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 316      * @throws JVMCIError if there is something wrong with the compiled code or the associated
 317      *             metadata.
 318      */
 319     native int installCode(TargetDescription target, HotSpotCompiledCode compiledCode, InstalledCode code, HotSpotSpeculationLog speculationLog);
 321     /**
 322      * Generates the VM metadata for some compiled code and copies them into {@code metaData}. This
 323      * method does not install anything into the code cache.
 324      *
 325      * @param target the target where this code would be installed
 326      * @param compiledCode the result of a compilation
 327      * @param metaData the metadata is written to this object
 328      * @return the outcome of the installation which will be one of
 329      *         {@link HotSpotVMConfig#codeInstallResultOk},
 330      *         {@link HotSpotVMConfig#codeInstallResultCacheFull},
 331      *         {@link HotSpotVMConfig#codeInstallResultCodeTooLarge},
 332      *         {@link HotSpotVMConfig#codeInstallResultDependenciesFailed} or
 333      *         {@link HotSpotVMConfig#codeInstallResultDependenciesInvalid}.
 334      * @throws JVMCIError if there is something wrong with the compiled code or the metadata
 335      */
 336     public native int getMetadata(TargetDescription target, HotSpotCompiledCode compiledCode, HotSpotMetaData metaData);
 338     /**
 339      * Resets all compilation statistics.
 340      */
 341     native void resetCompilationStatistics();
 343     /**
 344      * Reads the database of VM info. The return value encodes the info in a nested object array
 345      * that is described by the pseudo Java object {@code info} below:
 346      *
 347      * <pre>
 348      *     info = [
 349      *         VMField[] vmFields,
 350      *         [String name, Long size, ...] vmTypeSizes,
 351      *         [String name, Long value, ...] vmConstants,
 352      *         [String name, Long value, ...] vmAddresses,
 353      *         VMFlag[] vmFlags
 354      *         VMIntrinsicMethod[] vmIntrinsics
 355      *     ]
 356      * </pre>

 588      * @param displacement
 589      * @param compressed true if the location contains a compressed Klass*
 590      * @return null or the resolved method for this location
 591      */
 592     native HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl getResolvedJavaType(Object base, long displacement, boolean compressed);
 594     /**
 595      * Return the size of the HotSpot ProfileData* pointed at by {@code position}. If
 596      * {@code position} is outside the space of the MethodData then an
 597      * {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. A {@code position} inside the MethodData but that
 598      * isn't pointing at a valid ProfileData will crash the VM.
 599      *
 600      * @param metaspaceMethodData
 601      * @param position
 602      * @return the size of the ProfileData item pointed at by {@code position}
 603      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an out of range position is given
 604      */
 605     native int methodDataProfileDataSize(long metaspaceMethodData, int position);
 607     /**

 608      * Return the amount of native stack required for the interpreter frames represented by
 609      * {@code frame}. This is used when emitting the stack banging code to ensure that there is
 610      * enough space for the frames during deoptimization.
 611      *
 612      * @param frame
 613      * @return the number of bytes required for deoptimization of this frame state
 614      */
 615     native int interpreterFrameSize(BytecodeFrame frame);
 617     /**
 618      * Invokes non-public method {@code java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.compileToBytecode()} on
 619      * {@code lambdaForm} (which must be a {@code java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm} instance).
 620      */
 621     native void compileToBytecode(Object lambdaForm);
 622 }

 316      * @throws JVMCIError if there is something wrong with the compiled code or the associated
 317      *             metadata.
 318      */
 319     native int installCode(TargetDescription target, HotSpotCompiledCode compiledCode, InstalledCode code, HotSpotSpeculationLog speculationLog);
 321     /**
 322      * Generates the VM metadata for some compiled code and copies them into {@code metaData}. This
 323      * method does not install anything into the code cache.
 324      *
 325      * @param target the target where this code would be installed
 326      * @param compiledCode the result of a compilation
 327      * @param metaData the metadata is written to this object
 328      * @return the outcome of the installation which will be one of
 329      *         {@link HotSpotVMConfig#codeInstallResultOk},
 330      *         {@link HotSpotVMConfig#codeInstallResultCacheFull},
 331      *         {@link HotSpotVMConfig#codeInstallResultCodeTooLarge},
 332      *         {@link HotSpotVMConfig#codeInstallResultDependenciesFailed} or
 333      *         {@link HotSpotVMConfig#codeInstallResultDependenciesInvalid}.
 334      * @throws JVMCIError if there is something wrong with the compiled code or the metadata
 335      */
 336     native int getMetadata(TargetDescription target, HotSpotCompiledCode compiledCode, HotSpotMetaData metaData);
 338     /**
 339      * Resets all compilation statistics.
 340      */
 341     native void resetCompilationStatistics();
 343     /**
 344      * Reads the database of VM info. The return value encodes the info in a nested object array
 345      * that is described by the pseudo Java object {@code info} below:
 346      *
 347      * <pre>
 348      *     info = [
 349      *         VMField[] vmFields,
 350      *         [String name, Long size, ...] vmTypeSizes,
 351      *         [String name, Long value, ...] vmConstants,
 352      *         [String name, Long value, ...] vmAddresses,
 353      *         VMFlag[] vmFlags
 354      *         VMIntrinsicMethod[] vmIntrinsics
 355      *     ]
 356      * </pre>

 588      * @param displacement
 589      * @param compressed true if the location contains a compressed Klass*
 590      * @return null or the resolved method for this location
 591      */
 592     native HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl getResolvedJavaType(Object base, long displacement, boolean compressed);
 594     /**
 595      * Return the size of the HotSpot ProfileData* pointed at by {@code position}. If
 596      * {@code position} is outside the space of the MethodData then an
 597      * {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. A {@code position} inside the MethodData but that
 598      * isn't pointing at a valid ProfileData will crash the VM.
 599      *
 600      * @param metaspaceMethodData
 601      * @param position
 602      * @return the size of the ProfileData item pointed at by {@code position}
 603      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an out of range position is given
 604      */
 605     native int methodDataProfileDataSize(long metaspaceMethodData, int position);
 607     /**
 608      * Gets the fingerprint for a given Klass*
 609      *
 610      * @param metaspaceKlass
 611      * @return the value of the fingerprint (zero for arrays and synthetic classes).
 612      */
 613     native long getFingerprint(long metaspaceKlass);
 615     /**
 616      * Return the amount of native stack required for the interpreter frames represented by
 617      * {@code frame}. This is used when emitting the stack banging code to ensure that there is
 618      * enough space for the frames during deoptimization.
 619      *
 620      * @param frame
 621      * @return the number of bytes required for deoptimization of this frame state
 622      */
 623     native int interpreterFrameSize(BytecodeFrame frame);
 625     /**
 626      * Invokes non-public method {@code java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.compileToBytecode()} on
 627      * {@code lambdaForm} (which must be a {@code java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm} instance).
 628      */
 629     native void compileToBytecode(Object lambdaForm);
 630 }
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