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 357     for (int j = _len - 1; j >= idx; j--) {
 358       _data[j + 1] = _data[j];
 359     }
 360     _len++;
 361     _data[idx] = elem;
 362   }
 364   void appendAll(const GrowableArray<E>* l) {
 365     for (int i = 0; i < l->_len; i++) {
 366       raw_at_put_grow(_len, l->_data[i], E());
 367     }
 368   }
 370   void sort(int f(E*,E*)) {
 371     qsort(_data, length(), sizeof(E), (_sort_Fn)f);
 372   }
 373   // sort by fixed-stride sub arrays:
 374   void sort(int f(E*,E*), int stride) {
 375     qsort(_data, length() / stride, sizeof(E) * stride, (_sort_Fn)f);
 376   }

 377 };
 379 // Global GrowableArray methods (one instance in the library per each 'E' type).
 381 template<class E> void GrowableArray<E>::grow(int j) {
 382     // grow the array by doubling its size (amortized growth)
 383     int old_max = _max;
 384     if (_max == 0) _max = 1; // prevent endless loop
 385     while (j >= _max) _max = _max*2;
 386     // j < _max
 387     E* newData = (E*)raw_allocate(sizeof(E));
 388     int i = 0;
 389     for (     ; i < _len; i++) ::new ((void*)&newData[i]) E(_data[i]);
 390 // Needed for Visual Studio 2012 and older
 391 #pragma warning(suppress: 4345)
 392     for (     ; i < _max; i++) ::new ((void*)&newData[i]) E();
 393     for (i = 0; i < old_max; i++) _data[i].~E();
 394     if (on_C_heap() && _data != NULL) {
 395       FreeHeap(_data);
 396     }

 357     for (int j = _len - 1; j >= idx; j--) {
 358       _data[j + 1] = _data[j];
 359     }
 360     _len++;
 361     _data[idx] = elem;
 362   }
 364   void appendAll(const GrowableArray<E>* l) {
 365     for (int i = 0; i < l->_len; i++) {
 366       raw_at_put_grow(_len, l->_data[i], E());
 367     }
 368   }
 370   void sort(int f(E*,E*)) {
 371     qsort(_data, length(), sizeof(E), (_sort_Fn)f);
 372   }
 373   // sort by fixed-stride sub arrays:
 374   void sort(int f(E*,E*), int stride) {
 375     qsort(_data, length() / stride, sizeof(E) * stride, (_sort_Fn)f);
 376   }
 378   // Binary search and insertion utility.  Search array for element
 379   // matching key according to the static compare function.  Insert
 380   // that element is not already in the list.  Assumes the list is
 381   // already sorted according to compare function.
 382   template <int compare(E&, E&)> E insert_sorted(E& key) {
 383     bool found;
 384     int location = find_sorted<E, compare>(key, found);
 385     if (!found) {
 386       assert(location <= length(), "out of range");
 387       insert_before(location, key);
 388     }
 389     return at(location);
 390   }
 392   template <typename K, int compare(K&, E&)> int find_sorted(K& key, bool& found) {
 393     found = false;
 394     int min = 0;
 395     int max = length() - 1;
 397     while (max >= min) {
 398       int mid = (max + min) / 2;
 399       E value = at(mid);
 400       int diff = compare(key, value);
 401       if (diff > 0) {
 402         min = mid + 1;
 403       } else if (diff < 0) {
 404         max = mid - 1;
 405       } else {
 406         found = true;
 407         return mid;
 408       }
 409     }
 410     return min;
 411   }
 412 };
 414 // Global GrowableArray methods (one instance in the library per each 'E' type).
 416 template<class E> void GrowableArray<E>::grow(int j) {
 417     // grow the array by doubling its size (amortized growth)
 418     int old_max = _max;
 419     if (_max == 0) _max = 1; // prevent endless loop
 420     while (j >= _max) _max = _max*2;
 421     // j < _max
 422     E* newData = (E*)raw_allocate(sizeof(E));
 423     int i = 0;
 424     for (     ; i < _len; i++) ::new ((void*)&newData[i]) E(_data[i]);
 425 // Needed for Visual Studio 2012 and older
 426 #pragma warning(suppress: 4345)
 427     for (     ; i < _max; i++) ::new ((void*)&newData[i]) E();
 428     for (i = 0; i < old_max; i++) _data[i].~E();
 429     if (on_C_heap() && _data != NULL) {
 430       FreeHeap(_data);
 431     }

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