/* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /** * @test * @requires vm.jvmci * @library ../../../../../ * @modules jdk.internal.vm.ci/jdk.vm.ci.meta * jdk.internal.vm.ci/jdk.vm.ci.runtime * java.base/jdk.internal.misc * @run junit/othervm -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+EnableJVMCI jdk.vm.ci.runtime.test.TestResolvedJavaMethod */ package jdk.vm.ci.runtime.test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Member; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ConstantPool; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ExceptionHandler; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod.Parameter; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaType; /** * Tests for {@link ResolvedJavaMethod}. */ public class TestResolvedJavaMethod extends MethodUniverse { public TestResolvedJavaMethod() { } /** * @see ResolvedJavaMethod#getCode() */ @Test public void getCodeTest() { for (Map.Entry e : methods.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); byte[] code = m.getCode(); if (code == null) { assertTrue(m.getCodeSize() == 0); } else { if (m.isAbstract()) { assertTrue(code.length == 0); } else if (!m.isNative()) { assertTrue(code.length > 0); } } } } /** * @see ResolvedJavaMethod#getCodeSize() */ @Test public void getCodeSizeTest() { for (Map.Entry e : methods.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); int codeSize = m.getCodeSize(); if (m.isAbstract()) { assertTrue(codeSize == 0); } else if (!m.isNative()) { assertTrue(codeSize > 0); } } } @Test public void getModifiersTest() { for (Map.Entry e : methods.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); int expected = e.getKey().getModifiers(); int actual = m.getModifiers(); assertEquals(String.format("%s: 0x%x != 0x%x", m, expected, actual), expected, actual); } for (Map.Entry, ResolvedJavaMethod> e : constructors.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); int expected = e.getKey().getModifiers(); int actual = m.getModifiers(); assertEquals(String.format("%s: 0x%x != 0x%x", m, expected, actual), expected, actual); } } /** * @see ResolvedJavaMethod#isClassInitializer() */ @Test public void isClassInitializerTest() { for (Map.Entry e : methods.entrySet()) { // Class initializers are hidden from reflection ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertFalse(m.isClassInitializer()); } for (Map.Entry, ResolvedJavaMethod> e : constructors.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertFalse(m.isClassInitializer()); } } @Test public void isConstructorTest() { for (Map.Entry e : methods.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertFalse(m.isConstructor()); } for (Map.Entry, ResolvedJavaMethod> e : constructors.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertTrue(m.isConstructor()); } } @Test public void isSyntheticTest() { for (Map.Entry e : methods.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertEquals(e.getKey().isSynthetic(), m.isSynthetic()); } for (Map.Entry, ResolvedJavaMethod> e : constructors.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertEquals(e.getKey().isSynthetic(), m.isSynthetic()); } } @Test public void isBridgeTest() { for (Map.Entry e : methods.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertEquals(e.getKey().isBridge(), m.isBridge()); } for (Map.Entry, ResolvedJavaMethod> e : constructors.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertEquals(false, m.isBridge()); } } @Test public void isVarArgsTest() { for (Map.Entry e : methods.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertEquals(e.getKey().isVarArgs(), m.isVarArgs()); } for (Map.Entry, ResolvedJavaMethod> e : constructors.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertEquals(e.getKey().isVarArgs(), m.isVarArgs()); } } @Test public void isSynchronizedTest() { for (Map.Entry e : methods.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertEquals(Modifier.isSynchronized(e.getKey().getModifiers()), m.isSynchronized()); } for (Map.Entry, ResolvedJavaMethod> e : constructors.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertEquals(Modifier.isSynchronized(e.getKey().getModifiers()), m.isSynchronized()); } } @Test public void canBeStaticallyBoundTest() { for (Map.Entry e : methods.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertEquals(m.canBeStaticallyBound(), canBeStaticallyBound(e.getKey())); } for (Map.Entry, ResolvedJavaMethod> e : constructors.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertEquals(m.canBeStaticallyBound(), canBeStaticallyBound(e.getKey())); } } private static boolean canBeStaticallyBound(Member method) { int modifiers = method.getModifiers(); return (Modifier.isFinal(modifiers) || Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers) || Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) || Modifier.isFinal(method.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) && !Modifier.isAbstract(modifiers); } private static String methodWithExceptionHandlers(String p1, Object o2) { try { return p1.substring(100) + o2.toString(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } @Test public void getExceptionHandlersTest() throws NoSuchMethodException { ResolvedJavaMethod method = metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(getClass().getDeclaredMethod("methodWithExceptionHandlers", String.class, Object.class)); ExceptionHandler[] handlers = method.getExceptionHandlers(); assertNotNull(handlers); assertEquals(handlers.length, 3); handlers[0].getCatchType().equals(metaAccess.lookupJavaType(IndexOutOfBoundsException.class)); handlers[1].getCatchType().equals(metaAccess.lookupJavaType(NullPointerException.class)); handlers[2].getCatchType().equals(metaAccess.lookupJavaType(RuntimeException.class)); } private static String nullPointerExceptionOnFirstLine(Object o, String ignored) { return o.toString() + ignored; } @Test public void asStackTraceElementTest() throws NoSuchMethodException { try { nullPointerExceptionOnFirstLine(null, "ignored"); Assert.fail("should not reach here"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { StackTraceElement expected = e.getStackTrace()[0]; ResolvedJavaMethod method = metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(getClass().getDeclaredMethod("nullPointerExceptionOnFirstLine", Object.class, String.class)); StackTraceElement actual = method.asStackTraceElement(0); assertEquals(expected, actual); } } @Test public void getConstantPoolTest() { for (Map.Entry e : methods.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); ConstantPool cp = m.getConstantPool(); assertTrue(cp.length() > 0); } } @Test public void getParametersTest() { for (Map.Entry e : methods.entrySet()) { java.lang.reflect.Parameter[] expected = e.getKey().getParameters(); Parameter[] actual = e.getValue().getParameters(); assertEquals(actual.length, expected.length); for (int i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) { java.lang.reflect.Parameter exp = expected[i]; Parameter act = actual[i]; assertEquals(exp.getName(), act.getName()); assertEquals(exp.isNamePresent(), act.isNamePresent()); assertEquals(exp.getModifiers(), act.getModifiers()); assertArrayEquals(exp.getAnnotations(), act.getAnnotations()); assertEquals(exp.getType().getName(), act.getType().toClassName()); assertEquals(exp.getParameterizedType(), act.getParameterizedType()); assertEquals(metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(exp.getDeclaringExecutable()), act.getDeclaringMethod()); } } } @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.METHOD) @interface TestAnnotation { long value(); } @Test @TestAnnotation(value = 1000L) public void getAnnotationTest() throws NoSuchMethodException { ResolvedJavaMethod method = metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getAnnotationTest")); TestAnnotation annotation = method.getAnnotation(TestAnnotation.class); assertNotNull(annotation); assertEquals(1000L, annotation.value()); } @Test @TestAnnotation(value = 1000L) public void getAnnotationsTest() throws NoSuchMethodException { ResolvedJavaMethod method = metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getAnnotationsTest")); Annotation[] annotations = method.getAnnotations(); assertNotNull(annotations); assertEquals(2, annotations.length); TestAnnotation annotation = null; for (Annotation a : annotations) { if (a instanceof TestAnnotation) { annotation = (TestAnnotation) a; break; } } assertNotNull(annotation); assertEquals(1000L, annotation.value()); } @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.PARAMETER) @interface NonNull { } @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.PARAMETER) @interface Special { } private static native void methodWithAnnotatedParameters(@NonNull HashMap p1, @Special @NonNull Class p2); @Test public void getParameterAnnotationsTest() throws NoSuchMethodException { ResolvedJavaMethod method = metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(getClass().getDeclaredMethod("methodWithAnnotatedParameters", HashMap.class, Class.class)); Annotation[][] annotations = method.getParameterAnnotations(); assertEquals(2, annotations.length); assertEquals(1, annotations[0].length); assertEquals(NonNull.class, annotations[0][0].annotationType()); assertEquals(2, annotations[1].length); assertEquals(Special.class, annotations[1][0].annotationType()); assertEquals(NonNull.class, annotations[1][1].annotationType()); } @Test public void getGenericParameterTypesTest() throws NoSuchMethodException { ResolvedJavaMethod method = metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(getClass().getDeclaredMethod("methodWithAnnotatedParameters", HashMap.class, Class.class)); Type[] genericParameterTypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes(); assertEquals(2, genericParameterTypes.length); assertEquals("java.util.HashMap", genericParameterTypes[0].toString()); assertEquals("java.lang.Class", genericParameterTypes[1].toString()); } @Test public void getMaxLocalsTest() throws NoSuchMethodException { ResolvedJavaMethod method1 = metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(getClass().getDeclaredMethod("methodWithAnnotatedParameters", HashMap.class, Class.class)); ResolvedJavaMethod method2 = metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(getClass().getDeclaredMethod("nullPointerExceptionOnFirstLine", Object.class, String.class)); assertEquals(0, method1.getMaxLocals()); assertEquals(2, method2.getMaxLocals()); } @Test public void getMaxStackSizeTest() throws NoSuchMethodException { ResolvedJavaMethod method1 = metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(getClass().getDeclaredMethod("methodWithAnnotatedParameters", HashMap.class, Class.class)); ResolvedJavaMethod method2 = metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(getClass().getDeclaredMethod("nullPointerExceptionOnFirstLine", Object.class, String.class)); assertEquals(0, method1.getMaxStackSize()); // some versions of javac produce bytecode with a stacksize of 2 for this method // JSR 292 also sometimes need one more stack slot int method2StackSize = method2.getMaxStackSize(); assertTrue(2 <= method2StackSize && method2StackSize <= 4); } @Test public void isDefaultTest() { for (Map.Entry e : methods.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertEquals(e.getKey().isDefault(), m.isDefault()); } for (Map.Entry, ResolvedJavaMethod> e : constructors.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertFalse(m.isDefault()); } } @Test public void hasReceiverTest() { for (Map.Entry e : methods.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertTrue(m.hasReceiver() != Modifier.isStatic(e.getKey().getModifiers())); } for (Map.Entry, ResolvedJavaMethod> e : constructors.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertTrue(m.hasReceiver()); } } @Test public void hasBytecodesTest() { for (Map.Entry e : methods.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertTrue(m.hasBytecodes() == (m.isConcrete() && !m.isNative())); } for (Map.Entry, ResolvedJavaMethod> e : constructors.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertTrue(m.hasBytecodes()); } } @Test public void isJavaLangObjectInitTest() throws NoSuchMethodException { ResolvedJavaMethod method = metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(Object.class.getConstructor()); assertTrue(method.isJavaLangObjectInit()); for (Map.Entry e : methods.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); assertFalse(m.isJavaLangObjectInit()); } for (Map.Entry, ResolvedJavaMethod> e : constructors.entrySet()) { ResolvedJavaMethod m = e.getValue(); Constructor key = e.getKey(); if (key.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class && key.getParameters().length == 0) { assertTrue(m.isJavaLangObjectInit()); } else { assertFalse(m.isJavaLangObjectInit()); } } } /** * All public non-final methods should be available in the vtable. */ @Test public void testVirtualMethodTableAccess() { for (Class c : classes) { if (c.isPrimitive() || c.isInterface()) { continue; } ResolvedJavaType receiverType = metaAccess.lookupJavaType(c); for (Method m : c.getMethods()) { ResolvedJavaMethod method = metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(m); if (!method.isStatic() && !method.isFinal() && !method.getDeclaringClass().isLeaf() && !method.getDeclaringClass().isInterface()) { assertTrue(method + " not available in " + receiverType, method.isInVirtualMethodTable(receiverType)); } } } } private Method findTestMethod(Method apiMethod) { String testName = apiMethod.getName() + "Test"; for (Method m : getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) { if (m.getName().equals(testName) && m.getAnnotation(Test.class) != null) { return m; } } return null; } // @formatter:off private static final String[] untestedApiMethods = { "newInstance", "getDeclaringClass", "getEncoding", "getProfilingInfo", "reprofile", "getCompilerStorage", "hasNeverInlineDirective", "canBeInlined", "shouldBeInlined", "getLineNumberTable", "getLocalVariableTable", "isInVirtualMethodTable", "toParameterTypes", "getParameterAnnotation", "getSpeculationLog", "isFinal", "$jacocoInit" }; // @formatter:on /** * Ensures that any new methods added to {@link ResolvedJavaMethod} either have a test written * for them or are added to {@link #untestedApiMethods}. */ @Test public void testCoverage() { Set known = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(untestedApiMethods)); for (Method m : ResolvedJavaMethod.class.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers())) { continue; } if (findTestMethod(m) == null) { assertTrue("test missing for " + m, known.contains(m.getName())); } else { assertFalse("test should be removed from untestedApiMethods" + m, known.contains(m.getName())); } } } }