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@@ -247,10 +247,11 @@
   IdealLoopTree* _lpt;             // Current loop tree node
   LoopNode*      _lp;              // Current LoopNode
   Node*          _bb;              // Current basic block
   PhiNode*       _iv;              // Induction var
+  bool           _race_possible;   // In cases where SDMU is true
   // Accessors
   Arena* arena()                   { return _arena; }
   Node* bb()                       { return _bb; }

@@ -293,11 +294,11 @@
   // Ensure node_info contains element "i"
   void grow_node_info(int i) { if (i >= _node_info.length()) _node_info.at_put_grow(i, SWNodeInfo::initial); }
   // memory alignment for a node
   int alignment(Node* n)                     { return _node_info.adr_at(bb_idx(n))->_alignment; }
-  void set_alignment(Node* n, int a)         { int i = bb_idx(n); grow_node_info(i); _node_info.adr_at(i)->_alignment = a; }
+  void set_alignment(Node* n, int a)         { int i = bb_idx(n); grow_node_info(i); _node_info.adr_at(i)->_alignment = a; n->set_attr(a); }
   // Max expression (DAG) depth from beginning of the block for each node
   int depth(Node* n)                         { return _node_info.adr_at(bb_idx(n))->_depth; }
   void set_depth(Node* n, int d)             { int i = bb_idx(n); grow_node_info(i); _node_info.adr_at(i)->_depth = d; }

@@ -335,20 +336,24 @@
   bool are_adjacent_refs(Node* s1, Node* s2);
   // Are s1 and s2 similar?
   bool isomorphic(Node* s1, Node* s2);
   // Is there no data path from s1 to s2 or s2 to s1?
   bool independent(Node* s1, Node* s2);
+  // Is there a data path between s1 and s2 and both are reductions?
+  bool reduction(Node* s1, Node* s2);
   // Helper for independent
   bool independent_path(Node* shallow, Node* deep, uint dp=0);
   void set_alignment(Node* s1, Node* s2, int align);
   int data_size(Node* s);
   // Extend packset by following use->def and def->use links from pack members.
   void extend_packlist();
   // Extend the packset by visiting operand definitions of nodes in pack p
   bool follow_use_defs(Node_List* p);
   // Extend the packset by visiting uses of nodes in pack p
   bool follow_def_uses(Node_List* p);
+  // For extended packsets, ordinally arrange uses packset by major component
+  void order_def_uses(Node_List* p);
   // Estimate the savings from executing s1 and s2 as a pack
   int est_savings(Node* s1, Node* s2);
   int adjacent_profit(Node* s1, Node* s2);
   int pack_cost(int ct);
   int unpack_cost(int ct);

@@ -377,10 +382,11 @@
   // If a use of pack p is not a vector use, then replace the use with an extract operation.
   void insert_extracts(Node_List* p);
   // Is use->in(u_idx) a vector use?
   bool is_vector_use(Node* use, int u_idx);
   // Construct reverse postorder list of block members
+  bool is_reduction(Node* n);
   bool construct_bb();
   // Initialize per node info
   void initialize_bb();
   // Insert n into block after pos
   void bb_insert_after(Node* n, int pos);

@@ -417,13 +423,16 @@
   void print_packset();
   void print_pack(Node_List* p);
   void print_bb();
   void print_stmt(Node* s);
   char* blank(uint depth);
+  static int packset_eval(Node_List** x, Node_List** y);
 // Information about an address for dependence checking and vector alignment
   MemNode*   _mem;     // My memory reference node
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