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 109         long maxCacheSize = 0;
 110         int nmethodsCreated = 0;
 111         int nmethodsLive = 0;
 112         int[] attempts = new int[32];
 113         double regallocTime = 0;
 114         int maxattempts = 0;
 116         LinkedHashMap<String, Double> phaseTime = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>(7);
 117         LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> phaseNodes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(7);
 118         double elapsed = 0;
 120         for (LogEvent e : events) {
 121             if (e instanceof Compilation) {
 122                 Compilation c = (Compilation) e;
 123                 c.printShort(out);
 124                 out.printf(" %6.4f\n", c.getElapsedTime());
 125                 attempts[c.getAttempts()]++;
 126                 maxattempts = Math.max(maxattempts,c.getAttempts());
 127                 elapsed += c.getElapsedTime();
 128                 for (Phase phase : c.getPhases()) {
 129                     out.printf("\t%s %6.4f\n", phase.getName(), phase.getElapsedTime());
 130                     Double v = phaseTime.get(phase.getName());
 131                     if (v == null) {
 132                         v = Double.valueOf(0.0);
 133                     }
 134                     phaseTime.put(phase.getName(), Double.valueOf(v.doubleValue() + phase.getElapsedTime()));
 136                     Integer v2 = phaseNodes.get(phase.getName());
 137                     if (v2 == null) {
 138                         v2 = Integer.valueOf(0);
 139                     }
 140                     phaseNodes.put(phase.getName(), Integer.valueOf(v2.intValue() + phase.getNodes()));

 141                 }
 142             } else if (e instanceof MakeNotEntrantEvent) {
 143                 MakeNotEntrantEvent mne = (MakeNotEntrantEvent) e;
 144                 NMethod nm = mne.getNMethod();
 145                 if (mne.isZombie()) {
 146                     if (nm == null) {
 147                         System.err.println(mne.getId());
 148                     }
 149                     cacheSize -= nm.getSize();
 150                     nmethodsLive--;
 151                 }
 152             } else if (e instanceof NMethod) {
 153                 nmethodsLive++;
 154                 nmethodsCreated++;
 155                 NMethod nm = (NMethod) e;
 156                 cacheSize += nm.getSize();
 157                 maxCacheSize = Math.max(cacheSize, maxCacheSize);
 158             }
 159         }
 160         out.printf("NMethods: %d created %d live %d bytes (%d peak) in the code cache\n",

 109         long maxCacheSize = 0;
 110         int nmethodsCreated = 0;
 111         int nmethodsLive = 0;
 112         int[] attempts = new int[32];
 113         double regallocTime = 0;
 114         int maxattempts = 0;
 116         LinkedHashMap<String, Double> phaseTime = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>(7);
 117         LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> phaseNodes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(7);
 118         double elapsed = 0;
 120         for (LogEvent e : events) {
 121             if (e instanceof Compilation) {
 122                 Compilation c = (Compilation) e;
 123                 c.printShort(out);
 124                 out.printf(" %6.4f\n", c.getElapsedTime());
 125                 attempts[c.getAttempts()]++;
 126                 maxattempts = Math.max(maxattempts,c.getAttempts());
 127                 elapsed += c.getElapsedTime();
 128                 for (Phase phase : c.getPhases()) {

 129                     Double v = phaseTime.get(phase.getName());
 130                     if (v == null) {
 131                         v = Double.valueOf(0.0);
 132                     }
 133                     phaseTime.put(phase.getName(), Double.valueOf(v.doubleValue() + phase.getElapsedTime()));
 135                     Integer v2 = phaseNodes.get(phase.getName());
 136                     if (v2 == null) {
 137                         v2 = Integer.valueOf(0);
 138                     }
 139                     phaseNodes.put(phase.getName(), Integer.valueOf(v2.intValue() + phase.getNodes()));
 140                     out.printf("\t%s %6.4f %d %d\n", phase.getName(), phase.getElapsedTime(), phase.getStartNodes(), phase.getNodes());
 141                 }
 142             } else if (e instanceof MakeNotEntrantEvent) {
 143                 MakeNotEntrantEvent mne = (MakeNotEntrantEvent) e;
 144                 NMethod nm = mne.getNMethod();
 145                 if (mne.isZombie()) {
 146                     if (nm == null) {
 147                         System.err.println(mne.getId());
 148                     }
 149                     cacheSize -= nm.getSize();
 150                     nmethodsLive--;
 151                 }
 152             } else if (e instanceof NMethod) {
 153                 nmethodsLive++;
 154                 nmethodsCreated++;
 155                 NMethod nm = (NMethod) e;
 156                 cacheSize += nm.getSize();
 157                 maxCacheSize = Math.max(cacheSize, maxCacheSize);
 158             }
 159         }
 160         out.printf("NMethods: %d created %d live %d bytes (%d peak) in the code cache\n",
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