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  32 @SuppressWarnings("serial")
  33 final class TranslatedException extends Exception {
  35     private TranslatedException(String message) {
  36         super(message);
  37     }
  39     private TranslatedException(String message, Throwable cause) {
  40         super(message, cause);
  41     }
  43     /**
  44      * No need to record an initial stack trace since it will be manually overwritten.
  45      */
  46     @SuppressWarnings("sync-override")
  47     @Override
  48     public Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
  49         return this;
  50     }
  52     @Override
  53     public String toString() {
  54         return getMessage();

  55     }
  57     private static TranslatedException create(String className, String message) {
  58         if (className.equals(TranslatedException.class.getName())) {
  59             // Chop the class name when boxing another TranslatedException
  60             return new TranslatedException(message);
  61         }

  62         if (message == null) {
  63             return new TranslatedException(className);
  64         }
  65         return new TranslatedException(className + ": " + message);
  66     }
  68     private static String encodedString(String value) {
  69         return Objects.toString(value, "").replace('|', '_');
  70     }
  72     /**
  73      * Encodes {@code throwable} including its stack and causes as a string. The encoding format of
  74      * a single exception with its cause is:
  75      *
  76      * <pre>
  77      * <exception class name> '|' <exception message> '|' <stack size> '|' [<class> '|' <method> '|' <file> '|' <line> '|' ]*
  78      * </pre>
  79      *
  80      * Each cause is appended after the exception is it the cause of.
  81      */

 131     /**
 132      * Decodes {@code encodedThrowable} into a {@link TranslatedException}.
 133      *
 134      * @param encodedThrowable an encoded exception in the format specified by
 135      *            {@link #encodeThrowable}
 136      */
 137     @VMEntryPoint
 138     static Throwable decodeThrowable(String encodedThrowable) {
 139         try {
 140             int i = 0;
 141             String[] parts = encodedThrowable.split("\\|");
 142             Throwable parent = null;
 143             Throwable result = null;
 144             while (i != parts.length) {
 145                 String exceptionClassName = parts[i++];
 146                 String exceptionMessage = parts[i++];
 147                 Throwable throwable = create(exceptionClassName, exceptionMessage);
 148                 int stackTraceDepth = Integer.parseInt(parts[i++]);
 150                 StackTraceElement[] suffix = parent == null ? new StackTraceElement[0] : getStackTraceSuffix();
 151                 StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = new StackTraceElement[stackTraceDepth + suffix.length];
 152                 for (int j = 0; j < stackTraceDepth; j++) {
 153                     String className = parts[i++];
 154                     String methodName = parts[i++];
 155                     String fileName = parts[i++];
 156                     int lineNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts[i++]);
 157                     if (fileName.isEmpty()) {
 158                         fileName = null;
 159                     }
 160                     stackTrace[j] = new StackTraceElement(className, methodName, fileName, lineNumber);
 161                 }
 162                 System.arraycopy(suffix, 0, stackTrace, stackTraceDepth, suffix.length);
 163                 throwable.setStackTrace(stackTrace);
 164                 if (parent != null) {
 165                     parent.initCause(throwable);
 166                 } else {
 167                     result = throwable;
 168                 }
 169                 parent = throwable;
 170             }

  32 @SuppressWarnings("serial")
  33 final class TranslatedException extends Exception {
  35     private TranslatedException(String message) {
  36         super(message);
  37     }
  39     private TranslatedException(String message, Throwable cause) {
  40         super(message, cause);
  41     }
  43     /**
  44      * No need to record an initial stack trace since it will be manually overwritten.
  45      */
  46     @SuppressWarnings("sync-override")
  47     @Override
  48     public Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
  49         return this;
  50     }
  52     private static Throwable create(String className, String message) {
  53         // Try create with reflection first.
  54         try {
  55             Class<?> cls = Class.forName(className);
  56             if (message == null) {
  57                 return (Throwable) cls.getConstructor().newInstance();
  58             }
  59             cls.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class);
  60             return (Throwable) cls.getConstructor(String.class).newInstance(message);
  61         } catch (Throwable ignore) {
  62         }

  64         if (className.equals(TranslatedException.class.getName())) {
  65             // Chop the class name when boxing another TranslatedException
  66             return new TranslatedException(message);
  67         }
  69         if (message == null) {
  70             return new TranslatedException(className);
  71         }
  72         return new TranslatedException(className + ": " + message);
  73     }
  75     private static String encodedString(String value) {
  76         return Objects.toString(value, "").replace('|', '_');
  77     }
  79     /**
  80      * Encodes {@code throwable} including its stack and causes as a string. The encoding format of
  81      * a single exception with its cause is:
  82      *
  83      * <pre>
  84      * <exception class name> '|' <exception message> '|' <stack size> '|' [<class> '|' <method> '|' <file> '|' <line> '|' ]*
  85      * </pre>
  86      *
  87      * Each cause is appended after the exception is it the cause of.
  88      */

 138     /**
 139      * Decodes {@code encodedThrowable} into a {@link TranslatedException}.
 140      *
 141      * @param encodedThrowable an encoded exception in the format specified by
 142      *            {@link #encodeThrowable}
 143      */
 144     @VMEntryPoint
 145     static Throwable decodeThrowable(String encodedThrowable) {
 146         try {
 147             int i = 0;
 148             String[] parts = encodedThrowable.split("\\|");
 149             Throwable parent = null;
 150             Throwable result = null;
 151             while (i != parts.length) {
 152                 String exceptionClassName = parts[i++];
 153                 String exceptionMessage = parts[i++];
 154                 Throwable throwable = create(exceptionClassName, exceptionMessage);
 155                 int stackTraceDepth = Integer.parseInt(parts[i++]);
 157                 StackTraceElement[] suffix = getStackTraceSuffix();
 158                 StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = new StackTraceElement[stackTraceDepth + suffix.length];
 159                 for (int j = 0; j < stackTraceDepth; j++) {
 160                     String className = parts[i++];
 161                     String methodName = parts[i++];
 162                     String fileName = parts[i++];
 163                     int lineNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts[i++]);
 164                     if (fileName.isEmpty()) {
 165                         fileName = null;
 166                     }
 167                     stackTrace[j] = new StackTraceElement(className, methodName, fileName, lineNumber);
 168                 }
 169                 System.arraycopy(suffix, 0, stackTrace, stackTraceDepth, suffix.length);
 170                 throwable.setStackTrace(stackTrace);
 171                 if (parent != null) {
 172                     parent.initCause(throwable);
 173                 } else {
 174                     result = throwable;
 175                 }
 176                 parent = throwable;
 177             }
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