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3030   }
3031 }
3033 Compile::TracePhase::~TracePhase() {
3034   if (_log != NULL) {
3035     _log->done("phase nodes='%d'", C->unique());
3036   }
3037 }
3039 //=============================================================================
3040 // Two Constant's are equal when the type and the value are equal.
3041 bool Compile::Constant::operator==(const Constant& other) {
3042   if (type()          != other.type()         )  return false;
3043   if (can_be_reused() != other.can_be_reused())  return false;
3044   // For floating point values we compare the bit pattern.
3045   switch (type()) {
3046   case T_FLOAT:   return (_v._value.i == other._v._value.i);
3047   case T_LONG:
3048   case T_DOUBLE:  return (_v._value.j == other._v._value.j);
3049   case T_OBJECT:
3050   case T_METADATA: return (_v._metadata == other._v._metadata);
3051   case T_ADDRESS: return (_v._value.l == other._v._value.l);
3052   case T_VOID:    return (_v._value.l == other._v._value.l);  // jump-table entries

3053   default: ShouldNotReachHere();
3054   }
3055   return false;
3056 }
3058 static int type_to_size_in_bytes(BasicType t) {
3059   switch (t) {
3060   case T_LONG:    return sizeof(jlong  );
3061   case T_FLOAT:   return sizeof(jfloat );
3062   case T_DOUBLE:  return sizeof(jdouble);
3063   case T_METADATA: return sizeof(Metadata*);
3064     // We use T_VOID as marker for jump-table entries (labels) which
3065     // need an internal word relocation.
3066   case T_VOID:
3067   case T_ADDRESS:
3068   case T_OBJECT:  return sizeof(jobject);
3069   }
3071   ShouldNotReachHere();
3072   return -1;

3030   }
3031 }
3033 Compile::TracePhase::~TracePhase() {
3034   if (_log != NULL) {
3035     _log->done("phase nodes='%d'", C->unique());
3036   }
3037 }
3039 //=============================================================================
3040 // Two Constant's are equal when the type and the value are equal.
3041 bool Compile::Constant::operator==(const Constant& other) {
3042   if (type()          != other.type()         )  return false;
3043   if (can_be_reused() != other.can_be_reused())  return false;
3044   // For floating point values we compare the bit pattern.
3045   switch (type()) {
3046   case T_FLOAT:   return (_v._value.i == other._v._value.i);
3047   case T_LONG:
3048   case T_DOUBLE:  return (_v._value.j == other._v._value.j);
3049   case T_OBJECT:

3050   case T_ADDRESS: return (_v._value.l == other._v._value.l);
3051   case T_VOID:    return (_v._value.l == other._v._value.l);  // jump-table entries
3052   case T_METADATA: return (_v._metadata == other._v._metadata);
3053   default: ShouldNotReachHere();
3054   }
3055   return false;
3056 }
3058 static int type_to_size_in_bytes(BasicType t) {
3059   switch (t) {
3060   case T_LONG:    return sizeof(jlong  );
3061   case T_FLOAT:   return sizeof(jfloat );
3062   case T_DOUBLE:  return sizeof(jdouble);
3063   case T_METADATA: return sizeof(Metadata*);
3064     // We use T_VOID as marker for jump-table entries (labels) which
3065     // need an internal word relocation.
3066   case T_VOID:
3067   case T_ADDRESS:
3068   case T_OBJECT:  return sizeof(jobject);
3069   }
3071   ShouldNotReachHere();
3072   return -1;

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