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 277   int locks = monitors() == NULL ? 0 : monitors()->number_of_monitors();
 279   Interpreter::layout_activation(method(),
 280                                  temps + callee_parameters,
 281                                  popframe_preserved_args_size_in_words,
 282                                  locks,
 283                                  caller_actual_parameters,
 284                                  callee_parameters,
 285                                  callee_locals,
 286                                  caller,
 287                                  iframe(),
 288                                  is_top_frame,
 289                                  is_bottom_frame);
 291   // Update the pc in the frame object and overwrite the temporary pc
 292   // we placed in the skeletal frame now that we finally know the
 293   // exact interpreter address we should use.
 295   _frame.patch_pc(thread, pc);
 297   assert (!method()->is_synchronized() || locks > 0 || _removed_monitors, "synchronized methods must have monitors");
 299   BasicObjectLock* top = iframe()->interpreter_frame_monitor_begin();
 300   for (int index = 0; index < locks; index++) {
 301     top = iframe()->previous_monitor_in_interpreter_frame(top);
 302     BasicObjectLock* src = _monitors->at(index);
 303     top->set_obj(src->obj());
 304     src->lock()->move_to(src->obj(), top->lock());
 305   }
 306   if (ProfileInterpreter) {
 307     iframe()->interpreter_frame_set_mdp(0); // clear out the mdp.
 308   }
 309   iframe()->interpreter_frame_set_bcp(bcp);
 310   if (ProfileInterpreter) {
 311     MethodData* mdo = method()->method_data();
 312     if (mdo != NULL) {
 313       int bci = iframe()->interpreter_frame_bci();
 314       if (use_next_mdp) ++bci;
 315       address mdp = mdo->bci_to_dp(bci);
 316       iframe()->interpreter_frame_set_mdp(mdp);
 317     }
 318   }

 320   // Unpack expression stack
 321   // If this is an intermediate frame (i.e. not top frame) then this
 322   // only unpacks the part of the expression stack not used by callee
 323   // as parameters. The callee parameters are unpacked as part of the
 324   // callee locals.
 325   int i;
 326   for(i = 0; i < expressions()->size(); i++) {
 327     StackValue *value = expressions()->at(i);
 328     intptr_t*   addr  = iframe()->interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at(i);
 329     switch(value->type()) {
 330       case T_INT:
 331         *addr = value->get_int();

 332         break;
 333       case T_OBJECT:
 334         *addr = value->get_int(T_OBJECT);

 335         break;
 336       case T_CONFLICT:
 337         // A dead stack slot.  Initialize to null in case it is an oop.
 338         *addr = NULL_WORD;
 339         break;
 340       default:
 341         ShouldNotReachHere();
 342     }
 343   }
 346   // Unpack the locals
 347   for(i = 0; i < locals()->size(); i++) {
 348     StackValue *value = locals()->at(i);
 349     intptr_t* addr  = iframe()->interpreter_frame_local_at(i);
 350     switch(value->type()) {
 351       case T_INT:
 352         *addr = value->get_int();

 353         break;
 354       case T_OBJECT:
 355         *addr = value->get_int(T_OBJECT);

 356         break;
 357       case T_CONFLICT:
 358         // A dead location. If it is an oop then we need a NULL to prevent GC from following it
 359         *addr = NULL_WORD;
 360         break;
 361       default:
 362         ShouldNotReachHere();
 363     }
 364   }
 366   if (is_top_frame && JvmtiExport::can_pop_frame() && thread->popframe_forcing_deopt_reexecution()) {
 367     // An interpreted frame was popped but it returns to a deoptimized
 368     // frame. The incoming arguments to the interpreted activation
 369     // were preserved in thread-local storage by the
 370     // remove_activation_preserving_args_entry in the interpreter; now
 371     // we put them back into the just-unpacked interpreter frame.
 372     // Note that this assumes that the locals arena grows toward lower
 373     // addresses.
 374     if (popframe_preserved_args_size_in_words != 0) {
 375       void* saved_args = thread->popframe_preserved_args();

 377 #ifdef ASSERT
 378       assert(popframe_preserved_args_size_in_words <=
 379              iframe()->interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size()*Interpreter::stackElementWords,
 380              "expression stack size should have been extended");
 381 #endif // ASSERT
 382       int top_element = iframe()->interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size()-1;
 383       intptr_t* base;
 384       if (frame::interpreter_frame_expression_stack_direction() < 0) {
 385         base = iframe()->interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at(top_element);
 386       } else {
 387         base = iframe()->interpreter_frame_expression_stack();
 388       }
 389       Copy::conjoint_jbytes(saved_args,
 390                             base,
 391                             popframe_preserved_args_size_in_bytes);
 392       thread->popframe_free_preserved_args();
 393     }
 394   }
 396 #ifndef PRODUCT
 397   if (TraceDeoptimization && Verbose) {
 398     ttyLocker ttyl;
 399     tty->print_cr("[%d Interpreted Frame]", ++unpack_counter);
 400     iframe()->print_on(tty);
 401     RegisterMap map(thread);
 402     vframe* f = vframe::new_vframe(iframe(), &map, thread);
 403     f->print();
 405     tty->print_cr("locals size     %d", locals()->size());
 406     tty->print_cr("expression size %d", expressions()->size());
 408     method()->print_value();
 409     tty->cr();
 410     // method()->print_codes();
 411   } else if (TraceDeoptimization) {
 412     tty->print("     ");
 413     method()->print_value();
 414     Bytecodes::Code code = Bytecodes::java_code_at(method(), bcp);
 415     int bci = method()->bci_from(bcp);
 416     tty->print(" - %s", Bytecodes::name(code));
 417     tty->print(" @ bci %d ", bci);

 277   int locks = monitors() == NULL ? 0 : monitors()->number_of_monitors();
 279   Interpreter::layout_activation(method(),
 280                                  temps + callee_parameters,
 281                                  popframe_preserved_args_size_in_words,
 282                                  locks,
 283                                  caller_actual_parameters,
 284                                  callee_parameters,
 285                                  callee_locals,
 286                                  caller,
 287                                  iframe(),
 288                                  is_top_frame,
 289                                  is_bottom_frame);
 291   // Update the pc in the frame object and overwrite the temporary pc
 292   // we placed in the skeletal frame now that we finally know the
 293   // exact interpreter address we should use.
 295   _frame.patch_pc(thread, pc);
 297   assert (!method()->is_synchronized() || locks > 0 || _removed_monitors || raw_bci() == SynchronizationEntryBCI, "synchronized methods must have monitors");
 299   BasicObjectLock* top = iframe()->interpreter_frame_monitor_begin();
 300   for (int index = 0; index < locks; index++) {
 301     top = iframe()->previous_monitor_in_interpreter_frame(top);
 302     BasicObjectLock* src = _monitors->at(index);
 303     top->set_obj(src->obj());
 304     src->lock()->move_to(src->obj(), top->lock());
 305   }
 306   if (ProfileInterpreter) {
 307     iframe()->interpreter_frame_set_mdp(0); // clear out the mdp.
 308   }
 309   iframe()->interpreter_frame_set_bcp(bcp);
 310   if (ProfileInterpreter) {
 311     MethodData* mdo = method()->method_data();
 312     if (mdo != NULL) {
 313       int bci = iframe()->interpreter_frame_bci();
 314       if (use_next_mdp) ++bci;
 315       address mdp = mdo->bci_to_dp(bci);
 316       iframe()->interpreter_frame_set_mdp(mdp);
 317     }
 318   }
 320   if (PrintDeoptimizationDetails) {
 321     tty->print_cr("Expressions size: %d", expressions()->size());
 322   }
 324   // Unpack expression stack
 325   // If this is an intermediate frame (i.e. not top frame) then this
 326   // only unpacks the part of the expression stack not used by callee
 327   // as parameters. The callee parameters are unpacked as part of the
 328   // callee locals.
 329   int i;
 330   for(i = 0; i < expressions()->size(); i++) {
 331     StackValue *value = expressions()->at(i);
 332     intptr_t*   addr  = iframe()->interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at(i);
 333     switch(value->type()) {
 334       case T_INT:
 335         *addr = value->get_int();
 336 #ifndef PRODUCT
 337         if (PrintDeoptimizationDetails) {
 338           tty->print_cr("Reconstructed expression %d (INT): %d", i, (int)(*addr));
 339         }
 340 #endif
 341         break;
 342       case T_OBJECT:
 343         *addr = value->get_int(T_OBJECT);
 344 #ifndef PRODUCT
 345         if (PrintDeoptimizationDetails) {
 346           tty->print("Reconstructed expression %d (OBJECT): ", i);
 347           oop o = (oop)(address)(*addr);
 348           if (o == NULL) {
 349             tty->print_cr("NULL");
 350           } else {
 351             ResourceMark rm;
 352             tty->print_raw_cr(o->klass()->name()->as_C_string());
 353           }
 354         }
 355 #endif
 356         break;
 357       case T_CONFLICT:
 358         // A dead stack slot.  Initialize to null in case it is an oop.
 359         *addr = NULL_WORD;
 360         break;
 361       default:
 362         ShouldNotReachHere();
 363     }
 364   }
 367   // Unpack the locals
 368   for(i = 0; i < locals()->size(); i++) {
 369     StackValue *value = locals()->at(i);
 370     intptr_t* addr  = iframe()->interpreter_frame_local_at(i);
 371     switch(value->type()) {
 372       case T_INT:
 373         *addr = value->get_int();
 374 #ifndef PRODUCT
 375         if (PrintDeoptimizationDetails) {
 376           tty->print_cr("Reconstructed local %d (INT): %d", i, (int)(*addr));
 377         }
 378 #endif
 379         break;
 380       case T_OBJECT:
 381         *addr = value->get_int(T_OBJECT);
 382 #ifndef PRODUCT
 383         if (PrintDeoptimizationDetails) {
 384           tty->print("Reconstructed local %d (OBJECT): ", i);
 385           oop o = (oop)(address)(*addr);
 386           if (o == NULL) {
 387             tty->print_cr("NULL");
 388           } else {
 389             ResourceMark rm;
 390             tty->print_raw_cr(o->klass()->name()->as_C_string());
 391           }
 392         }
 393 #endif
 394         break;
 395       case T_CONFLICT:
 396         // A dead location. If it is an oop then we need a NULL to prevent GC from following it
 397         *addr = NULL_WORD;
 398         break;
 399       default:
 400         ShouldNotReachHere();
 401     }
 402   }
 404   if (is_top_frame && JvmtiExport::can_pop_frame() && thread->popframe_forcing_deopt_reexecution()) {
 405     // An interpreted frame was popped but it returns to a deoptimized
 406     // frame. The incoming arguments to the interpreted activation
 407     // were preserved in thread-local storage by the
 408     // remove_activation_preserving_args_entry in the interpreter; now
 409     // we put them back into the just-unpacked interpreter frame.
 410     // Note that this assumes that the locals arena grows toward lower
 411     // addresses.
 412     if (popframe_preserved_args_size_in_words != 0) {
 413       void* saved_args = thread->popframe_preserved_args();

 415 #ifdef ASSERT
 416       assert(popframe_preserved_args_size_in_words <=
 417              iframe()->interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size()*Interpreter::stackElementWords,
 418              "expression stack size should have been extended");
 419 #endif // ASSERT
 420       int top_element = iframe()->interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size()-1;
 421       intptr_t* base;
 422       if (frame::interpreter_frame_expression_stack_direction() < 0) {
 423         base = iframe()->interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at(top_element);
 424       } else {
 425         base = iframe()->interpreter_frame_expression_stack();
 426       }
 427       Copy::conjoint_jbytes(saved_args,
 428                             base,
 429                             popframe_preserved_args_size_in_bytes);
 430       thread->popframe_free_preserved_args();
 431     }
 432   }
 434 #ifndef PRODUCT
 435   if (PrintDeoptimizationDetails) {
 436     ttyLocker ttyl;
 437     tty->print_cr("[%d Interpreted Frame]", ++unpack_counter);
 438     iframe()->print_on(tty);
 439     RegisterMap map(thread);
 440     vframe* f = vframe::new_vframe(iframe(), &map, thread);
 441     f->print();
 443     tty->print_cr("locals size     %d", locals()->size());
 444     tty->print_cr("expression size %d", expressions()->size());
 446     method()->print_value();
 447     tty->cr();
 448     // method()->print_codes();
 449   } else if (TraceDeoptimization) {
 450     tty->print("     ");
 451     method()->print_value();
 452     Bytecodes::Code code = Bytecodes::java_code_at(method(), bcp);
 453     int bci = method()->bci_from(bcp);
 454     tty->print(" - %s", Bytecodes::name(code));
 455     tty->print(" @ bci %d ", bci);

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