/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package jdk.tools.jaotc.binformat.macho; //@formatter:off /** * * Support for the creation of Mach-o Object files. Current support is limited to 64 bit x86_64. * * File Format Overview: * * mach_header * load_commands * Typical Mac OSX 64-bit object files have these 4 load_commands * (LC_SEGMENT_64, LC_SYMTAB, LC_VERSIN_MIN_MACOSX, LC_DYSYMTAB) * Segments corresponding to load_commands * (which each include multiple Sections) */ final class MachO { /** * mach_header_64 structure defines */ enum mach_header_64 { magic( 0, 4), cputype( 4, 4), cpusubtype( 8, 4), filetype(12, 4), ncmds(16, 4), sizeofcmds(20, 4), flags(24, 4), reserved(28, 4); final int off; final int sz; mach_header_64(int offset, int size) { this.off = offset; this.sz = size; } static int totalsize = 32; /** * mach_header_64 defines */ static final int MH_MAGIC = 0xfeedface; static final int MH_MAGIC_64 = 0xfeedfacf; static final int MH_SUBSECTIONS_VIA_SYMBOLS = 0x2000; /** * filetype */ static final int MH_OBJECT = 0x1; /** * cputype */ static final int CPU_TYPE_ANY = -1; static final int CPU_ARCH_ABI64 = 0x1000000; static final int CPU_TYPE_X86_64 = 0x1000007; static final int CPU_TYPE_ARM64 = 0x100000c; /** * cpusubtype */ static final int CPU_SUBTYPE_I386_ALL = 3; static final int CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM64_ALL = 0; static final int CPU_SUBTYPE_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 0; static final int CPU_SUBTYPE_BIG_ENDIAN = 1; } /** * segment_command_64 structure defines */ enum segment_command_64 { cmd( 0, 4), cmdsize( 4, 4), segname( 8,16), vmaddr(24, 8), vmsize(32, 8), fileoff(40, 8), filesize(48, 8), maxprot(56, 4), initprot(60, 4), nsects(64, 4), flags(68, 4); final int off; final int sz; segment_command_64(int offset, int size) { this.off = offset; this.sz = size; } static int totalsize = 72; static final int LC_SEGMENT_64 = 0x19; } /** * section_64 structure defines */ enum section_64 { sectname( 0,16), segname(16,16), addr(32, 8), size(40, 8), offset(48, 4), align(52, 4), reloff(56, 4), nreloc(60, 4), flags(64, 4), reserved1(68, 4), reserved2(72, 4), reserved3(76, 4); final int off; final int sz; section_64(int offset, int size) { this.off = offset; this.sz = size; } static int totalsize = 80; static int S_REGULAR = 0x0; static int S_CSTRING_LITERALS = 0x2; static int S_ATTR_PURE_INSTRUCTIONS = 0x80000000; static int S_ATTR_SOME_INSTRUCTIONS = 0x400; } /** * version_min_command structure defines */ enum version_min_command { cmd( 0, 4), cmdsize( 4, 4), version( 8, 4), sdk(12, 4); final int off; final int sz; version_min_command(int offset, int size) { this.off = offset; this.sz = size; } static int totalsize = 16; static final int LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX = 0x24; static final int LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS = 0x25; } /** * symtab_command structure defines */ enum symtab_command { cmd( 0, 4), cmdsize( 4, 4), symoff( 8, 4), nsyms(12, 4), stroff(16, 4), strsize(20, 4); final int off; final int sz; symtab_command(int offset, int size) { this.off = offset; this.sz = size; } static int totalsize = 24; static final int LC_SYMTAB = 0x2; } /** * Symbol table entry definitions * * nlist_64 structure defines */ enum nlist_64 { n_strx( 0, 4), n_type( 4, 1), n_sect( 5, 1), n_desc( 6, 2), n_value( 8, 8); final int off; final int sz; nlist_64(int offset, int size) { this.off = offset; this.sz = size; } static int totalsize = 16; static final int N_EXT = 0x1; static final int N_TYPE = 0xe; static final int N_UNDF = 0x0; static final int N_SECT = 0xe; } /** * dysymtab_command structure defines */ enum dysymtab_command { cmd( 0, 4), cmdsize( 4, 4), ilocalsym( 8, 4), nlocalsym(12, 4), iextdefsym(16, 4), nextdefsym(20, 4), iundefsym(24, 4), nundefsym(28, 4), tocoff(32, 4), ntoc(36, 4), modtaboff(40, 4), nmodtab(44, 4), extrefsymoff(48, 4), nextrefsyms(52, 4), indirectsymoff(56, 4), nindirectsyms(60, 4), extreloff(64, 4), nextrel(68, 4), locreloff(72, 4), nlocrel(76, 4); final int off; final int sz; dysymtab_command(int offset, int size) { this.off = offset; this.sz = size; } static int totalsize = 80; static final int LC_DYSYMTAB = 0xb; } /** * relocation_info structure defines */ enum reloc_info { r_address( 0, 4), r_relocinfo( 4, 4); final int off; final int sz; reloc_info(int offset, int size) { this.off = offset; this.sz = size; } static int totalsize = 8; static final int REL_SYMNUM_MASK = 0xffffff; static final int REL_SYMNUM_SHIFT = 0x0; static final int REL_PCREL_MASK = 0x1; static final int REL_PCREL_SHIFT = 0x18; static final int REL_LENGTH_MASK = 0x3; static final int REL_LENGTH_SHIFT = 0x19; static final int REL_EXTERN_MASK = 0x1; static final int REL_EXTERN_SHIFT = 0x1b; static final int REL_TYPE_MASK = 0xf; static final int REL_TYPE_SHIFT = 0x1c; /* reloc_type_x86_64 defines */ static final int X86_64_RELOC_NONE = 0x0; static final int X86_64_RELOC_BRANCH = 0x2; static final int X86_64_RELOC_GOT = 0x4; static final int X86_64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD = 0x3; static final int X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED = 0x1; static final int X86_64_RELOC_UNSIGNED = 0x0; } } //@formatter:on