDesc pcDesc) { ScopeDesc sd = nm.getScopeDescAt(pcDesc.getRealPC(nm)); Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); Formatter tabs = new Formatter(genHTML); + tabs.append(tab + tab + tab); // Initial indent for debug info buf.beginTag("pre"); genScope(buf, tabs, sd); + + // Reset indent for scalar replaced objects + tabs = new Formatter(genHTML); + tabs.append(tab + tab + tab); // Initial indent for debug info + + genScObjInfo(buf, tabs, sd); buf.endTag("pre"); + buf.append(genOopMapInfo(nm, pcDesc)); return buf.toString(); }
*** 1020,1032 **** --- 1031,1130 ----; buf.append(tabs); buf.append(genHTMLForMonitors(sd, monitors)); } +; tabs.append(tab); + } + + protected void genScObjInfo(Formatter buf, Formatter tabs, ScopeDesc sd) { + if (sd == null) { + return; + } + + List objects = sd.getObjects(); + if (objects == null) { + return; + } + int length = objects.size(); + for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { + buf.append(tabs); + ObjectValue ov = (ObjectValue)objects.get(i); + buf.append("ScObj" + i); + ScopeValue sv = ov.getKlass(); + if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { + Assert.that(sv.isConstantOop(), "scalar replaced object klass must be constant oop"); + } + ConstantOopReadValue klv = (ConstantOopReadValue)sv; + OopHandle klHandle = klv.getValue(); + if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { + Assert.that(klHandle != null, "scalar replaced object klass must be not NULL"); + } + Oop obj = VM.getVM().getObjectHeap().newOop(klHandle); + if (obj instanceof InstanceKlass) { + InstanceKlass kls = (InstanceKlass) obj; + buf.append(" " + kls.getName().asString() + "={"); + int flen = ov.fieldsSize(); + + TypeArray klfields = kls.getFields(); + int klen = (int) klfields.getLength(); + + ConstantPool cp = kls.getConstants(); + int findex = 0; + for (int index = 0; index < klen; index += kls.NEXT_OFFSET) { + int accsFlags = klfields.getShortAt(index + kls.ACCESS_FLAGS_OFFSET); + int nameIndex = klfields.getShortAt(index + kls.NAME_INDEX_OFFSET); + AccessFlags access = new AccessFlags(accsFlags); + if (!access.isStatic()) { + ScopeValue svf = ov.getFieldAt(findex++); + String fstr = scopeValueAsString(sd, svf); + Symbol f_name = cp.getSymbolAt(nameIndex); + buf.append(" [" + f_name.asString() + " :"+ index + "]=(#" + fstr + ")"); + } + } + buf.append(" }"); + } else { + buf.append(" "); + int flen = ov.fieldsSize(); + if (obj instanceof TypeArrayKlass) { + TypeArrayKlass kls = (TypeArrayKlass) obj; + buf.append(kls.getElementTypeName() + "[" + flen + "]"); + } else if (obj instanceof ObjArrayKlass) { + ObjArrayKlass kls = (ObjArrayKlass) obj; + Klass elobj = kls.getBottomKlass(); + if (elobj instanceof InstanceKlass) { + buf.append(elobj.getName().asString()); + } else if (elobj instanceof TypeArrayKlass) { + TypeArrayKlass elkls = (TypeArrayKlass) elobj; + buf.append(elkls.getElementTypeName()); + } else { + if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { + Assert.that(false, "unknown scalar replaced object klass!"); + } + } + buf.append("[" + flen + "]"); + int ndim = (int) kls.getDimension(); + while (--ndim > 0) { + buf.append("[]"); + } + } else { + if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { + Assert.that(false, "unknown scalar replaced object klass!"); + } + } + buf.append("={"); + for (int findex = 0; findex < flen; findex++) { + ScopeValue svf = ov.getFieldAt(findex); + String fstr = scopeValueAsString(sd, svf); + buf.append(" [" + findex + "]=(#" + fstr + ")"); + } + buf.append(" }"); + }; } + } protected String genHTMLForOopMap(OopMap map) { final int stack0 = VMRegImpl.getStack0().getValue(); Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML);
*** 1035,1067 **** Formatter tmpBuf = new Formatter(genHTML); boolean found = false; tmpBuf.beginTag("tr"); tmpBuf.beginTag("td"); tmpBuf.append(type); - tmpBuf.endTag("td"); - tmpBuf.endTag("tr"); for (; ! oms.isDone(); { OopMapValue omv = oms.getCurrent(); if (omv == null) { continue; } found = true; VMReg vmReg = omv.getReg(); int reg = vmReg.getValue(); if (reg < stack0) { ! tmpBuf.append(VMRegImpl.getRegisterName(vmReg.getValue())); } else { tmpBuf.append('['); tmpBuf.append(Integer.toString((reg - stack0) * 4)); tmpBuf.append(']'); } if (printContentReg) { tmpBuf.append(" = "); VMReg vmContentReg = omv.getContentReg(); int contentReg = vmContentReg.getValue(); ! tmpBuf.append(VMRegImpl.getRegisterName(vmContentReg.getValue())); } tmpBuf.append(spaces); } tmpBuf.endTag("td"); tmpBuf.endTag("tr"); return found ? tmpBuf : new Formatter(genHTML); --- 1133,1169 ---- Formatter tmpBuf = new Formatter(genHTML); boolean found = false; tmpBuf.beginTag("tr"); tmpBuf.beginTag("td"); tmpBuf.append(type); for (; ! oms.isDone(); { OopMapValue omv = oms.getCurrent(); if (omv == null) { continue; } found = true; VMReg vmReg = omv.getReg(); int reg = vmReg.getValue(); if (reg < stack0) { ! tmpBuf.append(VMRegImpl.getRegisterName(reg)); } else { tmpBuf.append('['); tmpBuf.append(Integer.toString((reg - stack0) * 4)); tmpBuf.append(']'); } if (printContentReg) { tmpBuf.append(" = "); VMReg vmContentReg = omv.getContentReg(); int contentReg = vmContentReg.getValue(); ! if (contentReg < stack0) { ! tmpBuf.append(VMRegImpl.getRegisterName(contentReg)); ! } else { ! tmpBuf.append('['); ! tmpBuf.append(Integer.toString((contentReg - stack0) * 4)); ! tmpBuf.append(']'); } + } tmpBuf.append(spaces); } tmpBuf.endTag("td"); tmpBuf.endTag("tr"); return found ? tmpBuf : new Formatter(genHTML);
*** 1070,1100 **** buf.beginTable(0); OopMapValueIterator omvIterator = new OopMapValueIterator(); OopMapStream oms = new OopMapStream(map, OopMapValue.OopTypes.OOP_VALUE); ! buf.append(omvIterator.iterate(oms, "Oop:", false)); - oms = new OopMapStream(map, OopMapValue.OopTypes.VALUE_VALUE); - buf.append(omvIterator.iterate(oms, "Value:", false)); - oms = new OopMapStream(map, OopMapValue.OopTypes.NARROWOOP_VALUE); ! buf.append(omvIterator.iterate(oms, "Oop:", false)); oms = new OopMapStream(map, OopMapValue.OopTypes.CALLEE_SAVED_VALUE); buf.append(omvIterator.iterate(oms, "Callee saved:", true)); oms = new OopMapStream(map, OopMapValue.OopTypes.DERIVED_OOP_VALUE); ! buf.append(omvIterator.iterate(oms, "Derived oop:", true)); buf.endTag("table"); return buf.toString(); } protected String genOopMapInfo(NMethod nmethod, PCDesc pcDesc) { OopMapSet mapSet = nmethod.getOopMaps(); int pcOffset = pcDesc.getPCOffset(); OopMap map = mapSet.findMapAtOffset(pcOffset, VM.getVM().isDebugging()); if (map == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no oopmap at safepoint!"); } --- 1172,1204 ---- buf.beginTable(0); OopMapValueIterator omvIterator = new OopMapValueIterator(); OopMapStream oms = new OopMapStream(map, OopMapValue.OopTypes.OOP_VALUE); ! buf.append(omvIterator.iterate(oms, "Oops:", false)); oms = new OopMapStream(map, OopMapValue.OopTypes.NARROWOOP_VALUE); ! buf.append(omvIterator.iterate(oms, "narrowOops:", false)); + oms = new OopMapStream(map, OopMapValue.OopTypes.VALUE_VALUE); + buf.append(omvIterator.iterate(oms, "Values:", false)); + oms = new OopMapStream(map, OopMapValue.OopTypes.CALLEE_SAVED_VALUE); buf.append(omvIterator.iterate(oms, "Callee saved:", true)); oms = new OopMapStream(map, OopMapValue.OopTypes.DERIVED_OOP_VALUE); ! buf.append(omvIterator.iterate(oms, "Derived oops:", true)); buf.endTag("table"); return buf.toString(); } protected String genOopMapInfo(NMethod nmethod, PCDesc pcDesc) { OopMapSet mapSet = nmethod.getOopMaps(); + if (mapSet == null || (mapSet.getSize() <= 0)) + return ""; int pcOffset = pcDesc.getPCOffset(); OopMap map = mapSet.findMapAtOffset(pcOffset, VM.getVM().isDebugging()); if (map == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no oopmap at safepoint!"); }
*** 1104,1113 **** --- 1208,1218 ---- protected String genOopMapInfo(OopMap map) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.beginTag("pre"); buf.append("OopMap: "); +; buf.append(genHTMLForOopMap(map)); buf.endTag("pre"); return buf.toString(); }
*** 1152,1162 **** } } return buf.toString(); } ! private String scopeValueAsString(ScopeValue sv) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); if (sv.isConstantInt()) { buf.append("int "); ConstantIntValue intValue = (ConstantIntValue) sv; buf.append(Integer.toString(intValue.getValue())); --- 1257,1267 ---- } } return buf.toString(); } ! private String scopeValueAsString(ScopeDesc sd, ScopeValue sv) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); if (sv.isConstantInt()) { buf.append("int "); ConstantIntValue intValue = (ConstantIntValue) sv; buf.append(Integer.toString(intValue.getValue()));
*** 1185,1194 **** --- 1290,1304 ---- if (loc != null) { buf.append(locationAsString(loc)); } else { buf.append("null"); } + } else if (sv.isObject()) { + ObjectValue ov = (ObjectValue)sv; + buf.append("#ScObj" + sd.getObjects().indexOf(ov)); + } else { + buf.append("unknown scope value " + sv); } return buf.toString(); } protected String genHTMLForScopeValues(ScopeDesc sd, boolean locals, List values) {
*** 1217,1227 **** buf.append(Integer.toString(i)); buf.append(']'); } buf.append(", "); ! buf.append(scopeValueAsString(sv)); buf.append(") "); } return buf.toString(); } --- 1327,1337 ---- buf.append(Integer.toString(i)); buf.append(']'); } buf.append(", "); ! buf.append(scopeValueAsString(sd, sv)); buf.append(") "); } return buf.toString(); }
*** 1244,1254 **** continue; } buf.append("(owner = "); ScopeValue owner = mv.owner(); if (owner != null) { ! buf.append(scopeValueAsString(owner)); } else { buf.append("null"); } buf.append(", lock = "); --- 1354,1364 ---- continue; } buf.append("(owner = "); ScopeValue owner = mv.owner(); if (owner != null) { ! buf.append(scopeValueAsString(sd, owner)); } else { buf.append("null"); } buf.append(", lock = ");
*** 1322,1336 ****, instr.asString(currentPc, symFinder)); } else { buf.append(instr.asString(currentPc, symFinder)); } if (isSafepoint && !prevWasCall) { buf.append(genSafepointInfo(nmethod, pcDesc)); } -; prevWasCall = instr.isCall(); } public void epilogue() { } --- 1432,1446 ----, instr.asString(currentPc, symFinder)); } else { buf.append(instr.asString(currentPc, symFinder)); } +; if (isSafepoint && !prevWasCall) { buf.append(genSafepointInfo(nmethod, pcDesc)); } prevWasCall = instr.isCall(); } public void epilogue() { }
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